제 1 장 관광마케팅의 이해 -...


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관광마케팅의 이해


• 마케팅이란 무엇인가? – 판매와 마케팅의 차이

• 마케팅의 유형? – 제품마케팅 vs 서비스마케팅 vs 장소마케팅

– 전통적 마케팅 vs 경험(체험) 마케팅

전통적 마케팅

좁은 경쟁상대

분석적, 정량적 언어적 방법

제품특성과 편익

합리적 의사결정자로서


경험 마케팅

고객의 총체적 경험

절충적 방법

고객의 경험

합리적, 감정적 동물로서 소비자

Customer orientation

• What is the purpose of a business? Profit or customer? – Customer orientation • The purpose of a business is to create and maintain

satisfied, profitable customers.

• Customer satisfaction leading to profit is the central goal of hospitality marketing

– Customer’s long term (lifetime) value • In general, cost of retaining a loyal customer is just 20 % of

the cost of attracting a new one.

• An increase of 5% of retention rates yielded a profit increase of 25 percent to 125 percent.

– 소비자 지향은 시스템적 접근이 필요 • Ex) 식당에서 폐점시간과 청소문제

Two perspectives of marketing

– 기업활동으로서의 마케팅:

• 마케팅 관리(marketing management)는 기업의 목표를 달성하기 위하여 상품 (product), 가격 (price), 촉진(promotion), 유통(distribution)을 계획하고, 실행하고 통제하는 과정

• Marketing management(마케팅 관리)

– 기업 경영철학으로서 마케팅

• 기업경영철학(marketing concept)으로서의 마케팅이란, 생애가치(lifetime value)가 높은 고객에게 보다 큰 가치(value)를 제공하는 것을 기업의 목표로 삼고, 이익은 이러한 사명을 통해 충실히 실천함으로써 얻어지는 결과라고 믿는 것이다

• Marketing concept (마케팅 컨셉트)

Five marketing management philosophies

– Manufacturing (production) concept • The manufacturing (or production) concepts holds

that customers will favor products that are available band highly affordable.

• Background : demand outrun supply

• Focus: – How to make product

– Management should focus on production and distribution efficiency

• Problems: management may become so focused on manufacturing systems without appropriate consideration toward customer.

– Ex) balcony, 식당에서 손님안내,

Product concept

• The product concept holds that customers prefer existing products and product form

• Focus: developing a good version of existing products and product form.

• Problems: customers may try to satisfy needs and might turn to entirely different products to better satisfy those needs, such as motel instead of hotels.

• An excellent product dose not always guarantee the selling.

Selling concept

• Selling concept holds that consumers will not buy enough of the organization’s products unless the organization undertakes a large selling and promotion effort

• Back ground: Production capacity outrun demand

• Focus: – How to sell the products (e.g., advertisement)

– The aim of a selling focus is to get every possible sale, not to worry about satisfaction after the sale or the revenue contribution of the sale.

• Problem: The selling concepts does not establish a long term relationship with the customer, because the focus is on getting ride of what one has rather than creating a product to meet the needs of the market.

Marketing concept

• Marketing concept holds that achieving organization goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors. • 기업은 고객만족에 영향을 미치는 활동을 조정하고, 고객의 만족을 창출하여 유지함으로써 그 이익을 획득한다

– Ex. Tables for singles

• Background: Productive capacity far exceeded demand • Focus: Having what consumers would likely buy • 마케팅 컨셉과 관련된 슬로건

– 욕구를 발견하여 그것을 충족시킨다. – 만들 수 있는 것을 팔려는 것이 아니고 팔리는 것을 만들어라, – 원하는 대로 드세요, – 당신은 우리의 보스입니다

• 판매와 마케팅 – 마케팅의 목적은 판매를 불필요하게 만드는 것이다(피터 드러커)

Selling vs. Marketing concepts

Societal marketing concept

• Societal marketing concept holds that the organization should determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that maintains or improves the consumer’s and society’s well being.

• The pure marketing concept ignores possible conflict between short-run consumer wants and long-run societal needs.

• The societal marketing concept questions whether the marketing concept is adequate in an age of environmental problems, resources shortages, rapid population growth, worldwide inflation, and neglected social services.

• Being environmentally conscious can produce positive publicity and reduce costs in addition to helping the environment

– Example: 금연석 지정, 해피아워, 재활용제품의 사용, 커피전문점에서 리필용 컵, 복권, 경마, green marketing, 카지노문제, sustainable tourism

Understanding Marketing

– Definition of marketing • Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals

and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others

• 마케팅은 개인이나 집단이 제품이나 가치를 창조하여 다른 사람과 교환함으로써 그들이 원하고 필요로 하는 것을 획득하는 사회적이며 관리적 과정 이다

• 교환과정을 통하여 욕구와 필요를 충족시키려는 인간활동 – 마케팅은 고객이 필요로 하는 가치와 만족을 창조하는 것이 핵심이다 기업 경영철학으로서 마케팅

– 기업경영철학(marketing concept)으로서의 마케팅이란, 생애가치(lifetime value)가 높은 고객에게 보다 큰 가치(value)를 제공하는 것을 기업의 목표로 삼고, 이익은 이러한 사명을 통해 충실히 실천함으로써 얻어지는 결과라고 믿는 것이다

– Marketing concept (마케팅 컨셉트)

Figure 1-1: Core marketing concept

Core terms in marketing definition

• Needs, wants, and demands – Needs: A human need is a state of felt

deprivation(박탈, 부족) • Kind of needs (Maslow’s need hierarchy)

• Need (problem) recognition occurs when an individual senses a difference between what he or she perceives to be the ideal versus the actual state of affairs

• Way to increase needs (actual and ideal state).

Need Recognition: Shifts in Actual or Ideal states

– Wants:

• 문화와 개인의 개성에 의해 변형된 인간욕구의 한가지 형태 (Want are shaped by culture and individual personality)

• Wants are how people communicate their needs

• Customer have the same need but want a different product

– Needs versus wants • “marketing Myopia”(근시안적 마케팅): focusing on existing

want and losing sight of underlying customer needs.

• Ex: 햄버거와 삼각김밥, drill bits

Marketing oriented definitions of a business

• Demands

– 구매력이 뒷받침된 wants(demand is a want backed by buying power)

– People have almost unlimited wants, but limited resources: They choose products that produce the most satisfaction for their money.

– Consumers view products as bundles of benefits and choose those that give them the best bundle for their money.

• Products and Services

– a product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention(주의), acquisition(획득), use(사용) or consumption(소비) and that might satisfy a need or want.

– The concept of product is not limited to physical objects.

– The term product includes much more than just physical goods or services.

» 장소(places), 조직(organization), 활동(activities), 아이디어(idea) 등을 포함

– Value, satisfaction, and quality • Value:

– Value is the consumer’s estimate of the product’s overall capacity to satisfy his or her needs.

– Consumers make buying choices based on their perception of value that various products and services deliver.

• Customer value – The difference between the benefits that the consumer

gains from owning and/or using a product and the costs of obtaining the product

– 가치(Value) = what you get – what you give up

– The costs can be both monetary and non-monetary (time)

• Satisfaction:

– Satisfaction with product is determined by how well the product meets the customer’s expectations for that product.

– That is, customer satisfaction depends on a product’s perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyer’s expectations.

– How much? Sources of expectation, level of expectation

– 기업의 이익을 포기 하지 않으면서 고객 가치와 고객만족을 창출할 수 있어야 한다.

• Quality:

– 좁은 의미: 결점이 없는 것(Free from defects)

» Then, what is defect?

– 넓은 의미

» 고객을 위하여 그 무엇을 하는 것. 따라서 결점은 고객이 원하지 않으면 그것이 바로 결점이다.

» 고객의 욕구충족과 관련이 있는 제품이나 서비스의 특성과 특징의 모든 것 (The totality of features and characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to meet customer needs)- American Society Quality Control)

» TQM(Total Quality Movement)에서 ROQ(Return on Quality): The fundamental aim of today’s total quality movements has become total customer satisfaction

– Exchange, transactions and relationships • Exchange(교환):

– Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.

– Exchange is only one of the several ways people can obtain a desire object(사냥, 약탈, 교환)

– 교환의 조건: 교환 당사자, 가치의 소유, 거래에 대한 자유의지, 거래의 자유, 의사소통의 원활

• Transactions(거래):

– 교환의 측정 단위

– Whereas exchange is the core concept of marketing, a transaction is marketing’s unit of measurement.

– A transaction consists of a trade of values between two parties.

» Ex) A gives X to B and gets Y in return at a certain time and place and with certain understood conditions

– 고전적 화폐거래로부터 물물거래 혹은 어떤 제한에 대한 반응도 포함.

– Relationship marketing: • Relationship marketing focused on building relationship with

a company’s profitable customers. • Most companies are finding that they earn a higher return

from resources invested in getting repeat sales from current customers than from money spent to attract new customers.

– Relationship marketing versus transaction marketing • Transaction marketing is part of the large idea of

relationship marketing • Increasingly, marketing is shifting from trying to maximize

the profit on each individual transaction to maximizing mutually beneficial relationships with consumers and other parties. • Relationship marketing is most appropriate with customers

who can most affect the company’s future(20/80 rule)

– Markets: • A market is a set of actual and potential buyers who

might transact with a seller

• 전통적의미의 시장

– 재화를 교환하기 위하여 판매자와 구매자가 집합하는 장소

• 현대적의미

– 판매자는 산업을,구매자는 시장을 구성

Maxim related to marketing concept

• 고객으로부터 출발하라:필요와 욕구

• 고객에게 경쟁자보다 더 큰 가치를 제공하라:가치와 편익

• 한번 고객을 영원한 고객으로 만들어라:고객의 획득 유지 생애가치

– lifetime value 관리: 적절한 획득비용과 유지비용 지출/획득률 유지율 향상/ 디마케팅/ relationship 마케팅)

• 고객은 평등하지 않다

– 80/20의 룰: 상위 20%가 대략 80%의 이익을 구성함

– ex. 한빛은행

• 최종 구매자만이 고객은 아니다

• 이익은 목표가 아니라 결과다


• 여러분의 마케팅 대상(target market)을 하나씩 선정하여 마케팅철학(philosophy of marketing)으로서 마케팅 컨셉(marketig concept)을 이용하여 만족스런 고객으로 창출(create)하고 유지할 수 있는 방법을 수립하시오.

• 여러분이 생각하는 성공적인 마케팅 사례를 찾아 요약하고 여러분의 관점에서 성공의 이유를 설명하시오