
Citation preview

  • Κ.Δ.Π. 123/2018



    ΜΕΡΟ Ι


    Αριθμός 5087 Παρασκεσή, 11 Μαΐοσ 2018 835

    Αριθμός 123

    Ο ΠΔΡΗ ΒΗΟΜΖΥΑΝΗΚΩΝ ΔΚΠΟΜΠΩΝ ΝΟΜΟ (ΝΟΜΟΗ 184(Η) ΣΟΤ 2013 ΚΑΗ 131(Η) ΣΟΤ 2016) _____________________

    Καζνξηζκόο ύςνπο θαη κνξθήο εγγπήζεσλ, ζύκθσλα κε ην άξζξν 11(10)(β)

    Δκείο, νη Τπνπξγνί Γεσξγίαο, Αγξνηηθήο Αλάπηπμεο θαη Πεξηβάιινληνο θαη Δξγαζίαο, Πξόλνηαο θαη Κνηλσληθώλ Αζθαιίζεσλ, αζθώληαο ηηο εμνπζίεο πνπ καο παξέρνληαη από ην άξζξν 11(10)(β) ησλ πεξί Βηνκεραληθώλ Δθπνκπώλ Νόκσλ ηνπ 2013 θαη 2016, ζύκθσλα κε ην νπνίν θαζνξίδνληαη ην ύςνο θαη ε κνξθή ησλ εγγπήζεσλ γηα ηελ θάιπςε ηνπ θόζηνπο ησλ δαπαλώλ γηα ηελ αληηκεηώπηζε νπνηνπδήπνηε πεξηζηαηηθνύ ξύπαλζεο πνπ δπλαηό λα πξνθιεζεί από ηηο δξαζηεξηόηεηεο ηεο εγθαηάζηαζεο γλσζηνπνηνύκε όηη:

    Σν πκβνύιην Δθκεηάιιεπζεο Υώξσλ Γηάζεζεο ή Αμηνπνίεζεο Οηθηαθώλ Απνβιήησλ Δπαξρηώλ Λάξλαθαο/ Ακκνρώζηνπ, σο Φνξέαο Δθκεηάιιεπζεο ηεο Μνλάδαο Οινθιεξσκέλσλ Δγθαηαζηάζεσλ Γηαρείξηζεο Απνβιήησλ (Ο.Δ.Γ.Α.), ε νπνία πεξηιακβάλεη κνλάδεο επεμεξγαζίαο (κεραληθή δηαινγή – θνκπνζηνπνίεζε – επεμεξγαζία πγξώλ απνβιήησλ) θαη δηάζεζεο αλάκεηθησλ αζηηθώλ απνβιήησλ, ζηελ Κόζηε, πνπ εκπίπηεηζηελ παξάγξαθν 5.4 ηνπ Παξαξηήκαηνο IV ησλ πεξί Βηνκεραληθώλ Δθπνκπώλ Νόκσλ ηνπ 2013 θαη 2016 (ρώξνη πγεηνλνκηθήο ηαθήο, όπσο νξίδνληαη ζηνλ Καλνληζκό 2 ησλ πεξί ηεξεώλ θαη Δπηθίλδπλσλ Απνβιήησλ (Υώξνη Τγεηνλνκηθήο Σαθήο) Καλνληζκώλ ηνπ 2003 θαη 2007 (Δπίζεκε Δθεκεξίδα, Παξάξηεκα Σξίην(Η): 11.7.2003 θαη 20.12.2007), πνπ δέρνληαη απόβιεηα άλσ ησλ δέθα ηόλσλ εκεξεζίσο ή νιηθήο ρσξεηηθόηεηαο άλσ ησλ 25.000 ηόλσλ, εθηόο από ηνπο ρώξνπο ηαθήο αδξαλώλ απνξξηκκάησλ), έρεη ππνρξέσζε λα ππνβάιεη πξνο ηελ αξκόδηα αξρή ηαπηόρξνλα κε ηε ρνξήγεζε ηεο Άδεηαο, εγγπεηηθή επηζηνιή, ύςνπο €100.000 (εθαηό ρηιηάδσλ επξώ) γηα θάιπςε ηνπ θόζηνπο ησλ δαπαλώλ πνπ πηζαλό λα πξνθύςνπλ γηα ηελ αληηκεηώπηζε νπνηνπδήπνηε πεξηζηαηηθνύ ξύπαλζεο πνπ δπλαηό λα πξνθιεζεί από ηηο δξαζηεξηόηεηεο ησλ εγθαηαζηάζεσλ.

    ΚΩΣΑ ΚΑΓΖ, Τπνπξγόο Γεσξγίαο,

    Αγξνηηθήο Αλάπηπμεο θαη Πεξηβάιινληνο.

    ΓΔΩΡΓΗΑ ΑΗΜΗΛΗΑΝΗΓΟΤ, Τπνπξγόο Δξγαζίαο,

    Πξόλνηαο θαη Κνηλσληθώλ Αζθαιίζεσλ.

  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 124/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 124



    Καζνξηζκόο ύςνπο θαη κνξθήο εγγπήζεσλ, ζύκθσλα κε ην άξζξν 11(10)(β)

    Δκείο, νη Τπνπξγνί Γεσξγίαο, Αγξνηηθήο Αλάπηπμεο θαη Πεξηβάιινληνο θαη Δξγαζίαο, Πξόλνηαο θαη Κνηλσληθώλ Αζθαιίζεσλ, αζθώληαο ηηο εμνπζίεο πνπ καο παξέρνληαη από ην άξζξν 11(10)(β) ησλ πεξί Βηνκεραληθώλ Δθπνκπώλ Νόκσλ ηνπ 2013 θαη 2016, ζύκθσλα κε ην νπνίν θαζνξίδνληαη ην ύςνο θαη ε κνξθή ησλ εγγπήζεσλ γηα ηελ θάιπςε ηνπ θόζηνπο ησλ δαπαλώλ γηα ηελ αληηκεηώπηζε νπνηνπδήπνηε πεξηζηαηηθνύ ξύπαλζεο πνπ δπλαηό λα πξνθιεζεί από ηηο δξαζηεξηόηεηεο ηεο εγθαηάζηαζεο γλσζηνπνηνύκε όηη:

    Ζ εηαηξεία Παξαδεηζηώηεο Ληδ, σο Φνξέαο Δθκεηάιιεπζεο ησλ πηελνηξνθηθώλ κνλάδσλ ζηελ Πεξηζηεξώλα θαη Μνζθηισηή, πνπ εκπίπηεη ζηελ παξάγξαθν 6.6(α) ηνπ Παξαξηήκαηνο IV ησλ πεξί Βηνκεραληθώλ Δθπνκπώλ Νόκσλ ηνπ 2013 θαη 2016 (εληαηηθή εθηξνθή πνπιεξηθώλ κε πεξηζζόηεξεο από 40.000 ζέζεηο γηα πνπιεξηθά), έρεη ππνρξέσζε λα ππνβάιεη πξνο ηελ αξκόδηα αξρή ηαπηόρξνλα κε ηε ρνξήγεζε ηεο Άδεηαο, εγγπεηηθή επηζηνιή, ύςνπο €640 (εμαθνζίσλ ζαξάληα επξώ) γηα θάιπςε ηνπ θόζηνπο ησλ δαπαλώλ πνπ πηζαλό λα πξνθύςνπλ γηα ηελ αληηκεηώπηζε νπνηνπδήπνηε πεξηζηαηηθνύ ξύπαλζεο πνπ δπλαηό λα πξνθιεζεί από ηηο δξαζηεξηόηεηεο ησλ εγθαηαζηάζεσλ.

    ΚΩΣΑ ΚΑΓΖ, Τπνπξγόο Γεσξγίαο,

    Αγξνηηθήο Αλάπηπμεο θαη Πεξηβάιινληνο.

    ΓΔΩΡΓΗΑ ΑΗΜΗΛΗΑΝΗΓΟΤ, Τπνπξγόο Δξγαζίαο,

    Πξόλνηαο θαη Κνηλσληθώλ Αζθαιίζεσλ.


  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 125/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 125

    Ο ΠΔΡΗ ΓΖΜΩΝ ΝΟΜΟ _____________________

    Γηάηαγκα ζύκθσλα κε ην άξζξν 8

    Σν Τπνπξγηθό πκβνύιην αζθώληαο ηηο εμνπζίεο πνπ ρνξεγνύληαη ζ’ απηό, δπλάκεη ηνπ άξζξνπ 8 ηνπ πεξί Γήκσλ Νόκνπ ηνπ 1985 έσο 2018, κε ηνλ παξόλ δηαηάζζεη όηη, από ηε δεκνζίεπζε ηνπ παξόληνο ε έθηαζε γεο πνπ πεξηγξάθεηαη ζηνλ πίλαθα ηνπ δηαηάγκαηνο, ε νπνία κέρξη ηώξα πεξηιακβαλόηαλ ζηα όξηα ηνπ Γήκνπ πνπ αλαθέξεηαη ζηελ πξώηε ζηήιε ηνπ πίλαθα, ζα απνηειεί κέξνο ησλ νξίσλ ηνπ Γήκνπ πνπ αλαθέξεηαη ζηελ ηέηαξηε ζηήιε ηνπ πίλαθα.



    Δήμος Σεμάχιο/ Φ./χέδιο Περιγραφή Δήμος

    Γεξκαζόγεηαο (Δλνξία Πνηακνύ


    84, Φ/ρ. 2-206-340

    Οιόθιεξν ην ηεκάρην πνπ θαίλεηαη κε θόθθηλε

    δηαθεθνκκέλε γξακκή ζην επίζεκν Κηεκαηηθό ρέδην κε

    αύμνληα αξ. 7685

    Αγίνπ Αζαλαζίνπ (Δλνξία Αγίνπ Γεσξγίνπ



    Έγηλε ζηηο 7 Μαΐνπ 2018. (Τ.Δ.,

    ('Eπ. Λ/ζνύ 13/2012, 64/2017)


  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 126/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 126



    Γηάηαγκα κε βάζε ην άξζξν 114(γ)

    Δπεηδή θξίλεηαη ζθόπηκν λα αλαπξνζαξκνζζεί ην ζεκεξηλό δηνηθεηηθό όξην κεηαμύ ησλ Γήκσλ Αγίνπ Αζαλαζίνπ (Δλνξία Αγίνπ Γεσξγίνπ Φξαγθνύδε) θαη Γεξκαζόγεηαο (Δλνξία Πνηακνύ Γεξκαζόγεηαο), θαη επεηδή γηα επίηεπμε ηνπ πην πάλσ ζθνπνύ είλαη απαξαίηεην όπσο ην ζεκεξηλό δηνηθεηηθό όξην κεηαμύ ησλ Γήκσλ Αγίνπ Αζαλαζίνπ (Δλνξία Αγίνπ Γεσξγίνπ Φξαγθνύδε) θαη Γεξκαζόγεηαο (Δλνξία Πνηακνύ Γεξκαζόγεηαο) αλαπξνζαξκνζηεί θαηά ηξόπν ώζηε ην ζεκεξηλό δηνηθεηηθό όξην λα θαηαξγείηαη.

    Γη’ απηό, κε βάζε ηηο εμνπζίεο πνπ ηνπ παξέρνληαη κε βάζε ην άξζξν 114(γ) ησλ πεξί Κνηλνηήησλ Νόκσλ ηνπ 1999

    έσο 2018, ην Τπνπξγηθό πκβνύιην κε ην Γηάηαγκα απηό δηαηάζζεη θαη δηαθεξύζζεη όηη από ηε δεκνζίεπζε ηνπ παξόληνο ε έθηαζε γεο πνπ πεξηγξάθεηαη ζηνλ πίλαθα ηνπ δηαηάγκαηνο, ε νπνία κέρξη ηώξα πεξηιακβαλόηαλ ζηα όξηα ηνπ Γήκνπ πνπ αλαθέξεηαη ζηελ πξώηε ζηήιε ηνπ πίλαθα, ζα απνηειεί κέξνο ησλ νξίσλ ηνπ Γήκνπ πνπ αλαθέξεηαη ζηελ ηέηαξηε ζηήιε ηνπ πίλαθα.



    Γήκνο Σεκάρην/ Φ./ρέδην Πεξηγξαθή Γήκνο

    Γεξκαζόγεηαο (Δλνξία Πνηακνύ


    84, Φ/ρ. 2-206-340

    Οιόθιεξν ην ηεκάρην πνπ θαίλεηαη κε θόθθηλε

    δηαθεθνκκέλε γξακκή ζην επίζεκν Κηεκαηηθό ρέδην κε

    αύμνληα αξ. 7685

    Αγίνπ Αζαλαζίνπ (Δλνξία Αγίνπ Γεσξγίνπ



    Έγηλε ζηηο 7 Μαΐνπ 2018. (Τ.Δ.,

    ('Δπ. Λ/ζνύ 13/2012, 64/2017)


  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 127/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 127


    Γλσζηνπνίεζε βάζεη ηνπ Άξζξνπ 5 ηνπ Βαζηθνύ Νόκνπ 156(Η)/2002 θαη ηνπ Άξζξνπ 6 ηνπ Σξνπνπνηεηηθνύ Νόκνπ 57(Η)/2011

    Με ην παξόλ γλσζηνπνηείηαη όηη βάζεη ησλ Άξζξσλ 5 ηνπ βαζηθνύ Νόκνπ 156(Η) ηνπ 2002 θαη 6 ηνπ ηξνπνπνηεηηθνύ Νόκνπ 57(Η)/2011 πνπ ξπζκίδνπλ ηηο δξαζηεξηόηεηεο ηεο Σππνπνίεζεο, Γηαπίζηεπζεο θαη Σερληθήο Πιεξνθόξεζεο, ν Κππξηαθόο Οξγαληζκόο Σππνπνίεζεο (CYS) δεκνζηεύεη σο Κππξηαθά πξόηππα ηα πην θάησ Δπξσπατθά πξόηππα:


    01 Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN ISO 7345:2018

    Thermal performance of buildings and building components - Physical quantities and definitions (ISO 7345:2018)


    S/S CYS EN ISO 7345:1996 =W/D

    CYS EN 9300-200:2018

    Aerospace series - LOTAR - LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data - Part 200: Common Concepts for LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of Product Structure Information


    CYS EN ISO 4885:2018

    Ferrous materials - Heat treatments - Vocabulary (ISO 4885:2018) 01.040.25

    S/S CYS EN ISO 4885:2017 =W/D

    03 Services. Company organization, management and quality. Administration. Transport.


    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 16991:2018

    Risk-based inspection framework 03.100.01

    CYS EN ISO 9004:2018

    Quality management - Quality of an organization - Guidance to achieve sustained success (ISO 9004:2018)


    S/S CYS EN ISO 9004:2009 =W/D

    11 Health care technology

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS CEN/TS 17159:2018

    Societal and citizen security - Guidance for the security of hazardous materials (CBRNE) in healthcare facilities



  • 13 Environment. Health protection. Safety

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 144-1:2018

    Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 1: Inlet connections

    13.340.30 S/S CYS EN 144-1:2000-iss2=W/D

    CYS EN 144-2:2018

    Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 2: Outlet connections

    13.340.30 S/S CYS EN 144-2:1999=W/D

    CYS EN 15254-7:2018

    Extended application of results from fire resistance tests - Non-loadbearing ceilings - Part 7: Metal sandwich panel construction

    13.220.50 S/S CYS EN 15254-7:2012=W/D

    CYS EN 15254-5:2018

    Extended application of results from fire resistance tests - Non-loadbearing walls - Part 5: Metal sandwich panel construction

    13.220.50 S/S CYS EN 15254-5:2009=W/D

    CYS EN 15269-11:2018

    Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware - Part 11: Fire resistance for operable fabric curtains


    CYS EN ISO 19085-4:2018

    Woodworking machines - Safety - Part 4: Vertical panel circular sawing machines (ISO 19085-4:2018)


    CYS EN ISO 10256-2:2018

    Protective equipment for use in ice hockey - Part 2: Head protection for skaters (ISO 10256-2:2016)


    CYS EN ISO 10256-3:2018

    Protective equipment for use in ice hockey - Part 3: Face protectors for skaters (ISO 10256-3:2016)


    CYS EN ISO 10256-4:2018

    Protective equipment for use in ice hockey - Part 4: Head and face protection for goalkeepers (ISO 10256-4:2016)


    CYS EN ISO 17892-9:2018

    Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 9: Consolidated triaxial compression tests on water saturated soils (ISO 17892-9:2018)


    S/S CYS CEN ISO/TS 17892-9:2004=W/D

    23 Fluid systems and components for general use

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 1092-1:2018

    Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 1: Steel flanges


    S/S CYS EN 1092-1:2007 +A1:2013 and AC:2014 =W/D

    CYS EN 13476-3:2018

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and profiled external surface and the system, Type B


    S/S CYS EN 13476-3:2007 +A1:2009 =W/D

    CYS EN 13476-2:2018

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and external surface and the system, Type A

    23.040.01 S/S CYS EN 13476-2:2007=W/D

    CYS EN 13476-1:2018

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 1:General requirements and performance characteristics

    23.040.01 S/S CYS EN 13476-1:2007=W/D


  • CYS EN ISO 11297-1:2018

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground drainage and sewerage networks under pressure - Part 1: General (ISO 11297-1:2018)

    23.040.20 S/S CYS EN ISO 11297-1:2013=W/D

    CYS EN ISO 11298-1:2018

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground water supply networks - Part 1: General (ISO 11298-1:2018)

    23.040.20 S/S CYS EN ISO 11298-1:2011=W/D

    CYS EN ISO 21028-2:2018

    Cryogenic vessels - Toughness requirements for materials at cryogenic temperature - Part 2: Temperatures between -80 degrees C and -20 degrees C (ISO 21028-2:2018)

    23.020.40 S/S CYS EN 1252-2:2001=W/D

    25 Manufacturing engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN ISO 16090-1:2018

    Machine tools safety - Machining centres, Milling machines, Transfer machines - Part 1: Safety requirements (ISO 16090-1:2017)


    S/S CYS EN 12417:2001+A2:2009 (and AC:2010), CYS EN 13128:2001+A2:2009 (and AC:2010), CYS EN 14070:2003+A1:2009 (and AC:2010) =W/D

    CYS EN 287-6:2018

    Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 6: Cast irons 25.160.01 S/S CYS EN 287-6:2010=W/D

    CYS EN 12814-4:2018

    Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semi-finished products - Part 4: Peel test

    25.160.40 S/S CYS EN 12814-4:2001=W/D

    27 Energy and heat transfer engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 12977-2:2018

    Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 2: Test methods for solar water heaters and combisystems

    27.160 S/S CYS EN 12977-2:2012=W/D

    CYS EN 12977-4:2018

    Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 4: Performance test methods for solar combistores

    27.160 S/S CYS EN 12977-4:2012=W/D

    CYS EN 12977-5:2018

    Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 5: Performance test methods for control equipment

    27.160 S/S CYS EN 12977-5:2012=W/D

    CYS EN 12977-1:2018

    Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 1: General requirements for solar water heaters and combisystems

    27.160 S/S CYS EN 12977-1:2012=W/D

    CYS EN 12977-3:2018

    Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 3: Performance test methods for solar water heater stores

    27.160 S/S CYS EN 12977-3:2012=W/D

    CYS CEN/TR 17238:2018

    Proposed limit values for contaminants in biomethane based on health assessment criteria



  • 33 Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 13757-3:2018

    Communication systems for meters - Part 3: Application protocols 33.200 S/S CYS EN 13757-3:2013=W/D

    CYS EN 13757-2:2018

    Communication systems for meters - Part 2: Wired M-Bus communication

    33.200 S/S CYS EN 13757-2:2004=W/D

    CYS EN 13757-7:2018

    Communication systems for meters - Part 7: Transport and security services

    33.200 S/S CYS EN 13757-3:2013=W/D

    CYS CEN/TR 17167:2018

    Communication system for meters - Accompanying TR to EN 13757-2,-3 and -7, Examples and supplementary information


    35 Information technology

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 419212-4:2018

    Application Interface for Secure Elements for Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trusted Services - Part 4: Privacy specific Protocols


    S/S CYS EN 419212-1:2014, CYS EN 419212-2:2014=W/D

    CYS EN 419212-5:2018

    Application Interface for Secure Elements for Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trusted Services - Part 5: Trusted eService


    S/S CYS EN 419212-1:2014, CYS EN 419212-2:2014=W/D

    CYS EN 17030:2018

    Space - Earth observation - Image processing levels 35.040.30

    43 Road vehicles engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS CEN/TS 16786:2018

    Road restraint systems - Truck Mounted Attenuators - Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test performance


    CYS EN 1645-1:2018

    Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravans - Part 1: Habitation requirements relating to health and safety

    43.100 S/S CYS EN 1645-1:2012=W/D

    45 Railway engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 16910-1:2018

    Railway applications - Rolling stock - Requirements for non-destructive testing on running gear in railway maintenance - Part 1: Wheelsets



  • 47 Shipbuilding and marine structures

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN ISO 15085:2003 /A2:2018

    Small craft - Man-overboard prevention and recovery - Amendment 2 (ISO 15085:2003/Amd 2:2017)


    49 Aircraft and space vehicle engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 2944:2018

    Aerospace series - Inserts, screw thread, helical coil, self-locking, in corrosion resisting steel FE-PA3004

    49.030.30 S/S CYS EN 2944:1998 =W/D

    CYS EN 3542:2018

    Aerospace series - Inserts, screw thread, helical coil, self-locking, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH2801 (Inconel X750)

    49.030.30 S/S CYS EN 3542:1998 =W/D

    CYS EN 16603-10:2018

    Space engineering - System engineering general requirements 49.140

    S/S CYS EN 13292:1999, CYS EN 14514:2004, CYS EN 14607-7:2004=W/D

    CYS EN 16602-40:2018

    Space product assurance - Safety 49.140 S/S CYS EN ISO 14620-1:2002=W/D

    CYS EN 16602-30:2018

    Space product assurance - Dependability 49.140

    53 Materials handling equipment

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 13135:2013 +A1:2018

    Cranes - Safety - Design - Requirements for equipment 53.020.20 S/S CYS EN 13135:2013=W/D

    75 Petroleum and related technologies

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 13016-1:2018

    Liquid petroleum products - Vapour pressure - Part 1: Determination of air saturated vapour pressure (ASVP) and calculated dry vapour pressure equivalent (DVPE)

    75.160.20 S/S CYS EN 13016-1:2007=W/D

    CYS EN 13016-3:2018

    Liquid petroleum products - Vapour pressure - Part 3: Determination of vapour pressure and calculated dry vapour pressure equivalent (DVPE) (Triple Expansion Method)


    CYS EN ISO 16923:2018

    Natural gas fuelling stations - CNG stations for fuelling vehicles (ISO 16923:2016)


    CYS EN ISO 16924:2018

    Natural gas fuelling stations - LNG stations for fuelling vehicles (ISO 16924:2016)



  • 77 Metallurgy

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 15024-2:2018

    Copper and copper alloys - Determination of zinc content - Part 2: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS)

    77.120.30 S/S CYS EN 15024-2:2006=W/D

    CYS EN ISO 4506:2018

    Hardmetals - Compression test (ISO 4506:2018) 77.040.10 S/S CYS EN 24506:1993=W/D

    79 Wood technology

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS CEN/TS 17158:2018

    Composites made from cellulose based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) - Determination of particle size of lignocellosic material


    83 Rubber and plastic industries

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN ISO 11357-6:2018

    Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Part 6: Determination of oxidation induction time (isothermal OIT) and oxidation induction temperature (dynamic OIT) (ISO 11357-6:2018)

    83.080.01 S/S CYS EN ISO 11357-6:2013=W/D

    91 Construction materials and building

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN ISO 12570:2000 /A2:2018

    Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of moisture content by drying at elevated temperature (ISO 12570:2000/Amd 2:2018)


    CYS EN 492:2012 +A2:2018

    Fibre-cement slates and fittings - Product specification and test methods


    S/S CYS EN 492:2012+ A1:2016 =W/D

    CYS EN 12467:2012 +A2:2018

    Fibre-cement flat sheets - Product specification and test methods 91.100.40

    S/S CYS EN 12467:2012+A1:2016 =W/D

    CYS CEN/TS 16244:2018

    Ventilation in hospitals - Coherent hierarchic structure and common terms and definitions for a standard related to ventilation in hospitals


    CYS CEN/TR 17221:2018

    Guidance on the application of CE marking and preparation of Declaration of Performance for sanitary appliances


    CYS EN 13369:2018

    Common rules for precast concrete products 91.100.30 S/S CYS EN 13369:2013=W/D


  • 93 Civil engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 16932-1:2018

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Pumping systems - Part 1: General requirements


    S/S CYS EN 1091:1997, CYS EN 1671:1997 =W/D

    CYS EN 16932-2:2018

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Pumping systems - Part 2: Positive pressure systems


    S/S CYS EN 1091:1997, CYS EN 1671:1997 =W/D

    CYS EN 16932-3:2018

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Pumping systems - Part 3: Vacuum systems


    S/S CYS EN 1091:1997, CYS EN 1671:1997 =W/D

    CYS EN 16729-3:2018

    Railway applications - Infrastructure - Non-destructive testing on rails in track - Part 3: Requirements for identifying internal and surface rail defects


    CYS EN ISO 22477-4:2018

    Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Part 4: Testing of piles: dynamic load testing (ISO 22477-4:2018)


    97 Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS CEN/TR 17202:2018

    Furniture - General safety guidelines - Entrapment of fingers 97.140

    CYS EN 16837:2018

    Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of linear shoe/surface friction



    CYS EN Document:



    CYS EN 1634-1:2014 +A1:2018

    Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door and shutter assemblies, openable windows and elements of building hardware - Part 1: Fire resistance test for door and shutter assemblies and openable windows

    Modification from CEN – new updated English version is published on 2018-04-18

    CYS EN ISO 7886-1:2018

    Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use - Part 1: Syringes for manual use (ISO 7886-1:2017)

    The European foreword and the titles have been updated

    CYS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017

    General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2017)

    ISO has published corrected French version of EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (Corrected version 2018-03). Titles and Forewords have been updated accordingly.


    CWA 17284:2018 Materials modelling - Terminology, classification and metadata


  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 128/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 128



    Γλσζηνπνίεζε βάζεη ηνπ Άξζξνπ 5 ηνπ Βαζηθνύ Νόκνπ 156(Η)/2002 θαη ηνπ Άξζξνπ 6 ηνπ Σξνπνπνηεηηθνύ Νόκνπ 57(Η)/2011

    Με ην παξόλ γλσζηνπνηείηαη όηη βάζεη ησλ Άξζξσλ 5 ηνπ βαζηθνύ Νόκνπ 156(Η) ηνπ 2002 θαη 6 ηνπ ηξνπνπνηεηηθνύ Νόκνπ 57(Η)/2011 πνπ ξπζκίδνπλ ηηο δξαζηεξηόηεηεο ηεο Σππνπνίεζεο, Γηαπίζηεπζεο θαη Σερληθήο Πιεξνθόξεζεο, ν Κππξηαθόο Οξγαληζκόο Σππνπνίεζεο (CYS) δεκνζηεύεη σο Κππξηαθά πξόηππα ηα πην θάησ Δπξσπατθά πξόηππα:


    01 Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 62933-1:2018

    Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems - Part 1: Vocabulary 01.040.17

    11 Health care technology

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 62667:2018

    Medical electrical equipment - Medical light ion beam equipment - Performance characteristics


    13 Environment. Health protection. Safety

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 50291-1:2018

    Gas detectors - Electrical apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises - Part 1: Test methods and performance requirements


    S/S CYS EN 50291-1:2010 and A1:2012 =W/D

    CYS EN 60846-2:2018

    Radiation protection instrumentation - Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation - Part 2: High range beta and photon dose and dose rate portable instruments for emergency radiation protection purposes


    17 Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 62631-2-1:2018

    Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 2-1: Relative permittivity and dissipation factor - Technical frequencies (0,1 Hz to 10 MHz) - AC Methods



  • CYS EN IEC 61340-4-4:2018

    Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)


    S/S CYS EN 61340-4-4:2012 and A1:2015 =W/D

    19 Testing

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 61010-2-120:2018

    Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-120: Particular safety requirements for machinery aspects of equipment


    CYS EN 60068-2-58:2015 /A1:2018

    Environmental testing - Part 2-58: Tests - Test Td: Test methods for solderability, resistance to dissolution of metallization and to soldering heat of surface mounting devices (SMD)


    CYS EN IEC 60721-3-1:2018

    Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3-1: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Storage

    19.040 S/S CYS EN 60721-3-1:1997=W/D

    CYS EN IEC 60721-3-2:2018

    Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3-2: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Transportation and Handling

    19.040 S/S CYS EN 60721-3-2:1997=W/D

    27 Energy and heat transfer engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 61730-1:2018

    Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction


    CYS EN 61730-1:2007-iss1 (and A11:2014 and A2:2013) =W/D

    CYS EN IEC 61730-2:2018

    Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing


    CYS EN 61730-2:2007-iss1 (and A1:2012) =W/D

    29 Electrical engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 61347-2-14:2018

    Lamp controlgear - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for DC and/or AC supplied electronic controlgear for fluorescent induction lamps


    CYS EN 63024:2018

    Requirements for automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for circuit-breakers, RCBOs and RCCBs for household and similar uses

    29.120.50 S/S CYS EN 50557:2011=W/D

    CYS EN IEC 62246-1-1:2018

    Reed switches - Part 1-1: Generic specification - Blank detail specification

    29.120.70 S/S CYS EN 62246-1-1:2013=W/D


  • CYS EN IEC 60317-73:2018

    Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 73: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled rectangular aluminium wire, class 200


    CYS EN IEC 60317-74:2018

    Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 74: Polyesterimide enamelled rectangular aluminium wire, class 180


    31 Electronics

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 62969-2:2018

    Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interface for automotive vehicles - Part 2: Efficiency evaluation methods of wireless power transmission using resonance for automotive vehicles sensors


    CYS EN IEC 60749-13:2018

    Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 13: Salt atmosphere


    S/S CYS EN 60749-13:2002-iss1=W/D

    33 Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 62684:2018

    Interoperability specifications of common external power supply (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones

    33.070.50 S/S CYS EN 62684:2010=W/D

    CYS EN IEC 61291-1:2018

    Optical amplifiers - Part 1: Generic specification 33.180.30 S/S CYS EN 61291-1:2012=W/D

    35 Information technology

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN 50643:2018

    Electrical and electronic household and office equipment - Measurement of networked standby power consumption of edge equipment


    45 Railway engineering

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 62928:2018

    Railway applications - Rolling stock - Onboard lithium-ion traction batteries



  • 97 Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports

    CYS EN Document:

    Title ICS1 Withdrawn

    CYS EN IEC 60730-2-13:2018

    Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls


    S/S CYS EN 60730-2-13:2008 =W/D

    CYS CLC/TR 50674:2018

    Guidelines for the verification of household appliances under energy labelling and eco design



    CYS EN 61810-1:2015/AC:2018-04 Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General and safety requirements

    CYS EN 62702-1-1:2016/AC:2018-04 Audio Archive System - Part 1-1: DVD disk and data migration for long term audio data storage

    CYS EN IEC 60730-2-13:2018/AC:2018-04

    Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls

    CYS EN 61215-2:2017/AC:2018-04 Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval - Part 2: Test procedures

    CYS EN IEC 62561-6:2018 /AC:2018-04

    Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSC)

    CYS EN 62054-21:2004/A1:2017/AC:2018-04

    Electricity metering (AC) - Tariff and load control - Part 21: Particular requirements for time switches

    CYS EN 62054-11:2004/A1:2017/AC:2018-04

    Electricity metering (a.c.) - Tariff and load control - Part 11: Particular requirements for electronic ripple control receivers

    CYS EN 62052-21:2004/A1:2017/AC:2018-04

    Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 21: Tariff and load control equipment

    CYS EN 62052-11:2003/A1:2017/AC:2018-04

    Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment


  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 129/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 129



    Γλσζηνπνίεζε βάζεη ηνπ Άξζξνπ 5 ηνπ Βαζηθνύ Νόκνπ 156(Η)/2002 θαη ηνπ Άξζξνπ 6 ηνπ Σξνπνπνηεηηθνύ Νόκνπ 57(Η)/2011

    Με ην παξόλ γλσζηνπνηείηαη όηη βάζεη ησλ Άξζξσλ 5 ηνπ βαζηθνύ Νόκνπ 156(Η) ηνπ 2002 θαη 6 ηνπ ηξνπνπνηεηηθνύ Νόκνπ 57(Η)/2011 πνπ ξπζκίδνπλ ηηο δξαζηεξηόηεηεο ηεο Σππνπνίεζεο, Γηαπίζηεπζεο θαη Σερληθήο Πιεξνθόξεζεο, ν Κππξηαθόο Οξγαληζκόο Σππνπνίεζεο (CYS) δεκνζηεύεη σο Κππξηαθά πξόηππα ηα πην θάησ Βξεηαληθά πξόηππα:

    Standard reference Title Withdrawn

    1 CYS BS 6920-1:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water. Specification

    S/S CYS BS 6920-1:2000=W/D

    2 CYS BS 6920-2-1:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water. Methods of test. Samples for testing

    S/S CYS BS 6920-2-1:2000 +A3:2008=W/D

    3 CYS BS 6920-2.2.1:2000 +A3:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water. Methods of test. Odour and flavour of water. General method of test

    S/S CYS BS 6920-2.2.1:2000 +A2:2008=W/D

    4 CYS BS 6920-2.2.2:2000 +A1:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water. Odour and flavour of water. Method of testing odours and flavours imparted to water by hoses and composite pipes and tubes

    S/S CYS BS 6920-2.2.2:2000=W/D

    5 CYS BS 6920-2.2.3:2000 +A2:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of water. Methods of test. Odour and flavour of water. Method of testing tastes imparted to water by hoses for conveying water for food and drink preparation

    S/S CYS BS 6920-2.2.3:2000=W/D

    6 CYS BS 6920-2.3:2000 +A1:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water. Methods of test. Appearance of water

    S/S CYS BS 6920-2.3:2000=W/D

    7 CYS BS 6920-2.4:2000 +A1:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of water. Methods of test. Growth of aquatic micro-organisms test

    S/S CYS BS 6920-2.4:2000=W/D

    8 CYS BS 6920-2.5:2000 +A2:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of water. Methods of test. The extraction of substances that may be of concern to public health

    S/S CYS BS 6920-2.5:2000=W/D

    9 CYS BS 6920-2.6:2000 +A2:2014

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of water. Methods of test. The extraction of metals

    S/S CYS BS 6920-2.6:2000=W/D


  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 130/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 130



    Με ηελ παξνύζα γλσζηνπνηείηαη όηη, ν Τπνπξγόο Γεσξγίαο, Αγξνηηθήο Αλάπηπμεο θαη Πεξηβάιινληνο, αζθώληαο ηηο εμνπζίεο πνπ ηνπ παξέρνπλ νη πξόλνηεο ηνπ άξζξνπ 11 ηνπ πεξί Πξνζηαζίαο θαη Γηαρείξηζεο ηεο Φύζεο θαη ηεο Άγξηαο Εσήο Νόκσλ ηνπ 2003 έσο 2015, θαηαξηίδεη ηνλ ηειηθό θαηάινγν πεξηνρώλ πνπ κπνξνύλ λα απνηειέζνπλ Σόπνπο Κνηλνηηθήο εκαζίαο γηα ζπκπεξίιεςή ηνπο ζην Γίθηπν Natura 2000, κε ηελ πξνζζήθε ηεο πην θάησ πεξηνρήο, ζύκθσλα κε ηελ έγθξηζε ηνπ Τπνπξγηθνύ πκβνπιίνπ ζηηο 7 Γεθεκβξίνπ, 2017 (Πξόηαζε Αξ. 1903/2017).

    Α/Α Ολνκαζία Κσδηθόο Θέζε

    1 Δζληθό Γαζηθό Πάξθν Πνηακόο Ληνπεηξίνπ

    CY3000001 33

    o 89’42’’



    Πιήξε αληίγξαθα ηνπ ράξηε ηεο πεξηνρήο πνπ αλαθέξεηαη πην πάλσ έρνπλ αλαξηεζεί ζηελ ηζηνζειίδα ηνπ Σκήκαηνο Πεξηβάιινληνο θαη ηνπ Σκήκαηνο Γαζώλ θαη είλαη δηαζέζηκα γηα θάζε ελδηαθεξόκελν.


    Έγηλε ζηηο 15 Μαξηίνπ, 2018.

    ΚΩΣΑ ΚΑΓΖ, Τπνπξγόο Γεσξγίαο,

    Αγξνηηθήο Αλάπηπμεο θαη Πεξηβάιινληνο. (Τ.Γ.Α.Α.Π. 12.03.213)


  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 131/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 131



    Γλσζηνπνίεζε κε βάζε ην άξζξν 11

    Γλσζηνπνηείηαη ε έθδνζε άδεηαο ιεηηνπξγίαο ηεο εηαηξίαο EUROCERT–ΔΤΡΩΠΑ·Η·ΚΖ ΔΣΑΗΡΔΗΑ ΔΛΔΓΥΩΝ & ΠΗΣΟΠΟΗΖΔΩΝ ΑΔ κε αξηζκό άδεηαο ιεηηνπξγίαο CY-BIO-003, σο Οξγαληζκνύ Διέγρνπ θαη Πηζηνπνίεζεο πξντόλησλ βηνινγηθήο παξαγσγήο, κε ηζρύ από ηηο 4.5.2018 κέρξη 3.5.2019.


  • Ε.Ε. Παρ. ΙΙΙ(Ι) Κ.Δ.Π. 132/2018 Αρ. 5087, 11.5.2018

    Αριθμός 132



    ΚΓΠ 379/2014 ΚΓΠ 500/2014 ΚΓΠ 533/2014 ΚΓΠ 69/2015 ΚΓΠ 144/2015 ΚΓΠ 157/2015 ΚΓΠ 206/2015 ΚΓΠ 225/2015 ΚΓΠ 303/2015 ΚΓΠ 312/2015 ΚΓΠ 340/2015 ΚΓΠ 422/2015 ΚΓΠ 447/2015 ΚΓΠ 2/2016 ΚΓΠ 68/2016 ΚΓΠ 158/2016 ΚΓΠ 176/2016 ΚΓΠ 188/2016 ΚΓΠ 193/2016 ΚΓΠ 194/2016 ΚΓΠ 247/2016 ΚΓΠ 274/2016 ΚΓΠ 296/2016 ΚΓΠ 391/2016 ΚΓΠ 4/2017 ΚΓΠ 20/2017 ΚΓΠ 232/2017 ΚΓΠ 304/2017 ΚΓΠ 320/2017 ΚΓΠ 355/2017 ΚΓΠ 450/2017 ΚΓΠ 44/2018 ΚΓΠ 105/2018.

    Σξνπνπνίεζε ηεο Καλνληζηηθήο Απόθαζεο ηνπ πκβνπιίνπ ηνπ Υξεκαηηζηεξίνπ Αμηώλ Κύπξνπ αλαθνξηθά κε ηηο Αγνξέο ηνπ Υξεκαηηζηεξίνπ πνπ δεκνζηεύηεθε ζηελ Δπίζεκε Δθεκεξίδα ηεο Γεκνθξαηίαο ζηηο 8.8.2014 (Κ.Γ.Π 379/2014). Σν πκβνύιην ηνπ Υξεκαηηζηεξίνπ Αμηώλ Κύπξνπ κε βάζε ηελ εμνπζία πνπ ηνπ παξέρνπλ ηα άξζξα 10(2)(ε), 33 θαη 48 ησλ πεξί Αμηώλ θαη Υξεκαηηζηεξίνπ Αμηώλ Κύπξνπ Νόκσλ ηνπ 1993 έσο 2017 θαη ηνπ Καλνληζκνύ 88 ησλ πεξί Αμηώλ θαη Υξεκαηηζηεξίνπ Αμηώλ Κύπξνπ Καλνληζκώλ, απνθάζηζε λα ηξνπνπνηήζεη ην Παξάξηεκα 17 ηεο Καλνληζηηθήο Απόθαζεο αλαθνξηθά κε ηηο Αγνξέο ηνπ Υξεκαηηζηεξίνπ σο αθνινύζσο:

    1. Με ηελ πξνζζήθε ζην ηέινο ηνπ Πίλαθα II απηνύ, κεηά ηελ παξάγξαθν 20, ησλ αθόινπζσλ λέσλ παξαγξάθσλ 21, 22 θαη 23:

    21. Μεληαία ρξέσζε άδεηαο ρξήζεο ΑΣ αλά Υεηξηζηή

    Οη ηέζζεξηο (4) πξώηεο άδεηεο ρξήζεο ΑΣ αλά Υεηξηζηή παξέρνληαη δσξεάλ. Υξέσζε γηα θάζε επηπιένλ άδεηα ρξήζεο ΑΣ

    €100 αλά κήλα.

    22. Υξέσζε αλά κήλπκα SMS (ζύλδεζε κέζσ intranet

    ή internet).

    Υξέσζε γηα απνζηνιή κελύκαηόο SMS ζε

    δίθηπν θηλεηήο ηειεθσλίαο ηνπ εζσηεξηθνύ -

    One Time Access Code – (ζπκπεξηιακβάλεηαη

    ην δίθηπν θηλεηήο ηειεθσλίαο ηεο Διιάδαο).

    €0,125 αλά κήλπκα SMS


  • Υξέσζε γηα απνζηνιή κελύκαηνο SMS ζε

    δίθηπν ηνπ εμσηεξηθνύ. (εμαηξείηαη ην δίθηπν

    θηλεηήο ηειεθσλίαο ηεο Διιάδαο).

    €0,25 αλά κήλπκα SMS

    23. Δηήζηα Υξέσζε γηα θάζε πξνζσπηθό ειεθηξνληθό πηζηνπνηεηηθό ηαπηνπνίεζεο πνπ παξέρεηαη γηα ηελ πξόζβαζε ζην ΑΣ κέζσ δηαδηθηύνπ.


    Ζ παξνύζα Απόθαζε ηίζεηαη ζε ηζρύ δεθαπέληε εκέξεο κεηά από ηε δεκνζίεπζή ηεο ζηελ Δπίζεκε Δθεκεξίδα ηεο Γεκνθξαηίαο.



    Αλαθνξηθά κε ην Σξίην Παξάξηεκα, Μέξνο Η ηεο Δπίζεκεο Δθεκεξίδαο ηεο Γεκνθξαηίαο κε εκεξνκελία 4 Μαΐνπ 2018, λα γίλνπλ νη αθόινπζεο δηνξζώζεηο:

    ηελ Δπίζεκε Δθεκεξίδα ηεο Γεκνθξαηίαο κε αξ. 5085 ν αξηζκόο ΚΓΠ 113/2018 κέρξη ΚΓΠ 115/2018 δηαγξάθνληαη θαη αληηθαζίζηαληαη κε ηηο ΚΓΠ 115/2018 κέρξη ΚΓΠ 117/2018.

    ηελ Δπίζεκε Δθεκεξίδα ηεο Γεκνθξαηίαο κε αξ. 5086 ν αξηζκόο ΚΓΠ 116/2018 κέρξη ΚΓΠ 120/2018 δηαγξάθνληαη θαη αληηθαζίζηαληαη κε ηηο ΚΓΠ 118/2018 κέρξη ΚΓΠ 122/2018.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Σππώζεθε ζην Σππνγξαθείν ηεο Κππξηαθήο Γεκνθξαηίαο

    1445 Λευκωσία, Τηλ.: 22405824, Φαξ: 22303175 - www.mof.gov.cy/gpo Αληίηππα ηεο Δπίζεκεο Δθεκεξίδαο πσινύληαη πξνο €2,00 ην θαζέλα.


