OFFICE OF STATE ENOTAEEB UU jf^g ]Q 1 Declaration of...


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"iO\ Approved Slock Form—State Publiihlw Co.. Helena. Monuni—41234 <4t >* "'

File No T kll. K...A.Z

DUPLICATE County^2*^«^**2*«*^-STATE OF MONTANA i—'£ <p \


Declaration of Vested Groundwater RfejftfE Elk..(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

i.'^&^Je.:^^^^^. , «.5%&*,*m&A^(Name of Appropriator) . /f>ttniifrnt. (Add™") (Town)

have approprtatedgroundwater accordimr to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, ai follow*:

I | ! | I | i j I 2. The beneficial iwbou which the claim is based.,«#^*«rrZ<

; # ! i i I._.., j j .j ; , ^ Date or approximate datj of earliest benefidal use; and how eontinn-—.;—.; •-— I—.!—|—. on» the use has been../..f*/£..

W 1 •—• j 1 (— E

-•-•:••••:•"••: ; | \ 4. The amount of ground-water claimed (in miner's inches or gallons-.';..-'•--..': i :.....;.... per mhiiiie) .../<2 4./& nl±> *tti.*<t.,*.*'m,,.

: ! i I i i I I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the land*( to which water hat been applied,and name of the owner thereof

£¥?.%.£.. Sec^i.. T.^ K2f & £••Indicate point of appropriation " "and place of use, if possible. Bach•naif square represents 10 acres. 6- Th* m"*IS* of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-

tion of each well or other means of irithiirsirsljn 11 »f»«r yfanir. *ru? **n**£*tJ ZZZ-Jl-JL

7. The date of ««ini^n^«Mn.t and eompletion of the eonstraetion of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater /.$..Y.yF..

8. The depth of water table..^9%&^.. .^jfe*r%+, mk..M<.

9. So far as H may be available, the type, siae.snd depth of each well or the general ipeciOaations of any otherworka for the withdrawal of groundwater la^*-^ .£+*•+•*-* •'<&-&.*£/ /•yf- i««n< ftCl ^ ^ ^ t t ^ . * ^ ^ . . ^ . . . . ^ ^ jLZ....z r '

!0. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ..J2. &.Q. .<!>. 0 .£>

11 The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available-^yfce*V>-»<'TiL.**..<K.«..;.u<^

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of thai act, includingreference to book and page of any county record ~r\-&~i*C*-:.., <sn n «•*•>, '• —

Signature of Owner /M^ /^«<<l!sfew!'

Date S •^/'•H,'^- C.' JL.

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in whieh the well is loeated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, ao state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer. Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and neology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. , fS4-'


Ifi 7J218iO


I STATE OF MONTANA T vCounty of Yellowstone, ,""VTtii lns-tr.v. irnt wts fajf4jia,npy.ogk«thia dr nt '" n

• GROUNDWATER INDEX Pag* J_of_/_ ' , | ^ ^ ^ H

l i County N[,H^,sW. Twp. J^J Rge. _^£ \||»H

^^M | Sec. Name of Appropriate* Type of Form File No. Remarks ^ S^^S^^fe ^^K

^M \ T" M,^. >>. d.W3> JlikiD ^iffiS* ^H

^^H i j[ Tcei hi /^ P)r vi '• 11 ^ l\ C-, \Al 5 I^V ^ *", J ^^H

^H j J2_ \A)c\l^.rJ C>ftry, raSA( M IS I *04 ' < ^^1

^^H ; fp Tr^M^ CVw'&U- ^>. f^-\Al ?> ^^ ?.iD *. ft% >r . ^^H

^^^| j ff) Tce'iHf Orwiilf ^>. C^-\a/ a %%r>3?.:a »*it^t^^* ^^^H^ ^ H ID 'Tr>'1hl».. f)r\<'itU I) (>VAl ?> c>?.y i>D'7 ' f ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ M

^H ] Jl_ \a(,. vyc^ q,gt-.r',.». GW W 1m ^r.6 ^^B^ ^ H J ; 7>a> TYf.vbU ; (*> x/'lIHc- - (C,u/ "a. 'RhDa,; ^ ^ H

^H ,iJ_ NAl^AlC* , ^>r.r,^-r. 4r^' ^ -iMr-^Ki - " , ^H^ ^ H j ^ \Klc \[C&rl G-fcr o T \ (irua* (Z, \ ( 3l "IXS3 - ' ^^^H^ ^ H i 1 C>N<xr-Vei-, n>|A lia-HAktl Leo- ^ ^ ^ K

I — ^1 m;Vt M^

; t..aM r set. 1File No



r p ™ H Top of Ground -g.-r—~m*. * » . ~ i ^ x x > Notico rf C o m m o n j r f O w o n d w a t e r

Appropriation by Meant of W«ll

(Under Chapter 287, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Owner...-./; &l/la..L.l^^ -


Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater

~ ' Date weU .tarted..liii-^jKl.Jkt. Completed..::.k^.-&...l^...(a..

- Type of well... J..A ilk flL Equipment VmA...*tyudt£*A~f.(doc. drrwn, bored er (Churn, drill, rotary or

,! ;|r). .iL drlltad) oth">, ' Water Vt: Domestio • Municipal D Other n Irrigation D

• j, i • -_ Induttrial D Drainage O Stook B

— -*ja Indicate on t!ie diagram the oharaeter and thiokneM of the differentt strata met with in driffing, tuch as aoil, day, Aale, grrrel, rook or tand, etc.

I Show depth at which water ii encountered, thiokneH and oharaoter of water-I . bearing itrata and height to whieh water rliei in the well.

— • *>« —** I gT! j*. I wwwutiowii m m wn»ni v»m v*n .——-—i —

-0 ? h ___^ Static Water Lwel for twn-flowing Well *£...?*• •*•*•

I C tifci-i I -| I 4 Bh««» P»««" '•' lowing WtoJjrflii ...l.^U.^...^

* -•" ....:.„.;....] j—j—j-— Pwnpin, Water Urel 1.1^. feet at 2. U»l- P" •*«»••

• •—• i— -; !•— '•-•-•';—j"*" Diaehargo in gaL per min. of flowing we!L..LIi...u-»-'--'*&^-i ^r-

« i i ; j 1 | l How Teated I~.£1.lLjL. Length of Tett H..X-^-

_ ..;-—:•••, ,..-—-,- ^mtrkt. (OrtT,j peeking, eementing, packen, type of ihutoff, loca-...: : :. — :.....:-— tion ot pUM of .e of groundwater if not at well, and any: • ; i ; i other iimilar pertinent information, including number of

I ': '• • I ! • '•• I acne irrigated, if uied for irrigation) lM.J.f$r.'.""I i- I (Va.'..V4.4 8ec..X- TIM R.ii./"

I Indicate location of well andI place of dm, if pocnble. Eaoh

— I unall square represents 10 acres.

I ihow exact depth of bottom. _ /£.£'..Driller'• License Number

dLUiuJL^^-^Driller's Signature

This form to be prepaid Ly drilUr, and thr« ~>pi« to b« filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the well is located. answer all question!. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Kngineer; Triplicate to the Montsna Burnt ofMines and Geology and Quidruplieate for the Appropriator. , , -; d . __-U- <•/

__ Z . r - • "• -• ' - T ^ * - * * - * - - * !

i* , . •-!___»-«_»•_*-'i a**&<_;^ oU u*Xt r w B x a e e t m ? * « 2 ™ " £ » com

\ - (Under Chapter 287, Hmttanfc S«HJMi !«««> 1961)

I own^-iliM/*^

/ Data of Notiee of Appropriation of GiwmAwttr........— •

~ | Dm wen iurted.£iuA4+J..?ifeif.J)«U Cfc-wMa-J^g..4^J^Jfc»,

; - \ rm*i* ch^Sd. iv+Mavma-Amttdto*—\ . . (dnf,<Wf«.bo»dor (flfctan, drill, w«Mjr el

\~ I ^1 indlMU on the diuna the thUMMr and ttfakneM of fh* 4tttetntL \ rt^u b^ with tadriUto«,K^Mi^«l»y,»fc»l».(P*^. »*«»*». •»*

r~ \ bMriBffitetUudtoi^ittowktdiwatarriMtiadMwdL

: - &£ fp ' M M ... ^ r^rr s—

L«. J> JJ.r^,OA*'"t*3*°'Wt**^ MW-MO--"_----•(___-__--•*''"tit £be|* ' /• .* ":^r_-1TO " W Bt«l«Wtt«li«rtfc»a«_4k»w_i«W«IL. «••«- r -*«*•

7 K' iL '! .-I L.J...J gta^ Pr««« f« «wrt_f W«nJ^

* as-"! ....!....!.„ j ...]..-j..-|--. p_api_g Water Lrfd l&$ Aet ^........-3. .4*. V «-»-*

' " ...]....:.—| •:—-j—\— DiMhart* to t-l pw mi-, of ftowteg wtiLJOUOtA*dl&£&'.J^

7 w I j 1 S 1 I * H«w IMta-J-^L-UL l-»-t- •« »-*-• -jt.-T^-f._ ..:-—•:-•;• —-. :-—;-- BtBMkgi (Qwtl p kj,,-, wMBtint, p«-w«, t^«f -tartoff, 1ih»-

:...; :—-••—:--- tjtOU -{ •_»« of um of |roundw»t« tf «ot «t well, ana any"": • I : • j other abnOar pert-tent infomatioB, -UfaK-ng number of

; i i I ': i ' I mm irrigated, ii n*d for ta*g_tta)-..-£«£2ilA -a

— tt»LK*l 8m~4- Tii- ----*"Indieoto loea_on of well andphwe of uee, if poaa_»l«. Baah -

— tmall aqnara repreaenta 10 aerea.

lJ B-ow «Mt deptti of taMoa j_4L'5l — —Driller 'a tleenK Nrntber

Drflter'e Bignatore

ThU form to be prepaml by driUer, a-d tkm aopk. to be f-»d b, the own« wtth the C^ty Oerk ^ IU-rd«in the county in which the well ia -Mated.

Plewe antwer all qneeUon.. If not applieabU, eo eUte, otherwiw the form wiU be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Beeorder, dnpUeat. to the State Engines, TripUoate to the Montana Bureau ofMinoe and Geology and Quadroplieate for the Appropnator. „ ^ jyU^^L?


if* %


•^ ^ _ i

GW -'• . /

File No T CM R.Ja£

DUPLICATE i County. s&gsCur*+r'****c0

STATE OF MONTANA \"T- ~ ,r- ;p ^ -



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights S A! N (i i a F,. r R(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

, ejLJe&*Bat- - IAM, ^ii§(Name ofiAppropriiUir) (Address) ^ _ yg^!?'

County f st/t<c!!h-<i/r»**+i State of >?&+*+**?*&•have approbated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol-

" . 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based

n i i I i i n] I I ! ! ! 3- Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and hpwcon-

—{—] j i—j—i— tinuous the use has been ./?#&, .jfa96$m<€****

^v-1^—Ki~ ^~**** "w - + 4 H — h f - f - e : „'

I i | i i ' 4. Tiie amount of grojndwatejfclajifledjn miners inches or gallons

j i i i i i

Ill j ' i 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the•—• •—' lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner

athereof ,^»^|y-

##* b«/...t^b*^ :::;:;:::;::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::Indicate point of appropriation ....and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theEach small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawalacres. .(!^r^rf^J^../^^.fy/f.

7. The date of commencement and^Mnpletionof*e construction of the well, wells, or other works forwithdrawal of groundwater aKSr******-./..W-Y" "

8. The depth of water table ~**f?Z....*???????-

Jaa a** ?-zr10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year /-.

11. The log of formations encountered in the djffljfegijf eacjp well ^availablefT?T. f •W*'**2jT -----

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includ-ing reference to book and page of any county record^^^^

Signature of Owner LtnJ*&C£*AS- J&-*-*tT~~

Date /;?-.X.-J.3

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


- - - . I

GV '

Fi,eNo tl/Y *?'& "Z-

DUPLICATE Qmnty.<20!&6St**r&*r*&



Z« OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER j',v .' C "V ? ' \\\\

Declaration of Vested Groundwater nights dec 4 19S3 J(Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1961) , - r o

i. eJLJLJia*** of ^ &Hife(Name UVpproprator) (Address) w Town)

County of-rJC^Sr**K**W!W^. State of ."vS***.*!*.***,....-• ......have approjlriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect pnof to January 1,1964 as Iol-lows:

„ JJ 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based . <&&*xd.'M**2i^I I I I I II I I I I Ij ] | j | | 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-

—j—[—j j j | tinuous the use has been ..., ay/:*r. r^^—^iiiigi^g-

-t-H1!—H-f- ' **#

w i ', I—I 1 1 EI I I i I ' 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons

111 III per minute) ffjpjPjU* "fr*Crt

Ill III 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the' lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner

thereof ....-.-ju-^i, &

HWk a^^aftf i;:;:::1^^::::::::::::::::::::::Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theEach small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawal

^t**^/***^ ::::::::::::

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other worta for

withdrawal of groundwater -^y——•—•^f-yyyy^- •'

8. The depth of water table /34&£

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of anyother works for the withdrawal of groundwater a


10. The estimated amount of uroundwater withdrawn each year da«>j<?*? j?!**.

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

~««*eJC?»^*rYT <

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includ-ing reference to book and page of any county record

^r*^Wi^ !i

Signature of Owner (ZjbteO* .cS4&**-&>

Date /£l. - J-'- 6J

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county iu which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicaole, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


• f

Ci'U:^ , - ^i- ,v,Tlib i.- • ..-..- ' • • v

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• m ^ • « • • • • • • • • • • •

•H ' • ?^ H File No ^ .;,,vnONSOARfc T.i..#...R... J 4 . ^ . . i .

Y^H DUPLICATE S€P 21 1W* County...*k5f^sW**<fe*»*r>^ ^ H - . r < • -.A— STATE OF MONTANA *^ ^ M ; I AMKHBTRATOR OF OROUNDWATKE OODEM <~-|fc Tap of Ground t -HtfFIO* OF STATE EMOIHMtt

^B ~ \ rW. abowmuvd-j^tt:,) Nottce-of-Completion of Groundwater

^H ~J " ^^ Appropriation by Means of Well••••I m -T f>§t.. ^/ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1061)

^^H 1 ^.«jf . Pate of Notra.of AjgproprUJon o^qroundwaty.lci/te-^M-y^ft^-:

^^H ~ "f*7li.( AkSDL &O' Dat* WeU 8tWted-^2**f*^/^8te Completed JUt^ttJLjJtmS

^^B — * Type of weU..^Hifllf-Ja»..*. •:•••-• Equipment Uged.,i<Ln ^^»< /-^ ^ ^ H _ (dog, ditwn, bond or /' (Chum, drill. roUry |r^^^B drillad) ,< other)

^^^M Water Use: Dorae^lo D Municipal Q Other Q S Irrigation Q^ ^ ^ | ~ InduBtral • Drainage Q Stock |J^

^^^H ^9 Indioate on the diagram the character and thioknest of the different^^^^H - rtraU met with in drilling, raeh ai aoil, clay, lhale, gravel, rock or land, etc.^ ^ ^ H _ Show depth at which water U encountered, thicknew and character of water-^^^^H bearing strata and height to which water rises in the welL

^^^H mm WtWiai »^> »«» **"°"At>w"^^^M - mtu c»m km Una t.^ H ft, *i ... . «- •-> »->

• - u %*° ie*a» »

I ^^^H w Sutic Water Level for non-flowing Well 2km.. feet.

' ^^B - ....^..L...i... .;—.•.—•! Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WeU....^*Af "fc/mU/jt/3.

^^^m ~ -.:—-:-..A... ;—-;—-•—- Pumping Water Level.«JT^. feet at flt.C gal. per minute.

; ^^^H _ ',"•"•; ; :""; •'"" Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing.weU j-.Jk _..

^^m ^ w ^ , ^ | . ; t ^^ i*xri...£ls*JbJL. Length of Test /*4UL*t

^^^^B ; : : : ; ; Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loea-^^^H _ •-••'; 1 ';--- ';—: j""" tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any^^^B ....:... i :_ : :.—•.... other timilar pertinent information, including number of

^^^H - I '• i : 1 ! i ! ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)...Jtf.B4/...%».

^H - ft4<J^J TM/K&f ; ; : ;....; ;•BVH . Indieap location of well and ..«,,., .s....... .^ ^ H place of use, If postttW. Btoh* *" - " . .....1 "^^^H small square repruenta 10 aorei.

^^H I 1 Show »xaot depth of bottom. /&£?.^^^H Driller's License Number

•^•B Driller's Signature

^^H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder^^^H in the county in which the well ia located.

^^^^H IMiuse answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^^^H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofBWAWJ Mines ami Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

™ ,

srent ^^^^1 \

ater- ^^^^H - : -•_

...feet. , ^^^^B . * "^ ,? "'''' - "

inute. ^^^^B r : ' i

^^^^H '.i.

der ^^B

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I Pile no ~ • • • 7r» i.£./l/.. n......dJ£.. ' I

I TBIPLKJATK County IJC^i^^zi^- J




I Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation I

I Without Well I

I (XJnder Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 196iy /iCfr/~ r\ I

• /-'•• Date of Appropriation of OTOundwater.^MpPBBBpES^ I

I //Jt-/',/.v, Contractor (if any) '"'Z~~'.ZT.. .".T."!rrZrrr~». I

• Address of Contractor -r.rnTr.~~". .'.7; m

I Date Started ,«_. Date Completed .si .".'.'".. 1

I n Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "u by II r—; 1 1 1 ; ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include dep£h to I

I \—^t^ i • 1 1 water when applicable ,-*._~<MkZe^.,,£. .j&*iuttt**a~i.. I

I ~h?T- H-+- : • - -^—2-. I• I . ....; ;..._j ^ •

I W j • 1 ; j 1 B I

I ....: . .;...ji _...; ; ! Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method II ; : / ? : ' • : us(><1 to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent I

I * estimate approximate lengths of periods of use.. „ I

I *fcuj_ ^f xUvUB ^a^ _j::^^^j. ^ II Indicate point of appropriation J^ I• and place of use, if possible. f'/jf i|».iv<i«h.i •&( ... - I

I Signature of Owner 4.^'^.^^.J^^. •::•:.. UKU^ „.„ I

I X>*U....ip6L4//'.3j. I

I This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. I

I Three copies of thin notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the II works are located. I

I 1'lease answer oil question*. If not applicahlp. so state, otherwise the form will be returned. M

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana II Kurettu of Mines and neology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I




STATE OF MONTANA., V ^Cour;j '•' Yt:ii'"*J'.< -it. )

This ui u un'.'-.t t>;'.-: l.jfi in my office

•• , "^Ti^v.r...!. •' >.:.l:-.dt

File No 'i'..k/1/f.. li-...£*.Jr. ...!£..

DUPUOATB County. ...HlJU*a*!9$~**!.'•-• BTATB Or MONTANA

ADUOnBTBATOS OF OBOTODWATBR OODB«p-|5iopofo»o«id omoB or stats ekqinmb

T ^ ^n«v. »bov* m» \ty*.l±tt ) Notk* of Complttion of GroundwatorA 1 Appropriation by M — r u of W«ll_) z . (Under Chapter 287, Montana Station Law«, 1961)

~\ 0wner..£<..;.l.::......*£/k.5.;:.Add

* "A - U ^ 3 Y**, *~~^. D r M e r i L - ^ . ^ ^ J L a t a m J ^ S ^ ^ ^ t s s ^

_> "**/£ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Qroondwater

~l J L/l Date wel1 rtarted./krfeft*r;...Z//(6!bate Completcd.y TV •<$ Sf^..

f' Type of yrtn....&kJ&Jr. Equipment Uwd-vAjP^^^- (dm, drhren, bond or (Churn, drill, rotary or

drilled) other)Water Uie: Domeitio 0 Municipal Q Other G Irrigation •

Industrial Q Drainage Q Stook •" S Indlnate on the diagram the character and tbiokneta of the differentrtrata net with in drilling, tueh ai toil, clay, thale, gravel, rock or aand, etc.

— Show depth at which water ii encountered, thlekneia and character of water-bearing atrata and height to which water riieg in the well.

— Mm* «*»•< I rw T. ».M»t»M».mat wd*i<t trmt) ai-n «»•»Mt CMW S i^ I £

Mm (TWO (TmO

~~ . _ I I,

_ w SUtio Water Level for non-flowing Well /.Jr. feet.

....! ;.....: ...J.-.-J.... Shut-in Preaanre for Flowing WelL_.y C.y«**? *"«.

— ._..:—-:....... ....:....;....:.... Pumping Water Level ff.ff. feet at.—/*. gal. per minute.

_ - — j — .|--|— ,----; ;—• DUcharge in gaL per min. of flowing well AfAll. J&k*£2!Z!£-..

„ i : i I : \ " How Tefted.-GititX Length of 1<*H..../.**it«f.t.

'.'•'. ; ; Remarka: (Oravel packing, cementing, packen, type of ahutoff, loea-•"•; ';"""* • " tion of place of u«e of groundwater if not at well, and any

_ ....;....:....'•_.. ....;....: '...- ot"« aimilar pertinent information, including number ofI • i ; 1 ' • i I mot* irrigated, if uaed for irrigation) -

— S'£...yK.4(. SeeX... Ti/4f B^a^ ..C** r>*-**&4. ^iP^rr^-. .tf.JUk.'hJ.t.......Indicate location of well and _• />. Uplaee of me, if poaaible. Each <L*Ua**»- <M.. v< ...... Sf,imall square repreeenta 10 aerea. ~J 0

! Shown* d.pth of bottom. ^ Nn fy)*£* / O j ^ jFiled for rtccrd a Driller'a License Number I

T ^ ^ i w m u L d ^ J L l % ^o cl ;< /? ' Driller's Signature

This form to be prepared by driller, and three eopiea to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the well is located. _Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the Ootnty Clerk and Recorder; dnplieata to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Boreau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


I, „' ••••••• '•* -.„••

:; ... • -• - HUN: ••' -

- _ . j

File No T ":\!'....R ...:=?.'<

DUPLICATE County. ^,:<..L_6,.^^?.V-:?.?:-'..



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights UtC:ii}m(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) S ! A I .; 1 jy -j ; ! r '>


1. Ju±.*^^::..^..u.£L*rULu.7*L , Of 2i!f*.*r.M LrA.\.}! of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County of ...''.-zS..'. State of ...?.-.'!:. appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol-lows : "

N ^-—I—j—j—j—I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based

{{I ill 3- Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-| j | i i j tinuous the use has been

w-Uh—hp4-e A^ : •__i ! ! •—J—!— 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsI i i I ! i per minute) ../.£.. uA.-.L /<..j...::'Z~/:.:?MyT-,'.

I i | i i i 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of thej lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner


. jxk/v^../ ta &. zzzz^^"zzzzzzzzzzzzzzIndicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theEach small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawalacres- sS..M.!.!\:/ls:...**..*&.'....<<.-'. ix...i.. .Ju.. ;t y/.:.A .

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works forwithdrawal of groundwater

ClL-.*r».±.../.f./.3. •'.

8. The depth of water table . /.<.!..,:'...£>.

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of anyother works for the withdrawal of groundwater

"..::. 7/Z.zr:,::::::::::::z::r:::zz :::....:":::::::.. \ ":z:"..::z.zzzzzzzzzzzz.'.M.. ..t..>.V.'. ..(' A.W.I...!.\ff.:. ,

jC.A-*-£-.»l».:—"<U-**-A '• ••*

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year iix1, -'*/-•'-.'!

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

, 'iA- r «.. &.-..t><.*..L.i-.i-Lx. '

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includ-ing referente to book and page of any county record

Signature of Owner .<....ud^.jjX.r../.-r...+-1 4.lCfi{/>-

Date .odc<J/.3.C..s..<'9.A3..

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so dtate, otherwise the form wil' be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

... ... -1I(Hj P --,- omca

;.":".3/sf.v: .--if--"--



File No. - T i Jil.i;....

DUPLICATE County.Li*L.i.L>r:Kt<~?.jL.-<.\-'. '



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ! 30m(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)$ [ t\ } r L W u U<! r i ^

1. .^.<r^..^L.L..^...A^SJ^.L^. , of /irrt./^A 3.?l*!r.\-Z:::?r.h?A.LC.L-.L.'(Name of Appropriatojj (Address) (Town)

County of ^•^••-^-—^7'—•--' State cf i'-4<!:^.n,^.have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol-lows:

t&T~\—i~~i—I 2- The beneficial use on which the claim is basedI l l I I I x2..3.&r.cJ£..:....s£,k-&.~ti*.i.

| j | | 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-—i j j j tinuous the use has been .../#5'5?.i i i l_ :i i i i i

w - H h f - f - s_J !—!—- —|—•—•— 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsI i i I i i per minute) ....!_?.' x,'«L,C J3Cju...JXl.i'..\..'..i i i i l l /

i i | i i i 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the J1 lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner I

thereof I

77^ ^Sec. J. TL. R# I ^^^Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theEach small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawal«««»• ...:.:J:L><r.;>:.....?..f&..LL.,.LjLt,.

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works forwithdrawal of groundwater

fcj.A.r/. :.

8. The depth of water table ..5.<S. £.i.

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of anyother works for the withdrawal of groundwater

fe...*./V.: TV.k../.i..JiU+.J.!.-:. -

tA..i.L.:.i...'.i..i.i -

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ^ £.. <: f ..«-..t: I

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includ-ing reference to book and page of any county record

Signature of Owner-rr.y^r...^.^...../.'... CLcZL-^l

> Date .J£.±.^...J£..,../..$.A£•>

Three copies to be filed b> the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

state oyMn>rr.-."''.> ..

u^ DflSfl-fl Wt—l-- —*.-IS^7- -vf-: --v

r : : : i " i * i » ^I ' • - . . . • - County..iif***^Uw^ II STA1T FNftiNF'-"B ft >ftC'S *-** * II OIM - uvull't 'MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY II Butte, Montana I


I "I T" Owner^a^t.^e ^JdM^ Address^^:^^ I

I ! 1 I imK.Jlm.i±iM^lstka Address.^.^^.^ I

I I ' Date Started /././.£* Date Completed. ..^L^:..^: 1• "I j f . y II I j i 1 Locator -,..../. T ^. R, 7... •', sec./l/ .4k- I

I Type of wti\ £&4£Jjm# ••• Equipment \iseA...idSi (.-J.SgJ. I• (Dug, driven, bond, or drilled) ./ (Churn drill, rotary, other) •

I Water use: Domestic \ [ Municipal | J Stock \_\ Irrigation 1 J I

I Industrial | 1 Drainage ] \ 0itiN\.j2ktjL......ui.xJi * I

I Casing:..... ft. to ./.fi.. ft. Type...<2(. Slze....,...... I

I Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size I

I Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size I

I Perforated or Screened: Pt...^C to ft .ff.C Ft to ft 1

I Type of screen or perforatlons../«A -. {££%.•:..:. I

I Static Water level, tor non-flowing weU:...<f£..{2. feet. I

I Shut-In pressure, for flowing weU: lb./sq.ln. on: 1I Jri (tote) II Pumping water level....Xv. feet at *£ gal. per min I

I Howtested:.^11^^. -: I

j Length of test...-.rl...-rr.' .r9X-.. I

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cemtntlng, packers, type of shut-off, depth of shut-off) I

'-^ (over) - I

^ ^ H Log of Well^__H Depth, feet_ ^ H — i Description of Material Drilled^^^^H From | To

I A ;/ I $;«f

H /l~ \/f ^%~^J' j&rJt.^

• ?S/J'f&-' ^-—-=

I ^H :—

• 3 ''4"~ ; * s o — ... /D

^ ^ H File No Mt ' 1....L/.L R. ^..(^f.

^^^H TRIPLICATE . '!<' County...ty-.i.£'.a-'


^^M Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation^ M Without Well

^^^B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ./* / / / & O

•^•^•H y ~>, 0 Date of Appropriation of QrnimdwitteK^^Pjg^jy'Bjryfeip^^i

^^^H 6" ••• OvrneT/.*y.~........J-,......-.A&ATW....:

J ^ ^ V //• 3'/' /' '/f- Contractor (if any) ••••.*•-••..:, :.:::..:::•:..:...:•...

^ ^ ^ H Address of Contractor ~*tzrr.-:. Z.

P^^^H Date Started Date Completed .-..: '.

^^^^H m Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by^^^^H I 1 ; 1 1 1 ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to^^^^| ! i ; ! | j water when applicable^ ^ H i ! i ! !jf 1 . ._/

H - 1 4 - 4 - h-j-j~- " } ^

^^^^B '• ; ; j j ; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method^P^P^H ; ; . r ; j used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent

^^^^H * estimate approximate lengths of periods of use

^ M A£>u...:... **&.. t^/h^.£ ^ j . ^ ^ . . ^ , ^ ^ z z ^ . - h ^^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation j^^^^K and place of use, if possible. _ ^M*_ _ f.. _

• " t o M ^ x l ^ ^ l x j j ^ . . .

^ H ..J&*>. ^ M - . ^ J L * * * / L j ^ ^ t } * t n ^

^^^^| Signature of Owner /: ^ ....•iLL.SKtu Uii .

^^^B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

^ ^ ^ B Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the^^^^H works are located.^ ^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be retnrned.

^^^H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana^^^^P Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates



STATE O* , ,,>l—e, > . cCount?- 'V -fttfrAjft"1'' "

V. W

_ 10/ ft) "?.»•*/—' I

File No T.£/r. R. -l±.Er



°'~N ^(ik.ibmie.M.^i..) Notice of Completion of Groundwater~ | Appropriation by Means of Well

r- ^t«^%^Jm J-<r»~w\ (Under Chapter 287, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

*^t>d j 7— /7^Drm.r.A*^...,&t^

5j •__ ) Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater 7l7.r?../...J..f...... I

i - ) Date well *xcteA..JJ.JjS^/.P.t/.. Date Completed /y./^jr...M..Y^... I

— (—. ^Tl^~t^' Type of weU.«^**4^(. Equipment Used....<kfM|^r*«-!U?.. I_ ( (doc, driven, bond or (Chum, drill, rotary orU 1

\ drillad) other) I

i, ^) (JLupsLAx; p O Water Use: Domestic £f Municipal Q Other Q Irrigation Q |" ~ —-—\ Indn»trial D Drainage Q Stock D I

^B Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different I•trata met with in drilling, inch ai soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or land, etc. I

— Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- jhearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. J

—y_ w SUtic Water Level for non-flowing Well "rf." feet. I

...j L.i ...L...i..- Shut-in Pm-ure for Plowing WelL /P.'M B^OJ^Ltf^. j- ; : : : •? <f / «£>

•--;----: - ;----;—-: Pumping Water Level >.r> feet at 4?Z. gal. per minute. I

_ --.; —.;—-y— ;....:.— ,-- DUeharge in gai per min. of flowing weU....7^.^ rZA.t.f^J.^..

; . ^ ^ . | t ^^ Teated-BauufeA^. Length of Teat £...4**!!*.. -

~ : ' : : '• Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- I"••': .""'. ';'""': ;""" tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any jJ : .. ' : other similar pertinent information, including number of I

I • ' 1 " ' ; '• I acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) I

S.....vM 8ee../i2. t^.)J Vi.^S .. ^j/f-rIndicate location of well andplace of use, if possible. Bach

~ small square represents 10 keres.

__J Show •not dapta of bottom. /dS*

Driller's License Number

Driller't Signature

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin iIk county in which the well is located.

I'll use annwer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

original to the County Clirk and Recorder; duplicate to the St»v Enpireer; '1 rip!i'^j v to th« Montann Bureau ofMines ami Ueulogv and Quadruplicate for the Approprintor.

4 11+ [

879863 Y

•• / -;/•/

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1 ^mUZm-'t'1 :V'fffcc

' a-—t:/<L • ' *** ~

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«u». ,M.....^2o.a:... 1/

DUPLICATE \ • £ C ;- , v ;~ '^ County....."^^^^^STATE Or MONT AHA

APR i< 19ft)MnnsTEAT0R or oroottowateb oods^ r — I Top of Ground OrWOE Or STATE EKOOTBR

=~^ k (si«v. above m» \*,&..22jA..) Notice of Completion of Groundwater I~ | | ^ Appropriation by Meant of Well

i r-f~ 3d (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

I* _^~ —' Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater.....ZpC./?/?^/C....//yf^. I

X JUt+JL*' DMe Wel1 ^rte^^^^^—^Date Completed...jjfr^rj /fSy I

•^ " ~7 ^ • Type of ™XL..d3juM*r*lL Equipment Used....v4^^«^**-Z~&tit aJHJtv <" d (dn», dri«n, bored or (Chum, drill, rotary or U

• -* drilled) other)

Water Use: Domestic • Municipal Q Other • . Irrigation Q/ Industrial n Drainage Q Stock $T

i$? Js * "^ Indicate on the diagram the character and thickneaa of the different~ J)7 n dft,/ strata met with in drilling, inch as soil, day, shale, (travel, rock or sand, etc

(AQ- 7 \s Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-i \ / ' **•' jr bearing strata and height to which water rises in the welL

^'*i$Ar gas aa i a z* r***™^™"

_ " Static Water Level for non-flowing Well -3 .A feet.

... j L... i \... J....i.... Shnt-in Pressure for Plowing WelL.-....$^..J!U ^Ap.^JA^

~ .--:-..-:-..- ....:—;— -| Pumping Water Level 3-0. feet at C..Z.. gal. per minute.

_ -—;-—; ----- -••;---;—;--• Discharge in gaL per min. of flowing mt\L...AfA.!^.JJ..'..^.J.jPC3

w ! ; ! ; ^Ti r How Te»ted..*«±^*!L Length of Test Lr£*Z..:.

: ' : ; ; Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-••••—." '; ; • tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any\ \ : : ' : other similar pertinent information, including number of

~ ••";••"•' ' ; ; \ /*/J)rt/«--I ; * '• '—— ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) '

- s^-M *#LT^ k1* ^Indicaft location of well andplace ot use, if poaiible. Eachsmall square represents 10 acres.

I Show exact depth of bottom. /j g*

Driller's License Number

dLaJ^A^^:.Driller's Signature

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines anil Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropri'itnr.


; f . i S ... -:

I'^Z-^C.'.. . ^-

p -

I '1 Approved Stock Form—StMe PvbUihing Co.. Helena, Montana—39<W» ffi> [ [} 1

I Pile No '. T.jL/1/...H. SA..S I

I TMPUOATB County f-tfeJ^W^SZ^y^ II ~" "• •" t 75 v II k - J :— **• STATE OF MONTANA II ; AJWUNISTBATOR OF GSOUNDWATER CODE II OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER II N:- - • '" t II Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation II Without Well

I (Tinder Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1061) I

I ' V ? ^ n / / / / J 9 £ - n II , >.j 7" Date of Appropriation of Qt<mn&vrmjfi. ../../..-../.....-r...Q.. I

I Contractor (if any) I

I Address of Contractor T!^ZTT^~TZ' I

I Date Started '. ~Date Completed .7. I

I N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by II I 1 ! r 1 1 ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to II —j 1 j ! j water when applicable II —i 1 i "I i -*t(fa4ZtZM^£^... Atoji^-^L I1 _! ! I I ] j I

- rift; ==•=:

T i T ^ W - - -I ; ; ; .; I i Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method II ! " *! ! ! | '; used to measure or estimate such amount. If use i>i intermittent II • estimate approximate lengths if periods of use I

1 Indicate''point of appropriation / a - II and place of use, if possible. ^ ^Sj^JU.. Qt'ZP-<1 J I

I ^ f - J»~~:4- - f e * * < ^ ^ * ^ j

I OA^r^^d. ' I

I Signature of Ovner.... AAj!%£ ... . Zutr . I

I This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. I

I Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County l.'lerk and Recorder of the county in which the II works are located. II 1'lcase answer al\ questions. If not applicaMe. m state, otherwise the f .mi will he retimed. I

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicfiti to tin- State F.ughw 1 nplieate t(. the Montana I1 Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for he Approi riato:-. I

.•> vlu I



! '^ 93830^




, "••''•'TS OF MONTANA T :

^-X-^/. ^J



nFile No ST'T* V ' U C ' - T..A#. R 3.0£. L I

DUPLICATE AUG ^ ., Goxxnty...ZMlJutha&rULS..•\ t WATS OF MOHTAHA


(«\ ahoy. •^i.vd....:;.(,.c.u-....) Notice of Completion of Groundwater

~ I Appropriation by Meant of Well

I / (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

I \ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater I

I J Date weU started.../3L<-/.,£.&;.4.i.9&a.Date Complrted....Q'ta,...Z#,./.!?..&jk

• iZL^- t-^ TyPe ot welL...<X.liiAH.flL. Equipment Vmsd...^^.(.aLo(xA^I ia S fS T C 4 , <do*» **•», *»•* w (Churn, drill, roUry orI T (-h.oUv drUlsd) other)

I W--"\R(x:b, Water Use: Domestic Q Municipal O Other Q Irrigation QI .a — — ^ , Industrial • Drainage D Sto«k 0I - "» o.t« . II j " H Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different II "m ' x &*<-&-> *tnU me* ^ *» drilliag, sneh as soil, day, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. II — " A Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- II V hhaJlts bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. 1

I m rz 18^ •—sr— ».- i »~ I i. i ™«A«m. •"—I /13 5 A/wJLc. mm w«kmi< »«> v-n """""•"*

J _ <A/taix> ^ Static Water Level for non-flowing Well S..Q feet. I

I ^]Z M £~--4><vtI*> ifc«ii:?-1'4j** "^9tt'*>iB ^nmn for Flowing TttTL^MlttLi •^.•M^Mur.iO^ „. I

1* —— lj sfaj-.4latt»-.( .fc^iUt'i-A^. ^^Pumping WaUr Level J..O...O. feet at Lx gal. per minute.

iwUlI 5^ i*""i i i""''< '''"" Diseharge in gai per min. of flowing welL..../.V-(?2Z Q.J&UMAadO.

w j ^ ; I . 1 c ^^ Tested.....^.a.^flL Length of Test......-.^....^iA-a/ '

• ; : : : | Remarks: (Oravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, teca- I•••'; ;—';""' ': j j"" tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any • I• ': ': • '• ! other similar pertinent information, including number of ' I

_ ....;....j.-.. - •—,---.-,-—,-— -

I '• i : 1 ! i '• 1 acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) &.J..f?i.yL_< Is I

— 1»u.y4..<t4 Sec..|.JL. T.JkJ/. •&.!£* 1Indicate location of well andplace of use, if possible. Baoh

•— small square represents 10 acres.

I^J Snow exact dapth of bottom. , ,~ ,-

Driller's License Number

: ^^....^.S^.* Driller's Signature

This form to be prepared by driller, and three ecpies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder Iin the county in which the well is located. I

Please anftwer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. j-J I, ~: y .'-

. .. — -• V A ^ v i '


783689 T : : ;

*^ •

I <iI


T / # ^ .£•-File No v " * -yDUPLICATE / ^



? Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights c f ,, „(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) - •' ! - • -' * u ., v i.:. p

1. ^^-4te^) °f (Address) ^M^n)(Name oJ Appropnajorj v t i*a~ - - *?

lows: .-

N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based JS- f /r*** «-—| 1—I 1—j i i '- i l l M ~ 3 Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-_!—!—j—I 1—j— tinuous the use has beea/ftfsjfr ^ r & & i»*m rr*Ori I I 1 j j -«&*tofc:

n _ i _ , _ ^ i _ i _ EW I I • _ 1 1 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons~~j y~\~ _\ \ \ per minute) ftoatSj*** "TJ Or '

j~ i j | | 1 &. •*"

8 thereof0 3 * * ' ^

j w u s * * n m / * & *Indicate point of " W " * " ^ ^ means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theS h S . i T i i J S M ^tion of each well or other means of withdrawalacres. g0^9rv*rr^»4~i~ye ''ZZZZIZ.

7 The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, weUs.or other works for

withdrawal of groundwater jft><ty /f'^Z?* T"0

8. The depth of water table .rpt**- •:&>***>***«9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specificate of any

other works for the withdrawal of f ^ * ^ - ^ ^ ^

ZZZ"ZZZZ. /y*'• *£*/£•eGuvr ZZZZZZJfL..

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year *»y2*« -^••'•• "

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each wellif available > „ •• -• - -••;;;;;;;._ - -£• •_"?88*y "C&O'W>£&.*T"&

12. Such otWCT mforation of a similar nature as m^be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includ-ing reference to book and page of any county record


Signature of Owne^^^ <^%****5?

D a t e y ^ - ^ ^ V ^

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County C.erk and Recorder of the county in which the well is

located.Pleas, answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

OHgina, to the County Clerk and Eecorder; duplicate to tU State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropnator. ;V -/

.... j


• }

TS.:.> ,:v.-. .

• FUe No T.L.N..JLJC. .,...'/

^ M DUPLICATE Coa .4S...k.A...LS-S ..U k <?--


H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ! * ° m^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) § J A | £ ENGINEER

H x. &j1jlj~ of CLis.r.c...a ^-tt-r-.^ ^ H (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

^^H haveAppropriated^^undtrateraccordinglo the Montana laws in effect'prior to January 1, 1962, as fol-^^^H lows:

^^H JJ 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based ...J.i:P....U...-5...?.:-^ ^ M I i i i I i j A.JV.Q L...\..\L.L...Ck.!:&S....\«.-^^^H i i j j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-^ ^ ^ m —I—j i j tinuous the use has been ...^ H j | | 1 1 1 £t...£LlL L1JLJ.~^^H i i ! ! | .C a l\ .X.J.K..U.M...H..&...L M

^^^H | i i 1 1 I 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons^^^H I 1 j { I i per minute) /-O.^ ^ H i \~1 I I |^ ^ M i i i _J !—L—^ ^ ^ | I i ! i i 5 If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the^^^H 1—!—!—I—! lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner^ ^ H S thereof •-^ H , o A...r...../i..£_«^ H S.K.1& .B..Z Sec.73 T..fc. *3.P Z Z Z^^^B Indicate point of appropriation^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the^ ^ ^ | Each small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawal^ H acres. fi.^r...£... .5..5..Lt...R...C p..U...M-?-

X ^H 7. The date of commencement and compleHon of the construction of the well, wells, or other works fory ^^^H withdrawal of groundwater A""P '"'""/ ••••••• ~;- -.-

^^B 8. The depth of water table /..3...J>'.. t...^...ft...ZlZ

> ^H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each .well or the generaUspecifications of any: ^ ^ H other works for the withdrawal of groundwater X r...Us...!<i S,..«..,, ...ix.-.s,

^^m 5 ..c(...t../>i.?...x..s.i..ia.i=...?.,.- 2..U.M.P.

^^M 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year Ar.ZL.l.£.,...0..C..L lk...&..L...

^^H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

^^m ; ••^•••-••••^•-^"^

^H 12. Such other information of a simUar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, indud-^ ^ H ing reference to book and page of any county record /\ C. IJ «.__

^H Signature of Owner«aO....(??^^.V (.^^d

• Date ...Sb.Ae... 1% L9LL>

^H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is^^^H located.^ ^ M Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines ,,^ ^ H and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ p fj \

STATE OF MONT '" \, 1County nf '•'• ' ',•**''X'jiis ;r;. ••. . ''-••'•: :•••. • ':

nEClm.**-—"_./£.:Jir r i

File No : «......„.. - 3 T.Jj}{.....K 5.*Jt.. '

TBIPUOATE ^ County .ityidb*??i^.<Oh*rTr




Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation

Without Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) */* / /0 S"~* I

„,. Date of Appropriation of P""^«"» V*j£^^^S»C. ~-3

Contractor (if any) ...lfJ..M~^..

Address of Contractor

Date Started .'. Date Completed ZT^r

n Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as byH' sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to

water wheu applicable

-4-Mf--|—.u-.|~>—!— ,*tf£*fl£^^...

W j ! • j 1 1 K

'; .._; : j ; ! Quantity of watei developed and used with explanation of method; ; ; ; | ; use(] to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent

* estimate approximate lengths of periods of use.

Indicate point of appropriation Uand place of use, if possible. j tfeyrMnC-

' 'jjfiL^LLt- <u*J*ZL

' i :.—^~~~~ ^

Signature of OwBer..^2L«*^^..if^jfct**^r^


This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder, duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBnrtRU cf Minoa and Oology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

938308 I

STATE OF MONTANA, \ ss . . , I

. •• Ocujuy; Gii-iyt 2e**.i;-i- _, • I

File NSTA7£...wAI£B-C0.N.r:r:ff.;-'.Ti"N BOAFmD T. .*.*...It J5.J. ^

TRIPUCATE ?;(:>• J! '• i County«S«*iri3rBli,e_ .... r. ••-•-.-y.: STATE OF MONTANA ftMUl**Buuc. ,m - - ' • ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODEE ^ l i m sui^'ZZlOTlCE OF STATE ENGINEER

M**r> DedaraHw off Vested Broiidwaler Rights(Under Chapter 21, Montana Session Laws, 1965)

i J*™1!! *L t^E* mM^mmt of "w 4tk ***• ""** BUM**S(Name of_ Approprintor) ' (Address) _ (Town)

County of—*--**!?!.!!!?. _Svate of...????!!??.have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

" 2. The beneficial use on which tiiedaup is based

3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-*~ ~ tinuous the use has beenH +.H

--r—I—rtt»'1 1 1 1 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons

j I per minute)"1—h~t 1~ r~ * n n m m. ***»_^.i-.i—|—M--I I ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands

. to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

._•-.%." Sec.125.... T.T R >WIndicate point of appropriation and —•-place of use, if possible. Each smallsquare represents 10 acres. 6 Tle means °f withdrav.-ing such water from the ground and the lo-

cation of each well or other means of withd'nwai. rtuMIt

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater _ ._...RKBv.iHL—lPHBlPflHiS ^RX-- ™PJM Wfc._»PPIflKww-.iW._-.wJKSV.."—------- — ...—.-- .-- -- -- - ,.._.--fc--,_ «_ .. .—,._._

8. The depth of water table ...MQ l«tft

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater

..._ Bvtfci 1M - *K *Mt _Umidm-.Mau—Vf.Type* wiMll/* Md. jrtachMftitt mU.

10 The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year T^fP^-.fV...1*" .*" J~r.

11. Thelog of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

12. Such other intormation of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record

Bureau""of Earid"Man'agJiie'nt/S' '".By StggUOBKiftfltMXX... •£*&*•-+ £ H »r-.-

District ManagerDate M.«**I .._

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines andQuadruplicate for the Appropriate!-.

2, ^

GV ' ; ,

File No T../:1.R^

DUPLICATE Om^±jid^tV^^w2



Declaration of Vested Groundwater High* AI v ->(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

i. A,^A_2^.^ ,of.&£>//:* 2>.U.u^+JU^.lLJ.j/(Name,c{Ampnator) (Mdress) (Town)

County of JJfM^u^L'riO^. State of . ^Uaa^u^^jhave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol-lows *

I—i—i—!—]—i •—1 2. The beneficial use on which th,e claim is basedI i I I I -••M J .... b&foU.J.. :

_ 1 I i I I j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-i I I I I I tinuous tht use has been „ .

i i ~ E H -a ••-;•••• <.J.&...a.w I I I I r I p L.4ri£t<xL4i*a?&c-{i,w | | | | i i * •—I—j j j—j—j— 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsi I I I I i per minute) y ,I I I _J j I &Lf -^r.-Z/.^.^tU^ ...^m^^^JlI I I I I i " '1 I I I I ! ! 5. If uoed for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the

s lands to which water has been applied and name of the ownerthereof

SX~y*N-Zh*e*&» T..k r3?Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theEach small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawalacres.


7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works forwithdrawal of groundwater ••ii.-er

/.j!? y ""'""'"l.

8. The depth of water table /-T^.j^...

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of anyother works for the withdrawal of groundwater

^...*<*".•...&£***:&*xw^Lu......£ ; i;zi

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year JLthth, <«r^_«*_r'

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includ-ing reference to book and pi»«;e of any county record

Signature of Ow4er_,.:L>£^ z&xZ.Jx. .'.{.£<(£•£•/&-I

Date ..•jfc..^.Js!r.A$..<g.j..

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Plea&e answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherv-ise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

= S S S f e

^—^——— * ••• j

I : j

File No T &jY,*&:




Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights«7 ,(Under Chapter 287, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ';'' - - '^ :. i < '

i. Ju^y;^,.£&tu&c*> , of .£kf>./M %hA**LC/*L>./ (Name of Appropnator) (Address) (Town)

County of Uj-L uSa r .!'. State of . OL xtCr U...have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as' fol-

•—-—|—|—1—|—|—|—I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is basedI l l 1 1 1 MZcJu....rLc»£b&>....:. ;.;..„;;

__ I I | [__ 3- Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-I I I I I I tinuous the use has beenI I I l k " -t-J-frM.

w I I I I I f E (L£rHXl.MA6*6rtA*S2A.

—!—j—! [—j— 4_ fhe amount cf groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons1 I i I I per minute)I l l I I I /A..UA ...- 1"I I I I I /I I I I I ' i 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the

s lands to which water has been applied and name of the ownerthereof

SBMtfltefaM T..d. ad* , .^^^.i^£/..^.^Ui^.... 1.1IZ

Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theEach small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawal

• /UM '>- rrnAjt£j..M:.. U i dA J..,

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works forwithdrawal of groundwater

U^w-../i£.(?. ZZZZZZZZZZZ..

8. The depth of water table ...L'^nt~:..^Jr.

9. So far as it may be a*, lilable, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of anyother works for the withdrawal of groundwater

ZZZZZZZZ^^uZZiZkZZ 'ZZZZZZZZ."'.'.'. :i..'|W^'JyuUuI.^^uO. "ZZZ.

10. The estimated amounf of groundwater withdrawn each year ./$^J-n?.y...&<r^rrr-.<

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the 'policy of this act, includ-ing reference to book and page of any county record

Signature of 0^^....J^.^.:2-..^-..J..L...l.L^l.i:'/^t^

Date ..Jh^LSt^ 4A3..

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines Iand Quadruplicate for the Appropnator. I

f r:; t-i- iv; vNTANA.T

liiL liiili s.;;..a:! iiic u!iil in my c»ftioaiir P5fi*J9W»_ ^

• - • ^-. 1*&i_J> p ••• ' • ••"We* :

Pile n- ? A £ *.2.°jL 2. i/

DUPLICATE >«,„.._.., Cavnty.'tyljtUtai&t* ....{ £ - : "ffflbl OF MONTANA °

ADMINI8TBAT0R OF QBOPHPWATBt OODZ— I Top of around APR 1 q 197pmOB 0F STATB » — — »

V (xiev. above Ma uvA.A2.fl ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater

j Appropriation by Meant of Well

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

vmtr....M&&z**Mt?S^>?*-r:. Address .*_

i jf*J^ Date °* Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater.....yr..f..jr/...yr./.

flijr*^ Date weU &»**&../.$.%..£. Date Completed.../..7...Y—..' Lf A *">» n

~ Type of Yit\L..jdr* M±rfL. Equipment Used..-*M *r* «M* ..., (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary orl

jkX^ drilled) other)— A 2 & ^

&$"'•' ii^^ Water Use: Domestic D Municipal • Other • ^ Irrigation •J ^ Q^fC^^ Industrial D Drainage O Stock H ^

"^° ^Sfi/vrf ° \-^^^ °^ Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different• %°l (i^\ - * strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gra el, rook or sand, etc.

— \ J // JUf >- Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-•.:•"'"•_ \ JC- bearing strata and height to which water riBes in the well.

b*. Ob. iS I Si i £/ ./ . /• Sto (F«l) (TmO

_ ^ Static Water Level for non-flowing Well.....^<??^*H!**^*r?>r feet.

....i :— : — .|.— \ |—- Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WeU....!?3??^..-..^«^^2X.

— -;-—:-—;• ; — -;—.!— Pumping Water Level.!?^?s4«!**r*<eet at..-rrrTT gal. per minute.

_ i'""j :'"" ;"""; i"~" Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing weXL....//..(O^..^£tZ4i.*?i*::'J.Z!fw — ! — I — : '•—'•—i— f. __ ^ ~L

; : • • : How T<-«ed langth of Test rrrr.

; 1. ' • Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-,.. ••£-- ; , i tion 0{ pi8ce of nge of groundwater if not at well, and any: '• : ..: ; ! other similar pertinent information, including number of

' '—— ' '• — acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) ./J/.0/1/ £lL.

Indicatl location of well andplace of use, if possible. Each

~" small square represents 10 acres.

^^J Show exact depth of bottom. ——

Driller's License Number

Driller's Signature

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropri. tor.



STATE Or 1/to-HTASX.TCount, <* Y.:b».*.« fa*

«» )<^fc- , ,><r, ,,

• _ . J

^ ^ M File No 1 k.K R....3.0 [Z

^^H DUPLICATE County. .^S.J-A.SMlS.Td VlC

^^H STATE OP MONTANA i > ••*> p p. ,? ,. , .. ....^^ ^ H ADMINISTRATOR OP GROUNDWATER CODE ,,, '" ' * i! ' ' "|p|^ ^ H OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER ^ *-- UtC <i 0 1961 —^

^H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights s i ai t tnu,.«,•-Fp^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) "v---?i

^H i. ...£>. A~vU....o Aii.e....L.... a Cm., s..r.ce. Cw.A.hzv\^^^H (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)^ ^ H County of \..*?....L..l..AL<.l.S.:lA.Y±.< State of ..J.)}....t. ..U.-.TL-.A..\X..M:^B^H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol-^^^H lows:

^^^| ——. 1—•—• 1 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based .-J:±..C.-(l.5...^--^ H 1 1 1 1 1 |g> ...A-.JX....D. .j...y..e....S::r.c,.A<_

^^^^V | | | I | | 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eon-^^^^H j j \ i j tinuous the use has been /..Q....aL..~J.^ ^ H i i . I i i ,_^ H „ i i ! 1 I „ '< '.I.Ii.B.I.iZx

^^^^b I—!—! 1—1—1— 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or_ga}!ons_^^^H i | | . I | i per minute) J.O..

^m ill iii^ ^ ^ H i I | i i i 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of th.^^^^B s lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner^ ^ H thereof^ H {)'..£.Vi M~ Sec y TfrH R3.o.e- /t.Zl.ii.-C-

^^^H Indicate point of appropriation^^^H and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the^^^H Each small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawal^ H acwB. .£..y~.e......S...S...u...tX..:£. £.k..m..?

^^^^H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for-^^^H withdrawal of groundwater .,..i:...._.—7^ ^ ^ H J...J... .Or...J. '..

^^^m 8. The depth of water table *K...^T {*..*....& 1. ,

^^^H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well, or the general specification? of any^^^^H other works for the withdrawal of groundwater -ft /..V1..C. V\-

^^H OX-' 1~.jL...<...M. ^ v •••^ ^ m S...ku.ii.M.e..k.s..'...B..k..:t J5..u...m.?

^^^H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ....£>..,....% ~>....l'A....&A.&...... ^ .

^^^B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available


^^^H 12. Such other nformation of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includ-^^^H nj? refwr-e to book and page of any county record /) (....7.LC

^1 Signature of Owner .^\.<**!%l. C^t.

H Date D.-e L% /. I ^5

^^^H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is^^^H located.

^^^H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^^^H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines ,^^^H and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. , '\ "

STATfi OF MONTANA.County of Yellowstone, **• .

THiJs instrunMoL\an» filed in «:'.'

County Clerk &; Eecosi'- .

By^2£666/ Or- tv

j GW 2 Approved Slock Fonr.-Sale Publishing Co.. Helena. Monun»—4O47.1gBfcs

».n :.. ' T...MI' ^?_ltf

DUPLICATE Count/*/^* ....."t^^^T"STATE OF MOHTANfifTPfe [P> fL || M [£ ["rft


T^q TOP<rfOr°^ „ OFFICE OF STATE ENqjj^ g ^L

MBmr. above sea eveL...^...0) Notice of Completion of Groundwater

7 > ^WC Appropriation by Mea&ifcHEVt+IElNEERI (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

5 ^ ^T jgfffl>T "i ' Date of Notice of Appropriation of Qjamdwater.^KXi'StyL........ ^£

^lja^ ^ ^rH+A*^. Date well started\ jpr~rj...?^.Z.....De*.e Comp\etea..r!zZ/.....~r.~...

I. & i Type of wel....^~~*r?~ Equipment Used....^~5^^*™^.."^> Wt-(j-« f (dug, driv m, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or

. f drilled) other)

/ Water Use- Domestic D Municipal Q Other D/ Irrigation Q^^/ industrial Q Drainage Q StocL jjj

7 >"^s, /JJjdjh^ Jut*f^*-f**i^ Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different~ V'"^^<^ £<*'**^^ strata met with in drilling, «uch as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc.

f A- «•• •" "" y. | / Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-*« Mr^f -K— bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

J^^ nJji Q 2 %f ^ « 2SZ ^ ^ "" p««o^t,on, ~

__ N Static Warer Level for non-flowing Well .j. *-.T"^....^ fetjt.

8^ &*MU |..j U Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WeU 4^J!L cA±*>J.£ I

MU/r; " "L"; —:—•— Pumping Water Level.A _-..ffl feet at *«? gai jier minut* •

ljafi^'\f/lf\ '7*! i Discharge in gal, per min. of flowing well ' "..........„.. .**"* I

g^f I ' ji I E How X^Jmll^^ of Test 2±#*L

f dtfii I : : Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loea-fim &t"f% ' tion °' p'ace ° nse °* groundwater if not at well, and anyr!jr rj. I -: : • other similar pertinent information, including number of

^r- '• ' ' : ; ' acres irrigated, if used^for irrigation)

Indicate location of well and| f'8** of use, if possible. Each

~" I small square represents 10 acres.

^^J Show exact depth of bottom. /^< 5

Driller's License Wumber

4-4 £^^Driller's Signature

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county iu winch the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of IMines ami f i>ology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I









TSaflgf-e^fcM''" __is>__-

this ^ "' /O t&

- • • - * iI Pile No STAffe WaTE'R C(3KiSRVATIOM §OAr$ T..<£>./V R. 3 O £ ^ Z

I DUPLICATE ^UG 8 1366 &mAy..jUMMatuaZ***UI P.- ••,--. -,t 8TATE 0? MOHTANA 'I I' ABBDNISTEATOK OI1 GBOUNDWATBR CODEI r — I Top of Ground J.76&-- • •- J B M P O f B M U W m

I /5 2<i&£ (Kiev, above Ma level <K:)<-—Notice olZCompletion of Groundwater

I * =* Appropriation by Means of Well

I ** thtJl J »(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

I - Owner dfytfpLJ^Zt/

I __ Date of Notice of Appropriation o£ Groondwater../5^t£^i.-^,,/?.^i.^« I

L fc> Sll^: Date weu gtart(>d ..QjMuJfjO Date Completed. /7?Oy..<£La I

I ~ Type of v$L.dlulIju3b: Equipment Vaei-.a^CU^oCut^ II (jo 6tSa±: (due, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or AI drilled) other) I

I _ Water Use: Domestic • Municipal Q Other • Irrigation • 1I ~ Industrial Q Drainage Q Stock | I

I °^SI Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different II T . strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. II /fo yf^ Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- II MS &^~ bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. j

I — Hnol dual Vm To ] vaamaA-rtmn I

I [* Static Water Level for non-flowing Well....a^.3(.Q feet. I

....: i :.... :..-.'; ';—- Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ^ZttK/.J^Jw^totA; I_ Juth : • : • ; ! cJ r I

—, ; — ,—;—i Pumping Water Level...« feet at fo ga!. per minute. I

_ -—;-—; : :-...,._-|-— Discharge in «al. per min. of flowing well /)&72J. yuhjMMjCL. Iw .. ' ' ' i. ' ' ! t /7 * t i * A I

; : i : : : How Teatfi.cSf.<LUJjaU. Length of Test c./WiiUJ-. I__ ....;....;....;.... (...:.....:.-:.-. I, : ; ' : Remarks-. (Oravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- I

3tf fiiJBU • , ; i ; tion of place of use of groundwatei- if not at well, and any I^^^ ..; : : ..: ' '. other similar pertinent information, indnding number of I

— ' ; • '• ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)....'.. /.ej?Z£-rr:. I

L "fc^ J*^ V4 Ofr Sec^.. T.6JV E.30.C 13K L Indicate location of well and I

place of use, if possible. Each Ismall square represents 10 acre?. I

jsLJ Show exact depth of bottom. I fi •<* I

Driller's License Niimlin, I

T)riller's Signature , I

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recoid?r Iin tlit county in which the well is located. |

Pli'Hse answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

<Jii;.'iuai to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the Sta'c Engineer; Triplii-at- in tl»- Moiitar a Iii'rcuu of IMines uud Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriutor. I


• . 1I • t LjLs. £J3. >'I nOECEIVEfiTl cnunty u d L ^ . . s t ^ ^I ' • ;i 'MSStaNA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGYI STATE ENGINEER — * " —I WATER WELL LOG

I I I ""* i /i /• —4- r J7 / H i /I j J Owner ifitwa. LA .i.M . k&6x ^ <£ 4. &A U .)... i.fT u ,

I | } X»mei..jid h ...7 Lax L£4 . Address... «S . £tf-* *- i

I ___[ ;*___ Date StaiteA.L/j.CjL.Z 1.2&H.. Date ComvX^&.^tJ-.^yJ.^^

I | ' I Location: Sec^i5/ T <£• &J? >. % sec

I Type of well ./jCA <L.(k L .. Equipment used ( KAiL%:7A~S..• (Dug. driven, bored, or drUted) (Churn drill, rotary, other)

I Water use: Domestic | I Municipal | \ Stock { ^ Irrigation | 1

I Industrial | \ Drainage \ I Other:

I Casing: /). tt. to J.A-...Q. ft. TypeJ&iLa.«u* J>-. Size k. i< .sJL*

I Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size

I Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size

I Perforated or Screened: Ft /..61. to lt.. o Zimu Ft to ft I

I Type of screen or perforations

I Static Water level, for non-flowing well: feet.

Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. In. on:(date)

Pumping water level £.0. feet at .X-JLtUiL. gal. per mln

How tested: > .rf.<» .....* .fefe«W.Zr.

Length of test £;zz>J-~<.....r*zukz.&.l~*f.

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth of shut-oft)

. .4^ (over)

'. -•Log of Well

Depth, feet I—— 1 — Description of Material Drilled

-^ ! ^ \a^u, /LJ, /

^ 1 / ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ J j . j .







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I File No. T L'A.-R 1.9. II \ ' II DUPUCATE County \i..<..L::m>.-. S...:..-.'. '" ' j


I OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER []\j r.-p £9 «63 —^ I

I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights,., . H N, F RI (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) OlnlLE.numLl-l\ I

I i £.<v*^jjl^../»j6u»*s-^^ , of. Jao/.'^Isu^ JM^i^rt^j. II (Name of Approprtator) (Address) i__ (Town) II County of . .L\ lX&x. *«t»rtnA« State of ... /xVTiriuX.A-.rfrr**. II have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as fol- II lows: I

I itf ^t IL . 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based y- i/t u I| IX.1, j j I l ! 1 JcLui*-x u.*t&u ^ . ... II j j | j j j 3. Date or approximate date of_earlieat beneficial use; and how con- II i i i i i tinuous the use has been /&fc*. .-afiUrswe-rfcurrn.». 1

I ~H i i i II w ; \ i — i i ! • II I I I I—1—!— 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inchesor gallons II i l l 1 1 1 per minute) ...J..C..SL>. yp**,&. 2?<^~^S&, I

I 1 i i "I I 1 i- >-I 1 j | i i i 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the II ' lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner II thereof !\_/. I

I v* sec^j i.L rj5 ":iiiizizii"^"iiizizzzi II Indicate point of appropriation ' II and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such .?ater from the ground and the II Each small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawal JlSL-.(l-_ II acres- 7huljxu\ &r^k vSUi*~r-S(a..-. II t § I

I 7. The date of commencement and .completion ot the construction of the well, wells, or other works for II withdrawal of groundwater Z/J.+j. JLn-f—isnA*,* I

I 8. The depth of water table ..."??-*<*• •£Ltxi*crr%jjr?»-S. 1

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specificationB of any II other works for the withdrawal of groundwater ....C SL, ., . , lp..*£*~.,....<l._*-4_4—— II •A*~*t~k~ oZ«?--o.~. /v cUya. . .«T f I

I 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year J.Z.C:.T.&mr£ .CLr.*. I

f 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ..../i#r?S.-)....-^raJ«an^s7rt_j.... I

ing reference to book and page of any county record J{. x.-c*..»_Jlw Au^ <&.*. y,» ^—'-^v^ I..,.-, L~..*^±*j~ ....£-..<L ://tX*- /• '•• J

Signature of Owner ..A.&.<ij!JLLaJ..Js>u.jLx>.ji.^i£j^c I

Date ^z.(-*-^,i..A^...£.4f-LLlj) I

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is Ilocated. I

P'ease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines Iand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I


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\ 6R0UNDWATER INDEX Page JL_of_J_ '^MSjSi^

| County ^ollftw^We. Twp. (4 U *>*• ^]_£= • ,','/'/|^;

! ————————— County j-'^f/,f(! Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No. Remarks ," I "J|*! m—— ^ i I ^——-^^.». __— - _— —— __ _ __ j -* „,

I _Q_ NA^liV^A , \AjiUftfA \M. C\KHJ 1^ Z^ , •. ;

I K yW.l^oA.. Walur^) \aJ. ^wf *-/ iw61! ^^

t T 1M t ~ • — —^——^———•—^—^-^

I ow-; \ ^0. «.,„„ „„/-- *.,

I File No ;i T fe R 31*


I r Declaration of Vested Groindwater RightsI (Under Chapter 21, Montana Session Laws, 1965)

I i. ..aiU»Bk.jU..MilwaL. , of Uusifc*r._• (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)I County of I llowatOM State of .uunfca&ri _• have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

I "2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based JJLvOSWtfUt.I I 1 I f~T rotor - _ - -

W . I 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-h | tinuous the use has Vl"rMinlTi"w"''| ""*• «w*-< ""fwly if1I 1 12 iaonth« of U-» /ear 'I W_J . , 1 ,, E •-- ' - - -- - - -I X !I —|- 1 ( 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsI | I J i I , per minute) ...3 giOloiW ji«F ;4o»»t« --

I iLtii itxn •• - • ~" - -I ^J I j 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landsI ( to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

I 3« % g^i T 6h R 31E ^^"^^f'^zzzzzzzzzzzzI Indicate point of appropriation and - —I place of use, if possible. Each small ..., . . . ^ ^ „ , . ,I square represents '0 acres. 6- Tne means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the lo-I cation of each well or other means of withdrawal.Mindaill AI «l»ctric_ jjotor

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-I drawal of groundwater. unfcQ&MX -~

I 8. The depth of water table .60..£m! -.- -.

I 9 So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherI works for the withdrawal of groundwater ir.fh t livi r. 1°'- j*'"* 'iltmlt '**"" *y **t0**111I and..eloct.rik«.Bptfflr. . : -.. _.._

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year...6ti^»iAV.^<UfiIMl

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available-._ao.t...8.Tta1.! thin

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record u,

Signature of Owner L :'.f '.f^ A. Al Ai.'l^r'. >,

Date—aui.f)'o»)r—^?r-X'»ij5. ..

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines andQuadruplicate for the Appropriator.

I' t

• 76929 > *' I

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