Offshore Development Center (ODC) Services · Offshore Development Center (ODC) Services Highly...


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Offshore Development Center (ODC) Services

Highly flexible ODC engagement models ODC services are extended to our clients using either one of following two modes as well as their various combinations tailored to fit the client’s special business needs:

China has become a highly competitive location for International Offshore Development Centers. The

continued improvement of its software engineering capabilities and the rapid increase in capacities guarantee the long-term availability of high-caliber talents at competitive price. When these factors are coupled with Hong Kong's international business practices, domain expertise, robust legal system, software design capabilities, quality and project management skills, iASPEC has successfully positioned itself as one of the pioneers of building ODCs for multinational corporations in mainland China. Since 1993, iASPEC has been operating one of the most successful ODCs in mainland China focusing on information technologies. Since 1993, iASPEC has been operating one of the most successful ODCs in mainland China focusing on IT development work. Since then, the Company has been offering ODC Services to various clients around the world. Our Zhu Hai ODC is capable of working round the clock to support clients’ needs.

Project-based, Fixed-priced,

Turnkey Program

Under this engagement model, we will work closely with

the clients in crystallizing the requirements of the software

so that a fixed-price, turnkey program can be used for the

contracted software engineering work. To this end, iASPEC

is sometimes engaged by the clients to provide consulting

services over a short period of time in the detailed business

requirement definition, systems design and other services

for the formulation of the very concrete specifications that

are typically required prior to the entering into fixed-price

contracts for turnkey software development.

It is our normal practice to assign Hong Kong based senior

professionals to interface with customers to define their

requirements and perform architecture and system design

and analysis work. Software coding and testing will be

carried out by our software engineers, also managed under

our Hong Kong based managers, at the Zhu Hai ODC .

To facilitate the transitioning of the developed software

back to clients' designated location for ongoing

maintenance and operations, we also accommodate clients'

assigned technical staff to participate in the development

work at our ODC. On-site implementation, training and on-

going software maintenance services can be provided as

and when required by our clients.


Retainer Program

Under our Retainer Program, clients can retain our Zhu

Hai ODC for various types of software engineering work.

This group of software professional staff typically reports

to our team leader who is assigned to serve a particular

client. This team leader reports directly to the client's

designated ODC Manager and to obtain assignments for

the team from this ODC Manager. Clients can treat this

group of retained staff as their offshore development

team. This gives them flexibility and efficiency in staff

deployment to meet changing business needs while

avoiding the disadvantage associated with direct hiring.

iASPEC provides standard technology infrastructure and

software development environment including hardware

and software in the ODC for the retained staff to carry

out the work required by the clients. The Company also

supports special infrastructure requirements of its clients.

Security Measures in ODC

iASPEC enforces within its ODC many security measures to protect the

intellectual property rights of the software work contracted from its

customers. Some of these security measures include:

♦ Enforcement of physical security at all entrances and exits;

♦ Round-the-clock camera surveillance of the facilities;

♦ Dedicated computer equipment for customers when required;

♦ Backup media stored in secured sites under sealed containers;

♦ Lockout of direct Internet access to all the developers in the facilities;

♦ Secure email within the UDDE environment;

♦ Pre-approved incoming and outgoing mailing lists for projects;

♦ Auditing of all email records;

♦ No removable magnetic media on the desktop equipment used by the engineers;

The ODC reviews these security measures regularly and engages independ-

ent auditors to perform security audits to identify necessary improvements.

Software Engineering Process


iASPEC requires that all the software development projects

carried out at our ODC be managed with strict adherence to

the adopted disciplines and standards of the Company. A

set of web-based software tools is used in assisting the

management of these software engineering projects. This

set of tools, commonly referred to as the Unified and

Distributed Development Environment (UDDE) provides the

following features in the management of our software

engineering processes:

♦ Collaborative engineering work with team members

scattered in dispersed locations;

♦ Role-based access to the various portions of project


♦ Centralized document library supporting version

control, check-in, checkout of documents for updates;

♦ Software version control based on CVS and

configuration management;

♦ Software function checklist and tracking;

♦ Change request management;

♦ Problem logging and assignment tracking;

♦ Project statistics collection.

In accordance to their assigned roles, customers are given

access to this UDDE system to track the progress of the

projects and to interact with the project team members

through secured connection of the Internet.

Methodologies and Processes To ensure quality of the software developed and to create project transparency to

our customers who may be located many miles away on the other side of the

world, iASPEC has adopted advanced tools and follows a set of proven,

methodology, guidelines and processes in the management of offshore


Process Management Office to define,

uphold and review standards

Each ODC maintains an independent Process

Management Office (PMO) which supports all

software engineering teams. PMO provides the

following key functions in the software engineering


• Research and define software engineering

processes and procedures for the Company;

• Map and fine-tune adopted processes and

procedures to comply with clients’ specific

requirements and standards;

• Publish documents on engineering and quality

standards and guidelines;

• Organize skills improvement training for the

engineering staff;

• Operate, standardize and enforce the use of the

UDDE tools;

• Perform QA and other regular audits on the project


• Support project tracking and enforce necessary

control procedures.

Usability, Functionality, Reliability, Performance and

Extensibility of Software

Reliability, performance and extensibility of software are the direct results

of good software designs and the adoption of robust architecture

frameworks to support such designs. iASPEC places heavy emphasis on

these factors to produce high quality software. It works closely with the

clients to have these requirement targets quantitatively defined at the very

early stage of any software engineering project.

iASPEC supports an iterative user-interface design and prototyping

approach in defining usability of the software. Functional requirement

documents of software systems written in a traditional fashion have been

proven far from adequate in defining what the customers want in their


We firmly believe that a design with full considerations given to

functionality, usability, reliability, performance and extensibility guarantees

the success of any software project.


Tel: (852) 3125-9000

ISV-11-102.01 © iASPEC. All rights reserved.

Unit 511, Lakeside 1

8 Science Park West Avenue

Hong Kong science Park

Science Park, Shatin, N.T. , Hong Kong,

Hong Kong

Offshore Development Center (ODC) Services
