OI - Odessa International.№1.февраль-март 2012 года



Odessa newspaper for foreigners.

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Education is the transmission of civilization.Ariel and Will Durant

Orcun Aksungur(Turkey)

Ask OI (see page 8 — «Leisure»)


Joerg Tomada(Germany)

Daria Mangione(Italy)

Life Education Leisure

I.I. Mechnikov ONU newspaper / February / «Odessa International» А monthly supplement of the «Odessa University» newspaper / 

Founder: Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University



Editors' address: Ukraine, Odessa, 12 Shepkina Street, Office 42,

phone number: 048 723-84-13, e-mail: news@onu.edu.ua

№ 1 29.02.2012

Preparatory Department

for ForeignersThe place where the foreign students, who come to Odessa, begin to get acquainted with the new world is Preparatory Department for Foreign citizens (PDF) of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University. It is one of the first such departments. PDF was opened in Odessa more than 20 years ago. What must a foreign student be prepared for?The best answer to this question can be given by the head of PDF, Sergey Sergeevich Fedorko, who has been in charge for the department for many years.

(read page 3«Education»)

Под го то ви тель ное от де ле ние дляино ст ран цев




A word from the editorsDear reader! You are holding the first issue of the Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University newspaper «Odessa International» (or «OI»). We, the authors and editors, have many times been foreigners abroad. Therefore, we decided to help you find your way in a new place — at the University, in Odessa, in Ukraine. «OI» is made to let you breathe freely in an unusual environment.We are convinced that the newspaper will help you find your way to success.The various rubrics of the newspaper will contain information about your rights and duties, operation and history of the University, education and culture, sports and leisure in Odessa and Ukraine, as well as the culture and traditions of other countries. February started with festive celebrations of New Year by the Chinese calendar. This is why a number of articles is dedicated to traditions and customs of Chinese people. You will also find the «Foreign Student's calendar» in the newspaper. We wish you a pleasant journey on the pages of «OI» — your friend and helper. Good luck!

Yours truly, the editors

от ре дак то ров



Odessa region as the model of Ukraine as a whole

page 2одесская область — как модель Украины

The Consul’s speech

page 3говорит консУл

The student’s calendar page 4календарь стУдента

A thesis about the cinema page 4диПлом о кино

The summerin pink page 7лето в розовом

A kind fairy-tale page 7добрая сказка



In this issueв номере

The useful concept for foreign students. Полезный формат для иностранных студентов.


Life Education Leisure

This year Odessa region will be 80 years old. Odessa region is like a model of entire Ukraine: northern, central and southern. Here you can see old wooden Ukrainian churches and ruins of antique cities, powerful walls and towers of the Middle Ages, Turkish mosques, a German Lutheran church, the most beautiful in the world Opera and Ballet House. It is impossible to get bored here because of diverse culture of the region.In Odessa region there are real natural wonders — many kilometers of sandy beaches, salt lakes — estuaries, oak forests and part of the delta of one of the largest European rivers — the Danube. And if you live in Odessa, it would be easy to get acquainted with this beautiful Ukrainian region on the Black Sea in a few months. And we will show you its most interesting places.

Odessa regionOur region is the biggest in the territory of 27 main administrative­units­of­Ukraine.­From­the­extreme­Western­to­the­extreme­Eastern­point­of­region­there­are­500­km.­Many­European­states­are­smaller­than­Odessa­region­—­for­example,­Belgium,­Albania­and­Montenegro.­It­is­home­to­2.5­million­citizens­of­Ukraine­and­a­few­thousand­foreigners.­The­birthday­of­our­region­is­February­27,­1932.

территория кнр в одессеСо­глас­но­меж­ду­на­род­но­му­пра­ву,­тер­ри­то­рия­по­сольств­и­кон­сульств­по­ста­ту­су­при­рав­ни­ва­ет­ся­к­го­су­дар­ст­вен­ной­тер­ри­то­рии.­Пе­ре­се­кая­гра­ни­цу­дип­ло­ма­ти­че­с­ко­го­пред­ста­ви­тель­ст­ва,­вы­как­буд­то­по­па­да­е­те­в­дру­гую­стра­ну.­Ге­не­раль­ное­кон­суль­ст­во­КНР­раз­ме­ща­ет­ся­в­зда­нии­—­па­мят­ни­ке­ар­хи­тек­ту­ры­в­пе­ре­ул­ке­На­хи­мо­ва.­Гос­по­жа­ге­не­раль­ный­кон­сул­У­Ся­о­ин­уже­чет­вер­тый­год­за­ни­ма­ет­свой­пост.­На­про­тя­же­нии­поч­ти­все­го­это­го­сро­ка­она­за­ни­ма­лась­ор­га­ни­за­ци­ей­ре­мон­та­зда­ния,­ко­то­рое­в­2008­г.­на­хо­ди­лось­в­по­лу­раз­ру­шен­ном­со­сто­я­нии.­В­ка­че­ст­ве­ра­бо­чих­и­ма­с­те­ров­для­ре­монт­ных­ра­бот­бы­ли­при­гла­ше­ны­луч­шие­спе­ци­а­ли­с­ты­из­Ки­тая.­«При­ят­ные­ус­ло­вия­для­ра­бо­ты­дип­ло­ма­тов­—­за­лог­ус­пе­ха­их­де­я­тель­но­с­ти.­По­дол­гу­служ­бы,­я­за­ня­лась­ре­мон­том­—­и­мно­го­му­на­учи­лась­за­эти­па­ру­лет,­—­с­улыб­кой­ут­верж­да­ет­гос­по­жа­У.­—­Те­перь­я­мо­гу­ска­зать­—­мы­до­би­лись­то­го,­че­го­хо­те­ли».­

(ин­тер­вью­с­Ге­не­раль­ным­кон­су­лом­ на­стр.­2­—­«Life»)

PRC territory in OdessaAccording to international law, the land on which embassies and consulates stand is considered the territory of the owner-state. Therefore, when one crosses the border of a diplomatic mission, he or she enters a different country. The Odessa Consulate General of P. R. China is located in a monument of architecture on Nakhimov lane. It has been four years since Mrs. U Syaoin started serving as consul general. For almost all of this term she has been trying to organize renovations of the building. It was in a half-ruined state in 2008. The best specialists from China have been invited to carry out constructions and renovations. «Pleasant working conditions for diplomats guarantee success in their endeavors. I was obliged to start repairs and learned a lot in these few years — says Mrs. U with a smile. — Now I can say that we have achieved what we wanted».



одесская областьНа­ша­Об­лаСть­—­Са­мая­бОль­шая­пО­тер­ри­тО­рии­из­27-ми­глав­Ных­ад­ми­Ни­С­т­ра­тив­Ных­еди­Ниц­Ук­ра­и­Ны.­От­край­Ней­за­пад­НОй­дО­край­Ней­Се­вер­НОй­тОч­ки­Об­ла­С­ти­—­500­ки­лО­ме­т­рОв.­мНО­гие­ев­рО-пей­Ские­гО­СУ­дар­Ст­ва­меНь­ше­ОдеС­СкОй­Об­ла­С­ти­—­На­при­мер­бель-гия,­ал­ба­Ния­или­чер­НО­гО­рия.­здеСь­жи­вет­2,5­мил­ли­О­На­граж­даН­Ук­ра­и­Ны­и­Не­СкОль­кО­ты­Сяч­иНО­Ст­раН­цев.­деНь­рОж­де­Ния­На­ше­гО­ре­ги­О­На­—­27­фе­в­ра­ля­1932­гО­да.­






«Odessa International» («OI») / № 1 / 29.02.2012 2

InTRODUCTIOn / предстАвляем

Life Education Leisure

Our newspaper is young and it is made for foreigners that live in Odessa. The first issues will definitely get to all of the foreign students at ONU. 149 of them are from China. And how many young men and women from China are studying in our city? Is there a connection between Chinese nationals in Odessa and the consulate?At this time approximately 1200 Chinese students are obtaining education in Odessa. Our consulate is a diplomatic representation of PRC on the territory of

seven southern regions of Ukraine (Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhie, Kherson, Mykolaiev, Kirovohrad, Odessa) and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. We have a 24/7 hotline, which accepts addresses from Chinese citizens in issues of consulate documentation and security; it also helps to resolve disputes with Ukrainian organizations and institutions.The Chinese language is the language of the future. It is spoken by every fourth person in the world now. How complicated is it? How and where in Odessa can we learn it? There is no center for studying the Chinese language and culture in Odessa today; however we are working on organizing one. Chinese is not only one of the most widespread languages in the world, but also one of the hardest for learning. Chinese is the language of philosophy, the language with five thousand years of unique history. But you are right — the interest to learning Chinese is an increasing worldwide tendency today. For example, 60 000 students from the US are now studying in PRC, and the government of this country is going to increase this amount by 40%. Many Europeans live in China now and

they were able to master the language. By the way, a Ukrainian anchor woman is working on our television. Moreover, a Ukrainian businessman was able to learn Chinese so well in just 4 years that he was able to confidently participate in a competition «Find the bride» on one of our central TV channels.Do Chinese people readily travel to Odessa?Odessa is the sea gate of Ukraine, a multinational city with traditions of tolerance to foreigners. It is also an important cultural and educational center. This is why your city is very appealing to us in many ways, in particular in terms of tourism. For the time being Western Europe is a more traditional touristic destination for Chinese people. However, in the case of an alleviation of the visa regime, elevation of the level of security, improvement of the infrastructure and upturn in the quality of service in Ukraine Odessa, surely, may become a more popular tourism center among us.What do Chinese think about international marriages?Thirty five years ago fundamental changes started in China. Deng Xiaoping announced the policy of openness. Since that time PRC achieved great success. It is the first country in the world in rating of the fastest economic development, and its economic potential places it second in such rating. The psychology among Chinese people changed as they became less conservative. Students that are studying in Ukraine are members of this group, and they are in the perfect age to establish families. It is not surprising that they find soul mates here. If they love each other — we support and acclaim such a union.My friend is a doctor at the maternity hospital and he states that for each one child born that is a Ukrainian national, four children are nationals of China. Do you have statistics about

how many Chinese people live in Odessa now? According to data from 2001 there were 400 people, but it is very much possible that this number rose in the past 10 years…I think your friend is exaggerating. Unfortunately, the tendency of the past years in demographics is such that we have to talk about depopulation in large cities. Now even the cancellation of prohibition of having more than one child to a family does not improve the situation — city dwellers are occupied with their carriers, they are constantly stressed out, so they choose to have one child. When it comes to Chinese people in Odessa — they are for the most part traders. They do not stay in one place for long. Today they are in Ukraine, tomorrow in Bulgaria, then Greece. Moreover, the consulate does not deal with registration — only those Chinese citizens that have problems turn to us. That is why I'm afraid I don't have that kind of statistics…Are days or weeks of China in Ukraine (in Odessa) planned? Should we expect visits of the Chinese opera, scientists, figures of culture and art?Of course, this year we are going to organize tours of Chinese creative groups in Odessa, in particular, ones from Czindao — the sister town of your city. As far as I know, Chinese students that study here organize concerts, creative nights and theater performances with their own efforts. I also enjoy visiting local theaters and the philharmonics, and so do many Chinese guests in Odessa. I am strongly convinced that culture is a strong foundation of friendly relations.Thank you for your attention and your responses. We hope that our newspaper will become a uniting link between you and our readers. All the best!


by Volodymyr Poltorak


A Firm foundationof friendly relations







In­the­very­center­of­Odessa,­near­the­Shevchenko­Park and the sea port, the consulate general of the People's Republic of China, one of the leading world countries,­is­situated.­The­consul­general­Mrs.­U­Syaoin kindly agreed to answer several questions, which are interesting to our readers…

Прочный фундаментдружеских отношенийв­Са­мОм­цеН­т­ре­ОдеС­Сы,­Не­пО­да­ле­кУ­От­пар­ка­шев­чеН­кО­и­мОр-СкО­гО­пОр­та,­раз­ме­С­ти­лОСь­ге­Не­раль­НОе­кОН­СУль­Ст­вО­ки­тай­СкОй­На­рОд­НОй­ре­С­пУб­ли­ки­—­Од­НОй­из­ве­дУ­щих­СтраН­ми­ра.­ге­Не­раль-Ный­кОН­СУл­гОС­пО­жа­У­Ся­О­иН­­лю­без­НО­СО­гла­Си­лаСь­От­ве­тить­На­Не­СкОль­кО­иН­те­ре­СУ­ю­щих­На­ших­чи­та­те­лей­вО­прО­СОв…

THe COnSUl’S SPeeCH / говорит консул

«Odessa International» («OI») / № 1 / 29.02.2012 3

Life Education Leisure

The­2nd­term­of­this­year­started earlier than usual — in mid-January, almost all institutions and departments have opened doors for students2­й­се­местр­в­этом­го­ду­на­чал­ся­рань­ше,­чем­обыч­но­—­в­се­ре­ди­не­ян­ва­ря­поч­ти­все­ин­сти­ту­ты­­и­фа­куль­те­ты­от­кры­ли­две­ри­­для­сту­ден­тов

14 – St. Valentine's Day — the day of people who are in love. You can give your beloved a postcard with the declaration of love.




– Day of Motherland Defender. Usually, women congratulate men, and some even give gifts




– is the deadline for PDF students to pay the contract for studies in the second term of 2011/2012 academic year Graduates!By March 1, you have to submit a copy of your passport to the dean's office of Institute of International Education (Mayakovsky lane, 7)



February/ Фе­в­раль


– the deadline for registration of foreign students to a place of residence in Odessa (this refers to those who register every six months)




8 – a day off,

International Women's Day. Men give women flowers and other gifts, and women relax and have fun.In this month you have to defend your term project. The deadline for submission of graduate theses for the students of the fourth and fifth (sixth) year is approaching.



– day of the vernal equinox. Iranian and Turkic peoples celebrate Nowruz — New Year




1 – Odessa celebrates

April Fool's Day. In the center of the city the carnival, which involves of a lot of cheerful people, takes place.



– holidays in honor of Easter – the main Christian Orthodox celebration (the Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ)




1 and 2 – holidays to

celebrate Labour Day 1­­и­2­–­вы­ход­ные­­дни­в­честь­Пра­зд­ни­ка­­Тру­да

9 – the day off

to celebrate the anniversary of Victory over Germany in 1945


19 – Day of Science. 19­



– the end of the 2nd term of this academic year. By this day the session will be over, all examinations and tests must be passed. This day the holidays begin, so the payment for accommodation in the hostel becomes higher.



Student's calendar /­Ка­леН­Дарь­СтУ­ДеН­та

Compiled by Vladymyr PoltorakСоставил­Владимир­Полторак







It was possible to prepare my diploma in Italy, but I decided to come to Ukraine, to Odessa. I read many books and saw movies about this city. I have been studying Russian for 6 years now and I like it a lot. I understood that Odessa is a must-see place! There is a movie studio here, so I will be able to gather more material for my thesis.The history of cinematograph is a special thesis topic. This is why I am studying with the general majority of students. My progress with the thesis is monitored by two scientists with PhDs in History. They are really helping me and the method is similar in Italy, in Bologna University.

I chose this special thesis topic because I attended a conference on the memory of Stalinism during my first year of the Master's degree, 1.5 years ago. I was very impressed by the events of those times and how many people were hurt then. After the conference I decided to study this topic through the prism of cinematograph. I don't know which career to develop: to find a job according to my major? There is also a possibility to further my academic career in the history of cinema. It would be great to follow my dream­—­to go to a movie school and to learn how to make movies. I like art. But it is probably just going to remain a dream. I am obliged to work and make money after finishing education. It is an international problem that all students face.




Written by Semen Postolov

сле дуй за меч той

Follow your dreamI­am­here­to­write­my­Master's­thesis.­Its­topic­is­Stalinism­in­cinematograph.­In­particular, it is about the personality cult and repressions in the history of cinema — from the thirties to the forties of­the­XX­century.­

In FIRST PeRSOn / от пер во го ли цА


всем, кто влюблен в италию! кУрсы итальянского языкацентр­им.­джузеппе­гарибальди:

•­­­­­Удобное­вечернее­время;•­­­­­Современные­методики;•­­­­­Программа­изучения­языка­из­пяти­уровней­сложности;•­­­­­Культурные­события­на­языке­обучения;•­­­­­Сертификат­об­успешном­окончании­курсов;Центр­им.­Джузеппе­Гарибальди­при­ОНУ­им.­Мечниковател.: 731-78-95; 093 4549066, 093 30067970

«Odessa International» («OI») / № 1 / 29.02.2012 4

— Sergey Sergeevich! A journey to another country can be compared with a flight to another planet. In this case You, as the Dean of Preparatory department, are the director of Space preparation centre. What do your foreign university entrants need to be prepared for?— We have a more difficult task than a space preparation centre. We prepare our «astronauts» for life and activity on «another planet» already at the moment of their living on this very «planet». To be serious, our aim is to provide high-quality preparation of foreigners for studying a chosen specialty at our university or other higher institutions of Ukraine. We do everything that is necessary for their productive studies and comfortable living. We take care of health, rest and safety of our students. The entire personnel of our university from the rector to attendants take part in this work: teachers and employees, workers of hostels and students' cafes, heads of sport sections, centre of students' leisure, personnel of first-aid posts. At PDF, students are taught

mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, study of the country, literature, drawing, information technology and other disciplines. Further studies are first of all knowledge of the language of teaching. That is why great attention and a large number of academic hours are given to Ukrainian and Russian languages. We also teach students history and culture of Ukrainian people, try to cultivate international friendliness.— Sergey Sergeevich, which qualities do you and your colleagues need to work successively at preparatory department?— Mainly the same as any other higher school teacher: professionalism, responsibility, initiative, humanity… But as PDF students are yesterday's pupils, so our teachers must also be parents, educators and, if you want, nannies. For instance, our students who came from Africa, seeing the snow falling down behind the window, ask the teacher: «Does it hit your head painfully?» And the teacher has to explain not only physical properties of snow, not only instruct students how to dress in the

winter time, but also, like a caring mother, make sure that the students wore clothes in accordance with the weather.







Life Education Leisure

—­ вик­тор­алек­се­е­вич,­для­че­го­ино­ст-ран­ным­сту­ден­там­изу­чать­чер­че­ние­и­ге­о­гра­фию?­Без­чер­че­ния,­в­ча­ст­но­с­ти,­не­воз­мож­но­пол­но­цен­ное­ин­же­нер­ное­об­ра­зо­ва­ние.­Поль­Ди­рак,­ос­но­ва­тель­кван­то­вой­фи­зи­ки,­пи­сал,­что­без­ус­во­ен­но­го­им­кур­са­чер­че­ния­и­пред­став­ле­ния­о­про­ек­ции­он­не­смог­бы­ни­че­го­до­стичь­в­на­уке.­Круп­ней­шие­би­о­ло­ги­и­со­ци­о­ло­ги­ХХ­ве­ка­на­ста­и­ва­ли­на­сбли­же­нии­тех­ни­че­с­ко­го­и­клас­си­че­с­ко­го­об­ра­зо­ва­ния.­В­кур­се­чер­че­ния­сту­ден­ты­учат­ся­пред­став­лять­про­сто­слож­ные­фор­мы,­по­сти­га­ют­кра­со­ту­обы­ден­но­го.­А­ге­о­гра­фия­—­об­ласть­не­ис­чер­па­е­мая.­Ге­о­гра­фия­да­ет­про­ст­ран­ст­вен­ное­пред­став­ле­ние­о­лю­бом­объ­ек­те.­сту­ден­ты­по­лу­ча­ют­зна­ния­по­по­ли­ти­че­с­кой­ге­о­гра­фии,­о­ме­с­те­Ук­ра­и­ны­в­со­вре­мен­ном­ми­ре,­ее­свя­зях­с­дру­ги­ми­стра­на­ми.­—­как­про­хо­дит­обу­че­ние?—­ По­нор­мам­кре­дит­но­мо­дуль­ной­си­с­те­мы:­лек­ции,­прак­ти­че­с­кие­и­ла­бо­ра­тор­ные­за­ня­тия,­се­ми­на­ры,­са­мо­сто­я­тель­ная­ра­бо­та­сту­ден­та­над­ре­фе­ра­та­ми­и­до­кла­да­ми,­по­том­кон­троль.­Кур­сы­обыч­но­со­сто­ят­из­4­мо­ду­лей.­Три­мо­ду­ля­сту­ден­ты­сда­ют­пись­мен­но­—­в­те­с­то­вой­фор­ме.­Один­—­уст­но,­ког­да­при­об­ре­тут­язы­ко­вые­на­вы­ки.­Ито­го­вая­оцен­ка­—­это­сум­ма­

оце­нок­за­мо­ду­ли.­Ко­ли­че­ст­во­мо­ду­лей­за­ви­сит­от­на­прав­ле­ния­даль­ней­ше­го­обу­че­ния.­У­нас­ве­дёт­ся­под­го­тов­ка­по­та­ким­спе­ци­аль­но­с­тям:­гу­ма­ни­тар­ные,­ин­же­нер­но­тех­ни­че­с­кие,­со­ци­аль­но­эко­но­ми­че­с­кие,­ес­те­ст­вен­но­на­уч­ные,­ох­ра­на­жиз­ни­и­здо­ро­вья.—­ ког­да­на­чи­на­ют­ся­и­за­кан­чи­ва­ют­ся­учеб­ные­се­ме­с­т­ры?—­ В­на­ших­ре­а­ли­ях­се­ме­с­т­ры­на­чи­на­ют­ся­по­ме­ре­при­ез­да­сту­ден­тов.­За­год­сту­дент­дол­жен­по­се­тить­1332­ча­са­за­ня­тий­(од­но­за­ня­тие­про­дол­жа­ет­ся­2­ча­са).­Ес­ли­сту­дент­при­ез­жа­ет­1­сен­тя­б­ря,­то­учеб­ный­год­про­дол­жа­ет­ся­37­не­дель.­До­4­ию­ля­с­вы­че­том­вре­ме­ни­ка­ни­кул.­Ес­ли­по­ка­ким­ли­бо­при­чи­нам­он­при­сту­па­ет­к­за­ня­ти­ям­поз­же,­то­ко­ли­че­ст­во­ча­сов­не­ме­ня­ет­ся,­но­зна­чи­тель­но­воз­ра­с­та­ет­учеб­ная­на­груз­ка.­Пер­вый­(зим­ний)­се­местр­на­чи­на­ет­ся­1­сен­тя­б­ря,­а­за­кан­чи­ва­ет­ся­в­ян­ва­ре–фе­в­ра­ле,­вто­рой­(лет­ний)­на­чи­на­ет­ся­в­ян­ва­ре–фе­в­ра­ле­и­за­кан­чи­ва­ет­ся­в­ию­не.­В­2012­учеб­ный­год­за­кон­чит­ся­в­мае.­Ино­гда­груп­пы­за­кан­чи­ва­ют­в­ав­гу­с­те.­По­окон­ча­нии­кур­сов­сту­ден­ты­по­лу­ча­ют­сви­де­тель­ст­во­или­дип­лом­об­окон­ча­нии­ПОИ­ОНУ­име­ни­И.­И.­Меч­ни­ко­ва.



как про хо дит обу че ние?—­ Сер­гей­Сер­ге­е­вич!­пу­те­ше­ст­вие­в­дру-гую­стра­ну­мож­но­срав­нить­с­по­лё­том­на­дру­гую­пла­не­ту.­в­та­ком­слу­чае­вы,­как­де­кан­под­го­то­ви­тель­но­го­от­де­ле­ния,­яв-ля­е­тесь­ди­рек­то­ром­цен­т­ра­ко­с­ми­че­с­кой­под­го­тов­ки.­к­че­му­нуж­но­под­го­то­вить­ва­ших­аби­ту­ри­ен­тов-ино­ст­ран­цев?У­нас­бо­лее­слож­ная­за­да­ча,­чем­у­Цен­т­ра­ко­с­ми­че­с­кой­под­го­тов­ки.­Мы­го­то­вим­на­ших­«ас­тро­нав­тов»­к­жиз­ни­и­де­я­тель­но­с­ти­«на­дру­гой­пла­не­те»­уже­в­мо­мент­их­пре­бы­ва­ния­на­са­мой­этой­«пла­не­те».­А­ес­ли­се­рь­ез­но,­то­на­ша­цель­—­обес­пе­чить­ка­че­ст­вен­ную­под­го­тов­ку­ино­ст­ран­цев­для­обу­че­ния­из­бран­ной­спе­ци­аль­но­с­ти­в­на­шем­уни­вер­си­те­те­или­дру­гих­ву­зах­Ук­ра­и­ны.­Мы­де­ла­ем­все­не­об­хо­ди­мое­для­их­про­дук­тив­ной­учё­бы­и­ком­форт­но­го­пре­бы­ва­ния.­За­бо­тим­ся­о­здо­ро­вье,­от­ды­хе­и­бе­зо­пас­но­с­ти­на­ших­сту­ден­тов.­В­этом­уча­ст­ву­ет­весь­кол­лек­тив­уни­вер­си­те­та­от­рек­то­ра­до­вах­те­ров:­пре­по­да­ва­те­ли­и­со­труд­ни­ки,­ра­бот­ни­ки­об­ще­жи­тий­и­сту­ден­че­с­ких­ка­фе,­ру­ко­во­ди­те­ли­спор­тив­ных­сек­ций,­Цен­т­ра­сту­ден­че­с­ко­го­до­су­га,­со­труд­ни­ки­мед­пунк­тов.­На­ПОИ­сту­ден­там­пре­по­да­ют­ма­те­ма­ти­ку,­фи­зи­ку,­хи­мию,­би­о­ло­гию,­ис­то­рию,­ге­о­гра­фию,­стра­но­ве­де­ние,­ли­те­ра­ту­ру,­чер­че­ние,­ин­фор­ма­ти­ку­и­дру­гие­дис­цип­ли­ны.­Даль­ней­шая­учё­ба­это,­преж­де­все­го,­




все, чтоне об хо ди мо сту ден ту

MeeT A TeACHeR / ЗнА ком тесь — пре по дА вА тель

— Viktor Alekseevich, what do foreign students need to study drawing and geography for?— Without drawing, in particular, a complete engineering education is impossible. Paul Dirak, founder of quantum physics, wrote that without a course of drawing and a notion about projection, which he learned, he would not have been able to achieve anything in science.The greatest biologists and sociologists of the XX century insisted on convergence of technical and classical education. In the course of drawing students learn to represent complex forms in a simple way, to perceive the beauty of ordinary things.Geography is an inexhaustible area. Geography gives spatial idea about any object, students obtain knowledge on political geography, place of Ukraine in the modern world, its connection with other countries. — How does teaching take place?— According to the norms of credit and module system: lectures, practical and laboratory classes, seminars, independent work of students on projects and reports,

further control. A course usually consists of 4 modules. Students pass three modules in written form as tests, and one — in the oral form, when they acquire language skills. Final mark is the sum of marks for modules. Number of modules depends on the field of further education. We prepare students in the following specialties: humanities, engineering and technologies, socium and economics, natural sciences, life and health protection.— When do academic terms start and finish?— In our reality terms start as the students arrive. During a year a student has to attend 1332 academic hours (one class lasts 2 hours). If a student comes on September 1, the academic year lasts 37 weeks, until July 4, subtracting time of holidays). If, because of any reasons, a student starts attending lessons later, the number of academic hours is not changed, but academic loading increases sufficiently. The first, or winter term starts on September 1, and finishes in January-February, the second, or summer term, starts in January-

February and finishes in June. In 2012, the academic year will end in May. Sometimes groups finish their studies in August. After finishing the course students get Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University PDF certificate or diploma.


Vladimir Nemertsalov








everything thata student needs

How teachingtakes place?


Beginning on page 1. We're introducingThe Preparation Department forForeigners of the I.I. Mechnikov ONU


Address and telephones of PDF:poi@onu.edu.ua048 731-70-857 Mayakovskogo Street, office 7


«Odessa International» («OI») / № 1 / 29.02.2012 5

Life Education Leisure

PReSS-ReleASe / пресс-релиЗ

IIe highlights:Indispensable conditions for prolongation of permission for temporary residence in Ukraine for foreign students of ONU are:– successfully completed term examinations– fully paid tuition fee– all required documents (updated list to be published) must be submitted to IIE not later that 3 working days before the end of residence period.

имо об ра ща ет вни ма ние: Обя­за­тель­ны­ми­ус­ло­ви­я­ми­для­про­дле­ния­сро­ка­пре­бы­ва­ния­в­Ук­ра­и­не­ино­ст­ран­цам,­обу­ча­ю­щим­ся­в­ОНУ­име­ни­И.И.­Меч­ни­ко­ва­яв­ля­ют­ся:–­ ус­пеш­ная­сда­ча­сес­сии­–­ сво­е­вре­мен­ная­оп­ла­та­за­обу­че­ние–­ пре­до­став­ле­ние­в­центр­па­с­порт­но­ви­зо­вой­под­держ­ки­ИМО­не­об­хо­ди­мых­до­ку­мен­тов­(пол­ный­пе­ре­чень­бу­дет­опуб­ли­ко­ван­в­сле­ду­ю­щем­но­ме­ре)­не­по­зд­нее­трех­ра­бо­чих­дней­до­ис­те­че­ния­сро­ка­ре­ги­с­т­ра­ции.





lOOk! / смотри!

Dear readers of the «Odessa International»!I welcome you on the pages of the first newspaper for foreign students in Odessa. Here you will find useful information about work, education and comfortable leisure time in our beautiful city. The Odessa University has 171 cooperation agreements with universities on five continents. Its powerful scientific basis, classic traditions of higher education and innovational achievements of our lecturers draw new friends from abroad to study at ONU. The high international status of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University is reinforced by multiple prestigious international conferences, which are frequently hosted here. Over a dozen lecturers from leading European universities are teaching within the 90 Departments at 12 Institutes and Faculties of ONU. Every year over one hundred foreigners are training at the University. 313 students from 31 countries are studying at the Institute of International Education and Preparatory Department for foreign students, along with you, dear readers. I am sure that a terrific future is ahead all of you. Education at ONU already helped numerous people in achieving the goals of their life, including scientists from the USA, France, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Lithuania, Minister of the Chemical Industry of Vietnam, members of the PRC government, culture and art personality of Bulgaria, Italy, Russia. Many of the

foreign graduates recommend the University to their children and grandchildren. I wish you great success, mutual understanding and many pleasant moments with the «Odessa International»!

Rector of the







Chinese students are having training in OdessaFor­the­first­time­this­year Ukraine is accepting chinese traineesThey came to Odessa for one year. This program is only offered by three Ukrainian universities, including the I.I. Mechnikov Odessa National University. Students come for internships under governmental placement and receive scholarships from PRC. They live in dormitories. Trainees study the Russian and Ukrainian languages and literature. This year two groups of students came to Odessa — one in November and one in December. They introduce the history and traditions of China to our readers.

(read about this on page 8 ­«Leisure»)

китайские стУденты стажирУются в одессевпервые­в­этОм­гОдУ­УкраиНа­приНимает­китайСких­СтажерОв.



до ро гие чи та те ли«Odessa International»!При­вет­ст­вую­вас­на­стра­ни­цах­пер­вой­га­зе­ты­для­ино­ст­ран­ных­сту­ден­тов­в­Одес­се.­На­этих­по­ло­сах­вы­най­де­те­по­лез­ную­ин­фор­ма­цию­для­уче­бы,­ра­бо­ты­и­ком­форт­но­го­от­ды­ха­в­на­шем­пре­крас­ном­го­ро­де.Одес­ский­уни­вер­си­тет­им.­И.И.­Мечникова­со­труд­ни­ча­ет­по­171­до­го­во­ру­с­ву­за­ми­пя­ти­кон­ти­нен­тов.­Мощ­ная­на­уч­ная­ба­за,­клас­си­че­с­кие­тра­ди­ции­выс­ше­го­об­ра­зо­ва­ния,­ин­но­ва­ци­он­ные­до­сти­же­ния­на­ших­пре­по­да­ва­те­лей­при­вле­ка­ют­к­нам­но­вых­дру­зей­из­за­ру­бе­жа.­Вы­со­кий­меж­ду­на­род­ный­ста­тус­ОНУ­под­тверж­да­ет­ся­про­ве­де­ни­ем­на­ба­зе­уни­вер­си­те­та­мно­гих­пре­стиж­ных­кон­фе­рен­ций.­На­90­а­ка­фе­д­рах­12­фа­куль­те­тов­и­ин­сти­ту­тов­ОНУ­пре­по­да­ют­бо­лее­де­сят­ка­пе­да­го­гов­из­ве­ду­щих­уни­вер­си­те­тов­Ев­ро­пы.­Еже­год­но­в­уни­вер­си­те­те­про­хо­дят­ста­жи­ров­ку­до­сот­ни­ино­ст­ран­ных­граж­дан.Ря­дом­с­ва­ми,­ува­жа­е­мые­чи­та­те­ли,­учат­ся­на­Под­го­то­ви­тель­ном­от­де­ле­нии­для­ино­ст­ран­цев­и­в­Ин­сти­ту­те­меж­ду­на­род­но­го­об­ра­зо­ва­ния­ОНУ­313­сту­ден­тов­из­31­стра­ны­ми­ра.­Уве­рен­—­их­ждет­пре­крас­ное­бу­ду­щее.­Уни­вер­си­тет­ское­об­ра­зо­ва­ние­уже­по­мог­ло­до­стичь­вер­шин­в­на­уке­уче­ным­США,­Фран­ции,­Бол­га­рии,­Сер­бии,­Поль­ши,­Лит­вы,­ми­ни­с­т­ру­хи­ми­че­с­кой­про­мы­ш­лен­но­с­ти­Вьет­на­ма,­чле­нам­пра­ви­тель­ст­ва­КНР,­де­я­те­лям­куль­ту­ры­и­ис­кусств­Бол­га­рии,­Ита­лии,­Рос­сии.­Мно­гие­из­вы­пу­ск­ни­ков­ино­ст­ран­цев­при­гла­ша­ют­в­уни­вер­си­тет­сво­их­де­тей­и­вну­ков.Же­лаю­вам­ус­пе­хов,­вза­и­мо­по­ни­ма­ния­и­мно­гих­при­ят­ных­ми­нут­с­«Odessa­International»!­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Рек­тор­профессор­Игорь­Коваль

IIeInstitute of International Education (IIE) of Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov Unviersity coordinates training of foreigners in frames of Baccalaureate, Specialists, Masters of Arts, PhD and Doctoral programs and manages students' mobility in frames of Bologna process. IIE is responsible for:–­­recruitment and management of educational service for foreigners coming to ONU for diploma/degree studies or on the base of learning agreements;–­­organization of state attestation of foreign students, validation and apostille of diplomas awarded by ONU;–­­documental support of foreign students studies in ONU, control for progress in their studies and quality assurance;–­­studies of Russian and/or Ukrainian language;–­­visa support, confirmation of legal status of foreign students in Ukraine–­­management of foreign students' accommodation in the University hostels

Address:Odessa, 65026Mayakovskogo lane, 7, office 5phone: +38-048-723-84-77fax: +38-048-734-80-15web-site: http://imo.onu.edu.uae-mail: interstud@onu.edu.uaDirector­of­IIE­—­Dr.Sci­in­History,­Prof.­Olena­Smyntyna

«Odessa International» («OI») / № 1 / 29.02.2012 6

kInD FAIRY-TAle / добрАя скАЗкА

ASk «OI» / CпрА ши вАй те у «OI»

Life Education Leisure

Fairy tale about monthsFebruary­is­the­last­month­of­the­winter­in­the­Northern Hemisphere and the last month of the summer­in­the­Southern.­The­name­February­was­given­by­the­Romans.­In­their­old­calendar­it­was­the­last­month­of­the­year.­Time­to­take­stock.­The­Slavs­called­this­month­in­different­ways:­fierce,­snow,­chopper,­border.­But­it­was­considered­to­be­the­time­when­winter­meets­spring.­This­is­what­a fairy tale is about — an old Ukrainian fairy tale about­months­in­a­new­way.­Once brothers-months April and February met on a New Year's Eve. They met and got acquainted. Before that, March had always stood between them, but that time he was late. February invited April to visit him. He said: «Come to me, brother, I'll be glad to see you!» April waited until February took power over the world, and set off. He travelled in an old-fashioned way on the cart. The weather was dry and warm, so April was going fast. But hardly had he made a third of the way as the mood of February changed: it started raining, the road became impassable and the cart got stuck in the mud. It was impossible to go farther. April was upset, he went home and started to wait for the new year to try a visit again. The next year April decided to go on a sleigh. February was cold and snowy. Forests and fields were laying quietly under the thick snow. Birds were freezing in silence. He traveled half of the way — but February felt sorry for birds and melted. Streams and rivers flowed and everything was flooded by the melt water. The sleigh sank. April was very disappointed and went home to wait until the next year. A year later, in the February thaw, he hit the road again, on a boat. But he failed to get to his destination by boat too. February all of a sudden froze the water. And the boat was blocked by the ice. And again April came back home. He began to think: what should I do? How do I get to my brother's place? And in the fourth year he found the way. Have you guessed? He got well prepared for the trip: left his home on a cart and loaded the boat and the sledge on it. When it started to snow, April moved to the sledge, and put the boat and the cart on it. And when the snow melted and streams flowed, the boat proved useful: the sledge and the cart and the horse managed to fit in it in a miraculous way. When April finally came to February, February was very happy. It turned out that he had forgotten that he asked his brother to visit him. But, for April to stay longer, he asked the Sun for one more day. The Sun agreed, and since then every four years, it gives February one more day so that April could stay with him to his heart content. These years are called leap years. And people say: «February will both heat you with the warmth and hit with the cold.»

Storyteller from Odessa

сказ ка про ме ся цыфе­в­раль­—­пО­След­Ний­ме­Сяц­зи­мы­в­Се­вер­НОм­пО­лУ­ша­рии­и­пО-След­Ний­ме­Сяц­ле­та­в­юж­НОм.­имя­фе­в­ра­лю­да­ли­рим­ля­Не.­в­их­Ста­рОм­ка­леН­да­ре­этО­был­пО­След­Ний­ме­Сяц­гО­да.­вре­мя­пОд­ве-де­Ния­итО­гОв.­Сла­вя­Не­На­зы­ва­ли­этОт­ме­Сяц­пО-раз­НО­мУ:­лю­тый,­СНе­жеНь,­Се­чеНь,­ме­жеНь.­НО­ОН­же­Счи­тал­Ся­вре­ме­Нем­вСтре­чи­зи­мы­и­веС­Ны.­Об­этОм­­—­Ста­рая­Ук­ра­иН­Ская­Сказ­ка­прО­ме­Ся­цы­На­НО­вый­лад.Как­то­раз­встре­ти­лись­под­но­вый­год­бра­тья­ме­ся­цы­Ап­рель­и­Фе­в­раль.­Встре­ти­лись­и­по­зна­ко­ми­лись.­Рань­ше­меж­ду­ни­ми­все­гда­Март­сто­ял,­а­тут­он­опоз­дал.­Фе­в­раль­при­гла­сил­Ап­рель­к­се­бе­в­гос­ти.­Го­во­рит:­«При­ез­жай,­брат,­бу­ду­те­бе­рад!»­Ап­рель­дож­дал­ся­вла­с­ти­Фе­в­ра­ля­над­ми­ром,­и­по­ехал.­По­ехал­по­ста­рин­ке­—­на­те­ле­ге.­По­го­да­бы­ла­су­хая­и­тёп­лая,­так­что­ехал­Ап­рель­бы­с­т­ро.­Но­не­ус­пел­про­ехать­и­треть­пу­ти,­как­на­ст­ро­е­ние­Фе­в­ра­ля­из­ме­ни­лось:­по­шёл­дождь,­до­ро­гу­раз­вез­ло,­и­те­ле­га­за­ст­ря­ла­в­гря­зи.­Ехать­даль­ше­бы­ло­не­воз­мож­но.­Ап­рель­огор­чил­ся,­вер­нул­ся­до­мой­и­стал­ждать­но­во­го­го­да,­что­бы­опять­по­ехать­в­гос­ти.­На­дру­гой­год­Ап­рель­ре­шил­ехать­на­са­нях.­Фе­в­раль­был­хо­лод­ный­и­снеж­ный.­Ле­са­и­по­ля­ле­жа­ли­ти­хо­в­гу­с­том­сне­гу.­Пти­цы­мерз­ли­и­мол­ча­ли.­Про­ехал­он­по­ло­ви­ну­пу­ти,­и­тут­Фе­в­раль­птиц­по­жа­лел­и­рас­та­ял.­По­тек­ли­ру­чьи,­реч­ки,­всё­за­ли­ла­та­лая­во­да.­Са­ни­уто­ну­ли.­Сов­сем­рас­ст­ро­ил­ся­Ап­рель­и­по­шёл­до­мой­до­сле­ду­ю­ще­го­го­да.­А­че­рез­год,­в­фе­в­раль­скую­от­те­пель,­он­опять­от­пра­вил­ся­в­путь,­уже­на­лод­ке.­Но­и­на­лод­ке­не­до­плыл.­Фе­в­раль,­вдруг­бац!­—­и­за­мо­ро­зил­во­ду.­Так­что­лод­ка­ста­ла­во­льду.­Вер­нул­ся­и­в­этот­раз­Ап­рель­до­мой.­Стал­он­ду­мать,­что­же­де­лать?­Как­до­бра­та­до­брать­ся?И­на­чет­вёр­тый­год­при­ду­мал.­Уже­до­га­да­лись?­Он­хо­ро­шо­под­го­то­вил­ся­к­пу­те­ше­ст­вию:­вы­ехал­на­те­ле­ге,­а­на­неё­по­гру­зил­лод­ку­и­са­ни.­Ког­да­по­шёл­снег,­Ап­рель­пе­ре­сел­на­са­ни,­а­на­них­по­ста­вил­лод­ку­и­те­ле­гу.­А­ког­да­снег­рас­та­ял­и­по­тек­ли­ру­чьи,­то­при­го­ди­лась­лод­ка:­са­ни­и­те­ле­га,­да­ещё­и­ло­шадь­ка­ким­то­чу­дом­в­ней­уме­с­ти­лись.Ког­да­Ап­рель­всё­та­ки­при­ехал­к­Фе­в­ра­лю,­тот­очень­об­ра­до­вал­ся.­Ока­за­лось,­что­он­сов­сем­за­был­о­том,­что­при­гла­сил­бра­та­в­гос­ти.­Но,­что­бы­доль­ше­по­го­с­тил­у­не­го­Ап­рель,­он­по­про­сил­у­Солн­ца­ещё­один­день.­Солн­це­со­гла­си­лось,­и­с­тех­пор­каж­дые­че­ты­ре­го­да­оно­да­рит­Фе­в­ра­лю­ещё­один­день,­что­бы­мог­по­го­с­тить­у­не­го­вво­лю­Ап­рель.­Та­кие­го­ды­на­зы­ва­ют­ся­ви­со­кос­ны­ми.А­в­на­ро­де­го­во­рят:­«Фе­в­раль­и­теп­лом­со­гре­ет,­и­хо­ло­дом­ог­ре­ет».


Daria Mangione(Italy;­a­trainee­at­Odessa­Mechnikov national­university)

Which films have been made about Odessa?Odessa got into the objective of video cameras at the moment when cinecamera was created. But the most famous film, in which our city starred is the film: «Battleship Potemkin» (1925), which is recognized as the best in the history of cinema. After the film one of Odessa symbols — Boulevard steps — got the name Potemkin steps. Here in 1908 the first in Ukraine film studio was founded. Many celebrities of the world cinema — Vladimir Vysotsky, Jackie Chan and Tim Roth acted in Odessa.

да рья ман д жо не(Ита­лия;­ста­жер­ОНУ­име­ни­ И.­И.Меч­ни­ко­ва)





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Summer in pink A tunic of pink chiffon with a flowery ornament is one of the future summer hits. The talents of Ukrainian designers and the beauty of Odessa's models were demonstrated during the «Fashion day» in Odessa. The fashion festival was held at the antique building of the Philharmonic (15 Bunina Street)

лето в розовомТу­ни­ка­ро­зо­во­го­ши­фо­на­с­цве­точ­ным­ор­на­мен­том­—­один­из­бу­ду­щих­лет­них­хи­тов.­«Fashion­day»­в­Одес­се­по­ка­зал­та­лан­ты­ук­ра­ин­ских­мо­де­ль­е­ров­и­кра­со­ту­одес­ских­мо­де­лей.­Про­хо­дил­фе­с­ти­валь­мо­ды­в­ста­рин­ном­зда­нии­Фи­лар­мо­нии­(ул.Бу­ни­на,­15)


Photo­Sergei Mukaelyantz­SO­Photo!­Studio

«Odessa International» («OI») / № 1 / 29.02.2012 7


Life Education Leisure

A few words about the celestial empireIt is widely known that China is a populous and vast country. Chinese are proud of their history and culture. But few people know about the life of its people, about what is usual in it and what is unusual. I will try to open a small window for you into my China. Let's start with holidays.The main holiday in China is the Spring Holiday (the New Year of the ancient calendar). It is a family holiday and an official one at the same time. Chinese people like it a lot. The Spring Holiday (it is celebrated at varying days each year) and the National Holiday (the 1st of October; this is the day that marked the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949) are celebrated by all Chinese people. In October we all get a week off from work («The Golden Week»). Other popular holidays include Duaniu (calculated by lunar calendar, usually in June) and the Moon Holiday (in the middle of autumn), the Celebration of Lanterns (usually in February), Woman's Day (the 8th of March), Labor Day (the 1st of May). Lately western holidays started gaining popularity as well. Young people enjoy celebrating such holidays as Christmas (the 25th of December), Valentine's Day (the 14th of February) and April's Fools (the 1st of April).



не мно гоо под не бес нойКак­из­ве­ст­но,­Ки­тай­—­мно­го­люд­ная­и­боль­шая­стра­на.­Ки­тай­цы­гор­дят­ся­сво­ей­ис­то­ри­ей­и­куль­ту­рой.­Но­ма­ло­кто­зна­ет,­ка­ко­ва­жизнь­ки­тай­цев,­что­в­ней­обыч­но,­а­что­не­о­бык­но­вен­но.­Я­по­про­бую­при­от­крыть­вам­ок­но­в­мой­Ки­тай.­Нач­нем­с­пра­зд­ни­ков.Глав­ный­пра­зд­ник­в­Ки­тае­—­Пра­зд­ник­Вес­ны­(Но­вый­Год­по­ста­ро­му­ка­лен­да­рю).­Это­од­но­вре­мен­но­се­мей­ный­и­офи­ци­аль­ный­пра­зд­ник,­очень­лю­би­мый­ки­тай­ца­ми.­Пра­зд­ник­Вес­ны­(каж­дый­год­в­дру­гой­день)­и­На­ци­о­наль­ный­Пра­зд­ник­(1­ок­тя­б­ря;­в­этот­день­в­1949­го­ду­бы­ла­про­воз­гла­ше­на­Ки­тай­ская­На­род­ная­Ре­с­пуб­ли­ка)­от­ме­ча­ют­все­ки­тай­цы­—­в­это­вре­мя­они­по­лу­ча­ют­от­пуск­на­не­де­лю­(«Зо­ло­тая­не­де­ля»).­Кро­ме­то­го,­по­пу­ляр­ные­пра­зд­ни­ки­—­Ду­а­ньу­(по­лун­но­му­ка­лен­да­рю,­обыч­но­в­ию­не),­Пра­зд­ник­Лу­ны­(в­се­ре­ди­не­осе­ни),­Пра­зд­ник­Фо­на­рей­(обыч­но­в­фе­в­ра­ле),­Жен­ский­День­(8­мар­та),­День­Тру­да­(1­мая).­В­по­след­нее­вре­мя­мо­ло­дые­лю­ди­с­боль­шим­ин­те­ре­сом­от­ме­ча­ют­за­пад­ные­пра­зд­ни­ки,­на­при­мер,­Рож­де­ст­во­(25­де­ка­б­ря),­День­Влюб­лен­ных­(14­фе­в­ра­ля)­и­День­Ду­ра­ка­(1­ап­ре­ля).



ASk «OI» / CпрА ши вАй те у «OI»

Joerg Tomada(Germany;­a­student­of­I.I.­Mechnikov­ONU)

Where were there German churches in Odessa? Where is the cemetery, where German war prisoners, who restored the city after the war, were buried? Germans settled in Odessa in 1803. They were mainly craftsmen, invited by general-governor A.de Richelieu (people call him Duke). They belonged to three confessions — Catholics, Lutherans and Calvinists. All three German churches, founded in the XIX century, survived to this day. They are:– Roman-Catholic Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1853 (33 Ekaterininskaya Street),– Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1900 (62 Pasteur Street) and– Lutheran St Paul's cathedral, 1897 (Lutheran Church; 68 Novoselsky Street).The region between the second and the third churches got the name «German colony»; its central street was Dvoryanskaya Str.Even before the end of the war of 1941–1945, German prisoners of war were kept in the camp, which was located in the region of the modern settlement of oilmen (35 Promyshlennaya Street). There were more than 800 prisoners of war, who restored the destroyed places in Odessa and built standard houses in Admiralskiy avenue after the war. They died in Odessa and were buried here.

йорг то ма да(Гер­ма­ния;­сту­дент­ОНУ­име­ни­И.­И.­Меч­ни­ко­ва)

где­в­Одес­се­на­хо­ди­лись­не­мец­кие­хра­мы?­и­где­—­клад­би­ще­во­ен­но­плен­ных­нем­цев,­ко­то­рые­по­сле­вой-ны­от­ст­ра­и­ва­ли­го­род?Нем­цы­по­се­ли­лись­в­Одес­се­в­1803­го­ду.­Это­бы­ли­пре­иму­ще­ст­вен­но­ре­мес­лен­ни­ки,­при­гла­шен­ные­ге­не­рал­гу­бер­на­то­ром­А.­де­Ри­ше­лье­(в­на­ро­де­—­Дюк).­Они­при­над­ле­жа­ли­к­трем­кон­фес­си­ям­—­к­ка­то­ли­кам,­лю­те­ра­нам­и­каль­ви­ни­с­там.­Все­три­не­мец­ких­хра­ма,­ос­но­ван­ных­в­ХІХ­ве­ке,­со­хра­ни­лись­до­на­ших­дней.­Это:–­ рим­ско­ка­то­ли­че­с­кий­ка­фе­д­раль­ный­со­бор­Ус­пе­ния­Пре­свя­той­Бо­го­ро­ди­цы­1853­(ули­ца­Ека­те­ри­нин­ская,­33),­–­ еван­гель­ский­пре­сви­те­ри­ан­ский­ре­фор­мат­ский­храм­1900­(ули­ца­Па­с­те­ра,­62)­и­–­ лю­те­ран­ский­ка­фе­д­раль­ный­со­бор­Св.­Пав­ла­1897­(Кир­ха;­ули­ца­Но­во­сель­ско­го,­68).Рай­он­меж­ду­вто­рой­и­тре­ть­ей­цер­ко­вью­по­лу­чил­на­зва­ние­«не­мец­кая­ко­ло­ния»,­цен­т­раль­ной­ули­цей­ко­то­рой­бы­ла­ули­ца­Дво­рян­ская.


TRADITIOnS / трАдиции

Orcun Aksungur(Turkey;­a­student­of­I.I.­Mechnikov­ONU)

Where is the stadium located in Odessa? Are matches of Euro 2012 going to take place in Odessa?There are some stadiums in Odessa now. The oldest one is in French boulevard and belongs to Odessa National University, it was created in the end of the XIX century. In 1911, it was the place of the final match of Russian empire football championship.The most well-known stadium in Odessa is «Chernomorets», it is located in Shevchenko Park. ItWas built in 1936 and reconstructed in 2008–2011. Now it is one of the best stadiums in Ukraine, it can fit 34 000 fans.European championship will take place in June, 2012 in Poland and Ukraine. In our country matches will take place on stadiums in Lviv, Charkiv, Donetsk and Kyiv (16 of 31). The final match of the championship will take place in Kyiv on July 1.



Do you have any questions? Send them to­the­address­news@onu.edu.ua­and­read the answers in the following issues of­the­newspaper.­

ор чУн ак сУн гУр(Тур­ция;­сту­дент­ОНУ­име­ни­И.И.­Меч­ни­ко­ва)







Editors: V. Poltorak, V. Nemertsalov,S. PostolovNews-writer: G. RyaboyPhoto: S. Mukaelyantz,M. OleynikTranslations: (Eng.) N. Panasiuk, N. LyubimovaDesign, layout: V. ShkapinaChief-editor: A. Gudzenko

Registration number Oд No. 77 from 01.01.94Passed for printing 27.02.2012; size of circulation 2000 issuesPrinted by «Chernomorie» publisher, Odessa city, 1 Nezavisimosti Square, office 76







The «Chernomorets»­

stadium is a celebration­for­






www.onu.edu.ua www.news.onu.edu.ua

«Odessa International» («OI») / № 1 / 29.02.2012 8