Oil Contamination Solutions - Oil Recycling Industry



An Oil Technics brochure of Oil Contamination Solutions for the Oil Recycling Industry.

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Oil TechnicsF O R T H E O I L R E C Y C L I N G I N D U S T R Y

Oil Contamination Solutions

Waste oil emulsions are simplymixtures of two “un-mixable” liquids, usually oil and water.

Typically emulsions contains three phases:

• The Dispersed Phase - Consisting of very small uncoalesced droplets.

• The Continuous Phase - Which keeps the droplets in suspension.

• The Interphase - Which binds the dispersed and continuous phases together.

Oil Treatment chemicals are designed to separate these phases.

They do this by first making the emulsion unstable, then coalescing together the individual water (or oil droplets) to form three continuous phases.

The best oil treatment chemical is the one that releases from the emulsion the most free oil, water and solids and has the least Interphase.

How to select a demulsifier using either the “Bottle” Test or a “Centrifuge” Test:

Equipment required: • Water Bath • 4 x 1L Graduated Tubes • 1ml Syringe

• Shake the emulsion sample vigorously, fill each tube and heat to 60°C.• Inject 2000 ppm of a range of selected demulsifiers leaving one tube as the “Control”. Shake each tube vigorously for 20 seconds in a horizontal and vertical direction and replace in the water bath at 70°C.• Note the amount of free water, released oil and interphase produced in each sample and compare with the BS & W obtained from a Dean and Stark analysis of the sample.

1. Bottle Test

Equipment required: • Centrifuge • 4 x 10ml Graduated Tubes

• Heat the oil sample to 60°C shake vigorously and pour into each centrifuge tube. Leaving one tube as the control apply one drop from a range of demulsifiers to each tube and centrifuge for 10 minutes. Choose the solution which gives the best free water, solids, oil separation and least interphase.• The Centrifuge Test is more often used by operators who stream their waste oil emulsions and have demulsifier experience.

2. Centrifuge Test

Waste Oil Treatment Chemicals

Oil Treatment Chemicals can be either:• Demulsifiers used in treating water in oil emulsions (W/O)

• Reverse Demulsifiers used in treating oil in water emulsifiers (O/W).

Oil emulsions vary considerably and Oil Technics has a wide range of Demulsifiers and Reverse Demulsifiers to treat most emulsions. We offer a free waste oil laboratory Demulsifier selection service. Below are listed some of those most frequently used waste oil chemical treatments.

Demulsifiers – For Waste Oil Emulsions

OT775 – De-Ashing DemulsifierFor use in treating lube oil emulsions containing oil, water and heavy metals (ash). OT 775 is a De-Ashing demulsifier designed to typically reduce the Ash content of treated emulsions by up to 80–90%.Note – This is a two part process using demulsifier OT 775 together with Sulphuric Acid. It is important to use OT775 with treatment tanks that have a corrosion resistant construction.

OT2456 – Garage Oil DemulsifierDesigned to phase separate waste garage oil emulsions.

OT2375 – Centrifuge Aid and Ship Ballast DemulsifierDesigned to phase separate low sulphur fuel oils.

OT99 – High Water Content DemulsifierDesigned to phase separate high water content waste oil emulsions.

@ For more information, please visitwww.demulsifiers.eu

Reverse Demulsifiers – Water in Oil Emulsions

WT507 – Oil “Polishing” Reverse DemulsifierDesigned to separate, at ambient temperatures, light oil in water emulsions.

WT525 – Coolant Oil Reverse DemulsifierDesigned to separate, at ambient temperatures, waste cutting oil and coolant emulsions.

Oily Sludge Emulsions – Tank bottoms

WT620/OS88 – De-oiling SludgesCombined sludge demulsifier with water treatment agent especially designed for separating tank bottoms, crude oil and refinery oil sludges.

Oil Dispersant – Marine Application

Sobo SuperDispersant 25An Internationally approved Type 2/3 marine oil dispersant, suitable for application from both the air and from sea vessels.

Oil BioremediationAll of the products shown have been designed to handle oil contamination

from Diesel to Heavy Fuel Oil.

• Tested in the UK by the Environmental Agency (England) and found to produce no harmful or toxic biproducts. • Tested by the Swiss Federal Laboratories and found to exceed by +60% the degradation result required under OECO 301F.

The bacteria used in these products are classified in Europe as Type 1 i.e. unlikely to cause infection.

Oil contaminated gravel, stones and top soil

For those familiar with bioremediation composting our dry powder bacteria, S-Oil Treat is the composting bacteria of choice. With a bacterial count of 4 x 109 cfu/ml and an application rate as low as 0.25 kg per metre cube of contaminated soil.

The photo shows the bio remediation by composting of a pipeline spill in The Oman. S-Oil Treat was applied to 30,000 tonnes of oil contaminated soil achieving a 99% reduction in Total Hydrocarbons and Polycylic Aromatics (see website www.oilbio.com for full report).Oil contaminated soil

Cleaning road spills

Road Bio is an oil spill detergent that removes hydrocarbon,greases and liquid paint spills from Road Surfaces. Containing a blend of biodegradable cleaning surfactants Road Bio cleans spills on roads without causing an emulsion or contributing to surface erosion.

Bio Gel – Oil Contaminated Gravel

S-Oil Treat – Oil Contaminated Soil

Road Bio – Oil Contaminated Roads

European Approvals:German UBA (No 3406-0025) - An environmentally acceptable

cleaning chemical.

Dutch Rijkwaterstaat - Awarded highest overall marks for cleaning

efficiency road erosion, environmental impact, cost and dilution.

Shipping oil contaminated stones and gravel to landfill is expensive. Bio Gel removes oil in situ.It is a biological solution that is simply poured over the oil contaminated stones or gravel and left to digest. Stir thoroughly before application, spread lightly over the oil using a soft brush and leave for 2-3 weeks (1-2 weeks in hot climates). Turn over the treated upper area using a fork and re-apply to achieve a totally oil free surface. Suitable for use in the bioremediation of oil storage areas, tank bunds, transformer footings and railway lines, etc.

Application - Water wet the oil stain. Shake OT8 prior to use (to put the bacteria into suspension) and pour over the oil stains. Brush in vigourously until the liquid changes colour from white to a dark brown. Leave in place for 15-20 minutes and rinse off for an oil free surface.


Used by Industrial contractors in cleaning refineries, forecourts, oil pipes, oil storage depots and by the general public for removing oil stains from hard surfaces.

OT8 is our flagship biogical chemical with sales to cleaning professionals in Europe, Australia and the Middle East for over 15 years.

@ For more information, please visitwww.oilbio.com

Biological Oil Stain Remover for Hard Surfaces



Bio TA

Oil Stains on Tarmac and Asphalt roads can quickly erode and break down surface structures.

The solution is to degrade the oil stain using Bio TA, a biological oil stain remover that rapidly removes and digests oil contamination. Will not erode or degrade Tarmac or Asphalt surfaces.

Biological Oil Stain Remover for Tarmac and Asphalt Surfaces

Application - To apply Bio TA shake the container vigorously before application (to put the liquid bacteria into suspension).Water wet the oil stain and apply Bio TA neat to the oil stain, brush in and leave for 15-20 minutes before water rinsing clean.

Oil DegreasersOil Technics manufacture a wide range of environmentally friendly, aqueous, solvent and biological oil degreasers. To view our full range please see our web site: www.degreasers.eu

Bio LF – Biological DegreaserA new concept in Industrial Degreasing. A Biological rich cleaner that digests it’s own oily wash water! Bio LF is designed for use where oil discharges to separators is of concern. Containing oil specific bacteria designed to degrade oil contamination, Bio LF when used together with our separator Bio Tubes (see last page), reduces oil effluent discharges by up to 95%. Bio LF is Separator Friendly and ideal for cleaning workshop floors, yards, vehicles and for replacing paraffin or solvents in heated Parts Washers. Hazard label free when diluted 1:1.

Sobo Power – Aqueous DegreaserA truly general purpose aqueous heavy duty degreaser.Ideal for degreasing of components, work shop floors, industrial floors and similar areas contaminated by oil and grease. Sobo Power is also an excellent choice for steam cleaning vehicles and oil tankers.Registered in Germany (UBA) as an environmentally acceptable chemical. Hazard label free when diluted greater than 1:5.

Application – For use in steam cleaners at a dilution from 1:25 to 1:100 depending upon soiling.

Lemsolv Industrial– Solvent Degreaser

A highly efficient citrus based solvent degreaser for the remov-al of heavy oil, wax, asphaltines and bitumen emulsions. Lemsolv Industrial is water rinseable, biodegradable and separator friendly. Apply undiluted to the oil contamination allow a contact time of 5-10 minutes and rinse clean. Can also be used as a dip, spray or immersion solvent degreaser.

Sobo S Gold 08 – Marine Use

An oil detergent that is approved to OCNS (Gold Standard) for use in controlled waters.Meets EN858 and registered in Germany (UBA) as an environmentally acceptable chemical. Danish Approval (PR No. 2100911).

For more information, please visit:www.degreasers.eu@


@ For more information, please visit these websites:www.oilpads.eu www.spillkit.eu

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Oil Pads With The New MAXX TechnologyAbsorb up to 24 X their weight in oil – the most absorbent pad per kilogram on the market. With MAXX technology less material is needed to pick up the same amount of oil, which results in lower disposal costs!

Ideal for environmental and industrial applications where low costs and high absorbency are required.


A clever idea… Dispense and Dispose.

Dispenser Box for easy access to the sorbents. Disposal box and bags for easy off site removal of oily waste.

Dispense-N-Dispose150 Oil or Maintenance Pads per box - 41cm x 51cm


1 Oil & Chemical Pads

2 Oil Booms


4 Spill Kits

5 Containment Products

6 Bilge Booms

7 Drain Covers

8 Spill Barrier

A sample of absorbents available from our websites

Oil Technics offers spill contractors an ex-stock range of pads, rolls, socs and booms together with Spill Kits and oil containment products.

To view our full range, see our websites: www.oilpads.eu www.spillkit.eu

Oily Water SeparatorsBio Tubes

An astonishingly simple biological product that will reduce separator oil discharges by up to 95%

Place an oil absorbing biologically active Bio Tube in youroily water separator and you have a workforce of millions on your side.Each Bio Tube contains a blend of naturally occurring oil specific bacteria that will digest their way through up to 2kg of oil a week – every week.• Environmentally Friendly• Digests free surface oil releasing merely harmless CO2 and Water.• The biological solution that reduces oil discharges from oily water separators by up to 95%.• Maintenance free and helps reduce clean out costs

European Approvals• Tested by the UK Environmental Agency with the conclusion that: Bio Tubes digest up to 95% of diesel oil without any harmful or toxic bi-products.• Tested by the Swiss Federal Laboratories on a 1:1 mix of lube oil/diesel in water and found that: Bio Tubes exceeded the Swiss oil degradation target of 30 days by 60%.• Tested by a major European Forecourt chain and found that: Bio Tubes reduce oil discharges from an average of 500mg/Ltr to 19 mg/Ltr – a reduction of +95%.

Application - For use in industrial separators, bunds and oily water run offs. Simply place one Bio Tube in second chamber, place 2 Bio Tubes in third chamber and replace every 6-8 months.

For further details, please visit


Oil Technics LtdLinton Business Park, Gourdon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK DD10 0NHT +44 (0) 1561 361515 E info@oiltechnics.comF +44 (0) 1561 361001 W www.oiltechnics.com

