Olimpiada Xi



Olimpiada Xi

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OLIMPIADA LICEELOR TEHNOLOGICE SI VOCATIONALE BUZAU APRILIE 2012 CLASA a XI-a, a XII-a RP I. Read the text and: (20points) a) decide if the following statements are right, wrong or doesnt say: 1. People who use Myspace are generally not as old as people who use Facebook A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say 2. LinkedIn is for people with good jobs. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say 3. Sites like these have given new words such as adverbs and adjectives to the language. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say 4. To facebook means to upload photos to your facebook page A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say 5. Facebook is a social networking website for people who like music A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say b) choose the answer you think is the best A, B, C or D. 1. What type of Internet site does he discuss? A. a social networking website B. a business website C. a personal website D. an informative website 2. What are the names of the sites mentioned in the text? A. Facebook B. MySpace C. Facebook and LinkedIn D. Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn 3. To succumb here means: A. to be defeated by something B. to become very ill C. to die from a disease D. to win 4. According to the text Facebook is a word that: A. can be used in many different ways B. can be unknown C. we do not use D. we dislike 5. This text is about: A. business websites B. the Internet C. social websites D. the Internet and social networking wbsites Do you use any of the social networking websites which are so popular these days? You know - the places where you can connect up with friends and relatives and meet people who share the same interests as you? If you're younger you may use MySpace, young adults are more likely to be found on Facebook and busy professionals may prefer something like LinkedIn. But at least two of these sites have one thing in common: apart from being social spaces where you can meet and chat to people, share photos and other things, they've all added new verbs and nouns to the language in the past couple of years. Let's take a look at some examples... I've just facebooked the photos from my summer holiday [uploaded them to my facebook page]. I facebooked that guy John and it turns out he's an architect [looked him up in Facebook]. Did you facebook Susan about the party? [contact Susan through her Facebook page]. Anyway, nice to meet you. Do you mind if I facebook you? [add you as a Facebook friend]. As you can see, 'facebook' is a pretty versatile word, and you could say the same about 'myspace', which you

will find being used in much the same way all over the Net. LinkedIn (being a more adult, professional community) is yet to succumb to such cavalier twisting of the English language! And while you're 'facebooking' or 'myspacing' you may also find yourself 'commenting' (writing a comment on someone's Facebook or MySpace page), as in this example: 'I commented Dawn that she should come to the pub on Saturday and she commented me that she couldn't because she was going away for the weekend'. Anyway, I must get on. I haven't facebooked yet today and there's sure to be a lot to catch up on!

II. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap: ( 20 points) 1. Julia is very talented so shes going to be .. one day. FAME 2. On..in Paris, the top fashion designer went to his hotel room. ARRIVE 3. Robert made a because the play started so late. COMPLAIN 4. How many took part in this years kite contest? COMPETE 5. There was great .when our team scored another goal. EXCITE 6. Many people are ..with their rubbish and just drop it in the street. CARE 7. I spent my ..living in the country. CHILD 8. Tom works with children who have life-threatening . . ILL 9. It would be a . to stay with us. PLEASE 10. The hotel..made us feel very welcome. RECEPTION III. Match the words with the correct definition: (10 points) 1. judge 2. surgeon 3. jockey 4. teacher 5. chauffeur 6. chef 7. architect 8. diplomat 9. accountant 10. clown a. language ability, tactful, eloquent b. good with numbers c. patience, ability to explain things d. fitness, stamina and love of horses e. serious, fair, legal expertise f. technical expertise, flair of design g. comical, love of children h. ability to cook and sharp taste-buds i. a clean driving record, patience j. a steady hand, medical knowledge (15 points)

IV. Unjumble the words to make sentences:

1. as, must, of, them, a, mystery, Machu Pichu, to, most, have, been, well 2. lasagna, makes, exactly, Jane, like, mother, her, does. 3. have, an, part, played, The Sacred Plaza, in, sun, might, important, rituals 4. is, She, obsessed, with, appearance, her. 5. The, have, may, the, visited, Spanish, conquistadores, never, city. 6. difficult, found, his, very, He, to, after, it, the, look, kids, on, own. 7. Incas, been, have, ordinary, They, cant 8. a, is, popular, among, Journalism, career, arts, choice, graduates. 9. happened, occupants, have, What, to, could, the? 10. are, There, pine, as, as, the, trees, eye, can, far, see.

V. Circle the correct choice: (15points) 1. I tasted the soup carefully/careful. 2. John washed/ was washing his fathers car when I called him. 3. Have you seen/ Did you see Bob recently? 4. I wanted to talk to him but he hasnt arrived /hadnt arrived in town. 5. She has/is having a shower at the moment. 6. I used to/ would be a shop assistant when I was young. 7. I am getting used to live/living in London. 8. Id like swimming/ to swim every week. 9. She can hard/hardly walk. 10. If he hadnt missed the bus, he will be/would be here now. VI. Correct the mistakes. (20 points) 1. Does Frank works in Sheffield? 2. She must to be a great tennis player. 3. He is watching TV, isnt it? 4. Teachers doesnt have short holidays. 5. I chose the more expensive thing on the menu. 6. I will borrow you 100. 7. He's hobbies are listening to music and collecting stamps. 8. At the second floor of my house is my bedroom. 9. He is the cleverer from the two. 10. A lot of people do mistakes.

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