Oliver Hillel, Secretariat of the CBD - iucn.org · CBD i i i l d i d i i lCBD criteria include...


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Oliver Hillel, Secretariat of the CBD

All European States and the EU are signatories

EU entities have very heterogeneous standings in international law,

l ti hi ith CBD f l i trelationships with CBD focal points are not formalized

Legal status includes some but not all EU entities, some (Greenland) even report separatelyseparately

Overseas Europe contributed more to P WIB IDR h b f 7 UK i l d

pPoWIB IDR that ever before: 7 UK islands and France reported on overseas islands (see SBSTTA report)( p )

Adopted 2006 by CBD COP 8, in Brazil, (decision VIII/1).

The first-ever programme of work dedicated solely to the uniqueness and fragility of island biodiversity - 11 goals, 22 targets, 50 priority actions, seven focal areas

One-stop shop on the Convention for island Parties – objective is not to duplicate tasks

Promoting and supporting high level regional commitments (“challenges”)( challenges )

Maintaining and supporting key databases and information portals (Global Islands Database)

Focusing on priorities as they affect livelihood and island Focusing on priorities as they affect livelihood and island economies:◦ Management and eradication of IAS◦ Climate change adaptation and mitigationClimate change adaptation and mitigation◦ Establishment and management of MPAs◦ Capacity building◦ Access to fair and equitable sharing of benefitsAccess to fair and equitable sharing of benefits◦ Poverty alleviation◦ Governance of networks of protected areas ◦ Supporting subnational implementation by engaging sub-Supporting subnational implementation by engaging sub

national and local authorities.◦ Coordinate with ongoing review of the Barbados

Programme of Action and the Mauritius Strategy.

Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) as an effective platform to support implementation of the programme of workto support implementation of the programme of work, supported by the SCBD;

“Small Islands, Big Difference” campaign coordinated by Island Conservation on invasive alien species will beIsland Conservation on invasive alien species will be launched as part of GLISPA Working Group

Joint reporting for biodiversity-related conventions Regional and global technical support networks to help the Regional and global technical support networks to help the

ongoing review, updating and implementation of NBSAPs with key sectors (e.g. mining, agriculture, fisheries, health, energy, tourism, integrated marine/coastal management,energy, tourism, integrated marine/coastal management, education and development

Subnational implementation of the Convention in islands by engaging subnational and local authorities through the y g g g gPlan of Action for Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity

Open platform for cooperation with over 20 Parties toGlobal Island Partnership (GLISPA)

•Open platform for cooperation with over 20 Parties to the Convention, as well as major non-governmental and multilateral organizations

•Launch at COP 8 in Curitiba, 2006, co-chaired by Palau and Seychelles

•Already facilitated USD 130+ million projects, Micronesia Challenge, Caribbean Initiative, and other commitmentscommitments•Side events at SBSTTA and COP 11: ISLAND BRIGHTSPOTS: EXCHANGING INNOVATIONS AND SUCCESSES, ,ISLAND LIFE: CELEBRATING LEADERSHIP ANDCOMMITMENT TO ACTION

Rio+20 also was a great success for GLISPA Rio+20 also was a great success for GLISPA and for island Parties:

◦ Grenada becomes 3rd chair of GLISPA (after Seychelles and Palau) and announces the Caribbean Summitand Palau) and announces the Caribbean Summit◦ Seychelles announced 10k/yr to GLISPA coordination

team in 2013 for three years0 3 y◦ Strong relationships forged between European

overseas islands and their regional neighbors (Bonaire, Greenland)

“Scientific collaboration to better understand marine biodiversity and support country efforts to achieve Aichi targets”CBD i i i l d i d i i l CBD criteria include uniqueness and rarity, special importance for life history and threat levels of relevant species and habitats vulnerability productivity andspecies and habitats, vulnerability, productivity and diversity

Lack of references in international law- new uncharted Lack of references in international law new uncharted territories, always in coordination with global MEAs such as UNCLOS and regional ones such as the Barcelona C.

SCBD to be repository of proposals, reports will be forwarded to UN GA

Proposals for criteria and actual EBSAs Proposals for criteria and actual EBSAs formulated in 4 workshops (Western South Pacific Wider Caribbean and Western Mid-AtlanticPacific, Wider Caribbean and Western Mid Atlantic, Southern Indian Ocean, Eastern Tropical and Temperate Pacific) with more to go (Southeastern p gAtlantic/West Africa, North Pacific, Mediterranean, Northeast Atlantic, with, UNEP/MAP, OSPAR and

)NEAFC). All EU overseas territories are being involved

h Sin the EBSA process.

Build partnerships and enhance capacity to achieve Aichi targets related to marine and coastal biodiversity:◦ 6 (fish invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants managed and◦ 6 (fish, invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants managed and

harvested sustainably)◦ 10 (anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs and other

d b dsensitive marine ecosystems impacted by CC and acidification minimized)

◦ 11 (10% of all land, and 12% marine areas conserved under ( ,system of protected areas and other area-based conservation measures).

Launched at COP 10 with support of Japan and UNU, co-sponsored by French Marine Protected Areas’ agency

Other issues include sustainable fisheries control of Other issues include sustainable fisheries, control of land-based pollution, coral bleaching, underwater noise, ocean acidification, marine debris.

Develop and Implement National Level Joint Develop and Implement National-Level Joint Activities in Support of Ecosystem Based Approaches to Climate Change MitigationApproaches to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

◦ Side events at Rio+20 and COP 11◦ Capacity building workshop in Vietnam◦ Capacity building workshop in Vietnam◦ Commitments from UNEP, World Bank, Birdlife

International, UNEP-WCMC, the UNCCD Secretariat , ,and IUCN for follow-up in kind support for the countries

Reduce the reporting burden on countries through improving the harmonization of reports to the CBDimproving the harmonization of reports to the CBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC

New Caledonia and Bermuda participated in New Caledonia and Bermuda participated in planning workshop, Bonaire also interested

Gaps: p◦ Participation in regional work and stronger links

with other EU territories, ◦ Support for integrating climate change into the

updated BSAP and protected species policyf l d l h h◦ More formalized relationship with Rio Convention

focal points and improved communication

Plan adopted at COP 10 (X/22) Plan adopted at COP 10 (X/22) Decision XI/8 item A calls on Parties and

other Governments to develop LBSAPsother Governments to develop LBSAPs, encourage networks of subnational/local authorities support the Global Partnershipauthorities, support the Global Partnership and continue to involve local and subnational authorities in NBSAP workshopsauthorities in NBSAP workshops

Cities for Life Summit at COP 12 in Korea 2014: the voice of subnational and local2014: the voice of subnational and local authorities

Support IUCN as convenor, EP as platform for BEST – identify leaders!

From La Reunion to the future: - How can overseas Europe be more visible in

the Rio Conventions given its role for Europe? - What benefit to overseas European islands

by engaging in the CBD?y g g g LBSAPs? TEEB? Joint MEA reporting? Showcase

green/blue economy? IAS?g / y Regional outreach – find channels for regular

participationp p
