Olympians – Children of Zeus. Apollo – god of light (sun), inspiration (poetic and prophetic),...


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Olympians – Children of Zeus

Apollo – god of light (sun), inspiration

(poetic and prophetic), healing and plague, music and the arts,

intellectual pursuits, often attended by the 9 Muses, he is an archer

and plays the lyre.

Carraglio’s Apollo, 16th century

Apollo and lyre

Apollo & sister, Artemis/Diana

Temple located at Delphic where Apollo’s oracle was located. There he was served by priestesses called the Pythias who channeled his messages. It was the principle crossroads of the ancient Mediterranean world.

Apollo with Muses


Artemis/Diana – goddess of the hunt and wild animals, possibly early fertility deity, aggressively virgin with group of virgin followers, like her brother Apollo, she is an archer. In religion, she received the last offering of girls before their marriages.


Athena/Minerva – born from the head of Zeus

Athena is goddess of wisdom, strategy in war, women’s arts (such as weaving), men’s crafts. Bird is owl. She, like Artemis, is virgin. She is the patron deity of Athens.

Here Athena is shown mourning at a warrior’s grave.

Athena wears a helmet and carries a shield, as well as (often) a spear.

She also often wears a wrap, the Aegis, with the Medusa’s head upon it.

A gigantic statue of Athena (reconstructed here) stood in the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens.

Aphrodite/Venus – Goddess of Love and Sexuality

Aphrodite is often accompanied by representations of her son, Cupid.

Venus was a favorite of later artists.


Although married to Hephaestus/Vulcan, Aprodite had an affair with Ares/Mars, the god of war.

Hephaestus/Vulcan – the forger, metalworker of the gods, and the

only ugly god. He is lame.

Hermes/Mercury – the messenger of the gods and guide to the dead

Hermes is also the patron of thieves. Swift of foot and quick-witted.

Dionysus/Bacchus – god of wine and party-

life, also vegetation and growth.

Dionysus is often accompanied by satyrs, and maenads, his followers.

Michaelangelo’s Bacchus