Once upon a time there was a girl called Penny she loved playing rugby. So one day she see’s 5...


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Slide 2 Slide 3 Once upon a time there was a girl called Penny she loved playing rugby. So one day she sees 5 boys about to play rugby so then she goes up to them and asks if she can play. Slide 4 All the boys started to laugh at her, and saying you cant play. So then she goes and plays and she sees that all the boys are whispering. So then at break time she goes over there and says what were you whispering about and the boys go nothing ok! Slide 5 So then she goes and plays and one of her other team members scored a point so she had to kick, just as she was about to take the kick she didnt see the big mud puddle and SPLASH all the boys start to laugh and say go back to your dolls. Slide 6 an Then after awhile she scored a point and another point and another point.After the game she goes over to the boys and sees that there all staring at her so she says why are you staring at me the boys go but, but, but youre a and then from that day on she never got bullied again and they all lived happily ever after. By Evyan
