One Week Without Gadget




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A Week Without Smartphone

The usage of smartphone has been increasing in Indonesia since 5 years ago. A media online reported that the smartphone user in Indonesia is number 5 in the world. There are 47 milion users in Indonesia and it is almost 14% of the total user in the world. We can see this increasing from this data. In 2013 there was only 27 milion users. One year later, in 2014, there was 38 milion. And then expert predicts that next year there could be 69 milion and 87 milion in 2017. It seems that the usage of smartphone will increase more and more in the future.

As a mean of communication, smartphone has effects. In the first place, there are some positive effects. Smartphone is really smart. In one device, we can utilize different types of communication. If the internet connection is delayed and we cannot use email, for instance, we can use SMS. And if there is internet connection, we can call using Whatsapp without paying. Smartphone also helps us to brows information without computer. Everytime and everyplace we can look for information we need. Another study said that smartphone can improve creativity of the kids. Of course there are another positive effects of the usage of smartphone.

Even so, we have to say that technology always has its negative side. People says, telephone makes those who is far to be near, and the nearest to be far. The saying really happens in actual life. Young people prefers to talk to their friends by phone than to their parents in home. Misuse of smartphone gives another dangerous effect. Young boy and girl download easily adult content of the internet from their personal smartphones. It is logic if the number of violence among young people increases. Therefore we have to be aware of this dark side of the smartphone.

There was an interesting research in Japan. NHK TV presented in 2007 its documentary story. There was a couple of boy and girl. They were in love and had spent hundred of SMS a day. It seemed that they could not live without it. In that research, they had to live without handphone for a week. And then, all their gestures were documented. In the first day, they were still okay. Something happened in the second day. They started being nervous. They seemed to loose control in the third day. And in the fourth day, the boy tried to visit his girlfriend. And from the fifth until seventh day, they made direct communication by seeing to each other.

There is something important we can learn from that research. That couple said that their communication is better when they talked directly. They could see the face of his or her couple. They could touch his or her hands. And the feeling was different. It was a kind of deeper feeling. In my opinion, they are right. That communication media is important, it is truly right. But communication media cannot replace a direct touching. So, let’s try to leave our smartphone as long as possible and let’s see our closest family and friends and neighbour. The most precious gift for them are our presence and smile. If it is possible, let’s try to live a week without smartphone.