Online Healer Training Prospectus - · The online Foundations training in...


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Online Healer Training Prospectus

Online Healer Training - Is it for you?

Online healer training with Alana is for those of us that feel a deep

heart calling to heal ourselves and awaken to our divine potential.

If you wish to heal others and our planet, you will learn how to do so

through online healer training too, whether you want to do this as a

professionally qualified healer, or simply as an expression of your

personal spiritual path, holding light to benefit all beings.

In Saraswati Healing. develop your love of language, speaking and

expressing yourself, as you practice sacred ceremonies for healing.

Empower your throat chakra, integrate your authentic soul voice and

awaken your higher purpose, as you work intentionally with Alana’s

books, music, meditations and oracle cards. You can incorporate

healing rituals, meditation, conscious dance and music into the work.

In The Kuan Yin Transmission, embrace divine feminine awakening in

the heart chakra. Walk the sacred path of embodiment, exploring

sacred dance, chanting and singing from the heart, and conscious use

of gesture to express soulful manifestation of compassionate wisdom

and the healing spiritual electricity of enlightened consciousness.

Attune your inner healing channel to the eternal love of the divine

feminine, emanating grace and light for the spiritual benefit of all

beings. Support the planet in the collective shift from fear to love.

Find out more below, and at or email our

training team via

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Training starts with Foundations courses

Alana’s Foundations courses introduce you to her unique healing

modalities and provides you with what you need to understand and to

practice the modality, for personal healing, and if you choose,

professional practice too.

You will gain insight into the philosophy, teachings and energies upon

which the practices are based, as well as instruction on the primary

techniques such as preparing your energy field, clearing energies and

establishing sacred space, consciously connecting with divine

presence and allowing for flow of energy, whilst aligning with higher

wisdom. We also explore the nature of the divine beings and how to

connect with precision and safety, how to avoid pitfalls, and what it is

to take a soul journey, growing faithfully towards embodied


Foundations courses help you to -

Activate your healing channel.

Tune into powerful enlightened spiritual energy currents for healing

yourself, others and our planet.

Integrate, ground and evolve your soul connection and authentic

spiritual presence in our consciously held, online healer community.

At successful completion of Foundations training, you are certified as

a healer, given the opportunity for on-going community membership,

working with Alana and our beautiful graduate healing community to

practice global healing chains for planetary benefit whilst continuing

your self healing journey and spiritual path.

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Which course is best for you?

There are two pathways to choose from to train with Alana - The

Kuan Yin Transmission ™ and Saraswati Healing ™. The Kuan Yin

Transmission is divine feminine energy work and Saraswati Healing is

lightwork integrated with the sacred practices of high magic.

Each pathway has the option to complete a foundations level, and to

proceed to advanced study and further professional training.

Both pathways evoke self-healing and offer methods for generating

healing energies for other people, animals, groups and our planet. Both

pathways are profound and deep trainings with real transformational

results noted in the lives of our trainees during the training.

Online healer training with Alana is about much more than the

coursework and materials. It is a divinely alchemical process of soul

stimulation and healing.

These two pathways complement each other but are unique within

themselves. They both work with divine beings for healing, yet the

methods, and the energy of the two courses are profoundly different.

The best way for you to know which course is right for you, and when,

is to tune in and trust your heart.

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The Kuan Yin Transmission is a unique divine feminine energy work

practice created by Alana Fairchild, integrating the presence of Our

Five Enlightened Mothers - Kuan Yin, Isis, Mother Mary, Tara and Kali -

infused in the heart through the spiritual essence of Venus.

The modality rests upon five element theory found in both Western

esoteric practices ranging from Yin Yoga to Wicca, and the Eastern

medicine practices of China, Tibet and Nepal. It is further inspired by

the invocation processes of Western occult philosophy in the

Theosophical tradition and Eastern Tantric Buddhist deity practice.

The work integrates the ancient practices of mudra (sacred gesture)

and mantra (sacred sound), and channelled practices such as The Red

Threads of Isis and The Seal of Horus to empower the practitioner.

You will learn how to activate the presence of Our Five Enlightened

Mothers within your own body, mind and soul, through the spiritual

activation key known as The Hamsa of the Cosmic Madonna. You can

work with these energies to heal yourself, others and our planet.

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In The Kuan Yin Transmission™ online foundations program, you

receive a spiritually intimate soul-to-soul initiation with Alana into

the exquisite realm of the Divine Feminine to connect directly,

personally, with Our Five Enlightened Mothers to recognise, receive

and channel their energies to heal body, mind and soul.

There are options to sing, to express a sacred dance practice as a

form of healing, to facilitate hands-on energy healing, or to work

distantly with a crystal. You can learn to facilitate healing from your

meditation seat for individuals or the collective. You can creatively

express your preferred way of working with the modality as suits your

temperament. You may like to be extroverted and creatively

expressive, or work in a more introverted and quiet way. Or a

combination of both! You may wish to focus on self-healing or also

expand your practice to work for the spiritual benefit of others too.

After the 16 weeks of Foundations training, you can join the waitlist

for the advanced, teacher and master secret teachings levels of the

Kuan Yin Transmission ™ which will empower you with additional

practices to add to your sacred healing repertoire for self and

planetary healing, as well as offer unique professional development

options to share the work with others as an official teacher.

Discover the Course

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Saraswati Healing is a unique healing modality created by Alana

Fairchild blending lightwork practices with the sacred rituals of high

magic for soul healing. This unique online training program guides you

into connection with three special types of beneficial divine guides –

the Angels, the Ascended Masters, and the Goddesses, including, of

course, Saraswati herself. The Foundations course is spiritually

supported by 54 radiant Divine Beings from these three groups.

In Saraswati Healing ™ you shuffle the cards, and the divine one

chooses you! We learn how to align and allow ourselves to be divinely

guided, amplifying the divine presence to guide, heal, empower and

inspire us through the work. The modality incorporates Alana’s music

and meditations, as well as her books and oracle card decks.

Sacred space is generated and held through the power of voice, healing

ritual, conscious intention and specific processes that combine in

structured templates. These templates activate a field of divine

presence to awaken and heal the soul.

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You will learn three Foundations Templates. These are the Crystal

Angels 444 Template with an optional adjustment for distant healing,

the Crystal Masters 333 Template with an optional adjustment for

karmic clearing, and the Crystal Goddesses 888 Template with an

optional adjustment for a Threshold Blessing.

You will learn how to work with the modality for self-healing, and to

share healing sessions with individuals and with groups, and even

facilitate events which you can run as half day or evening sessions, full

day events or even run as an entire spiritual retreat if you wish.

The online Foundations training in Saraswati Healing is called Crystal

Mandala Template Training in honour of the Crystal Mandala Oracle

which is the key oracle deck used in the course.

After the 16 weeks of Foundations training, you have the option to

enrol in graduate training where you can explore further templates

such as the Isis Alchemical Triangulation Template or host your own

sacred party with the Divine Circus template, or run a Sacred Rebels

workshop or small group session with a guided wild dance journey and

healing group ritual practices. You will also be invited to join the wait-

list for advanced training courses such as Spiritual Bootcamp ™.

Discover the Course

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Why study with Alana?

Alana is a rare teacher. Down-to-earth, highly intuitive, practical and

deeply compassionate, prone to tossing her head back in laughter and

talking candidly about the beautiful mess and spiritual significance of

being human, Alana embodies her teachings, communicating from a

place of authentic being and considerable experience.

Alana does more than impart knowledge. She expresses herself in such

a way that powerful energy transfers take place. She has an

extraordinary field of energy, naturally attracting high level spiritual

guidance from which she channels healing and guidance. Her

teachings are more than knowledge, they are energetic transmissions

that support your evolution. Alana has the spiritual juice to nourish

your unique soul journey and this is what sets her apart and lends her

work such effectiveness and beauty.

“Alana has a gift for creating a pathway for the visionary soul that is

inspiring to the heart and highly transformational. I see so many

trainings that make promises yet lack deeper understanding of

everyone’s unique journey. This is a sacred journey that keeps

unfolding.” Delphine, France.

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Do I need prior experience to do the training?

Whilst no prior experience is necessary to do the Foundations level

training, advanced spiritual concepts are integral to Alana’s

modalities and an interest in spirituality - or an openness to learn

about it - is necessary. We have had trainees completely new to this

work take to it like the proverbial duck to water, so it is really a

question of listening to your heart and trusting your life journey

rather than whether you seem to be the ideal candidate on paper.

Our community ranges from those completely new to this work to

seasoned professionals, trained in numerous modalities. Sometimes

having a background as a healer is a benefit, and sometimes, it can

be an impediment when one is stuck in a way of thinking and

approach to healing, and can find it difficult to adopt a ‘beginner’s

mind’ which is essential when learning anything new and opening up

to truly receive the benefit of it.

You will gain from the course according to your willingness to

embrace the process. The overwhelmingly positive response to the

training suggests that it meets you where you are at. You are

welcome to reach out to our training team if you have any concerns

about this.

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Can I complete both Foundations courses at once?

Technically, yes, and we do have trainees who are doing this

successfully. However both courses are energetically effective. That

means that you are not only learning new information, you are being

exposed to certain spiritual energies that will likely create healing

change in you as you do the training. We emphasise the need to

balance your participation in the program with rest and integration

time. We find that this is where the healing happens.

If you feel the call to do both programs simultaneously, then please

ensure that you prioritise sufficient space and rest time in your life

to integrate the process that will take place as you engage with the

training. We want you to get the absolute best from these heart-felt,

soul-stimulating programs.

Investment and Payment Plans

Foundations programs cost USD1888 for the 16 week term and

payment plans are available for USD472 per month. Please note that

payment plans are run by a third party provider and we cannot

customise them.

Refund Policy

In the unusual event that a trainee requests a refund, we make no

guarantee regarding the training other than any implied consumer

guarantees that cannot be limited by law. In Australia, rights to

compensation are governed by the Australian Consumer Law.

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For example, if the delivery of a training module does not correspond

with our description or other consumer guarantee, you have the right

to request we provide the service again or receive a refund of the fees

paid in respect of the module.

You are not entitled to cancel the training and receive a refund

simply because you have changed your mind. We will carefully

consider any application for a refund on a case by case basis.

Dates for Training

Training terms run from March - June and August - November each

year. Enrolment closes 31 March and 31 August respectively.

How strict is the pacing of the courses?

As there is considerable information to impart, the pacing of the

course is quite precise, as outlined in the Study Guide for each of the

Foundations programs. We also provide trainees with a Self Care

Guide to encourage healthy life balance during the program.

Some trainees will complete the materials early, with tremendous

enthusiasm to practice professionally, and others will work according

to the Study Guide, and others may find that life happens, and best

intentions are not enough to keep us on track. We will support you as

best we can in such cases, however generally the training requires an

ongoing weekly commitment of around 4 to 6 hours. This is an

estimate and the time required to explore and process the materials

will vary between individuals. Please review our Study Guide to support

your pace with the coursework and reach out if you have concerns.

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Graduation and Next Steps

Graduation requires completion of all lessons and successful

completion of a final assessment.

Upon graduation you are eligible to join our graduate community. Our

graduate community is a heartfelt soul family, and provides the

lifeblood for our on-going offerings together as healers.

We find the graduate community membership to be a beautiful way

to express your inner healer, becoming increasingly confident and

creative in our expression of the modality, experimenting with

evolving applications of the work, as well as sharing support for

personal healing and professional growth, all held within the loving

awareness of Alana and her training team.

The graduate community is supported by a vibrant online forum

hosted by Alana and her team away from social media. This is where

we share our stories, we facilitate and receive healings in the modality,

we co-facilitate with practitioners around the globe, working together

to offer healings for our planet through global healing chains and

supported independent practice.

Graduate community membership also provides access to the official

community resource library for each modality. These online libraries

are stocked with additional teachings for the graduates offered

intermittently by Alana as directed by Spirit, included as part of your

membership, as well as MP3 Q & A sessions with Alana and her team,

and recordings of live community Zoom events. Access to these

materials are included in the cost of your membership.

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Advanced Training Options

Ongoing personal growth and professional development is fostered

through graduate community membership. However some graduates

are interested in taking their training to higher levels through

advanced training options which are only available upon completion of

the Foundations training.

We are on wait-list only for an advanced 16 week Saraswati Healing ™

course. Please email the training angel at

to be added to our newsletter for first notice when enrolments open

for advanced training in Saraswati Healing ™.

Kuan Yin Transmission ™ advanced, teacher and secret master

teachings are currently wait-list only. Please email the training angel

at to be added to our newsletter for first

notice when enrolments open for advanced training in The Kuan Yin

Transmission ™.

What do the names of the modalities mean?

The names for these modalities came to me in meditation for The

Kuan Yin Transmission and in a dream for Saraswati Healing.

There is much concern for matters of cultural respect and care these

days, which is as it should be. Not only is there a need for cultural

respect, but there are also spiritual and karmic considerations to take

into account. I took time to reflect upon these names and ensure that

I recognised something more than spiritual permission to share them.

I waited until I felt active encouragement from my Higher Spiritual

Guidance before proceeding.

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When spiritual encouragement is given for me to follow a certain

path, I know that benefit is created for all beings in doing so. I cannot

always understand how that is the case, but I can, and do, choose to

trust in the higher wisdom and divine love that guides my life’s work.

To associate the divine name of an enlightened being with my work is

something that I consider to be a tremendous privilege and the

names of the divine ones we always treat with love and respect.

I consider all of my work to be a gift and a blessing, and I do not take

any of it for granted. This is my expression of spiritual responsibility

and integrity. Feeling that inner clarity gives me peaceful confidence

in how I share the work, as well as its alignment with an inspired and

loving higher purpose, beauty and effectiveness.

Like our patron goddesses, Kuan Yin and Saraswati, this work is

compassionate, creative, uplifting, powerful. It is a protective body of

practices to generate light, healing and liberation for the spiritual

benefit of all beings. May it accomplish its divine purpose with love.

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Love Notes from our Graduates

“I thought I knew what I was in for. It’s been more powerful than I

expected it to be, especially so soon. I did a distance healing and got

feedback on a profound shift from the person. I never imagined that

could have happened, it was amazing! This work is powerful. All this

beautiful stuff pours out. Wow, where did that come from? I feel held

by the divine, so loved and supported, even when issues come up. It’s a

beautiful place to live from, it’s quite incredible. I wish everyone could

experience this!” Monique, Australia

“Thank you so much Alana because after watching the video I had an

emotional release, I could feel the support and love so strongly that is

there for me and all of us to do this work. Your voice is one of the

most beautiful sounds I have ever heard, when you speak and when you

sing. Everything you said helped me to trust and feel the support I was

needing for this next step. So thank you! I adore you! Diving in ...”

Jessilynn, USA

“It’s hard to find the words - this program is so different from any

other training modality I have undertaken as it takes you beyond your

conscious mind and into the space where you can receive the loving

guidance and support that your soul desires. I experienced such

profound insights and a sense that you are truly loved, protected and

guided by the Universe. The community that has developed as a result

of this training is so beautiful - highly supportive and helpful. If you

have a stirring within your soul, without knowing why, go for it! I can

assure you, it will be one of the best decisions for you and your soul.”

Melanie, USA

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“My journey through the course was in one word MAGICAL. I can’t

even begin to explain the number of miraculous things in my life

during this journey. It was truly a blessing way beyond my boldest

imaginings. A rebirth of my soul and a gentle unravelling of the layers

that were keeping me small.” Eve, Australia

“I just wanted to share the most incredible meditation ... it literally felt

like my heart was cracking open, clearing away multiple layers and I

began to cry. What a blessing and a gift, I am feeling very grateful,

humble and thankful for this course. Talk about awakening the heart!”

Nicki, New Zealand

“I no longer run and hide and feel afraid of the dark. This work is truly

miraculous! I am so honoured and my heart is filled with gratitude and

love as I learn and grow and uncover the light of my soul and share

with all of you. Thank you! Bless you!” Connie, USA

“Absolutely everything you said on your video to us resonated

profoundly. I love “we must be what we are and that is what brings us

joy.” My gratitude to you for being all of who you are, as my spiritual

teacher, is actually beyond words. The journey of all this is exquisite,

deepening and expanding to assist me in fulfilling what I am here to

do, my soul mission.” Holliebeth, Australia

“How wonderful this course is. I honestly didn’t think learning to laugh

and have spontaneous fun would be an important part of growing. So

many beautiful surprises, words cannot express the love and gratitude

for this incredible course.” Lea, Australia

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“I already imagined feeling homesick when this course would be over

and thought I’d have to send Alana an email asking for a continuing

program because it isn’t possible that it ends here." Marielle,


“The preparation I have had for this course has been nothing short of

miraculous! In the weeks since I committed to the course, I have

experienced deep and rapid soul clearing ... I am truly committing to

my life’s purpose now with a sense of freedom and wholeness.

Gratitude for all of your work.” Ruth, Australia

“I can only say how awesome the course is. The online element is the

most flexible thing and has allowed me to be truly international

working whenever and wherever I wanted. The admin angel is brilliant

and if ever I had any query I know I can email her and it gets sorted. If

this course is calling to you, step up for it. I can assure you that you

won't regret it. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone

ready to make the next step. It has been a beautiful and powerful

transition.” Evelyn, USA

“Since the moment I enrolled I’ve been experiencing life in a whole new

way, almost in a whole new body as well! What a moving experience! I

could literally feel the walls around my heart coming down (walls that I

didn’t even know were there). I am so blessed to be here! Thank you for

sharing this gift.” Amy, Australia.

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Next steps

The soul yearns for authentic experience of the sacred, for creativity,

freedom, healing and depth, for connection to genuine spiritual light.

It needs these things in order to grow and flourish.

Is it time for your soul to be nourished for the next step on your

sacred life path?

Please reach out to Alana’s team with your questions at and explore more below.

When your heart speaks, listen.

Join us.

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