OPD FAX NUMBER CHANGES 6201 6983 6201 6570 · PDF file- A registration and information pack...


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Publication of an advertisement in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by The Canberra Hospital or Calvary Hospital for the advertised product or service. Articles appearing in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official view of The Canberra or Calvary Hospitals.


Women wishing to attend Calvary Public Hospital Bruce for maternity care will need

- Confirmation of pregnancy by their GP.

- A GP referral is required, including obstetric history, medical history, copies of pathology and imaging.

- A plan of management eg shared care, morphology screen ordered etc.

This will allow appropriate review to ensure delivery at Calvary is suitable.

Fax: 6201 6035

Post: PO Box 254 Jamison Centre ACT 2614

In Person: the patient may attend the antenatal clinic level 3 Marion building Calvary Public Hospital Bruce.

- A registration and information pack will be sent to the patient’s home address (make sure this is correct or indicate if postal

address is different please) on receipt of the referral. The registration must be completed AND returned to the ANC by

post, fax or in person.

- Following receipt of the registration form an appointment will be booked and the patient notified by post or phone.

NOTE: the patient is not registered for delivery until the registration paperwork is received.

GP enquiries: ANC 62016359 (Monday- Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm)

Breast Cancer Module 2017 – 2019 Triennium

Calvary Public Hospital Bruce GP Liaison Unit in conjunction with BreastScreen ACT is providing GPs the opportunity to attend an

Active Learning Module (ALM):

‘Detection of Early Breast Cancer’

(RACGP 40 CATEGORY 1 points + Approved for ACRRM)

This module will also attract subspecialty points of Breast Medicine and Women’s Health.

To request an application form to attend this ALM please contact:

Morag McNair RN

GP Liaison Officer

Calvary Public Hospital Bruce

T: 6201 6815

Or via email


Do you have patients with swollen legs who experience recurrent cellulitis?

The Calvary Public Hospital Lymphoedema Team are conducting a Randomised Control Trial (RCT) to investigate if the use of

compression therapy can reduce the incidence of recurrent cellulitis in adults with chronic leg oedema.

Referral criteria:

History of chronic leg oedema (oedema lasting ≥3 months)

≥ 2 episodes of cellulitis in the same leg in the past 2 years

≥ 18 years of age

All participants entering the study will receive 2 free sets of compression garments (value between $140-$1400).

To Refer: please fax or email a brief referral stating your patient’s details and that you are referring them for the

cellulitis study. All patients referred will be fully informed of the study details before they choose to consent or

decline to participate. If your patient is not eligible for the study or declines to participate, they will still be

offered assessment in the physiotherapy lymphoedema clinic.

For more information please contact the Calvary Lymphoedema Team, located in the Calvary Public Hospital Physiotherapy


Contact details: Calvary Public Hospital Physiotherapy Department

Phone: 02 6201 6190

Fax: 02 6201 6196

Email: physio@calvary-act.com.au

We really appreciate your help in recruiting participants to our study.

Regular Educational Events

Paediatric Grand

Rounds, Tuesdays TCH

Auditorium, 8.15am

Geriatric Medicine Unit

Education Meetings,

TCH Auditorium, Tues-

days 12.30pm

(Except the third Tues-

day of the month)

Grand Rounds, TCH

Auditorium Wednesday


Infectious Disease

Clinical Meeting, TCH

Auditorium, Thursday


GP Grand Rounds, ANU

Auditorium, as notified

by fax or email.

Calvary Grand Rounds,


currently not every


GP LIAISON UNIT Contact Numbers

GP Liaison Office TCH - (02) 6244 4183 email TCH - gpliaison@act.gov.au Fax: (02) 6205 2826

Dr Tanya Robertson— TCH GP Advisor email : tanya.robertson@act.gov.au

Morag McNair - GP Liaison Officer Calvary Hospital - (02) 6201 6815 morag.mcnair@calvary-act.com.au

Dr Julie Carr—Calvary GP Advisor email: julie.carr@calvary-act.com.au

GP Liaison email Calvary - gpliaison@calvary-act.com.au Fax: (02) 6264 7223

August 2017 Volume 16 Issue 4

Inside this issue

Newsletter August 2017 GP advisor Calvary Health Care ACT Calvary is expanding their OPD clinic options, however there remains several clinics that are only for post admission review. There may be clinics with books closed or extended waits. They are all clearly detailed on the GP Healthnet (http://gphealthnet.act.gov.au). To save your time and ours please check criteria for referrals before sending. There are a few areas that regularly receive incorrect referrals and there have been some changes so I am just going to highlight a few things related to CALVARY below OPD FAX NUMBER CHANGES – most general OPD medical/surgical clinics now have a central fax number 6201 6983 Central Outpatients phone number: 6201 6570 LOCATION CHANGE– the location of most of the OPD specialist clinics has moved from the Marion building to the ground floor of the Lewisham building. It is best to advise patients to park in the Mul-ti-storey car park and enter through the hospital main entrance and follow signs to the specialist outpa-tient clinics. A map will be provided to patients with their appointment details. LYMPHOEDEMA CLINIC – although A/Prof Hardman attends for medical review of this clinic he does not see general vascular patients at this clinic. This clinic is ONLY for diagnosis and management of lymphoedema and chronic mixed lymphoedemas. NO GENERAL VASCULAR REFERRALS ARE ACCEPTED. DR AL-SAMERAAII UROLOGIST CALVARY CLINIC - is only for short term follow up of patients who have been admitted to Calvary. He will see new public patients at CHHS within the referral criteria detailed on GP healthnet. ANTENATAL REFERRALS, CHANGE IN PROCESS – women require a GP referral (fax: 6201 6035), and once this is received the women will be sent a registration pack NOTE: the patient is not registered for delivery at Calvary until the registration paperwork is received. Please ensure your patients are aware of the importance of completing and returning the registration pack early. CONTINUITY OF MIDWIFERY CARE SERVICE- is an antenatal care option for women. The entry point is different to the general antenatal clinics. Women are required to attend an information session accessed by phoning 6201 6880. After attending an information session they can book with the service. This service is popular and has limited numbers so inform your patients to ring early. RAPID ACCESS TIA CLINIC – this clinic has been very busy and although the intention is to see patients within a week, sometimes this has not been possible. Recently, extra clinics have been added to this service so hopefully wait times will reduce. Please write URGENT on the referral. Ensure the referral is only for low risk TIAs (ABCD2 <3) and manage appropriately while awaiting the appointment, for example, organise non-contrast CT head (or MRI), carotid doppler, bloods and manage cardiovascular risk factors (see health pathways TIA pages, https://actsnsw.healthpathways.org.au/). PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICE – updated referral forms will soon be available on the Calvary/Clare Holland House website (https://www.calvarycare.org.au/public-hospital-bruce/services-and-clinics/clare-holland-house/). Please ensure that referrals contain urgency of appointment, whether the patient is DVA, alternate contacts and language issues, if ambulant, any safety issues (esp if home visit needed) and detail clearly what is needed from the palliative care team. Julie Carr

GP advisor—Calvary


Newsletter flyers attached


ACT MAT & Child Health Service


Gastro Clinicians update TCH


ACT Health Smoke Free


Ed Admitting officer contact


Update from Paediatrics TCH


Older persons Oncology Clinic


Community weigh scale


Antenatal Clinic referrals Calvary


Cellulitis Clinic Calvary


Breast Cancer module


Farewell Dr Tanya Robertson—Medical Director GP Liaison Unit Canberra Hospital

Following 15 years working in the GP Liaison Unit at Canberra Hospital, I have decided it is time for a new challenge and will be leaving ACT Health on September 6th 2017 to take up a role as Medical Director for COORDINARE.

The GP Advisor role has grown steadily from a 3 hr per week position to a half time senior staff specialist role. During my tenure, I have been a strong voice for General Practice and the pivotal role GPs play in patient care and the health care system. I am most proud of the daily work the GPLU staff do assisting GPs to help their patients navigate our complex health care system.

Thank you all for your support and collaboration over the years.

The position of Medical Director of the GPLU will soon be advertised. If you are interested in the position please contact Dr Jeff Fletcher (CMO) ChiefMedicalOfficer@act.gov.au or Dr Kirsty Douglas kirsty.a.douglas@anu.edu.au to discuss.

Tanya Robertson

ACT Maternal and Child Health MACH services will be changing from 11th September 2017

Locations and times of some services are being redistributed to match geographical birth rates. Parents will be

informed of their zoned clinic at the first home visit, and encouraged to attend MACH services according to their

suburb. The aim is that MACH will be able to provide improved continuity of care for families and develop a sense of

community within the centres.

For more information and to see current timetables, please visit www.health.act.gov.au/MACH.

ACT Health Smoke Free

All ACT Health facilities are completely smoke free.

All patients, visitors and staff are required to remain smoke free when visiting any

ACT Health facility.

Security Officers will enforce the smoke free environment.

Support is available to help smokers to stay smoke free during their visit to ACT

Health facilities.

During admission to hospital, inpatients will be offered free Nicotine Replacement

Therapy, counselling and strategies to manage cravings.

Outpatients and visitors can get support by downloading the MyQuit Buddy applica-

tion on their phone or Quitline (Phone 13 7848) with free Quit packs, advice, multi

lingual support and ongoing telephone counselling

Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service has the ‘No More Boondah’ Quit

Smoking Program (Phone 6284 6222) which can provide similar support.

For more information on ACT Health smoke free environment:


Gastroenterology Department Canberra Hospital – Clinician update

Clinicians currently accepting outpatient referrals are:

Please do not send referrals to the clinicians listed below as they no longer accept OPD referrals at Canberra Hospital:

Sadly, while most are aware that Dr Graham Kaye has passed away , we continue to receive referrals for him. Please remove him from

your address books to avoid new doctors referring to him.

Please refer to GP healthnet for clinicians special interest areas http://gphealthnet.act.gov.au

Drs Vipul Aggarwal

Shiv Chitturi

Douglas Taupin

Sarah Walker

Andrew Thomson

Arun Gupta

James Riddell

Lybbie Hillman

Mike Corbett

Purnima Bhat

Musa Drini

Paul Pavli

Geoffrey Farrell

Narci Teoh

Kavitha Subramaniam

Jonathan Bromley

Graham Magarry

Mark Bassett

Newsletter Flyers

Please find the following Canberra Hospital flyers enclosed with this newsletter:



This was updated following the GP education day in May 2017 to better reflect current processes at Canberra Hospital. Please replace any earlier

version of this flow sheet you may have with this current form.

2. GP referral form and pathway for pregnant women requiring IV iron infusion at Canberra Hospital

All of these forms are available on GP healthnet and health pathways http://gphealthnet.act.gov.au https://actsnsw.healthpathways.org.au/ Update from the Department of Paediatrics Canberra Hospital

If you have a paediatric patient in your rooms that you feel needs urgent assessment, please contact the “on

call” Paediatric Registrar or Consultant via switchboard on 6244 2000 to discuss the case.

If you have queries about outpatient referrals/bookings or follow up required post inpatient episode, please contact the

Paediatric administration staff in the first instance on 6174 7550 or the GPLU staff on 6244 4183.

‘Save the Date’ for an Education update on Paediatric Surgery, Tuesday 21st November 2017 at the Canberra Hospital

Auditorium. More information to follow once a program has been confirmed.

Emergency Department Admitting Officer phone contacts

Calvary Hospital Admitting Officer number is: 6264 7106.

Canberra Hospital admitting officer number is: 0419 218 102

We encourage you to call the admitting officer for advice prior to sending a patient into ED.

Older Person Oncology Clinic – Holistic Care and Improved Outcomes for 80 years and over affected by Cancer

An Older Person Oncology Clinic is offered within Medical Oncology at the Canberra Region

Cancer Centre, The Canberra Hospital. This multidisciplinary service aims to improve outcomes

for patients 80 years and over who have a solid tumour cancer and are at the pre-treatment

stage. This is achieved through holistic and comprehensive assessment.

Patients and their families are seen by both geriatric and oncology specialists, and a social work-

er. Comprehensive social, functional, cognitive and medical assessment before the cancer treat-

ment commences helps to identify additional supports that may be required during treatment,

and to support patients and families to make decisions about treatment options.

Referrals to this service need to be addressed to the Medical Oncologist, Dr Divyanshu Dua, AND the Geriatrician Dr Muhammad

Choudhry. Referrals meeting the criteria currently addressed to Medical Oncology are also re-directed to this clinic. As the patients

General Practitioner, you may be requested to provide a referral to either or both specialist to ensure your patient can receive the

benefits of this additional service. Your urgent attention to these referrals would be appreciated.

Further information can be obtained by contact the Geriatric Oncology Allied Health Assistant Susan Dowley on 6174 8444.

Community Weigh Scales – available for general public

It is important that patients know their current weight to help with:

Monitoring weight

Ensuring correct dose for medication

Ensuring equipment maximum load capacity is safe

Community access weigh scales are available at the Independent Living Centre,

24 Parkinson St, Weston ACT. Phone: 6205 1900 Email: ilcact@act.gov.au

Open 9am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays)

Disability and mobility friendly – wheelchair accessible

Weight limit capacity of 600kg

Bookings are not required, as these are self-weigh scales, however if a basic level assistance is needed please phone first so

this can be arranged.