Operating Manual - PSM2000.pdf




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Power System Manager (PSM2000)

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Power System Manager (PSM2000)

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Table of content

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................... 3

2. Installation ..................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Connecting RS 232 port .......................................................................................... 3 2.2. Connection PC - SYS 3000. .................................................................................... 4

3. General presentation ..................................................................................................... 5 3.1. MENU SELECTION................................................................................................. 5

4. Getting started ............................................................................................................... 6 4.1. Connection to the inverter system ........................................................................... 6

5. Using the software......................................................................................................... 7 5.1. Menu « Current Connection » ................................................................................. 7

5.1.1. Sub-menu ‘Inverters Informations’..................................................................... 7 5.1.2. Sub-menu ‘Schema’ ........................................................................................ 11 5.1.3. Sub-menu ‘Actions’.......................................................................................... 12 5.1.4. Sub-menu ‘Alarm Log’ ..................................................................................... 14 5.1.5. Sub-menu ‘History log’..................................................................................... 14 5.1.6. Sub-menu ‘Global Actions’ .............................................................................. 15

5.2. MENU ‘Connect’. ................................................................................................... 16 5.2.1. Sub-menu ‘Dial’ ............................................................................................... 16 5.2.2. Sub-menu ‘Wait for a call’................................................................................ 16

5.3. MENU ‘Configuration’. ........................................................................................... 17 5.4. MENU ‘Tools’......................................................................................................... 17 5.5. MENU ‘Exit’. .......................................................................................................... 17 5.6. MENU ‘Help (?)’..................................................................................................... 18

6. Troubleshooting........................................................................................................... 18

This software is based on an ON LINE help menu. Please do not hesitate to consult this help

function while you are using the software.

This software is protected with a licence number in relation with the serial number of the SYS3000 controller.

If you have any communication problem please verify that you are using the appropriate

licence number according to the serial number of the controller SYS3000.

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1. Introduction PSM2000 (Power System Manager) is the remote management software dedicated to work with Inverter system Supervisor SYS3000 controller. PSM2000 is able to monitor and control all generation of inverter modules, static switches and inverter systems based on RDI technology. It operates under Win95, Win98, Win2000, WinXP or WinNT operating system. Basics functions are :

• Getting connected with the system locally or through modem line • Displaying information on the complete system, each inverter group or each inverter

unit individually in a bloc diagram, or text mode format • Being informed when any event occurs on the system • Having all information and history in a log file which can be saved or printed • ...

2. Installation Installation must be done from Zip file, executable file is “PSM2000.EXE” After unzipping the file to a specified location, launch PSM2000 Icon in the installation directory. Minimum material for proper software use : VGA screen 32Mb RAM RS 232 serial port Windows 95 or above 2.1. Connecting RS 232 port Connect a cable between the SYS3000 front plug (DB9) and the computer. CAUTION : You CANNOT connect pin5 (GND) to the RS-232 plug chassis. Never connect A with B as

showed on the schematic

Figure 1. : DB9 connection

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2.2. Connection PC - SYS 3000. Use a cable with following characteristics :

Figure 2. : Serial cable for PC connection

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3. General presentation Main interface of PSM2000 is a graphic window. This window is made of :

• Drop-down menus you can access with mouse click or via function key F10 + arrows • Indicators below this menu line, allowing the user to check the activity on the

communication line Thanks to these indicators, the user can check the proper working of the PSM2000 communication software and if the station is corresponding with the computer.

Figure 3. : Main interface of PSM2000 3.1. MENU SELECTION PSM2000 (Power System Manager) software offers the following menus :

• Current connection • Connect • Configuration • Tools • Exit • Help ( ?)

You can access the sub-menus the following way : Clicking with your mouse on the menu With arrow keys and « Enter » when you are on the appropriate menu

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4. Getting started Click on the icon “ PSM2000 ” to start the software PSM2000. 4.1. Connection to the inverter system Be sure that your PC or modem is correctly settled and the system with SYS3000 has been switched ON, modem is configured in PSM2000 and in the controller SYS3000. If configurations in PSM2000 and in the SYS3000 are not correct, communication may not be established. If you are not using a modem, then connect an RS232 cable between your PC and the SYS3000 serial port (DB9 connector). The serial cable is a classic serial communication cable; refer to chapter 2.2. Select the menu “ Connect ” in the general toolbar to enter in the connection window.

Figure 4. : Connection window Important notes :

1. Serial number and license number must be properly entered otherwise communication may not be established.

2. To add a new system to the Station List for monitoring, click on “Append” and

complete the informations before establishing the connection. 3. Be sure that SYS3000 and terminal have the same configuration before establishing


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5. Using the software 5.1. Menu « Current Connection »

5.1.1. Sub-menu ‘Inverters Informations’ This sub-menu displays the characteristics / parameters of inverters present in the system. These informations are stored in the memory of the SYS3000. The Sub-menus ‘STATUS’ & ‘SCHEMA’ displays system informations but doesn’t allow any system operation. To change inverters parameters, the user must use the ‘ACTION’ Sub-menu. Sub-menu ‘Status’ - ‘System’ This window allows checking parameters for the complete inverter system : General informations :

• SYS 3000 software number • Inverter system characteristics : site name, serial number, time and date

Configuration :

• DC nominal voltage • Monitored nominal power • Percentage of installed power used for the loads

Inverters :

• Number of configured inverters • Number of monitored inverters • Number of inverters in normal working mode • Number of manually stopped inverters

Measures :

• Voltage, current and delivered power from the inverter system • Output frequency • Loading rate of inverters

Static Switch (if present):

• Working mode if applicable • Alarms present on the Static Switch • Static switch source used to supply the load

Alarms :

• ‘Alarm stop’ menu activated or not • Total of Urgent / Non urgent alarms present in the system

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Figure 5. : Inverters informations window (System)

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Sub-menu ‘Status’ - ‘Group’ This window allows the user to check informations per inverter group : Each group is selectable by accessing the dedicated menu (Group 1 Group 4) Configuration :

• Nominal DC input voltage • Monitored nominal power • Stopping voltage value on DC input

Status of inverters :

• Number of configured inverters • Number of monitored inverters • Number of inverters working properly • Number of inverters manually stopped

Measures :

• Voltage, current and delivered power from the inverter system • DC input voltage of inverter group

Figure 6. : Inverters informations window (Group)

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Sub-menu ‘Status’ - ‘Module’ This window allow the user to check informations per inverter : Modules configuration :

• Nominal power of each inverter • Inverter status

Measures :

• Output current and power for each inverter • Heatsink temperature of each module

Figure 7. : Inverters informations window (Module)

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5.1.2. Sub-menu ‘Schema’ This window is a graphical representation of the inverter system, showing the configuration of the connected system. Schematic is composed of following elements :

• DC input breakers • Inverter modules • Inverter groups • Complete inverter system • Static switch • Manual By-pass • Auxiliary AC back-up source (with or without breakers) • Output fuses / breakers

Clicking on the objects will show the statues of measurements. Alarms are color-represented :

• Yellow for Non-Urgent • Red for Urgent

Figure 8. : Schema window

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5.1.3. Sub-menu ‘Actions’ The action window allows the user to make operations on the connected system. 'System' allows to start/stop the system with the buttons « Start » / « Stop »

Figure 9. : Inverters actions window (System)

'Groups' allows to start / stop inverters groups, selected with clicking boxes, with the “Start” / “Stop” buttons.

Figure 10. : Inverters actions window (Groups)

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'Modules' allows to start / stop inverters, selected with clicking boxes, with the “Start” / “Stop” buttons. Additional informations are available : Group number and module status.

Figure 11. : Inverters actions window (Modules) 'Static Switch' allows to know the working mode (On-Line or Off-line) if static switch is present. The button “apply” allows to validate the new working mode.

Figure 12. : Inverters actions window (Static switch)

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5.1.4. Sub-menu ‘Alarm Log’ This menu allows the user to see the alarm log file for the inverter system. A counter indicates the number of Urgent and Non-urgent alarms present in the system.

Figure 13. : Alarm log window

5.1.5. Sub-menu ‘History log’ This sub-menu displays the events recorded in the SYS3000 (100 events maximum). For each message following informations are available : Number, Date, Time, Label and Alarm type (UA – NUA - No Alarm)

Figure 14. : History log window

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Messages are displayed with time/date classification. The newer message appears on top. The ‘print’ button allows to print the events. The “Save” button allows to save the event log in the specified location.

5.1.6. Sub-menu ‘Global Actions’ Sub-menu ‘Date & time’ This sub-menu allows setting up the SYS3000 time and dating from the computer. It is necessary to have correct parameters on the computer before sending the informations.

Figure 15. : Global actions window (Date & Time) Sub-menu ‘History log ’ This Sub-menu shows the events applied to the system. It is also possible to clear the changes made to the system (“Clear” button)

Figure 16. : Global actions window (History log)

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5.2. MENU ‘Connect’. This menu allows to make connection between computer / SYS3000 device.

5.2.1. Sub-menu ‘Dial’ Station list & description : This menu shows the registered stations on the computer software. To connect to inverter system, choose ‘SYS3000’. In the description menu, it is necessary to enter the Serial Number and the License number. Serial number is available on the SYS3000 (6-Number digit), please refer to SYS3000 manual. The License number is given by your inverter system supplier. Protocol to use is J-Bus Connection must be made in Terminal mode to connect direct from computer. To connect remotely via modem, choose “Modem” in the connection menu. Enter the phone number of the modem installed in the system in the appropriate “Phone number” box. In the terminal configuration menu, you must enter your computer parameters for connection. Here are standard parameters to use :

• Port : depends on your system • Baud rate : 9600 • Stop bits : 1 • Parity : none • Flow control : None • Data bits : 8

Click on “Connect” to start connection.

5.2.2. Sub-menu ‘Wait for a call’ Select the appropriate device (Modem) on your computer to use for connection and press “OK”. When this is done, the computer will wait for incoming call from the inverter system. (The phone number to call the computer must be set up in the SYS3000, see related manual).

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5.3. MENU ‘Configuration’. This menu allows to set up parameters :

• Password to restrict access to PSM2000 software • Callback number for the modem in case of callback • Default language

Figure 17. : Configuration window

5.4. MENU ‘Tools’. This menu allows to configure the modem installed in the system and connected to SYS3000.

Figure 18. : Device selection window

5.5. MENU ‘Exit’. This menu allows to exit from PSM2000.

Figure 19. : Exit window “Yes” button will exit. “No” button will come back to the PSM2000 Software

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5.6. MENU ‘Help (?)’. This menu enters the On-line help from the PSM2000

6. Troubleshooting This section will help you in case you cannot operate the software properly. An ON-Line help is also available with the software; please do not hesitate to consult it. Connection/communication problem

• Check your licence number is correct with reference to the controller serial number. If you do not have the licence number please note the last 6 digits of the serial number and ask support team to provide you with the proper licence number.

• If you are using a modem please verify that PSM2000 and SYS3000 have the same

configuration parameters.

• If a password has been installed in the SYS3000 you must install it in the PSM2000 because each command you are sending is checked by verifying both password.
