Operations & Engineering eNewsletter - aga.org · Registration Now Open Update! Agenda Released...


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Operations & Engineering eNewsletter

February 12, 2016 A Publication for AGA Members

Available Now - AGA’s 2016 Playbook The American Gas Association 2016 Playbook covers the history of natural gas, the challenges and opportunities of the natural gas industry, and the priority issues and strategies with respect to the production, transmission, distribution and use of America s clean and domestically abundant energy source. It also contains information about innovation and direct economic benefits including industry-related jobs.

Natural gas is the right fuel in the right place, at the right time. Thanks to an unprecedented abundance of domestic natural gas, this affordable resource is changing the energy industry and our nation's economy.

The AGA 2016 Playbook is a concise yet detailed explanation about the role natural gas plays in energy security, a cleaner environment and economic prosperity. It should be a go-to resource for anyone interested in energy.

White House Releases Cybersecurity National Action Plan On February 9, President Obama released the Cybersecurity National Action Plan (CNAP) that takes near-term actions and puts in place a long-term strategy to enhance cybersecurity awareness and protections. According to the Administration, cybersecurity is one of the most important challenges we face as a nation. Government, businesses, and individuals need to join together to address this challenge, and a continued partnership with the owners and operators of critical infrastructure will improve cybersecurity and enhance the nation’s resiliency.

The CNAP has multiple directives targeting increasing the nation’s public and private cybersecurity defenses. AGA has developed a synopsis that highlights the areas of greatest relevance to natural gas operations. AGA will continue to evaluate those initiatives that may impact the natural gas industry and monitor or become engaged as opportunities present themselves. Contact Rebecca Massello, rmassello@aga.org

Southern California Gas Temporarily Controls Flow of Gas at Leaking Aliso Canyon Well Southern California Gas Co. (SoCal Gas) has announced that it temporarily has controlled the flow of natural gas at the leaking well at its Aliso Canyon storage facility outside Los Angeles. Yesterday, the relief well intercepted the base of the leaking well, and the company began pumping heavy fluids to temporarily control the flow of gas out of the leaking well. SoCal Gas is now initiating steps to permanently seal the well, which could occur over the next several days.

Now that the flow of gas has been controlled, SoCal Gas will work to cement and stabilize the well so that it is permanently sealed. To do this, cement will be injected from the relief well into the leaking well at its base. Once this process is complete, SoCal Gas will work with the California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) to confirm that the leaking well is permanently sealed. The company is also continuing its preparations to drill a back-up relief well as a precautionary measure and will continue these efforts until the leak has been stopped permanently.

Please refer to SoCal Gas’s website on Aliso Canyon for the latest updates: www.alisoupdates.com/main. If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Massello, rmassello@aga.org.

Supreme Court Stays Clean Power Plan The Supreme Court has issued an order granting a petition by more than two dozen states and industry to stay implementation of EPA’s Clean Power Plan. The order stays implementation of the Clean Power Plan while challenges to the regulation are pending before the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. If those challenging the regulation are unsuccessful at the D.C. Circuit, implementation of the Clean Power Plan would continue to be delayed if they seek Supreme Court review. For questions please contact Pam Lacey, placey@aga.org or Christine Wyman, cwyman@aga.org.

2016 Best Practices Data Collection Underway

The AGA Gas Utility Operations Best Practices Program provides a forum for the identification of procedures and practices that can improve the reliability, safety and cost-efficiency of a company’s operations. Program participants have the opportunity to learn of practices effectively implemented, and new innovative practices that are being utilized, by industry leaders in different aspects of natural gas operations.

Questionnaires and Data packs have been distributed to start collecting Best Practices Benchmarking data for 2016. In addition to the annual System Reliability and Company Profile questions, we are collecting data on the following topics:

Emergency Response Field Operations Dispatch

Technical Training and OQ Workload Management

Survey responses are due March 28, 2016. There is still time to participate if you have not yet signed up. Please contact Mike Bellman (mbellman@aga.org) or Sumintra Heeralal (sheeralal@aga.org) for a participation agreement.

PHMSA Issues Advisory Bulletin on Snow & Ice Build-Up in Gas Distribution Systems

This week PHMSA issued an advisory bulletin reminding owners and operators of gas facilities of the need to take the appropriate steps to prevent damage to pipeline facilities from accumulated snow or ice. Past events on natural gas distribution system facilities appear to have been related to either the stress of snow and ice or the malfunction of pressure control equipment due to ice blockage of pressure control equipment vents. This advisory reminds owners and operators of the need to take precautionary actions to prevent adverse events. The full text of the bulletin is available from the February 11 Federal Register.

AGA/DCA Utility Contractor Workshop

On April 4-6, 2016, the Distribution Contractors Association (DCA) and American Gas Association (AGA) will conduct the third

annual workshop aimed at increasing communication and cooperation between gas distribution utilities and the contractors

who work for them. Last year’s workshop attracted more than 140 attendees representing gas utilities, contractors,

manufacturers, labor unions, industry experts and government.

The workshop will include panel discussion and breakouts dealing with a wide range of important topics such as workforce

development, operator qualification and portability, PHMSA post inspection rule, HDD training, education and best practices.

Be part of the discussion! Visit the DCA website today for online registration, hotel information and a preliminary program

agenda. The registration and housing deadline is Thursday, March 10. If you have any questions regarding registration or hotel

accommodations, please contact the DCA office on (972) 680-0261.

2016 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit AGA is a sponsor of this year’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) Energy Innovation Summit, the preeminent event of the year for energy innovators, investors, and influencers. Taking place February 29-March 2 in Washington, D.C., this annual conference gathers more than 2,000 experts from government, academia and business to advance cutting-edge energy technologies.

ARPA-E is an innovative and collaborative program within the U.S. Department of Energy that brings together America’s brightest scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to support transformational energy technologies through funding, technical assistance, and market readiness. ARPA-E has invested in several programs focused on improving the efficiency and minimizing the environmental impact of natural gas development. From practical and affordable natural gas storage tanks for passenger cars, quick-filling-at-home refueling stations and other end-use technologies as well as cost-effective and highly accurate methane detection systems, ARPA-E is at the forefront of natural gas innovation and AGA has been working with the agency over the last several years to support and advance their natural gas program. Visit www.arpae-summit.com for more information on the Summit. Contact Rick Murphy, rmurphy@aga.org

Registration Now Open

Update! Agenda Released for AGA’s PSMS Workshop The program agenda for AGA’s Pipeline Safety Management Systems Workshop is now available on the event webpage. Featuring presentations and case studies from pipeline operators, regulators and service providers, this workshop will include discussions on key issues such as implementation strategies to regulatory expectations. Regulators, pipeline operators, and service providers are all invited to participate in this forum. The workshop will begin at 8AM on Tuesday, March 1 and adjourn before noon on Wednesday, March 2. This will be followed by an operator only roundtable session from 1.00PM-4.45PM. This roundtable session will give operators the chance to discuss the presentations from the workshop and to discuss their plans for implantation of the PSMS. Visit the event page at AGA.org today for online registration and hotel information. A preliminary agenda will be available soon. For more information, please contact Kate Miller kmiller@aga.org

AGA 2016 Operations Conference

Registration is open now for AGA’s 2016 Operations Conference. Join your colleagues at North America's premier technical forum of natural gas utility and pipeline operations management from across the continent and around the world. Featuring a conference program developed by operators and for operators, it's no surprise this important industry gathering continues to break attendance records!

Visit the event page at AGA.org for registration, hotel information and a preliminary program and sponsorship opportunities. Bookmark the page and check back soon for Technical Committee Agendas, mobile app download links and other event news and updates.

AGA Operations Section Spring Committee Meetings - April 18-19: The AGA Operations Section Spring Committee

Meetings will take place from Monday, April 18 to Tuesday, April 19, in conjunction with the 2016 Operations

Conference. Check with AGA committee staff executives for exact schedule details before you make travel arrangements.

How Many Engineers Does it Take to Build a Bike? Since 2010, we’ve kicked off the Operations

Conference week by giving back to the communities we serve. This year we are proud to be partnering

once again with Bikes for Goodness Sake to help them in their mission of providing bikes to

underprivileged children in the community. This is a very special project designed to challenge the

engineer in everyone! Last year’s teams finished in record time. Can you beat them? Can you beat your

colleagues? Can you get the handlebars on the right way? (I’m looking at you Team AGA!!!) Join us onsite at the Biltmore on

Sunday, April 17 to find out. What will be a fun morning for us, will mean so much more to the children who will benefit from

our work. Sign up for this when you register, or contact Annemarie O’Donoghue (aodonoghue@aga.org) to update your

registration and let her know your t-shirt size.

Sponsorship Opportunities available for this event can be viewed online at AGA.org. In addition to lending your name to

this highly visible event, sponsors will have advance access to attendee lists. For additional sponsorship information, contact

Annemarie O'Donoghue at aodonoghue@aga.org or 202-824-7032.

Questions? For registration or sponsorship, please contact Annemarie O’Donoghue, aodonogue@aga.org. For questions about the Conference program or other related topics, please contact Debbie Ellis, dellis@aga.org.


Discussion Groups Discussion groups are open to all AGA full & limited

members ONLY. Surveys & Data Requests

Due Feb 17: Confined Space Entry

Due Feb 17: Corrosion Control

Due Feb 18: Meter Set Rotary Turbine & EC Maintenance

Due Feb 18: Plastic Joint Inspection

Due Feb 19: Backfill & Trench Standards

Due Feb 22: Safety Management Systems

Available Now

For Summaries of Responses to SOS Surveys, log on to aga.org to view our searchable list of SOS summaries covering a wide range of operations related topics. If you do not already have an AGA password, or you need to reset your existing password, please click here first.

January 2016 Pipeline Safety Regulatory Update provides AGA members with the most up-to-date information we have on pending pipeline safety regulations and information collection requests from the Pipeline and Hazardous Material Association (PHMSA). It also includes notes on AGA's position, concerns, etc. on various pieces of rulemaking as well as links to internal and external resources relating to each area. Erin Kurilla

Updated! Natural Gas Market Indicators - summarizing recent developments in natural gas pricing, heating and cooling degree days statistics, underground storage, domestic gas production, rig counts, pipeline imports and exports, and international LNG issues. Contact Chris McGill or Richard Meyer.


1-2: Pipeline Safety Management System (PSMS) Workshop. Dallas, TX. Contact Kate Miller

9-11: AGA Next Level Leadership Women’s Program. Washington, DC. Contact Ysabel Suarez

14-16: Gas Pipeline Technology Committee (GPTC) Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Contact Mike Bellman


4-6: AGA/DCA Utility Contractor Workshop. Chicago, IL. Contact Andrew Lu

5-6: AGA/SPE Underground Storage Operators Workshop. Evansville, IN. Contact Rebecca Massello

18-19: AGA Operations Section Spring Technical Committee Meetings. Phoenix, AZ. Contact Debbie Ellis

19-22: AGA Operations Conference. Phoenix, AZ. Contact Debbie Ellis

Member Surveys, Summaries & Updates

This document has been prepared by the American Gas Association for members. In issuing and making this publication available, AGA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is AGA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. The statements in this publication are for general information only and it does not provide a legal opinion or legal advice for any purpose. Information on the topics covered by this publication may be available from other sources, which the user may wish to consult for additional views or information not covered by this publication.

© Copyright 2015 American Gas Association. All Rights Reserved. www.aga.org

AGA’s Operations Discussion Groups are an opportunity for

member companies to come together to address the

operational challenges. All Discussion Groups are scheduled

for 2PM EST.

Feb 16: TIMP Risk Models. Erin Kurilla

Mar 8: Pipeline Safety, Compliance, Oversight. Betsy Tansey

Mar 10: Emergency Preparedness & Public Awareness.

Vanessa George

TBA: GIS/GPS and Work Management Systems. Junaid Faruq

TBA: Damage Prevention. Kofi Woodley

TBA: Compressor Operations. Erin Kurilla

TBA: Pipeline Safety Management Systems. Kate Miller

TBA: Technical Training. Andrew Lu

For Discussion Group information and links to each Group

website, please CLICK HERE.
