Opioid substitution and antagonist therapy trials …RESEARCH Open Access Opioid substitution and...


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Opioid substitution and antagonist therapytrials exclude the common addiction patient:a systematic review and analysis of eligibilitycriteriaBrittany B. Dennis1, Pavel S. Roshanov2, Leen Naji3, Monica Bawor4, James Paul5, Carolyn Plater6, Guillaume Pare1,Andrew Worster6,7, Michael Varenbut6, Jeff Daiter6, David C. Marsh6,8, Dipika Desai9, Zainab Samaan1,9,10,11

and Lehana Thabane1,12,13*


Background: Eligibility criteria that result in the exclusion of a substantial number of patients from randomized trialsjeopardize the generalizability of treatment effect to much of the clinical population. This is important when evaluatingopioid substitution and antagonist therapies (OSATs), especially given the challenges associated with treating theopioid-dependent population. We aimed to identify OSAT trials' eligibility criteria, quantify the percentage of the clinicalpopulation excluded by these criteria, and determine how OSAT guidelines incorporate evidence from these trials.

Methods: We performed a systematic review to identify the eligibility criteria used across trials. We searched Medline,EMBASE, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Cochrane Clinical Trials Registry (CTR), World Health OrganizationInternational CTR Platform Search Portal, and the National Institutes of Health CTR databases from inception to January 1,2014. To quantify the effect of trials' eligibility criteria on generalizability, we applied these criteria to data from anobservational study of opioid-dependent patients (n = 394). We then accessed the Canadian, American, British, andWorld Health Organization (WHO) OSAT guidelines to evaluate how evidence is used in the recommendations.

Results: Among the 60 trials identified the majority (≥50 % of trials) exclude patients with psychiatric (60 %) andphysical comorbidity (51.7 %). Additionally, we found 19 trials exclude patients with current alcohol/substance-useproblems (31.7 %), and 29 (48.3 %) exclude patients taking psychotropic medications. These criteria were restrictive andin some cases rendered 70 % of the observational sample ineligible. North American OSAT guidelines made strongrecommendations supported by evidence with poor generalizability. National Institute of Health and Care Excellence(NICE) and WHO guidelines for opioid misuse provide a critical assessment of the literature used to inform theirrecommendations.

Conclusions: Trials assessing OSATs often exclude patients with concurrent disorders. If the excluded patients responddifferently to treatment, results from these trials are likely to overestimate the true effectiveness of OSATs. NorthAmerican guidelines should consider these limitations when drafting clinical recommendations.

Keywords: Opioid addiction, Opioid dependence, Opioid use disorder, Generalizability, Comorbidity, Psychiatriccomorbidity, Methodology, Methadone maintenance treatment

* Correspondence: thabanl@mcmaster.ca1Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University,1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada12Centre for Evaluation of Medicine, 25 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8P1H1, CanadaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article


© 2015 Dennis et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Dennis et al. Trials (2015) 16:475 DOI 10.1186/s13063-015-0942-4

BackgroundOpioid addiction is a chronic disorder with several riskfactors contributing to its development and treatmentcourse [1–3]. The global impact of opioid use is apparentand according to the United Nations Office on Drugs andCrime there were an estimated 26.4 to 36 million (0.03 %global population) people engaging in illicit opioid use in2012 [4]. Within the US alone 2.1 million people are esti-mated to be suffering from a prescription opioid addiction[5]. The cost of opioid addiction to both patients and soci-ety is high, with estimates in the range of 55.7 billion USdollars [6]. A recent investigation from the RAND pro-vides assessments of the costs of opioid addiction and esti-mate a range from €2,627 to €60,665 per person, per year.These estimates are comprised of data from American,Australian and Canadian populations and quote the mostgeneralizable estimates encompassing the highest scope ofcosts (health care, lost worker productivity) at €21,904 perperson per year [7].Despite its high prevalence and global impact, [8] there

remain few medication-assisted treatments for opioid ad-diction. The treatments are known collectively as opioidsubstitution and antagonist therapies (OSATs) and includeboth opioid agonist and antagonist treatments. Metha-done, buprenorphine, buprenorphine-naloxone and nal-trexone, [9] are among the regularly used treatments foraddiction patients, with methadone remaining the mostcommonly prescribed [9]. Patients with opioid depend-ence are among the hardest to manage and retain in treat-ment [10, 11]. Their transient lifestyle, extensive socialissues, and physical comorbidities contribute to the diffi-culties of treatment. Less than 15 % of methadone patientssuccessfully finish their treatment as intended, [10, 11]and those who leave treatment have high susceptibility forhuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV), relapse, and death[10, 11]. When faced with the responsibility of treatingsuch complex and vulnerable populations we are expectedto trust the recommendations put forward in the clinicalguidelines.Guidelines rely heavily on the evidence from stringently

designed trials and meta-analyses to inform their recom-mendations [12–15]. Strict eligibility criteria can limit thegeneralizability of clinical research and leave cliniciansguessing as to the effectiveness of interventions in manyof their patients [16]. For instance, trials on treatments foropioid dependence commonly exclude patients with psy-chiatric comorbidities [17–25] in an effort to reduce non-compliance and determine whether a treatment worksunder optimal conditions. Such selective exclusion ofdifficult-to-treat patients may inflate the benefits we ex-pect from our treatments. Patients with opioid depend-ence are known for having comorbid physical andpsychiatric disorders [26–31] and the presence of suchdisorders can adversely affect their outcomes [32–34]. For

instance, depressed people receiving opioid substitutiontherapy (OST) are more likely to consume illicit sub-stances compared to counterparts who do not suffer fromdepression [32]. Since the prevalence of depression amongopioid-dependent patients is high, [31] their exclusionfrom OSAT trials may bias the results and create inflatedestimates of treatment effect. The complexities associatedwith managing opioid-dependent patients demand theneed for thorough clinical guidelines. Accordingly, there isan enormous responsibility to ensure guidelines: (1) relyon the up-to-date evidence with high internal validity;(2) provide information on the populations that may re-spond differently to treatment and; (3) are transparentabout the limitations of the evidence and their ability toprovide strong recommendations. Assessment of thegeneralizability of OSAT trials to real practice and identifi-cation of important factors limiting generalizability arekey steps in translating the evidence generated by thesetrials into practice.While the impact of strict inclusion criteria on the

generalizability of trial evidence has been previously evalu-ated in addiction research, [35–40] these studies arefocused on alcohol- and cannabis-dependent populations,where the inclusion criteria and clinical implications mayvary greatly from that of opioid-dependent populations.To our knowledge no study has investigated the eligibilitycriteria of OSAT trials. We set out to: (1) identify OSATtrials’ eligibility criteria and other design characteristics;(2) quantify the proportion of the clinical population ex-cluded by these criteria and; (3) determine how the mostrecent American, Canadian, British, and World HealthOrganization (WHO) OSAT treatment guidelines incorp-orate evidence from these trials.

MethodsReviewThe protocol for this systematic review has been previ-ously registered (Prospero ID: CRD42013006507) anddescribed elsewhere [41]. The protocol for this reviewdetails a larger network meta-analysis currently in pro-gress [41]. Briefly, we performed a systematic review toidentify all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluatingthe effect of a substitute opioid therapy for improvingtreatment response in opioid-dependent patients. Wesearched Medline, Excerpta Medica DataBase (EMBASE),PsycINFO, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, CochraneClinical Trials Registry (CTR), WHO International CTRPlatform Search Portal, and the National Institutes ofHealth (NIH) CTR databases from inception to January 1,2014. We asked each primary investigator listed on theNIH Clinical Trial Registry from studies deemed eligiblefrom the title screen of the NIH trial library to submit alist of publications resulting from their trial. We also hand

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searched all Cochrane reviews evaluating the effectivenessof any OSAT to identify additional studies.We included only studies evaluating the effectiveness of

any opioid agonist or antagonist substitution therapy inpatients with opioid addiction. Studies evaluating theeffect of OSAT on specialized populations including co-caine- or alcohol-dependent patients were excluded. Wewill highlight again that the trials used for this review wereidentified as part of a larger network meta-analysis aimingto evaluate the impact of different OSTs in the generalopioid addiction patient populations. Studies includedwere required to investigate the efficacy of an OSAT usingone or more of the outcomes of interest: illicit substanceuse, treatment attrition, criminal behavior, mortality, phys-ical and psychological well-being as well as adverse events.We placed no age or language restrictions on our search.However, we did require all studies be primary investiga-tions with direct comparison groups (separated by a treat-ment or placebo). No studies evaluating a single treatmentwere included (e.g., cohort, cross-sectional studies). Weextracted information on the stated trial objectives, eligi-bility criteria, and study design. All trials eligible for inclu-sion were subject to risk of bias assessment using theCochrane Risk of Bias Tool [42]. We used the kappa stat-istic to assess inter-rater agreement, [43], which is prefera-ble to percent agreement calculations since it takes intoaccount any agreement occurring by chance. Kappa valuesrange from 0 to 1, with values closer to 1 indicating ahigher level of agreement [43]. Disagreements during thescreening and abstraction process were resolved by con-sensus. This review adheres to the reporting standards setout by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematicreviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [44].We then applied trials’ reported eligibility criteria to a

sample of 394 opioid-dependent patients participating inthe GENetics of Opioid Addiction (GENOA) study, acollaboration between McMaster University and theCanadian Addiction Treatment Centres (CATC).

GENetics of Opioid Addiction (GENOA) prospective cohortstudy designGENOA is an ongoing observational study of the genetic,biological, and social determinants of treatment responsefor opioid-dependent patients. The GENOA population ismade up of opioid addiction patients actively receivingmethadone treatment at a CATC facility. The CATC(formerly known as the Ontario Addiction TreatmentCentre) are the largest network of methadone addictiontreatment facilities in North America – with over 12,000patients and 57 clinical sites across Canada. Over the past20 years CATC has treated over 50,000 patients.Although changes were made to enhance the study’s

feasibility and internal validity, the findings and details ofmethodology employed during the GENOA pilot phase

are described elsewhere [45]. Changes made following thepilot phase include: relaxing eligibility criteria, utilizing aprospective cohort design with a follow-up duration of12 months, and integrating the use of validated tools suchas the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) to assess pain [46], theMini International Neuropsychiatric Interview version 6.0(MINI) [47] to assess for psychiatric comorbidities, andthe Maudsley Addiction Profile (MAP) instrument toassess addiction severity across personal, physical, and so-cial functioning domains [48]. To be eligible for GENOAparticipants were required to be at least 18 years old andable to provide informed consent.GENOA participants are opioid addiction patients re-

ceiving methadone for the treatment of opioid depend-ence. GENOA participants are recruited directly fromCATC methadone treatment facilities. Participants pro-vide an initial blood sample as well as addiction severity,pain, and psychiatric assessment at the baseline interview.Participants also provide urine samples to assess for sub-stance use. Over the course of their 12-month follow-upGENOA participants are asked to partake in additionaladdiction severity assessments using the MAP [48] as wellas urine toxicology screening at 3-month intervals.The CATC is made of up 57 clinical facilitates adminis-

tering pharmacological therapies for opioid addictionincluding methadone and buprenorphine. The CATC pro-gram offers clinical services including clinical interview toassess opioid dependence according to Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition(DSM IV) criteria, medical examination and laboratorytests, where appropriate, supervised urine testing and ini-tiation of treatment plan. CATC comprises the largest net-work of addiction treatment facilitates in North Americatreating over one-third of Ontario’s opioid addictionpopulation. From rural northern Ontario to populousdowntown Toronto there is substantial variability in thegeographic and economic populations CATC serves, offer-ing a healthy case mix of patients being recruited into theGENOA study. The social, economic, and geographicaldiscordance between CATC sites (both in general andthose included in GENOA) increases our confidence inthe generalizability of this sample.We searched www.guidelines.gov for the most recent

American and Canadian guidelines with the terms“opioid dependence,” “opioid addiction,” and “opioidsubstitution treatment.” These search terms were usedindividually for three separate searches. We also used theNational Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)to identify the most recently published clinical guidelinesfor substitute opioid therapies used by the National HealthService in the UK. WHO guidelines were accessed dir-ectly from http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2009/9789241547543_eng.pdf. We extracted information onrecommendations made by each guideline, the grade

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assigned to that recommendation, evidence cited by theguideline, any cautions regarding clinical subgroup ef-fects, and whether the guideline discussed the popula-tions in which the interventions were tested.The guidelines were also subject to additional evaluation

using specific domains from the Appraisal of Guidelinesfor Research and Evaluation II (AGREE) Instrument. TheAGREE II instrument is a validated and reliable tool usedto assess the quality of clinical guidelines [49, 50]. Theinstrument comprises 23 items organized into six qualitydomains: scope and purpose; stakeholder involvement;rigor of development; clarity of presentation; applicability;and editorial independence [49]. We chose to assess theguidelines using the AGREE II rigor of development andapplicability domains since our guideline-specific objectivewas to determine how the guidelines incorporate evidenceinto the development and dissemination of clinical recom-mendations. Two independent reviewers assessed theguidelines according to the detailed instructions providedfor the AGREE II.

Data synthesis and statistical analysisWe summarized categorical variables as proportions andpercentages and continuous variables as means withstandard deviations. All analyses were performed usingStata 13.1 [51].

ResultsFindings from systematic review of common eligibilitycriteria used across OSAT trialsFigure 1 outlines the study screening process. Wescreened 5303 unique articles after removing 774 dupli-cates with good agreement between reviewers (kappa,0.71 (standard error [SE] 0.02), 0.85 (SE 0.03), and0.73 (SE 0.06) for the title, abstract, and full-textscreening respectively). The title search was performedin January 2014. A list of the 60 trials included in this re-view is summarized in Additional file 1. During full-textreview 77 articles were excluded, whereby 10 articles iden-tified during the hand-search of Cochrane reviews wereduplicates, seven studies did not review an outcome ofinterest, 36 studies were not randomized trials, one studyshowed contamination of intervention, six studies useddata-linkage/retrospective data design, one study stratifiedall analyses by sex, and six studies were performed in aspecialized population (e.g., cocaine-dependent patients).Trials identified for inclusion evaluated the effect of

methadone, buprenorphine, heroin, naltrexone (oral andimplant), combination buprenorphine and naloxone, levo-α-acetylmethadol (LAAM), and morphine. Forty-five per-cent of trials reported establishing drug efficacy as theirprimary objective, 20 % reported drug effectiveness as theprimary trial aim, and 26 % failed to explicitly state an ob-jective. Table 1 summarizes the eligibility criteria reported

across trials, as well as the percentage of opioid-dependent patients from the GENOA sample (n = 394)who satisfy each criterion. Trials often included adult pa-tients (100 %, all 60 trials), meeting the DSM-IV or Inter-national Classification of Disease (ICD) criteria for opioiddependence (38.3 %, 23 trials), and exclude patients withpsychiatric (60 %, 36 trials) or chronic physical comorbidi-ties (51.7 %, 31 trials). The definitions, measurements, aswell as cut-offs used to assess psychiatric and physicalfunctioning varied substantially across trials. While somestudies provide a detailed description of conditions thatwould deem patients ineligible for inclusion, other studieslacked such sufficient detail thus jeopardizing the repro-ducibility of their trial. For instance, one of the higherquality studies published in the Lancet by Schottenfeldet al. (2008) provides a list of conditions they deemedproblematic for inclusion into the trial without oncediscussing how such conditions were measured, “Patientswere ineligible if they were dependent on alcohol, benzodi-azepines, or sedatives; had concentrations of liver enzymes(alkaline phosphatase or alanine transaminase) greaterthan three times the upper limit of normal; were danger-ous to themselves or others; were psychotic or had majordepression; or had life-threatening medical problems,”[19]. This type of description was not uncommon, wherebythe majority of studies lacked any explanation of themethods used to assess for different physical conditions ordemographic characteristics.The most restrictive criteria were the exclusion of pa-

tients with psychiatric comorbidities or those using alco-hol and other substances, which alone renders 74.4 % ofthe GENOA participants ineligible for inclusion. Whilenot as commonly reported (<50 % of trials), the applica-tion of other restrictive criteria such as the exclusion ofpatients who take psychotropic medications and therequirement for intravenous drug use behavior wouldrender 50 and 93 % of the sample ineligible for inclusionrespectively.

The use of evidence in clinical practice guidelinesWe identified three North American guidelines forthe treatment of opioid dependence using thewww.guidelines.gov database [12–14]. We identifiedthe UK clinical practice guidelines for opioid maintenancetherapy using the NICE database [52]. We also evaluatedthe WHO 2009 international guidelines for managingopioid-dependent patients [53]. Tables 2 and 3 summarizethe recommendations made by each guideline, the gradeassigned to that recommendation, evidence cited by theguideline, any cautions regarding clinical subgroup effects,the number of GENOA participants excluded by the com-bined eligibility criteria reported in the trials cited in theguideline, and whether the guideline discussed the popula-tions in which the interventions were tested.

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The most recent clinical practice guidelines for manage-ment of substance use disorders from the US Departmentof Defense and Department of Veteran Affairs (2009) usesevidence from both trials and observational studies toinform recommendations for methadone and buprenor-phine opioid substitution treatment [13]. The recommen-dations made within the US guidelines were based onevidence from trials excluding patients with psychiatricdisorders, [54, 55] concurrent alcohol or poly-substanceuse, [54–56] and the patients prescribed psychotropicmedications [55, 56]. The College of Physicians andSurgeons of Ontario published the most recent metha-done guidelines, utilizing a systematic search across fivedatabases and the grey literature [12]. The guideline com-mittee found only four studies to address the issue ofmethadone effectiveness among prescription opioid users,with large weight placed on a retrospective observationalstudy [57] and a systematic review lacking a risk of bias

assessment [58]. Similar to the methadone maintenanceguidelines, the Canadian guidelines for buprenorphine relyon evidence from trials and systematic reviews of studiesexcluding patients on psychotropic medications, and pa-tients with serious physical comorbidities as well as con-current substance/alcohol dependence [14]. The Canadianguidelines did not provide a description of how they eval-uated the individual studies used to support their recom-mendations [12, 14]. There is no explicit discussion of therisk of bias assessment conducted on the supporting bodyof evidence [12, 14]. When applying the criteria reportedby the trials cited in each guideline we find the Canadianbuprenorphine/naloxone guideline [14] are basing theirrecommendations on the most restrictive evidence,whereby only seven participants from the GENOA samplemeet the combined eligibility requirements.Contrary to the practices used by North American

guideline panels, the NICE and WHO clinical practice

Fig. 1 Systematic review study selection flow diagram

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guidelines for opioid misuse provide an appraisal of theevidence used to inform the guidance and suggest the im-portance of managing comorbid disorders with the use ofpsychosocial interventions during maintenance therapyor before using an OSAT to treat opioid dependence[52, 53]. WHO guidelines provide explicit recommenda-tions for managing participants with comorbid disorders(poly-substance use, pregnancy, psychiatric disorders) aswell as transparency with respect to the evidence used toinform recommendations [53]. NICE guidelines providedisclaimers for the knowledge users about the populationsthe interventions were tested in, and the overall limita-tions for using the evidence to guide recommendations inspecific subpopulations [52]. WHO guidelines go so far assuggesting comorbid disorders be addressed by the sameconsultant, a method used for increasing uptake and ad-herence to OSAT [53]. While WHO guidelines provided a

section detailing recommendations for important subpop-ulations, they did not discuss any of the important issuesof generalizability [53]. Moreover, WHO guidelines wentso far as suggesting there was no uncertainty as to the dir-ectness of the evidence in their evidence profile for thequestions, “Is methadone effective for the treatment ofopioid dependence?” despite the concerning stringent in-clusion criteria applied across trials [53]. In fact, the onlycriticisms WHO raised with respect to the generalizabilityof the evidence were in the case of studies performed onin-patient populations [53].Table 4 summarizes the application of the AGREE II

instrument to the guidelines. A domain-specific score isprovided for each guideline in addition to the individualitem scores. The UK and WHO guidelines ranked highestfor the rigor of development and applicability domains(Table 4). Within this domain, UK and WHO guidelines

Table 1 Summary of eligibility criteria reported across trials

Trial eligibility criteria Number of trials reportingcriteria k (%), (k = 60)

Number of GENOA participantsmeeting criteria n (%), (n = 394)

Inclusion criteria

Age ≥18 30 (50.0) 394 (100.0)

DSM-IV or ICD criteria for opioid dependence 23 (38.3) 394 (100.0)

Requirement of previous MMT Treatments or currently receiving methadone 18 (30.0) 394 (100.0)

Provision of positive opioid urine test 18 (30.0) /

Daily injecting drug use patterns or intravenous drug use behavior 11(18.3) 28 (7.1)

Addiction Severity Score (i.e., >8 on MAP or >12 on ASI) 5 (8.3) 168 (42.6)

Explicit willingness to follow methadone treatment regime 4 (6.7) 394 (100.0)

Educational requirements (high school diploma) 4 (6.7) 352 (89.3)

Abstinence from alcohol and other substances for 1 week prior to study entry 3 (5.0) /

Reported criminal behavior in last 6 months 1 (1.6) 24 (6.1)

Exclusion criteria

Presence of psychiatric comorbidity 36 (60) 293 (74.4)

Presence of chronic physical comorbidity 31 (51.7) 225 (57.1)

Presence of acute physical problems 30 (50.0) 106 (26.9)

Presence of psychotropic or neuroleptic medication 29 (48.3) 193 (50.0)

Pregnancy 27 (45.0) /

Concurrent alcohol or substance abuse problems 19 (31.7) 293 (74.4)

Abnormal liver enzymes 9 (15.0) /

Presence of HIV 1 (1.7) 3 (0.76)

/ Indicates this information is not available in the GENOA samplek indicates trialsCriminal behavior among GENOA participants included: drug trafficking, theft, prostitution, fraudPsychiatric comorbidity determined using MINI psychiatric evaluation on all GENOA participants (n = 394)Substance use among GENOA participants included: heroin, benzodiazepine, cannabis, cocaine, crack cocaine, and alcoholChronic physical comorbidity was measured in the GENOA sample as a composite outcome of one or more of: HIV, chronic pain, liver disease, hepatitis, diabetes,epilepsy, or otherAcute physical problems determined in GENOA sample using MAP physical symptoms scores (participants reporting <20 were considered to have no acutephysical health problems)GENOA Genetics of Opioid Addiction, DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, ICD International Classification of Disease, MMTmethadone maintenance treatment, MAP Maudsley Addiction Profile, ASI Addiction Severity Index, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, MINI The Mini InternationalNeuropsychiatric Interview

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Table 2 Guidelines available for evaluation of the appropriateness of opioid agonist and antagonist treatments for patients with opioid dependence

Title of guideline Country Year Intervention(s) assessed Outcome Clinical trial designcharacteristics insupporting evidence

Use of observational studies Meta-analyses includedindividual risk of biasassessment

Clinical practice guidelinefor management ofsubstance use disorders(SUD) [13]

USA 2009 Methadone andbuprenorphine

Decrease in opioid use(relapse prevention)

Explanatory by designwith strict eligibility criteria

No Yes, but no discussion ofsevere limitations ofincluded trials (allocationconcealment)

Clinical practice guidelinefor management ofsubstance use disorders(SUD) [13]

USA 2009 Methadone andbuprenorphine

Retention in treatment Explanatory by designwith strict eligibility criteria

No No discussion of poormethodological qualityof included trials andestimate suffers fromimprecision

Clinical practice guidelinefor management ofsubstance use disorders(SUD) [13]

USA 2009 Naltrexone Decrease in opioid use(relapse prevention)and retention

Explanatory trials by designwith strict eligibility criteriaused within meta-analysis

No Meta-analyses provided(two with proper risk ofbias assessment)

Buprenorphine/naloxonetreatment for opioiddependence clinicalpractice guidelines [14]

Canada 2011 Buprenorphine/naloxone Decrease in opioid use(relapse prevention)and retention

Explanatory trials by designwith strict eligibility criteriaused within meta-analysisand cited trials

Yes, retrospective chartreview and patient registrydatabases


Methadone maintenancetreatment programstandards and clinicalguidelines [12]

Canada 2011 Methadone maintenancetreatment

Decrease in opioid use(relapse prevention)

Explanatory trials by designwith strict eligibility criteriaused within meta-analysisand cited trials

Yes No discussion of methodologyof included trials used toinform recommendations.Systematic reviewmeta-analyses are cited.

Methadone andbuprenorphine for themanagement of opioiddependence [52]

UK 2007 Methadone andbuprenorphine

Decrease in opioid use(relapse prevention)and retention

Explanatory trials by designwith strict eligibility criteriaused within meta-analysisand cited trials

Yes, provide evidence fromsystematic reviews of trialsand non-randomized studies

Yes (with discussion ofmethodological limitations)

Guidelines for thepsychosocially assistedpharmacological treatmentof opioid dependence [53]


2009 All pharmacologicaltherapies for opioiddependence

Decrease in opioid use,treatment retention

Explanatory trials by designwith strict eligibility criteriaused within meta-analysisand cited trials

Yes, provide evidence fromsystematic reviews of trialsand non-randomized studies

Yes (with discussion ofmethodological limitations)



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Table 3 International guideline assessment of the evidence for substitute opioid therapy in treatment of opioid dependence (assessment of recommendations based on effectreported in literature)

Title of guideline Evidenceprovided

Eligibility criteria usedacross trials (includingcriteria from trialswithin meta-analysesused as evidence)

Grading ofevidence byguidelinepanel

Reportednet effect ofintervention

Recommendation Guideline providedcaution aboutpopulations theintervention wasassessed in

Cautions Discussion ofopioid substitutiontreatment use forsubpopulations(psychiatric patients,patients onpsychotropicmedication,patients withconcurrentpoly-substanceuse problems)

Clinical practiceguideline formanagementof substanceuse disorders(SUD) [13](Methadoneand buprenorphinefor reductionin illicit opioid use)

[54, 55,70–77]

Inclusion of patients>18 with DSM-IVdiagnosis of opioiddependence Exclusionof patients withpsychiatric disorders,concurrent substanceuse disorders, andthose being prescribedpsychotropic medications

Good Substantiala A strongrecommendation

No Note that buprenorphineis preferred tomethadone in pregnantwomen

Yes, methadonewas more effectivethan buprenorphinefor patients withconcurrent cocainedependence

Clinical practiceguideline formanagementof substance usedisorders (SUD)[13] (Methadoneand buprenorphinefor patientretention)

[75] Inclusion of patients >18with DSM-IV diagnosis ofopioid dependenceExclusion of patientswith psychiatric disorders,concurrent substance usedisorders, and thosebeing prescribedpsychotropic medications.

Good Substantiala A strongrecommendation

No None No

Clinical practiceguideline formanagementof substance usedisorders (SUD)[13] Naltrexonefor reduction inillicit opioid useand treatmentretention)

[78–80] Inclusion of patients >18with DSM-IV diagnosis ofopioid dependenceExclusion of patientswith psychiatric disorders,concurrent substance usedisorders, and those beingprescribed psychotropicmedications

Poor to fair Small to moderate No recommendationfor or against theroutine provisionof the interventionis made. At least fairevidence was foundthat the interventioncan improve healthoutcomes, butconcludes that thebalance of benefitsand harms is tooclose to justifya generalrecommendation.

No Suggested for use inhighly motivatedpatients

Yes, recommendsnaltrexone withinhighly motivatedpatients



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Table 3 International guideline assessment of the evidence for substitute opioid therapy in treatment of opioid dependence (assessment of recommendations based on effectreported in literature) (Continued)

Buprenorphine/naloxonetreatmentfor opioiddependenceclinical practiceguidelines[14]

[81–84] Inclusion of patientswith daily drug injectionbehavior, ≥18 and aDSM-IV diagnosis ofopioid dependenceExclusion of patientsprescribed psychotropicmedications, and patientswith serious physicalconditions or concurrentdrug/alcohol dependence

Good Not reported A strongrecommendation

No A list of contraindicationsis provided (e.g., pregnancy,allergy, severe liverdysfunction, acutesevere respiratory illness.No mention of psychiatricillness or concurrentsubstance use problems.

Yes, require noconcurrentsubstanceuse problemsprior tobuprenorphineinduction as wellas required fullmanagement ofpsychiatricsymptoms

Methadonemaintenancetreatmentprogramstandardsand clinicalguidelines [12]


Inclusion of patients≥18 with DSM-IVdiagnosis of opioiddependence 18 and50 years, history ofintravenous opioiddependence, no chronicmedical illnesses,absence of a majormental illness, a negativepregnancy test forwomen, and at least3 months since thepatient’s last treatmentat the clinic

Not graded Not reported There are guidelinesuggestions providedbut no “rank” ofrecommendation

No Note about treatmentpregnant women andpatients under 18


Methadone andbuprenorphinefor the managementof opioiddependence [52]

[82] Inclusion of patients≥18 with DSM-IVdiagnosis of opioiddependence Exclusionof patients withpsychiatric disorders,comorbid substance use,patients on psychotropicmedications

Reported asgood qualityevidence

Not reported No directrecommendationsmade

Yes, discussed thepopulations theinterventions weretested in andexplicit detailingof trial designcharacteristics

None Yes



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Table 3 International guideline assessment of the evidence for substitute opioid therapy in treatment of opioid dependence (assessment of recommendations based on effectreported in literature) (Continued)

Guidelines for thepsychosociallyassisted pharmacologicaltreatment of opioiddependence [53]

[76, 87,90, 91]

Inclusion of patients age≥18 meeting DSM-IVcriteria for opioiddependence with sixprior treatment episodesat the facility runningthe randomized trial,or a single priormethadone treatment,and urine screenpositive for opioids.

Moderate forsubstance usebehavior andhigh fortreatmentretention(for bothmethadone andbuprenorphine)

Small to moderate(for both opioid useand retention)

Strong Yes, also a guidanceis provided formanaging specificsubpopulations(women, patientswith psychiatriccomorbidity,patients withchronic pain)

Note agonist therapyis suggested mosteffective, methadoneis preferred tobuprenorphine. Inpregnant women lesssafety evidence isavailable, use methadonein such cases.


Exclusion of patientswith psychiatric orchronic physicalcomorbidities or beingprescribed psychotropicmedication, acutemedical condition, andpregnant women

Good evidence refers to high-grade evidence (with at least one properly designed randomized trial) directly linked to health outcomePoor to fair refers to high-grade evidence (with at least one properly designed randomized trial) linked to intermediate outcome or moderate-grade evidence (evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case–controlanalytic studies, evidence obtained from multiple time series studies; dramatic results in uncontrolled experiments) directly linked to health outcome and/or refers to opinions of respected authorities; descriptive studies andcase reports; reports of expert committees of evidence or no linkage of evidence to health outcomeDSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersaSubstantial refers to a more than a small relative impact on a frequent condition with a substantial burden of suffering, or a large impact on an infrequent condition with a significant impact on the individual patient level



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scored a 93, and 95 respectively. Additionally each guide-line (UK and WHO) consistently ranked 6 and 7 (stronglyagree). This indicates the European guidelines use system-atic methods to identify the supporting evidence inaddition to being transparent about guideline develop-ment and the limitations of the evidence used to supporttheir recommendations. The North American guidelinesranked considerably lower at 50, 44, and 27 respectivelyfor the United States, Canadian buprenorphine, andCanadian methadone guidelines. WHO and UK guidelinesagain ranked highest within the applicability domain(scores 93, 86 respectively). The Canadian buprenorphineguidelines did not follow far behind with a domain scoreof 67. The Canadian buprenorphine guidelines spent

considerable time describing the need to move buprenor-phine on the all provincial drug benefit plans to ensure ac-cess for all opioid-dependent patients [14]. The Americanand Canadian methadone guidelines fell further behindwith domain scores of 25 and 29 respectively. Table 4 pro-vides a summary of the individual scores, allowing us toevaluate where guidelines performed weakest according toAGREE II.

DiscussionThis study provides an overview of the limitations of OSATliterature, using multiple resources including results from awell-designed systematic review, [41] and an application ofthe findings within a clinical sample of opioid-dependent

Table 4 Application of the rigor of development and applicability AGREE II domains to international guidelines for substitute opioidtherapy in treatment of opioid dependence

AGREE II items Canadian methadonemaintenance guideline[12] score

Canadianbuprenorphineguideline [14]score

Americansubstance abuseguideline [13]score

NICE substanceabuse guideline[52] score

World HealthOrganizationguideline [53]score

Domain III: rigor of development

Systematic methods were used to searchfor evidence

2 3 5 7 7

The criteria for selecting the evidence areclearly described

2 2 4 7 6

The strengths and limitations of the bodyof evidence are clearly described

1 2 2 6 7

The methods for formulating therecommendations are clearly described

3 2 4 6 7

The health benefits, side effects, and riskshave been considered in formulating therecommendations

5 5 6 7 6

There is an explicit link between therecommendations and the supportingevidence

4 3 4 6 7

The guideline has been externallyreviewed by experts prior to itspublication

2 7 1 7 7

A procedure for updating the guideline isprovided

2 5 6 6 6

Domain score 27 44 50 93 95

Domain V: applicability

The guideline describes facilitators andbarriers to its application

4 4 2 6 7

The guideline provides advice and/ortools on how the recommendations canbe put into practice

3 6 3 6 6

The potential resource implications ofapplying the recommendations havebeen considered

2 6 3 7 7

The guideline presents monitoring and/orauditing criteria

2 4 2 5 6

Domain score 29 67 25 86 93

AGREE Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation, NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

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patients [45]. This study also provides a systematic assess-ment of the guidelines, highlighting the important limita-tions we can work to improve for the future.Results from this systematic review suggest trials most

often include adult patients meeting the DSM-IV/ICD cri-teria for opioid dependence with intravenous drug use be-havior and a past history of methadone treatment. Trialsmost often exclude participants having a psychiatric orchronic physical comorbidity, current alcohol or substanceuse problem, as well as those taking psychotropic medica-tions. When applying these criteria to a clinical sample ofmethadone patients we found them to be largely restrict-ive, and in some cases render 70 % of the GENOA sampleineligible. Criteria such as the exclusion of participantswith psychiatric or physical comorbidity, concurrentalcohol/substance use problems, as well as those usingpsychotropic medication appeared to have the largest costto recruitment, where more than 50 % of the GENOAsample would be lost by the application of such criteria.The majority of international clinical practice guidelines

rely on out-of-date systematic review evidence to informguidance development as well as making strong recom-mendations based on many of the trials with strict eligibil-ity that we assessed in our review. Assessment of bothCanadian and American guidelines revealed concerningpractices, where both panels provide numerous trials asevidence supporting recommendations for different opioidsubstitution treatments without once discussing the im-pact of trial eligibility criteria [12, 13]. The guidelines nei-ther acknowledge the restrictive design of the trials or thegeneralizability of the evidence [12–14]. The guidelines goso far as to rank the quality of the evidence as good, des-pite the concerning limitations we have raised for each ofthe cited studies [12, 13]. These issues are highlightedfurther when we applied the combined eligibility criteriareported by trials cited in the guidelines to the GENOAsample, whereby the highest number of GENOA partici-pants these studies could have been generalized to wouldinclude 20 people out of 394.Additionally, when applying the AGREE II rigor of de-

velopment and applicability domains we found the NorthAmerican guidelines performed considerably worse inusing systematic search methods to identify research, andreporting the limitations as well as generalizability of theevidence. These practices were contrary to the transpar-ency of reporting found in the WHO and UK guidelines.Use of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation (GRADE) of guidelines cri-teria is likely impacting the stark quality differences be-tween North American and European guidelines [59].European guidelines provide transparent appraisal of theevidence used to inform recommendations and even go sofar as cautioning the application of the evidence in psychi-atric or criminal populations [52]. These findings suggest

the need for North American guideline committees toevaluate and impose the critical evidence synthesis ap-proaches utilized by the WHO and NICE.

Understanding the evidence and the need for changeThe use of restrictive eligibility criteria is often set by in-vestigators to ensure the safety for recruited patients tothe new intervention being tested and to maximize thechances of observing a treatment effect under optimalconditions. Prior to phase III trials, interventions havenever been tested in randomized comparison design.Entry into phase III efficacy trials is governed by restrictiveeligibility criteria and conduct is often controlled by rigidprotocols. This may explain why many of the trials identi-fied for this review adhered to an explanatory design.Testing the effect of interventions on highly specific

groups may be associated with unintended harm to pa-tients once the intervention is released for use in the gen-eral population. Our results indicate the majority ofopioid substitution therapy trials exclude participants withmajor psychiatric disorders. This exclusion criterion is inno way novel, in fact many trials exclude patients withpsychiatric comorbidities. What is concerning is the lackof understanding over what may happen to these popula-tions once the drug is released for wider use. For example,varenicline was tested in a randomized double-blind pla-cebo controlled trial to assess its efficacy for reducingsmoking [60]. This trial excluded participants with ahistory of psychiatric comorbidity including: major de-pression requiring treatment within the past year, panicdisorder, psychosis, bipolar disorder, or anorexia nervosaor bulimia [60]. Upon Food and Drug Administration(FDA) approval for use in the general population, manypatients began to present with psychiatric symptoms in-cluding erratic behavior and suicide attempt [61]. Manynow criticize the pharmaceutical company for marketingthe use of this drug in the general population beforeknowing the real effect of the intervention in participantswith psychiatric comorbidities, especially since smoking isprevalent among patients with psychiatric disorders.These side effects would have been better noticed had theproper implementation trials taken place, or had the inter-vention been tested in a more representative sample.

Future directionsThere are important reasons why patients with certain co-morbidities (physical, psychiatric) are excluded from trials.Efficacy trials seek to determine whether the interventionactually works under the appropriate conditions. Whenthe objective of a trial is to determine the effect and safetyof an intervention an appropriate design would be to testthe intervention under optimal conditions. Patients withpsychiatric comorbidities, especially those with addictivedisorders are known to have difficulty complying with

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interventions, [62] and the inclusion of these participantscan dilute the treatment effects we observe in trials. Thistrend suggests the results from stringently designed trialsreporting small treatment effects are unlikely to withstandthe inclusion of non-compliant patients. For instance,results from one trial show a significant hazard ratio (HR)for the comparison of buprenorphine to naltrexone forimprovement of patient retention (HR: 1.56; 95 % confi-dence interval [CI]: 1.01, 2.41) [19]. This trial’s findingsare fragile and unlikely to sustain a small number ofchanges to the reported events across treatment arms,which would be the likely outcome had the trial been per-formed in a more pragmatic patient population [19].It is important we address the need for inclusion of

non-compliant participants in trials. Recognizing thatpatients already have challenges complying with the strictmethadone treatment regimes [62], this issue is furthercomplicated for trials recruiting addiction patients be-cause of the high prevalence of concurrent psychiatric co-morbidities [45], which are known to impact interventionadherence [62]. There have been suggestions for improv-ing compliance among patients with psychiatric disorders;one emphasized in the literature is the use of telephoneand electronic reminders [62], which has been demon-strated to improve compliance in non-psychiatric patients[63, 64]. Other ways to improve patient compliance withaddiction treatment include focusing on adherencethrough educational sessions with family health teams,consistent symptom measurement, and appropriate treat-ment tailoring [65]. Instead of excluding these participantsfrom trials and limiting the generalizability as well as un-derstanding of the treatment within a population represent-ing a good portion of addiction patients, we encouragetrialists to design studies with features that help increasepatient compliance so to ensure an understanding of in-terventions effectiveness in the clinical population.We recognize there are also other important reasons

guiding the design of strict protocols, for instance the ex-clusion of pregnant women or patients with acute physicalconditions may be a protective measure in efficacy trialswhere drug safety is still being determined. However, thereal problem arises when we rely exclusively on evidencefrom these trials before we can determine the effectivenessin a “real world” sample of different types of patients (e.g.,patients with comorbidities or on psychotropic medica-tions). The limitations of the strictly designed protocolsthat govern efficacy and safety of trials have been largelyaddressed by the introduction of implementation trials,which are investigations whose primary aim is to testtreatments using flexible protocols for participant selec-tion and treatment administration. These trials often havelax eligibility criteria with the aim of including the partici-pant we will find in the clinical practice population.However, these trials are not common in the field of

addiction medicine, restricting us to the use of stringentefficacy trials to inform clinical guideline development.Uptake in the planning and commitment to implemen-

tation or “effectiveness” research will likely stem from anincrease in discussion and acceptance of the need forpragmatic trial designs. The goal in implementation trialdesign should be to maximize the safety of participantsincluded in the trial while also balancing the applicabilityof the findings. Pragmatic trials – sometimes called imple-mentation trials – are evaluated on a continuum andshould not be characterized by a specific set of criteria[66]. We recommend future trials in addiction medicineneed not abandon all “explanatory,” or more stringentdesigns but instead work to evaluate the intervention in awide range of participants as a secondary objective. Imple-mentation trials should aim to include those participantswith psychiatric comorbidities, poly-substance use disor-ders, and chronic physical conditions. Provided there areenough patients within each subgroup, researchers may beable to evaluate the mediating impact of each comorbidityand with confidence determine the true impact of physicalor psychiatric abnormalities within addiction patients.

LimitationsReliance on a treatment sample of methadone patientsmay potentially impact the generalizability of this study.Using the GENOA sample of participants provides aunique opportunity to demonstrate the restrictive impactof eligibility criteria reported in the addiction literature.However, demonstrating such an effect requires the use ofa generalizable sample of addiction patients. Participantsrecruited from the CATC comprise a treatment sample,which may in fact have higher levels of comorbidities(both physical and/or psychiatric) than patients earlier onin the cycles of addiction. By the time patients are receiv-ing pharmacological therapy for opioid dependence theyare often at a later stage in their addiction course, placingthem at higher risk for exposure to HIV, hepatitis, infec-tious disease, opioid-induced hyperalgesia, and poor so-cial/economic living conditions. In addition, patients mayonly seek treatment once their physical, psychiatric, or so-cial functioning is seriously impeded. In fact, the GENOAsample may lack the population of patients experiencingthe range of problems which often coerce or force individ-uals into treatment altogether. However, we must alsoacknowledge that addiction is a complex disorder, oftenaccompanied by serious physical and psychiatric comor-bidities. Incident misuse of opioids is known to resultfrom serious physical comorbidities such as pain [67] andfrom suffering experienced as a consequence of anxiety ordepression [68]. Recognizing there may be discordancebetween prevalent users currently seeking treatment andmore “incident” cases, we maintain the clinical profile ofincident users also reflects a high degree of mental and

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physical abnormality. We emphasize the CATC popula-tion of patients may be a prevalent sample of addictiontreatment-seeking patients, and that the results from thesetrials are generated to inform the treatment of such popu-lations, and as such it is still important we demonstratethe large effect these criteria may have on weakening thedirectness of the evidence.We acknowledge that observational studies are subject

to selection bias, whereby patients agreeing to participatein the study may reflect a different population. To evaluatesuch bias we have elected to compare the demographicand clinical characteristics of participants in the GENOAstudy to a sample of CATC patients from four economicand geographically diverse clinics. This sample of CATCpatients includes population data from four clinics and in-cludes demographic and clinical characteristics data fromall patients actively receiving treatment from these sites.Please refer to Table 5.The GENOA sample was largely representative of the

general CATC population, whereby the mean age, meanmethadone dose (mg/day), prevalence of HIV, as well asmarital status was not statistically significantly differentbetween samples. There were, however, some differences,whereby the general CATC patients were shown to have ahigher prevalence of hepatitis C and on average a shortertreatment duration. Additionally, the general CATC sam-ple was made up of a higher proportion of men thanfound in the GENOA population. These results do suggestthat the GENOA participants are made up of patients withlonger treatment duration and as such these patients arelikely susceptible to having a higher number of physical orpsychiatric comorbidities. However, these results also sug-gest the CATC population has a higher level of hepatitisthan our sample, which may also suggest the GENOAstudy may be subject to a “healthy volunteer bias,”whereby sicker patients are less likely to engage in thestudy. Inadvertently, this would bias our own results

toward the null and overall suggests more participants inthe “general” active treatment population would be ex-cluded that we are purporting.In Canada buprenorphine is not covered by the provin-

cial drug insurance plans, and as such these patientsreflect either (1) an employed population with benefitscovering therapy, or (2) those patients who can afford out-of-pocket coverage. In light of the administrative differ-ences between methadone and buprenorphine coverage,we chose to include only the sample of methadone pa-tients in the GENOA investigation, which could reflect amore marginalized population of drug treatment-seekingpatients and is a potential limitation to the generalizabilityof the GENOA sample.Information regarding criminal offences, sexual behav-

ior, and domestic conflict were collected by self-reportfrom patients agreeing to participate and thus likelyunderestimated due to social desirability bias. We ac-knowledge social desirability bias may impact the esti-mates for some of the demographic data collected in thisstudy. However, we maintain important variables, such aspsychiatric comorbidity, were ascertained using a validatedquestionnaire, the MINI. In addition, physical comorbidity(diabetes, chronic pain) was evaluated using self-reportand confirmed via information logged by attending physi-cians in the patients’ electronic medical record. Urinalysiswas performed to ascertain poly-substance use. We aimedto include as many objective measurements as possible,and when unavailable we relied on safeguards such aselectronic medical record confirmation.Additionally, we may find that the definitions, measure-

ments, and cut-offs (if relying on measurement tools) usedto assess for physical and psychiatric functioning acrossclinical trials may be quite different than those used in theGENOA study. Thus, there is potential that the exclusioncriteria reported across trials and later applied to theGENOA sample are being misused. Psychiatric comorbidity

Table 5 Comparison of the demographic and clinical characteristics of GENOA participants to the general population of CATCpatients

Demographic and clinical characteristics CATC population level data, N = 1354 GENOA sample, n = 394 Statistical significance observedtesting differences between groups

Mean age (SD) 38.4 (10.7) 38.5 (10.9) 0.87

Sex (percentage male) 66.9 53.3 p <0.05

Mean duration on MMT in years (SD) 2.1 (1.2) 4.3 (4) p <0.05

Mean methadone dose in mg per day (SD) 81.9 (53.5) 78.1 (41.2) 0.19

Hepatitis C positive % 29.9 22.3 p <0.05

HIV positive % 0.3 0.8 0.19

Marital status (% single, divorced) 64.8 68.2 0.19

Two-sample t test used to assess for differences between groups (CATC and GENOA) for continuous valuesChi-square test used to assess for differences between groups for categorical variablesGENOA Genetics of Opioid Addiction, CATC Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres, SD standard deviation, MMT methadone maintenance treatment, HIV humanimmunodeficiency virus

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can vary from obvious psychotic disorders to any anxiety ordepressive disorder. Depending on the thoroughness of thetrial investigators and indeed the thoroughness of the clini-cians administering the GENOA assessment tools (MINI,BPI, MAP), differing rates of psychiatric problems willbe identified and could compromise the aims of ourstudy. Due to the serious limitations in reporting ofthe definitions and measurements for many of the eli-gibility criteria discussed across the literature, we cau-tion the interpretation of the application of suchcriteria using the GENOA study.Provided we had reliable data on the medical and

demographic characteristics of opioid addiction patients,we would be better equipped to demonstrate the clinicalguidelines are not appropriate for the US and UKpopulations. Administrative data provided by HealthMaintenance Organizations in the US or the NationalHealth Service in the UK could serve as sources forpopulation-level data. However, the quality of this datais questionable due to the high susceptibility for mis-classification. A recent study evaluated the misclassifica-tion of psychiatric disorders based on the comparison ofmedical records and administrative data and found onlymoderate agreement for any mental comorbidity [69].We acknowledge the problems associated with opioiddependence are impacted by the health, social, and judi-cial systems, which can vary across countries. However,to say the prevalence of psychiatric and physical comor-bidity, as well as prescription of psychotropic medicationvaries so much between countries, as well as types of ad-diction populations such that it would render the largermessage of this study insignificant is improbable.

ConclusionsFindings from our analysis of the literature as well as ap-plication of common eligibility criteria to a clinical sampleof patients with opioid use disorder demonstrate largedifferences between the trial and clinical population ofopioid-dependent patients. Evaluation of the global con-text and impact of these findings shows the concerningstate of addiction medicine, where we find the majority ofstudies used to inform clinical practice are not generalizableto the population seen in clinical practice. When more than50 % of the addiction patient population suffers with co-morbid psychiatric conditions, yet only a small fraction ofthe evidence used to inform the current treatment strat-egies for these patients is tested on patients with psychi-atric conditions we are faced with a critical dilemma. Arewe providing the appropriate treatments? Are we com-pleting our due diligence to this patient population? Arewe possibly putting our patients at risk? These questionscannot be answered until the appropriate re-evaluation ofthe evidence takes place using pragmatic trial designs andimplementation studies.

Additional file

Additional file 1: Table outlining description of studies included inthe systematic review. (PDF 262 kb)

AbbreviationsAGREE: Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation; ASI: AddictionSeverity Index; BPI: Brief Pain Inventory; CATC: Canadian Addiction TreatmentCentres; CI: confidence interval; CTR: Clinical Trials Registry; DSM-IV: Diagnosticand Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition; EMBASE: ExcerptaMedica DataBase; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; GENOA: Genetics ofOpioid Addiction; GRADE: Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; HR: hazardratio; ICD: International Classification of Disease; LAAM: levo-α-acetylmethadol;MAP: Maudsley Addiction Profile; MINI: The Mini International NeuropsychiatricInterview; MMT: methadone maintenance treatment; NICE: National Institute forHealth and Care Excellence; NIH: National Institutes of Health; OATC: OntarioAddiction Treatment Centres; OSAT: opioid substitution and antagonist therapy;OST: opioid substitution therapy; PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items forSystematic reviews and Meta-Analyses; RCT: randomized controlled trial;SD: standard deviation; SE: standard error; WHO: World Health Organization;UK: United Kingdom; US: United States.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsBBD, LT, and ZS were responsible for the development of the researchquestion and protocol for this study. BBD, LN, and MB were responsible fortitle, abstract, and full-text screening, as well as data abstraction for all trialsincluded in the systematic review. BBD was responsible for all statisticalanalyses performed in this investigation. All authors (BBD, PR, LN, MB, JP, CP,GP, MV, JD, AW, DM, DD, ZS, and LT) contributed equally during the draftingof the protocol, data collection, planning of analyses, and writing of themanuscript. BBD had full access to all the data in the study and takesresponsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the dataanalysis. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgmentsWe would like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to thesuccessful completion of the GENOA investigation. This work was supportedby Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Drug Safety andEffectiveness Network (DSEN) grant (grant number: 126639) and the PeterBoris Centre for Addictions Research, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton.Brittany B. Dennis and Monica Bawor are supported by the Intersections ofMental Health Perspectives in Addictions Research Training (IMPART)research fellowship funded through CIHR and the British Columbia Centre ofExcellence for Women’s Health. Brittany B. Dennis is also supported by theDavid L. Sackett Scholarship. Pavel S. Roshanov is supported by the AmericanSociety of Nephrology Student Scholar Grant and a CIHR-Institute for HealthServices and Policy Research Rising Star Award. The funders had no role instudy design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis,and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of themanuscript, and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.This work was only possible through the great collaborative work betweenGENOA and the Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres (OATC) network ofclinical sites. We would like to also extend our genuine gratitude to all theparticipants from the OATC facilities who generously donated their time,information and samples. We also thank the OATC clinical staff for all theirgreat work on patient recruitment and data collection.

Author details1Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University,1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada. 2Schulich School ofMedicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, 4, 1465 RichmondStreet, London, ON N6G 2M1, Canada. 3Michael G. Degroote School ofMedicine, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S4L8, Canada. 4McMaster Integrative Neuroscience Discovery and StudyProgram, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8,Canada. 5Department of Anesthesia, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street

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West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada. 6Canadian Addiction TreatmentCentres, 13291 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4E 4L6, Canada.7Department of Medicine, Hamilton General Hospital, 237 Barton St East,Hamilton, ON L8L 2X2, Canada. 8Northern Ontario School of Medicine,Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, ON P0M, Canada. 9Population GenomicsProgram, Chanchlani Research Centre, McMaster University, 1280 Main StreetWest, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada. 10Peter Boris Centre for AddictionsResearch, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, 100 West 5th Street, Hamilton,ON L9C 0E3, Canada. 11Department of Psychiatry and BehaviouralNeurosciences, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ONL8S 4K1, Canada. 12Centre for Evaluation of Medicine, 25 Main Street West,Hamilton, ON L8P 1H1, Canada. 13System Linked Research Unit, 175Longwood Road, South Hamilton L8P 0A1, Canada.

Received: 12 March 2015 Accepted: 3 September 2015

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