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P.O Box 3121 (6 Cooma Road) NARRABRI 2390 T 0267922377 E narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.narrabriw-p.schools.det.nsw.edu.au

Tuesday, 11 September 2018 Week 8 Term 3

Narrabri West – a very busy learning environment

The last few weeks of this term are going to be extremely busy at Narrabri West. But as well as being busy, they are going to be very exciting, with lots of fun activities planned. This term has once again seemed to have just disappeared and it is amazing that we are already talking about end of term activities.

It is also quite obvious that there is a lot happening in our school that we should all be really proud of. Our Kindergarten students are developing impressively, making wonderful progress and maturing quickly. They are committing themselves to their learning and their learning goals, are working extremely hard and doing the best they possibly can.

Teachers in all classrooms are working very hard to enrich student learning through high expectations and explicit, effective teaching.

All in all, Narrabri West is an exciting place to be at the moment. I hope that you take a moment to reflect on the year so far, appreciate the wonderful opportunities that students have each day and celebrate how hard they have worked to obtain the most out of their schooling.

As always, we have been impressed with the excitement and enthusiasm shown by our students during the special occasions we have had already this term. We look forward to even more exciting opportunities and challenges in the weeks ahead, (especially the fete) and as we move into Term 4.

Narrabri West

Public School


Main photo: Congratulations to our girls soccer team for making the North West Area PSSA Semi Finals. Great result girls!!

Dates to Remember 12 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 2:10pm 14 Fete 5:00pm-8:00pm 19 Gala Sports Day ST3 – No 1 Oval 19 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 2:10pm 20 ST2 & ST3 Touch Football Gala Day 21 NW Athletics Trials - Twth 25 ST2 Rugby League Gala Day

Captains Cup 25-26 NSW PSSA Softball Championships 26 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 2:10pm 27 Author Visit: Dr Dell Brand 27 Disco P-2 5pm-6pm, 3-6 6pm-7pm 28 Footy Colours Day, Gold Assembly


P.O Box 3121 (6 Cooma Road) NARRABRI 2390 T 0267922377 E narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.narrabriw-p.schools.det.nsw.edu.au

‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ underway Our Kindergarten transition program has started. Already this term our Pre School students have had the opportunity to regularly visit our current Kindergarten students in their classrooms and enjoy a range of special activities. We are now very pleased to welcome those children who do not attend our Pre School, joining with us to prepare for the exciting step of commencing Kindergarten. They have enjoyed two ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ sessions so far and have already shown us what terrific ‘little westies’ they will be!

Thursday Night Fever @ Narrabri West We are having a disco on Thursday 27th September in the hall. For students in Pre School to Year 2 this will be from 5:00 – 6:00pm, whilst for Years 3-6 it will be 6:00 – 7:00pm. Entry will be a gold coin donation, with funds raised going towards the Year 6 present to the school. We are looking forward to having an entertaining night and watching all the dance moves. Please make sure your children bring a water bottle as they can get very hot and thirsty on the dance floor! The SRC have decided the theme for the night will be ‘blue.’

Parent Surveys Thank you to everyone who has completed these online. If you have not yet filled yours in, please do so by Friday 21st September so we can commence analysing the results and use the information in our updated School Strategic Plan for 2019. You will need the web address sent home on the note regarding this. Please contact the school if you have misplaced this.

Another term nears its end! We hope all our Dads enjoyed their Father’s Day, were well looked after and enjoyed the presents your children brought home from school for you!

We are nearly at the end of another term – Week 8 of Term 3 already – wow! This term we have continued working on developing 21st century learning skills amongst our students. We seek to embed skills such as critical and creative thinking, collaboration, team work and communication, as well as a focus on English and Maths, in all of our learning activities. Teachers continue to reflect on how to improve their teaching and provide regular feedback to their students.

Our goal is that all students will emerge from their primary school education as curious learners with skills to function and contribute successfully and confidently in our society. Our aim is to make each child’s learning journey a joyous and motivating one. We hope you can continue to join us and assist us in this journey.

Working With Children Check The Working With Children Check is an important part of the Department's recruitment process to prevent unsuitable people from working with children in schools. The Department's commitment to ensuring the welfare of students is a paramount consideration when reviewing the suitability of employees. All employees, including volunteers, in Departmental workplaces who are performing work that primarily involves direct contact with children are required to complete a Working With Children Check Declaration and provide proof of identity that meets the 100 point check. This includes parents who help in the classroom, volunteer in the canteen and help at other activities, e.g. school sport, P&C, discos etc. Forms are available from the school office. If you volunteer in any capacity in our school you will need to complete one of these forms.

Signing on For safety and security reasons, all parents and volunteers who help in classrooms or other school activities are asked to sign the visitor’s book at the office when they arrive and sign out when leaving.

Sickness at school Over the past weeks there have been a lot of upset tummies, coughs and colds going around. Unfortunately our teachers have not been immune to this and we have had a number of teachers on sick leave. Whilst we try to cover classes with casual teachers, this is not always possible and we have had some days where classes have had to be split and we apologise for this, but unfortunately we have a very limited supply of casual teachers.

As the weather changes, we also often have a number of illnesses ‘doing the rounds’ with students. We have also had some cases of chickenpox. We realise that it is often difficult to decide whether or not to send your children to school. However, if they are obviously unwell in the morning it would be wise to keep them at home. If you send them to school sick, it will take longer for them to get over it, it could become worse and in the process they may pass it on to someone else as well. Please give this some close consideration.

We have soap available in all our toilets for the children to use and encourage good personal hygiene at all times.

Headlice Several cases of headlice have been reported to the school or identified at school.


P.O Box 3121 (6 Cooma Road) NARRABRI 2390 T 0267922377 E narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.narrabriw-p.schools@det.nsw.edu.au

Please be vigilant with your children’s hair and check all family members regularly for the presence of headlice and nits.

Children with headlice are to be kept at home until a suitable treatment has been applied to their hair and the hair has been thoroughly combed out and free of any headlice.

Once the treatment has been completed, your child can return to school as normal. Please read the instructions carefully and follow all necessary procedures.

Class News Hello Kindergarten Parents and friends! What a wonderful term we are all having so far. The students have been busy learning many new things over the last few weeks. We hope they have been coming home and sharing their learning with you!

Our next unit in English will be ‘Moving,’ where the children will be discovering different ways people and animals can move. We will be learning to use verbs and adverbs in our writing. We will be reading the story ‘Josephine Wants to Dance,’ by Jackie French, which will be a fun story for us to study when talking about action words (verbs) and HOW that movement is done (adverbs).

This semester our school has a focus on writing and teachers are enjoying learning strategies and processes to make writing enjoyable for students. We want the students to be ‘writing fit’ and to develop their fine-motor skills for handwriting which in turn stimulates brain growth. Research is showing that too much time on technology can impede these essential skills. The students are thoroughly enjoying our daily ‘quick writes’. They are learning how to use success criteria to write quality sentences. The students also use the success criteria to give themselves and fellow students feedback to determine their next steps in writing. We have also been learning to identify words that rhyme, opposites and asking questions to find out more information. The students are enjoying the sounds and sight word activities in reading groups and are proud to be reading books.

The students are very energetic and enthusiastic about their learning. We have learnt from Finland and other countries the importance of play for all students’ early learning development. PDHPE lessons are lots of fun and the students are developing their fundamental movement skills and social skills. Lunch time clubs are very successful and the students are participating positively in a club of their choice.

Maths has been full of exploration this term. We have really enjoyed the variety of hands-on learning with our lessons. We have explored Area, Capacity, 3D Shapes, Number and Mass all with a practical approach to teaching and learning. We have also continued to work in our targeted maths groups throughout the term where

the students have been practicing with numeral identification and sequencing, forward and backward counting, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. It is important for our families at home to encourage learning conversations about these subjects. Asking your children about what they are learning in school is a great way to open up lines of communication, as well as reinforce what they have been learning with us during the day.

Last week we were fortunate enough to have a visit from Jenny Campbell from the Narrabri Town Library. Jenny came dressed as a pirate much to the students delight and brought with her some wonderful books to read to the students. Everyone was involved in a fun energetic lesson with lots of laughter and a special balloon sword for their wonderful participation.

With the warmer weather rapidly approaching, the students often will remove layers of clothing as the day progresses. Please make sure all your child’s personal items are clearly labelled so they can be returned to you. There are often many jumpers and jackets left behind of an afternoon, and we would like to see them returned to their rightful owners. See your child’s teacher if you are missing anything as we hold on to items left behind in and around our classrooms.

We look forward to a fantastic end to the term, and can’t believe how fast it all is going! Keep an eye out for announcements regarding the rest of this term, as well as all the exciting things happening in term 4! Keep those bottles coming for the bottle stall at the fete. Not long to go now!

Courtney Moody, Stephanie Cush and Angela Gett


P.O Box 3121 (6 Cooma Road) NARRABRI 2390 T 0267922377 E narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.narrabriw-p.schools@det.nsw.edu.au

Pre School News WOW, Term 3 is flying by. The children are progressing beautifully as they continue to strengthen and develop their skills and interests. Children loved dressing up as farmers to support our local farmers. We had fun dancing to country music and naming different animals that can be found on a farm.

Children are very interested in our Veggie Patch at the moment with the plants growing like crazy. We are enjoying picking fresh lettuce and baby spinach to eat. We are eagerly waiting for our flowers on the bean plants to turn into beans! Children have been keeping a very close eye on this, along with noticing all the bees that are busy is our garden. We cannot wait until we can start to pick some beans and broccoli to cook.

We have been learning about transport, what it is and how do we use it? The children have created transport vehicles in the craft area, painted with cars and trucks on paper, used stamps to leave an imprint of a vehicle and engaged in learning activities about transport. We discussed the different types of transport we have in the world and the types of transport we use in Narrabri. Children loved thinking of different types of transport vehicles they could use or pretend to be at Pre School.

As Father’s Day was approaching there was a lot of talk about our families, and who is in our family. Children discussed as a whole group who was in their family and that every family wasn’t the same, some had 3 people, some had 6 people and others had 4 or 5 people. Children were discussing their families with each other during craft when they were making their families using material, paper, paddle pop sticks and glue. Children engaged in family puzzles and completed they Father’s Day presents for their Dads. We hope you liked them and had a great day!

Outside children have been playing hospitals and doctors. The children checked for a heartbeat, took temperatures and just in case gave the patient a pretend needle to make them better. We had children with broken arms and legs which required them to be wrapped up to heal. The children love helping each other and pretending to be injured or sick. This learning experience has lead us into looking at people who help us and how they can help us.

Ready Set Kinder is well under way and children love the experience. Children are excited to go to ‘big school’ and visit for the afternoon. All children are engaged in rhymes, stories, indoor and outdoor learning experiences and music.

Abbey O’Brien & Tricia Lawty

Sports News

North West Athletics A large number of our athletes won selection in the Narrabri Zone PSSA team to compete at the North West Area PSSA Athletics Championships to be held in Tamworth on Friday 21st September.

Congratulations to: Kiara Vlahopoulous, Ruby Clayton, Ella Adams, Caitlan Bourke, Lacey Bourke, Meika Foley, Jacqueline Collett, Rosie Ross, Jessica Miller, Clare Jensen, Nate Wilkins, Jacob Anderson, Brayden Hanslow, Nate Browning, Brock Gordon, Rory Holman, Jack Anderson, Noah Gordon, Cohen Tout & Cleave Sevil.

NSW Rugby Union Championships On the 26th of August I travelled down to play in the Rugby Union Championships at the international stadium. While I was there we lost all our games. Even though it didn’t work out on the score board I had lots of fun and learnt heaps of new ball skills. I truly believe it has made me a better player and team mate. I also made 22 new friend.

By Jack Anderson


P.O Box 3121 (6 Cooma Road) NARRABRI 2390 T 0267922377 E narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.narrabriw-p.schools@det.nsw.edu.au

Girls Soccer PSSA Semi Finals On Wednesday 29th August 15 girls, and Mrs Jocelyn Smith, travelled to Tamworth to play the North West Semi Final Soccer game, against Tamworth Public School.

Narrabri West started very strongly with a couple of accurate shots on goal in the first 5 minutes of the game. Then the Tamworth team started to improve the accuracy of their passes and kept possession for a larger percentage of the first half. They were able to score 2 goals from great long range shots on goal.

At half time Mrs Smith talked to the girls about their enthusiasm to get first to the ball before Tamworth players did….and it worked well, with the ‘Westy’ girls holding onto the ball for a lot more of the second half, and forcing changeovers in possession. Jacqueline Collett scored a penalty after a Narrabri West attack on goal and Tamworth handball in the 18 yard box.

Narrabri West continued to play hard and fast for the rest of the game, producing many quality shots of goal that needed to be saved, however the end result was a loss of 3-1.

Mrs Smith was extremely proud of the girls and all of their efforts to train and work hard as a team. They have been the most successful girls soccer team for many years! Congratulations girls.

A very big thankyou to all parents and helpers who drove the girls to different games! Without your support these opportunities don’t exist for the girls.

Lunchtime Clubs

Table Tennis with Mr Druce

Yoga with Mrs Ward

Exercise Drumming with Mrs Smith


P.O Box 3121 (6 Cooma Road) NARRABRI 2390 T 0267922377 E narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.narrabriw-p.schools@det.nsw.edu.au

School News & Reminders

FSU Father’s Day Raffle Thank you to everyone who supported our Fathers’ Day raffle. Congratulations to Sarah Smith who won the raffle. We hope Scott enjoyed his winnings and that all fathers had a great day on Sunday.

Fete Update We are collecting bottles for the bottle stall and classes are building their collections. There is a special prize for the class that has the most bottles for the bottle stall.

The fete is our major fundraiser and the money it raises makes a huge difference to your child’s education. Please encourage your friends and family to come along.

We are still in urgent need of helpers for stalls at the fete. Please contact the school if you can assist.

RAFFLE TICKETS Please return any raffle ticket books that you do not intend to sell as we desperately need these books back as we have lots of people wanting to buy tickets and also wanting to sell more books.

Canteen Roster

Wed 12th M Harris

Thurs 13th L Stanford

Fri 14th S Burley, S Lilliebridge, M Simpson

Mon 17th E Lennox

Tues 18th S Browning

Wed 19th J Davison

Thurs 20th G Westman

Fri 21st N McCauley, C Hennessy, C Browning

Mon 24th S Owers

Tues 25th S Maxwell

Wed 26th F Kerr

Thu 27th K Butler

Fri 28th J Howe, A Anderson, R Warnock

Ready, Set, Kinder! Transition to Kindergarten program


Term 3 Wednesday 29th August, 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th

September 2:10pm – 3:25pm

Term 4 Wednesday 17th, 24th, 31st October & 7th November

9:25am – 3:25pm

Parent Information Session Wednesday 7th November

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Student Graduation Ceremony Wednesday 7th November 2:15pm

Narrabri West Pre School 2019

We are now taking Expressions of Interest for Pre School

placements in 2019.

Application forms may be collected from the front office or our website.

Initial offers of placement for 2019 will be made in September.


P.O Box 3121 (6 Cooma Road) NARRABRI 2390 T 0267922377 E narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.narrabriw-p.schools.det.nsw.edu.au

Award Winners - Week 6 & 7 KC Victoria Irwin, Lyla Watkins, Tykiesha Doolan, Alison Jones, Lacey Thorne & Cameron Parker

KG Harla McManus, Jobe Ford, Lailah Thurston, Jedd Stanford, Mikaela Whan & Maicee Astill

KM Charlye Maher, Harry Varcoe, Saige Rood-England, Justin Taylor, Nevaya Hamilton & Mya Mason

1/2W Elsie Gordon, Layne Hollis, Baeu Laws, Liam Hobden, Amelia Lennox & Fletcher Whan

1/2H Jake George, Brody Smith, Mackenzie Cole, Penelope McLean, Tyran Lawler & Mia Bourke

1/2K Larnee Browning, Mia Williams, Austin Morgan, Zander Kneale, Austin Morgan & Michael Harris-Clayton

1/2S Shaun Hagar, Isabelle Leehy, David Silver, Imogen Lubke-Wood, Charlie Kebby & Ellie Wilkins

3/4P Georgia Thomas, Ayla Cunningham, Haylo Hill-Davis, Pip Collins, Bailey Cooke & Riley Seccombe

3/4T Brayden Hanslow, Larni Hennessy, Anna Stuart, Xanthe Kirk, Jorjia Briggs & Rory Holman

3/4B Edward Bennett, Allira Tibbett, Sienna Earle, Lilly Hennessy, Rheana Constantino & Ashley Morris

5/6M Millie Collins, Samantha Westman, Clare Jensen, Chloe Mason, Ava Garbutt & Ella Magann

5/6J Kaitlyn Cahill, trinity Palmer, Asher Kelly, Paige Hetherington, Billie Tout & Mya Dansey

5/6W Bridie Russell, Cooper Butler, Meika Foley, Duke Farr, Lillie-Mae Carter & Joel Baxter

5/6S Rosie Ross, Helena McLean, Cady Davies, Jack Anderson, Annabell McLean & Max Stoltenberg

Citizenship Awards & Stars of the Week

Kiera Rood-England Xavier Mosttyn Maya Watson Grace Gaynor

Carrington Browne Jarrad Lawler Levi Browning Callie Lawler

K-2 Super Westy Sophie Stoltenberg Mya Mason 3-6 Super Westy Rya Knox

Cady Davies

Community News

Holiday Tennis Clinic in Narrabri When — First week of the holidays! Tuesday 2nd Oct to Friday 5th October. 9am-12pm = $80 for 4 days or $25per day 9am- 3pm = $120 for 4 days or $35per day Attend any number of days Program includes Learning through play coaching program! Timed rotations using multiple coaches Instruction on all tennis strokes Match Play through singles and/or doubles play. Extra Information Suits everyone! (Ages 4 to 16 years) Free racquet hire. Party and Presentation final morning from around 11:30am. All welcome! For further information contact Shane Murphy 0405151935, Facebook Narrabri Tennis or drop over to the Dangar Park Tennis Centre!

September 12 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 2:10pm – 3:25pm 14 Fete Night, K-6 Assembly 1:15pm 19 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 2:10pm – 3:25pm 19 Gala Sports Day at No 1 oval. Organised by Narrabri High School 20 ST2 & ST3 Touch Football Gala Day 21 NW Athletics Trials - Tamworth, K-6 Assembly 1:15pm 25 ST2 League tag Gala Day 25-27 NSW PSSA Softball Championships - Mudgee 26 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 2:10pm – 3:25pm 27 Disco P-2 (5:00-6:00pm), 3-6 (6:00-7:00pm) 27 Author Visit: Dr Dell Brand 28 Footy Colours Day, Last Day of Term 3: Gold Assembly 12:30pm October 17 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 9:25pm – 3:25pm 24 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 9:25pm – 3:25pm 31 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 9:25pm – 3:25pm November

2 Intensive Swimming 7 ‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’ – 9:25pm – 3:25pm, Parent session 1:00pm 9 Intensive Swimming

16 Intensive Swimming 23 Intensive Swimming 27 Captains elections December 3 Year 7 2019 Orientation day 3 Captains announced 6 Presentation Night 11 House Captains elections 13 Reports home 14 Beach Party 17 Platinum Assembly 12:30pm, Year 6 Farewell 19 Students last day for Term 4: End of Term BBQ, K-6 Assembly 12:30pm 20-21 School Development Days

Bronchitis Symptoms are coughing, a runny nose, sore throat and mild fever. The cough is often dry at first, becoming moist after a couple of days. There may be a slight wheeze and shortness of breath. A higher fever (typically above 39ºC) may indicate pneumonia.

... until they are feeling better. Antibiotics may be needed.

Chickenpox (Varicella)

Slight fever, runny nose, and a rash that begins as raised pink spots that blister and scab. ... for 5 days from the onset of the

rash and the blisters have dried.

Conjunctivitis The eye feels ‘scratchy’, is red and may water. Lids may stick together on waking. ... while there is discharge from

the eye unless a doctor has diagnosed a non-infectious cause.

Diarrhoea (no organism identified)

Two or more consecutive bowel motions that are looser and more frequent than normal and possibly stomach cramps. ... for at least 24 hours after

diarrhoea stops.

Fever A temperature of 38.5°C or more in older infants and children. ... until temperature is normal.

Gastroenteritis A combination of frequent loose or watery stools (diarrhoea), vomiting, fever, stomach cramps, headaches. ... for at least 24 hours after

diarrhoea and/or vomiting stops.

German measles (Rubella)

Often mild or no symptoms: mild fever, runny nose, swollen nodes, pink blotchy rash that lasts a short time. ... for at least 4 days after the

rash appears.

Glandular Fever (Mononucleosis, EBV infection)

Symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat, tiredness, swollen nodes. ... unless they’re feeling unwell.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)

Generally a mild illness caused by a virus, perhaps with a fever, blisters around the mouth, on the hands and feet, and perhaps the nappy area in babies.

... until all blisters have dried.

Hayfever (Allergic rhinitis) caused by allergy to pollen (from grasses, flowers and trees), dust mites, animal fur or hair, mould spores, cigarette smoke

Sneezing, a blocked or runny nose (rhinitis), itchy eyes, nose and throat, headaches. ... unless they feel unwell or

are taking a medication which makes them sleepy.

Head lice or nits* (Pediculosis)

Itchy scalp, white specks stuck near the base of the hairs; lice may be found on the scalp. ... while continuing to treat head

lice each night. Tell the school.

© Owned by State of NSW through the Department of Education and Communities 2012. This work may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-commercial educational purposes only. Permission must be received from the department for all other uses.

Information provided by NSW Health.



Generally if your child feels unwell, keep them home from school and consult your doctor.This chart and the information it contains is not intended to take the place of a consultation with your doctor.

Too sick for school?

Hepatitis A Often none in young children; sudden onset of fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), dark urine, pale stools.

... for 2 weeks after first symptoms (or 1 week after onset of jaundice). Contact your doctor before returning to school.

Hepatitis B Often no symptoms in young children. When they do occur, they can include fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), dark urine.

... if they have symptoms. Contact your doctor before returning to school.

... if they have a chronic infection (not the first outbreak) and no symptoms.

Impetigo (School sores)

Small red spots change into blisters that fill up with pus and become crusted; usually on the face, hands or scalp. ... until antibiotic treatment starts.

Sores should be covered with watertight dressings.

Influenza Sudden onset fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, muscle aches and headaches. ... until well.

Measles Fever, tiredness, runny nose, cough and sore red eyes for a few days followed by a red blotchy rash that starts on the face and spreads down the body and lasts 4 to 7 days.

... for at least 4 days after the rash appears.

Meningococcal Disease Sudden onset of fever and a combination of headache, neck, stiffness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness or rash.

Seek medical attention immediately. Patient will need hospital treatment. Close contacts receive antibiotics.

Molluscum Contagiosum Multiple small lumps (2–5mm) on the skin that are smooth, firm and round, with dimples in the middle. In children, occur mostly on the face, trunk, upper arms and legs. Symptoms can last 6 months to 2 years.

Mumps Fever, swollen and tender glands around the jaw.... for 9 days after onset of swelling.

Ringworm* (tinea corporis]

Small scaly patch on the skin surrounded by a pink ring.... for 24 hours after fungal

treatment has begun.

Runny nose or common cold ... unless there are other symptoms

such as fever, sore throat, cough, rash or headache. Check with school.

Scabies* Itchy skin, worse at night. Worse around wrists, armpits, buttocks, groin and between fingers and toes. ... until 24 hours after treatment

has begun.

Shigella Diarrhoea (which may contain blood, mucus and pus), fever, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting. ... until there has not been a loose

bowel motion for 24 hours. Antibiotics may be needed.

Slapped Cheek Syndrome (Parvovirus B19 infection, fifth disease, erythema infectiosum)

Mild fever, red cheeks, itchy lace-like rash, and possibly cough, sore throat or runny nose. ... as it is most infectious before the

rash appears.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Starts with a running nose, followed by persistent cough that comes in bouts. Bouts maybe followed by vomiting and a whooping sound as the child gasps for air.

... until the first 5 days of an antibiotic course has been completed. Unimmunised siblings may need to stay home too until treated with an antibiotic.

Worms (Threadworms, pinworms)

The main sign of threadworms is an itchy bottom. Sometimes children feel ‘out of sorts’ and do not want to eat much. They may also have trouble sleeping, due to itching at night.

... and tell the school as other parents will need to know to check their kids.

© Owned by State of NSW through the Department of Education and Communities 2012. This work may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-commercial educational purposes only. Permission must be received from the department for all other uses.

Information provided by NSW Health.2/2

*It is important that the rest of the family is checked for head lice, scabies and ringworm

Narrabri West Public School

Fete Newsletter

Fete countdown - only 3 days to go!







LIVE MUSIC - featuring Brendon Ward


Raffle News

Thank you to everyone who has already returned their raffle ticket books. Please

return any sold or unsold tickets you have so we can sell these at the fete and draw the

raffle. There will also be lucky book seller prizes drawn on the night for shopping


Helpers We still need helpers to help on stalls at the fete on Friday 14th.(Please see helpers ros-

ter with this newsletter). If you could spare half an hour at the fete please contact the

school office (67922377) and offer your help. Your assistance helps the school (and of

course all the children) and its fun as well!

Key Dates:

Raffle Tickets

Due back Thursday 13th

September (sold or




14th September

5:00pm - 8:00pm

Fete Rides






Wristbands will be

available for $30 each.

These are available for

pre-purchase this week

from the front office. ($35

on Fete night)

(See note/order form with

this newsletter)



Helpers / Times

5:00 - 5:30 5:30 - 6:00 6:00 - 6:30 6:30 - 7:00 7:00 - 7:30 7:30 - 8:00


(Debbie Maher) Lyn Graham Lyn Graham Amanda Whan Amanda Whan


(Alison Steele)

Annette Long-


Annette Long-

worth Erin Lennox

Erin Lennox

Marijke Griffiths

Cold Drinks

(Kylee Butler) Nadyne Read Nadyne Read Marijke Griffiths


(Cathy Hatton) Bec Warnock Bec Warnock

Shaye Maxwell

Steffi Lilliebridge

Shaye Maxwell

Steffi Lilliebridge Shaye Maxwell Shaye Maxwell


(Vanessa Collins)

Jumping Castle


Face Painting

(Emily Ward)

(Erika Sorbie)

Sarah Cameron Sarah Cameron Sarah Cameron Sarah Cameron


(Sarah Smith)

Linda Watson

Meg Walsh

Linda Watson

Meg Walsh Linda Watson Linda Watson

Tattoo (Jake Tester)

(Patsy Norris)

Narrabri West Public School

Friday 14th September - 5:00pm to 8:00pm

Wristband Order Form

Narrabri West’s BIGGEST annual fundraiser is on again and this is your chance to PRE-PURCHASE (or pay in

instalments) your RIDES wristband which entitles the holder to:




Dodgem Cars Crazy Dance 2x Inflatable Slides



Unlimited ride wristbands ($30 pre-purchased or $35 on the night) and individual ride tickets - $5 and $7 per ride – will also be

available at the fete.

We also offer the option to pay off your wristband

Send payment for each wristband in a clearly marked envelope (Wristbands) with the completed form below to the school

office, or bring the order form to school and make payment at the office. Pre-purchased wristbands will be given to each

child on the day of the fete at school, or may be collected from the rides ticket window (staffroom) at the fete. Final orders

for pre-purchased wristbands must be in by THURS. 13th SEPTEMBER.


Family Name: __________________________________________ Contact Number: ______________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Class: ____________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Class: ____________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Class: ____________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Class: ____________________

I have enclosed $ _______________ for ________________ wristbands @ $30 per wristband

I have enclosed $ _______________ for part payment of __________ wristbands @ $30 per wristband

I understand that if making a part payment for wristbands that I must ensure full payment is made in order to receive them on the day of the fete.

Signed: ____________________________________________

P.O Box 3121 (6 Cooma Road) NARRABRI 2390 T 0267922377 E narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.narrabriw-p.schools.det.nsw.edu.au

Narrabri West Public School

Kindergarten 2019

Please complete this form for each child in your family who will be attending Kindergarten in 2019 at Narrabri West Public School.

Child’s full name: ...........................................................................................................................................................

Male / Female (Please circle) Date of Birth: .............................................. Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Yes / No

Mother or Carers Name: ................................................... Father or Carers Name: ...................................................

Residential Address: .......................................................................................................................................................

Postal Address (if different): ..........................................................................................................................................

Telephone: ................................................................. Mobile: ....................................................................................

Does your child currently attend pre-school or long day care service? Yes / No

Name of service: ...........................................................................................................................................................

Does your child currently receive additional support (e.g. vision, hearing, speech, learning, behaviour)? Yes / No

Please provide details: ...............................................................................................................................................



Family members currently attending Narrabri West Public School:



Other children in the family not yet attending school:

Name DOB




Signed: …………………………………………………………. Parent or Carer Date: ……………………………………………. Please circle

Please Note:

1. Upon receipt of this information by the school, parents/carers will be supplied with a letter of confirmation and additional information required for our Kindergarten transition program (‘Ready, Set, Kinder!’).

2. The following documentation will need to be presented prior to enrolment in 2019:

Birth certificate and/or appropriate legal documentation to indicate identity of the child; Immunisation records.

Please Note: This is not an enrolment form. It is an expression of interest in enrolling at Narrabri West Public School. A full enrolment package will be provided to you during our transition to Kindergarten program.

PLEASE RETURN TO: Narrabri West Public School P.O Box 3121 Phone: 67922377 (6 Cooma Rd) Fax: 67924395 Narrabri 2390 Email: narrabriw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Thank you. We are sure you will have an enjoyable and rewarding experience at Narrabri West Public School.
