Optimus 5.0(1)


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Op-era, the Operations club of IIM Shillong presents to you Optimus 5.0.

Optimus 5.0 opens up the opportunity to you, to give wings to your creativity.

We would like to give the Operations enthusiasts a vibrant platform to showcase

their skills and talent.

We expect the participants to come up with fresh interactive original and

creative video, that would best explain anyone of the below mentioned topics:

1.  Benchmarking

2.  Decoupling

3.  5S

4.  Postponement

5.  Takt Time

6.  Six Sigma

7.  Bullwhip effect

8.  Cross docking

9.  Cascading

10. Any other exceptionally innovative idea on operations, please drop a mail

to the following ID (opsclub@iimshillong.in) and get a confirmation before

proceeding with the submission.



  The video should be in any of the following formats only: WMV, MP4, FLV

or AVI

  Duration of the video should be within 3 to 5 minutes

  The video should be uploaded on YouTube or Drop Box

  Naming convention of the video is:

<Optimus5.0>_<College Name>_<Team Name>_<Concept Name>

e.g.: Optimus5.0_IIMShillong_Invictus_Benchmarking


1.  The team can have minimum of 2 members and maximum of 3 members

2.  The video can have participation of any number of people

3.  The submitted content is supposed to be original and no plagiarism shall

be entertained

4.  All the contestants should be participants of 2 year regular management

program from the same college

5.  The video cannot include copyright protected material or any

inappropriate content

6.  Evaluation would be completely done on the jury’s discretion and would

be final

7.  Preference of evaluation shall be the following order:

1. Idea



2. Innovation and creativity

3. Content

4. Quality


  Registration opens from 17-Nov-2013

  Registration and Submission deadline 24-Nov-2013 EOD

  Registration is compulsory

  Link for registration:



  Submission deadline: 23:59:59, 24-Nov-2013 

  Link for Submission: (Teams are required to post their video on You Tube

or Drop Box and provide the links in the space provided in the submission

form). Link to the submission form has been provided below 


  Prizes Money:

o  1st  Prize – Rs. 1500

o  2nd Prize – Rs. 1000

Three other entries shall get a special mention. The top five videos shall be

featured as a part of the “Opsopedia” series of IIM Shillong. The top five teamsshall be provided with e-certificates.

For your reference and further queries please find link to previous Opsopedia




For any other queries feel free to contact:

Aishwarya V.R

Contact: +91 8415921315

Ansuman Mishra

Contact: +91 9437371717

Or drop a mail to: opsclub@iimshillong.in 

Operations Club,

IIM Shillong.