Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli


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Part No: E38309-03August 2014

Oracle Hardware Management Connectorfor IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User'sGuide

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Using This Documentation .................................................................................. 5Product Documentation Library ......................................................................... 5Access to Oracle Support .................................................................................. 5Feedback ........................................................................................................ 5

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 7Feature Overview ............................................................................................ 7Levels of Integration With IBM Netcool/OMNIbus ................................................ 8Prerequisites .................................................................................................. 10

Managed Oracle Server Requirements ....................................................... 10IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Server Requirements ............................................. 11

Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus ...................................................... 13Getting the Software ....................................................................................... 13

▼  Download Firmware and Software Using My Oracle Support .................... 13Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus ..................................................... 14

▼  Install Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus ............................................ 15Configuring Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus ................................................. 16

▼  Configure the MTTrapd Probe File ...................................................... 16Uninstalling Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus ................................................. 17

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring .................... 19Choosing a Configuration Procedure ................................................................. 19Configuring Oracle Servers for OS Level Monitoring ........................................... 19

▼  Configure the SNMP Management Agent File on SPARC Solaris ............... 20Configuring Oracle Servers for SP Level Monitoring ............................................ 21

▼  Configure SNMP Protocol Settings on Oracle ILOM SP .......................... 22Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 2.91 Service Processors ......................... 25

▼  Configure SNMP Protocol Settings on Embedded LOM SP Version 2.91 ..... 25Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 4.x Service Processors ........................... 28


4 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

▼  Configure SNMP Protocol Settings on Embedded LOM SP Version 4.x ....... 28Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus .............................. 30

Verifying Configuration Manually ............................................................. 31Verifying Configuration Remotely Using ALOM ......................................... 32Verifying Configuration Remotely Using IPMItool ....................................... 33Verifying Configuration Remotely Using psradm ......................................... 35

Monitoring Oracle Servers in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus ......................................... 37Interpreting Messages in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus ................................................ 37

Release Notes .................................................................................................... 41Known Issues ................................................................................................ 41

Index .................................................................................................................. 43

Using This Documentation 5

Using This Documentation

This section describes product information, documentation and feedback, and a documentchange history.

■ Overview – Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus(Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus) enables you to integrate Oracle servers andSun Blade modules into an IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus (IBM Netcool/OMNIbus)environment. This document explains how to install and configure the Oracle HMC forNetcool/OMNIbus.

■ Audience – This document is intended for experienced IT professionals, field salesrepresentatives and support engineers.

Product Documentation Library

Late-breaking information and known issues for this product are included in the documentationlibrary at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. Forinformation, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.


Provide feedback about this documentation at

6 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

Introduction 7


Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus (Oracle HMC forNetcool/OMNIbus) enables you to integrate Oracle's servers and blade modules into an IBMTivoli Netcool/OMNIbus (IBM Netcool/OMNIbus) environment. This introduction discussesthe followng topics:

■ “Feature Overview” on page 7■ “Levels of Integration With IBM Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 8■ “Prerequisites” on page 10■ “IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Server Requirements” on page 11

Feature Overview

Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus extends the capabilities of IBM Netcool/OMNIbus andprovides the following features:

■ Alerts received from the host server and service processor (SP) are clearly identified by thesource.

■ Support of the Oracle Hardware Management Agent, which supports in-band hardwareevent monitoring.

■ Rules for displaying and prioritizing alerts received from multiple sources.■ Support for the SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB and SUN-ILOM-SYSTEM-MIB, which provides robust

reporting support for device names and device status.■ Support for Oracle Hardware Management Agent for Sun Fire and Netra Systems, which

provides support for additional varbinds (variable binding pairs consisting of objectidentifiers (OIDs) and values).

■ Automatic clearing of problem events upon receiving resolution events from a supportedserver SP.

■ Support of Oracle Automatic Service Request (ASR), which provides auto-case generationwhen a specific hardware fault occurs.

With Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus integrated with IBM Netcool/OMNIbus, you canview event messages generated from managed Oracle servers.

Levels of Integration With IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

8 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

FIGURE   1 Event List

Figure 1 shows event messages received from an Oracle Intergrated Lights Out Manager(ILOM) service processor on an x86 server (wgs97-210), a Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager(ALOM) service processor on a SPARC server (wgs40-01), and an Embedded LOM serviceprocessor on an x86 server (wgs97-216).

Levels of Integration With IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus uses SNMP as its integration protocol at both the operatingsystem and service processor level. Therefore, the IBM Netcool/OMNIbus component does notneed to be installed on the managed Oracle server. See the followng table for a list of Oracleservers and SNMP integration methods supported for IBM Netcool OMNIbus.

Oracle ServerPlatform

SNMP IntegrationMethod


x86 Server SNMP OS The Oracle Hardware Management Agent sends SNMP traps defined bySUN-HW-TRAP-MIB to the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Universal AgentManager.

Levels of Integration With IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

Introduction 9

Oracle ServerPlatform

SNMP IntegrationMethod


To enable this integration, you need to: 1) install the Oracle HardwareManagement Agent software and its associated Oracle Hardware SNMPPlugins on the managed x86 Oracle server; and, 2) configure the hostoperating system on the x86 server to send SNMP traps to the trapdestination server on which MTTrapd Probe is installed.

Note that this integration method does not require you to install any IBMNetcool/OMNIbus-specific agents on the managed Oracle server.

SPARC Server SNMP OS The Oracle Hardware Management Agent sends SNMP traps definedby the SUN-PLATFORM-MIB to the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP UniversalAgent SNMP Manager.

To enable this integration, you need to:1) install the Oracle HardwareManagement Agent software and its associated Oracle Hardware SNMPPlugins on a SPARC Oracle Solaris server; and, 2) configure the OracleSolaris host on the SPARC server to send SNMP traps to the trapdestination server on which the MTTrapd Probe is installed.

Note that this integration method does not require you to install any IBMNetcool/OMNIbus-specific agents on the managed Oracle server.

x86 Server SNMP SP The x86 server SP sends SNMP traps to the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMPUniversal Agent Manager defined by one of the following supportedMIBs:

■ SUN-ILOM-SYSTEM-MIB and SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB (supported forOracle ILOM SP configurations)

■ SUN-ILOM-PET-EVENTS (supported for Embedded LOM SPconfigurations)

To enable this integration, you need to configure SNMP on the Oracle x86server SP to communicate with the trap destination server on which theMTTrapd Probe is installed.

Note that this integration method does not require you to install any IBMNetcool/OMNIbus-specific agents on the managed Oracle server.

SPARC Server SNMP SP The SPARC server SP sends SNMP traps defined by the SUN-ILOM-SYSTEM-MIB and the SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB to the IBM Netcool/OMNIbusSNMP Universal Agent Manager.

To enable this integration, you need to configure SNMP on the managedSPARC server SP to communicate with the trap destination server onwhich the MTTrapd Probe is installed.

Note that this integration method does not require you to install any IBMNetcool/OMNIbus-specific agents on the managed Oracle server.

Note - You should always upgrade the firmware on the service processor (SP) to the latestfirmware version available from Oracle.


10 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

To implement SNMP integration at either the operating system or service processor level,you must ensure that the Oracle server is properly configured to send SNMP traps to the trapdestination server where the MTTrapd Probe software is installed.

FIGURE   2 Monitoring Options


Prior to installing the Oracle HMC software for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus, ensure that thefollowing installation requirements are met for the managed Oracle server(s) and the IBMNetcool/OMNIbus server.

■ “Managed Oracle Server Requirements” on page 10■ “IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Server Requirements” on page 11

Managed Oracle Server Requirements

Oracle servers must have the correct software installed and be configured properly. For acomplete list of supported Oracle hardware and firmware, see:

You should always consult the Oracle HMC web site prior to installing Oracle HMC forNetcool/OMNIbus to ensure that you have the proper hardware and firmware installed.


Introduction 11

Review the following table for a list of supported monitoring methods and softwarerequirements.

Monitoring Method Software Requirement

SPARC or x86 servermonitored from the hostoperating system

Oracle Hardware Management Agent software and its associated Oracle SNMPHardware Plugins must be properly installed and configured on the Oracle x86 orSPARC server.

Note that Netcool/OMNIbus agents do not need to be installed on the managedOracle server.

SPARC or x86 servermonitored from the OracleILOM SP

Oracle ILOM firmware version 2 .x or higher must be installed on the SPARC orx86 server SP.

Note that Netcool/OMNIbus agents do not need to be installed on the managedOracle server.

x86 server monitored from theEmbedded LOM SP

Embedded LOM firmware version 2.91 or higher must be installed on the x86server SP.

Note that Netcool/OMNIbus agents do not need to be installed on the managedOracle server.

IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Server Requirements

Ensure that the following server requirements are met for where the Netcool OMNIbus softwareis installed:

■ Netcool/OMNIbus software version v7.1 or higher is installed and configured.■ IBM Netcool Knowledge Library (NcKL) v1.3 or higher is installed (SNMP Trapd

processing rules).■ The name of the host server where the Netcool/OMNIbus software is installed and

configured.■ Write access privileges on server where MTTrapd Probe is installed:

■ Log in access (root-level access or equivalent access level privileges)■ Write permissions.

12 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus 13

Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus

This section describes how to install and uninstall Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus. Thissection provides the following topics:

■ “Getting the Software” on page 13■ “Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 14■ “Configuring Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 16■ “Uninstalling Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 17

Getting the Software

Before you start, ensure that the target installation server and operating system are supported.For more information on the supported servers, see:

The following procedure explains how to use My Oracle Support to download the serverfirmware and software.

Download Firmware and Software Using MyOracle Support

1. Go to the My Oracle Support site:

2. Sign in to My Oracle Support.

3. At the top of the page, click the Patches & Updates tab.

The Patches and Updates page appears.

4. In the Patching Quick Links panel, click Oracle Servers Tools > Latest Patchsets.

Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus

14 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

The Path Search panel displays a link to the Product or Family (Advanced) search option.

5. In the Search Path panel, click the link for Product or Family (Advanced) .

The search parameters for Product and Family appear.

6. In the Product field, type a full or partial product name, until a list of matchesappear and select the product of interest. For example:

■ To search for the latest Hardware Management Connector, type HardwareManagement Connector.

■ To search for firmware for a specific server, type the product name, forexample SPARC T5-2 Server.

7. In the Release field, select the software release check box in the drop-down list.For example:

■ To locate Oracle Hardware Management Connector patches for IBM products, select theHMC for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus check box.

■ To locate the SPARC T5-2 firmware patch for version 9.0, select the SPARC T5-2 SunSystem Firmware 9.0 check box.

8. Click Search.

The Path Search Results page appears display a list of available patches in a table format.

9. To select a single Patch, click a Patch Name in the table.

A popup action panel appears with these actions: Readme, Add to Plan, or Download.

Note - To select multiple patches, hold-down the Control key while selecting additional patchnames in the table.

10. To download a single patch (or multiple patches), click the Download action inthe popup panel, then in the File Download dialog, select the file(s) to download.

The download process begins automatically.

Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus

After you have downloaded and unpacked the distribution archive to a local temporarydirectory, you need to copy the relevant files to the directory on the management server that

Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus

Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus 15

contains the IBM Netcool/OMNIbus rules and lookup files. This section provides the paths forcopying the files to the correct directories.

Your IBM Netcool/OMNIbus installation should have the NC_RULES_HOME environmentalvariable set to the rules file directory; see the IBM Netcool/OMNIbus documentation for moreinformation. This procedure uses the location of NC_RULES_HOME as the base path forstoring the Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus files.

All of the SNMP trap based rule files provided as part of the Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus are placed in the following directory:


All lookup files are placed in the following directory:


The following procedure explains how to copy the files to the correct directories.

Install Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus1. Navigate to the NC_RULES_HOME\include-snmptrap directory and create a sun

directory to place all the rules files.

Note - If the include-snmptrap directory does not exist you can manually create thedirectory.

2. Navigate to the SOFTWARE subdirectory that was created when you unpackedOracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus. This directory contains files suffixed with.rules and .lookup.

3. Copy all files suffixed with .rules from the SOFTWARE subdirectory into thefollowing directory:


4. Copy all files suffixed with .lookup, into the following directory:


5. Verify that the .rules and .lookup files have been copied successfully.

The following sections explain how to integrate these files with your existing IBM Netcool/OMNIbus rules and lookup files.

Configuring Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus

16 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

Configuring Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus

After you have copied the rules and lookup files, you must integrate the rules contained inOracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus with the existing rules on your IBM Netcool/OMNIbusmanagement server. Typically, MTTrapd Probe rules files contain a section for lookup filereferences and a section for rules file references.

Note - The following steps assume that you have the Netcool Knowledge Library Lite ProbeRules installed. If you use an alternative knowledge library or alternative rules files, pleaseconsult the related documentation as these steps might require slight modifications.

The following procedure explains how to modify your MTTrapd Probe file to integrate theOracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus lookup and rules files, which enables you to receive andinterpret SNMP traps.

Configure the MTTrapd Probe File

1. Open the MTTrapd Probe rules file in a text editor.

The default name for this rules file is mttrapd.rules.

2. Add the following statement at the beginning of the file, before any processingstatements:

array pet;

This array gets used by the following rules file:


Note - Array statements must be defined at the beginning of rules files, preceding anyprocessing statements.

3. Add the following include statements to the beginning of the file, where mostlookup file references are located:


# Added for Sun-Netcool Integration Pack - Beginning


include "$NC_RULES_HOME/include-snmptrap/common-lookup/sun-hextoascii.include.snmptrap.lookup"

Uninstalling Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus

Installing Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus 17

4. Add the following lines toward the end of the section of the file where most rulesfile references are located:


# Added for Sun-Netcool Integration Pack - Beginning


include "$NC_RULES_HOME/include-snmptrap/sun/wiredformgmt-SUN-ILOM-PET-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules"

include "$NC_RULES_HOME/include-snmptrap/sun/sun-SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules"

include "$NC_RULES_HOME/include-snmptrap/sun/sun-SUN-PLATFORM-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules"

include "$NC_RULES_HOME/include-snmptrap/sun/sun-SUN-ASR-NOTIFICATION-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules"

include "$NC_RULES_HOME/include-snmptrap/sun/sun-SUN-ILOM-SYSTEM-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules"


5. Save the mttrapd.rules file.

The MTTrapd Probe software is configured to receive and interpret SNMP traps from supportedservers.

Uninstalling Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus

The procedure to uninstall Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus is the reverse of theconfiguration procedure. Please refer to the install instructions and revert the changes made inthe MTTrapd Probe file.

18 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 19

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM NetcoolOMNIbus Monitoring

This section describes how to configure your Oracle servers to be monitored by IBM Netcool/OMNIbus. This section provides the following topics:

■ “Choosing a Configuration Procedure” on page 19■ “Configuring Oracle Servers for OS Level Monitoring” on page 19■ “Configuring Oracle Servers for SP Level Monitoring” on page 21■ “Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 2.91 Service Processors” on page 25■ “Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 4.x Service Processors” on page 28■ “Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 30

Choosing a Configuration ProcedureYou can monitor Oracle servers at either the operating system level or at the service processorlevel. Refer to the following table to determine the appropriate configuration procedure tofollow.

Monitoring Level Required Configuration Procedure

OS Monitoring Level “Configuring Oracle Servers for OS Level Monitoring” on page 19

SP Monitoring Level “Configuring Oracle Servers for SP Level Monitoring” on page 21

Configuring Oracle Servers for OS Level Monitoring

Oracle x86-based servers with an Oracle ILOM service processor and SPARC-based serverswith a Sun ALOM or Oracle ILOM service processor can be monitored at the operating systemlevel using Oracle Hardware Management Agents and SNMP Hardware Plugins. For furtherinformation about installing and configuring the Oracle Hardware Management Agents, as well

Configuring Oracle Servers for OS Level Monitoring

20 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

as configuring SNMP properties at the host operating system level, see the Oracle HardwareManagement Pack documentation at:

Note - Operating system level monitoring requires you to configure SNMP at the host level tosend traps to the MTTrapd Probe. The MTTrapd Probe then forwards the SNMP traps to theIBM Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer.

For SPARC Solaris based monitoring systems, these additional configuration tasks are required:

■ To use operating system (OS) based SNMP to monitor SPARC Solaris servers, youmust verify that the Hardware Management Agent configuration file on the managedSPARC Solaris nodes contains the correct configuration entries. To verify theseconfiguration entries, see “Configure the SNMP Management Agent File on SPARCSolaris” on page 20.

■ To ensure that the integration between the Oracle Hardware Management Agents andIBM Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer was configured correctly, see “Verifying SuccessfulConfiguration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 30.

Configure the SNMP Management Agent File onSPARC Solaris

1. On the managed server, open the following configuration file in a text editor:


2. Add an entry to specify whether you want to send SNMP v1, v2, or v3 traps.Depending on the version of SNMP you are using, choose one of thesepossibilities:

SNMP format Entry

v1 trapsink destination_hostname community port

v2c trap2sink destination_hostname community port

v3c trap3sink destination_hostname community port

Where destination_hostname specifies the name or IP address of the destination serverreceiving the SNMP traps from the Oracle Server Management Agents.

3. (Optional, but recommended) – Uncomment the following line in the final sectionof the file by removing the #:

Configuring Oracle Servers for SP Level Monitoring

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 21


# SECTION: Trap compatibility mode

. . .

SUNW_alwaysIncludeEntPhysName yes

Enabling this mode for the Oracle Server Management Agents adds more detailed sensor anddevice names to traps and eliminates the need for generic messages for some sensors such as Adevice has been disabled.

Note - This step is not applicable if you are using Oracle SNMP Management Agent version 1.6or higher

4. Save the modified snmpd.conf file.

5. For these changes to take effect, you must force the Oracle Server ManagementAgents to re-read the configuration file.

Your managed SPARC Solaris servers are now ready to forward traps to IBM Netcool/OMNIbus.

Configuring Oracle Servers for SP Level Monitoring

For your service processor to be monitored by IBM Netcool/OMNIbus, you must configure theserver processor to send Simple Network Management (SNMP) traps to trap destination serverwhere the MTTrapd Probe is running.

The procedures in this section apply to the following server types:

■ SPARC processor-based with Oracle ILOM 2.x or higher, see “Configure SNMP ProtocolSettings on Oracle ILOM SP” on page 22.

■ x86 processor-based with Oracle ILOM 2.x or higher, see “Configure SNMP ProtocolSettings on Oracle ILOM SP” on page 22

■ x86 processor-based with Embedded LOM, see one of the following procedures:■ “Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 2.91 Service Processors” on page 25■ “Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 4.x Service Processors” on page 28

After configuring the Oracle server SP, you should verify the configuration remotely to ensuresuccessful integration with the IBM Netcool OMNIbus ObjectServer. For more details, see“Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 30.

Configuring Oracle Servers for SP Level Monitoring

22 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

Note - The following Oracle ILOM SP procedure provides web interface steps for configuringthe SNMP protocol settings and trap alert notifications. For command-line interface (CLI)instructions, or for further details about configuring SNMP alerts in Oracle ILOM, consult theOracle ILOM product documentation for the applicable firmware release (2.0, 3.0, 3.1, or 3.2.)

Configure SNMP Protocol Settings on OracleILOM SP

1. Log in to the Oracle ILOM SP web interface as root (default password:changeme).

2. Navigate to the SNMP page to enable SNMP management:

■ For Oracle ILOM 2.x and 3.0.x firmware, click System Management Access > SNMP.■ For Oracle ILOM 3.1.x and 3.2.x firmware, click ILOM Administration > Management

Access > SNMP.

3. In the SNMP page, enable the SNMP state check box and configure the SNMPport number, then click Save.

Note - For security performance reasons, the protocol property for SNMPv3 should be enabled.Later Oracle ILOM firmware versions provide support for SNMPv3 monitoring. If the SP isrunning a firmware version that does not support SNMPv3, you should update the Oracle ILOMfirmware on the SP to the latest version available from My Oracle Support.

4. Navigate to the Alert Management page to configure trap alert notifications.

■ For Oracle ILOM 2.x and 3.0.x firmware, click Configuration > Alert Management. TheAlert Management page opens.

■ For Oracle ILOM 3.1.x and 3.2.x firmware, click ILOM Administration > Notifications >Alerts.

Configuring Oracle Servers for SP Level Monitoring

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 23

FIGURE   3 Oracle ILOM Alert Management (ILOM 2.x firmware image shown)

5. To create a new alert, click the radio button for an entry that has no value forDestination Summary.

FIGURE   4 Choosing an Alert to Edit (ILOM firmware 2.x)

Configuring Oracle Servers for SP Level Monitoring

24 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

6. Choose Edit from the Actions drop down list box; or, click the Edit button (Editbutton is available on firmware 3.1 and later).

A dialog box appears displaying configuration settings for alert notifications.

FIGURE   5 Oracle ILOM Alert Settings (ILOM firmware 2.x image shown)

7. Set the following properties.

Properties Value

Level Minor (to view the maximum number of traps at allseverity levels)

Type SNMP Trap (for the SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB)

IP Address IP_address_of_destination_server

Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 2.91 Service Processors

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 25

Note - Although Oracle ILOM 2.0 continues to support the SUN-ILOM-PET-EVENTS-MIB, youshould configure your service processors with the latest Oracle ILOM firmware to use the morerobust SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB.

8. To apply the changes, click Save.

The Oracle ILOM SP is now configured to send SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB and SUN-ILOM-SYSTEM-MIB traps to all configured trap destinations.

Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 2.91 ServiceProcessors

Sun x86 servers with Embedded LOM service processors must be configured to send PETtraps to the correct trap destination server. In this case, the trap destination server is where theMTTrapd Probe software is running.

Configure SNMP Protocol Settings on EmbeddedLOM SP Version 2.91

1. Launch the Embedded LOM service processor web GUI (Server Management) onthe service processor to be configured and managed.

2. Log in to the Server Management application as root.

Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 2.91 Service Processors

26 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

FIGURE   6 Embedded LOM Server Management

3. Click Control > Platform Event Filter.

The Platform Event Filter dialog appears.

Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 2.91 Service Processors

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 27

FIGURE   7 Platform Event Filter

4. Verify or set the following parameters:

Parameter Value

PEF Global Control Enable PEF is selected.

IP Address IP address is specified for the Netcool/OMNIbus management server

MAC Address MAC address is specified for the Netcool/OMNIbus management server

5. Scroll down to the next section on the Platform Event Filter dialog, and set theoptions appropriate for your environment.

Note - Ensure that the Enable Send Alert Action option is selected on the Platform Event Filterdialog.

6. To apply the settings, click Submit.

7. In the menu pane, click SNMP > SNMP Settings.

8. Verify or set the following parameters:

Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 4.x Service Processors

28 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

Parameter Value

Port 161 (the default value)

v1 Protocol v1 Protocol, if needed, is selected.

v2 Protocol v2 Protocol, if needed, is selected.

v3 Protocol v3. Protocol, if supported on system and needed, isselected.

9. To apply the changes, click Submit.

Your Embedded LOM service processor is now configured to send IPMI PETs to all trapdestinations configured.

Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 4.x ServiceProcessors

Sun x86 servers with an Embedded LOM service processors (SPs) must be configured tosend PET traps to the correct destination. In this case the destination is the server where theMTTrapd Probe software is running.

Configure SNMP Protocol Settings on EmbeddedLOM SP Version 4.x

1. Launch the Embedded LOM service processor web GUI (Server Management) onthe service processor to be configured and managed.

2. Log in to the Server Management application as root.

3. Click Configuration > Platform Event Filter in the tabbed interface.

The Platform Event Filter dialog appears.

Configuring x86 Embedded LOM Version 4.x Service Processors

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 29

FIGURE   8 Platform Event Filter

4. Verify or set the following parameters:

Parameter Value

PEF Global Control Enable PEF option is selected.

IP Address IP address is specified for the server hosting the MTTrapd Probe software.

MAC Address Mac address is specified for the server hosting the MTTrapd Probe software.

5. Scroll down to the next section on the Platform Event Filter dialog and set theoptions appropriate for your environment.

Note - Ensure that the Enable Send Alert Action option is selected on the Platform Event Filterdialog.

6. To apply the changes , click Submit.

7. In the menu pane, click Configuration > SNMP > SNMP Settings.

The SNMP Settings dialog appears.

Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

30 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

8. Verify or enter the following parameters:

Parameter Value

Port 161 (the default)

v1 Protocol v1 Protocol option, if needed, is selected.

v2c Protocol v2c Protocol option, if needed, is selected.

v3 Protocol v3 Protocol option, if supported on system and needed, is selected

9. To apply the changes, click Submit.

Your Embedded LOM version 4.x service processor is now configured to send IPMI PETs to alltrap destinations configured.

Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

To the extent that Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus employs a variety of system managementtechnologies to monitor different types of servers, there is no one procedure that exercises everyinterface on each managed system in order to verify that the entire integration has been installedand configured properly.

If you are physically located with your managed systems, you could always manually removeand re-insert a non-critical component on one server after another. For more information,see “Verifying Configuration Manually” on page 31. This manual procedure becomesimpractical at large installations and impossible at remote locations. Performing remoteverification is more convenient, but requires different procedures for OS-level or SP-levelintegrations and for different types of servers (x86 or SPARC).

To determine which remote procedures are appropriate for your test plan and for the types ofservers supported by your management application, consult the following table.

CPU Type SP Type OS-level Procedure(s) SP-level Procedure(s)

x86 ILOM Not supported See “Verifying Configuration Remotely UsingIPMItool” on page 33.

x86 Embedded LOM Not supported See “Verifying Configuration Remotely UsingIPMItool” on page 33.

SPARC ILOM See “Verifying ConfigurationRemotely Usingpsradm” on page 35.

See “Verifying Configuration Remotely UsingIPMItool” on page 33.

Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 31

CPU Type SP Type OS-level Procedure(s) SP-level Procedure(s)

SPARC ALOM See “Verifying ConfigurationRemotely UsingALOM” on page 32.

Not supported

The following sections describe how to perform each of these procedures.

Verifying Configuration Manually

If you are located physically near one or more of your servers, you can always verifyconfiguration by generating a physical event. The most reliable way to accomplish this is toremove and re-insert a non-critical component.

Test the Configuration Manually

1. Locate the server or blade module in your data center.

2. Identify a component on that system that is non-critical and hot-pluggable (forexample, a redundant power supply or fan tray).

Note - Make sure that removal and re-insertion of this component will not affect the normal androutine operation of the server. Verify that the redundant component is not critical to the currentstate of the system.

3. Remove the non-critical component.

Note - Follow all required software and firmware procedures required for the safe removalof any hot-pluggable component. Consult your server documentation for specific proceduresrelated to removing that hot-pluggable component.

4. After an appropriate amount of time, re-insert the non-critical component.

5. In the message or event console of your management package, verify thatremoving and re-inserting the non-critical component has generated one ormore traps with the appropriate event summary and severity.

If you do not see these traps in the console, review this manual for required configuration stepsor consult the “Release Notes” section in this guide.

Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

32 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

Verifying Configuration Remotely Using ALOM

It is possible to verify the configuration remotely.

Verify Configuration for Remote ALOM-based SPARC SolarisSystem

1. Identify the name and/or IP address of the ALOM-based SPARC Solaris serverthat you want to test.

2. Log in to the ALOM CMT command shell on that remote system via an Ethernetor serial connection.

3. Enter the following command to determine the current state of the systemlocator LED.

sc> showlocator

ALOM returns one of the following messages:

Locator led is ON

Locator led is OFF

Note - The following example assumes that the Locator LED is currently Off.

4. Enter the following command to turn On the Locator LED.

sc> setlocator on

5. In the message or event console of your management package, verify that theevent from ALOM indicating is received and the Locator LED is On.

6. Enter the following command to turn Off the Locator LED.

sc> setlocator off

7. Optionally, in the message or event console of your management package, verifythat the event from ALOM is received and the Locator LED is Off.

Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 33

Verifying Configuration Remotely Using IPMItool

Recent Oracle servers support the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) serviceprocessor, while some legacy Sun x86 servers support an Embedded LOM service processor.You can communicate with these server SPs via their IPMI interfaces and configure them togenerate non-critical, simulated events. If IBM Netcool/OMNIbus receives these non-critical,simulated events from the server SP, it is configured properly for actual events.

IPMItool is an open-source utility for managing and configuring devices that support theIntelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) version 1.5 and version 2.0 specifications.Versions of IPMItool are available for the Oracle Solaris, Linux, and Windows operatingsystems, as part of the Oracle Hardware Management Pack. For more information, see:

Verify IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Is Configured to Receive TrapsFrom Server SP

1. Collect the following information about the remote service processor that youwant to test:

Parameter Value

SPname The name or IP address of the service processor

SPadminname The administrator login name for the service processor

SPadminpassword The administrator password for the service processor

2. Open a command shell on the system that has IPMItool installed.

3. Enter the following IPMItool command to generate a list of all available sensorson that remote server.

ipmitool -U SPadminname -P SPadminpassword -H SPname -v sdr list

For example, to get the list of available sensors on a Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 serverat IP address and the ILOM SP login is root and password is changeme, use thefollowing command:

ipmitool -U root -P changeme -H -v sdr list

4. In the output from IPMItool, identify the Sensor ID name of a sensor that has atleast one entry for Assertions Enabled or Deassertions Enabled.

Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

34 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

In the following example, IPMItool returns the following information about the sensor named /MB/T_AMB.

Sensor ID : /MB/T_AMB (0x9)

Entity ID : 7.0 (System Board)

Sensor Type (Analog) : Temperature

Upper critical : 55.000

Assertions Enabled : lnc- lcr- lnr- unc+ ucr+ unr+

Deassertions Enabled : lnc- lcr- lnr- unc+ ucr+ unr+

This sensor monitors ambient temperature on the motherboard of servers.

Note - Exercise caution in choosing a sensor to use for a simulated event. Simulating extremehigh or low temperature for some sensors may cause the server to shut down.

5. Enter the following IPMI command to generate a simulated event:

ipmitool -U SPadminname -P SPadminpassword -H SPname event sensorname option

For example, to generate a simulated event for exceeding the upper critical (ucr) ambienttemperature on a Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 server at IP address and the ILOMSP login is root and password is changeme, you would enter the following command:

ipmitool -U root -P changeme -H event /MB/T_AMB ucr assert

In the command shell, IPMItool returns information similar to the following:

Finding sensor /MB/T_AMB ... ok

0 │ Pre-Init Time-stamp │ Temperature /MB/T_AMB │ \Upper Critical going high │ Reading 56 > Threshold \55 degrees C

6. In the message or event console of your management package, verify that ithas received an event from Oracle ILOM or from Embedded LOM relevant to thesensor that you specified in your IPMItool command.

If you do not see these messages in the console, review this manual for required configurationsteps or consult the Troubleshooting section of this manual.

7. (Recommended) – Clear the simulated event with the following syntax:

ipmitool -U SPadminname -P SPadminpassword -H SPname event sensorname option

To clear (deassert) the simulated event in the previous example, enter the following command:

ipmitool -U root -P changeme -H event /MB/T_AMB ucr deassert

If you do not see these messages in the console, review this manual for required configurationsteps or consult the “Release Notes” section in this guide.

Verifying Successful Configuration for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

Configuring Oracle Servers for IBM Netcool OMNIbus Monitoring 35

Verifying Configuration Remotely Using psradm

You can use the Solaris utility psradm(1M) to configure the use of multi-core CPUs installedon a SPARC server with a Oracle ILOM service processor. When you use psradm to disable orto re-enable a CPU core, a trap event is automatically generated and delivered to the configuredIBM Netcool/OMNIbus trap destination server event console. Use the following procedure tovalidate the Oracle HMC and IBM Netcool/OMNIbus configuration on a SPARC Enterpriseserver.

Verify Configuration Remotely and Generate Trap UsingSolaris psradm Utility

1. Identify the name and/or IP address of the server that you want to test.

2. Log in to that server as root or with administrator privileges.

3. Enter the following command to disable a specific CPU core on that remoteserver:

psradm -f CPU_Core_ID

Where CPU_Core_ID is the ID for one CPU core.

For example, to disable core 0 on a SPARC Enterprise T5120, you would enter the followingcommand:

psradm -f 0

For example, the trap generated by the T5120 should appear in the IBM Netcool/OMNIbusevent console in a format similar to the following:

CH/MB/CMP0/P0/CPU Device has been removed

4. (Recommended) – Enter the following command to re-enable that same CPUcore on that remote server:

psradm -n CPU_Core_ID

If you do not see these messages in the console, review this guide for required configurationsteps or consult the “Release Notes” section within this guide.

36 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

Monitoring Oracle Servers in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus 37

Monitoring Oracle Servers in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

This section provides an overview of the information available in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus afterinstalling Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus.

Interpreting Messages in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

After you have configured Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus and configured your servers andservice processors to forward SNMP traps, you can monitor messages in one or more of theIBM Netcool/OMNIbus clients.

Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus relies on the MTTrapd Probe to do the following:

■ Collect all the SNMP traps sent to it by the host servers and service processors■ Process the traps received.■ Make the traps available to the client applications such as the Netcool Conductor

The MTTrapd Probe receives SNMP traps from the different SNMP agents or MIBs dependingon the different types of servers being monitored.

Interpreting Messages in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

38 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

FIGURE   9 Monitoring Options

SPARC servers and x86/ILOM servers send the MTTrapd Probe traps via the host operatingsystem. SPARC/ILOM, x86/ILOM, and x86/Embedded LOM servers send SNMP traps viatheir service processors.

You can create custom filters in the Netcool Conductor to display traps from each of thesesources.

When reviewing details about each filter group in the Sub-Event List, you can determine thetype of server sending traps to MTTrapd Probe by examining the prefix to the AlertGroup fieldin the Conductor. The prefixes used by the different types of servers sending traps are explainedin the following table.

Server Type AlertGroup Prefix



x86/ILOM SunHWTrap

x86/Embedded LOM petTrap

Figure 10 illustrates messages received from these server types:

■ x86/ILOM (wgs97-210)■ SPARC/ALOM (wgs40-01)

Interpreting Messages in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

Monitoring Oracle Servers in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus 39

■ x86/Embedded LOM (wgs97-210)

FIGURE   10 Multiple Server Traps

From the Sub-Event List, you can double-click an event to view additional information aboutthe individual sensor that generated it.

Interpreting Messages in IBM Netcool/OMNIbus

40 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014

FIGURE   11 Event Additional Information

Referring to Figure 11, you can see details about the first item in the list, an alert concerning apower supply failure on an x86/ILOM system (wgs97-210).

Release Notes 41

Release Notes

This section contains late-breaking information relating to Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus.

Known Issues

The following known issues exist with Oracle HMC for Netcool/OMNIbus.

■ When you are using IPMItool to inject an event on a HDD sensor (for example DBP/HDD5/STATE), a SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB trap is sent, but for the wrong sensor (for example /SYS/DBP/HDD5/STATE-HIDDEN). (Bug ID 15584568 )

■ Sun Blade T6320 and Sun blade T6340 Server Modules do not send traps in responseto faults from the service processor or systems being monitored using the Sun SNMPManagement Agent. (Bug ID 15664587 )

■ When monitoring a newer Oracle server using the Oracle Hardware Management Pack,you might encounter errors in IBM Netcool that are not correctly cleared after the error isresolved. (Bug ID 16386262 )

42 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014



Cconfiguring monitored devices,   19configuring Oracle HMC for Netcool,   16configuring Oracle Server Management Agents,   21configuring SPARC/ALOM and SPARC/ILOM,   19configuring Sun Embedded LOM version 2.91,   25configuring Sun Embedded LOM version 4.x,   28

Ffeature overview,   7

Ggetting the software,   13

Iinstalling,   13installing Oracle HMC for Netcool,   14interpreting messages,   37

Llevels of integration,   8

MMTTrapd Probe file,   16

Pprerequisites,   10

Sserver requirements,   11

Uuninstalling,   17

Vverifying configuration,   30verifying configuration manually,   31verifying configuration using ALOM,   32verifying configuration using IPMItool,   33verifying configuration using psradm,   35

44 Oracle Hardware Management Connector for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide • August 2014
