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Oracle India Localization

Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 1

Oracle India Localization Setup User’s Reference Manual Release 11i July 2006

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Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 2

Oracle India Localization User Reference Manual Release 11i Oracle Corporation Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Trademark Notice Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Primary Author :Shekhar Jadhav , Narasimha Pai, Srinivas Gadde, Pavan Raparla. Contributors: R. Sivaramakrishnan, Anand Krishnan This User Reference Manual (URM) in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; it is provided under an Oracle Corporation agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual property law. Restrictions applicable to this URM include, but are not limited to: a) exercising either the same degree of care to safeguard the confidentiality of this URM as you exercise to safeguard the confidentiality of your own most important Confidential Information or a reasonable degree of care, whichever is greater; b) maintaining agreements with your employees and agents that protect the Confidential Information of third parties such as Oracle Corporation and instructing such employees and agents of these requirements for this URM; c) restricting disclosure of this URM to those of your employees who have a "need to know" consistent with the purposes for which this URM was disclosed to you; d) maintaining this URM at all times on your premises; e) not removing or destroying any proprietary or confidential legends or markings placed upon this URM in whatever form, software or printed matter; and f) not reproducing or transmitting this URM in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Oracle Corporation. You should not use this URM in any form, software or printed matter, to create software that performs the same or similar functions as any Oracle Corporation products. The information in this URM is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the URM in any form, software or printed matter, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this URM is error-free. This URM is provided to customer "as-is" with no warranty of any kind. This URM does not constitute Documentation as that term is defined in Oracle’s agreements. Reverse engineering of the Programs (software and documentation) associated with this URM are prohibited. The Programs associated with this URM are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be licensee’s responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, back-up, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and Oracle disclaims liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. Restricted Rights Legend This URM and the Programs associated with this URM delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are ’commercial computer software’ and use, duplication and disclosure of the URM and the Programs associated with this URM shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, this URM and the Programs associated with this URM delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are ’restricted computer software’ and use, duplication and disclosure of the URM and the Programs associated with this URM shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-14, Rights in Data -- General, including Alternate III (June1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. Oracle is a registered trademark. AIM Advantage™, Big Business. Small Business. All Business.™, CDM Advantage™, .conference™, ConText®, Des40®, Easy*Query™, Easy*SQL®, Education Objects™, EMM Advantage™, Enabling the Information Age®, ExpertDetectSM, Express®, FastForwardSM, GEMMS®, Gist ™, Hyper*SQL™, instantOracle™, "Internet Business Intelligence - Insight for Everyone"™,iSQL*Plus™, JInitiator™, NLS*Workbench®, Object Marketplace™, ODP Pulse™, ODP Techwire™, OLA™,On Oracle ™, Oracle®, Oracle Book®, Oracle Bookbatch®, Oracle BookBuilder®, OracleBRONZE®,Oracle Business OnLine®, OracleDevConnectSM, Oracle® Discoverer™, Oracle® Expert™, Oracle Financials®,OracleGOLDSM, OracleIncidentSM, OracleJSP™, OracleLifeCycleSM, Oracle Media Objects®,OracleMERCURYSM, OracleMetaLinkSM, OraclemetalsSM, OracleMobile™, Oracle Oracle Proprietary, Confidential Information - Use Restricted by Contract 3 Names®,Oracle NetSolutions®, Oracle® One™, Oracle Open Gateways®, Oracle OpenWorld®,

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Send Us Your Comments ................................................................................................................ 5

Preface ............................................................................................................................................ 6 About this Localization Manual.................................................................................................... 7 Audience for this Manual ............................................................................................................. 8 When you may need to use this Manual ..................................................................................... 9 How the Manual is Organized ................................................................................................... 10 Conventions used in this Manual............................................................................................... 11 Associated Documents.............................................................................................................. 12

India Localization - Setup............................................................................................................ 13 Oracle Financials Base Implementation.................................................................................... 14 Getting Started........................................................................................................................... 15 System Administrator Setup ...................................................................................................... 16 Set of Books Setup.................................................................................................................... 17 General Ledger or Government General Ledger Setup............................................................ 18 Accounts Receivables Setup..................................................................................................... 19 Accounts Receivables Setup Steps .......................................................................................... 20 Accounts Payables Setup.......................................................................................................... 22 Inventory Setup.......................................................................................................................... 23 Overview of Setting Up India Localization................................................................................. 25

Setup Flowchart______________________________________________________________ 26 Setup Checklist ______________________________________________________________ 27 Setup Steps _________________________________________________________________ 28

India Local Inventory ................................................................................................................... 34 Miscellaneous Transactions Overview ...................................................................................... 35 Inventory & WIP Transactions Overview................................................................................... 36 Setting Up Organization Information in India Localization -Inventory ....................................... 37

Defining Organization Additional Information _______________________________________ 37 Defining Trading Registration Details _____________________________________________ 42 Defining Accounting Information for Organization____________________________________ 43 Defining Organization Preferences _______________________________________________ 48 Defining Tax Calendar_________________________________________________________ 50 Defining Excise Invoice Generation_______________________________________________ 52 Defining Sub Inventory Locations ________________________________________________ 56 Defining Item Information_______________________________________________________ 58

Setting Up Tax Information........................................................................................................ 62 Defining Tax Names/Codes_____________________________________________________ 62 Defining Tax Categories _______________________________________________________ 69 Defining Item Category List _____________________________________________________ 72 Defining Manual BOM _________________________________________________________ 74

Managing India Localization - Inventory.................................................................................... 76 Transactions ________________________________________________________________ 76

RG-I Register Entry ................................................................................................................... 77 RG23 Register Entry ................................................................................................................. 80 Apply Time Extension................................................................................................................ 84 Master Organization RG Consolidation..................................................................................... 87

Master Org RG Entries Request Set ______________________________________________ 88 View Register Balance .............................................................................................................. 89 View Item Definition ................................................................................................................... 90 Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 92

India-Tax List Report __________________________________________________________ 92 India - Excise Duty Claim for RMA Report _________________________________________ 95

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Send Us Your Comments

Oracle India Localization User Reference Manual, Release 11i Oracle Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this publication. Your input is an important part of the information used for revision.

• Did you find any errors? • Is the information clearly presented? • Do you need more information? If so, where? • Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?

If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, please indicate the chapter, section, and page number (if available). You can send comments to us in the following ways:

Electronic mail message to FAX: Attn: +91 (40) 23111711 Oracle India Localization Oracle Software Pvt Limited

5th Floor, North Wing,

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If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, and telephone number below. If you have problems with the software, please contact your local Oracle Support Services.

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Preface The Oracle India Localization User’s Reference Manual provides information on how to use Oracle India Localization. The following sections are included in this preface:

• About this Localization manual • Audience for this manual • When you may need to use this manual • How the manual is organized • Conventions used in this manual • Associated Documents • About Oracle • Feedback

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About this Localization Manual The Oracle Applications-R11-i India Localization User Reference Manual includes information you need to use India Localization effectively. It is organized for easy access to detailed information about each of the following:

• Overview and Refernce information on India Localization • India Localization forms • India Localization functions and features • Process flow • Localization Accounting entires • India Localization Reports

This manual is to be referred in conjunction with Oracle Applications -R11-i Reference Manuals of the respective modules. India Localization of the Oracle Applications for Release 11-i addresses the needs of Indian Industry relating to Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Income Tax, Tax Deducted at Source, Trading Activity , Raising Supplementary Invoices, Block of Assets as per Indian Income Tax Act, Service Module, Claim duty draw back and Reports. The general requirements have been incorporated in the scope of this localization, however, industry or product specific issues are not addressed. Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Payables, Oracle Inventory, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Fixed Assets, Oracle Service are the modules integrated with this release of India Localization. There will be a new responsibility created for each of associated Standard Application Responsibility Oracle Inventory -> India Local Inventory Oracle Purchasing -> India Local Purchasing Oracle Payables -> India Local Payables Oracle Order Management -> India Local Order Management Oracle Receivables -> India Local Receivables Oracle Fixed Assets -> India Local Fixed Assets Localized responsibility have additional menus created covering all the functions of Standard Applications and additional functions introduced in Localization. User need to login to Localization Responsibility to get the benefit of Localization functionality wherever applicable. The menu call in Localization responsibility hits Localization functions with a facility to call/return the control back to standard functionality.

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Audience for this Manual This manual is a complete source of information about India Localization and designed to provide useful guidance and assistance to:

• Consultants implementing India Localized version of Oracle Applications • Key user team of Oracle Applications • Accountants • Accounting Mangers • Auditors • Chief Financial Officers • Controllers • Data Entry Clerks • Financial Analysts • Line Managers • MIS Professionals

The Oracle Applications India Localization manual assumes you have a basic understanding of Localization requirements in India. It also assumes you have a basic familiarity with Oracle Financial Applications. If you have never used Oracle Applications, we suggest you to attend one or some of the Oracle Financials training classes available through Oracle Education Services.

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When you may need to use this Manual You can use this manual as a complement to the online help feature. Online help gives you instant access to detailed explanation of each form and respective fields on that form. The manual also provides valuable additional information on features provided under the India Localization of Oracle Applications 11.5.10, such as examples of reports and listings etc.

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How the Manual is Organized This manual is organized according to the menu structure and includes the following chapters.

• Chapter 1 India Localization Setup • Chapter 2 India Local Inventory • Chapter 3 India Local Purchasing • Chapter 4 India Local Payables • Chapter 5 India Local Fixed Assets • Chapter 6 India Local Order Management • Chapter 7 India Local Receivables • Chapter 8 India Trading Functionality • Chapter 9 Accounting Entries • Chapter 10 Process Flow • Chapter 11 Descriptive Flexfields used

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Conventions used in this Manual This manual uses the following conventions to make it easy to read and understand: Oracle Applications’ form descriptions include a detailed explanation of each important field on a form. We always begin a field description with a heading, which also lists field characters such as Required or Optional. We also tell you which Oracle Applications features, like Quick fields, you can use when your cursor is in that field. We display all field headings as illustrated below: Field Description Type Action Description

Start Date (Required) PICK EDIT HELP The date from which you need to start an activity.

In the above example, the field is Start, the field characteristic is Required, the available features are PICK(Quick Pick) and HELP and the decryption is date from which you need to start an activity. Field Description Oracle Applications’ form descriptions give you the key characteristics of each field, to give you a quick overview of the way you use a field. We use any or all of the following phrases to describe a field’s key characteristics.

Required: Valid value for this field need to be entered before you navigate to the next filed. Other words Mandatory field for which the valid data must be entered. Optional : Optional fields, data can or can not be entered by the user depending upon his requirements. Conditionally: Under some circumstances, you need to enter a valid data before you Navigate to the next field. Display only: Oracle Application uses this field to display information and you cannot Change information in this field. When a display only field is not wide enough to show its entire contents, you can move your cursor into that field to see its entire contents by scrolling it or pressing \ Field Edit. Default: Oracle Applications automatically enters a default or likely value in this Field. Oracle Applications uses this value unless you override it by entering another valid field value. Conditionally Default: Under some circumstances Oracle Applications automatically enters a default value or likely value in this field. Oracle Applications uses this value unless you override it by entering another valid field value. Quick Pick Source: The values you enter into this field will appear on QuickPick lists in Other Oracle Applications forms for the module you are using.

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Associated Documents

• Oracle Inventory Reference Manual- Release 11-i • Oracle Purchasing Reference Manual - Release 11-i • Oracle Payables Reference Manual- Release 11-i • Oracle Order ManagementReference Manual- Release 11-i • Oracle Receivables Reference Manual- Release 11-i • Oracle Fixed Assets Reference Manual- Release 11-i • Oracle Service Module Reference Manual- Release 11-i

All Oracle Applications’ forms share a number of basic features, such as QuickPick and Help, which helps you, complete business tasks more easily. Because these features are context-sensitive, your ability to use them depends upon the field your cursor is in. Oracle Applications displays an uppercase word, called a lamp, at the bottom of your terminal screen to tell you when these features are available. We also tell you which of these features are available in each field description; in much the same way we summarize a field’ s characteristics. PICK - The PICK lamp indicates that you can use QuickPick to choose from a list of values for your current field. The QuickPick pop-up window displays only valid values, helping you enter valid data in a field. Use Field QuickPick to invoke QuickPick. HELP - The HELP lamp indicates that you can get help information for this field. Help information is context-sensitive, so you get different help when your cursor is in different fields. The HELP lamp lights almost continuously because we always offer you context-sensitive help. You can always use \ Help Screen to view help for the current form. You can also frequently use \ Help Zone or \ Help Field to see help for the current zone or field. EDIT - The EDIT lamp indicates that you can invoke the field editor to display the entire contents of the current field in a pop-up window. If a field is Display only, you can use the field editor to view but not edit the field value. Otherwise, you can use the field editor to change the field value. Use \ Field Edit to invoke the field editor. ZOOM - The ZOOM lamp indicates that you can interrupt your work on this form, make a side trip to another form to view or change information, and then return to the original form and pick up where you left off. If you change any information when you zoom, you can see your changes when you return to your original form. Use \ Other Zoom to invoke Zoom.

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India Localization - Setup This chapter explains setups that need to be completed before using India Localization. It discusses the following concepts:

• Mandatory Base Applications Setups • India Localizations Setups • India Localizations Setup Flowchart • India Localizations Setup Steps - Overview

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Oracle Financials Base Implementation This topic lists the implementation steps for System Administration, Set of Books, General Ledger (GL), Accounts Payable (AP), and Accounts Receivable (AR) modules. Refer to the respective module’s User’s Guide for more details on the Implementation steps. If there is an integration specific instruction for the step, then it appears under the step and path. Otherwise, just the step is shown. The intent of this section is to highlight dependencies between Oracle Financials and Oracle India Localization. It is not to rephrase or replace respective module’s User’s Guide. The following topics are covered:

• Getting Started • System Administrator Setup • Set of Books Setup • General Ledger or Government General Ledger Setup • Accounts Receivables Setup • AR Flexfield Setup • AR Descriptive Flexfield Setup • Accounts Receivables Setup Steps • Accounts Payables Setup

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Getting Started The following list provides the recommended order for installing and implementing your software for Oracle Financials 11i and India Localization 11i.To ensure a smooth implementation of the integration, follow this order:

1. Installation of Oracle Financials 11i. Refer to one of the following Installation Manuals: Oracle Applications Installation Manual for UNIX, Release 11i Oracle Applications Upgrade Preparation Manual for UNIX, Release 11i 2. Installation of India Localization 11i. Refer to one of the following Installation Instructions:

India Localization Patch Installation Instructions 3. Implementation of Multiple Organizations Setup is a pre-requisite for India Localization. To implement multiple organizations setup, refer to: Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications Release 11i manual. For Step 2, Define Sets of Books, refer to the Set of Books Setup topics in this manual for integration dependencies. For Step 11, Implement the Application Products, refer to the System Administration Setup, General Ledger (GL) Setup, Accounts Payable (AP) Setup, and Accounts Receivable (AR) Setup topics in this manual for integration dependencies.

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System Administrator Setup Prior to implementing, you must complete the implementation of Multiple Organizations Setup. If you are implementing the multiple organizations setup, then refer to: Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications Release 11i manual. For Step 2, Define Sets of Books, refer to the Set of Books Setup topics in this manual for integration dependencies. For Step 11, Implement the Application Products, refer to the System Administration Setup, General Ledger (GL) Setup, Accounts Payable (AP) Setup, and Accounts Receivable (AR) Setup topics in this manual for integration dependencies.

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Set of Books Setup • Define Your Chart of Accounts (Accounting Flexfields) (Required) • Define Your Accounting Flexfield Combinations (Optional) • Define Your Calendar Period Types (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Calendar Periods (Required) • Define Your Transactions Calendar (ADB) (Optional)

• Define Your Currencies Note

(Required with Defaults)

Setup Currencies Define

• Define Set of Books (Required) • Assign Set of Books to a Responsibility (Required) • Define Daily Conversion Rate Types (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Rates (Optional)


• The Functional Currency should always be INR

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General Ledger or Government General Ledger Setup

• Define your Set of Books (Required) • Define Journal Entry Sources (Required With Defaults) • Define Journal Entry Categories (Required with Defaults) • Define Suspense Accounts (Optional) • Define Inter-company Accounts (Optional) • Define Summary Accounts (Optional) • Define Statistical Units of Measure (Optional) • Define Historical Rates (Optional) • Define Document Sequences (Optional) • Set up Automatic Posting (Optional) • Define Additional Encumbrance Types (Optional) • Define System Controls (Required With Defaults) • Define Budgetary Control Groups (Optional) • Set Profile Options (Required) • Open and Close Accounting Periods (Required)

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Accounts Receivables Setup Note: If you do not have Accounts Receivables installed, skip this section.

AR Descriptive Flexfield Setup

• Setup Descriptive Flexfields for the following: • Line Transaction Flexfield for AutoInvoicing • Customer for Customer Entry • Transaction Type for Debit/Credit Memo Inventory Adjustment

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Accounts Receivables Setup Steps Note: If you do not have Accounts Receivables installed, skip this section.

• Define Your Set of Books (Required) • Decide How to Use the Account Generator (Required) • Define Your System Item Flexfield Structure (Required) • Define Your Organizations (Required) • Define Your Territory Flexfield (Optional) • Define Your Sales Tax Location Flexfield Structure (Required with Defaults) • Define Flexfield Address Formats (Optional) • Maintain Countries and Territories (Optional) • Define Your Transaction Flexfield Structure (Optional) • Define Your AutoCash Rule Sets (Optional) • Define Your QuickCodes (Optional) • Define Your AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules (Optional) • Define Your AutoInvoice Grouping Rules (Optional) • Define Your System Options (Required) • Define your Payment Terms (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Accounting Rules (Optional) • Open Your Accounting Periods (Required) • Define Your AutoAccounting (Required) • Set Up Cash Basis Accounting (Optional) • Define Your Transaction Types (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Transaction Sources (Required) • Define Your Collectors (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Adjustment Approval Limits (Required) • Define Your Remittance Banks (Required) • Define Your Distribution Sets (Optional) • Define Your Receivables Activities (Required) • Define Your Receipt Classes (Required) • Define Your Payment Methods (Required) • Define Your Receipt Sources (Required) • Define Your Aging Buckets (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Statement Cycles (Optional) • Define Your Statement Messages (Optional) • Define Your Dunning Letters (Optional) • Define Your Dunning Letter Sets (Optional) • Define Your Territories (Optional) • Define Your Salespeople (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Profile Options (Required) • Define Your Tax Codes. • Define ‘Localization’ Tax Code. This code has to be attached to all Items & Customers for whom India Localization Taxes have to default. This tax code should not have an end date entered against it. • Define Your Customer Profile Classes (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Customers (Required) • Define Your Remit-To Addresses (Required) • Define Your Customer Relationships (Optional) • Define Your Customer Banks (Optional) • Define Your Lockboxes (Optional) • Define Your Transmission Format (Optional) • Define Your Receipt Programs (Optional) • Define Your Unit of Measure Classes (Optional)

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• Define Your Unit of Measure (Required with Defaults) • Define Your Standard Memo Lines (Optional) • Define Your Item Tax Rate Exceptions (Optional) • Define Your Tax Exemptions (Optional) • Define Your Document Sequences (Optional)

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Accounts Payables Setup Note: If you do not have Accounts Payables installed, skip this section.

• Install or upgrade Payables (Required) • Create application user sign-ons and passwords (Required) • Define your Chart of Accounts (Required) • Define your Accounting Period Types and Accounting Calendar Periods (Required) • Enable Currencies that you plan to use (Optional) • Define a Set of Books (Required) • Assign your Set of Books to a Responsibility (Required) • To enter foreign currency transactions, define additional Rate Types, and enter your Daily

Rates (Optional) • Choose a Primary Set of Books (Required) • Use the Application Developer responsibility to set the GL Set of Books ID profile option to

Updateable (Required) • Use the System Administrator responsibility to set the GL Set of Books Name profile option.

If you are performing a single set of books installation, set the option for the Oracle Payables application. If you are performing a multiple set of books installation, set the option for each unique combination of organization and responsibility (Required)

• Define Payment Terms (Required) • Setup Invoices Payment Terms • Define Your Purchase Order Matching Tolerances (Optional) • Define Invoice Approval Codes (Required With Defaults) • Define Distribution Sets (Optional) • Define Purchasing Lookups (Required With Default) • If you want to use Automatic Interest Calculation, define Payment Interest Rates (Optional) • If you want to use Payables to enter employee expense reports, create templates for

entering expense reports (Optional) • If you use Payables to enter employees in your organization, enter employee QuickCodes

(Optional) • Enter Locations (Required) • Enter Employees (Conditionally Required) • If or Oracle Purchasing is installed, you must define at least one Inventory Organization

before defining Financials Options (Conditionally Required) • Define Financials options (Required) • Define Payables options (Required) • Define Payment Programs (Required with Defaults) • Define any additional Payment Formats (Optional) • Update country and territory information and assign flexible address formats (Optional) • Define Bank Accounts (Required) • Open Your Accounting Periods (Required) • Define Request Sets (Optional) • Define the format for the Expense Distribution Detail Report, and define the format for the

Invoice Aging Report (Optional) • Set up Print Styles and Drivers for the Supplier Mailing Labels Report (Optional) • Define special calendars for key indicators, and recurring invoices (Optional) • Implement Budgetary Control in General Ledger (Optional) • Implement Sequential Voucher Numbering (Optional) • Define Descriptive Flexfields (Optional)

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Inventory Setup

• Define Items Flexfield (Required) • Define Item Categories Flexfield (Required) • Define Item Catalog Group Flexfield (Required), • Define Stock Locators Flexfield (Required) • Define Account Aliases Flexfield (Required) • Define Sales Orders Flexfield (Required)

• Define Locations Note

(Optional) • Define Employees (Optional) • Define Organization Calendar (Optional)

• Define Organizations Note

(Required) • Define Organization Parameters (Optional) • Change Organizations (Required) • Define Intercompany Relations (Required) • Define Receiving Options (Optional) • Define Picking Rules (Optional) • Define ATP Rules (Optional) • Define Planners (Optional) • Define Unit of Measure Classes (Required) • Define Unit of Measure (Optional) • Define Unit of Measure Conversions (Optional) • Define Subinventories (Required) • Define Stock Locators (Optional) • Define Item Attribute Controls (Required) • Define Categories (Required) • Define Category Set (Required) • Define Default Category Sets (Required) • Define Statuses (Required) • Define Item Catalog Groups (Optional) • Define Item Types (Optional) • Define Item Templates (Optional) • Define Items (Optional) • Define Cross–Reference Types (Optional) • Define Item Delete Constraints (Optional) • Define Cost Types (Required) • Define Cost Activities (Optional) • Define Material Sub–Elements (Optional) • Define Material Overheads (Optional) • Define Default Material Overhead Rates (Optional) • Define Freight Carriers (Optional) • Define Organization Shipping Network (Optional) • Define Shipping Methods (Optional) • Define Movement Statistics Parameters (Optional) • Define Economic Zones (Optional) • Define Account Aliases (Optional) • Define Transaction Source Types (Optional) • Define Transaction Types (Optional) • Define Transaction Reasons (Optional) • Define Purchasing Options (Optional) • Define Accounting Periods (Required) • Request Interface Managers (Optional) • Set Profile Options (Required) • Define Container Types (Optional)

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• Define Commodity Codes (Optional) • Define Customer Items (Optional) • Define Customer Item Cross References (Optional) • Define Notification List (Optional) • Define Shortage Parameters (Optional) • Define Kanban Pull Sequences (Optional)

Note Ensure that the Organizations are assigned to Locations before you setup Additional Organization Information for Localization.

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Overview of Setting Up India Localization This section contains an overview of each task you need to complete to set up Oracle India Localization.

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Setup Flowchart To assist you to easily setup your India Localization application, a flowchart is provided in figure 1 Setup Flowchart. Some of the steps outlined in this flowchart are required and some are Optional. Required step with Defaults means that the setup functionality comes with pre–seeded, default values in the database. However, to ensure a successful setup, you need to review those defaults and decide whether to change them to suit your business needs. If you need to change the default values, you should perform the corresponding setup step. You need to perform Optional steps only if you plan to use the related feature or complete certain business functions.

Figure 1 Setup Flowchart

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Setup Checklist The following table lists setup steps and a reference to their location within the Application. After you log on to Oracle Applications, complete these steps to implement Oracle India Localization:

Oracle India Inventory Step No Required Step Title

Step 1 Required Define Organization Additional Information Step 2 Optional Define Trading Registration Details Step 3 Required Define Accounts Information for Organization Step 4 Required Define Tax Calendar Step 5 Optional Define Excise Invoice Generation Step 6 Required Define Sub Inventory Locations Step 7 Required Define Item Localization Information Step 8 Required Define Tax Codes Step 9 Required Define Tax Categories Step 10 Required Define Item Categories Step 11 Optional Define Manual BOM

Oracle India Purchasing Step 12 Required Define Supplier Additional Information

Oracle India Payables Step 13 Required Define TDS Related Information for the Organization Step 14 Required Define Income Tax Authority Step 15 Required Define TDS Sections Step 16 Required Define TDS Tax Codes Step 17 Required Defining TDS year Information Step 18 Required Define TDS Details for Suppliers Step 19 Required Define Customs Authority Step 20 Required Defining BOE Agent Step 21 Required Define Excise Authorities

Oracle India Order Management Step 22 Required Define Bond Registers Step 23 Optional Define Assessable Price Lists

Oracle India Receivables Step 24 Required Customer Additional Information

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Setup Steps

Step 1 Define Organization Additional Information You must define the structure of your Inventory organizations and locations, which would be reporting to the Local Tax Authorities. The information defined at this level would be the basis for Recording, Reporting and accounting of the location taxes. Apart from this the user would also define the organization registration details with Excise, Customs, Sales Tax and TDS authorities. This information is available in additional organization information are the basic data for all India Localization activities and accounting. The Organization and Locations defined through Common Application would be available for setup. While creating the additional organization information, it is mandatory to create two sets of records, one at null location level and another with location.

The master child relationship among the organization and location would be used only for consolidation of excise registers at Master organization level. See Also: Defining Organization Additional Information, India Local Inventory Chapter

Step 2 Define Organization Trading Information You would enter the information of the organizations registered under the Central Excise Rules as a Dealer/Depot. Navigate to Trading Information Tab of the Additional Organization Information to enter Excise Registration details of a Dealer. The information entered here would be printed on all relevant reports and invoices raised from this Organization. You would ensure that no values are entered in any of the fields falling under the Excise region of the Tax Information tab of the additional organization information. Any value entered in this region would categorize this organization as a Manufacturing Organization. See Also: Defining Trading Registration Details, India Local Inventory Chapter

Step 3 Define Organization Accounting Information You would assign the appropriate General Ledger Accounts to which the Localization Taxes have to be posted in the Account Information tab of the Organization Additional Information screen. The values entered in the Parameters region would determine the behavior of localization taxes calculated for certain transactions. You will have to enter the register preferences. The excise register that should be hit when you ship excisable goods would depend on the preferences assigned against each register. The register with the lowest value would be considered first. The next register would be considered only when the excise liability arising from the transaction exceeds the current register balance. The only deviation from this logic would be when you check the ‘Allow have balances in PLA’ field. If this field is checked, then the PLA, when preferred, would be hit, even-though, the duty liability is higher then the available balance in PLA. See Also: Defining Accounting Information for Organization, India Local Inventory Chapter

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Step 4 Define Tax Calendar Localization taxes would be calculated only when the transaction falls within the active year. You can keep only one year active at a time. The Tax Calendar defined for an Organization NULL location would be defaulted to the other Organization Additional Information records created for the locations with this organization. See Also: Defining Tax Calendar, India Local Inventory Chapter

Step 5 Define Excise Invoice Generation This feature can be used to automate the Excise Invoice document sequence generation. You can setup a document sequence for the combination of Transaction Type, Order/Invoice Type and Register Type. You can define an alpha/numeric value which would be prefixed to the number series generated for each excise invoice. The setup would be restricted to the Order/Invoice Types for which it is created. For all other Excise Invoices which are created using Order/Invoice Types for which setup has not been made, the system use the default number series. This would be a numeric series, starting with 1, incremented by one. The sequence would be different for each Organization/location and the nature of clearance. Within the organization, the sequence would be different for the Domestic clearances and Export Clearances. Before defining the user definable prefixes and excise invoice numbers, setups needs to be done in define Bond register where the user needs to associate an Order type for all transactions Order Management module and Transaction source for all transactions from Accounts Receivable module. The Order type and transaction source will be associated with different type of excise removals (like domestic with excise, Bond, Export with excise etc.). Only after associating an Order type/Transaction source with an excise related transaction type, user should define the user definable prefixes and excise invoice numbers in this region. See Also: Defining Excise Invoice Generation, India Local Inventory Chapter

Step 6 Define Sub-Inventory Locations As a part of Localization setup, the sub-inventories have to be associated to a combination of Organization/Location. Excise related transactions and records would be updated only for those sub inventories that are identified as bonded for manufacturing organizations and as traded for trading organizations.

Step 7 Define Item Localization Information

The recording, recoverability and reporting of localization taxes would depend on the India Localization related information setup for the item. These values have to be entered in the ‘India Localization’ context of the Items DFF, attached to the Item Master. The updation of the Dispatch transaction into the Excise Register would be considered only when the Excise Flag is set to ‘YES’ . Similarly, considering CENVAT Credit and updating the Excise Registers, for a Receiving transaction would be considered only when the ‘Modvat’ flag is set to ‘Yes’ . The option chosen in the Item Class attribute would be the basis on which, the type of excise credit register that has to be hit. Items classified in the other classes (such as OTIN, OTEX) would not be considered for any excise record updation. The Trading Flag would work together with the organization Trading Information setup. RG23D Register would be hit only when the Trading item is transacted in a trading item.

Step 8 Define Tax Codes

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The Tax Definition is a localization feature to define taxes that are applicable to the transactions created in your organization. The Taxes can be classified in different Types. The Type would be useful to recognize the relevance of the tax for the Excise Registers, Sales Tax form generation and TDS Certificate generation. The Type chosen would also have influence over the behavior of other fields in this form. You can specify the Tax Rate, surcharge, recoverability, rounding rule, expense account code, Tax (Third party) vendor, multi-currency and effective period for the Tax. In a multi-organization setup, Taxes would be specific to an organization. On choosing the Taxes Localized option from the menu, you would get the list of Inventory Organizations, to choose from. The tax defined can be used only for the organization for which it is defined. Taxes once saved, cannot be updated.

Step 9 Define Tax Categories If you can identify your purchase and sales transactions into clear categories, for which a similar set of taxes with similar precedence and calculation are applicable, then you can group such taxes into a Tax Category. In a Tax Category you can choose the Taxes, along with the precedence order and calculation basis. An Item Class can be identified for a Tax Category. These taxes would default for all the Items falling in this class. This would be useful, where the Item class drives the tax applicability. These taxes would default for the transactions created for the items in the item class. You can however, manually add new tax lines and can change, delete, change precedence for the defaulted lines.

Step 10 Define Item Categories Item Category allows you to assign Tax Categories to an inventory items in an Organization. You can attach an item category to the Additional customer/supplier information. The Taxes defaulted for a transaction line would be based on the Item Category attached to the Supplier/customer and the Tax Category assigned to the Item in this category.

Step 11. Define Manual Bill Of Material (BOM) Use this feature to enter Bill of Material for a Finished Item. It would be required only when you have not implemented Oracle BOM. You can define can define a Bill of material for same item effective during different periods. This feature would be would be required for Duty Drawback Processing and Outside Processing transactions. The BOM setup can be made only for a finished goods Inventory item.

Step 12 Define Supplier Additional Information Before you start using the Supplier/ supplier site for a localization transaction, it would be a necessary for you to define India Localization related information for the Supplier/ Supplier Site. The supplier registration information, with various tax authorities, Assessable Price List that would be the base for the calculation of the Excise Base Amount and default Item Category can be defined here. The definition would be the can be for the Supplier NULL Site and for Supplier Site. The primarily Tax defaulting would be from the Supplier Site. In absence of any Tax Category at this level, the system would pickup the value from the NULL Site. If you are working on a multi-org environment, then the Addition supplier information defined for a Supplier Site from one organization cannot be accessed from any other organization.

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You will also have to enter the Income Tax and TDS related details applicable for the Supplier Site. If your supplier is located within the State where your organization is located, then you should enter his Registration Number with the Local Sales Tax Authority in the LST Reg. No. Field. Else, you should be entering the CST Number in the CST Reg. No field. However, you would leave both the fields blank when the Supplier Site is not registered as dealer with any of the Sales Tax Authorities. This setup is mandatory for the generation of Sales Tax Reports provided by localization for transactions within the state, outside the state and transactions from un-registered dealers.

Step 13 Define Organization Income Tax Registration Info If you plan to use the TDS functionality for an Organization, it would become mandatory for you to enter the Income Tax Registration details in the ‘India Org. Info’ context of the DFF attached to the Organization screen.

Step 14 Define Income Tax Authority The liability arising from the Income Tax Deducted at source, while making supplier payments needs to be accounted against an Income Tax Authority. You would create a Supplier and Site for this Authority. Additionally, in the Type field on the Classification tab, choose ‘Tax Authority-IND’ . On doing this, when defining a ‘Tax Deduction at Source’ Type of Tax, the Supplier name would be listed in the ‘Vendor’ field LOV on the Tax Definition screen

Step 15 Define TDS Sections India Localization comes with pre–seeded, default TDS Sections in the database. However, you should review these default sections and decide whether to change them to suit your business needs. If you want or need to change them, you should query on the ‘TDS_Sections’ from the Purchase Lookup Codes and add a new record, with the relevant descriptions and the effective period. As the same codes are also used for the Works Contract Tax applicable in you state, you might prefer to a new records for defining the relevant sections.

Step 16 Define TDS Tax Codes You would use the Tax Definition screen to define the TDS Codes. Choose the ‘Tax Deduction at Source’ option in the Type LOV. Select the Vendor Name, Vendor Site, Account and TDS Section No. Enter the value in the Percentage and Rounding Factor fields. Enter the value in the Surcharge field, wherever necessary.

Step 17 Define TDS Year Before you start using the TDS functionality in an Organization, you will have to setup TDS Year Information. This year would be the Income Tax Reporting Year and is independent of the Tax Calendar defined in the Inventory Module. The TDS limits and TDS reports TDS Certificate would be based on the period. This year would be the Financial Year defined under the Income Tax Act. There can only be one TDS Year open at a time.

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Step 18 Define Supplier Additional Information – TDS Details For the supplier for whom the TDS has to be calculated, recorded and reported, you will have to define the ‘TDS Details’ in the Supplier Additional Information. You would define the Registration Details and the Applicable TDS Sections and TDS Tax Code that has to default for the transaction created for the Supplier. Where the Registration and the Tax calculation details are the same for all supplier sites, you can define the ‘TDS Details’ for the Supplier NULL Site. The same details would be applicable for all transactions created any of the Sites. Where the TDS Details are different for the Sites, you can define the Registration Details at the Supplier NULL Site. For all the sites setup made for this Supplier, the TAN No and Ward Number defaults. You will have to enter the TAN No. and the TDS TAX Name and the relevant TDS Sections. If you have not entered the default TDS Tax Code in the TDS TAX Name field, for the supplier site, then the TDS TAX Name defined at the Supplier NULL Site would be considered for the Invoice. The Approval of TDS related information would depend on the value in the ‘Create Pre-Approved TDS Invoice & Credit Memo’ Field. Step 19 Define Customs Authority

The Duty advance paid to the Customs Authority has to be booked against a Customs Authority, through a Bill of Entry. Before you create a ‘Bill of Entry’ India Localization Transaction, you should have defined a Customs Authority. You would create a Supplier and Site for this Authority. Additionally, in the Type field on the Classification tab, choose ‘Custom Authorities-IND’ . On doing this, when defining a ‘Bill of Entry’ transaction, the Supplier name would be listed in the ‘Customs Authority’ field LOV on the Bill of Entry India Localization screen.

Step 20 Define BOE Agent It would be a pre-requisite to define a BOE Agent before you do a BOE Transaction. Navigate to the Payables Setup and define the Clearing & agent information. The agent codes would appear in the LOV of ‘Agent Code’ field of the Bill of Entry screen.

Step 21 Define Excise Authority The Excise advance/settlement paid to the Excise Authority has to be booked against an Excise Authority, through the ‘Capture PLA Payments India Localization’ screen. Before you create a PLA Payment Transaction, you should have defined an Excise Authority. You would create a Supplier and Site for this Authority. Additionally, in the Type field on the Classification tab, choose ‘Excise Authorities-IND’ . On doing this, when defining a PLA Payment transaction, the Supplier name would be listed in the LOV of the ‘Authority’ field on the ‘Capture PLA Payments India Localization’ screen.

Step 22 Define Bond Registers The calculation of excise duty and updation of excise registers are based on the setup made in the define bond register. Before making this set up the user need to define the Order types and transaction sources. Excise transactions are classified as:

• Domestic with Excise • Domestic without Excise

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• Export with Excise • Bond Register (Export under Bond)

Excise transactions need to be identified based on the Organization/Location combination and against each excise transaction multiple Order types and Transaction sources can be assigned. Order type need to be assigned to excise related transactions from Order Management Module and Transaction source need to be assigned for all excise related transactions through the Receivable module. If the Organization/location is of manufacturing type, excise related transactions for manufacturing set up need to be associated. Like wise, if the organization/location is ‘trading’ excise related transactions for trading need to be associated. By associating the Order Types to the excise transactions for an Inventory Organization and Location, the related Excise Record entries will be passed based on the nature of goods cleared.

Step 23 Define Assessable Price Lists If the Taxable basis for the calculation of the excise duty is different from the Price at which the item is sold, the, you will have to create additional Price lists with the Item Excise Assessable Price. This price list has to be attached to the Customer/Customer Site and Supplier/Supplier Site. The assessable price would be considered only for the calculation of the excise duty.

Step 24 Define Customer Additional Information Before you start creating transactions for the customer, it would pre-requisite to record the localization related information for the Customer Site. You would enter the customer Registration details with the Excise, Sales Tax and Income Tax Authorities. You will also attach the Assessable Price list that should be considered for the calculation of excise duty. You would also define the Item Category list that would be basis for the defaultation of the localization taxes. You will have to make this setup for each Customer Site. You can enable the exempt flag for the Customer Sites exempted from excise duty.

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India Local Inventory This chapter explains how to use the Oracle Inventory functionality developed for India. It discusses the following concepts:

• Overview of Miscellaneous Transactions • Overview of Inventory and WIP Transactions that update Excise Registers • Setting up India Localization Organizations and Taxes • Managing Miscellaneous Transactions • Reports

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Miscellaneous Transactions Overview You can use the Miscellaneous Transactions to register effect of inventory movements on Excise Registers. You can record inventory issues and receipts to and from production using Miscellaneous Issue/receipt (RG Update) and the respective excise inventory registers are updated with these transactions.

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Inventory & WIP Transactions Overview India Localization supports certain transactions in order to keep track of movement of Excisable Goods. Whenever there is a Transaction using Excisable goods is created from the following features supported by Base Application, then India Localization updates Excise Quantity Registers. Following is a list of such transactions and their impact of Excise Registers:

Transaction Type

Impact on Excise Registers for Item Types

RMIN CCIN FGIN CGIN OTIN Miscellaneous Receipt RG Update

RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 RG 1

RG 23C Part 1 NA

Miscellaneous Issue RG Update

RG 23A Part 1

First RG 23A Part 1, then RG 1 RG 1

RG 23C Part 1 NA

Cycle Count Adjustment. RG 23A Part 1 RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 NA NA

Physical Inventory Adjustment.

RG 23A Part 1 RG 23A Part 1 RG 1

RG 23C Part 1 NA

Move Order Issue RG 23A Part 1 RG1 RG 1 NA NA

WIP Component Return. RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 RG 1 NA NA

WIP Assembly Completion. RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 RG 1 NA NA

WIP Assembly Return. RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 RG 1 NA NA

WIP Negative Component Issue.

RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 RG 1 NA NA

WIP Negative Component Return.

RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 RG 1 NA NA

WIP Scrap Transaction. RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 RG 1 NA NA

Staging transfer of a sales order

RG 23A Part 1 RG 1 RG 1 NA NA

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Setting Up Organization Information in India Localization -Inventory This section describes the setup procedures for India Localization Inventory. You must enter the setup information for your company before you using Inventory, Purchasing, Order Management and Receivables modules of India Localization.

Defining Organization Additional Information This form provides with additional information regarding inventory organization. The information available in additional organization information is the basic data for all India Localization activities and accounting. The User has to define an Organization and Location through Standard Application form. In the this form he will define additional information for an Organization Location and each Organization Location will be identified as an Excise/Tax Unit While creating the additional organization information, it is mandatory to create two sets of records, one at null location level and another with location. If multiple organizations are defined within the same excise registered premises, user can opt to identify one Organization & Location combination as "Master Organization" and all other organizations needs to be treated as child and should have the reference of the master organization based on ECC code. In such type of setup, the Master organization will be the organization at which all excise registers should be generated only from the Master organization. Note The master child relationship among the organization and location are used only to generate consolidated excise registers at Master organization level. You need to submit ‘India Master Org RG’ request set in order to get Excise Registers consolidated at Master Organization.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Organization Additional Information, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Assign Organizations to Locations

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Organization Tax Information India Localization window as follows: SetupÆ OrganizationÆ Additional Information

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The screen layout and its feature are described below for ready reference. Field Description Type Action Description Organization Name/Location


The user defined inventory organization name needs to be picked up here from LOV for which the additional information is going to be incorporated. The user from LOV will select the location for a particular organization.

Master Organization information Block

Master Organization flag

This check box decides whether the organization is a master organization or a child organization. If it is a child organization, this needs to be attached to the Master organization. Consolidated Excise registers can be generated from the Master organization.

Note: In the Master Org. Information block you have to specify whether the organization represents an Excise licensed Organization or a child organization. If you select a child organization, you need to specify which is the Excise licensed organization under which the child organization belongs. For a master organization and location combination you need to enable the Master Organization flag. This should be done for the Organization with Location specified.

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The ECC number defined for the mater organization would default to all child organizations when master organization is selected. Excise Block The following information are related to Excise

Registration for a Inventory Organization Location which is of Manufacturing Type. If No Values are entered in this block, then the Organization Location is not manufacturing enabled.

Excise Range (Optional) Details of the Jurisdictional Central Excise range office of the Organization can be entered in this block. Values given in this field will be taken while printing all Excise related documents.

Excise Division

(Optional) Details of the jurisdictional Central Excise Division office of the Organization can be entered in this block. Values given in this field will be taken while printing all Excise related documents.

Excise Registration Number

(Optional) The number of the Central Excise registration certificate can be entered in this field. This information will be taken while printing all Excise related documents.

Excise Zone (Optional) This is an additional field provided where in the user can record some information which he needs to print in all excise related documents.

Excise Region (Optional) This is an additional field provided where in the user can record some information which he needs to print in all excise related documents.

Excise Circle (Optional) This is an additional field provided where in the user can record some information which he needs to print in all excise related documents.

Excise Collectorate

(Optional) Details of the jurisdictional office of the Central Excise Commissioner of the Organization can be entered in this block. Values given in this field will be taken while printing all Excise related documents.

EC Code (Optional) Use this field to enter Excise Control Code of an Inventory Organization Location. This would be printed on all the documents that are required under Excise Rules. If the user opts for the Master organization concept, he needs to ensure that the same ECC Number given in the Master organization is replicated in the respective child organizations.

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Excise Invoice at EC Code

(Optional) Check this field in case you wish to generate Excise In case you have multiple internal inventory organizations/ warehouses shall be existing within the same Excise registered premises and you would opt for Excise Invoice number generation at the Master Organization level then, check this option.

Export Oriented Unit

(Optional) Use this field to indicate whether the Organization/Location is a Export Oriented Unit. On checking this flag the CENVAT liability arising on shipment would be matched component-wise with the credit available for that Excise Component. You would not be able to complete shipment if the credit available for Excise Component is inadequate.

Sales Tax Block

CST Reg. No. (Optional) Use this field to enter Central Sales Tax Registration Number of an Inventory Organization Location. This would be printed on all the documents that are required under Sales Tax Act.

LST Reg. No (Optional) Use this field to enter State Sales Tax Registration Number of an Inventory Organization Location. This would be printed on all the documents that are required under Sales Tax Act.

Income Tax Block


PAN No Use this field to enter Permanent Account No of an Inventory Organization Location. This would be printed on all the documents that are required under Income Tax Act. Note This field is redundant

TAN No (Optional) Use this field to enter TDS Account No of an Inventory Organization Location. This would be printed on all the documents that are required under Income Tax Act. Note This field is redundant

WARD No (Optional) Use this field to enter Ward No of an Inventory Organization Location. This would be printed on all the documents that are required under Income Tax Act. Note This field is redundant

VAT Reg No. (Optional) Use this field to enter VAT Registration No of an Inventory Organization Location.

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Note: Please note that if an Inventory Organization Location is a Manufacturing unit (Not a Trading unit) and you enter details in the Tax Info Block, then you will not be allowed to enter any information in the Excise -Trading Information Block through Trading Information Button. Similarly if an Inventory Organization Location is a Trading unit (Not a Manufacturing unit) then No Information should be entered in this Tax Info Block since this Excise Block is meant for entering Excise Registration details for a Manufacturing Inventory Organization/Location.

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Defining Trading Registration Details Refer to the Trading Chapter of the User Guide for details of Setups required for a Trading Organization.

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Defining Accounting Information for Organization You should ensure that you specify appropriate general ledger accounts in the Accounts Information region. This information would be used to account for Localization transactions. It’s mandatory to enter values in all the fields. Details of those fields and its significance are discussed below.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Accounts Information - Organization Additional Information, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Organization Additional Information

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Organization tax Information India Localization window as follows: SetupÆ Organization Æ Additional Information Æ Accounts Information

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The screen layout and its feature are described below for ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Accounts Information Block

These accounting information are necessary for an inventory organization through which all the charges related to an item on taxes will charged to respective accounting flex fields. The user needs to define separate accounting flex-fields for OSP Excise a/c, Excise expenses, Excise receivable, CENVAT on Raw Material, CENVAT on Capital Goods, Personal Ledger Account, Excise -RG23D, Bill of entry, Scrap cost, CENVAT Reversal, Customs write off a/c.

OSP Excise (Required) PICK HELP EDIT

This account will be used to pay the excise duty on goods sent for Outside processing. This is usually a Expenses a/c.

Excise Expenses


Enter a general ledger account for Excise Expenses Account. This default account is being used to track the Excise duty due from the excise department on account of customer returns treated as FG return or scrap.

Excise Payable/paid


Enter a default general ledger account to be defaulted on all AR transaction entry windows for Accounting Excise Duty paid on delivery of goods. This account will debit for the total Excise amount whenever shipment is confirmed to a customer and AR Invoice is raised.


Enter a default general ledger account to be defaulted on all transaction entry windows for CENVAT Raw Material account. This is the default GL account that will hit while performing a receipt with CENVAT credit (inputs) This is usually an asset account.


Enter a default general ledger account to be defaulted on all transaction entry windows for CENVAT Capital Goods account. This is the default GL account that will hit while performing a receipt with CENVAT credit (Capital Goods) . This is usually an asset account.

Bill of Entry (Required ) PICK HELP EDIT

Enter a default general ledger account to be defaulted on creation of Bill of entry and on applying Bill of Entry to Receipt. This is usually an asset account.

Excise RG23D (Required) PICK HELP EDIT

Excise Duty Account for trading item and this account will be updated for transaction happened in a Trading Organization Location.

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CENVAT Reversal


This CENVAT Reversal a/c will be updated for Reversal entry passed on account of Excise Exemption & CT2 form transactions in an Inventory Organization Location.

CENVAT Receivable Account


The user needs to define a GL Account of Asset type that needs to hit while performing CENVAT credit transactions for the capital goods. As per the provisions of Excise Rules, the manufacturer is permitted only to take 50% of the duty paid on capital goods at the time of receipt and the balance can be availed in the succeeding financial year. The amount that needs to be claimed later will be accounted in this ledger account.

Customs write off


This Customs write off a/c will be updated for a written off amount from Bill of Entry a/c when ever amount is written off from BOE.

Allow tax change on receipt

(Optional) CHECK BOX

By enabling this flag, the taxes in the receipt defaulted from the original purchase order could be changed.

RG Excise Rounding


This field would be updated with the differential duty that needs to be adjusted in setting Excise duty amount to the nearest rupee.

Cess Accounts Information Block

The information specified in this block would be used to account for the Cess on Excise taxes applicable to transactions in Procurement and Sale.

Cess Paid Payable


Specify a general ledger account to be used in accounting for shipment Education Cess on Excise involved in Shipment transactions. This account would be debits with the total Education Cess (on Excise) amount. While, the corresponding Duty register account would be credited.

Excise Expenses


Enter a general ledger account for Excise Expenses Account. This default account is being used to track the Excise duty due from the excise department on account of customer returns treated as FG return or scrap.


Specify a general ledger account that would be used to Account for the Education Cess recovered on purchase of raw material. This account would be credited on shipment when the excise liability arising from the shipment transaction is met by utilizing the Cess credit available in RG 23 A Register.

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Specify a general ledger account that would be used to Account for the Education Cess recovered on purchase of Capital Goods. This account would be credited on shipment when the excise liability arising from the shipment transaction is met by utilizing the Cess credit available in RG 23 C Register.

Excise Cess Rounding Account

(Required) CHECK BOX

Specify an account that would be used in accounting the rounding differences arising from the Education Cess on Purchasing transactions. This account would be debited when the Cess rounding amount for the Excise Invoice is a negative amount. Similarly, this account would be credited when the Cess rounding amount for the Excise Invoice is a positive amount.

CESS Receivable Account


The GL Account specified here would be used in accounting for Cess included in purchase of Capital Goods. As per the CENVAT Credit Rules, the manufacturer is permitted only to take 50% of the duty paid on capital goods at the time of receipt and the balance can be availed in the succeeding financial year. The amount that needs to be claimed later will be debited in this account.

RTV Expense (Required) PICK HELP EDIT

This field would be debited with the differential duty that needs to be paid in a RTV transaction. You should have also checked the RTV Account Flag check box in this window. This account would also be debited with the Third Party, Customs and CVD tax amounts included in Return to Vendor transaction.

Allow negative balance in PLA

(Optional) CHECK BOX

By enabling this check box, the user will be able to over draw from the PLA Balance available with him. If this is not enabled, system will hold shipments for want of funds in PLA.

Allow tax change on ROI receipts

(Optional) CHECK BOX

When the receipt is created from Receiving open interface user has an option to modify the taxes.

Allow tax change on WMS receipts

(Optional) CHECK BOX

User has an option to modify the taxes when receipt is created from WMS module.

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Allow Dispatch Qty to exceed Original Qty.

(Default=N) CHECK BOX

In Approve Dispatch 57F4 form ,a simple popup decision window will be populated with Yes/NO for the user to decide. This popup should be enabled based on "Allow Dispatch qty greater than Original Qty" in additional info. If the flag is not set then there will not be any popup. When clicked on Approve Dispatch button, this Popup will be a stack message which gives all the line numbers with Dispatch qty greater than Original Qty for the users to correct / take a decision. If clicked on Yes then its accepted, If clicked NO then the cursor will point to the first record for correction.

RTV Account Flag

(Required) CHECK BOX

You should check this field only when you have decided that you would debit the supplier only with the Excise Duty paid by him during the supply of goods. Once this check box is enabled, you will be able to associate an account where the differential duty needs to be accounted. This account is also debited with Third Party Taxes included in an RTV.

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Defining Organization Preferences Organization Preferences check whether a specific transaction is carried out within the stipulated time span specified by relevant tax laws. The user can enter the data in order to have control over the transaction from the respective tax point of view. Field Description

Type Action Description

Parameters Block

OSP Return days

(Optional) Enter the number of days within which the OSP goods should come back to the Inventory Organization under 57F(4). As per the Excise Rule it is 180 days.

OSP Excise percentage

(Optional ) Enter the rate of Excise duty charged for a OSP transaction. Since there is no needs to pay duty while sending goods while sending goods for sub contracted operations, the user needs to input value zero in this field as duty needs not be paid for such removals. If any other value is given in this fields, appropriate duty will get calculated whenever he cuts a 57 F 4 Challan. Note: Since no duty needs to be paid while sending goods for sub contracting, user needs to ensure that the value against this field is always ‘0 percentage’.

Days allowed for 173(L)

(Optional ) Enter the number of days allowed for a transaction under 173(L) of Excise Act in the case of Sales Return.

Sales tax return days

(Optional ) Enter the number of days within which the sales return goods should reach to the Inventory Organization from the date of Sale as per Sales Tax Act. As per the Sales Tax Act, it is 180 days.

Excise Return days

(Optional ) Enter the number of days within which the sales return goods should reach to the Inventory Organization from the date of delivery as per Central Excise Act.

CENVAT Reversal (%)

(Optional) This value is the default percentage, which will be considered by the system whenever it performs a duty debit under Rule 57 CC of the Central Excise Rules. You should enter the CENVAT recovery percentage in this field. For example, currently, the percentage of CENVAT recovered is 8% on all excise exempted transaction. Thus, 8 should be entered into this field.

Bill only workflow Block

Default Location

(Required) This is mainly required for bill only workflows for determining location.

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Defining Register Preferences

This parameter decides the preference of hitting the duty payment register while performing a ship confirm transaction in Order Management or a Transaction Localized in the AR Module. You are not permitted to debit duty from different duty paying registers for a single transaction.

If the balance available in each of the CENVAT Registers and PLA is less than Excise Duty liability arising from the ship confirms transaction, then the ‘Interface Trip Stop’ request completes with error and the shipment transaction remains incomplete. In a scenario, where you have opted for a fortnightly settlement, you can ship with inadequate CENVAT credit. To meet such situations you can enable ‘allow negative balance in PLA’ and set PLA preference to 1. On doing this, all excise payments are done through PLA register and periodic adjustments towards payment of excise duty can be done through RG Consolidation screen. In such type of setup, the CENVAT registers will have entries only for the credit availed and the adjustments made while computing the exact excise liability (fund transfer from CENVAT register to PLA register). Note: 1. You should take care to get necessary concurrence from the local excise authorities before rolling down with the new system. 2. On RTV, the registers that would be updated would be based on the preferences.

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Defining Tax Calendar As part of Localization setup you need to define the Tax calendar. Excise Registers would be updated only for the Active Period. Only one period can be active at a time.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Tax Calendar - Organization Additional Information, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Organization Additional Information

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the tax Calendar Information India Localization as follows: SetupÆ OrganizationÆ Additional InformationÆ Tax Calendar

The screen layout and its features are given here for ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Organization Name /Location

(Displayed) The Inventory Organization/Location will be displayed from the Organization Tax Information. Note: The Tax calendar should be defined only at Organization level with null location. This calendar will be defaulted for each location falling under the Organization. The tax period in Localization is meant for setting up the serial numbers of Excise registers and related localization reports.

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Year/Start Date/End date

(Required) The user needs to specify the year and the starting and ending date for that tax year.

The User can define the next Tax Calendar year through Open next year button, which will start a concurrent process that will open the next year as the active year for which the taxes will be accounted. The user needs to take care while entering this Tax Calendar, if by mistake he opens next Open period, then the Active Flag gets enabled to next year and it cannot be changed.

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Defining Excise Invoice Generation To generate excise invoices with pre-definable prefixes (Alpha/numeric), you need to complete Excise Invoice Generation Setup. If this setup is not done, system will generate only two series of excise invoices, one for domestic clearances and the other for export clearances and no prefixes for the numbers generated can be maintained.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Excise Invoice Generation - Organization Additional Information, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Organization Additional Information

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the India Local Inventory window as follows:

• • Navigate to India Local Inventory, Organization Additional Information. • Query for the Organization Location fro which you wish to make the setup. • Click on Tax Calendar and then on Excise Generation.

Follow the information in the table in completing the setup.

• Click on the Tax Calendar button on the Organization Tax Information window • Click on the Excise Generation on the Tax Calendar to open the Excise Generation India

Localization Window. • Create a new record for the Excise Invoice serial number to be generated for the

Organization, location, and Transaction Type and Order/Invoice Type combination. This Excise Invoice Serial will be generated when Shipment & RTV is made from a Particular Inventory Organization Location. In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Excise Generation India Localization window as follows: Setup Æ Organization Æ Additional Information Æ Tax Calendar Æ Excise Generation

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The following information can be entered by user to generate multiple Excise Invoice Serial numbers based Order /Invoice Type/Excise Register codes. The screen layout and its feature are described below for ready reference.

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Field Description

Type Action Description

Transaction Type

(Required) PICK HELP

Choose one of the options from the LOV. The options would be Order: On selecting this option in combination with the Order Type, the Excise Invoice number generated on shipping the delivery created with this Order Type would be based on the definition specified for this record. Return To Vendor: The document sequence defined here would be applicable to excise invoice numbers generated for a Return to Vendor Transaction. Domestic: The document sequence defined here would be applicable to excise invoice numbers generated for a Domestic Transaction. This would be applicable to all the Order/Invoice Types that are Define Bond Register: Chosen for the Organization/ Location with the Register Type as ‘Domestic with Excise’ AND This Order Type is not chosen in the Excise creation India Localization screen for the Organization, Location. Invoice: On selecting this option in combination with the Invoice Type, the Excise Invoice number generated on saving an AR Invoice would be based on the definition specified for this record. Export: The document sequence defined here would be applicable to excise invoice numbers generated for a Export Transaction. This would be applicable to all the Order/Invoice Types that are Define Bond Register: Chosen for the Organization/ Location with the Register Type as ‘Export with Excise’ and this Order Type is not chosen in the Excise creation India Localization screen for the Organization, Location.

Order/Invoice Type

(Required) PICK HELP

The relevant Order Type/Invoice type related for a inventory organization Location have to be selected here from the LOV.

Register Code (Required) PICK HELP

The appropriate Register Code for a Order/Invoice Type have to be selected here from the LOV.

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Prefix (Optional) Any alpha-numeric code that would be prefixed to the Excise Invoice number.

Start No (Required) You can specify the Start Number for a specific Excise Invoice Serials which are to be generated from a particular Inventory Organization Location for a specific Order/Invoice Type

Jump by (Required) You can decide chronological series for Excise Invoice Numbers by specifying Jump by Number.

End No The User can specify the End Number for a specific Excise Invoice Serials, which are to be generated from a particular Inventory Organization Location for a specific Order/Invoice Type & Register Code.

Note: • Before defining user prefixes and excise invoice numbers, appropriate setups need to be done in define Bond register to associate an Order type for all Transactions Order Management module. In addition, Transaction source for all transactions from Accounts Receivable module needs to be defined. The Order type and transaction source will be associated with different type of excise removals (like domestic with excise, Bond, Export with excise etc.). Only after associating an Order type/Transaction source with an excise related transaction type, user should define the user definable prefixes and excise invoice numbers in this region. • It is not mandatory for the user to define Excise Invoice Generation Serial Number. If the User does not define the Excise Invoice Generation Screen, then auto generated system numbers will be allotted to the Excise Invoice as stipulated under Rule 52 A of the Central Excise Rules (one sequence for domestic transactions and another for exports).

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Defining Sub Inventory Locations Before you start using India Localization Inventory, the sub-inventories have to be associated with Organization/Location combination. Excise related transactions and records would be updated only for those sub inventories, which are identified as bonded for manufacturing organizations and as Trading for trading organizations. By considering the transactions of a sub inventory, the check box for bonded/traded needs to be enabled. Note It is mandatory to complete this setup, irrespective of the fact that the Subinventory is not bonded. You can leave the ‘Bonded’ check blank, if the Subinventory is non-bonded.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Sub inventory Locations, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Organization Additional Information • Define Sub inventories •

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Assign Subinventories to Location India Localization window as follows: SetupÆ OrganizationÆ SubInventory Locations

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The screen layout and its feature are given here for your ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Header Level Organization Name/Location

(Required) PICK HELP

inventory organization’s name and location to be selected by the user from the LOV.

Line Level Sub-Inventory (Required) PICK

HELP You can select the Sub-inventory name from the LOV

Description (Displayed) The Description for the selected Sub-Inventory will be displayed here.

Bonded (Flag) (Optional) CHECK BOX

You need to specify whether a Sub inventory belonging to the specified organization and location is Excise Bonded or Duty Paid. When this Flag is enabled the Sub inventory is considered as Bonded.

Trading (Flag) (Optional ) CHECK BOX

You need to specify whether a Sub-inventory belonging to the specified organization and location is Trading. When this Flag is enabled the Sub-inventory is considered as Trading. If the Organization location has a Manufacturing setup, this field is disabled.

Note: The above Sub Inventory setup is mandatory in nature & missing the same will result in shipping getting stopped.

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Defining Item Information You need to associate Localization related information of an item before you start using the item for India Localization transactions. Choose the relevant values in the attributes of India Items context of Items DFF in Items Mater window. For this user needs to select India Items as the context value in the flex fields provided in the item master.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Item Information, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Items

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Organization Item window as follows: ItemsÆ Master Items

In India Localization, additional attributes have been added to classify an item as per following nature. The following are the added DFF and its usage: The screen layout and its feature are described below for ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Context User need to select ‘India Localization’ from the pick list

Excise Flag (Required) PICK EDIT HELP

The options are YES & NO. . Any dispatch transaction verifies the excise status from the excise flag attribute. The excise status is not updateable at the transaction level. If this flag is set to 'No', no records will be entered in the excise registers normally for Issue type of transaction.

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The options are YES & NO.. If CENVAT is to be claimed against purchase of an item, the item CENVAT flag must be ’Yes’. If the flag is set to ’No’, the item will not be available for claiming CENVAT credit. Further, this flag is normally considered for Receipt type of transaction for updating the RG Registers. This flag cannot be modified at transaction level.

Item Class (Required) PICK EDIT HELP

For this attribute user has choice of ten predefined values All items of inventory have to be associated with one of these item classes. A tax grouping called a tax category can be associated to a item class thus enabling a set of taxes to be defaulted while performing transactions. Based on the Item Class for an item, Excise Register entries will be passed. The options and its impact are given below.

Note: Since item related Localized information is very critical for updation/generation of Localized records, user needs to apply enough thoughts before inputting values in these flex fields. In the flex field, for the context value, from the List of values, user needs to pick India Localization.

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Description of Item Class Code and Impact

Item class code Impact RMIN All inputs/raw materials/consumables used in or in relation to the

manufacture needs to be classified under this category. All transactions to the Bonded sub inventory with this item class will have an impact on the records/reports generated for CENVAT credit on raw materials. (RG 23 A registers will be effected)

RMEX All inputs/raw materials/consumables used in or in relation to the manufacture needs to be classified under this category. All transactions to the Bonded sub inventory with this item class will have an impact on the records/reports generated for CENVAT credit on raw materials. (RG 23 A registers will be effected)

CGIN All capital goods (as per excise definition) used in or in relation to the manufacture needs to be classified under this category. All transactions to the Bonded sub inventory with this item class will have an impact on the records/reports generated for CENVAT credit on capital goods. (RG 23 C registers will be effected)

CGEX All capital goods (as per excise definition) used in or in relation to the manufacture needs to be classified under this category. All transactions to the Bonded sub inventory with this item class will have an impact on the records/reports generated for CENVAT credit on capital goods. (RG 23 C registers will be effected)

CCIN All intermediate goods need to be grouped under this category. Based on the transaction, records will get generated in the RG-1 register/CENVAT registers.

CCEX All intermediate goods need to be grouped under this category. Based on the transaction, records will get generated in the RG-1 register/CENVAT registers

FGIN All finished goods manufactured needs to be grouped under this category. Goods attached to this category will be posted to RG-1 register at the time of shipment/production.

FGEX All finished goods manufactured needs to be grouped under this category. Goods attached to this category will be posted to RG-1 register at the time of shipment/production.

OTIN Items falling under this category will not be considered for any excise related transactions even though the transactions are from bonded sub inventory.

OTEX Items falling under this category not considered for any excise related transactions even though the transactions are from bonded sub inventory173 G Declaration filed by the Organization, the user needs to associate the excise Tariff to each excisable item.

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Field Description

Type Action Description

Folio No (Optional) This is an additional field provided to you to define any other relevant information. Folio No is user definable, and has no validations.

Trading Flag (Required) PICK EDIT HELP

By enabling this Flag the entries into RG23D will be controlled. For a Non-Trading item this Flag can be set to ’NO’.

Note: If an Item is tradable in one Inventory Organization but considered as Production Input in another Inventory Organization, then the user has to update its Descriptive Flex-field through the Organization Items Menu depending upon the nature of the business. If an item is defined as Trading Item, then the Modvat Flag has to be set to ‘NO’. This would update only the RG 23D Registers and not the CENVAT Registers.

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Setting Up Tax Information

Defining Tax Names/Codes You need to define Taxes before you start using India Localization. Tax codes would be the basis for all localization tax calculations. You should define all taxes applicable to your organization. Tax codes cannot be updated once saved. Thus, you should adopt adequate caution while defining the taxes. You can only disable the tax by entering the End Date.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Tax Codes, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Organization Additional Information • Define Form Names • Define TDS Sections • Define Suppliers and Supplier Sites • Define Tax Authorities

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Tax Definition India Localization window as follows: Setup Æ Tax SetupÆTaxes

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The taxes are relevant to a particular operating unit in case of a multi-org setup. Once the screen is selected from the navigator menu, you have to select the organization from the list, so that the taxes can be related to the corresponding operating unit. The screen layout and its feature of the above form are given here for ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Tax Name (Required) Enter a short tax name/tax code in this field. It is recommend that you follow a naming convention for defining taxes so that the tax name defines the usage of tax. For example, CST-4%-C: this means the tax type is of type Central Sales Tax, Rate is 4%, and requires C-Form

Type (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

Select type of tax from list of values. This will indicate how to treat the tax at transaction level. The options available are:

Excise - Basic BED Excise - Additional AED Excise - Special SED Customs Duty Basic Customs Duty/SAD Customs Duty - Additional CVD Central Sales Tax CST Sales Tax LST Octroi Octroi Insurance Insurance Freight Freight Service Tax Service Tax Tax Deduction at Source TDS Any Other Tax Other taxes/Discounts Modvat Recovery Modvat Reversal Debit (Rule 6 of CENVAT Credit Rules) VAT Value Added Tax Tax type determines the type of treatment/procedure that needs to be initiated for calculating/updating/recording tax records. You should ensure that you associate tax codes with appropriate Tax Types, in tune with your organizations requirements. For example, while defining a tax code/name for sales tax you should be using either CST or Sales tax as Tax Type. You should take adequate care in selecting tax type. Note: Apart from the normal tax types like excise, Customs, Sales tax etc which are widely used in the industry, Localization provides for additional tax types like Insurance, freight, any other tax and Modvat reversal. 1. Modvat Recovery – Modvat Reversal : Modvat reversal needs to be mapped as per the requirements under Rule 57 CC of the Central Excise Rules. 2. Freight, Insurance and Any Other Tax: Can be used for accounting for any expense incidental to the Purchase transaction. Any tax (cost component) defined under these categories would be taken into consideration for the calculation item cost, subject to the condition that the Credit Percentage is not specified.

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3. Third Party Taxes: In the procure to pay cycle, the you can make use of the functionality of III Party taxes. This can be setup by specifying the vendor name and vendor site for the Tax Code. After receipt, you have to run the Third party taxes concurrent to generate AP Invoices for all third part taxes included in the Receipt.. While computing the cost of the item, these costs also will be considered. Note: 4. Handling Discounts: You can use ‘Any other Tax’ type of taxes with negative Percentage or Unit Rate to handle discounts. India Localization would also handle any other debit/credit that needs to be done for any transaction. Field Description

Type Action Description

Description (Required) Enter meaning full description for the tax you define. This should describe the tax name in detail. Description can have maximum length of 100 characters (including spaces).

Account (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

You can enter the account code by using accounting flex-field on which the respective taxes will be charged and whenever a particular tax is used in a transaction, this respective General Ledger account will be debited or credited. In the Order to cash cycle this account will be used to account for the Tax transactions. In Purchase to pay cycle, this account will be charged for the recoverable portion of the taxes specified for tax types other than excise and Add. Customs. For example, for a sales tax type of tax you have defined, tax as 10% and credit % as 50%. During delivery, sales tax to the tune of 50% will be considered for item cost and the balance 50% (of recoverable tax amount) will hit this account.

It is suggested to have dedicated tax names for purchase to pay cycle you need to define the credit percentage.

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Vendor Name (Optional/Required) EDIT HELP PICK

You can specify the vendor name here for a tax type other than Excise-Basic, Excise Additional, Excise-Special, Customs Duty, and Customs Duty- Additional. This is a required field in the case where tax type is Tax Deduction at Source. In case of a ’TDS’ type of tax, vendors of type ’TDS Authorities’ will be displayed in the list, for all other types of tax, vendors of type other than ’TDS Authorities’, ’Customs’, ’Excise’ will be displayed in the list. The vendor name appearing here will be defaulted in the PO tax lines and it can be changed if the user enable the update vendor flag at the additional Organization Information.

While creating an III Party tax (that can be used in procure to pay cycle), you need to attach a supplier to whom the payment needs to be done on receipt of the goods. For example: for a ‘freight’ type of tax, you attach ABC Transport Company (should have defined this vendor in the supplier master), and attach this tax to a PO. On receipt of the goods, system by considering the values at the time of receipt creates an invoice to ABC Transport company automatically. At the same time, for costing purpose, the freight will be considered.

Vendor Site (Optional) EDIT HELP PICK

The user can enter relevant vendor site for the above selected vendor name.

Rate Block Tax can be defined as based on any one of the Rates, Unit rate, Unit of measure or adhoc type.

Rate (Optional) Enter the tax rate at which the tax will be calculated. The user can either enter tax rate based on amount or per unit or on Adhoc basis. Discounts can be specified as Negative taxes. But this works only when the Tax Types is ‘Any Other Tax’.

Unit Rate (Optional) If the tax is charged per unit then the user needs to specify the tax rate per unit, then the tax will be Number of units times Rate per unit. This field will be disabled whenever the tax type is Tax Deduction at source.

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Unit of Measure (Optional) EDIT HELP PICK

Amount Per Unit based taxes can be used with items having UOM belonging to same base class of UOM as that of UOM in tax definition, unless you have defined interclass conversion rate for that item. In Precedence calculation this type of tax will not depend on any other tax, however other taxes of rate basis can be dependent on result of this tax. Example: If a unit tax rate is defined as Rs.10 per KG you cannot use the same with item purchased in Meters unless the conversion rate between Kg and meter for that item.

Duty Drawback Credit Percentage

(Optional) This percentage is applicable for taxes of type Excise- Basic/additional/ Special or Customs duty or CVD. This percentage will be used to calculate duty drawback.

Adhoc Amount (Optional) Adhoc basis of tax can be used to define taxes amount, which will be known only at transaction level (i.e. Freight). You can change these taxes at transaction level. In Precedence calculation amount of such type of tax will not depend on any other tax whereas other taxes will be dependent on amount of this tax type. When adhoc basis is enabled, then other fields in the Rate Block will get disabled.

Credit percentage (Optional) For all input type of taxes, this field determines the percentage of recoverable and non-recoverable taxes.

Form Name/Certificate


This column is relevant only for Sales tax & TDS Tax Types. You can enter the relevant tax form name like C form or Form 17 in the case of Sales Tax and based on this information, the Sales tax forms tracking will done for the customers as and when transactions have this tax levied. The user can take out reports on transactions for which these forms are to be issued/received. This field is enabled only when the tax type is Sales tax, Central sales tax and Tax deduction at Source.

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TDS Section No. (Optional) EDIT HELP PICK

You can specify the respective TDS section for which a particular tax is being charged on. Since the TDS returns needs to be submitted in accordance with their corresponding section , the user can generate TDS reports made for the respective TDS sections. This field is enabled only when the tax type is Tax deduction at Source.

Original Tax Percent

(Optional) If the concessional tax rate has been used for a particular tax code then the user can specify the actual and original tax percent in this field. The user can identify the amount of tax benefits or concession for all the transaction done through concessional tax rate. This field will be enabled only when the Sales Tax Form Name or TDS Certificate name is specified otherwise the user cannot enter any rate in this field.

Note: • In the case of excise and Add. Customs (CVD) type of taxes, where the user is eligible of taking CENVAT credit under Rule 57 of the Central Excise Rules, he needs to specify the CENVAT credit percentage allowable on that tax. As per the Rules, full credit can be taken on the duty paid by the supplier can be claimed. Hence for all excise type of taxes he needs to record 100% in this field. • In the case of tax types other than excise and add. Customs, user can specify the percentage of tax that can be recovered. The non-recoverable portion will be accounted in the tax account defined.

Field Description Type Action Description Rounding Factor (Optional) Rounding factor differs for different tax

codes. The user can specify the required rounding factor for a particular Tax based on the legal requirement. If this field is left blank, then the calculated Tax figure will be rounded to the nearest Rupee.

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Update vendor (Optional) CHECK BOX

This flag is providing flexibility to the user to change the vendor name at the transaction tax lines while entering a transaction. But this Flag cannot be checked for Customs, Additional Customs, and TDS Type of Taxes since the respective tax dues needs to be paid to the respective Department Authorities. For Example: When the tax amount needs to be paid to the respective tax authorities instead of the to the vendor, then the user needs to enable this flag and in effect he can change the vendor name appearing in the tax lines and the tax liability will be booked the respective Tax Authority -account. By enabling this option, at the time of receipt, user will be allowed to change the vendor. For example, In the purchase order, for freight is considered as III Party tax and vendor attached to the PO is ABC Transport Company. On receipt, if the goods were not transported through ABC Transport Company and were brought by TVS, user will be able to change the tax vendor from ABC Transport Company to TVS.

Update currency (Optional) CHECK BOX

By enabling this flag the user can change the currency code from the document currency to the functional currency if both are different. For Example: Assuming a case where the PO is raised in Foreign currency(USD) but the tax like customs needs to be paid in functional currency(INR).By enabling this Update currency flag the document currency amount will be converted into functional currency amount for the calculation tax.

Update transaction (Optional) CHECK BOX

By enabling this flag the tax transaction lines can be updated or modified whenever any changes is required at the transaction level.

CESS %age (Optional) Cess on TDS

Start Date, End Date


By default the start date is always current date and end date should be greater than the start date or it can be left blank. The period between start and end date specifies the effective period of the tax and when the end date is null, then it is in effect indefinitely from the start date. If you enter end date for a tax, then the tax will become ineffective from that date.

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Defining Tax Categories This is a mandatory setup to enable Tax defaultation and automatic calculation at the transaction line level. Tax Categories would be basis on which the taxes that would be applicable to the transaction and the Tax Base Amount calculation would be determined. You have an option to associate an Item Class to the Tax category. This Tax category would be applicable to all Items falling under this class. Tax category is a group of relevant tax codes with precedence applicable to them.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Tax Categories, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Assign Organization to Locations • Organization Additional Information

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the tax Category India Localization window as follows: Setup Æ TaxÆ Tax Categories

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The screen layout and its feature are given here for ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Header level Tax Category (Required) ENTER Enter a Unique name for tax category. The Tax

Category Name should be Suggestive, so that the User should be able to identify the applicability of the Tax Category.

Description (Required) ENTER Enter meaning full description for the tax category you define. This should describe the tax category name in detail.

Item Class Code

(Optional) If a tax category is associated to a particular inventory item class then the respective inventory class code can be entered here.

Item Class (Optional) Optionally enter item class. The Item Class is an attribute setup of an Item (Which is part DFF group added by India Items). One Tax Category cannot be applied to more than one Item Class and vice-versa. The tax category defined with an Item class defaults at the transaction level based on the Item Class that has been associated to the transaction level ’Item Attribute’. Once an Item Class (Predefined by India Localization) is associated to a Tax Category, the same Item Class CANNOT BE associated to any other Tax category. Based on this Item Class the Excise Register updation will be done for an item.

Line level Line No. (Displayed

only) Auto generated line number will be displayed here. This

is the value used to define precedence.

Tax Name (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

Use this column to enter tax names from LOV. You can associate any number of tax names to a Tax category. A tax name can be associated in any number of tax categories, however you cannot use same tax name more than once in a Tax Category. The tax rate applicable on transaction date will be applicable for that transaction.

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Tax Precedence 1- 10

(Optional) Precedence refers to the manner in which the tax will be applied. The tax rate may be applied on the transaction base value or on another tax line or compounding them or combination of all. The base amount or material sale value is by default given a precedence value of ’0’. The subsequent precedence are assigned to the tax names’ respective Line Numbers. A maximum of five levels of precedence are permitted. The Taxes included in Tax Category would default on a transaction line. But, you would also have a provision to add new tax lines manually. If a tax name is defined as adhoc or as amount per unit of measure then the Precedence has no Relevance in tax computation of such tax, however, calculation of other taxes can be based on this tax. A tax cannot be dependent on itself. However, interdependent taxes can be set up in precedence e.g. tax at line 1 can depend on tax at line 2. Similarly, tax on line 2 can depend on tax at line 1. For example Define a Tax category for a Item A purchased for Location B and the following taxes are applicable. Step 1- Define the above tax names and percentages in the Tax name definition. Step 2 - Associate the above tax names in the tax categories window accordingly for tax calculations. At this point, the dependence of tax on other tax needs to be defined in the system. If sales tax needs to be calculated on both line price and Excise duty, the same can be defined in this screen. If ‘0’ is defined then tax will get calculated only on the line price. In the 2 nd line if it is 0 and 1, then the 2 nd line tax will be calculated on the line price and the I st tax.

In this example line amount is Rs. 1000/-. The taxes mentioned below are applicable. Tax Calculation Excise duty 16% to be worked on the line amount Sales tax 4% to be worked on line price and excise duty Freight Rs.100 Adhoc tax not depending on other taxes Insurance 2% to be worked on the line amount Tax name Tax Calculation Excise duty 16% to be worked on the line amount/Assessable value Sales tax 4% to be worked on line price and excise duty Freight - Adhoc Adhoc amount - no precedence needs to be attached Insurance 2% to be worked on the line amount

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Defining Item Category List Item Category List associates the tax Category to an inventory item in an Organization. The user can add many items in a list and select relevant tax category for them. There can be many such item category lists defined and associated to the Vendor/Customer sites If the item category is attached to the Additional customer/supplier information, the item category will get defaulted whenever a transaction is done with the customer/supplier. Use this form to associate inventory items to Tax Categories.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Item Category List, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Organization Additional Information • Define Tax Categories • Define Items

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Item Category List India Localization window as follows: Setup Æ Tax ÆItem Categories

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The screen layout and its feature are given here for ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Header level Name (Required) ENTER The user has to specify the unique Item Category

List name. Description (Required) ENTER Enter a description for the Item category list. This

should describe the Item category list name in detail.

Line level Item (Required) EDIT HELP

PICK Select the items from the LOV.

Tax Category (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

Select the relevant Tax Category from the LOV.

Note: By assigning this tax category list to a supplier site in the Supplier Tax information -India Localization window, the tax lines for a particular vendor/vendor site or Customer/ Customer Site, for a particular item will get defaulted according to the precedence set in the tax category. The user should use a unique item category list name and meaningful description.

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Defining Manual BOM The objective of this screen is to facilitate duty draw back processing and reporting. If you are not using localization for duty draw back processing, this feature can be ignored. Data in this form can be used for OSP related transactions and draw back related a report if a standard BOM is not defined. This form will be exclusively used to design Manual Bill Of Material for a finished goods Inventory item. Use This Window to enter Bill of Material for a Finished Item, if you are not using Oracle BOM. You can enter different Bill of material for same item, effective in different Dates ranges. This BOM definition will be used for Duty Drawback Processing and Outside Processing purpose.

Prerequisites Before you enter the Manual BOM, you must:

• Define Organizations • Define Locations • Define Routings • Define Operations • Define Departments

In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Manual Bills of Materials India Localization window as follows: SetupÆ ItemsÆ Define Manual BOM

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The screen layout and its feature are described below for ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Item (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

You need to enter a Finished Goods item from the LOV for which you want to define the Bill of Material. LOV will be restricted to the Items with item class as Finished Goods

UOM (Displayed) The UOM for the above finished goods item will be displayed.

Item (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

Enter Items, which are used in Manufacture of Finished good. A same item cannot be used twice in a BOM. The Finished item for which BOM is defined cannot be included in its BOM.

UOM (Displayed) The UOM for the above input item will be displayed.

Quantity (Required) Enter a Quantity required to manufacture one unit (primary UOM) of Finished item.

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Managing India Localization - Inventory This Section elaborates on the effect of Transactions that can be handled through India Localization- Inventory.

Transactions The Miscellaneous transaction form has been customized to accommodate the RG Register entries through a separate transaction type. In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the Miscellaneous Transaction India Localization window as follows: Transactions Æ Miscellaneous Transaction

Additional types of ’Miscellaneous Issue (RG update)’ and 'Miscellaneous Receipt (RG update)' are introduced under India Localization. THERE IS NO CHANGE IN TRANSACTION LINES WINDOW. The only difference between Miscellaneous Issue/receipt (RG Update) and miscellaneous issue/receipt is that the respective excise inventory registers are updated when the input material is issued from stores to the production or finished goods / input material is received back into stores from production.

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RG-I Register Entry This is a view / entry form that can be used to view/enter the Manual RG-I transaction. RG -I Register is the daily stock account for all excisable products. It displays on query all the transactions that have an entry in the RG-I register. Each inventory organization will be considered, as an Excise Unit and the user need to specify the Organization Name and Location both for querying & for making manual entries into the register. Querying can be done based on certain fields on the Entry Block and also Transaction Details block. In Oracle India Localization, navigate to the RG-1 Entry India Localization window as follows: Transactions Æ RG RegistersÆ RG1 Register Entry

The entire screen of RG-I Register and its feature are given here for your ready reference. The following fields are to be entered by the user for manual Entry. Depends upon the user requirement, he can specify any one of the following fields to view/enter a manual entry in the register.

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Field Description Type Action Description Organization (Required) EDIT


The user needs to specify the Inventory Organization name from LOV for which the manual excise entry is going to be accounted. The user needs to specify a Inventory Organization for which he wants to view the RG-I Register balance and information.

Location (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

The user needs to specify the Location of an Inventory Organization from LOV for which manual excise entry is going to be accounted. The user needs to specify a Location of an Inventory Organization for which he wants to view the RG-I Register balance and information.

Serial No It is system generated serial number, which is generated automatically after entering a transaction.

Transaction Date (Required) The transaction date will be entered here, If the user wants to view the RG-I Register for a particular day then he has to specify the transaction date.

Transaction Type (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

The transaction types are Receipts, Issue, Inter-Org-receipt, Inter-Org-issue, Receipts adjustment, Issue Adjustment, Production Receipts, Production Issue and Customer return. By picking one the type, the user can view/enter a RG-1 entries for that type.

Item (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

The user needs to specify the Item for which the receipts or issue entry is going to be passed.

Customer/Vendor Name Location


Details such as Name as per vendor site will be shown for Receipt transactions. For manual Entry these fields are optional. If item is sold directly similar details of customer will be shown.

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Customer/Vendor site


Details such as vendor site, will be shown for Receipt transactions. For manual Entry these fields are optional. If item is sold directly similar details of customer site will be shown.

Transaction Detail Block

(Required/Displayed) This Block will have the Transaction details with respect to Reference number, Packed Quantity, Loose quantity, UOM and Registers RG23A or RG23C or PLA which has been used for Issue. These can be entered by the User while entering Manual RG-I entry. Please note for a transaction type ’ Issue’, the Excise Invoice Number will be displayed in the Reference No field.

Additional Detail Block

This Block will have the Transaction details depending upon the transaction type Issue, Inter-Org-issue, issue adjustment, customer return.

Excise Rate /Excise Amount in the Additional Details Block

These fields will be enabled/disabled depending upon the Issue Type in the Additional Details block.

Excise Amount Block

This will be enabled only for issue related transactions while entering a manual entry. Excise Basic, Additional, Others , ,Excise cess ,CVD cess amount paid on delivery of goods will be displayed here.

Account This will be enabled only for issue related transactions to enter the account code User need to take enough care to ensure that proper GL account is selected for the transaction, as selection of improper GL accounts will have far reaching consequences for account reconciliation.

Additional Information Block

(Optional) The user can enter the Purpose & remarks regarding a manual RG-I entry.

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RG23 Register Entry

RG23A Register Adjustments/Manual entries in the CENVAT on inputs can be done through this screen. All excisable goods with item type RMIN and RMEX will be accounted in this register and the credits availed on inputs will be accounted in this register Note This feature can also be used in uploading the opening balances for a newly created Organization.

RG23C Register Adjustments/Manual entries in the CENVAT on capital goods can be done through this screen. All excisable goods with item type CGIN and CGEX will be accounted in this register and the credits availed on capital goods will be accounted in this register This RG23 Manual Entry form can be used for both view/enter RG23A & C Part I&II entries. Registers Æ RG23 Register Entry

The user can open RG-23A or RG-23C Register can be selected using the LOV at the top-left corner of the form. The screen layout and its feature are described below for ready reference.

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Field Description Type Action Description Organization (Required) EDIT


The user need to specify the Inventory Organization name from LOV in which RG23 register entries are going to be accounted. The user needs to specify an Inventory Organization for which he wants to view the RG-23A & C Register balance and information.

Location (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

The user needs to specify the Location of an Inventory Organization from LOV in which the RG23 entries are going to be accounted. The user needs to specify a Location of an Inventory Organization for which he wants to view the RG-23A & C Register balance and information.

Serial No It is system generated serial number after entering a transaction.

Transaction Date (Required) The transaction date will be entered here and If the user wants to view the RG-23A & C Register for a particular day then he has to specify the transaction date.

Transaction Type (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

The transaction types are Receipts, Issue, Inter-Org-receipt, Inter-Org-issue, Receipts adjustment, Issue Adjustment, Production Receipts, Production Issue; Customer return can be entered here. By picking one the types, the user can view all RG-23A & C entries for that type.

Issue Type (Optional) PICK Select the destination of issue here. If the destination of issue is within the country then, select ‘Domestic’. Else, it should be ‘Export’

Generate Excise Invoice

(Optional) Enter Check this field if excise invoice has to be generated for this transaction. This will be applicable for issue transaction alone.

Item (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

The user needs to specify Item for which the receipts/issue entry is going to be passed.

Customer/Vendor Name

(Optional) Enter Customer/Vendor Name will be entered here and the manual entry is being made in RG-23 Register.

Customer/Vendor Location

(Optional) Enter Customer/Vendor Location will be entered here.

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Transaction Detail Block

This lock will have the Transaction details with respect to Reference number, Packed Quantity, Loose quantity, UOM and Registers RG23A or RG23C or PLA, which has been used for that transaction.

Additional Details Block Union Budget 2000-2001 allows instant credit on capital goods on receipt to the tune of 50% and the procedure of taking credit only on installation is dispensed with. Hence user can ignore this block and do not carry any functional importance. These tables/fields are still maintained only for future requirements.

Verification Date (Optional) This field is relevant in RG-23C for capital goods purchase and the user can enter the verification date of a capital item.

Installation Date (Optional) This field is relevant in RG-23C for capital goods purchase and the user can enter the Installation date of a capital item.

Commission Date (Optional) This field is relevant in RG-23C for capital goods purchase and the user can enter the Commission date of a capital item.

Brand Name (Optional) This field is relevant in RG-23C for capital goods purchase and the user can enter the Brand name of the capital item.

Identification Number (Optional) The user can enter Identification Number of a capital item.

Excise Amount Block Shows the amount of CENVAT credit taken on inputs

Basic/Additional/Others (Displayed) EDIT HELP PICK

Amount of MODVAT credit taken on account of Basic, Additional and other Excise duty on the items purchased & received. This field will display the amount of CENVAT credit utilized for the dispatch of final products.


(Displayed) EDIT HELP PICK

Amount of CESS credit taken on account of Basic and CVD duty on the items purchased & received. This field will display the amount of CENVAT credit utilized for the dispatch of final products.

Account (Required) EDIT HELP PICK

The user need to enter the Account code to which the credit taken on the inputs will be debited in the General Ledger and the sane account will be credited when dispatches sent out.

Place of Installation (Optional) The user can enter Place at which the Capital Item is installed.

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Identification Mark (Optional) In addition to Identification Number, the user can enter a relevant Identification mark of a capital item.

Remarks Block The user can enter relevant remarks for RG23 Part-I & II register for his reference and correspondence

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Apply Time Extension Apply Time Extensions (India Localization) screen can be invoked to apply for additional time. In the case of OSP from inventory or Sales Returns Transactions if the vendor wants some more time means, he can invoke the time extensions screen & find the appropriate information by entering the transaction type or the start & end date limits or by entering both. He can apply for the time extension, he need. Then the due date is automatically defaulted. It can either be applied or rejected by the appropriate authority. In the case of rejection, the due date is cleared.

This screen can also be used for recording the additional time granted by the excise authorities to receive/return goods under Rule 173 H and 173 L of the Central Excise Rules.

• As per the changes announced in Union Budget 2000-2001, there is no need to debit duty while clearing goods for sub contracting operations under Rule 57 F (4). The requirement for taking time extensions to bring the goods sent under 57 F (4) challan also stands withdrawn. • As per the current provisions of the Law, duty need to be debited only if the goods sent for sub contracting operations are not received back within 180 days. Later if the goods are received back, the duty debited can be availed. This requirement can be mapped through Manual RG 23 Entries. • Though the requirement for recording the time extensions granted by the Excise authorities does not exist, the form is maintained in the current release by considering similar future requirements.

Transaction Æ Apply time Extension

The screen layout and its feature are described below for ready reference. Field Description Type Action Description Trans Name (Required) ENTER The user needs to pick up either OSP

Transaction or Sales return.

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Vendor/Customer Name


The user need to enter valid customer/vendor name.

User Ref. No. (Optional) EDIT HELPPICK

Reference No. can be entered here. The user need to enter valid customer/vendor name.

After querying the OSP or Sales transaction, the user can enter extended time limit for a transaction and create a record then the due date gets extended by using the below mentioned form. TransactionsÆ Apply time Extension

Trans Name, Vendor Name, User Ref No., Trans Date, Original Due Date Extended Due date is displayed as per referenced transaction. Field Description

Type Action Description

Sl. No. (Required) Sl. No. is a system generated serial no.

Ext Days (Required) You can enter number of day of Extension.

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Status (Required) PICK Select Status from drop list. The Options available are Applied, Approved and Rejected. Initially it will be applied. It can be changed to approved or rejected.

Due Date (Displayed) displays only field giving the due date after applying the time extension.

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Master Organization RG Consolidation If multiple organizations are defined within the same excise registered premises, user can opt to identify one Organization & Location combination as "Master Organization" and all other organizations needs to be treated as child organizations and should have the reference of the master organization based on ECC code. In such type of setup, the Master organization will be the organization at which all excise registers should be generated. The master child relationship among the organization and location are used only to generate consolidated excise registers at Master organization level. You need to submit ‘India Master Org RG’ request set in order to get Excise Registers consolidated at Master Organization. Steps for running the Master Organization RG Consolidation :

• Ensure that proper setup is done to establish the relationship between the Master and Child Organizations. Please note that the Master Organization flag should be ticked in the Organization-Location record of the Master Organization.

• Organization Location defined as Master Organization should be a Dummy Organization only used for Excise Reporting. No transactions should be done in the Master Organization Location directly.

• Master Organization Consolidation request set could be run at periodic intervals depending on the reporting requirements.

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Master Org RG Entries Request Set

Use the navigation ‘Inventory Æ ReportsÆ AllÆ Request SetÆMaster Org RG Entries to run the request set. This request set consists of 4 requests, one each for consolidation RG23 A, C , PLA and RG1 registers. Parameters for each of the requests are same :

Organization (Required) PICK HELP Name of the Master Organization is to be given in this parameter.

Location (Required) PICK HELP Name of the Master Organization Location is to be given in this parameter

After completion of the Request Set, the consolidated RG entries and balances shall be available at the Master Organization Location. This request set is only a program to copy and consolidate the child organization records. Normal RG reports shall have to be used for viewing and printing the RG reports for the Master Organization. The entries for individual child organizations shall still be available and if required reports could be obtained for child organizations as well.

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View Register Balance The user can view the Excise Registers RG23A Part-II, RG23C Part-II and PLA balances through this form. Transactions Æ RG Registers Æ View Register Balance

After specifying the Inventory Organization Name, Location and currency the user will get Excise Register balances in the Balances Block. • RG23A Part-II balance represents the balance available on Account of credit availed on

Inputs. • RG23 A CESS Amount represents the balance available on Account of credit availed on

Inputs. • RG23C Part-II balance represents the balance available on account of credits availed on

capital goods. • RG23 C CESS Amount represents the balance available on Account of credit availed on

capital goods • PLA Register represents the balance available in PLA Register. • PLA CESS represents the cess balance available in PLA Register.

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View Item Definition This view form has been designed to find the relevant Tax information for an Item. Item definition provides the Localization information for an item with respect to Tax applicability for an Inventory Organization Location. Items Æ Item Definition

The screen layout and its features are given here for ready reference. Field Description

Type Action Description

Organization Scope


User can select Organization scope which to enter Items definition. The Quick pick for Organization scope are Single or Single with Master or All Organizations.

Organization (Optionally Required)


When the user has Single or Single with Master Organization Scope then he need to pickup the Inventory Organization from the LOV.

Item/Description (Required) EDIT HELPPICK

Select the item from LOV for which you want to view the Item definition.

Item Information India Localization form is invoked by opening the Localization Info Button and the information are defaulted from the Master Item regarding the Excise Flag, Modvat Flag, Item class, item folio and item tariff.

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The standard Applications Item Information form can be invoked by clicking the Open button in this form and view the item categories, attributes and Revision details.

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Reports This section provides overview and detailed descriptions of these reports:

• Tax List Report • Excise Duty Claim for RMA Report

India-Tax List Report This Report gives you the List of Tax Category for an Item Class and its associated Tax Code & Tax type. The user can view and review this report before defining a new Tax category.

Report Submission

Use the Request Transaction Reports form and enter India-Tax List Report in the Name field to submit the report.

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Report Parameters: Tax Category Name (Optional) PICK HELP

India Localization accepts tax category name as an optional parameter. If you do not give any value to this field, system will print all the tax Category names defined in the system till date.

Item Class ID (Optional) PICK HELP

India Localization accepts an optional Item Class also.

Tax Name PICK HELP India Localization accepts tax name as an optional parameter. If you do not give any value to this field, system will print all the tax names defined in the system till date.

Category Start Date (Optional) India Localization accepts Category Start Date as an optional parameter. This is to produce the report to your choice. Transactions with Tax Categories defined, on or after the date will be selected for reporting.

Category End Date (Optional) India Localization accepts Category End Date as an optional parameter. This is to produce the report to your choice. Transactions with Tax Categories defined on or before the date will be selected for reporting. Blank End date means, no check is made on end dates.

Tax name Start Date (Optional) India Localization accepts Tax name Start Date as an optional parameter. This is to produce the report to your choice. Transactions with Tax name defined, on or after the date will be selected for reporting.

Tax name End Date (Optional) India Localization accepts Tax name End Date as an optional parameter. This is to produce the report to your choice. Transactions with Tax name defined on or before the date will be selected for reporting. Blank End date means, no check is made on end dates.

Report Headings

Report headings provide you with general information about the contents of the report. Oracle lists information on Various Tax categories and tax names defined in the system.

Column Headings:

Tax Category Item Class Code

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Category effective date from Category effective date to Tax Name Amount UOM Rate Adhoc Flag Tax Name effective date from

Tax Name effective date to

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India - Excise Duty Claim for RMA Report This Report gives you the Amount that can be claimed from Excise Authorities on the Excise amount of a RMA receipts

Report Submission Use the Submit Requests (India Local INV module) form and enter India- Excise Duty Claim For RMA Receipts in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Customer Name (Optional) PICK

The User wants to see the RMA Receipt from Particular Customer and the Excise Claimable amount , then he can specify the Customer name here.

Customer Number

Customer Number of the above Customer will be defaulted here. RMA No

The User can enter specific RMA Number.

Start Date (Required)

End Date (Required)

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Report Headings

Report headings provide you with general information about the contents of the report. Oracle lists Company Name based on User parameter input.

Column Headings RMA No

RMA Line

RMA Date

RMA Type

Sub Inventory

The Delivered Sub Inventory for the Return material.

Customer Name

Customer Number

Ex.Invoice Number

Original Excise Invoice Number in which the goods where sent

Ex.Invoice Date

Original Excise Invoice Date in which the goods where sent

Excise Due Amount

Excise duty amount that can be claimed from the Excise Department on account of an return.
