Order of Mass Sts. Peter & Paul


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  • 7/31/2019 Order of Mass Sts. Peter & Paul














  • 7/31/2019 Order of Mass Sts. Peter & Paul


    Ordo MissOrder of MassTata Perayaan Ekaristi

    Sollemnitas SS. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum Ad Missam in dieSolemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles At the Mass during the dayHari Raya St. Petrus dan Paulus, Rasul, Misa hari raya


    Apostolic Nunciature in Indonesia

    First edition, June 2012

    Excerpts from the Missale Romanum, Editio Typica Tertia 2002 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. All rights reserved.

    Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in theLiturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Teks bahasa Indonesia dikutip dari Tata Perayaan Ekaristi 2005 Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia, denganpenyesuaian pada Doa Damai, mengacu pada teks bahasa Latin.

  • 7/31/2019 Order of Mass Sts. Peter & Paul




    ENTRANCE standing

    In the name of the Father, and of the Son,and of the Holy Spirit.


    Peace be with you.

    And with your spirit.

    PENITENTIAL ACT standing

    Brethren (brothers and sisters), let us

    acknowledge our sins, and so prepareourselves to celebrate the sacredmysteries.XXX kneeling/standing

    I confess to almighty God and to you, mybrothers and sisters, that I have greatlysinned, in my thoughts and in my words,in what I have done and in what I havefailed to do, through my fault, through myfault, through my most grievous fault;therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,all the Angels and Saints, and you, mybrothers and sisters, to pray for me to theLord our God.


    INTROITUS stantes

    In nmine Patris, et Flii, et SpritusSancti.


    Pax vobis.

    Et cum spritu tuo.


    Fratres, agnoscmus peccta nostra, ut

    apti simus ad sacra mystria celebrnda.

    XXX genuflexi/stantes

    Confteor Deo omnipotnti et vobis,fratres, quia peccvi nimis cogitatine,verbo, opere et omissine: mea culpa, meaculpa, mea mxima culpa. Ideo precorbetam Maram semper Vrginem, omnesAngelos et Sanctos, et vos, fratres, orrepro me ad Dminum Deum nostrum.


    PEMBUKAAN berdiri

    Dalam nama Bapa, dan Putera, dan RohKudus.


    Damai bersamamu.

    Dan bersama rohmu.


    Saudara-saudari, marilah menyesali dan

    mengakui bahwa kita telah berdosa,supaya layak merayakan peristiwapenyelamatan ini.XXX berlutut/berdiri

    Saya mengaku kepada Allah yang maha-kuasa dan kepada saudara sekalian,bahwa saya telah berdosa dengan pikirandan perkataan, dengan perbuatan dankelalaian, saya berdosa, saya berdosa,saya sungguh berdosa. Oleh sebab itu sayamohon kepada Santa Perawan Maria,kepada para malaikat dan orang kudus,dan kepada Saudara sekalian, supayamendoakan saya pada Allah, Tuhan kita.

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    May almighty God have mercy on us,forgive us our sins, and bring us toeverlasting life.


    LORD HAVE MERCY kneeling/standing

    Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.Christ, have mercy.Christ, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    GLORY TO GOD standing

    Glory to God in the highestand on earth peace to people of good will.

    We praise you,we bless you,we adore you,we glorify you,we give you thanks for your great glory,

    Lord God, heavenly King,O God, almighty Father.Lord Jesus Christ,Only Begotten Son,Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

    Miseretur nostri omnpotens Deus et,dimisss pecctis nostris, perdcat nos advitam trnam.


    KRIE genuflexi/stantes

    Krie, elison.Krie, elison.Christe, elison.Christe, elison.Krie, elison.Krie, elison.

    GLRIA stantes

    Glria in exclsis Deoet in terra pax homnibus bon volunttis.

    Laudmus te,benedcimus te,adormus te,glorificmus te,grtias gimus tibipropter magnam glriam tuam,Dmine Deus, Rex clstis,Deus Pater omnpotens.Dmine Fili Unignite,Iesu Christe,Dmine Deus, Agnus Dei,Flius Patris,

    Semoga Allah yang mahakuasa menga-sihani kita, mengampuni dosa kita, danmengantar kita ke hidup yang kekal.


    TUHAN KASIHANILAH berlutut/berdiri

    Tuhan, kasihanilah kami.Tuhan, kasihanilah kami.Kristus, kasihanilah kami.Kristus, kasihanilah kami.Tuhan, kasihanilah kami.Tuhan, kasihanilah kami.

    KEMULIAAN berdiri

    Kemuliaan kepada Allah di surgadan damai di bumi kepada orang yangberkenan pada-Nya.Kami memuji Dikau,kami meluhurkan Dikau,kami menyembah Dikau,kami memuliakan Dikau,kami bersyukur kepada-Mu,karena kemuliaan-Mu yang besar,ya Tuhan Allah, Raja Surgawi,Allah Bapa yang mahakuasa.Ya Tuhan Yesus Kristus,Putera yang tunggal,Ya Tuhan Allah, Anak Domba Allah,Putera Bapa,

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    you take away the sins of the world, havemercy on us;you take away the sins of the world,receive our prayer.you are seated at the right hand of theFather, have mercy on us.For you alone are the Holy One,you alone are the Lord,you alone are the Most High,Jesus Christ,with the Holy Spirit,in the glory of God the Father.Amen.

    COLLECT standing

    Let us pray.

    O God, who on the Solemnity of theApostles Peter and Paul give us the nobleand holy joy of this day, grant, we pray,that your Church may in all things followthe teaching of those through whom shereceived the beginnings of right religion.Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you in the

    unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.


    qui tollis peccta mundi,miserre nobis;qui tollis peccta mundi,sscipe deprecatinem nostram.Qui sedes ad dxteram Patris,miserre nobis.Quniam tu solus Sanctus,tu solus Dminus,tu solus Altssimus,Iesu Christe,cum Sancto Spritu:in glria Dei Patris.Amen.

    COLLECTA stantes


    Deus, qui huius dii venerndamsanctmque lttiam in apostolrumPetri et Pauli sollemnitte tribusti, daEcclsi tu erum in mnibus sequiprcptum, per quos religinis sumpsitexrdium. Per Dminum nostrum IesumChristum Flium tuum, qui tecum vivit etregnat in unitte Spritus Sancti, Deus,

    per mnia saecula saeculrum.


    Engkau yang menghapus dosa dunia,kasihanilah kami;Engkau yang menghapus dosa dunia,kabulkanlah doa kami.Engkau yang duduk di sisi Bapa,kasihanilah kami.Karena hanya Engkaulah kudus,hanya Engkaulah Tuhan,hanya Engkaulah mahatinggi,ya Yesus Kristus,bersama dengan Roh Kudus,dalam kemuliaan Allah Bapa.Amin.

    DOA PEMBUKA berdiri

    Marilah kita berdoa.

    Ya Allah, Engkau telah melimpahkansukacita suci dan mulia pada hari rayaSanto Petrus dan Paulus, rasul. BantulahGereja-Mu mengikuti perintah merekadalam segala sesuatu karena lewatmereka Gereja menerima dasar imannya.Dengan pengantaraan Yesus Kristus,Putra-Mu, Tuhan kami, yang bersama

    dengan Dikau dalam persatuan RohKudus hidup dan berkuasa, Allah,sepanjang segala masa.


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    FIRST READING sitting

    A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles

    In those days, King Herod laid handsupon some members of the Church toharm them. He had James, the brother ofJohn, killed by the sword, and when hesaw that this was pleasing to the Jews heproceeded to arrest Peter also. "It was thefeast of Unleavened Bread." He had himtaken into custody and put in prisonunder the guard of four squads of foursoldiers each. He intended to bring him

    before the people after Passover. Peterthus was being kept in prison, but prayerby the Church was fervently being madeto God on his behalf. On the very nightbefore Herod was to bring him to trial,Peter, secured by double chains, wassleeping between two soldiers, whileoutside the door guards kept watch onthe prison. Suddenly the angel of theLord stood by him and a light shone inthe cell. He tapped Peter on the side andawakened him, saying, "Get up quickly."The chains fell from his wrists. The angelsaid to him, "Put on your belt and yoursandals." He did so. Then he said to him,"Put on your cloak and follow me." So hefollowed him out, not realizing that what


    LECTIO PRIMA sedentes

    Lectio Actuum Apostolorum

    Eodem autem tempore misit Herodes rexmanus, ut affligeret quosdam de Ecclesia.Occidit autem Iacobum fratrem Ioannisgladio. Videns autem quia placeretIudis, apposuit ut apprehenderet etPetrum. Erant autem dies Azymorum.Quem cum apprehendisset, misit in car-cerem, tradens quattuor quaternionibusmilitum custodiendum, volens postPascha producere eum populo. Et Petrus

    quidem servabatur in carcere. Oratioautem fiebant sine intermissione abEcclesia ad Deum pro eo. Cum autem prodeum: Prcingere, et calcea te caligas tuas.Et fecit sic. Et dixit illi: Circumda tibivestimentum tuum, et sequere me. Etexiens sequebatur eum, et nesciebat quiaverum est, quod fiebat per angelum:existimabat autem se visum videre.Transeuntes autem primam et secundamcustodiam, venerunt ad portam ferream,qu ducit ad civitatem: qu ultro apertaest eis. Et exeuntes processerunt vicumunum: et continuo discessit Angelus abeo. Et Petrus ad se reversus, dixit: Nuncscio vere quia misit Dominus Angelumsuum, et eripuit me de manu Herodis, et



    Bacaan dari Kisah Para Rasul

    Kira-kira pada waktu itu raja Herodesmulai bertindak dengan keras terhadapbeberapa orang dari jemaat. Ia menyuruhmembunuh Yakobus, saudara Yohanes,dengan pedang. Ketika ia melihat, bahwahal itu menyenangkan hati orang Yahudi,ia melanjutkan perbuatannya itu danmenyuruh menahan Petrus. Waktu ituhari raya Roti Tidak Beragi. SetelahPetrus ditangkap, Herodes menyuruh

    memenjarakannya di bawah penjagaanempat regu, masing-masing terdiri dariempat prajurit. Maksudnya ialah, supayasehabis Paskah ia menghadapkannya kedepan orang banyak. Demikianlah Petrusditahan di dalam penjara. Tetapi jemaatdengan tekun mendoakannya kepadaAllah. Pada malam sebelum Herodeshendak menghadapkannya kepada orangbanyak, Petrus tidur di antara dua orangprajurit, terbelenggu dengan dua rantai.Selain itu prajurit-prajurit pengawalsedang berkawal di muka pintu. Tiba-tiba berdirilah seorang malaikat Tuhandekat Petrus dan cahaya bersinar dalamruang itu. Malaikat itu menepuk Petrusuntuk membangunkannya, katanya: "Ba-

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    was happening through the angel wasreal; he thought he was seeing a vision.They passed the first guard, then thesecond, and came to the iron gate leadingout to the city, which opened for them byitself. They emerged and made their waydown an alley, and suddenly the angelleft him. Then Peter recovered his sensesand said, "Now I know for certain thatthe Lord sent his angel and rescued mefrom the hand of Herod and from all thatthe Jewish people had been expecting."

    The word of the Lord.

    Thanks be to God.

    de omni expectatione plebis Iudorum.

    Verbum Dmini.

    Deo grtias.

    ngunlah segera!" Maka gugurlah rantaiitu dari tangan Petrus. Lalu kata malaikatitu kepadanya: "Ikatlah pinggangmu dankenakanlah sepatumu!" Iapun berbuatdemikian. Lalu malaikat itu berkatakepadanya: "Kenakanlah jubahmu danikutlah aku!" Lalu ia mengikuti malaikatitu ke luar dan ia tidak tahu, bahwa apayang dilakukan malaikat itu sungguh-sungguh terjadi, sangkanya ia melihatsuatu penglihatan. Setelah mereka mela-lui tempat kawal pertama dan tempatkawal kedua, sampailah mereka ke pintugerbang besi yang menuju ke kota. Pintuitu terbuka dengan sendirinya bagi mere-ka. Sesudah tiba di luar, mereka berjalan

    sampai ke ujung jalan, dan tiba-tibamalaikat itu meninggalkan dia. Dan sete-lah sadar akan dirinya, Petrus berkata:"Sekarang tahulah aku benar-benarbahwa Tuhan telah menyuruh malaikat-Nya dan menyelamatkan aku dari tanganHerodes dan dari segala sesuatu yangdiharapkan orang Yahudi."

    Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.

    Syukur kepada Allah.

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    . The Lord delivered me from all myfears.

    I will bless the Lord at all times; hispraise shall be ever in my mouth. Let mysoul glory in the Lord; the lowly will hearme and be glad. .

    Glorify the Lord with me, let us togetherextol his name. I sought the Lord, and heanswered me and delivered me from allmy fears. .

    Look to him that you may be radiant with

    joy, and your faces may not blush withshame. When the poor one called out, theLord heard, and from all his distress hesaved him. .

    The angel of the Lord encamps aroundthose who fear him, and delivers them.Taste and see how good the Lord is;blessed the man who takes refuge in him.



    . Ex omnibus terroribus meis eripuit meDominus.

    Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore:semper laus eius in ore meo. In Dominolaudabitur anima mea: audiant mansueti,et ltentur. .

    Magnificate Dominum mecum: et exalte-mus nomen eius in idipsum. ExquisiviDominum, et exaudivit me: et exomnibus tribulationibus meis eripuit me.


    Accedite ad eum, et illuminamini: etfacies vestr non confundentur. Istepauper clamavit, et Dominus exaudiviteum: et de omnibus tribulationibus eiussalvavit eum. .

    Immittet angelus Domini in circuitutimentium eum: et eripiet eos. Gustate, etvidete quoniam suavis est Dominus:beatus vir, qui sperat in eo. .


    . Tuhan telah membebaskan dan me-nyelamatkan daku.

    Aku hendak memuji Tuhan setiap waktu;puji-pujian kepada-Nya selalu ada didalam mulutku. Karena Tuhan jiwakubermegah; biarlah orang-orang yangrendah hati mendengarnya dan bersuka-cita. .

    Muliakanlah Tuhan bersama dengandaku, marilah kita bersama-sama me-masyhurkan nama-Nya! Aku telah men-cari Tuhan, lalu Ia menjawab aku, dan

    melepaskan daku dari segala kegen-taranku. .

    Tujukanlah pandanganmu kepada-Nya,maka mukamu akan berseri-seri, dantidak akan malu tersipu-sipu. Orang yangtertindas ini berseru, dan Tuhan mende-ngarkan; Ia menyelamatkan dia darisegala kesesakannya. .

    Malaikat Tuhan berkemah di sekelilingorang-orang yang takwa, lalu meluputkanmereka. Kecaplah dan lihatlah, betapabaiknya Tuhan! Berbahagialah orangyang berlindung pada-Nya! .

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    SECOND READING sitting

    A Reading from the Second Letter ofSt. Paul, the Apostle, to Timothy

    I, Paul, am already being poured out likea libation, and the time of my departureis at hand. I have competed well; I havefinished the race; I have kept the faith.From now on the crown of righteousnessawaits me, which the Lord, the just judge,will award to me on that day, and notonly to me, but to all who have longedfor his appearance. The Lord stood by meand gave me strength, so that through methe proclamation might be completed and

    all the Gentiles might hear it. And I wasrescued from the lion's mouth. The Lordwill rescue me from every evil threat andwill bring me safe to his heavenlyKingdom. To him be glory forever andever. Amen.

    The word of the Lord.

    Thanks be to God.

    LECTIO SECUNDA sedentes

    Lectio Epistulae SecundaeS. Pauli Apostoli ad Timotheum

    Ego enim iam delibor, et tempusresolutionis me instat. Bonum certamencertavi, cursum consummavi, fidem ser-vavi. In reliquo reposita est mihi coronaiustiti, quam reddet mihi Dominus inilla die iustus iudex: non solum autemmihi, sed et iis, qui diligunt adventumeius. Festina ad me venire cito. Dominusautem mihi astitit, et confortavit me, utper me prdicatio impleatur, et audiantomnes Gentes: et liberatus sum de ore

    Leonis. Liberavit me Dominus ab omniopere malo: et salvum faciet in regnumsuum cleste, cui gloria in sculasculorum. Amen.

    Verbum Dmini.

    Deo grtias.

    BACAAN KEDUA duduk

    Bacaan dari Surat KeduaRasul St. Paulus kepada Timotius

    Mengenai diriku, darahku sudah mulaidicurahkan sebagai persembahan dansaat kematianku sudah dekat. Aku telahmengakhiri pertandingan yang baik, akutelah mencapai garis akhir dan aku telahmemelihara iman. Sekarang telah tersediabagiku mahkota kebenaran yang akandikaruniakan kepadaku oleh Tuhan,Hakim yang adil, pada hari-Nya; tetapibukan hanya kepadaku, melainkan jugakepada semua orang yang merindukan

    kedatangan-Nya. Tetapi Tuhan telahmendampingi aku dan menguatkan aku,supaya dengan perantaraanku Injil dibe-ritakan dengan sepenuhnya dan semuaorang bukan Yahudi mendengarkannya.Dengan demikian aku lepas dari mulutsinga. Dan Tuhan akan melepaskan akudari setiap usaha yang jahat. Dia akanmenyelamatkan aku, sehingga aku masukke dalam Kerajaan-Nya di sorga. Bagi-

    Nyalah kemuliaan selama-lamanya!Amin.

    Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.

    Syukur kepada Allah.

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    ALLELUIA standing

    You are Peter, and upon this rock I willbuild my Church, and the gates of thenetherworld shall not prevail against it.

    GOSPEL standing

    The Lord be with you.

    And with your spirit.

    A reading from the holy Gospelaccording to Matthew,

    Glory to you, O Lord.

    When Jesus went into the region ofCaesarea Philippi he asked his disciples,"Who do people say that the Son of Manis?" They replied, "Some say John theBaptist, others Elijah, still othersJeremiah or one of the prophets." He saidto them, "But who do you say that I am?"Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the

    Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesussaid to him in reply, "Blessed are you,Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and bloodhas not revealed this to you, but myheavenly Father. And so I say to you, youare Peter, and upon this rock I will buildmy Church, and the gates of the nether-

    ALLELUIA stantes

    Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petramdificabo Ecclesiam meam, et portinferi non prvalebunt adversus eam.

    EVANGELIUM stantes

    Dminus vobscum.

    Et cum spritu tuo.

    Lctio sancti Evanglii secndumMatthum,

    Glria tibi, Dmine.

    Venit autem Iesus in partes CsarePhilippi: et interrogabat discipulos suos,dicens: Quem dicunt homines esseFilium hominis? At illi dixerunt: AliiIoannem Baptistam, alii autem Eliam, aliivero Ieremiam, aut unum ex prophetis.Dicit illis Iesus: Vos autem quem me essedicitis? Respondens Simon Petrus dixit:

    Tu es Christus, filius Dei vivi. Respon-dens autem Iesus, dixit ei: Beatus esSimon Bar Iona: quia caro, et sanguis nonrevelavit tibi, sed Pater meus, qui in clisest. Et ego dico tibi, quia tu es Petrus, etsuper hanc petram dificabo ecclesiammeam, et port inferi non prvalebunt

    ALLELUIA berdiri

    Engkau adalah Petrus dan di atas batukarang ini Aku akan mendirikan jemaat-Ku dan alam maut tidak akan mengua-sainya.

    BACAAN INJIL berdiri

    Tuhan bersamamu.

    Dan bersama rohmu.

    Inilah Injil Yesus Kristus menurutMatius,

    Dimuliakanlah Tuhan.

    Setelah Yesus tiba di daerah Kaisarea Fili-pi, Ia bertanya kepada murid-murid-Nya:"Kata orang, siapakah Anak Manusiaitu?" Jawab mereka: "Ada yang mengata-kan: Yohanes Pembaptis, ada juga yangmengatakan: Elia dan ada pula yang me-ngatakan: Yeremia atau salah seorang daripara nabi." Lalu Yesus bertanya kepada

    mereka: "Tetapi apa katamu, siapakahAku ini?" Maka jawab Simon Petrus:"Engkau adalah Mesias, Anak Allah yanghidup!" Kata Yesus kepadanya: "Berbaha-gialah engkau Simon bin Yunus sebabbukan manusia yang menyatakan itukepadamu, melainkan Bapa-Ku yang di

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    world shall not prevail against it. I willgive you the keys to the Kingdom ofheaven. Whatever you bind on earth shallbe bound in heaven; and whatever youloose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

    The Gospel of the Lord.

    Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

    HOMILY sitting


    I believe in one God,the Father almighty,maker of heaven and earth,of all things visible and invisible.

    I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the Only Begotten Son of God,born of the Father before all ages.God from God, Light from Light,true God from true God,begotten, not made, consubstantial withthe Father;through him all things were made.For us menand for our salvation

    adversus eam. Et tibi dabo claves regniclorum. Et quodcumque ligaveris superterram, erit ligatum et in clis: etquodcumque solveris super terram, eritsolutum et in clis.

    Verbum Dmini.

    Laus tibi, Christe.

    HOMILIA sedentes

    CREDO stantes

    Credo in unum Deum,Patrem omnipotntem,factrem cli et terr,visiblium mniumet invisiblium.Et in unum Dminum Iesum Christum,Flium Dei Unignitum,et ex Patre natum ante mnia scula.Deum de Deo, lumen de lmine,Deum verum de Deo vero,gnitum, non factum,consubstantilem Patri:per quem mnia facta sunt.Qui propter nos hmineset propter nostram saltem

    sorga. Dan Akupun berkata kepadamu:Engkau adalah Petrus dan di atas batukarang ini Aku akan mendirikan jemaat-Ku dan alam maut tidak akan menguasai-nya. Kepadamu akan Kuberikan kunciKerajaan Sorga. Apa yang kauikat didunia ini akan terikat di sorga dan apayang kaulepaskan di dunia ini akanterlepas di sorga."

    Demikianlah Injil Tuhan.

    Terpujilah Kristus.

    HOMILI duduk

    SYAHADAT berdiri

    Aku percaya akan satu Allah,Bapa yang mahakuasa,pencipta langit dan bumi,dan segala sesuatu yang kelihatandan tak kelihatan.Dan akan satu Tuhan Yesus Kristus,Putera Allah yang tunggal,ia lahir dari Bapa sebelum segala abad.Allah dari Allah, terang dari terang,Allah benar dari Allah benar,ia dilahirkan, bukan dijadikan,sehakikat dengan Bapa;segala sesuatu dijadikan oleh-Nya.Ia turun dari surgauntuk kita manusia

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    he came down from heaven.and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate ofthe Virgin Mary,and became man.For our sake he was crucified underPontius Pilate,he suffered death and was buried,

    and rose again on the third dayin accordance with the Scriptures,He ascended into heavenand is seated at the right hand of theFather.He will come again in gloryto judge the living and the deadand his kingdom will have no end.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit,the Lord, the giver of life,who proceeds from the Father and the Son.who with the Father and the Son isadored and glorified,who has spoken through the prophets.

    I believe in one, holy, catholic andapostolic Church.I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness

    of sins.and I look forward to the resurrection ofthe dead,and the life of the world to come.Amen.


    descndit de clis.Et incarntus est de Spritu Sanctoex Mara Vrgine,et homo factus est.Crucifxus tiam pro nobissub Pntio Pilto;passus et sepltus est,

    et resurrxit trtia die,secndum Scriptras,et ascndit in clum,sedet ad dxteram Patris.

    Et terum ventrus est cum glria,iudicre vivos et mrtuos,cuius regni non erit finis.

    Et in Spritum Sanctum,Dminum et vivificntem:qui ex Patre Filique procdit.Qui cum Patre et Filiosimul adortur et conglorifictur:qui loctus est per prophtas.

    Et unam, sanctam, cathlicam etapostlicam Ecclsiam.Confiteor unum baptsma

    in remissinem peccatrum.Et exspcto resurrectinem morturum,

    et vitam ventri sculi.Amen.


    dan untuk keselamatan kita.Ia dikandung dari Roh Kudusdilahirkan oleh Perawan Maria,dan menjadi manusia.Ia pun disalibkan untuk kitawaktu Pontius Pilatus;Ia menderita sampai wafat dandimakamkan,pada hari ketiga Ia bangkitmenurut Kitab Suci,Ia naik ke surga,duduk di sisi Bapa.

    Ia akan kembali dengan mulia,mengadili orang yang hidup dan yangmati, kerajaan-Nya takkan berakhir.

    Aku percaya akan Roh Kudus,Ia Tuhan yang menghidupkan;Ia berasal dari Bapa dan Putera.Yang serta Bapa dan Puteradisembah dan dimuliakan;Ia bersabda dengan perantaraan paranabi.Aku percaya akan Gereja yang satu,kudus, katolik, dan apostolik.Aku mengakui satu pembaptisan

    akan penghapusan dosa.Aku menantikan kebangkitan orang mati,

    dan hidup di akhirat.Amin.

    DOA UMAT berdiri

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    Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,for through your goodness we havereceived the bread we offer you: fruit ofthe earth and work of human hands, itwill become for us the bread of life.

    Blessed be God for ever.

    Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,for through your goodness we havereceived the wine we offer you: fruit ofthe vine and work of human hands, it

    will become our spiritual drink.

    Blessed be God for ever.

    Pray, brethren (brothers and sisters), thatmy sacrifice and yours may be acceptableto God, the almighty Father.

    standingMay the Lord accept the sacrifice at yourhands for the praise and glory of his name,for our good and the good of all his holyChurch.


    Benedctus es, Dmine, Deus univrsi,quia de tua largitte accpimus panem,quem tibi offrimus, fructum terr etperis mnuum hminum, ex quo nobisfiet panis vit.

    Benedctus Deus in scula.

    Benedctus es, Dmine, Deus univrsi,quia de tua largitte accpimus vinum,quod tibi offrimus, fructum vitis etperis mnuum hminum, ex quo nobis

    fiet potus spiritlis.

    Benedctus Deus in scula.

    Orte, fratres: ut meum ac vestrum sac-rifcium acceptbile fiat apud DeumPatrem omnipotntem.

    stantesSuscpiat Dminus sacrifcium de mnibustuis ad laudem et glriam nminis sui, adutilittem quoque nostram totisqueEcclsi su sanct.


    Terpujilah Engkau, ya Tuhan, Allah se-mesta alam, sebab dari kemurahan-Mukami menerima roti yang kami siapkanini. Inilah hasil dari bumi dan dari usahamanusia, yang bagi kami akan menjadiroti kehidupan.

    Terpujilah Allah selama-lamanya.

    Terpujilah Engkau, ya Tuhan, Allah se-mesta alam, sebab dari kemurahan-Mukami menerima anggur yang kami siap-kan ini. Inilah hasil dari pohon anggur

    dan dari usaha manusia, yang bagi kamiakan menjadi minuman rohani.

    Terpujilah Allah selama-lamanya.

    Berdoalah, Saudara-saudari, supaya per-sembahanku dan persembahanmu berke-nan pada Allah, Bapa yang mahakuasa.

    berdiriSemoga persembahan ini diterima demikemuliaan Tuhan dan keselamatan kitaserta seluruh umat Allah yang kudus.

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    May the prayer of the Apostles, O Lord,accompany the sacrificial gift that wepresent to your name for consecration,and may their intercession make usdevoted to you in celebration of thesacrifice. Through Christ our Lord.



    The Lord be with you.

    And with your spirit.

    Lift up your hearts.

    We lift them up to the Lord.

    Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

    It is right and just.


    Hstiam, Dmine, quam nmini tuoexhibmus sacrndam, apostlica pro-sequtur ortio, nosque tibi reddat insacrifcio celebrndo devtos. PerChristum Dminum nostrum.



    Dminus vobscum.

    Et cum spritu tuo.

    Sursum corda.

    Habmus ad Dminum.

    Grtias agmus

    Dmino Deo nostro.

    Dignum et iustum est.


    Ya Tuhan, semoga doa para rasul menyer-tai persembahan yang kami siapkanuntuk dikuduskan bagi nama-Mu, danmembuat kami layak untuk merayakankurban ini. Dengan pengantaraanKristus, Tuhan kami.



    Tuhan bersamamu.

    Dan bersama rohmu.

    Marilah mengarahkan hatikepada Tuhan.

    Sudah kami arahkan.

    Marilah bersyukur

    kepada Tuhan, Allah kita.

    Sudah layak dan sepantasnya.

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    It is truly right and just, our duty and oursalvation, always and everywhere to giveyou thanks, Lord, holy Father, almightyand eternal God. For by your providencethe blessed Apostles Peter and Paul bringus joy: Peter, foremost in confessing thefaith, Paul, its outstanding preacher,Peter, who established the early Churchfrom the remnant of Israel, Paul, masterand teacher of the Gentiles that you call.And so, each in a different way gatheredtogether the one family of Christ; andrevered together throughout the world,they share one Martyrs crown. Andtherefore, with all the Angels and Saints,we praise you, as without end we


    HOLY standing

    Holy, Holy, Holy LordGod of hosts.Heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.

    Blessed is he who comes in the name of theLord.Hosanna in the highest.

    kneeling/standing, not sitting

    Vere dignum et iustum est, quum etsalutre, nos tibi semper et ubque grtiasgere: Dmine, sancte Pater, omnpotenstrne Deus. Quia nos beti apstoliPetrus et Paulus tua dispositine ltfi-cant: hic princeps fdei confitnd, illeintellegnd clarus assrtor; hic relquiisIsrael insttuens Ecclsiam primitvam,ille magster et doctor gntium vocand-rum. Sic divrso conslio unam Christifamliam congregntes, par mundovenerbile, una corna socivit. Et deocum Sanctis et Angelis univrsis tecollaudmus, sine fine dicntes:

    SANCTUS stantes

    Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus DminusDeus Sabath.Pleni sunt cli et terra glria tua.Hosnna in exclsis.

    Benedctus qui venit in nmine Dmini.Hosnna in exclsis.

    genuflexi/stantes, non sedentes

    Sungguh layak dan sepantasnya, ya Bapayang kudus, Allah yang kekal dan kuasa,bahwa di mana pun juga kami senantiasabersyukur kepada-Mu. Sebab, RasulPetrus dan Paulus Kauperkenankanmenggembirakan hati kami: yang satumengantar kami kepada iman, yang lainsecara jitu membantu kami untukmemahaminya. Yang satu membangunGereja awal di antara orang Israel, yanglain menjadi guru dan pengajar bangsa-bangsa. Dengan cara yang berbedamereka menghimpun umat Kristusmenjadi satu, dan dengan hormat yangsama mereka dipadukan oleh mahkotasetara. Dari sebab itu bersama himpunan

    para kudus dan para malaikat kamimemuji Dikau dengan tak henti-hentinyaberseru:

    KUDUS berdiri

    Kudus, kudus, kuduslah TuhanAllah segala kuasa.Surga dan bumi penuh kemuliaan-Mu.Terpujilah Engkau di surga.

    Diberkatilah yang datang dalam namaTuhan.Terpujilah Engkau di surga.

    berlutut/berdiri, bukan duduk

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    To you, therefore, most merciful Father,we make humble prayer and petitionthrough Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord:that you accept and bless + these gifts,these offerings, these holy andunblemished sacrifices which we offeryou firstly for your holy catholic Church.Be pleased to grant her peace, to guard,unite and govern her throughout thewhole world, together with your servantBenedict, our Pope, and my brother N.,the Bishop of this Church, and me, yourunworthy servant, and all those who,holding to the truth, hand on the catholicand apostolic faith.

    Remember, Lord, your servants N. and N.and all gathered here, whose faith anddevotion are known to you. For them, weoffer you this sacrifice of praise or theyoffer it for themselves and all who aredear to them: for the redemption of theirsouls, in hope of health and well-being,and paying their homage to you, the

    eternal God, living and true.

    Te gitur, clementssime Pater, per IesumChristum, Flium tuum, Dminumnostrum, spplices rogmus ac ptimus,uti accpta hbeas et benedcas + hcdona, hc mnera, hc sancta sacrifciaillibta, in primis, qu tibi offrimus proEcclsia tua sancta cathlica: quampacificre, custodre, adunre et rgeredignris toto orbe terrrum: una cumfmulo tuo Papa nostro Benedicto etfratre meo N., Epscopo huius Ecclsi, etme indgno fmulo tuo, et mnibusorthodxis, atque cathlic et apostlicfdei cultribus.

    Memnto, Dmine, famulrum famu-larmque turum N. et N. et mniumcircumstntium, quorum tibi fidescgnita est et nota devtio, pro quibustibi offrimus: vel qui tibi fferunt hocsacrifcium laudis, pro se susque m-nibus: pro redemptine animrumsurum, pro spe saltis et incolumittis

    su: tibque reddunt vota sua trnoDeo, vivo et vero.

    Ya Bapa yang mahamurah, dengan ren-dah hati kami mohon demi Yesus Kristus,Putera-Mu, Tuhan kami: sudilah mene-rima dan memberkati + pemberian ini,persembahan ini, kurban kudus yang takbernoda ini. Kami mempersembahkan-nya kepada-Mu pertama-tama untukGereja-Mu yang kudus dan katolik.Semoga Engkau memberikan kepadanyadamai, perlindungan, persatuan, danbimbingan di seluruh dunia bersamahamba-Mu Paus kami Benediktus dansaudara saya N., Uskup Gereja ini, dansaya, hamba-Mu yang tidak layak ini,serta semua orang yang menjaga danmenumbuhkan iman katolik, sebagai-

    mana kami terima dari para rasul.

    Ingatlah, ya Tuhan, akan hamba-hamba-Mu N. dan N. yang meminta doa kami;dan semua orang yang berhimpun di sini,yang iman dan baktinya Engkau kenaldan Engkau maklumi; bagi mereka,kurban ini kami persembahkan kepada-Mu. Ingatlah juga akan mereka yangmempersembahkan kepada-Mu kurban

    pujian ini bagi dirinya sendiri dan bagikaum kerabatnya untuk penebusan jiwamereka, untuk keselamatan dan kesejah-teraan yang mereka harapkan dari-Mu, yaAllah yang benar, hidup, dan kekal.

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    In communion with those whose memorywe venerate, especially the glorious ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our God andLord, Jesus Christ and blessed Joseph,her Spouse, your blessed Apostles andMartyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, (James,John, Thomas, James, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Jude;Linus, Cletus, Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius,Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogonus, Johnand Paul, Cosmas and Damian) and allyour Saints; we ask that through theirmerits and prayers, in all things we maybe defended by your protecting help.

    Therefore, Lord, we pray: graciouslyaccept this oblation of our service, that ofyour whole family; order our days inyour peace, and command that we bedelivered from eternal damnation andcounted among the flock of those youhave chosen.

    Be pleased, O God, we pray, to bless,

    acknowledge, and approve this offeringin every respect; make it spiritual andacceptable, so that it may become for usthe Body and Blood of your most belovedSon, our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Communicntes, et memriam vene-rntes, in primis gloris semper Vr-ginis Mar, Genitrcis Dei et Domininostri Iesu Christi, sed et beti Ioseph,eisdem Vrginis Sponsi, et beatrumApostolrum ac Mrtyrum turum, Petriet Pauli, Andr, (Iacbi, Ionnis,Thom, Iacbi, Philppi, Bartholomi,Matthi, Simnis et Thaddi: Lini, Cleti,Clemntis, Xysti, Cornlii, Cyprini, Lau-rntii, Chrysgoni, Ionnis et Pauli,Cosm et Damini:) et mnium Sanc-trum turum; quorum mritis preci-bsque concdas, ut in mnibus pro-tectinis tu munimur auxlio.

    Hanc gitur oblatinem servittis nostr,sed et cunct famli tu, qusumus,Dmine, ut plactus accpias: disquenostros in tua pace dispnas, atque abtrna damnatine nos ripi, et inelectrum turum ibeas grege numerri.

    Quam oblatinem tu, Deus, in mnibus,

    qusumus, benedctam, adscrptam,ratam, rationbilem, acceptabilmquefcere dignris: ut nobis Corpus etSanguis fiat dilectssimi Flii tui, Dmininostri Iesu Christi.

    Dalam persatuan dengan seluruh Gereja,kami mengenang dan menghormati:terutama Santa Maria, tetap perawanmulia, Bunda Yesus Kristus, Tuhan danAllah kami, Santo Yusuf, suaminya, sertapara rasul dan para martir-Mu yang baha-gia, Petrus dan Paulus, Andreas, (Yako-bus dan Yohanes, Tomas, Yakobus danFilipus, Bartolomeus dan Matius, Simondan Tadeus: Linus, Kletus, Klemens danSikstus, Kornelius dan Siprianus,Laurensius dan Krisogonus, Yohanes danPaulus, Kosmas dan Damianus) dansemua orang kudus-Mu. Atas jasa dandoa mereka, lindungilah dan tolonglahkami dalam segala hal.

    Maka kami mohon, ya Tuhan, sudilahmenerima persembahan kami, hamba-hamba-Mu, dan persembahan seluruhkeluarga-Mu ini: bimbinglah jalan hidupkami dalam damai-Mu, luputkanlah kamidari hukuman kekal, dan terimalah kamidalam kawanan para pilihan-Mu..

    Ya Allah, kami mohon, sudilah member-

    kati dan menerima persembahan kami inisebagai persembahan yang sempurna,yang benar, dan yang berkenan pada-Mu,agar bagi kami menjadi Tubuh dan DarahPutera-Mu terkasih, Tuhan kami, YesusKristus.

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    On the day before he was to suffer, hetook bread in his holy and venerablehands, and with eyes raised to heaven toyou, O God, his almighty Father, givingyou thanks, he said the blessing, brokethe bread and gave it to his disciples,saying:


    In a similar way, when supper wasended, he took this precious chalice in

    his holy and venerable hands, and oncemore giving you thanks, he said theblessing and gave the chalice to hisdisciples, saying:



    Qui, prdie quam patertur, accpitpanem in sanctas ac venerbiles manussuas, et elevtis culis in clum ad teDeum Patrem suum omnipotntem, tibigrtias agens benedxit, fregit, dedtquediscpulis suis, dicens:


    Smili modo, postquam centum est,accpiens et hunc prclrum clicem in

    sanctas ac venerbiles manus suas, itemtibi grtias agens benedxit, dedtquediscpulis suis, dicens:




    Pada hari sebelum menderita Ia meng-ambil roti dengan tangan-Nya yang ku-dus dan mulia, dan sambil menengadahkepada-Mu, Allah Bapa-Nya yang maha-kuasa, Ia mengucap syukur dan memujiDikau, memecah-mecahkan roti itu, danmemberikannya kepada murid-murid-Nya seraya berkata:



    Demikian pula, sesudah perjamuan, Iamengambil piala yang luhur dengan

    tangan-Nya yang kudus dan mulia. Sekalilagi Ia mengucap syukur dan memujiDikau, lalu memberikan piala itu kepadamurid-murid-Nya seraya berkata:





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    The mystery of faith.

    We proclaim your Death, O Lord, andprofess your Resurrection until you comeagain.

    Therefore, O Lord, as we celebrate thememorial of the blessed Passion, theResurrection from the dead, and theglorious Ascension into heaven of Christ,your Son, our Lord, we, your servants andyour holy people, offer to your gloriousmajesty from the gifts that you havegiven us, this pure victim, this holyvictim, this spotless victim, the holyBread of eternal life and the Chalice of

    everlasting salvation.

    Be pleased to look upon these offeringswith a serene and kindly countenance,and to accept them, as once you werepleased to accept the gifts of your servantAbel the just, the sacrifice of Abraham,our father in faith, and the offering of

    your high priest Melchizedek, a holysacrifice, a spotless victim.

    In humble prayer we ask you, almightyGod: command that these gifts be borneby the hands of your holy Angel to your

    Mystrium fdei.

    Mortem tuam annuntimus, Dmine, ettuam resurrectinem confitmur, donecvnias.

    Unde et mmores, Dmine, nos servi tui,sed et plebs tua sancta, eisdem Christi,Flii tui, Dmini nostri, tam betpassinis, necnon et ab nferisresurrectinis, sed et in clos glorisascensinis: offrimus prclr maies-tti tu de tuis donis ac datis hstiampuram, hstiam sanctam, hstiam imma-cultam, Panem sanctum vit trn etClicem saltis perptu.

    Supra qu proptio ac serno vulturespcere dignris: et accpta habre,scuti accpta habre digntus es mneraperi tui iusti Abel, et sacrifciumPatrirch nostri Abrah, et quod tibibtulit summus sacrdos tuus Melchse-

    dech, sanctum sacrifcium, immacultamhstiam.

    Spplices te rogmus, omnpotens Deus:iube hc prferri per manus sanctiAngeli tui in sublme altre tuum, in

    Marilah menyatakan misteri iman kita.

    Wafat Kristus kita maklumkan, kebangki-tan-Nya kita muliakan, kedatangan-Nyakita rindukan.

    Oleh karena itu, ya Bapa, kami, hamba-Mu, dan juga umat-Mu yang kudus, me-ngenangkan Kristus, Putera-Mu, Tuhankami: penderitaan-Nya yang menyela-matkan, kebangkitan-Nya dari alammaut, dan juga kenaikan-Nya yang muliake surga. Dari anugerah-anugerah yangtelah Engkau berikan kepada kami, yaAllah yang mahamulia, kami memper-sembahkan kepada-Mu, kurban yang

    murni, kurban yang suci, kurban yang takbernoda, roti suci kehidupan abadi danpiala keselamatan kekal.

    Sudilah memandang persembahan inidengan hati yang rela dan wajah berseri;dan sudilah menerimanya seperti Engkauberkenan menerima persembahanhamba-Mu Habel, dan kurban leluhurkami Abraham, dan seperti Engkau

    berkenan menerima kurban suci dan takbernoda yang dipersembahkan kepada-Mu oleh Melkisedek, Iman Agung-Mu.

    Kami mohon kepada-Mu, ya Allah yangmahakuasa: utuslah malaikat-Mu yangkudus mengantar persembahan ini ke

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    altar on high in the sight of your divinemajesty, so that all of us, who throughthis participation at the altar receive themost holy Body and Blood of your Son,may be filled with every grace andheavenly blessing.

    Remember also, Lord, your servants N.and N., who have gone before us with thesign of faith and rest in the sleep ofpeace.

    Grant them, O Lord, we pray, and all whosleep in Christ, a place of refreshment,light and peace.

    To us, also, your servants, who, thoughsinners, hope in your abundant mercies,graciously grant some share andfellowship with your holy Apostles andMartyrs: with John the Baptist, Stephen,Matthias, Barnabas, (Ignatius, Alexander,Marcellinus, Peter, Felicity, Perpetua,Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia)

    and all your Saints; admit us, we beseechyou, into their company, not weighingour merits, but granting us your pardon.Through Christ our Lord.

    conspctu divn maiesttis tu; ut,quotquot ex hac altris participatinesacrosnctum Flii tui Corpus etSnguinem sumpsrimus, omnibenedictine clsti et grtia replemur.

    Memnto tiam, Dmine, famulrumfamularmque turum N. et N., qui nosprcessrunt cum signo fdei, etdrmiunt in somno pacis.

    Ipsis, Dmine, et mnibus in Christoquiescntibus, locum refrigrii, lucis etpacis, ut indlgeas, deprecmur.

    Nobis quoque peccatribus fmulis tuis,de multitdine miseratinum turumsperntibus, partem liquam etsociettem donre dignris cum tuissanctis Apstolis et Martribus: cumIonne, Stphano, Mattha, Brnaba,(Igntio, Alexndro, Marcellno, Petro,Felicitte, Perptua, Agatha, Lcia,

    Agnte, Cclia, Anastsia) et mnibusSanctis tuis: intra quorum nosconsrtium, non stimtor mriti, sedvni, qusumus, largtor admtte. PerChristum Dminum nostrum.

    altar-Mu yang luhur, ke hadapankeagungan ilahi-Mu, agar kami semuayang mengambil bagian dalam perja-muan ini, dengan menyambut Tubuh danDarah Putera-Mu, dipenuhi dengansegala berkat dan rahmat surgawi.

    Ingatlah juga, ya Tuhan, akan hamba-hamba-Mu N. dan N. yang telah men-dahului kami dengan meterai iman, danberistirahat dalam damai.

    Kami mohon kepada-Mu, ya Tuhan, per-kenankanlah mereka dan semua orangyang telah beristirahat dalam Kristusmendapatkan kebahagiaan, terang, dan

    damai.Perkenankanlah juga kami, hamba-ham-ba-Mu yang berdosa ini, yang berharapatas kerahiman-Mu yang melimpah,mengambil bagian dalam persekutuandengan para rasul dan para martir-Muyang kudus: dengan Yohanes Pembaptis,Stefanus, Matias dan Barnabas, (Ignasiusdan Aleksander, Marselinus dan Petrus,

    Felisitas dan Perpetua, Agata dan Lusia,Agnes, Sesilia, dan Anastasia) dan semuaorang kudus-Mu: perkenankanlah kamimenikmati kebahagiaan bersama mereka,bukan karena jasa-jasa kami, melainkankarena kelimpahan pengampunan-Mu.Demi Kristus, Tuhan kami.

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    Through whom you continue to make allthese good things, O Lord; you sanctifythem, fill them with life, bless them, andbestow them upon us.

    Through him, and with him, and in him,O God, almighty Father, in the unity ofthe Holy Spirit, all glory and honor isyours, for ever and ever.


    COMMUNION RITE standing

    At the Saviors command and formed bydivine teaching, we dare to say:

    Our Father, who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name;thy kingdom come,thy will be doneon earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,

    and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass againstus;and lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from evil.

    Per quem hc mnia, Dmine, semperbona creas, sanctficas, vivficas, bene-dcis, et prstas nobis.

    Per ipsum, et cum ipso, et in ipso, est tibiDeo Patri omnipotnti, in unitte SpritusSancti, omnis honor et glria per mniascula sculrum.



    Prcptis salutribus mniti, et divnainstitutine formti, audmus dcere:

    Pater noster, qui es in clis:sanctifictur nomen tuum;advniat regnum tuum;fiat volntas tua,sicut in clo, et in terra.Panem nostrum cotidinum da nobishdie;

    et dimtte nobis dbita nostra,sicut et nos dimttimusdebitribus nostris;et ne nos indcas in tentatinem;

    sed lbera nos a malo.

    Dengan pengantaraan Dia, Engkausenantiasa menciptakan, menguduskan,menghidupkan, memberkati, dan meng-anugerahkan segala yang baik kepadakami.

    Dengan pengantaraan Kristus, bersamaDia dan dalam Dia, bagi-Mu, Allah Bapayang mahakuasa, dalam persekutuandengan Roh Kudus, segala hormat dankemuliaan sepanjang segala masa.


    RITUS KOMUNI berdiri

    Atas petunjuk penyelamat kita danmenurut ajaran ilahi, maka beranilah kitaberdoa:Bapa kami, yang ada di surga:dimuliakanlah nama-Mu;datanglah kerajaan-Mu;jadilah kehendak-Mu,di atas bumi seperti di dalam surga.Berilah kami rejeki pada hari ini;

    dan ampunilah kesalahan kami,seperti kamipun mengampuniyang bersalah kepada kami;dan janganlah masukkan kamike dalam percobaan;tetapi bebaskanlah kami dari yang jahat.

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    Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from everyevil, graciously grant peace in our days,that, by the help of your mercy, we maybe always free from sin and safe from alldistress, as we await the blessed hopeand the coming of our Savior, JesusChrist.

    For the kingdom, the power and the gloryare yours now and for ever.

    Lord Jesus Christ, who said to yourApostles: Peace I leave you, my peace Igive you; look not on our sins, but on thefaith of your Church, and graciously

    grant her peace and unity in accordancewith your will. Who live and reign forever and ever.


    The peace of the Lord be with you


    And with your spirit.

    Lbera nos, qusumus, Dmine, abmnibus malis, da proptius pacem indibus nostris, ut, ope misericrdi tuaditi, et a peccto simus semper lberi, etab omni perturbatine secri: exspectn-tes betam spem et advntum Salvatrisnostri Iesu Christi.

    Quia tuum est regnum, et potstas, etglria in scula.

    Dmine Iesu Christe, qui dixsti Aps-tolis tuis: Pacem relnquo vobis, pacemmeam do vobis: ne respcias pecctanostra, sed fidem Ecclsi tu; emque

    secndum volunttem tuam pacificre etcoadunre dignris. Qui vivis et regnas inscula sculrum.


    Pax Dmini sit semper vobscum.

    Et cum spritu tuo.

    Ya Bapa, bebaskanlah kami dari segalayang jahat dan berilah kami damai-Mu.Kasihanilah dan bantulah kami supayaselalu bersih dari noda dosa dan terhin-dar dari segala gangguan, sehingga kamidapat hidup dengan tenteram, sambilmengharapkan kedatangan penyelamat

    kami, Yesus Kristus.

    Sebab Engkaulah raja yang mulia danberkuasa untuk selama-lamanya.

    Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Engkau telah ber-sabda kepada para rasul, Damai Kuting-galkan bagimu, damai-Ku Kuberikankepadamu. Jangan memperhitungkan

    dosa kami, tetapi perhatikanlah imanGereja-Mu, dan restuilah kami supayahidup bersatu dengan rukun sesuaidengan kehendak-Mu. Sebab Engkaulahpengantara kami kini dan sepanjangmasa.


    Damai Tuhan bersamamu.

    Dan bersama rohmu.

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    LAMB OF GOD kneeling/standing

    Lamb of God,you take away the sins of the world,have mercy on us.Lamb of God,you take away the sins of the world,

    have mercy on us.Lamb of God,you take away the sins of the world,grant us peace.

    Behold the Lamb of God, behold himwho takes away the sins of the world.Blessed are those called to the supper ofthe Lamb.

    Lord, I am not worthy that you shouldenter under my roof, but only say the wordand my soul shall be healed.

    COMMUNION kneeling/standing (comm.)sitting (after comm.)

    The Body of Christ. / The Blood of Christ.


    AGNUS DEI genuflexi/stantes

    Agnus Dei,qui tollis peccta mundi:miserre nobis.Agnus Dei,qui tollis peccta mundi:

    miserre nobis.Agnus Dei,qui tollis peccta mundi:dona nobis pacem.

    Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit pecctamundi. Beti qui ad cenam Agni voctisunt.

    Dmine, non sum dignus, ut intres subtctum meum, sed tantum dic verbo, etsanbitur nima mea.

    COMMUNIO genuflexi/stantes (communio)sedentes (post communio)

    Corpus Christi. / Sanguis Christi.


    ANAK DOMBA ALLAH berlutut/berdiri

    Anak Domba Allah,yang menghapus dosa dunia,kasihanilah kami.Anak Domba Allah,yang menghapus dosa dunia,

    kasihanilah kami.Anak Domba Allah,yang menghapus dosa dunia,berilah kami damai.

    Inilah Anak Domba Allah yang meng-hapus dosa dunia. Berbahagialah kitayang diundang ke perjamuan-Nya.

    Ya Tuhan, saya tidak pantas Engkaudatang pada saya, tetapi bersabdalah saja,maka saya akan sembuh.

    KOMUNI berlutut/berdiri (komuni)duduk (setelah komuni)

    Tubuh Kristus. / Darah Kristus.


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    PRAYER AFTER COMMUNIONXXX standingLet us pray.

    Grant us, O Lord, who have beenrenewed by this Sacrament, so to live inthe Church, that, persevering in the

    breaking of the Bread and in the teachingof the Apostles, we may be one heart andone soul, made steadfast in your love.Through Christ our Lord.



    Da nobis, Dmine, hoc sacramntorefctis, ita in Ecclsia conversri, ut,perseverntes in fractine panis Apos-

    tolormque doctrna, cor unum simus etnima una, tua caritte firmti. PerChristum Dminum nostrum.



    Marilah kita berdoa.

    Ya Tuhan, kami telah disegarkan dengansakramen ini. Bantulah kami untuk selalubertekun dalam pemecahan roti dan

    ajaran para rasul sehingga kami menjadisehati sejiwa dan diteguhkan dalamkasih. Dengan pengantaraan Kristus,Tuhan kami.


  • 7/31/2019 Order of Mass Sts. Peter & Paul




    ANNOUNCEMENT sitting

    DISMISSAL standing

    The Lord be with you.

    And with your spirit.

    Blessed be the name of the Lord.

    Now and for ever.

    Our help is in the name of the Lord.

    Who made heaven and earth.

    May almighty God bless you, the Father,+ and the Son, + and the Holy + Spirit.


    Go forth, the Mass is ended.

    Thanks be to God.


    ANNUNTIATUS sedentes

    DIMISIO stantes

    Dminus vobscum.

    Et cum spritu tuo.

    Sit nomen Dmini benedctum.

    Ex hoc nunc et usque in sculum.

    Adiutrium nostrumin nmine Dmini.

    Qui fecit clum et terram.

    Benedcat vos omnpotens Deus, Pater, +et Flius, + et Spritus + Sanctus.


    Ite, missa est.

    Deo grtias.


    PENGUMUMAN duduk

    PENGUTUSAN berdiri

    Tuhan bersamamu.

    Dan bersama rohmu.

    Dimuliakanlah nama Tuhan.

    Kini dan sepanjang masa.

    Pertolongan kita dalam nama Tuhan.

    Yang menjadikan langit dan bumi.

    Semoga Saudara sekalian diberkati olehAllah yang mahakuasa, Bapa, + danPutera,+ dan Roh + Kudus.


    Saudara sekalian, Perayaan Ekaristi

    sudah selesai.

    Syukur kepada Allah.

    Marilah pergi! Kita diutus.


  • 7/31/2019 Order of Mass Sts. Peter & Paul

