osha questions and answers


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1. "Just tell me what I have to do to stay out of trouble" best reflects which safety imperative?

Your answer: c. Moral imperative Book answer: b. Legal imperative - the least effective strategy.

2. Management commitment can be obtained most effectively by:

Your answer: b. Threatening to complain to OSHA Book answer: c. Providing useful information - effectively educate up to affects management attitude and behavior towards safety. Help top management understand the bottom-line benefits (consequences).

3. Which service provider(s)might assist in your effort to obtain management commitment.

Your answer: b. OSHA consultants Book answer: d. any of the above - remember the more you talk with your service providers, the less you need to worry about the outcome of OSHA inspections.

4. Safety is primarily the responsibility of the safety director and/or the safety committee.

5. Commitment requires investing time and money into what we support.

Your answer: a. True Book answer: a. True. Yes, if we say we support safety, yet do not invest time and money to achieve safety objectives, we are mouthing moral support, but not a real commitment.



6. According to the text, being held "accountable" may be defined as being able to give the right answers to any questions that might be asked.

Your answer: a. true Book answer: b. false - Being held "accountable" means that (1) a person's performance is measured against standards and (2) consequences are applied based on the success of that performance.

7. One of the important responsibilities of a supervisor or manager is to make sure safety is considered when purchasing materials, equipment, and tools for employees?

8. According to the text, which of the following is not a question a manager should ask first before considering discipline?

Your answer: d. Have I provided adequate discipline? Book answer: d. Have I provided adequate discipline? That's a question that would be asked after disciplining the employee. Remember, you know discipline has been effective if, and only if, it has changed behavior in the desired direction.

9. You are a supervisor and you have just noticed an employee driving a forklift at a dangerous speed in the warehouse. Today is his first day at work. Of the five questions you should ask yourself to determine if discipline is appropriate, which one is most likely going to be answered "no"?

Your answer: b. Have I provided appropriate safety training? Book answer: b. Have I provided appropriate safety training? This is probably a training issue because it's the employees first day at work.

10. According to the text, to build a high level of trust between management and labor, accountability must be:

Your answer: a. reviewed by the safety committee Book answer: c. applied consistently at all levels of the organization. To build a high level of trust between management and labor, accountability must be: applied

consistently at all levels of the organization up and down, and across functions. Every supervisor and manager must be held accountable in the same fair manner consistent with

11. Mugs, jackets, safety bucks, pizza parties, certificates, and bonuses are all examples of...

Your answer: b. tangible rewards Book answer: b. tangible rewards. If you can touch, taste, see, hear, or otherwise sense it, it's probably a reward representing a token of your appreciation.

12. Which of the following is a behavior typically rewarded in a reactive safety incentive program?

Your answer: b. reporting injuries Book answer: c. withholding injury reports. In reactive incentive programs, behaviors that occur AFTER an injury are rewarded. Withholding an injury report is a behavior that will occur if the positive rewards (money, jackets, etc.) of not reporting or the negative consequences (peer pressure, termination) of reporting are perceived as significant.

13. To be successful, recognition programs must:

Your answer: d. always recognize accident records Book answer: a. fit the unique culture of the organization. There are many different types of safety recognition program strategies used and promoted these days. Of course, some are more effective than others, but there is certainly no one-fits-all program available today. To be successful, the recognition program must fit the unique culture of the organization.

14. All of the following are behaviors mandated by OSHA law except:

Your answer: d. making suggestions Book answer: d. making suggestions. OSHA requires employees to report hazards, injuries, to comply with safety rules, and to warn other employees. Making suggestions is a voluntary activity that should be encouraged and recognized if they add value.

15. Which of the following is not a proactive behavior that helps prevent or minimize the negative impact of injuries and illnesses in the workplace?

Your answer: b. withholding injury reports Book answer: b. withholding injury reports. Behaviors that occur after an injury or illness are generally reactive, not proactive.

17. Which communication level has the greatest impact on the receiver?

Your answer: d. Relationship Level Book answer: d. Relationship Level. The relationship level communicates the emotional content, establishes the relationship between the sender and receiver, has greater impact on the receiver because it is believed above the content level.

18. According to the text, this behavior probably sends the most negative message to another person:

Your answer: c. ignoring Book answer: c. ignoring. It sends the relationship message that the employee is so unimportant as to not exist. The worst possible message anyone can send.

19. What was given as the "tip" for improving your work relationship with co-workers?

Your answer: a. always say "hi" first Book answer: a. always say "hi" first. Here's a tip. If you want to have better working relationships with co-workers, always be the first do say "hi" when you first meet them for the day. Always be first. It sends a positive message.

20. According to the text, if your suggestion box is continually empty, the most likely problem is:

Your answer: d. failure to thank employees in a timely manner Book answer: d. failure to thank employees in a timely manner. If the program is failing, it means that those managing the program are not communicating well on the relationship level. They're not thanking employees in a timely manner for making suggestions. Program managers may be perceived as ignoring employees who make suggestions

21. Unsafe ________ account for only about 3 percent of all workplace accidents.

Your answer: b. conditions Book answer: b. conditions. Unsafe practices or behaviors account for up to 95 percent of all accidents. That's where the focus needs to be.

22.Which cause category is ultimately most responsible for accidents in the workplace?

Your answer: b. unsafe behaviors Book answer: c. managment system weaknesses. They pre-exist and allow conditions and practices.

Your answer: d. people Book answer: c. energy., Materials, Equipment, Environment, People

24. What is a major weakness of the walkaround inspection?

Your answer: b. it looks only at conditions Book answer: b. it looks only at conditions. The walkaround safety inspection is ineffective in uncovering unsafe work practices because most inspectors look primarily at hazardous conditions and do not take enough time to effectively analyze individual task procedures.

25. What system weaknesses might explain an unsafe behavior?

Your answer: d. any of the above Book answer: d. any of the above (of course). Supervisors may not be adequately overseeing work. Employees may not be trained. Supervisors may not be holding employees accountable.

26. According to the text, OSHA investigates to determine _______ but to be most effective we need to analyze accidents to fix the _________.

Your answer: a. surface causes, root causes Book answer: b. blame, system. According to the text, OSHA investigates to fix the blame, but to be most effective we need to analyze accidents to fix the system.

27. Methods for gathering information for an accident investigation include all of the following, except:

Your answer: c. determining level of discipline Book answer: c. determining level of discipline. Initial statements, interviews, photos, sketches, videotape, various records, various reports, observations, etc. All of these argue strongly for a team approach to accident analysis.

28. Once the sequence of events has been developed, what is the next step in the accident analysis process?

Your answer: d. write the report Book answer: a. surface cause analysis. Analyze each event to determine specific surface causes. Surface causes might be hazardous conditions that existed or was produced. They might also be unsafe or inappropriate behaviors that occurred.

29. Which cause category has the greatest impact on eliminating future accidents?

Your answer: b. root causes Book answer: b. root causes. Underlying system weaknesses that indirectly produce the primary and secondary surface causes leading to the accident incident/accident. The system weaknesses always exist prior to the surface causes that produced the accident. They are the programs, policies, plans, processes, and procedures in any of the seven elements or activity areas in a safety management system.

30. Which of the following controls eliminates or reduces the hazard, itself?

Your answer: d. personal protective equipment Book answer: a. engineering controls. This is the only control strategy that actually eliminates the hazard, itself. The other strategies attempt to eliminate or reduce exposure to the hazard.

31. Safety education must tell __________ and safety training primarily tells ____________:

Your answer: d. why, how Book answer: d. why, how. Safety education and training go hand-in-hand. You can't have training without the educational component. If we don't know the why, the how won't matter.

32. You're a supervisor. You implement changes, but they usually fail. The most likely reason is that:

Your answer: a. you're failing to train Book answer: d. you're failing to educate. If your company attempts to institute change in any part of the safety and health program (or any other program), the effort will fail if the company only trains people how to change without educating in such a way that not only informs, but also motivates and persuades workers that the change is necessary and in everyone's' best interest.

33. According to the text, what is probably the best and most common method to train specific safety procedures?

Your answer: b. show and tell Book answer: b. show and tell. Safety education and training doesn't have to be difficult or expensive: it's not rocket science. So, what is probably the best and most common method to train specific safety procedures? Show and tell.

34. In the six-step OJT procedure, this component helps make sure the new employee does not get injured performing a step in the task being learned:

Your answer: a. explain the step Book answer: c. get permission. If you leave this out, a new employee may try to impress the trainer by completing a hazardous step quickly and get injured before the trainer can stop the employee.

35. All of the following are necessary to adequately document training, except:

Your answer: b. certification of knowledge and skills Book answer: d. test scores. Adequate safety training documentation should include at least:

36. Quality safety in the workplace may be thought of as one aspect of _____ free performance?

Your answer: a. quality Book answer: c. error-free performance. Accidents are usually due to variation in procedures and behaviors. They are, and should be, considered errors that introduce wasted steps in a process.

37. This person is considered by most to be the father of Total Quality Safety Management:

Your answer: c. W. Edwards Deming Book answer: c. W. Edwards Deming. Dr. W. Edwards Deming is considered by most to be the father of Total Quality Safety Management. He was probably more responsible than any other person for Japan's meteoric rise in manufacturing.

38. According to the text, safety can never be understood or properly appreciated if the _____________ view is taken by management:

Your answer: c. driving out fear in the workplace Book answer: c. driving out fear in the workplace. Point number 8 - Driving out fear is the beginning of the TQSM process. Fear is the destroyer of any continuous improvement process. Effective safety systems cannot exist in a fear-driven organizational culture.

39. According to Deming, this is the most important requirement when implementing a Total Quality Safety Management process:

Your answer: c. driving out fear in the workplace Book answer: c. driving out fear in the workplace. Point number 8 - Driving out fear is the beginning of the TQSM process. Fear is the destroyer of any continuous improvement process. Effective safety systems cannot exist in a fear-driven organizational culture.

40. The primary idea behind Total Quality Safety Management is that improvement should occur _____:

Your answer: a. continually Book answer: a. continually. Absolutely. Continual improvement means safety professionals are always working to improve safety in a proactive way to anticipate and prevent injuries. They are not waiting around until annual trailing indicators tell them they need to make an improvement.

Your answer: c. W. Edwards Deming Book answer: c. W. Edwards Deming. Dr. W. Edwards Deming is considered by most to be the father of Total Quality Safety Management. He was probably more responsible than any other person for Japan's meteoric rise in manufacturing.

Your answer: a. quality Book answer: c. error-free performance. Accidents are usually due to variation in procedures and behaviors. They are, and should be, considered errors that introduce wasted steps in a process.
