OUH H Yt-AH oso - Lincoln County, New...


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OUH 5 4i H Yt-AH

oso R U I D () S (), NEW MEXICC) • WEDNESDAY, N C) v. 2 9' 2000

50 CENl"S

~~~UE NO. 54 • 22 PAGES www.ruidosone\\'S corn

. • . itc. ""' • il ~

A\) nature and people slowly change the

landscape, Hollis Fuchs

documents the work with his collection of

photographs depicting Lincoln County

D1anne Stalhngs/Rwdoso News

Standing in the same spot where photographer R.T. H1ll stood in 1899, Holl1s Fuchs can compare the changes in veg­etation 1n the area east of Vera Cruz Mountain.


BY DIANNE STA.LLIN(;S 1<1 ti>0.\0 1\il\t'.\ HAlf 1:(7</T/.R

Standing on the road outside of Nogal, little bits of Lincoln County's colorful history flow from Hollis Fuchs in a steady, but un­hurried, stream.

Although he admits to not being much of a history buff, lw's collected stories of family ranch­es, road building and natural cbs­asters whilt> searching the county to match up prC'sPnt day viPws with pho-

"lt' . .., amazing t h <: good con­e! It I ( Jll \\"C find the Lind 1n t< >da\' ··

\ lHl\l'l\.lil! !Ill\(

tographs shot ~---------

from 1868 to the Parly 1900s.

The history of human and nat­ural activity on tracts of land are keys to understanding the changes that occurred in vegetation OVC'r the last 150 years, he smd.

folks caring for the land. "Early on, thl' land policies of

the govprnment encouraged abuse, encouraged farmmg of land that should never have be<>n planted. For the last 65 years, we've seen dramatic impro~emcnt in range conditions."

He crPdits his friend Carlton Bntton, a professor of range sci­ence at TI•xns TPch University, for start1ng him on a quest to rnatch up old views wtth new. Britton grew up on tlw old Block Hanch north of Capitan and knew of Fuc-hs' IlllPrPst 111 plant cornn1UllJ­tiPs.

TllP mtf•rest either spurred Fuchs' can•t•r choiCe or was a by­product oftlw Lmcoln County-born Fuc·hs becommg a soil conserva­tionist and more ren·ntly South­east Fif'ld TPam Lender for tlw U.S. Departnwnt of Agricultun>s Natural Resources Conservatwn Service, based in Carrizozo.

Britton showPd his friend an old U.S Geological SurvPy photo-

"It's amazing, the good condi­tion we find the land m today,~ he said. "We know it's a dtrf'ct rPsult of '-'l'l' \1EW p.tgc 2:\


An area east of Vera Cruz Moun tam photographed 1n 1899. top. expenenced an 1nvas1on of JUnipers 1n the last I 00 years

County's supply of flu vaccine remains short Shots hcing given only to people 6') and older or those \Vith chn )J1ic hl'alth probletns

HY DIANN!'-. STAIIJN(;~ 1-!ljl_!_ll~t_l_"-'_IW_~ \"lAir U'R/11 R __ _

Although somP physiciAns in Lincoln Coun­ty and the public lwnlth (kpartment n·n·tv<•d shtpnwnL'i of the flu vaccinP this past week, suppliPs are tight.

;\ spokPswoman for tlw health department's Ruirlo~o office said onlv 200 vaccine dosps w<•rp recPiw•d Rnd ahout ha.lf rPntairwd Monday, hut arP lwmg gwPn only to pPop!P 6S or oldPr and those with chrontc health conditions such as asthma.

"BpcausP WP h1}vP such ltmttJ•d supply nnd don't know wlwn wp'\1 gpt morP, pPoplP hav<' hPPn comrnp; 1!1 morP by word of mouth thrm nnything," shP said.

"WP'll giVf' them as long ns W(' have any kfl,

hut I can't guarantPP nnyonP." New Mexico IS fncing a 70 pPrcPnt shor1ag£>

in its V! Acine ordPrs, nccord111g to tlw ofTin• of US. Sen. Pete Domcnin, H-N.M.

Last week, the srnator urged the stntp's pn­mary distributor of the V.ICC'II1P to spcPd up dP­lJvencs. In a lPtter to .John Stafford, chief I'X<'<'­

ut ive officer of the Nf'w ,Jprsev-I><!Sf'd Wyeth-1\v­l'rst Lahorator·ips, Dornenici. undPrscc;rPd t 1;<. urgpnt. Ilf'Pd for- limPly flu VCIC<'inf' rklLverics. II(' point.ni out that df'livPnes are months lwhind schPduiP nnd posf' a significant risk t.o tfw statp's largP PlciPrly popuiRtLOn.

Flu s<'ason 111 Nf'w MPxico usually stnrts 1war tlw Pnd of [)pcf'tnb{'r and to rwhiPVP tlw nWXJIIHllll hPJIP!it, an utdivJdunl must rPcPiVP the vaccmP m n tinwly marHH'r. h<> wrntP. li<>Rlth carP prm·Idf'rs .usually n•cPiVf' tlwir

shiJmH·nt.s t()\\'ilrd thf' f'IHI of;\ugust and thf' he­gulning of ~~·p11'lllhPr.

''I loWI'\'1' r. a,.; of todny. t lw,.;p prm.·IdPrs have only rc·c<•Jvr·d ah()u t :m p<'lTPnt of tlwir rf'quPst­Pd vaccirw ordPrt-:," J)onwnici wrotP. "Cons£>­quPntly, NPw \11'XIco IS facing a nitical short­agP of vaccinl' a,.; t lw flu sC'nson nppronch<>s."

I k smd sonw n•ports incllcate not Pnough vnccirw >viii I)(' available for tlw at-risk popula­tion.

"Addltwnallv, tlw rural nature ofNPw MC'x­ICO makr>s t IH' ·t I nw I v de livcrv of th<· vaccine pn•n mor(' impr'i'iltiv;. to Pnsu~P adPquatP tinw for distnhution," tlw sf'nator wrot.P.

\Vyct h-Ayl'rst. supplies about RO percent of the \'nccinP usPd h_v the :-;tntc I kpilrtment of llPalth nnd tlw Pn•sbvtf'rian, Lm.:Pl;wP and St. .Joseph's lwalth carP s~·stf'ms.

Changing the rules

Proposed revisions to county subdivision regs up for review


Proposed changes to Lincoln Cow1ty subdivi­sion regulations that would impose requirements for conununit~ water systems and standards for private roads will be r-eviewed during a special county commission meeting Thursday.

Other items on the agenda include a request from County Manager, 'Ibm Stewart to consider asking for management proposals for two health clinics in the county, a road improvement plan for Palo Verde Slopes subdivision and a forest road co­operative agreement.

Advocates of conducting more commission meetings in Ruidoso say they hope to see a big crowd at the meeting to show county officials the community is interested.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m., in the Rui­do~o Convention Center.

County Attorney Alan Morel prepared pro­posed subdivision rule changes based on previous discussions by commissioners and recommenda­tions from the county planning commission. The county has no zoning, except in a one-mile radius around tlw village of Ruidoso, which is governed by two extra-territorial zoning boards composed of representatives of the village and the county.

Changes under consideration include: • That anyone who wants to split a lot or re­

subdivide a previously approved subdivision with­in seven years of the approval of the previous sub­division must provide a community water system for the Pntire subdivision.

Commissioners and county planner Patsy Sanchez say they're alarmed over the number of subsequent lot splits that have occurred and the

Se~ COUNTY, p;tge 2A

Valor to upgrade Ruidoso's plant llY j.I\MI-~ KAIVI LA<;! II! 1/)1 J\1 I .'<.:I \1"1 \/-\II I:("R/11 II

Valor Telpcommunications will need to replace th(' Ruidoso an•a's physical phone plant in its en­tirety, a top company official said Tuesday.

Duffy Swan, Valor's vice president of govern­mental relations, told the Ruidoso village council there have been problems since taking over phone lines from GTE on Sept. 1.

"We were 90 percent aware of the conditions," Swan said. "But there were more surprises with thP community of Ruidoso. You have a lacking physical plant."

As an example, Swan said, if village hall want­ed another phone hne, someone in the immediate neighborhood would have to call to disconnect ser­vice thP night beforP. Other sections of the Ruidoso area also have no additional capacity.

Some v1llage counc·J!ors said they've fielded complaints of poor response to phone servicf' re­quests, hut Swan said Valor has hired 200 rww employees to add to the 85 statewide employPes acquired through the GTE purchase.

"Oftlw ~00-plus \Ve hired the majority havC' no tPIPcommunications f'xperience," Swan said. "Tiwt has crPnteci some of the issues."

A'ikPd by Councilor Bill Chance about threC'- to four-week delnys for rww service orders, the Valor officinl said Huidoso is now down to a two-dHV wail for standard nC'w service and 24 hours for reimrrs.

"From -..vhat I've SPPn the last three wPPk:-., if WP stay with tlwse trends, we'll see custonwrs dealtng with us in a more nonnal way," Swan said.

Swan admitted Valor is under the gun to reach standards promised to state rPgulators beginning April 1, 2000. Failing to meet the standards that wPre included in plans that sought state approval oftlw pure hasp of GTE lines and <>quipment could rPsull in rPbates to phone custonlf'rs.

.... INDEX

Fduc.11 1011 . .4B Ormmn . { ln~d1cd~ XB Rc.1l c~t.Hc

At\ }m


C~ol_lcgc . rcgtstratton now the easy part


Mescalero Chiefs tn tss 1 n season openers


Mostly sunny today

{ :ro~'> word . 1 OH Sport'> .IB [ .cttcr'> ... . .4A 'IV ltsu ngs .J(

( )hnuaru:; .6A Wc·.Hhcr 2A PAGE 48 PAGE lB PAGE 2A

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2A WEDNE.'if>AV, Nov. 29, .WOO

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Uttle mules and donkeys hauled the ore.

1118 SCJM!'~QQK __

A glimpse into Lincoln ( 'ounty's past, compiled from local nf?w::>papers by Polly E. Cha"I.'PZ.

White Oaks Eagte November 29, 1900

Bert Rowland has received his conmllssion as postmaster at Capitan and now the last vesti­

-agE' of thP original village Gra~ has passed into history.

.John A. Haley, superinten­dent of schools, this week signNl bonds to the amount of

$12.000 for the building of a public school hous(•.

W. C. McDonald drove about 700 head of cows to Roswell a fpw dAys ago, from which place he shipped to Kansas City.

John W. Chven, Robt. Tay­lor and others arP in the mountains looking for a Thanksgiving turkey.

Robt. Leslie WPnt to Roswell with morf:' 010 Abe coal, for which he gpt~-; $12.00 per ton, delivered to Roswell blacksmiths.

RUIDOSO NEWS Mailing Address: P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso, NM 88155

Phone: (505) 257-4001 Fax: (505) 257-7051 e-mail: ruidosonews@zianet.com


Brad L. Treptow EKt 3


KeothG,..., Ed 19

G"'a Booty f ~• l

KNf't> Pay10<1 E~t 6

Hoke Hadn..op. ~-• 24

Ed""''"' Advo•e• C"tul<>t'on M"""J~t

otf><r MonqN

Cynth'" TayiO>. E><t I I Prodv<INln Mon"f•'

!>andy Sugzm. E><t IS Eoi><.ouon Vttmonm fdllo>

lJsll Ho,..,le•. E~• 10 ~~•t•s•ng Mtln"f"'

Michael Scanlon EJ<t. 18


O,anne 5-tallongs. ~><T. 22 Countr g<J•"• Ref>o>t<>t

JaniS McWoUoams. EKI I 3 Mttoltoom St.¢lo!tv~lc•

Londo Wol•on. E><t 8 C/an>(ied A<eOLHII &ec

L"'da Wallace. ~><t 9 Soles Aaaunt &ec

J.>me• Kalv"'"'!e. E"" 21 V!llttfl' p"t/Bu'""'" Reporter

K;>ren Boehler. E"" S Sports £duor

Angel Gomales. E>« 6

Jad:w Bryant. lnH·rt.o-r. Laura X.wnz. fnflf"IV'r. St.,lla f((>fTI.>m. fniK'rt.f'"r. A!yc ... Mont.f>. lniK'rk'r, Ikhrn SrhwrrtfaRf'r. lmwrt.o-r, ii"Mll" Jl"su~. lnllt'l"l.er; Nril (;irmrd. Rout.f' DriVPr, Judri Shalkhau,.,..r. Houtf' Dnw·r. Di.nnr On-million. Production Assi"­tant; (...aura F'lynn. Pn.-lu<"t mn AAAJl!Liml. FranCJ BPrg..nrr. Production Assi~W.nt

Subsenpt.ion raWs m arh:anc£> ~~1ngl•• copy. 500' Mllil dPhvrry: singlf• copy. $2 fiO; ln Lincoln anri Ot.Pm cnuntws· onr yf'ar. $."H. six months. $20; lhll'f' month~;. $14 Out ofJ..incoln aru:l C }U•rr, oo\lnl!PS om• VN•r. $4.l, Rtx months, $27, thn•P mnnth11. $21 Hmnt- dPiiVPry. thn'f' months. $20, s1x month ... $.lH, onP yPIIr, $1'.S Call 150.'i! 257·4001 forhomt' dPIIVf'l")"

The RwdiJSONf'ws fliSI.>JlS 472-ROOJ !A puhhMwd Pach W..dnf'flday and Fn<lay at 104 Park Avenue, Ruidm•o. NM HR:J45 SR;omd clm111 JXlfit.Rgl> prud at thl" Pm;t ( )ffic:p

at Ruidoso. NM 8834.'i P05tmastrr ~nd addw~<S changPR to t.J-w Rwdu~YI NPtl"><. 1'0. Box 128, Ruidoso. NM BR.155

The RuidotKJ NPW& n»w-rv .. s thE' nfl:ht to rE"jf'("t ~ulVPrtising flJld <'d1t copy that it oonllldel'll oqjectionabiP Lmb1ht.Y for any rrrnr m ru:IVPrt.illing 11hall not .. ~ thr

llltJtl a( the Bctual 8pllC(" in wh1ch lhP rrmr occurs and sha.U hP sat11diPd hy con"E'C· don Jn tbf' n~ iesue. No portion or tho> Rmdm~n NPWH may lw lJS('(j in any manner wtt.hout the ~. wntten OOillK'nt of thP puhli11hPr. Thl" RwdnRt> N""'" lfl pub­llllhNI hy Wor}d'We!lt [..United Liability Company

Member of the New MeJdco Prell8 .Association Afeml-' of Inland Pl'ell8 Anoc:iation, NNA

Copyright 2000



Waste collection gear gives agency headaches BY DIANNE STALLINGS Rl!ll>OSO NI':W~ .S"J"AH" WRJTF.JI:

In a three-day period about the time a storm dropped 24 inches of snow on the county, one engine and two transmis­sions blew on garbage collec­tion equipment of the Lincoln County Solid Waste Authority.

last week on the staff's scram­ble to collect garbage from dumpsters and polycarts by hand, using pick up trucks and anything else that would move.

"We don't have any spares."

Rkk Simpson, \'\{isle amhorit}' ~encn1l manager

end of the day, but would be there the ·next morning ready to go."

Eneugh equipment is run­ning again to handle ·i-egular collection, he said, but added, "We don't have any spares. We got a rebuilt transmission for a side loader and it died after three hours. It was just a bad transmission."

General manager Rick Simpson reported to his board

"Of course, our new collec­tion truck was in Albuquerque getting warranty work done," Simpson· said Friday. "We ended up using all hands div­~ng into garbage _head first. We

had three crews out with pick­ups doing the polycarts. I don't think people realized we even had a problem. ·

. ""I have to brag on our crew. They"d come in dragging at the

VIEW: Photos show how nature, people have changed Lincoln C_punty Cuminucd frum JXIge lA

graph and a new photo of the same view. That was the catalyst that started his side line in 1991. Since then Fuchs has collect-. ed several binders of photographs from the USGS, individuals, families and groups. ~ .

Members of the Carrizozo Soil and Water Conservation District board real­izffi the importance of the comparisons and have undervvritt.en the cost-of the film and processing for a future publication. However, Fuchs searches for the locations on his own time.

Sometimes, it takes years and pl~nty of help. A few views he still hasn't identi­fied:

SGlme of the comparisons, such as the one from the hill overlooking Nogal and Vera Cruz Mountain, show the encroach­ment of junipers and other woody plants. Others illustrated an improved range with grasses instead of cactus and scrub.

1b me the thing in seeking out old sites is that you have to develop a mind­set," he said. "We tend to think of the past in terms of the way they are now and our life experiences and we have to lose that to understand the past. .

"Now Ruidoso is the population center, but that's a very recent development. Areas like V\-'hite Oaks, Carrizozo, Nogal and Hondo were far more important than

Ruidoso. The only place that appeared on maps showing Texas and half ofNew Mex­ico in 1845 was Carrizo· Springs, which is north of present day Carrizozo. It was an extremely important watering hole then."

Fuchs shares his comparison photos through presentations to groups such as the Lincoln Cormty Histolical Society. Word of mouth often results in someone coming up with a new photo. Johnson Ste.arns, a local historian involved in Car­rizozo and Nogal government .and real es­tate, heard of Fuchs' interest and loaned him several to copy,· ·

"I showed a: display at the Lincoln County Fair years ago, and an individual recognized one as a photo ofhis fa.mily"s old homestead," Fuchs said. "He wanted a copy and we did an exchange for photos he had.

"In virtually all but one case·out oflOO retakes, there have been significant in­creases in woodY vegetation and that's even at the lowest elevation, although not as much change in the desert. Our work primarily is to help land users solve con­servation, erosion and land use problems. 'Ib know where we need to go, it's impor­tant to know where we've been. There are a lot of biological questions to wh.ich any serious person interested in managing the land needs to know the answers. Is it bet­ter to spend money to fix the problem or back off and let nature take its course?''

From his personal observation, Fuchs

sees the disappearance of meadows whe:re big game congregated.to graze· on tall grass and the views were open. Trees and brush have replaced the:m, he said.

"The cause is not just fire suppression, although it has contributed," he said. · ·

In the past, wHd fires or fires set by Mescalero Apache to flush out game knocked doWn junipers, cacti and swept through grasses that quickly sprang back ..

Unchecked by fire, the natural pro­gression ofvegetatiori succession goes from annual grasses and forbs· (herbs) to peren­nial grasses and forbs to hardwood and shrub oak to evergreen.

"Fire causes that progression to shift. back," Fuchs said, adding that fire scarred tree material in Ruidoso from the pre-set­tlement period shows fires occun-ed every . six to seven years.

~ile some people considered Sreas with many trees more attractive, woody plants tend to suck up more underground: water and with their canopies prevent rain· and snow from hitting the forest floor. Both result is less recharge of the underground: water supply, Fuchs explained. .

That scenario was illustrated this year. after fires bumed more than 8,000 acres of' forest near Ruidoso and long-dormant springs began bubbling out of the ground. again, he said. .

'Ib contact Fuchs about a presentation or to allow him to copy old photographs, call 505·648·294L

COUNTY: Commission to review proposed changes to subdivision rules Continued from page lA

future effect on county water resources and infrastructure demand.

lie use, or any lot line or any map or plan previously legally recorded.

• Any claim of exemption must appear on the face of a plat {legally recorded layout of a subdivision) and must be signed and notarized by the owner and approved by the county manager and recorded with the county clerk.

are required to be built to county standards and perfQrmance bonds will De reqnii'ed. Previously, the requiMments e~nded dnl:9' to subdivisions with more than five lots. '

• That all subdivi::;ions containing 50 or more parcels must provide a community water system.

• ExpanQing the definition of resubdi­vision to include any change in a map of an approved recorded subdivision if it affects llllY street layouts or area reserved for pub-

In addition, the approval of the exemp­tion mUst be included on all documents of conveyance.

• Setting one-half acre. foot of Water per year as the required provable available amount per parcel unless a detailed water demand analysis is approved by the State Engineer's Office justifYing the use of a d.if... ferent figure.

• That private roads in all subdivisions A half acre-foot of water equates to:

about 162,925 gallons ..

The Children, Youth & Families Department is sponsoring a

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-, - .. --~.,~-.,----...--~---------

LUCJ\L NhW~ W'EDNESDAV, Nov. 29, 2000 . 3A

Deadline set in tribal president's r~call case BY DIANN_E STALUNCs RUIDOSO New'~ STAFf WMT£R

understand , it. the .inteiTpgatories in'tro­duce the situation to _the panel of judges."

· It's a ·· · ·· R:u.id.Q$0

ReqQests for inform~tion are due Dec. _15 in a legal· action. filed- in. Mescalero Apache Tribal Couit;_over a recall petition· against PreSident Sara 'Misquez.

Carleton Palmer. one of the petition's authors who filed the action. submitted an amended complaint last wee~ concerning the deci!iion of the tribal' council secretary to reject the petition. His original action asked the court to direct the council to accept the petition ap.d to set a date for a

InterrOgatories consh:;t of writte.n I_'equests for productio·n of information- as part of the d~scoVery_ pTocess that allows both sides Of a legal dispute to know What they may face in trial .. Stateritents by wit­nesse$ can be_ included.

"l received a notice that a. motion I filed to disqualifY attorney Greg Quinlan from _representing Sara .and the tribal council was reje~,., Palmer said. ''This is the first communication I've had from the district· court sin.ce I filed, but I believe this means the case luls been a.t:eep-ted. for hearing-by the _court."

Palmer ·said he e~ects Walls to set a date 'for trial after the panel h8s time to

· revieW the submissionS.

Palmer also asked the district court to direct the council to set· a date fQr the recall election.

• .We're P'!!'l>-time reSidents. We just h<lugilt a place here. We want to

recall election." _ . -"Judge-Steve Walls is suppo!Jed t.() give

us inst:ructions about conducting inter~ rQgatories by Dec. 1," Carleton Said ... As I

. The former tribal grant writer, who fell short- of bein$ elected to -the. tribal cOWlcil by three votes earli~r ~ m~!)th. said.-8.

· ~inlilar; legal __ action. filed in U.S. District. Court tn Las Cruces was accepted ·by the court there.

· Misquez .and the council contend. the . petition for a recall election contained . duplicate Signat~es and- that some who sigried thought . they were calUng for the distribution or dividendo to tribal men;t­bers. ::J::"'Th~~~d'~~ '.

-Bob Hari!llf, HouBton, Thxas Downs trustees OK

apartritent replat Downs man charged with battery·

Ruidos9 police axTested -a According to p. police report Ruidoso Downs man Nov. 20, Kunze went to the ·residence· after being called about a .and beg'¥' yelling. fight at a. Paradise Canyon · KunZ... allegedly tried to -Drive · residetJ,ce. RiChard_ drag a viCtim ffom the home,_ Dale· Kunze, 40, was charged and a struggle on the froti.t with misdemeanor battery porch of the home turned· against a hou&ehold -member. . into a fight·.


"The ~ple who 'Work here are so good .. Th& shops are wonderful.·.

A replat of a 20-acre pr.op­erty south of the RuiQ.oso Downs Race Track and Casino· could· pave ·the wiay for a new fipartmerit coinplex.

arid Zoning Committee mem­ber Ron Ritter told trustees thftt plans for. an apa~nt development will li~ly be a· futu'J:-e pursuit of Steve Crozier of· Ti'eiTa Realty 'Trust, who­developed 'La Ti.eJTa,_an afford­able hou~ing project. for seniors

-. Joan Haring; Housto~ 7b:as ~ RuidoSo Downs trUstees

Monday ·approvEid·the replat of­. the Ladera· Tract on the recom-

mendation of the village's Plan­ning and Zoning Committee.

in Ruidoso. · Ritter· said the Ruidoso·

Properties Irrevocable Man­agement Trust, whi.ch sought the replat, is in the proces~ of selling one of the tracts to Crozier. · ·

"We've never ):Moen here befure. It's nice. Some of its a little -pricey, but it's fun to look."

· The property,· described by surveyor Tim Colliris ~ the old drive-in · ·_theater property, would be split inio· four tracts. One of the tracts along U.S. Highway 70 would be used for cOmmercial needs. Residential use would be on traCts behind the Commercial property.

The ptopos~d apartment cotnple~ Would be built on a 6-acre tract.

The determination to replat the Ladera tract int_o four units ·was Uminimously approved by the village council.

·-Anne Webe,.Sch!dz, Milwaukee, Wzsc.

· Ruidoso Downs Planning

QUEST Personnel; INC. · 1092 Mechem .

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Project Impact · Coordinator at 258-4014,

Building A Disaster Resistant Community Protect Your Home

• Regularly clean roof and gutters. • Inspect chimneys at least twice a year.

Clean them at least once a year, Keep the dampers in good working order. Chimneys and stovepipes wilh a spark arrester that meets the require­ments of National Fire Protection Association Code 211. {Contaet your local fire department for e:uct speci· fications.)

• Use Ill-Inch mesh screen beneath porches, decks. floor areas and the home itself.· Also, screen openings to floors, roof .and attic. - .

• Install a smoke detector on each le\'el of your home, especially near bed· rooms; test monthly and change the batteries two times each year.

• Teacb each family member how to use the fire extinguisher CAiiC type) and show them where it'S kept.

• Keep a ·ladder that will reach the roof .. • Keep handy household items that can

be used as· fire tools: a rake. axe, handsitw or chainsaw, bucket aud shovel ..

Practice Wildfire safety

People star! most Wildfires ... find out how you can promOte and practice wildfire safety, • Report hazardous conditions that­

could cause a wildfire. . • Teach children about fire safety.

Keep matches out of their reach. ~ Post fire emergency telephone

numbers. . • Plan several esc~ routes away

from your home - by car and by root.

• Talk to your neighbors about wildfire safety. Plan how ~~ . neighborhood could work togelb­er after a wildfire. Make.a list of your' neighbors' skills such as medical or technical. Consider how you could help neighbors who have special needs such as elderly or dis-abled persons. Make plans to take care or children who may be on their own if par· entS can'tg;ct home.


· Before Wildfire Threatens Design and landscape your home with Wildfire safety in mind. Select materials and plants that can help cOntain fire rather chan fuel it. Use fire resistant or non-combustible materials on the roof and exterior structure of the dwelling. Or 1reat wood or combustible material used in roofs. siding. decking or trim with UL-approved

· fire-retardant chemicals. Plant fire~rcsistant shrubs and trees. For example. hardwood trees are less nammnble than pine. evergreen. euc.alyptus or fir trees.

Create a 30 to 50 foot safety zone around your home.

Within this area, you can take steps to reduce potential expo­sure to names and radiana heaL Homes built in pine forl!sts should nave a minumu.m safety zone.of 100 feet. If your home sits on a Steep slope,"standqrd protective measu,res may not suffice. Contact your locoJ fire department or'Fotest.ry' office for additioRal information. • Rake leaves, dead limbs and

twigs_. Clear all flammable vegetation. ·

• Remove leaves and rubbish from under structures.

• Thin a IS" foot space between tree crowns, and ~move limbs wirhin 15-reet of the- ground.

• Remove dead br.inches that extend over the roof. ·

·• Prune .tree branches and shrubs within 1 5 feet or a .. stovepipe or c'himney outlet.

. • ·Ask the power company to dear branches from power-· lines.

• Ren'tove vines (rom the walls

of the home. • Mow grass regularly. • Clear a'IO-foot area around

propane tanks & the barheCue. Pll'l<"e a screen over the gdll -usc noh-flammable material with mesh no coan.er than one-qUarter inch.

• Regularly diSpose of new!.pa­. pers and ruhbtsh at an

- approved-site. Follow l_ocal bum)ng regulations.

• Place stove. fireplace and grill ashes .in a metal bucket, soak in water for two da:,ys, then bury the cold ashes in mi·ncral soiL

• Store gasoline. oilY rags and· other flammable mau;rinls in approved safety cans. Place cans in a safe \ocalion away from the base of buildings.

• Stack firewOod at least fOO feet away and uphill from your home. Cleir combustible material within 20 feet. Use only U¥-approved Woo.dbum• ing dev1Ces. . ·

When Wildfire Threat$fjs . . . ) ' ' ) .

Ir you are warned that a wildfire is threatening your area, listen to your battery-operJU,ed radio foi reports and evacuation \~fonnalion. Follow the instructimrs of local officials. • Bhck your car into the gatage OT"pnrk II ru1 Open spate' fai!tng the

direCtion of escape. Shut doors and r~ll up win~~s.;Leav~ the ke'y in the ignition. Close garage windows ~md door'S. ~ut leave them unlocked. Disconnect automatic garage dt;ror 9P.Cf1Crs.

• Conftne pets to one ronrn. Make pians to care for yOur pe\1 irl ca~~c you must evacuate. . · ~ .•

• Arrange temporary hqusing at a friend or relative's home outside the thrciatened area. ~


If advised to evacuate. do so jmmedlately • Wear protective clothing ~

sturdy shoes, cotton or woolen clothing, long panlo;, a long·sleeved shirt, gloyes and a handkerchief to pro· teet your faL~.

• Take your Disaster Supplies Kit. /

• Lock your home. • Listen for-evacuation siren.~

lntown siNns will suund in emergencies only, except for testing every Other Monday

• Tell someone when you left and where you are going.

• Choose a route away from fire hazards. '\-Vatc;h for change.o; in the speed and direction of fire and smoke.

• Thne radio Into KWF.8/KBUV.

• For Emer1ency Alert sys­tems; listen for evacuation in the area and Where emer­gency shelters will he placed. '

night. L-.....:---------------,.1

If you're sure you have time, take steps to protect your home:

• Close windows, vents. doors. venetian blinds or non-com· bustible window covering!> and

· heavy drapes. Removeo light­weight curtains.

• Shut off gas at the meter. Tum off pilot lights. ,· .

• Open fireplace damper. Close fireplaCe screens. ·

• Move flammable furniture into the cenier of the home away rfom windows and sliding­glass doors. ·

• Tum on a light in each room to increaSe the visibility of your home in heavy smoke.

• Seal attic and.grou'nd vents with pre-cut plywood or com· · mercia\ seals ..

• 1\tm off prbpane tanks. • Place. combusitble pntip romi·

tllre inside. • Connec:'t the garder:J hose to

outside. taps. • Set Up the ·portable ga.t;nline·

_powered ptimp. • • Place lU:wn sprinklers ott the

roofand:ncnr above-ground · fuel lariks. Wet the roof ..

• • Wet or remove shrub~ within 15 reet.Df-the home.

• Oathct\fire to9ls.

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When wildfire or any tli~a5ter threau;n~. you won"t have time to shop or search for ~upplics. Assemble a Di~astcr Supplies Kit with items you may need if advised to evacuate. Store these supplies in sturdy. easy-to-carry containers such as backpacks. duffiebag.'l or tra~h container,.. • A threc-<Jay s.upply of water cone gallon per pcr.;on per day) IIJid food that

won"l spoil. • One change of clothing and fomwear per

persoo and one hlankct or sleeping bag per pcrsnn_

• A lint aid kit that includes yollr family·~ prescription medications.

• Emergency tools including a batlery-pow­ered rndio. flashlight and plenty of extra bat­teries.

• An cJttra set of car ioleys and a credit card. cash or trnveler·s check~.

• Sanillllion ~upplies. • Special items for infant. elderly or disabled family members, • An extra pair of eycgla-.scs. . Keep imponnnt family dOCuments in a waterproof conllliner. Assemble a small­~·r vcn;ion_of your kit to keep in the trunk ()l',y~r ear.

Wildfire and other types or disasteB- hurricane, carlh!tullkc. hazardous·matCrlals spill. winter storm- can strike quickly tlnd without warning. You carl Cope with-disaster by preparing in advance and working together. Meet wllh your family 10 create a disaster plan. To gel. startc;d ..

Contact your tom eml!J'p=Oc! mana1clnent at 258-4014 or yonr local American Red crou chapter .. Find out about the hal!:ards in your Community. • Ask how)rou woUld IX: warned. • Find out how to pn:pare,(or each type 'of disaster.

Meet with )roor family • Dlsctiss the types of ~isasters that could oacur. • Explai'n how to prepi!l'* and _respond 10 each 'lype of disaster. • Discuss where to go and wha110 briilg if-advised to evacuate. • Practice what you have discussed. PJon bgw YOJ,Ir family will 5lD)' In c;ontgct lr acpnmtcd by dJ!Iaillll" • ~jck two m~~ting places: 1) a place a safe distance from your home in cnsc ola home fire. 2) a plitce outsid~ your neighborhood in case you can'( return home. ··{'boose an out-of-state friend as a "check-in contact"' for ever)'9.DC ,IQ call:

Complete thf;u: steps .- Pli~t emergency celephonc nUmbers by every phone. .. Show responsible family members·h_ow and \\'hen td shut otl' water. gas and t:lc!!tridty at main switches. • Contact your IOC'al fire department to le11m ahout home fire hazards. ·

· • Learn first aid llnd CPR. Corirne1 your local Amc!'ican R.etl C'ross chapter for iirforin11tion and training.



. ~ ..

4A WEDNESDAY, N()l( 29, 2001)

RurnosoN~ '



Bi'a:d L.-'Ireptow, -P~blisher Michael Sq~..nlofl. Editor · Keith ·Green, Editorial Adviser

Copyright 7000


·Men taring, anyone?. . W hlle we wait and wonder g.,n.erally about the rtext

administratiQn in_ Washington, one of the specific things . we wonder. ab(Jut lS the ~men taring'' role for Ruidoso proa posed when village administrators were in Washington

.recently .. · · · . · . '!"'"Federal Eniergency Management.Agency and its

ProJect Impact program wol!ld li,ke urban/wildland­impacted Ruidoso to mentor other communities with sim­ilar wildfire threats - like Berkeley,· Calif. 'I'hiS came out





CALL US. Phone: 505-257-4001

OUR RIGIIT ro KNOW The First· Amendment

- . . I

Congret511 shall make no law rerspeCting an establishment of reli­gion, OJ' prohib_iting tht~'l free exerciSe thereof; or abridging the freedom of sp_elll;b or_ ~ press; or the right of. the people peaceably to asSemhle,_ .and to petitioQ the griveniment for a -redress of grievances.

Open· Meetings . . In recognition ofthe·fact that a

reptesen~ve Government is depen­dent upon an ii:dbrmed electorate, it is declared to he ~bli<: policy of this state that all -penons are entitled to the grea~ puaible intbnnit.tion

' nprding tho IUJ'ain of _goyGmmant llri(1 tbi .omGiAI • or thQ~a oftlcor• and-·" who """"'''" them. Tht ro,inattttrl!;'t~UC JIOltcy or the. conduct cfbwdneU -by vOte sbaU not be cOnducted' in closed meetings. AU n,1,e8l:ings of any PQ.blic- body except the legisl,a~ and the co~ shtill be ~6Iic meetings, and an personil . so ·desiring shall be p811Ditted tC ~ttend. and listen to the dellbera· · tioos and proce'Eldinp ...

NM_SA 1978,· Sectim-10..15-l

of a "summit" in Washington on malting communities· dis-aster~ resistant. It's said people are· impressBd with Rui- . · doso's efforts, like firiding another way out of Upper Remembering Nov. 1.1


Canyon should 1\re rage. _ . · · · The rest of it is that the village would like $1.2.million,

pi~ more from the state, to do tree-thinning in Ruidoso, · It all plays well, but with a different president coming

into office, and new appointments and programs certain to be in the wind, a difficUlt question must be posed:

Will any of this survive that change of administration, or - as so often happens - mrist it all ·start again after Jan. 20, 2001? . · .


The Ruidoso News 'encoU;r~ letters _to the editor, especially !"bout loca1 top~cs and iss~. Each letter must be signed and must mclude the wnter's·daytime telephone number and mail address. The phone number and mailing address will not be printed; the· hometown will be. The telephone number will be used to VerifY authorship. No letter will be printed without the writer's name.

Political cand.i.da.te endorsef1ients ·or attacks will not· be- pub­lished; comme?-t should concern tssues only. No polttica.l cOm­ment letters wdl be -published i'f. the edition immediate;ly lie/tire an election. · ·

Letters·must be no more than 300 words_ in 1~. of public interest,· and free of libel; editing wiH be only for grammar or spelling. Shorter letters are preferred and gel)erally receive greater readership. The RuidOso News reserves the right to reject any letter. Longer bY.:Iined "Gdest Commentary'' articles will be considered; call the editor at (505) 257-4001. . ·

Letters may be delivered to the Ruidoso News . oftlce at 104 Park Avonue, mailed to P.O. Box 128, Rutdoao, NM 88855i faxed to 257·70153; or sent by &·mall to ruidoaon~s@zianet.com, -


U. S. SENATOR PETE V. DOMENICI (R) 328 Hart Senate Bldg. ·

Washington, DC 20610-3101 (202) 224--6621 U. S. SENATOR

JEFF BINGAMAN (D) 703 Hart Senate Bldg.

Washington, DC 20510-3102 1202) 224--5521


:?302 Rayburn House Bldg. Washington, DC 20515

1202) 225~2365


Sta"' Capit<>l Santa Fe, N.M. 87503

800-432-4406 STATE SENATOR

PETB CAMPOS <D>. DIBI'. 8 500 Raynolds Ave.

Las Vegas, NM 87701 426·0508


HC66- Box 10 Glencoe, NM 88324


Elected officials welcome questions and comments. Dur-ing legislative sessions, delegates may be reached by mall at

State Capitol, Attn. Mall Room Dept., Santa: Fe, N. M. 87503 ·


Star Route Box 53 Cartizozo, NM 88301

CoMMISSIOl'.'ER. DtsT. 2 L. JlA.y NL"NLF.Y

Box 4!i9 Ruidot;o, NM 88355

258·5767 CoMMJssJONER, DIST. 3


Ruidoso, NM 88355 258-2212



·Box 83 Alto, NM 88312

336-8040 COMMISSIONER, DIST • .6


G-lencoe, N.M, 88324 653-4249


Box 2958 Ruidoso, NM 88355

258-4046 • _267-2443


Bo'!= 1655 Ruidoso. NM 88351i

258:-9298 I


Box 891 Rulclooo" NM 881188

ga·r-7881 · c(»VNCJILOR

JhLL CIIANC£ Box4912

Ruidoso, NM 88355 207-4342


430 Main Road RuidOso, NM 88345 257~9450 • 257-5121

COUNCILOR LINDA 11'LA<lll P. 0, Box848

Ruldooo NM 888GG 257-l!eoa • 2a1-e2•o


Box.4305 Ruidoso.!. NM 88355


. ,.

'lb the editor: What is Nov. li? What does

itmean·toyou? . . This is not a:trick-qtiesti·on."

In case yot.\ don't !<now, Nov. 11 is Veterans Day, a day that obvi­ously . doesn't_ mean much to some of _yotr ... other than you · get a dey off of work. Well, to the veterans ·and their families, it is- a day to rememhl;!r and

show appreciation to. our veter­ans and soldiers that tbught to give us .. the freedom that we all enjoy today. Nov:. 11 at 11 a.m. is the anniyersary Qf the end 'of World War I, and is called Vet­erans Day to honor all Wterans.

It rna~ me real sed and very disappointed that very few if any flags were out .for Veter­ans. DO¥. _And at . the annual ... · flag rmsmg ceremonies there were but· a few iri attendance. And of those there, they were mostly the veterans and their families. Less than a handful of others wanting tO give thanks_ to our veterans.

We _all need to stop and think tbr a moment of the il'ee­doms l:hat we have today, and

· realize that we owe our veter~ ana for this freedom. They­fought for us to preserve our· freedom, and a simple show of -appreciation wouldn't hurt a one of us. It means so much to these veterans when they have a good turnout· and people say . think you. It would only take a moment.

As the memory Of each war fades. so does the awareness and appf~iation of the soldiers who ~t in them. However, let _me assure you, the veterans · and their families and the fami­lies of those soldiers that never returned never forget the terri­ble fact of war. The brand of war is stamped on their bodies and their minds. Some will never

agaiD, Walk, or see or hear. Some strap prosthetic atms ot legs to their bodies every morhing of their lives. Others, unable- to fully cope after living through the ·pSychological trauma of combat, Will never find theii­way back to the mainstream of life. Others never returned a.t all. . .

I hope that this note opens your ·eyes· an .... makes you remember what Nov. U _is, and maybe next year on Veterans Day you too . can shoW your · appreciation to ol,li. veterans .. But, do you know what? It does_: n't -have-to be Veterans Day; we should and could give thanks to our veterans every day of our life. - · · · · Anita Ordnrici

Is it in the DNA? 'lb the editor:

What is-it about white people? I~ it inesC-apable? Genetic? lmprintod onto· our DNA7

My friend, Jack. and I have · been washing win~ dows down­town for sev­eral years. We like to think we help peo­ple see things more clearly, but apparent­ly we don't. So, let's try this. What is it about "buckptooth" Indians. dis­played along our main


street, that·iS·J!lO In:uch the rave ~h.erein lies the prOblem. For of .our pi'ideful · unC()nsciQus- what exactly is our vision ·of neSs? What undetected ma.lig- community? nancy. · in us allows us to · . Just our little plate of e.rt~age ~young people _to white crackers; no garnish, partiCipate m s_uch blatant btg- .· please? Maybe ·-just Realtors, . otry and ·racial profilirig·, year · shopkeepers ariQ._ flock atten­after year? What stops the dants. Maybe it's just me and shopkeeper from saylng, "No!~ PlY frieitds, and ·_whS:t we feel, What · stops :the gifted art · or have, or w8nt. Maybe. Or teacher and ~e accomplished maybe it's just that. white pea- · school superintendent from pie have more to learn t1u)il we affording th~ir flocks more. seem presently capable of han-enlightened . hand with which dling. · to inspire their classmates? _Maybe we're juSt so discon~ Perhaps buck·tooth caricatures ·nected from our ptpiicipation of _!!!chool ·personnel, mayors, in the human struggle to be and members and staff of the- human (never having had the· Chamber and Rotary ·might displeasure of being ethnically. also truly spark the will and collared and Con-ailed), that we desire of our young spirited have become the embodiment warriors on ~ ~tory. · - of_ everlasting ~laai1ce. .

Pd be Wllling to check it Call us (257 74). ~ out. I, have. friends who paint. one's on Jack. and Paul. After all, we all want to be Paul Adamian · comml,J,nity-supportive. And Ruidoso




A Thanksgiving dinner cost less this year· BY TOM STEEVER AMERJCAN FAltM BURF.AU FEDERATION ·

Calvert Elementary School in Lincoln, Neb .• is much like manY other Schools. But as Kathy Schellpeper's thir.d · grade class pledged allegiance to start the day, there was a bit more ~tement than usual. The yOung people set out on a small fiela trip to get a lesson in the cost of Thanksgiving dinner and ·a lesson in shariilg. Mrs. . Schellpeper•s third graders went grocery shop~ ping. .

When Schellpeper got word of the American :Farm Bureau Federation'• annual Thanks· lrivil\11 Meal Price Survey she Cleterinlned It was an opportu­nity to teach the children the affordability of food in this countrY. "What better time. to think ·about food and the affi>rdability of food. And so, I thought, we11 put a whole les-

Son together," said Schellpeper. ''We'll go down to the grocery · store, We'll buy the food, we'll actually touch it. bring it back here, look at the prices, s~e how !3-ffordable·it re~lly was.~

· Many of· these stud-ents· may lack the opportunity. to get first-hand experience in visiting a fann, accOrding to Mrs. Schellpeper. "I think most children think that food comes· from the grocery stOre," ~he said. "F9r a lOt of children and people as. well, we don't give enough appreciation to ¢-e farmers and ranChers who ·are producing the food~"

· 'lb · AU1!111ent this lesson on !bod's ... due, betbre ootqout tbr tho supetmarkot, the voter· an teacher fil'llt had her pupils write down what they antici­pated the -dinner ·would cost. Pt-QgnosticationS affixed to the chalkboard on Post-it notes ranged from. $2.25 to well over


$10; however several were in the more realistic range of $20 · to $40.

. oD.ce at the .grocery store, the youngster!:! ·armed with shopping carts and the surveys fanned out · ~n small groups searching for the traditional Thanksgiving meal items SQ · that .pric;:es coUld be recorded arid purchases could be made.

. The survey is· conducted nationwide every year by the

· FRrm Bureau· to track the average· cost of Thanksgi.ving dinqer for 10 pOOple. ThiS year's survey shows that- the ·cost has co:p:ie down compared to Ieist year, The lO_peo_ple can be rem lbr $82.87. That'& $1.48 under last year's coat. A drop in coat of many of the ThankS· giving meal items contributed to the ·decline. The retail price of tq.rkey is down as well as Whole rililk and several other ·items.

. It beca,me a_ simple lesson for the class. 1'Yoti can ·reed ten people "!'ith net a l¢t·ofmon"ey," .said third grader· ·Elizabeth Gealy tbllowing tho trip to the grocery store. . .

The culmination of the morning came with a parade of the . class, each carrying ThanksgiVing grocery items to a waiting truck outside the school.. Tlie meal was do~ated to the Food Bani< of Lincoln,

Before she excus&d the class, Schellpeper gathe~e.d · them near the front of their classroom and .asked them to p~ss the lesson to their friends and tllmily, =~read the news · that we ap leoa on food than any country In whole world." .

7bm Steever is a prpducer in "broadcast seroi®s for the American Farm Bureau F-ecler­atibn.

,-. '.

I '


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Weekend fires damage business, residence 1Y JAMES Ki\LVELAGE •. tvrDoso NEWS_ ~dfF WRI'fER.

Two" fires pver tl;te Tllanksgivirtg · 1Veek.eitd damaged a RUidoso b_usineSs m(i seasonal ;resic;lenc:le.

A 2:25 a.m .. Friday a .911 call of smo)<e :oming from Action Ski and Snowbo.a:i'd •t 360 Sudderth Drive, resulted ln the 1truCture being deemed a total lOSs, lccording. te a RuidosO Fire .Departnient ,.port.

The owner said the bulldiog was ·epairable, with structure d'amage esti .. nated at · $40,000 to. $60,000. Another ~60,000 in ~quipment and business .ncome wa~ lost. . .

At 11:0.1 p.m. Saturday ,firelighters "ere dispatched to 102 Rim Rolld on o. .,port of o. l'f!Bidentlal structlll'e fire. An ,.tlmated $160,000 damage occlll'red.

Tbe. w·eat side_ of the .reSidence was ies~rlbed ·as fully involved when the first ii-eftgbters arriv~d seven· Diinutes )ater ... rbe _blaze was extinguished in 15. to 20 ninutes, according to the incident . :-eport. Anoth~r . two. hours were spent ~lttinguishiilg hot !!!pots.·

"We Salvaged it greEi.t deal of our inventory,"' said Dav:id Mcintosh, Action Ski and .. s·nowboard owner. "We lost about" 80 pail"' of newer ~;~Ids. We lost n;toSt of our snow-board b®ts and anowboards."

Mcintosh said the~_ski shOp. will be op-eried aa -usual on Fridl!ly. in a building

- two doors to the east of.the fire..<J.BllU;lged strUcture. Repla'terilent equipment Wiis being ordered. on' Mond_ay.

•Fortunately almost all our ~ equip~ me;nt wa,s in a storage'room, m the back~~ Mcintosh~_ said. -·~'And w.e had equipment­rented out at the tUne of the fire."

-:With the tWa· recent fires, and colder temperatures,_ Ruidoso's fire chief. is c'*'ll~ inS' on resideJ).ts and PuildiDS owners to. l;ake precautions.

· .. Make aur9 ~u check tlie . fireplace · . and get it cleaned out if It needs clean'

ing," Virgil R•yrtolds said. "And cheCk it fur any animals or their nests.'"

Ashes from firer· laces· should. be­'depo:ait~d in a meta pail an·d s08.ked. with ·water.· Reynold$ said ·ashes, espe­cially hot ashes, shoUld not b~ put- in garbage d~mpsters. . _

Robby Hall, the departpient's cap-;ain; determined a small electric heater.. _iron, which apparently h.8:d· beeO: left OQ .n: a garden room on the west side Of ~e -ilfter-closiilg at 7:'30 p.m .. Th.ursda:v., had :tome to be the cause of the fire. The been used to waX snowboards, said the :teater W:tis believed to have igO.ited near- ·bUsiness owile:i-; -

The fire c4i,ef alsO urged homeown·ers to have their heating syStem check~d by a qualified maintenance pei-son. :

"Do. an all arOund ~eck.'" Jteynolds said. "And follow the ·rules on heating

)y.materials. . · The fir.e· was -co-ntained ~ mainte-ln the ACtion Ski .and Snowboard nance and showroom areas. of·the busi­

illaze heat from electrical ~uipment,·an· ·ness. Hea·vy. heat ahd smoke- damage Lroi:t and _ electrical power _strip, was occurred thrOughout the building, ietermined to h9:ve been -~be origin. The _ accOrding to the fire -department ~port .

devices." . · . He cautioned thpse using electric

spa,ce heaters to make sure there are no coinbustibles nearby, and not to overload

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Lim~ed lima otfar Sub jaG! Ill GrBdil.apProval eervlce agreamanl, and aarly temiinlltion hie. ·Of!~r BVII~II'ole to .all cu.alometto j)urchaainglu\d ootiv.ting a neW \ffirium WireleS&.f'hohe}m thu 1/erkan -!Nirel.eu ne~orlt. Ollar no!M.ailabl~ with PreJIIIId Sernoe. Un~ael:l minutde db not roll over. All mi~ulas ara ~~ loc:QI area 118age only. Peek Minulee inelude? a.m_. to 1 P:"'· Monctar lhrough Friday. NIQhl ~ W.ekand M111utee II"IOiude '1 m. to 7 a.m. Mqnday through TJ\umday a'nd 'l.p.rn. Frid~ to 1 a.in. Mondlav. Some fees atld condlllons apply. 'Not all feat~rea and <lifers avail":ble w.~h all rate Pllln!· 1n all area a, or wh1la ro.~l"l'llniJ• ,Charges lor !/ciruonat nllnulell, reaming IDllaa 11nd feoll.&ppl)\ All c:aU11 billed In-full miniiiiJ" lncrelllentsl partial airtime rcunded up to the nell: lull mlrlule. Cer!IIU"I equ1pmerlt tesfnctiona appl~. Oller 1101 av:ulabla With any oth11r ~·motional oflei. End UBdt:s principal reeldenca mu!lt be within the Verizon Wirel"s Dl~ital Network. other rastricllons ma~ apply. See elora for datai[a. © 20~0 Vemon W1ta ass. · ·

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000 SA

Man sentenced in assaUlt case A Mescalero man was

sentencec:J to more than a year ln jail, fpllowi>ig his conviction for an as~ault on ·a Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer.

.The Mescalero BIA Agency offi~r ··required· medical treatment, includ­hig seven stitches, as a result of the incident.

llDff Scott, whose age was Unavailable, plead.ed guilty in tribal court· to CO\UltS of threatening ail officer, resisting arrest, ~d ascape.

: An ·om.~, who respond~ ed to a Nov. 17 disturbance

· call· at a Palmer Loop real• dence, Was injured after a

dropped set. of hendculfs reportedly got into Scott's hands, said Mescalero :SIA police cbiefTcoy :Solen. The police cbief said Stott used the hendcuff like a brass knilckle jn attecking .the cil!ker .and then fleeing.

· After mediCal treat­ment, the offi.eer and police chief fbund Scott along a -reservation road and arrested the. sUSpect. Scott received medical treatment fur a. bro)«,n finger, bruises and I.a.cei:&tions. - ·

SCott. was sentenced to · 360 d- ln the Mescalaro lockup ~'the assault, and an additional 136 day• on an outstanding warr~~~tt.

Resource Council to meet on Dec. 5 . The- South Centrai Mouri-:

'tliin ResOurce Cons~rvation and · Development Council will Dleet .at 9:30 a.m., Dec. 5 at th£: Oter_o Co_unty Rut~l Electnc Cooperative m Cam-. . zozo.

At last month's mee~, Keith Kessler was re-elected as clmir'man, ·Van Sh8mblin was

·picked as vice ehalniJan :and Sue .Sterns as se~t_ary-trea-:- . sur:el."· .

After the vote~ Kessler said he's a. bel_ieve'r in involv4i.g .as numy peQple as possible in leadership positions. .

He suggested a change ill by-laws ins~tuting a t\'Vo-year tenn limit.


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bA WEDNESJ?AY, Nov. 29, 2000

Carl W. .Morrison Funeral services for Carl ·

W. Morriso11, 84, of Lubb~. 'I'exas, were Nov. 25 at Restheven's Abbey Chapel in Lubbock.

Mr. .MoJTison _died on Thursday, Nov. 23, 20oO, at Covenant Medical Center.

He was born on Dec. 18, 1915 in Grayson Cowl.ty, Texas.

years, retiring at the age of 92. Sh~ was a member of the First Baptist Church in Weinert.

Survivors include a daugh~ ter, Jean, and her husband. C.E, Gary, of Hasl<Oll; and five nieces. ·

She was preceded in death by four sisters_ w;:i.d two broth­ers.

Arrangements we:re under the direction of Holden­McCauley ·Funeral Home in Hask~ll. 'lb~as.

Connie Younger


.. to her illness. For most of the stantly doing .nice things for Dawson-Sa,llis of Needles, Of-Granbury, Thxa.s, md Tr1.da past 8 1/2 · years,_ sh~ hB$ · those she loved. Her grandchil- Calif. ThylOr of-Ruidoso; brothef Don-= resided in San Patricio so she dren were sped.a) recipients of aid Eddingfield · of Hull; and could pursue her· art work. A her affections and she truly. Phylli Anita 'Jlo..,l · · · grandchildren Jennifer, Jim, gifted artist, she found this to loved it when the children and s ARJ or Tim, Ty, Kim and Steven Tay, 6e the p~ place· to display gr~dchildr®. qa.me for visits. The {un~ral for Phyllis 'lor. She Was preceded in death M.d work in the field she So' -With her home in San Anita ·Taylo;r; 73~ Of Han'nibal, by tyfo .brothers,. -Robert and . loved. She also worked-in man- Patricio tranSformed irito the Mo.,· will be Friday,_ Dec. 1, David Eddingfielcl, arid an agement' at -the· Tinnie Silver perfect plaae_ of ~rt, .. ~n 20~ a~ 2 p.m.. in the South~ide aunt, Trula Eddingfield. bQllar· RCstaura.D.t, _ whCre having a garden' m_ the livmg .. Christian Church of Hanmbal The fan;Uly haa ~t,J.ggeSted ·

. many of her art wo'rks· were room, no one doubted that ~Y with the ~v. Tim Goodman · me~orials to the Hannibal displaYed and o1:l$. sold to the were welcome. She was a very officiating. Burial will fullow at HOspital Auxiliary or Kinder-custoiners. Beca11Se Of these ·simple and basic lRdy wllo KinderhOok Cemetery. hook Baptist Church. · frequent sales, ·h~r _paintiligs knew what, was moat impor- . She"died Sunday, Nov. 26, Arrangements are _Under .hang in hotnes all around the .- tant jn this life. . -in Ruidoso. 'She was b:om June .. th~ directicm·· of LaGrone world. . Survivors include· her .chil; 22, 1927 at Hull, lll., to Golda Funeral Chl\pel of Ruidoso.

He wa,s a World War II vet­eran and a member of Green­lawn Church of Christ as well as KeiTville Church. of Christ and Gateway Church of Christ in Ruidoso, where he Bel"VBd as a deacon. . .The funeral for . Conriie

He was owner and operator Younger, 58, of San, Patricio, of the. Midtown ChevrOn in . was Nov. 27 in the Ch&,pel of Ruidoso for more than SO ·the Garden at Rice Fnnera,l years. He was a life nlember of _Service, Claremore, -ThXas.

For many year•, Mrs. dren Janel Patricia Nichols of and Loren Eddingfield, who Younger lived and worked in Tulsa, old&.. Tllad Franklin preceded her in death. A nurse M le D 8rown Claremore, and becauae l!he Burill 'and his wife, Ml>rlssa, of · and IIO!)kkeeper who lived in · er ' · . ·rear~d hei' three . ehildren Cedar Park. ~s. and El'ic Hannilml for 25 :feprs, she: was · ~aveside ri~s ~ scbed-

. ·there, she alwaye con~ it Evan Burill and·his wife, Tanrl, a member ·of Southside Christ. uled fur 2 p.m. Thursdey at to_be home. Her career move to of Claremore; grandchildren ian Church.. - . South Park'Cemeter;Y, Roswell. New MwricO was made pnly D.acia Nicole and Tyler E\'an -Survivors Ul,clude her sons, the Am'erican Legion Post· No. ·Mrs. Younger died Snnday~

575 and. Veterans ·of Foreign Nov. 19, 2000 in.Thxas. Wars Post. No. 2466. · She had" made her home

aft.er her· family -Was groWn. Burill of Claremore; her -moth- Daniel 'faylor of'Ha.yden, Colo., · Other people- Were alwS:ys er~ Betty Earle Dawson .of Rui-: anr.J.. Michael Taylor of Rangely~

·her priority -and she w~ _<!On- doso; _and a brother, Robe~ · Colo.;· daugh~ers.- _Debra Bown SurvivOrs ir_Iclude a daugh- there fo.r only a brief ti:Jne, due ter, Karla Daugherty of Lub­bock, Texas; a brother, Clint MOrrison of Roswell; ·a sister, Mable Fagin of Slaton, Tex-as;

··four grandchildren; and five · great-grandchildren. .

His \Vife, · Ben_1ice, preceded him in death on June 5, 1988.

The family suggests memo­rials to new Mexico Children~s Home, HC 69, Box 48, 1356, Portales, NM 88130-9411. .

Grace L. Aycock Graveside services for

Grace L. Aycock. 931 were ·at Forest Lawn Ceinetery.in Rui­doso on Nov. 27 with J;ffindy Widener of the First Baptist Church of Ruidoso Downs offi­ciating.

_Mrs. Aycock died Thursday, Nov. 23. 2000. at a Haskell Care Home.

She was born on Dec. 19, 1906 in Stephenville, Thxas.

She married Fred Aycock · on Feb. 21, 1925 in Knox City,·

Texas. He preceded, her 1•

death on April 29, 1982. · She managed the Arrnw­head Motel in Ruido~o for ;l8

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TIP OF THE WEEK BY KATHLEEN COTTON, What should 1 do after coloring my_ha.ir? Fhst make sure you want .. to color your halT. You may 'get the different look desireq by highlighting or. shaping. If you do color your hatr, use a color care shampo9 and conditioner attei'ward·. Color' Extend by Redken·, Biog~nOl Color Care system by Framesi and Col-or Ther-apy by Matri~ are our reco.mmeridations for extc:ndmg your hau .. color. Chnstmas packages are available. . -- .

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. ,

.-leritage Preservation Roadshow ·open to· all PORTALES - Experts on Will run froril 9 a.m. to.4 p.m., at-.

~seivation of historic docti:.. the Memorial J3uilding, 200 !Iilli, ·photographs, paintings, East Seventh Street in Portales. rtiles and other objects Will Adinission is free artd people UI\J)t with visitors during the from throughout the state are !ri. Preservatio1;1 Road- ·- inytted. . ~ ~ Saturday. · · The roadshow ·win feature .People statewide ·are exJ;libits," demonstrations, ·con~

couraged by org;mizers of the · sultatiOjls and. hands-on aetivi­mt from the Historic ~er- tie~ for children Snd adUlts. tion Division of the staie Exhibitor~ will include lOcal, lieS of Cultural Affairs to · state .and federal pre$ervation in.g family. treas~s to learn ·partners. The event will focus on an archivists imd historians ways in which people can take ~to.·· ·~rye.them·for Possi~ . part; in the. ~tvation of the ~ 1denti:fica;tion. . sha.te'S traditions and history.

Bring photOgraphS of ruices- Exbii)itors will ·speal< on topiC. rs, clothing such ""·wedding ranging from how to uso historic d baptismal goW11s, quilts and t8x. credits. for saving historic trer textiles, old docuinents buildings tQ hO"\Y museumS d paintings. The Toad shoW Is restore dinosaur bones. i1't of a week of activi.fie~;dn the Exhibitors alsct · lnclude

reviewers and archaeologists symposium ·is $35.. Reservations w}lo ·will talk apout how people fof a reception and dinner around the · gtate ~q"~ saving· · Thursday must be phmed by

·their historic Puildings .·arid noon today by calling (505) 476-sites. 9788.

.The Museum of New Mexi- People interested in the co"s van .. of En~tinent will be preservation of railroad build­-ked outside the building to ings aroun<\ the state are urged allow visitors to View a .display to a~. . On preseiVation at the Blackwa- .Other activities are planned ter Draw Site. fur schools in _Portales and Clo-

ln corijunction .·with · the vis. ·'l'li.e Norman Petty Studio in ioadshow, the division,_. the state. Clov:i,s·, where grea"\;s· of '"the Highway ail.d TrarispQ"rtation 195Qs such ~ Buddy ·Holly, Roy Pepsrt,ment and the non;profit Orbisoo, Buddy Knox aod the Great American Station. FOun- Norman Petty. Ttio· recorded, dation based in Las Vegas will will be open for tour from 10 sponsor The Railro~ Buildings. _am. to 11 a.m. SatUrday. Reser­Symposiwn Thursday through vation~;J are are required by call-Saturday. The conference Jior· ing (505) 356-6422. · tion of the -Syln.posi.wn will be at ·

• WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000 7A

. h FUNERALS: Merle D. Brown

~omlnued from page 6A Jim L. Brown of Ruidoso, a granddaughter, Klmberl,y Dawn · Parker, ·and -·great·grandsons

fur Merle D. Brown, 82, who Mathew Joseph Goebara· ami died Nov. 27, 2000 at her home. Samuel Albert Goebara, of The Rev. Bob Williams of St. Spandplim AFB, Germany. · Andrew's Episcopal Church will Mrs. ·Brown moved to officiate. · Roswell from Coi'J>u<; Christi · ShewasbornJan.14, 1~~ aniilivedtherofur58~.She

m M!l<lill, Okla., to James wlis a hom~ member.- of Pauline Dockins W<ley; ·lief-· St . .Andrew'S Chutcn since 1949, eots preceded her in death, as and the will> of a )jfe member of did a. brother,. Jack Dookins, ami Roswi>ll Elks I..odge No. 969; a sieter, Nadine Higgins. She .. · which alllo . makeS· her a llf« married A. Donald Brown, a member. · lOngtime Roswell .attorney, on · . A gathefing of frfunde will Deec 31, 1941, in Clovis. After follow. the service at ·Mrs. living in Corpus Christi ami Brown's hems, .710 West Ninth · Austin~ Texas; they m,oved ·to Street. · · .Ro.sweu in 1949. He preceded ~a.ngements. are under. her in death in December, 1993. the. djrection ofLaGrone Funer· · Survivcrs include a son, Dr. al Chapel ofRo,swell.

ntales/Clovis area. arChitectural 'historia.n.S, historic The Preservation roadshow preservation ·architectural . . .

the.Ciovis-Garter Library across. from the Curry County Court­hOuse. ·'l.lle cO~ fur ·the entire ··The Ultimate Auto Gift



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'81'11111 0111 R.L Poll ral1ndor W1!0fS ltt1, J'J98 olll1999 1111111 pdHI!ngeuar "Di;slnllians. 'lew o 2DIIl Comry a far SIH.OD a IIICIII1fl far 39111011111S "111111 53.174.00 due Ill dgiril!g. MKh llllllllles"Flnf -tin flllr· menr, 52,400 OD da'"' II'VIIII!nl. 1ID OD ~lll'ily depiKU and S'lSO.OD atqUilllkln lw. ~ IKeme. ilt.I~~Mo. inwrflllfl an4 dniM ~Mini. Olliell-ed ltm.. bampll "-- 1111!111de! rmt. wilt! Sfklole lllliHiDnl. uuHunrrol block 111udguaril and llalua Packott 11 Wilh A/( & PO. MSRP rndudi119,fnight S2D.OI8 Mat!tldy Pl'i'MMJ. of SIH.OD 1o1cd 51,761.DD. Ca"pnalltH coir of Slt.,m .00 boslll 01t ckn.n pay­menr and dealer ptu~dpa&Dn. which may l'llfY by delller Yaur paym1nt mgy vary depaildill on linllltrat!llltlill~pke l.to$ll .. nd p;orchalt 1pllfiil Is S11,,4l.OO.{IIS!uMr mpelllitllt lar 11111inhl!lll.,._ mm we~~r Cllirl len! & SIIS.jlel" ~ owr 12.0GGI!II./"f'lll. \1 q~ urllilnw.!\ \lnlnJI\ayokl Alllmda1 SeMon. See pclllillp!lling dealer hr ltiDill. SuLjecl 1o !MI!Wity. Delivety lllftf I.e lalct•lrano ~r tfllk by 11131VOO. ...


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'Speed bdmp' bumps no ~ore ·Ruidoso Downs Council reschedules next meeting

The DiPaolo Hill Street "!JP8:ed bump" is gone. After the RuidOso Dqwns vill~ .COWlCil heard complaints from. . resf.,. dants about the bump the past several m:onths-. 'the water-­diverting bwnp was l'!lmoved.

''I.came here to thank you· for getting rid of the hwnp," res., ident Brad Bennett tOld the· mayor and council Monday dur­ing a brief.regulll!" meeting.


You "



"Thank you for g~.t!ing rid . of the hump."

Brad BeJmett, . Ruidoso Downs resld.cnr

Mayor Bob MiUer said the state highway department final'. ly gave·the-approval to remoVe thebunip. . ..

The obstacle had been put in plaoe em DU'aclo Hill Street in col\iunction with the· u.s. Highway 70 reconstruction pro· ject. . . ..

'lhlsteee rescheduled their­late December oouncil meeting; pushing the session back one day to Dec. 26. .

· Village offices are scheduled to bs closed botli onFriday, Dec. 22, and Cluistmas day.

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z me n ,rsl" :!f en 'tbaasn arrt '01:n 7

Firemen to do prescribed burns in Grindstone Canyon fup.oke may be visible beginning Friday

in the Grindstone Canyon area: of Ruidoso, as part of an efibrt .to reduoe the lire h..-.

The Ruidoso :Fire pepartment will begin presCribed b\lnlll to ·eliminate exceee fuels in the area, llftid Tina Ritter, the d~ent's fire prevention ollioer. - · . · · · "There are sma]l bUm pilee already gath­

ered, 'l'he fire department will be em scene at. 'Ill times dlll'ing this burn and _will do every­thing possible to keep smoke to' a minimum,"


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Ritter said. She said the b\lnlll, which could tske

place over an OJ<teoded period, will only hap­pen .when weather conditions indicate a sail! time &arne. The b\lnUI will be undertakeo to promote a· h...,Jtbier tbrest in Lincoln County. and to prevent cateatrophic fire and insect inlilatation, sbe said .

. ThoSe with··~uestions about the h\U'IlS maY ContaCt the-"Ruidoso Fire Department at ~5.7-4ns. ·

lllll·lcl~ arMlnll:lgtl!s Choos9 clnnr 18 ltrandjcjclolltht!l Orindoortoutcloor mrni 11~1115 rn cle.ar ar mullt·c<>lor 9830JIJD,.!8:211101, 8826009


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CALL US SPans edltor Karen Boehler Phone: (505) 257-4001

Satunlay.lllov. 25-~ bosketbaN -

Alamo Navajo I 03, Mescalero 10 Clr& bcuketb0/1

Alamo Navajo n, Mesi:;dero:41

Monday. Nov. ~7 . . Boys baSk.erbolt

Ooudcroft'.l, CarrizOzo 31

Preps on tap ••••••••••••••••• 0 0 •••••••••••••• 0 0 •.•.

ThuRday, Nw. 30 · Boys~tbdl

Corona at Hondo, 6:30p.m. __ , Corona _at Hortdo, 8:3()_ p.ni.

Friday. Dec. I Boys bmki=tba/J

Capitan at Roadlu!ner lburney,. Dexter( Hagerman, TBA · Hondo .at _home w. Grady, 6 p.m. Ruidoso at !'tom• w. Roswell Goddard (Y,JV; C),4p.m. · ' .· Mescalero at home \otl, AlarnoJOr.do CHrist-Ian, Zp.m. ·

CJrls baskt:tboll . ' Caphari at Roadrunner TOtJmey. Dexter/ Hager'man, TBA Hondo at home vs. Grady. 4 p.m. _MescalerO at home vs. Alamogordo d-1~­ian,_S.p.m. -.... . Ruidoso at IUo Rancho 10umamenr, I p.m.

Saturday. Dec. 2 ...,.........,, . Capiau:!· 'at Roadrunner li>Umey, _DeXter/

l.ady Chief Rosie Smith sends the ball over Cougar Roxy Ganadonegro early in Saturday's game.



: See CHIEFS, page 3B Ha&erman. ~ ,

{~1;::::-D:J Lady Grizzly hoopsters Hondo at Eunice. 2 p.m.

Wrest_llng Ruido5o at RiQ Rancho lbumam'e~ 9 a.m.

Pecking order ··············•·····•·•·······••·····

have a lot 'to live up to Ruidoso Parks & Rec Men's Basketball League

....., W L . Ararriark 5 I All Around 4 I Eckos 4 I Tequila Slammers 4 2 County_ Cons 4 3 tt's.AII Good . 2 4 P..Funk All Stars 2 4 MeScaleTo ~ 2 ·1 Alamo Pipe 2 5 Big 0 Tires 0 5

Games for Nov. l9

P<t. .833 .1 .800 .BOO .667 .571 333 .333 .333 .286 .000

6:30p.m. -All Around vs. It's All GOOd 7:30 p.m. -Alamo Pipe vs. P-Funk All Stars 8:30p.m.- County Cons vs. Tequila Slam~ m~

On Deck


CARRIZOZO - This year's Lady Grizzly basketball team has big shoes to filL

Last season, Carrizozo fin­ished with an 18-5, 6-0 record, defeating Hagerman in .the opening round of the regional tournament and going to state fur the first time in !bur years.

AlthoUJ<h 'Zozo rell to Cliff 57-32 in tlie opening round of the state tournament, only senior Renee Rael graduated, and the returning players would

Basketball tournament like to advance to the next level. Team Supreme, a mens and womens bas- Following the state tourna-ketbaU tournament, will run Dec. 8-10 at ment last year, then freshman the Mescalero Gym. The entry fee $175,. Ch Fr k dieted with a $75 deposit due by Dec:. 6. Prizes' rista anc pre , IIi dude trophia for the man's first through 'We're going to be here next fourth place finishers and women's first year. We're going to be state through third finishers: twO all toumey champions my next three seleetlons per team .and a most valuable ,.,. player. award. Far mote Information, call years. . . Paschalat671-9l42. . 'lb ·do that, Carrizozo is

Reindeer Run l. going to have to work hard. The 16th annual Reindeer Run, a IOK ,, Although Rael W8S the only rurVwalk and 2 mile rul'\fwalk is set for 9 • graduate, she was a solid player a.m. Dec. 9 at tha Roswell Racquet Club· 1 who brought a lot of points to and Spa. 200 E. Mescalero, Roswell. Regis-

11 the ·floor. · "

trid:lon Is $20 pius a can of foixl prior to Sh ed b 20 Monday, $15 ar')d a can of foochhereaftar. I " _e averag a out There isa$1 discount for Roswell Runners points a ball gatne." said coach Oub ·Members and groups of 10 or more·. _,. Mel Hollan,d. 'We're definitely Race-day regiltnltlon begins at 7:30a.m. going to miss that." The fee- includes an embrotdered fleece !, Still, the Coach thinks some V8$t for all partfdpants, awards to the overall finishers In 'each cwen_t and first f of the younger players will be

·through third place awards in each age. i · -gtoup and to the best Christ.,._ outfit. For l more information, call Bob Edwards at ,·,.,!

(505) 627-5507; Rio Petos MediCliJ As:socl­atiu at (50S) 622-6322 or the City of Roswell Pari<S.and Recreation Department J at (505) 624-6720. .

Softballlburnamentsi • ! 'liiple Play 1 -pitch softball toumamenu for i! men's C and D clasUIS are set for Saturday, Dec. 9 ilnd Dec. ,-9 at Sporupark li:l Pa;so, '·

, 1780 Zarazosa, in EJ ~· Thf!l deadlines to·register are ~ Dec. 6 and Dec. I 3. Meetings will be held tha same dates at 7 p.m. ~n fees are $60 for each. tournament or $1 SO for a11· tlvee. For more infOrmation, call (91.$) 851~7676.

Adult flag~·

Boelierl~ News The Canizozo Lady Grizzlies will be working for a state tournament berth.

able to fill in. Holland expects daughter

Brooke Holland and Franck, both back from last year, will lead the offense.

0¢er returning players include senior Stella Brewer; juniors Bianca _ Baca; · sopho­mores Madalyn Burr, Ashley Samora and Jessie Ortiz; and freshman- Ariel Vallejos and Adrienne SB.mora.

New .to the .squad ·are sopho-

more Lacy Bird; freshmen Aerial BtuT Bnd Monica 'MoraleS; and eighth grader Stephanie Burr.

Coach Holland is counting on contributions· from everyone on the team to get back to state.

'The young girls are going to have· to come around," he said.

•"'Ur young girls are going to· have to step. up. We're going to have to get contributions from everybody. I think the biggest . contribution we'll get from out younger players is on defense."

Offensively, he expects everyope to shoot, and will be piclciJ>g up the tempo from past teanis. .

'We've biaeri an up ·tempo team, bu't 1 think we're going to press a lot more," he said. "We've E{O~ that young speed., Tluit's one

. thing we can ~- So we'~ going to try to preS.s a little mrire; put metr£!, pressure on peOple."

. The speed Holland is look­ing for wifl replace height.

-.,. ,-

Wm>NB5DAY, Nov. 29, 2000 lB.


· ... players ·who've been on_- the . floor only one time, the Griz­

zlies (1-1) had. a hard time han-CLOUDCROFT - Cloud- . dling the Bear press.

croft took advantage of Carri- · "Any team that's going to. zozo's youth Monday. pressing Press us is going tO have a lot of and shooting tram the. ou.t.side success until we learn to deal to ·earn a 61-31 win. ove.r the with the press:• 'Zozo coach Mel GrizzlieS. Holland said. "We turned the

The Bears spent most of ball over in the front court, _-arid. the first half shootinll from the they're going to score on that." 3-point line, and while a lot of Both teams looked rough

· shots missed. a lot went in. early, with · turD9VerB and Bear coach Jinuny Swope · missed baskets abounding.

said that's· what he was looking But the more experienced for. · Bears calmed down, while Car-

"We're trying to shoot the 8 l'i.zozo coiitinued to have prob­a lot more this yeart'~ he said. lems. "That's our game plan·. We The Grizzlies did look bet­want to run a fast break and ter. in the final stanza, tallying try . to hit the 3 and rebound. 13 points, including a 3 by And we got some shots off." Chris Margis to cloSe out the

In the first half, Cloudcroft; match. tallied 21 -points on 3s. and Adams Means led the Griz-only 12 fl'om the field, leading zly scoring with 10 points. · 33~1_4 going into the locker Bear Max Sanders led ·all room.· scorers With 14, whiie Adlnn

With minimal practice time Roberts tallied 11, including a under their belts, and several trio of treys.

. Karen Boehler/Rwdoso NeWJ c:arrtzozo's Grizzlies are hoping to gain the experience needed to advance beyond distriCt pia)<. . I ·

Inexperienced Grizzlies learning as they go BY Ki\REN BoEHLER .RU100§9 NEWS SPORTS ~

. CARRIZOZO - The Griz­zlies are lacking the same ele­ment as many Lincoln County hoops teams this season: expe­rience.

Graduates Ryan Roper and Josh Vega, who spearheaded last season's 12-8, '4-4 team. are gone. A few players didn't come back. And there's one big injury. That leaves senior Adam Means and juniors. Lane Dixon and Brandon Langley as the only players with tin1e on

Josh Calvert; and eighth graders Jake Riddle, Jesse Samora and Joseph Samora ..

-At least fdur Grizzlies had never seen action before the team's Season opener against Hondo. ·

That leaves· "Zozo having to work around the inexperience.

ql ·think we have some things we're limited in doing," said coach Mel Holland. "l think we're going to have to do what we do well. We're going to have to play roles."

The second session eM the fall flag rootball leligue Is scheduled to begin In Oecember f at Sportspark El PaSo. 1780 Zaragosa. In El i Paso. The daadUne to register Is Dec, 6. A ~~ leagut~ ineeting will be held. the same day

At 1$-10, Franck is the tallest player, SC> Holland will he look­ing for more of a transition game from his 8quad ..

. the floor.

Be.Cittlse of tl:ie inexperi­-ence, Holland said the squad is going to have to keep fhe other team from scoring.

at 7 p.m. Registration fees are $8S!team cr. $12/player. t=or more lrlonnMion, eall 1.· (91$) 857-7676. -

· While the team gOal is to get b.,ck to state, Holland smd the

· · See GIRLS, page 6B

Learn" the game will be seniors An~ and C:hriS Mar­gis; j\)nior . Jimmy Samora; sophomOre Richard West; freshman Chris Vallejos and


"The kids are very ~e­riell;Ced, so we're going to have

See ·BOYS, page 6B

~~-..... -------~ -·--:---~~~ ....... ----~----------~--~-~~ --- - -----

~ll Wl!DNESDAY, Nqv. 29, 2000

HONDO - liondo'a Lady Eagles are coming oft' a tough seasoli.. last year, not so muc:h because -. of their won~loss ""cord (the . Eagles finished third in district with a .12-11, 3-3 record), but because tli!oy lost four players - three starter~ -- throughout the season.

Every two we.eks, ·- it seemed, •another .Lady· Eagle moved away, making it tough on the remaining playerS.


. Karen BoehlelfRuidoso ~

she's always given me every­thing she's got, Montoya said. "' . really look to her for leader-.

. Ship both on and off the court. Hopefully she's really going to be an impact." · :sanchez, Montoy,a said,

"'Can put the m~s and drive on people" and "has a really _nice shot." She just needs to ·get her confiden.ce up

"Sarah is a talentecl play• er," the ·coach said. "She'S one of th~ veterans, so. she has to -be one ·or tlte On~ td make that·

·move." · Montoya alSo sees pciten~ial

from freshmf!ln Santana· Gomez. Bnd, at ·5-5 the team's talles.t Player, Melanie Miran­da, who she expeCts to: be

"'t's not like they thought they nseded these girls to win, but you get used -to the same girls, and it does take its toll• · especial~y on -the· younge_z:­girls,"' said coach Julie Mon· toya.- "It really mind-effects thein."' · ·

Honckl's ~ Eagles pre young. but hoping to com·pere '\("'eD by district.

· underneath the basket pulling down ~bonnds. ·

The remaining team_ mem­bers are sOphomores Jackie Chavez and SSrah·Rotruiro and. fres~en Sani8.ntha . Gom~z. Josephine GUtierrez and Lau-

'nris year, Mohtoya is hop­ing the young squad- with so lp8lly moving away,. the Eagles · only have . three returning starters- will be able-to.leamJ the ropes by the pme district -rolls around.- ·

'"Last year:· was such a crazy season that you're always kind of scared, but· I hope to have the .same team throughout the season," the coach said. "' see a future in them. If they continue to wor.k like t.hey have, we1l definitely make r:egionals."' . - The teani is having to. do its

homework.- beoause Montoya· has inStituted a whole new

on"ense that .relies on- the play­ers read~ _tbe.odher teaxn~ defense and acljtl$ting B.ccord .. ingly.

"It's really · them ~dfug · the defe.Jl$e. and I realizQ that•s going to take time • ., Montoya s~d: "'t"s hard when they have to make their own decisions- as far as-" where., to go. It'll take tini~. but I ~qtiJfl rather they start off. slow .and end up. good."" ' · · Defensively, Montoya hopes tp have· a solid half-court defense. with the press added aS.~~ckup. · ·


Radio AuCiiOh on KRUI1490 AMf NeWSITalkrrourism K.Ri..a i$ c~nducting a hO!i~ay auction to l.lenefit .Historic Lincoln. The auction: will be-held from 10 a.m. to~ ·p.m. on Saturday, December 2. ·• · ·

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~n Richardson. .

"We Will tin-ow .in· _pr.esseS, but .it· won't be like I live and die by them," she said. "I want .to haVe a sound half-court defense_, too~"

·The· young team is also working on U.s shooting, start­ing with the basicS.

New players aren't the only thing .that"s · :p.ovel for · Horido

, this r/h:Eagles are in. a' n~ district, with . Hagernlan eXpected to be-the team to beat. . The coach will rely on her.

three ·returners --- senior Chriselda Acosta, juniOr Sarah Sanche~ and sophomore Randi Gomez - to help the younger players learn the ropes. ·-

Montoya said Lalm Arthur is yo)lllg, while Gateway Chris· . tian, Mesilla 'Valley and · Mescalero are somewhat unknowns~ .

Acosta,:·:a four-year _player, is-the te_arD,s leader. ·

·"'At practi"ce and games

That should make it easy· for. Hondo to at le8$t eam sec­orid plaCe, bUt Montoya ·isn't


The National World War II Memori~J is a long overdue tfibute · · to the individual Amei-icans who helped win World War 11. The Meni.orial honorS ·the veterans who bravely fOught to defend

freedom, those ·on the home.frolit who contributed to the war

effort, an:d those who gave their life for our country. We havt made a commitment to help create a nauonal Registry of

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friend in the Registry, or tti make a financial contribution to support the World War II Memorial, contact your local Dignity Memorial provider. There is no cost to register • . -~r~ _.-- -


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overlOoking anYone. "We're a young team. too1

so we're not going to take any­body for granted," sl).e said. "We'll jl,JSt play like we can and don"t worry about who it is."

The Eagles may· face some of their toughest,competitioil in predistrict, fac~ teams such as ,Para and Grady and com­peting at the Capitan '!burna­mont. · "I don1t mind it. because it; gives you. good e?Cperien_ce and it lets the girls see what's going to be mit there if they do @t tO ~;~tate or even ·regionals, ;.--now that ',they've. switched it around," she sa~d. "They're


gqing to meet up with toUgh teams. So- it's good for the girls to -see that. l don"t mihd. I'll

· play any team. Even if you don't pull out the win, if you get the experience and as long as. you . .don~t gi.v? up _t~roUI{hout -the game you re g01ng to learn from it. That's what it's ·all about,"

That, and staying tqgeiher aS a.team. ·

''That Would be nice"," MOn­toYa said. ..They've . learn.ed t_oge~hex:. . They've. . grown together. It .w~uld be encour- . aging to me just to .finiSh out ancl see . how they've -improved." ·


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CHIEFS: Alamq Navajo takes twin victories . ConUnued fiom page IB ·

was trying .to go one-on-one.'; shots by Raymond Bigmouth La Paz also said the team and '.lerranco Rocha. At one shot frc:m ~he. outSide too often.· point, the Chiets led by l!i. . "The 3 will kill us, • he said.

But Alamo Navf\'io turned "If it goes iri, it's good~-but"ifWs it around in _the second quar- not, it kills you.. · ter, goin@" from 10 points down Cougar coach . Francisco to 11 up. Piasso said he .was _surprised

While the Cougars picked with the 103 poiots his team -up points from the . field and put On the board, bUt npt tPat the eharity stripe, the ChiefS they shot well. . · couldn't seems to hit anything, - · "That11 be the thiog to go getting outshot 29-11. . with. We'Tf' goiog to shoot,• he

And although the Mescalero said.

- the turnovers and what he calied "Stupid foul~~ ..

"I think the little holiday, three days without _practice theJ:l ~to play a game, it shOWed," he_·said. -

But he expects the squad to be ready come district.

Seven players hit d~le t;.gures. .. .

WEONESDA\; N<l'l 29, 2000 3D

Loc;al horse gets second Capitan Bullet, a 2-year­

oid brown geldiog owned by L. · Carpenter and 0. a.Qd Q, Booher Of Cafiten, captured second ·place ui the . $77,769 New Mexico State Fair Seirior Futurity {RG3) at the state fairgrounda io Albuquerque.

Capitan Bullet, ridden by Salvador EetradA end trained by Gary Joe Lovel&ce, covered the 4<!0-yerd race io a time of 20:016. The second-place finish paid $15,554. .

The top finishers io the shootingpicked up in the second · Still, the match was the ~ ·Alll!UO Navr:ijo went on' a season.opener for both sq~,~ads, 19:2 run early io the third and · and Piasso said his team has a the Chiets couldn't catch up. way to go.

· For the Chiets, Pike and Biginouth had 21 each, while Thny Chima! had 18. Cougars ·Lemuei.Gilerro and Andy Piqo led all scorers with 25 each. Thby Piasso tallied 24 and Jef­fery Key 10 .. Chief ita)'IJ)Ond 8lsmouth gets up In the air to serid tile Cougar$. '. .

race were Wol'tQafortunetoo, Capitan B,U.,t, DRJ:I Straight

- N . Easy.. First Raft;c!r B;nd . · Mogesail.

"I think they just fell "We still need quite a bit ~part," said ¥escalero coach -m-ore work," he said. "We've got Christy La_ Paz. ""The inexperi- · the Magdalena toumainent ence with the yoUJ:Jger kids_· ooming up, so we've got to get showed. We never real~ got ready ·for that;• · · intO ·our _offense. Evei'Jrbody La Paz ~asn't wi~

•on:~~c::::m . PROPERlY TAX


LINCOUi COUNTY TREASURER reminds Unooln County prapefly -.ri tllot IIIey mull pay their flrlf half properly taxes •v · Dnem&er If, 2000 Ia o,;,ld penaltlound lnterelf.

Tho Uneoln County ,,.. ....... om .. dOll ...... tho .,..marie, but yGUr pey01entt MUST BE POSDIARI(ED DECEMBER 1!, 2000.

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8y H.M. State low, praporty taxoo aro tilt porHIIol olollgotlon of tha praporly aw .. r, owhothor or not the fox &Ill woo rooolrod. Moll poy­medt ar aanlllt u• at the addn•• •nd phane numher helow •ha~ld yau hoH quoothulo ngordlng your properly to• &lllo. ThonkVGU

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48 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000

RHS grads at Portales cainpus of ENMU

1\venty-five graduates of­Ruidoso High School are JIDrolled at- Eastern New Mexi- · co ·university in Portales -this falL

The students -and . their majors are: . .

Anita Marie Aguilar, com­munic"ations; Sara L. AmeS­Brown, general studies; Vrr­ginia Ann_Annstrong, wriversi­ty stt,J.dies; Jessic8 L. ~ biology; Rachel M. Gheer, ele­mentary education; Ge-rald A Gomez. elementary_ edUcation; Robert N. Guardiola,. criminsJ. justice; Anibi Ruth Guthrie, special education; Manuel R. · Gutierrez, psychology; Jason Ray Flightower, undeclared graduate; Nina M. Marshall; special educati9n;. ·Scotty Donny Martinez, physiC<~~ edu­cation; ·John A. · McC8.sland, computer science; Shannon A . Miller, _marketing; Veronica A Olvera-Gomez, education; Roberta R. Roser,. undeclared graduate; Ezra A. Sap.doV81:, ·

··art; Tiffany Lynn Skinner, music; ·nanielle Nicolle Sowell, psychology; Laurie JBne Stan· difer, history; Pamela Rae Storm, elementary education; Shirley Marie Tapia, family consumer sciences; Cynthia +'-f. ThompSon, communication dis-. · orders; Amy Nicole Tucke·r, business administration;. and Lisa S. Wenner, elementary education.

..• And Capitan grads Twenty~one graduates of

Capitan High s·chool . are r>nrolled at ENMU~Portales this fall. Students and their majors are.

Truman Richard· Arm­~trong, undeclared undergrad­uate; Joyce Ann Cardone, bUsi­ness administration; Angela· Dawn Carpenter. elementary education; Stacy Gene .Cox, criminAl justice; Michael J. Dix~on, agricultural business; ("AsPy L€Ann Graham, agri_cul­tural education; Glenda Fay ( J-rant, education; Ka.ra L. 11\ltchison, accounting; Monica .Jean .Johnson, business admin~ istrntion; Lance A. Jones, wildlifl"' and fishery science; <_ 'lny Allen Layher, . university l'tudic>s; Lucy Ann McCasland, undeclnrf'd graduate; StPphame Deann Midgley,

, undedared undergraduate; Beth K :-.Iiller, elementary ('dur:ation; .Julieanne Codi :\lontt'::;, agricultural education; Yvonne A. Montes~ Rich, educa­tion; Jessica L. Newcomb, undPclared graduate; Angela A Romero, undeclared graduate; Victoria M. Sedillo, English; Sonya ·Marie Wood, biology; ami Jesse Lee Wright, art.

ENMU-Roswell awaits Pre-registration for the

spring 2001 sE>mester at East­em New Mli'xico University­Roswell wiH be on Monday, Ike. 4 in the Administration Center lobby on campus.

Counselors, advisers and admissions staff will be avail~ able from 8 a.m. to 7,p.m. The spring semester begins· -Jan. 10.

Spring class. schedules are available at ENMU-R, Hastp ings Books, Music ·and Vid(*), NMMI ('lbles Learning Cen­ter), N.M. Department of Labor, N .M. Income Support D-ivision, Roswell Public Library, Nov8BUS Inc., Wal­Mart K-Mert, Target, Roswell

· Racq~et · ClUb, Blockbuster Video, Counseling Associates, Roswell Adult Center,_ Chaves County Career Center in. the Bank of America building, RosweJJ Chamber of Com~ merce, Hispano Chamber of Commerce, Office Max, Christ­rna~ By Krebs ·and the COWlsel· ing. offices at University, RoHwell and · G<lddard high f«"hools. . .

Web registration at www.roswell.enmu.edu is also flow nvailable throu~J~. 17, 2001. ()pen registration Wlll be hPld on campus Mon~y, Jan. a. f'ot more jnfbnnation, eall ' r.oo-624-7146.



Now returning Students.can" register for the winter semester online at Eastern New Mexico University in

a matter _of !ninu1;es. "It's an extremely convenient

and very quick Way -especially for people in the outlying areas - to get into class,". s~d -Jim Miller, director of the

·E:NMU-R.uidoso Instructional Center.

.The process takes about· 10 minutes Miller'

· the fir:st time., Miller said, "but once a perso11 gets good at it - and you cari go in and play with it now - and familiar with the language, it should take four or five m~nutes tQ register for. class, and yoU can do it from any~ where at any time."

Either to see the sChedule or to register, go to the Eastern home page (www.ruidoso.enmu.edu) and click on "Web Registration." Look

. for a "watch" icon for course schedule, click on that for the schedules for Portales aitd . Rui­doso classes. Instructions are pro~ vided for registering.

Registration for the winter semester. begins Dec. 1 and stu­dents can register in person at the ENMU-Ruidoso campus, or by phone at 257~2120, or fax at 257-9409, as well as by the Internet.

Capitan r:olls, fruit

CALL US Education writer Sandy Sul!Ritt

Phqne' 505-257-4001

_Registration at the. speed of electronics is available now at··

RUIDOSO "ServiOOJearning or expe- oilline: lecture .and laboratory with .

riential learning ... · gives lab experiments on the compact "disc theJ;n a cha:nce td leam what that comes· with the textbook. Den~ it is living in a real wOrld," nis . Cravens Will teach the class she said. "'t'll tE!ach them ·Online frOm CloUdCroft. person~) responSibility and · · • In;troduction to Psycliology is a· ~itizenship ... and job skills- . class requested by Capitan Munici­that•n prepa~ them ,-for· pal Schools ·for its high schOol pro-careers after college." gram.

The first cia:ss meets . "We decided to do- it online for from 5:30..8 p.m., Jan. 22 and th.em so they coUld sit ·over there is. an orieD.tation . to .voh.m- instead- of having a live instructor," teerism. The midtenn exam, Miller said. Laren .Winter~ who on March 5, will consist of a teeche~ psychology fur ENMU-Rui-series "of essa.v questions in dOso. will teach the Course.

Communi~senrice learning which students will r<>tlect on • Fluman Growth and Develop-

what they've learned on the job, ment 200 will be taught by Laren . . .

A new one:.credit sociology course offered _next semester "recog­nizes. the importance of vohm· teerism in our community and our nation and ... teai:bes younger stu-

what the agency coilsists of and Wmter. · · w~t skill!'! they can use later. ·. • Psychology of Adolescence 202

The journals of work ex.peri- will be taught by Maurice Gudgel. ences will be used for the final exam . • Criuiinld Justice Workshop on_ on "May 7 when stude11~ give oral Mediation or Conflict Mediation will presentations of their semester at a be taught by Sue Martines. '

. dents, primarily, the value of volun· teerism - giving sQmething back. to your community," Miller said.

service agency. • Online Class Design for Col~ New medical courses lege Instructors will be taught by Ed

Kinley, directorofEastemComJIUter. Students in this class will attend In addition to :the entry-level

only three three-hour classes during Em~rgency Medical . Technician the semester, and will work at least . course taught by Chris LaCounte, an hour and "a half a week at a eom~ ENMU-Ruidoso will offer three new munity·serv'ice agency, said Maurice medical CO\li"Ses: Gudgel~ the instructor, who is alsO • AdminiStrative Medical Assist­th~ building administrator for ·the ing CMDST i04) is for people who Lincoln County Works· .~nter and work in health-care offices such as job developer for New . Mexico private physician offices, home Works, the welfare-to-work pro~ health or at the hospital, Miller said. gram. Students ·must h-ave some medical_

"Most of the junior colleges are backgrou:pd. .The instructor is doing this,"' she said. "It. helps the Cheryl Vineyard, the department studerits become active iri. their com- chair of medical assistants at the munity and learn how to give of ENMU..Roswell campus. their ·time and themSelves to the • Spariish 103 is a Spanish class· commun,ity." oriented for health-care profession-

Gudgel is . recruiting agenciea als; this entry-level· conversational that students can choose from, or class will be taught by Rosa Rica­they can come up with their own Fernandez. agency or nonprofit organization, • University Studies 102, Sue~ she said. Supervisors from these ser- cess Skills in Health Careers, covers vice agencies will fill out forms list- s}Qlls needed to study -and enter a ing what skills are required and health-care occupatiOn, Miller said. what skills the volnnteers will learn Jan Hollerman, who operates the through the course of the semester. preschool at Nob Hill Early Child· . Students will sign a student-agency hood Center, will be the instructor. agreement form with their supervi-sor at the work site, and keep a jour- ·Class~ on the Internet nal and a time log. The supervisors Six online classes will be offered will evaluate student perfoi"l1l,ance fQr the winter semester; compared at the end of the semester and this with two classes each in the previous will comprise a portion of the stu~ 151umm.er and fall semesters: dent's grade. • lnJroduction to Physics is an

Centerin~. .. .

Journalism classes . . .Miller said be is advertising fur

someone to tmtch news.writing for two jouinalism practica to give students experience . working in all · depart­ments of the Ruidoso News.

"Publisher Brad Treptow has agreed to be the inst;rucy,or o.freeord to supervise the practicum," Mill_er said. · ''People would be worlcing at a sched­ule to be detennined at the newspa-· per, maybe rotate among the depart­ments, getting their feet Wet in pro­duction and advertising .... If it works out, we'll run it all the time so there

'are people constantly working at the newspaper."

Chicano In American Humanities Cynthia Orozco will teach a new

humanities class, the Chicano in American Humani$s 171, a three­credit class covering Hispanics ·in art, music, architecture and literature.

For more information on winter­semester classes, pick up a scha:l.ule. at ENMU-Ruidoso in the Sierra Mall on Mechem Driue or at other places around town. Til£ schedule will be puhlis/u>.d in th£ Ruidoso News on Dec. 7.

Wednesday, Nov. 29 - · Breakfast: Hot pocket, jUice.or fruit

Nob Hill Early Childhood ·Center, Sierra Vista Primary

dipping sauce, baked beans, fruit, Jell-0

White-Mountain Elemen .. -. tary, Intermediate

'1\teSd.ay, Dec. 5 - Break­fast: French toast sticks .

Lunch: Mini corn dogs, diP": ·ping sauce~ baked beans~ ·fruit;

cheese dog, baked beans., salad, fruit

Ruidoso High School Wednesday, Nov~ 29 ..;­

Breakfast: Donuts Lnnch: Baked potato, Pol­·ish sausage. cake, fruit

Thursday, Nov. . 30 _:___ Breakfast: 'lba.st, jelly, cereal, juice or fruit

Lunch: ·Spaghetti, bread sticks, salad, fruit

Friday, Dec. ·t - ·Break­fast: Cinnamon roll, · cereal, juice or fruit · ·

Lunch: Cheese burgers. French fries, lettuce, tomatoes and pickles, puddihg

Monday, Dec. 4 - Break­fast: French toast, sausage, juice -Or fruit .

Lunch: ·Pizza; corn, fruit, bar cookie. . .

Tuesday, Dec. 5-:- Break­fast: Toast, cereal, juice or fruit

Lunch' Chopfled steak, mas~ed pOtatoes, brown gr.avy,

Wednesday, Nov. 29 -Breakfast: Ceieal

Lunch: Baked chicken, mashed potatoes~ gt:een beans. roll; Express: fiesta -burrito basket

Th-ursday, Nov. 30 -BreakfaS:t: Bre:akfast pizza

Lunch: Chicken soft taco, . Spanish 1 rice, sSlad, fruit; ExpreSs: ijesta· burrito basket

Friday, Dec. 1 ~ Brea,k~ fast: Cereal

Lunch: Macaroni · and ~heese, green bean~. salad, fruit, cobbler

Monday, Dec. 4 - Break• fast: Cereal .

Lunch: :ftoast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, roU, fruit . TuesdiJY, Dec. 6 - Break­fast: FrenCh toast· sticks ·

Lunch:. Mini corn dogs,

... _, ........ _..-.' 1 -... ....... ~"""""' ~-·'···~ _._' -·~·--~~' "" .... ..., _.,.

Wednesday, .N.Jov. -29 Breakfast: Cereal

Lunch: Baked chicken~ mashed potatoes, green beans,. roll; Express: fiesta burrito besket ·

Thursday, Nov- 30 -Breakfast: French toast sticks·

Lunch: Chicken soft t800, Spanish rice, salad, fruit;_ Express: fiesta burrito basket

FridaY; Dec. 1 - Break-fB.st: Cereal ,

Lunch: ·"Macaroni ·and cheese, green beans, salad, fruit, cobbler; Express·: Cotn dog basket

Monday, Dec. 4 - Break­fast: Cereal

Lunch: Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, roll,· fruit; Exptess: Chef salad bas-ket '

Jell"O · ,._,

Ruidoso Middle School Wednesday, Nov. 29

Breakfast: DonUts Lunch; ·Spaghetti, green

beans, gRrlic })read, salad, fruit Thursday', Nov. 30

Breakfast: Cinnamon rolls Lunch: Fried chicken,

_mashed potatoes with gravy, greEpJ. beans, roll, roll, salad, flnlit .

· . Friday, DOO. 1 - B<!'ak­fast: Cereal

Lunch: Bunita, fries, sftlsa, salad, fruit .

MondiJY, Dec. 4 - Break-fsst: Cereftl ·. ·

- Lunch: Soft chicken "tacos, beans, salad; fruit

·Tuesday, Dec. 5- Break-­fsst: Little Debbie cofiee cake

Lunch: · Foot-lon:g Chili~

-........... "'- ._ .. -.--

Lunch: Spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, salad, fruit

· Thursday, · Nov. so -BreakfMt: Cinnamon rOlls

Lunch: hied chicken, . mashed potatoes with gravy, ~en beans, roll; roll, salad, fruit .

Friday, Dec. 1 - Break. fast: Cereal

Lunch: Lasagna, green. beans, garlic bread. salad, fruit

Monday, Dec. 4 - Break­fast: Cereal -

Lunch: Baked potato with chili and cneese, salad, fruit

Tuesday, Dec. G BreakfaSt: · French toast sticks

Lun.ch: Steak fingers, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, r~ll. salad_, fruit

' '·


RUIOOSO NEWS WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000 5B ___ ;.._,__ _________________________ . __ .. '. ··-· "~ ··-____ ..;,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;:.;.;,;;,;;;;,:;;::;;..;;:, EspeCially and their


8¥.iiETrv DEBNAM

This 88riaa Is baaed on the project "Clreata&t · Engineering Achlevemante of_ the 20th Century," by the National Academy of Engineering, wtth the Alnerloan Auoclatlon of E'ngtne~ng $ocl~ea. National ~glneera W.k and other englneerfr'!U groups. services.

~:~t "" . . ENGINEERING ~$>-..~ .. .. ~~i.,._Q·f> ACCOMPLISHMENTS · "' . . TRY 'N FIND ,

li Words that remind us of engineering accomplishments· are

hidden in the block beloW. S0me words· are hidden backward. Bee H you can find: INTERSTATE, HIGHWAYS, SPACE,






Mini Spy ..• exploring the moon in their new

• coffee pot • kite •word MINI • pencil • numberS • watermelon

slice • lipstick • saw •·ladder • carrot •letter E • exclamation · . roark • number 7

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • NEWSPAPERS IN • • • • • • • • • • EDUCATION • • • • •'· • • • •• • Sponsored by: • • • • • • Inn or the Mountatn Gods • • ·• • • • Casino Apat':.Ie • • • • • • Ruidoso News • • • •· • • Ruidoso State Bank • • • • • • • • ·········~····~······~·~···············

14.1maging Imaging is a word used to describe

advanced types of picture-taking.

· ' ,j{ Before 1900 · Doctors had to feel a

patient's arm to see if it was broken.

The 20th century Thanks to X-rays

and other methods, doctors can get pictures of what is going on inside our bodies.

Scientists can take pictures of tiny atoms or huge galaxies millions of miles away. Engineers are able to make smaller computers because they can take pictures of circuit patterns and print them on tiny microchips. The future

Q. Doctors will be able to l90k

even further into the body without Causing .pain or

. danger. .

15. Household aQpliances Befllre 1900 · · .,

Women spent most of · q .: ..,. their time doing housework. a: It might take a whole day just to do laundry. They had to build fires to boil water. They had to scrub cloihes ·on wash boards and then

hang them out to dry. The 20th centurjr

Appliances such as waShers and dryers,

'"'1 microwave ovens and vacuum cleaners make housew-ork mUch easier

and give the homemaker more &ee time .

The future 0 . . Robots will do much of the ' work.

The Mini Par. thankS expert Dr. Henry P«roskl, ctv I enoineerilig professor, Duke Unl\r8ralty. We also thank Chuok Blue, American Assoctatlon of Engln8ering Societies. for help with _tl\is isstle~ ·

ite to see: www.greamchlevements.org

''tlw Mini Po,~ Ma.p .J_the U.S.A.'" u '"'"mt.l :.!-1-l•y-35 •tteh m.ap Lhat includeii statu CHJ>Il.u]~. >1tuw hi1·d,; 1111d ><Lute nuwt•.t'H .. Jo'ur ymu· '"Opy, >111nd $:1 plua 75{1 poStage and hmullm~ P'''' eopy 1.0: Mlnll'lu!l! Ma.p. Andl'l.-"W6 MeMool Ptiblishing. Jtc J. Bolt 41\r.M'.o!,l<ansn~ Cit~, "Mn. 641_!11. .

Go dot. to dot and color. .17 16 .• ---.,... 18


l I l • ~ ~ • J t

IS • 19

20°J -·. ·n •



• 33

.. ~.-~



•• l i I l

~.;-../·~.5 32

45 •

>·.·~·, m~~~ Funny Phonics "1

'::""'f AI\( ... {: r1 r · It's f~ tole~ phonics,.-or the way . ." 1 f~ ~ · 7 ~ letters·sopnd. 'Vlus w~_ek's target sound 1s. '-..f/-. the ·one made by the SCR blend, ·

The future TouristS will

walk on the moon and

as in the·. word scream. .

Q: Wh,at is a screen donr? A: Somethi~g kids get a bail.g out ofl

astronauts will e)q)Iore Mars. The space station will be a.

))octo~: How.did_:·ou get c;o many scratches an,d brufses? .

~~'-'Patient: It hEi}>pened in the

G9one~n· word hunt.- Whc:rt" other words 0c2n

fln¢1 uelne 5CR blend?


perman.ent home for humans in

vc··~ desert. J swam a long

16. Health technologies ~ Before 1900 ~ Doctors had few instrum·ent~ ~ to .find o1,1t whB.t was wrong.

The 20th century Many niachines, such

as CT scanners and heart pacemakers, and ' hundreds of new t111LA;..;.,. medicines help doctors treat patients.

0 The future

Scientists will be able to develop artificial organs.

17. Petroleum and P-e!;rochemicals

Petrochemicals are the produds made from petroleum, or oil. 1 Befllre 1900 · ·

Oil was used mainly for lighting:. The 20th century

Petrolerin1 is used as a fuel to run cars and

, 1

machines. Products mBde from oil

include aspirin, plastics and textiles.

0 The future . ·

. New fuels will be dev~loped to reduce oUr dependence rm petroleum.

18. Laser and fiber optics A laser beam is_ a powerful stream· of

CQntrolled light. Fiber Optics use thin glass fibers to sepd la~er ligJ-Jt waveg that · swiftly transmit our·message's and information . Before 1900 .

· People commuriicated by mail, telegraph or telep~om• . The 20th

'Fiber optics carrv million~· of phonl' calls, video:: and­computer files.

. Laser~ cart .also many thi1ogs, from cutting-steel to scanning bar codes-to gM grocery prices.· · ·

The.future . . o· Most people will sc1-m their ' · · _.

pwn gro~ries as they put them _ · 3t in their bags. · · . .

time in a lak-e befo~ I discovered it was p.


19. Nuclear technologies ~ Before 1900 ~ Mos.t energy came from

burning coal and wood. The 20th century

Nuclear power is used to produ.ce about 20 percent of the electricity we use in the U.S. ·

Nuclear power can produce a great deal of energ}· with a small amount of fuel. However, its n·ht:.-'OfwarLsa"­tremendous power i1 great threat. . Nuclear materials also help with mt>dical research.

The future

(:;; Safe methodo will be found

~ to get rid of nuclear waste. . '""' Scientists will discover new

. sources of energy no one has even thought of yet.

20. Hig!l:.pt;rfonnanee materials . .

Before 1900 · Many· building materials .

;~ ·: were_ made of iron, stone. and ·~~· timber.

The 20th century Engineers

developed new, high-performance materials that have enabled us to build .skYscrapers, spacecraft and jet airplant>s .

Tiny chips to power computers were .made possible by the careful use of.a material p1ade from silicqne . The future

Materials will"be invented

0 that we can't even lmagh'I:E' now. The:\' will- be lighter, cheaper and more reliable · than matt>tials oftoda~·.

Look through your neV{9fU~per -for etortee; cind plcture6 dbout 20th-:· centur:y Inventions,

Neld w"k The Mini Page l$ all about Alaska.


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6B .WRUNI'lillA\', Nov. 29, 2000 ·sPORTS RUIDOSO NEWS ·

·Girls: 'Zozo wants .to return to state BOYS: Carrizozo looking for hoops experience . . . , . Continued from page lB Instead, the District 7A win-

Continued from p.age lB junior is healing and hopes Holland said Mountainair alignment, against District SA, ner ancl runner up _will have to _ he'll be back by January. B\lt is_ once again the team to beat with defending stat~ champion new region& alignn:lent co_uld square off.again.st the top two

to figure a way to pl~y great that's still up in the air. · in District 7A while "Val!lghn js Ta~um, won't be easy. -make tbiJ!gs·tougher. · teams from District ~ which. defense and try to give our- . ''Time will tell," the coach going to surprise some Wople." "I think. that's one of the But first, there's district, includes Dora, Elida. Floyd, selves a chance to win," ·he said. "Mother Nature _will take .· He's also nncertain what toughest·regions in state," Hol~ and· While" the coach doesn't Melro~-and.'Th.tum . Said. ~e're ;not great shooters care· of. that." Bosque· Prep· will bring to the land said. ''Always has been. want to overlOok 8nyone- he's · "We've got to be able to com~ · yet. WeTe going to have to play 1 Holl8lld hopes Bartz and mix. . They've gOt a lot of emphasis not sure wh~t to exPect from pete with the people on the eaSt more of the half-court game·,. I the team .. will be ready com.e Butevenifeverythinggoes on athletics. Basketball,·eSpe~ Corona and new district mem~ Side," Holland. said. . tbfuk." district. The gOal, as. always, is right and the GrizZlies get first cially/' · ber Bosque. Prep - he thinks The Grizzly predistrict. is ·

The one thing ,'Zozo. dcies to advance t;o the regionals. or secOnd,· the new regional . S~i~l, Holland is hoping hj.s. the Gt;zzlies shoul«!n"t have too designed: to getlthe Squad,ready have is height. . young team can· grow as the muchofaproblemth.ere .. · .. · .fortlioseregionalandstatecom,..:.

"'' th~nk that's one of the season progresses.. . . . "''f we play to our abilities, l petitions. On the schedule are a· . . thi,ngs that's to our advantl;lge," · ·,: ··· '.~othing's going to be easy think we ShoUld be fine ·m diS-- . number of matches .against

:aolland said. 'We .ought to h_e · ~· for .us," he said, "We play a lot ·-- _trict/' he said.- east-side schools~ 8$ wetl aa-able to control the· backboatds . pf tough people. Everybody"s The· region · iS somethirtg games against AA sChoOls. a little bit, and hopefully go going to be. tough fot: us. If we else. . · · -.. · . ~ ·bStte'r_jleopl~ .wel~:"· · inside. We're going to gO inside leBrn . to play with thein-.- we Gone are Hagermim ·and ·the bettet: we'll be, .. · Ho d to Brandon and Adam and might sUrprise 9Ursely~-" .- Loving. said. · hope somethi~ good haPpens.". · · ,

don~h!:ri~~~t' ~~~;h Tiger netters, coach get state, district honors Holland.said·Chris Margis has some quiclme~s and sPeed. and Dixon "moves OK"

The team's. one " injured · player could affect the sPeed equation.

Bryan Bartz broke his .. ankle in the second to the last ,

ga,ine ofthe football s~ason. J. Holland said the speedy •-District

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Two -Capit~ Tiger$ ·have · been I).atned to the New Mexico . South A/AA all•star volleyball

team. Seniors Lindsey .. Bush arid

T.J. Maroon join. ·a dOzen other . players hi. receiVing the .honOr.

· Bush was named as a mid~ dle- blocker and Maroon as an




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outside hitter. ~'Pm pr:oud of them,11

· Said poach SherrY GoweQ. "'I'm excit­ed they11 get to play in Albu­querque. r got to play in. that and. it was really, really neat."

The. duo will · compete agaipst .the North squad July 24. .

Bush. and .-M:aroon w.ere also named to the All-District 5AA sqUad, along with oopho- . more Jessica 'IWly:-Mitcheli. -

Seriior SWan Lynn -ChiC9 · received honor&ble .mention,

and .coach Sherry Gowen was· named .the District 5AA coach of the year.


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Mortqn'll! Gomp.1n~ <'58 2370 or stop by 1092 !Aer.hem

NICE MOBILE C'N LARGE lr t w•th '"~'" of Stona Boan·~«. Close to •ilce tr.-r.k S55.00U 378-4661

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advo:-rtising in this newspape1 is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which rnakes it me­galla advertise. ""any prefer" ence, limitation 'lr discrimi· nation based o" •ace. color, religion. sex httndlcap. familiar status. or natlonill origin; or <1ny rntenlion to make any such prefP.renc:e. limitation· or discrlmlna· tlon." This newspl!per will not knoWingly accepl any advertising for real estate which Is in violation of the law. Our Te-aders are heTeby Informed that all dwellings advertised in 1\'Jis newspa· per are avallablf• on an equal or,portunlty basis. To cdm· P. aln· of discrimination, call HUD toll free 1-800-424-8590.

I Suh!>~·.t·lh<.' ,!:;7 . ..111Ut I TRADE? 5 ACRES CAPITAN 5brl3ba executive home rfiduced $30.000 to $28g,ooo .. 257-0309 or 430·1539.



TRADE? '8 ACRES ·Bori1.lot·Capitan area. 2BAI2BA rnodw!Sr. Bams and more $99.000. 257-0309 Of · 430·1539: '

TRIPLEX IN LAS CRUCES. Exce<<ent ren.tal history. Brick e)(H~flor .. low maintenance. Good bu"1 ;g, 598.000 (505) 258·3118


WILL TRAPE.itiOO'Wilmeba­qo 911deout lor Ruidoso Prop­~·rty. !'940) 383-9611 ·


BLACK 'FOREST BUILDfNil lot on Nottingham. paved 1.\"lroet In front olio!. Zoned lo houses only, urdifres available 56.500 1-505-892-9465

FOR SALE: ALTO FULL membership, "!10 Eagle Court. 1 acre. beautiful views. Deer Park Woods. $55.000. {214)369-27B6.

RUIDOSO ARBA 158 acres

587,900.00 Ideal inl-·esrmentlhomesite,

exc;ellent hunting, <.'riunty·road; utilities, \pet.facular Capital)

rv1ountain yiews.

. Financ.:ed 20% db\.\on I -800-883-484 I


443 SUNRISE ALTO HIGH Mesa Custom built new home. 2.037 sq. ft. 3B0/2BA. open floor plan with lots ol ... pgrades. including a sun­·oorn. double garage, 9 fl. cell­•"-gs. front and back porch. "A Must See· Oscar (505) 258-t321 1915) 566·0665

BY OWNER: 4BDI3BA Large lol. Beautiful Sierra Blanca v1ew. SIK car garage. 1t2 ·J09Sf Place $165,000 420· 05t1


IN PINES OF GAVILAN on Ecw<~rd Lana. owner/agent

"••r•, !~r>s home on lot backing .p "~> llla!ronal Forest, 3 bed·

. oorros. 2 baths. nk:e covered rJecl< and permanenl lounda· !IOn in st-.cco on this "97 facto· ry built rome. Immaculate cond>hon 1n great neighbor· ••ood. pr1ced· to sell at S79.40o.oo sos·257·4P75.

NEW HOUSE FOR SALE, Black For-est subdivision, price reduced. Must sbe, has a qreal view, upgraded carpel .tnd cabinets. 2bd/2ba. -;116.000. 258·4132.

TIRED OF HIGH PRICES? Must sell. (relocating) !JBD/3BA modular on 2.27 .lcres in Hondo Valley. Close to R.ver. only ·minutes to Rul­(io<,c. Downs. 10% down, take over note. 653-4124 alter "iOOo.m


MOBILE FOR SALE: 1974 14x60. 3aDI2BA to be moved. $3,000 OBO 257·7667 or 354·9006 . ..


IEITili~ .. IEITILI •••. IEITILS ... .IEITILI • 2 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath tondo, fumi_~hed. ·.

$550/mo plus utilities. • 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath unfurnished rnobile

home in good condition w/fireplace. $500/mo plus utilities.

• Short term 1 month only 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fully furnished. $900 plus utimiss.


Kathy Sollars Lid.# 347135

Tan Pines Realty 25'7-7786 • Donna Mobley



$259 PER MONTH O.~C. 3 bedi-Oom. 2 bath

doublewide. delivered and set-up.

t-600-530·6577 ' 000546

NEW 16XBO" .:5$,990· New 18X80 $4~.990. New 28x52. $38.990 New :12x4-\ $38,990 New 28~eo 549,990 can 1·800-695 1112 Quality Homes 10625" Central. NE, Aft:uquerque. NM • Umiled Ouanl1t>es all rebates applied to sales price.

NEW HOMES, S999.00 Down• Used Homes· $999.00 Total Price can 1·600·695· 1112 Quail IV Homes 10625 Central NE Albuquerque O.A.C. .



2!57-4075 257-9603


#6 Marks Condo 3 bcd/2 balh unfurnished $600/mon'th furnished $650/month plu-; deposit

506 Nevada I bed/1 bath S3251mon!h plus $2()0 deposit



H<"~usc:s Fon Ro=tH

FOR RENT: ZBDI2BA a a def! that can be used as a bed­

. room. Located on Mairi Road in Upper Canyon. Furnished or unfUrnished, $900 month. All utilities and cable pS.id. Call JesSie '(505)257-2655 Ce11 430-9946

HOUSE FOR RENT $800 monthll. 1-"lrst and

fu$t month 5 renl plus . deposiJ. Refen'riCL'S requhYd. Ele.L'II'ic & · "111«:r paid.

C811 420-.3807.

LARGE, WELL -INSULATED 2BD/2BA home. Convenient location. Lots ·of storage. $595 ·plus uti,lltlies. Lease and depo!ill. 505~521·4057

NICE 2BD HOUSE WITH Back fenced in yard. Carport . In fron1 01 house. $475/mo. you pay-bUIS. Call 257:9857

NICE LARGE FURNISHED 2BD. Deck: fireplace.

. $60ctmo pfus deposit. Water, garbage paid. 505-391·3826 or 505"-631·7439

ONE SEDROOM~H:-:0:-U:-:S:"E=-"'IN" Lincoln, living room, dinette, kitchen and bath.. Refrigera­tor, electric· stove, furnished. Propane lurnace. kiva lire­place, nice yard, parking in front. All uiW1ties paid bV occu­pant. One pet consrdered. $400 per month, onll' year lease, deposit and references required. Please ·can (505) 653-4025 or (505) 378·4142. ·

UNFURNISHED 3BOJ3BA, fireplace, fenCed yard, wash­er/dryer hookup, kftchen appll· ances, great location. $800/mo firm. Call Peggy 257·2365

WOOD CABiN, 2BDI1BA, LIVIngroom & kitchen wllh fire· place. $575/mo. utllitles not Included. Call l<alyn 378· 1407


LAS CASITAS DE ROSA excellent location. 2 bed· rooms upstairs: 1.25 bath· rooms; end wid hookups. $525 plus utilities. Call 505· 256-9202.

1 BD APARTMENT, Available in car,ltan. $290/mo plus depos 1. Water, trash and sewer paid. 354·0023 ar 354· 2711


Now Accepting ApplicatiOns

2BR/18A Slngle"Level Court)'Grd Romes. Auido~o·s all new

aparttnen't eommunity. " W .0. W. appllanees w/dlshwasher. Designer colors wtth til~ 4 Wood

accerits. Private w/lush l011dseape &

some views. Within four blocks of hos~ita.l,

scf\Qot, churches. Modclt'fn:n 109 Nob

HiU m $705 to $750 sf,)( month or

. year lease. con 257-2SU far Info or


APARTMENTS,· HOUSES, Mobil Home. 258-221'2

CIMARRON . CONDOS, $325/mo. plus deposit. 378-5280.


FOr. REtn

. '


# of Issues:_ . ,.


C] FRtPAYS 0 w_tiDr.._'ESDA)'S ·&~RIIMn;


· 2\'iO. Farm Equipment 210. Feed & Grllins 280. Produce & Plants 290. Pets & Supplies 300. Yaltl s.~.. . ~10. JfQusellold-Goods · 320. MUsiaa(tnstruments 330. Antiqu<:S · 340. Arts

. Truck~&-4x4s for 'Sale

. Vans for Sal~ Motcircycles· for Sale

AuctiOns 460. Lost &; Found 470. Tj1arik You

· A.utoPnrts . · 480. Announcements 490. Personals FRIDAY


240. RVs and Tr.:1Vel Trailers Livestqck & Horses 500. Construction

, etc.


COZV, FURNISHED" etncien· cy apartment '"In Midtown. Very clean. :· $295 Jl:ST month inCludes basic vtllrUes. No pels. . LEiase ·and dGpClsit. (505) 521-40!?7

MODERN, CLJ;AN NEWLY painted. O"ne b8droom apc:i.rt· ment. Lots of closf>ls and star· age. Covered paiking. great neighbors. $425 ~Ius electric only. Lease anct deposit. (505)521-4057 "

NEWLY REMODELED ONE. bedroom lurniShea aPartment: quiet location. Musl see tq appreciate. All utlllt!es pald. except gas. ~o pets. 378-9188

, NICE· FURNISHED lBD Apartment. B•lls pa1d, good for one person, no pets $425/mo. Call 25.8·5751-

NICEST 'rWO BEDROOM, one balh apartment in town. Cathedral ce11ings, washer/dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator. stove included. Gas heaVhot water. ""LOW· UTILITIES~. 915~757--8043 lor delalls.

NOW TAKING applicafi·ons; 1.2.3 bedroom apartments. Certain income restrictions l!lpply. Galt Camelot 'Place Apartmenl$ 257-5897, TTD 1-800-659-8331, Equal Housing Opportunity

ONE HALF MONTHS RENT with six months lease .. Great view from Mechem. 1 bd wlflreptace, $400 + $200 deposit. Water· pa1d a.oo-484·3865, code 8960 or 505· 443·951$5.

VERY AFFORDABLE, ALL paid exCept electric. Cute one bedroom apartment. stove. refrlgai"ator, carpet. draped, quite dead·end road. free laundry room. 101 Apache Hills Road, off Slh Street. $375 All you pay is electric. 6 month lease $200 security deposit 257·7591 or 522-3960


14X66 2BDI2BA 378·1915

1 BD TRAILER $350/MONTH $200 Deposit, water paid. 419 Second Street 630·2715 420-8655

2B0/2BA TRAILER S375 Month, $200 deposit Water and electric paid. 116 Maple 630-2715 420·6655

380 MOBILE, 2 batl:ls, great view, within walking distance of Capitan Schools, 1. large storage shed, $450/mo .. $4501deposit. plus utilities, ref­erences ·required, no pets. 505·354·2796 ..

3BD/2BA, IN EXCELLENT Condition. Near "¥" on river, water furnished. 378-7099 and 1-915-526-8326

FOR RENT~ 2BO MOBILE Home $450 month + deposit. 378-:4661 Of 258--4627


3BD, 2·112BA, LEVEL Entry, UKE NEW INSIDE, $79511\tO 800-953-2555 .

3BD~BA CONOO. $700/MO. Can Ritter & Associates at 378-8191


ONE & 'r'WD BEDRoOM cab­Ins lurnlshed & one mobile home 311 Mechem 257-2435


MOBILE SPACE~ ;~,"1 FOR RENT ~ ,.,;~;'

STORAGE SPACE. ,~ FOR RENT•,<'!-':f •• ~ •»f)

·AA. StORAGE; 376-7030. lnslde-Outs1de storave. 2<!47 Hwy 70 West. AuiU,)~CJ Downs. NM. belwccn Dcttn.{.'\ and Big 0 T.ire Co.

ALL SIZES STORAGE UNiTS l!Vailable. Affordable SwraQe.

· 253 Carrizo Canyon. Call lor speciall257·941·7

L & 0 SELF. STORAGE Hwy 48. Space avail-nl>le. :?58· 4599 or 257-9463.

WAf;IEHOUSES FOA_RENT, 20x40 with rnll \11"-dClot<; Elf>c­tricity availablji~. Great Oavrlan Carlyon location Accessit:rla by deiiVery vehicle, gTeat lot commercial. Call 258·31 18.

'" / BusiNEss ReN'rA~ ,{~'

2 RETAIL SPACES FO'R lease in rrlid-lown. .5325-$430/mCi. includes utihtrPs. 505·228·5186 or 150."in23-85B5

. FOR LEASE; Commc"·•.tV light industna! space. t2J 20 x· 50' bays w1th 16" wallr. ar19 14' dOors. One or bolh Under construclion. 378-8434

FOR LEASE: HIGHLY V•s>blo 5.000 sq. ft. COnHTrorcral bwld· lng with Hwy 70 frontage at tho · "'Y" .. New paint and floor tile. Yo1,1 must see to appreciate the possibilities. CaJI Rooer CJ:\1 474-3540 .

OFFICE OR RETAIL, JIRA Plaza, ground floor. 257-3421

OFFICE OR RETAIL SPACE. 400 sq. II. - $400.00 per month. includes ull!ilies · At the Attic, 1031 Mechem- 258-5338.

OFFlCE OR RETAIL SPACE lor rent or Jease. GrNtl loc.a­tion, naar Ruidoso Slat~ Bank

r.arking lot. Great visibility rom Suddarth. Call for more

information 257-9500

SPACE 1.016 '>/".1. dock. and fl<lrku ~g.

on Hwy 70 Ei!;;l.

BUSINESS ~ ~· .• ;.< OPPORTUNITIES ~.".1'<

Dale's Fumiture feawrlng

. futons1·99

, • starting at$ -'

many styles to choosc._from


1976. JEEP CJ,. BLACK; Straight ·6 engme. Man·y extras $5.000 Crrll {505) 336-8411

,.'985 CADILLAC Eldorado. ·W"tile with whJte IP.athf'r. One o.·~•rer cat, m<1!-flY r.rew e.l(tras. Aslo!:ing· $5,000. Call _Jerry Ras.ak 849·2a49

1994 MAZDA 626, 6 AutomatiC, front wheel t\7 .000 miles $5.500 &30·9404 '

CYL, drive.


·s7SEL-AIR, 4 DOOR Coupe. 05°; restored. $4.800. (91!>) 5b5·_7240 or {915) 562-7408.

91 CHEVY CAPRICE. NICE uu. r\mo:; great $3,000 7!l Chevy Carnaro. needs windsllield, intenor repairs, runs. Call Ed Miner 378-4823

· ASTRO VAN 1988 CLEAN, automatic, N.C. 6 c:yllnde.r, runs gOod. $2,500 Phone 420-0511· ;==-==

'00 T9YOTA TUNDRA F.~t r.<rf> V-~. 4>!1\ PW. Pl. "!"• • .,f!'.,,, ·,·,,w-r Co·>l.r··: F.dd><: S"''lh 1 ij1JI.1-521 8012

'1995 CHEVY ASTAO VAN, all wheel (lirve, nice van-. $8500. 258-13{32.

1995 FORD RI::GULAR CAB 4.>~4. auto, V-8. $6500. 258--4381.

. 1996 I -\ND R0\1- R Dl,',{ "( l\'1--RY

!l .... t ~uttn><>L l.t~·ar jHmp-.·dt•.

F.'ic:dlcur ~·mrJitinn. Sl'i,900

2.'i7-·i07'j a~k rpr V:~:n



EVERYTHIN(; FOR HORSES Saddles. ropes hoofniPerll, wormer. fly spray, hand fools. Across lrom Race Track, Prime Time Flea Markel.


l4 ft. 'Uailer "Tandem open utility

· naileT w/ramp, new tires.

Reduced to $550 .378·4048 or 336·1381


BLACK GERMAN Shepherd female. AKC 211-2 year Old, very SW9et, well mannered. Free to very good home. Call 354·2775

PLfRE BRED ST. BERNARD pups. $800. Ready for new home on December 15th. Call Alice (505) 526-6145 after 6.00 pm



Antique 415 Carrizozo, ·

Flne.ant1ques. glassware, china, fUrniture~ old west

~nd Indian


e E'OLA ·Mukc Ch~nge Por Life!'

lo.~ing Wci2bt J\n(ft"cellng Great!

With the best that Natyrc and . Science hnve to ofter! This is 110t a Diet P'rogram. s~wltds too· good to i"oe true''

Cal\ for mNc il1formi\fi-Qn. and a free samplin!!;.

ll:nr I [m-.J..:m;ur. ~5746.3-1 (jJCJtdd Fanrs I :L"S--4126

lnJo:pendl'nt Di.~rrihutnrli '

~··---- ----·--~ .,.....,.. ~- -r ~- ~ ---, -~ -y ~ '< -- --~---------~------.-- •·

RUIDOSO i'!Ews LLASSll<l~U1S WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000 9B


BASSETT DININ~. ROOM table with siX' chairs, Sealy king size- mattress set. Hot· point 23.5 ·cu. t1 relrigerator/lreezer, other. Ask for J.liy, 257-3471.

Jqycie's Furniture "Sinr;e 1979"

New & Used Furniture.­.-·& Ma"res$Ets·

We Buy, Sell & Trade 650 SUdderth • 257-7876

Mtinsfleld· Fumlturtl · "Suy, Sell or. Trad.e"

New & Used Furniture & Mattresses

257-3109 1000 Sudc;lerth Drl~


WOOD STOVE 13''X3iJ"' BOX c8sl irori '$150. ·Gas heater Reznor 25,000 .BTU $60 378· 8178 Evenings


ACCEPTING applications fQr fL.JII-time sates positiQn: Must be flexible and energetic. Apply' Thuriderblrd Curio, 2527 SUdderth Dr. .

APPLICATIONS BEING T~ken irf:lme_aiately for a full time Financial & Ministry Asslsta~t 'position .. Must have OujckBOoks ·and payroll expe­rience. · ~CEillent benefits. Confidential reply or resume to First BaW:ist Church Ruidoso, 420 Mechem Drive, Ruidoso, NM 68345,- A tin: Linda Stein-. fo"'.



Excellent banent plckaga lnelu:dad (vac!lltlon, alok, retirement A Insurance}.

accePted untll4:00 Dec. o; 2000.­

descand at Al.ildo:so, ~13 Cree Or. Ruidoso, NM 88345.-

258-.,343 or _1-877 • 700-4343

FAX 256•5848. EEOI:



M~npge..-/Cook position available, up to $2500/month ~epending upon .

' experience. Paid vacation,

insurailce available

Apply at Lincoln

County Grill 27P -Sudderth

MAINTEN"-NCE PEFiSON & Grounijs KaSper;_ fult•tirile. employment.- See Ramlro ·Cane ·at Crown Point Gohdos.

· 220 Crown . Dr. Aefere_nC~s required. No phone cells please. ·

"NEED BACKHOE operator with- . experience diggl'ng i'lroul)d uridergroun·d utility lln$8 for Cablevlslon Commu· nlcatlon, Inc: For more iilfo, call Tabby @ 258-2359 or· bring resume by 1092 Mechem,

·NOW HIRING, PAl-OS MoUh.· lain Transp9f!: -lOcated in Capi- · tan, NM. Needs OTR drivers end owner/operators to run 11 Western states; Home every 1 0 days to 2 .weeks. Contact · Tom 1--800-683-0243

NOW ,HIRING, -start up to $11.50fhr., FTIPT, ·consiJmer Research Co.: needs phone ·su..Wyor for Ruidoso area. No Sfillling. ·Will train . .Call 1·800-846-7312 ex.t. 111'; 8am-7pm, Sun-Fri." · ·


. +. Pl-UMBING/ w -MECHANICAL = Ul~ = ·INSPECTOR .. . .

EJcellent benefit packag& Included (vac;allon, sick, r8tlreri1ent & 'Insurance).

AppS ,accepted until 4 :00 pm Wed., Dec::. e, 2000.

Complete j(ib desc:: and Q;pps cit the VIllage of Ruidoso, 313 Cree Me;;~:dows Or,

Ruidoso, NM Be345. . 256-4543"

or 1~877-700-4343 FAX 258·58~ .• EEOE

Ruidoso . R,ady Labor

.Dally W«~l·k/Daily Pay

ConStruction. fmnwrs. · gcnerui ·lah~lr. t~ltu.l service;

housekeepers.. e!cricul· .. All skill level:-;.

Apply today! 257-.787\i

449 Sudderth Drive_ In Gatt•w:ty .Center

STAFF FOR 'THERAPY Pro­gram lor lnl;;~:nts ICJ Pre·scllocil­ers. ThBrapislfAssistant, clerk, COL Driver. Mescalero

. Early Chllclhood Progrlim 6.7~·9328

CASA BLANCA Is accepllng appncatlons for· aH _ posttlons. tooklnQ for people· wilting to work hard :and get paid welt. Apply in person 50~ Mechem Dr.·.

DRUG i'ES't AND ONSJTE GARETA_KERS, BACKGROUND CHECK needed for operation of sm;;lll

Swiss Chalet New l)wner

Ne\\ !\1rung;ernenr

Now accepting applicatiOns for

RestaUrant/Banquet REQUIRED; HIGH · cottage/RV cOmplex Barbara

SCHOOL GRADUA1E ·oR ·25::7::·;:""::7::6:-::c==o:-=:--. GtD,· ~ OPENING FOR ,QUS P8rson, Manager 21 YEARS OF AGE. Hostess, Dishwasher, waii_P$r-

~.:J:~NIP I son.- Part 'time or !Lill t1me. Apply in person 9:00am - 5~0pm Monday - Friday

1451 Mechem

.FRONT DESK CLERK PA_RT • Tim~. Weekends and holi· days. Experience preferred. No phcme calls. Apply in per­son at PineCIIff Vill£~ge.

FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH Medical Equipment Company. Must have orderly work style,· be mechaniCally inclined, able to carry 75 pOunds. . people. oriented. Call 257-7174 ask fQr Verna



$7.50/hour. Shift differentials. Benefits available.



CHALLENGING CAREER? Earn while you learn.

Ask abou~ ~ur nur$ing assistant trammg program.



Challenging work with mentally retarded and developmentally disabled clients. Will train the right person fur this demanding position. Casa Feliz at Ruidoso Care Center. 257-9071.

·ca--.._._...., ... Positions Available:

• General Labor • Construction/Building

.. Clerical • Cooks

• Counter Help

Call 'hll..,.~ .._. .... c .... 2584359.

No tee t9 the employee. EOE


Apply in· person· 2913 Sud-• -derth at Great Wal_l of ChinS

Restaur_anL ·

.OWN A. COMPUTER, PUT IT to·work. $26 to $76FT/PT. 1.~ 888~279·8574 or. www.emoney-.home.com

SC_REAMING EA(h:.E lounge at Enchantment tnn now hiring walt stafl. bar­tender. and bll!-r man&Q&r. Must be Sbte to pass crlm1nal backar.ound checkfdrug· test and be bP_ndable. Apply In persqn 307 Hw)l 70 West.

SEEKING LOCAL Muslc!Bns to play Instrumental Latin or SpaniSh music::. Single or DuO preferred. ·ea11 Tony· or Stephanie 257-~96


(Hwy 48 North)

WAREHOUSE DELiv'ERV' help needed, Retail sales experience helpful. MuSt have a clean driving rEtCOrd. send application . /Resunie Jo: Resume HCR 46, E!o)(. 939 Ruidoso Downs, NM. 88346

Ruidoso News Advertising



New The Rqlduso ln!lb'qdi!Jn Center Is seeking temporary, p•rt-tin1~

IDdrudon: for theAcadebllc Yellt' 2000 • 2001 In the follo"ing field5:

English Eeonomlcs

Computer Information Sy!items· CommunicatiOns (Journalism)

Mi_crobiology · A Bachelor's or Master's degree in the teaching field is

required. Other requir~ed skills include the ability to work with nontraditional aod minority students; com­puter and Internet literacy; ability to also work outside of Ruidoso In the Lincoln/Otero County area. Bilingual

skUis (Spanish/English) pftferred but nut required. · Salary is S6ZS per credit hour.

· Interested appUcants sho.uld- send a letter of applica­tion, a current resume and transcripts to:


Dr. Jim Miller, Center Director jim.miller@enmu.edu

Ruidoso Center of ENMU 709 Mechem Drive

Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 (505) 157-ll10 (voice) (505) 257-9409 (fax)

visit btlp:/lwww.ruldoso.enmu.edu ·

Applications Accepted Until December 6, 200·0

Eastern RUidoso

Ruidoso, Join our team oftakbte~ pr~;~fessionqls at ENMU's RuldnMl Ceilter!

A!rli11t:attan1.,.e bel11g•olldh!d r~r the roll-logSopport St~flposltlan:

Front-Desk Receptionist- Lincoln County Work Center Suceessfui appllcilnh must be. a high school or CED graduate With at least two·years of Clerical or related

, omce experience to inclUde data entcy expe_rience is r-equired. College· or vocational course- wor'k m a relat­ed area may be su_bstituted for up. to two years of the

· required experie~ce.

AppltcanU should also poSsess excellent interpersonal, comput~r., customer service, and organizational skUls

and the-ability to work nexil;fle hours int::luding evenings In a fait pared work environment. Bilingual

skills. (Sp&nisb/Engllsh) &re also· preferred but not required. Beginning Salary Js- $7.13 per.hour (ENMU Gr'ade- 3 Level fi:). 'FriDge benefits inclu.de group· med­ical, dental, and vision insurance, and l;OIIege tuition

assistance. Full time position (40 hours per week).

Anticipated St!lrt Date:· lmm~iately

lnterested applttants must provide~l~:~~!H~:r~i~. tlon, current resume and a completed cation. ApJiiiCattons accepted until

For more lnfor-mlltion, contact: Dr. James Miller, Jr.

tbe Ruidoso Center- of ENMU · 709 Mechem Drlv~ ·

Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 (505) 157-1120 http://www.ruJdoso.enmu.edu

' '



TELLER First Savings Bank has a full time teller

position opeui!lg. Banking and/or prior

.customer service/Cash handJirig ex:perience

preferred, but not I'C<I;Uircd. FUll benefits

package avai_latile. Interested 1\pplicants can

stop by the bank or rn.qil'their reswmes to:

First Savings Bank A'~tn: Gwyn'Saunders 2713 Sudderth Drive Ruidoso, NM ·88345

:or fax it to )0$-257-90IJ

Equal Oppwtunity Employer


Qrillarite Constr.ttc;tJ9"" Thi::!mas ~lllante

' G~NEAAI. COttrA,t,CTOFI" REDWOCio·OeCK8 t ReMooe'~1"G

'tPNi-!nNG . -258--51118 • -

j..li::E>!SE: ~NM 05631\1-.GB ~8 •

GARDEN. ~REEN. & ' . Ciean-Powerw8-Jhing, rellnlsiJing, iawncare, pinenee· (:lie~,' ~:aof/gutterS, -tree/brush removal, FIREbreaks, defensi­ble spa~. ha~Ung. Estimates. 257-2172'or 420-5225 or .

· dii~!:!Qerus®zia~t.c::om

Ruidoso News Advertising . 257-4001



EARTH ·MOVING. Excavating, footin_gs, trenches. ·roads c;ut. graded. culverts. Lot/Land ·clearing, leveling, building pads. Gravel Drives, new or repair. Bernard ·Excavating 378-4132, 4?0.0704. licensed, Bol\oed, ·Insured. - _

HAND MADE CUSTOM TILE Painted and/or sculptured, sin­gle tifes or murals: 336-4061

JOHN~ MA1t4TENANCE a.· HOME REPAIR. All pi;lases of repait and maintenance. Homes, C!ilblns. & decks. Powli!r wash, seal, or .paint. Free. estimates. 258·3703

PET." AND PLANT SITTING; your ho.use or .mine. Mine for small dOgs, Yours for larger­pets, eels, plants. call Sandy for lntormatiQn.. 257-0306- .


$2,000.00 Sign on Bonus · RN's and LPN's needed at

Ruidoso Care Center

.Contact· Human Resources at. 257-9071

Eastern New MexicO University Ruidos'o Insttuction Center

Ruidoso, .New MexiCo · Join our team of talented prof~ulonali "'' (~.\-IU'§ RuidOso C"cnt~r!

Applications are bl.'ing,solieltcd fOr lhe Lincoln/Oter_o County Adult Basic .Education program for the folio win~ poshlon:

GED_ Instructor (pari-time)

BA degrie is required, MA preferred in any acade'Rii~ field. Sucet!ssful applicaOts must also·demopstrate the

ability lo work With adults from nontraditional. mulicultrual backgrounds, must ha,·e excellent Inter­personal and computer 5knis and the ability to "·ork evenings. Bilin~uitl skills (Spanish/English) are pre-

ferred. Successful· applicant will be expected to assist in buildinK an on-going ·GEl) program at Fort Stanton.

Applications due Immediately.

Anticipated Start Date: January; 2001

Interested applicants should send a letter of applica­tion. a current resume an"d transcript copies to:

Ms. Sandy KaShmar, Program Director the RLiii:loso Center of ENI\1U

709 Mechem Drive Ruidoso. New Mesico 8ID45

t-800-934-3668 mshkash~hotntail.com

· Applh:atio~s A~cepted Until Posltlon Js 1:-'iUed.

Onlirit at http:/Jwww.ruidoso.enmu.edu

ENML' •a GO Affinwm•s ,\[hgnrEqyol E!Jij!l!l\rne!!l !lpppnun!l> Fmpfmsc


ROSWELL_- BEAUTY College now enrolling students, car· ppols fori'ning. SOS-627~1.468



CALL (50S) 630~2402 ·OR. l-888-223-57511

YOU NAME IT, WE' DO IT Cablh Watch. Home, Deck Repairs, Chimney Cleaning, Tree Remo"val, House Paint· · lng, ·Gutters, Drywall. 378· -104_7


'MOTHERLY ·LOVE CHILD . Care and Early Childhood Educational Programs: 24/hrs, 7fdays. State licensed. 378-·

·4334._ '


FIR~WOOD:· Seasoned, spilt~ V!!!rioUs types,_ lengths and amounts. · Oelfvered and stacked. 251'·5808

SEASONED FIREWOOD -Junlpet' 8nd Plrton, pickup­only .. Also, seasoned Juniper, Cedaf and Pinon downed wood to cut. Preston Stone

"354·2356 '

SPUT . PINE FIREWOOD . $85 a cord. El Molino Sawmill 3~6-123!



5:00p.m. Monday

for Wednesday

5:00p.m. Wednesday

for Fri£lay



4;00 p.m. Friday

for .Wednesday

4:00 p.m. 'tuesday

for Friday


The Ruidoso· Care Center is seeking Service

Social full

a qualified Pirector for a

time position. If interested at 200. Resort please

Drive. apply

Eastern New Mexico UniversitY ·Ruidoso Instruction Center

Ruidoso, New Mexico

Th~ Ruiduw Instruction Cel:ll~r. ltluttd in tbe bea11dlul mountain . 1'\'in~t countf} ohoufh1'rn :'lie" :\fl"~kn,l§ ~l'f'klng an

Adult Literacy, Program Coordinator

The positioll of ,\dull J.iterac~· Coordinator requires a Bachelor's degree in Education, Business or the Soeial SCiences. Other requin'll skills include demonstrated ability to ,,·ork •with nontraditional and/or minority adults, and excellent PC computer skills .(Including

Internet). Ability to fund rui.'-e. speak effectively before community ~roups and the media is al_so required. Bilingual skills (Spanish/English) preferred but not required. Mu~t han a current drlnr's license and ability to \\Ork nc~lbll' hours. Annual contract Is

September I to June 30. Annual Sahiry is $7996 for 16 h·our work week.

Interested applicantS should sefid a letter of applica­tion, a current resumc and tnnscripts to:

Ms. Sandy Kashmar ABE Pro~ram Director

Ruidoso Center of ENMil 701J Mechem Drive

Ruidoso. New Mexico 88345 (505) 630-8181 (voice) (505) 257-9409 (fax)

email! mshkash@hotmail.com

Applications Accepted Until Friday, December 6,2000 5-p.m

f"S:t!!; 1• •n r\ffimotne A,;lmn·fqj•al l:,mnlnvrnenl'OIIIX'n"n!ly fmnlmr





RegiOnal Director, New Mexico. Work! PrOgram Customized Training Department DOE November 5, 2®~ . Until filled

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIO"NB: BachelOr's Dqree required. EducaliOn and/or experience in Jjuman Servie'es or related field, preferably as a.n administ~tor or.coordinakiir.- Col'nputer Utetacy ~quired. · _.


RESPONSIBILITIEi: Manage all aspects of the New Mexico Works Program in Region IV, consisting of the follOWing c::ounlies: Chaves, Cuny, l)eBaca, Eddy, Gua~alupe, Lea, Lincqln, Quay, ·R9Qsevelt, and Socorro, in a'ccordance-With ·the . New Mexico Human Services Department.to provide services to welfare clients. Oversight pf operations col!ducted by EN'MU-Roswell, as well as four subcontracts with educational Institutions or governmental organizations. ~aVails required, mUst possess a valid NM Orlv'$rt. LiCense. . .

DUTIES: bevelopmeitt of long arid short-range plitns. DaltV cOmmunication. wiih.the NM Human Servioes O~partmel'lt. . Overalght of the WeUare-to-Worlt program with the NM Department of labor. Administrative an_d _operational problem

· sQiving. Coordination of a comprehensive client database for use by NMW.P contractors throughout the stale. Maintiinino and Improving financial and·slalistical" reporting for the reg ton:

ENMU-Roew,n ntaarvea the right_ to. cencttl. ollange or cloaa an~ advartlaed p·oaltloa at any time. The daclalon to do ao.w111 be baaed upon the aaeda of the Ua.htar81ty and the final datarmlaatlon ~Ill i'aat wl•h· the provoat. .

Please call the Hum11n Rasourcea Office at {505) 624-7410 tof a copy of complete details of this j91J announcement.

TO APPLY: Submit letter of interest, resum8, complete transcript, and 'names, addresses and Phone numbets of three profossiDilal rererences to: Human Resources Oftice, ENMU-Roswall P.O., Box 6000, Roswell, New Mexico, 88202-6000. Complete applicationS musl be in the Human Resource office to be considered for this posillon. ·

............... ,, ...... AI!PJ.I!<NIJ.!!IIMJIMe!!!ll!ll!l-Jlf.QJIIi\IJIMlUiti.Q.Cl!MPJJiJ~J'Ml!ltl ........ ; ............ .. ENM -ROSWELL-IS N EEO/ /ADA Em I


JOB WIIDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000




NQIIce Is l"!erebv given that the Village of RUrdoso, Lincoln County, New Mexico calls for sealed biQs on:

One (1) Naw 112 Ton 4x4· Extended Cab PJck Up Truck .tor the VIllage ot


tntei'Eisted bidders may secure a copy of the specifications from the Purchasing Depart­ment at the Village of Ruidoso Centralized Purchasing Ware­house,· 421 Winafield St. In Ruidoso, (505):?5"i.-2721 lmail· lng address: 313 Cree Mead­ows Drive, RuidOSO, NM 88345).

seared bids must be received by th& Pu'rchasing Office, if hand deliveted, to the Ruidoso Purchasing Warehouse at .421 Wingfield St., Ruidoso or 'if mailed, to P!Jrchasing Depart· mehl, 313 Cree Meadows Drive, ·Ruidoso, NM 88345. 'Bid's will be receiveS until ; Monday, ·December 11, 2000 p;m. lOcal time, then plibticly opened and read aloud at the ViUB.ge. of Ruidoso WaJer "Department, 4' 9 Wingfield, Ru1doso, New Mexico. Any bid received ;;iller closing time will be returned unopened.' .

The . Village of Ruidoso reserves the right to rejsct anY· and/or all bids and to waive all in·rormafitles and·. teChnical IrregUlarities as allowed by the Stafe of New Me1;cico ProcUre~ men! Code. ·

·B.y the Order of the GOverning Body .

lsi Morris McGowan Purchasing Agent Village of F-tuidoso ·

_3212 2T(1~)24,29




Notice is hereby given that a public hearing wur be held bY the Ruidoso Pollee Depart· · ment on December 8, 2000, .at 9:00. a.m. The hearing will be held at the VIllage of RuidoSo Administrative · Building. 313 Cree Meadows Drive, Rut· doso. The RuidoSo Pollee Departmeril has received a , new local .law Enforcement Block Grant for equipment lrom the Bureau of JuStice Assistance. A plblic hearing. which is required by the grant. will be conducted.by·an advl· sory boarQ to review the pro· posed equipment purchaSes and take publiC comment. Th& board will then make recom· mendations, and ·the Bureau .. of Justice will review them betore disbursing the funds.

32151T(11)29 LEGAL NOTICE


NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN that the Governing Body of the Voltage ol Ruidoso, New Me)(i· co w111 hold a public hearing in conJW1CIIOn w1th the regularly scheduled meeting on Decem· ber 12, 2000. beginnmg at 6 30 p m. al the MuniCipal Bwoldtng or the v.rrage of RUI· dose. New Me.>uGo The publiC heenng JS concermng the approval or a new Restaurant Beer and W1ne L1quor L1~:ense The State of New MexiGO Regulal.lon arad Locenson~ Depart'Tlent AIGohol and Gami'1Q DIVISIOn haS giVen .prehmtnary approval of th1s ll~:ense

The name or !111S apci•Cant 1S Jan .E Kennedy. whose address os. 2205 Sudderth Dnve. AUid050. New o,JJex1co. 88345. to be used at the buso­ness known as Spanky·s Grille, located at 2205 Sud·



derth Drive, Ruidos·o, Nttw Mexico, a.5. VILLAGE OF RUIDOSO

lsJ .Tammie J, MJlddoJC:, Clerk

3217 2T(11)2~12)8



NOTICE IS HEFIEBY GIVEN thSt the GovEirning Body of the Vlilf!gEi of Ruidoso, New Mexi­co will hold a public h"Barlng, 111 conJunction with a regular· meeting on Decemt;ler. 1.21 2CIOO, ~Inning at 6:3Q r·IJI· at the Municipal Bulldlng·o the VIllage of RuidoSo, New .Mexi­co, • "the public hearing is COh• ceming the appf9vaJ of a tranSfer of ,PWnership (ONLY) of a liquor License; The State of New Mexico. Regulfltlon 8nd .Licen&.ing Dep"artrfi'ent Atcohol , and Gaming .Div1Sion . hil-S given prellmrn;;~ry approval of fhls license t;lpj:)ro\tal. . • ·

The name of th8 applic&nt iS. New Mexico last Call. lnc;or~ porated, whose address is "1451 Mechem Drive, AuidQso, NM 88345. to be used ?I the bu·siness to be known as Swiss Ch&let Inn, located at 1451 Mechem Drive, Ruidoso, New Mexico. 8834.5. · -


-,sf T.ammle J .. Maddox. Clerk

3218 2T(11)29(12)6




. CV-00·202 DIVISION Ill


Please tak8 Notice thai the Petitioner, XIAO CHUN Ll, has. flied a Petition To Change Name. In 'he District Co1,.1rt of lincoln County. The purpose of the petition is to ch~nge Petitioner's legal name from , XIAO CHUN Lfto JULIE XIAO FRANKLIN. Please take fur­thtil'r notice that a hearing in the District CoUrt to approve the petition will be hel.d on · December 2t 2000 ·at 8:30 a.m. at tt1a lincoln CoUnty Courthouse, Carrizozo. New Mexico. · ·

lsi F;llchard A. Hawthorne, P:A. Richard A: Hawthorne Allo(ney for Petitioner _ 1221 Mechem. Suite 2 RuidOso, New Me)(~ 88345.

3216 2T(11)29,(1;!)6

Legal Deadlines

4:00p.m. Friday

for 'Wednesday

4:00p.m. Tuesday

for Friday

us I



Located In The Saddle Shop

f~ '"l.-! ,.II

Fast; ·Friendly · Service

Jerry Jones 505-378-1026 RUidOso


Registered Play TlremiJ/st

(505} 258·1515 (505} 9l<J.Z513



Ruidoso News


Lisa .Morales, Linda Wallace,

Angel.Gonzales, or Linda· ''Mac"·



ACROSS , South Seu

.parqdise • Put In the cup

10Attempl ···--· Teen7Age ·Wer~olf"

tS Taste stimUlus. 1& 1970 Kinks hit 17 Sct~fl weapon,'

formally? t8 "A Prayer for

--·Meany" 20 J:-toly wars 21 Had title to :112 With It,. once 23 Neptune-'s

'domain . 114 Growing locale

. U HlghWIIY SitJri, · formally? · 31 Ela~orate


li:di~d by Wiil Sbortz

MG:I.With chev~ons

35 Crosby, Stills . and Nash, e.-g. a&Caf&au--37 Two-time U.S.

Open tennis champ

ae Qed8voers 40 Ferrara family

· name 41 Dream Team's

team 42 Armed band 43.Westerh chow

dispenser, forma!Jy?

47 Rats run it 48Adworc:t 48-Unexplalned fa Ma_n of m.any.

words u Se:nsaitonat:


17 one gone but not forgott•n

18 1930'$ deelgn · s,tyl_e, formally?

fO N~?·&how's score.

., VIdal Sassoon''" workplace

82 Tui-klsh bigwigs a Genesis setting· 64 Dubbing need Bet Gtarat great

OOWN 1 H~ers cOusin 2Jn the."know a Michael Jordan

Shot . 4Doctrlnes • ·water Music;"

i::cimpdser .a Tough gOing­

-.. 7 captain l(jrk's .recqrds

a Feathered ANSWER TO PREVIOUS'PUZZ'-E ._six-footer

.. · '\j:~· ~~·WJ 8 Fancy one !:;!! to' Replay feature cq, perh~ps

H" Atlas dot. 31 He played --12 Sheltered, Obi-Wan

naut.lcally .~2 Baby's problem 13Boston·or-

·Chicago,.e.g. .33 The Beatles' meter maid·

~·Kalahari stopover a7 Red Sea access

~, Celef:\tial.sphere· 38 Being, to 24 Mug Caesar

Book ,afUn ..roel_ .42 Authority 2& Summer snack .. 44 ,Back mUscle;· 27Archie or Edith, for short ·

to Mike Weaponry

No. 1015

SO Rot 51 Smelting refuse u Bring down thE!

. house 53 Had markers



rTake .· advantaae of our · :Bountifuf'Baraainsl

Place any new classified line ad 'that ·publishes between now arid December 22, 2000 and receive a 20% discount 1/Vhen ·you bring in at te11st one non'perishable food Item to the Ruidoso News when the ad is placed. Food wilt· be donated to the'Santa's Helpers.

Private party ads only. Ads ~ust be prepaid unless an account .is estaplished with the Ruidoso News


"' RUIDOSO NEWS ({)4 P,\R,Io: An. • Rt:mmo. NEV. :'vh:.".:IC6 88355 505.1:57--1001 • FAX 505/2:57·7053


M Re&sori for an R.ratlnQ -

q HIStoric · . Normandy ctty

sa ReSident of 63-Across

58 Balaam'$.mount". !JIJ _CQid iilfld Wet .



(SOS) 257-6116 FaJJ (606) 267·1165

c T 0

HatCreek construc;::tion nThe S111qll Job Specialist"s ..

Lie:. It 053857 GB 98 .·Insured and-'.iloncted Addhions ~ Decks •·Doors and tr~ • Cabi!fel'Y Olld

Count.,..tops • Glt~¥s Block • Paintihg and Kirl(paper • RtJqft (Shingle or Metal) • Sheet rock repair • "l'lle

(Saltillo and Ceramic) • Window r11placemsn~


R y


CALLUS Phone: 505-257-4001 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000 .lC

----'---'-- ---

2(; WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000

~-' '

~ ' ' ' '



Not· only are many motel chains now setting aside rooms for travelers witll pets. a few

· luxury hotels even · curry the trade: ·

According to Monique Burns writing io Pet Life Maga­zine, 25,000 hotels in the United States of various sizes andJ'rtce ranges welcome dogs, an the few cats thitt travel well.

She singled out a few: · • The San Ysidro Ranch in

Montecito, Calif., south of Santa Barbara has catered to animal owners for about 70 years and welcomed Sir Winston Churchill and Bing Crosby, Jack and Jacquelyn Kennedy (on their honeymoon) and Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh (who were married there).

GQest stay in rustic~ but well-appointed cottages on the 500Macre ranch, which also has stables. Hiking- with animals also is allowed in the nearby

Los Padres· National Forest. • Hotel Columbia in Tel­

luride, Colo. with 2 I rooms and two penthouse suites.

• Lake Placid Lodge in Lake Placid, NY, in the high peaks of the Adirondack Mountatns.

• Vintage_ Inn in YountviJie~ Calif., l;lD 80-room inn located in the middle of wine country.

• . The Rittenhouse in Philadelphia, Pa .• a· winner of AAA five-diamond award for I 0 years. has 98 rooms and is situated in the middle of a park ideal for strolling with dogs

• The Pierre ·in New York, · NY, right on Fifth Avenue, of­fers the luxury treatment .for dogs 40 pounds or less.

• Plaza San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, welcomes dogs 20 pounds or less. ·

• U.S. Grand· Hotel in San Diego, Calif., a Victoiian-style near the city's downtown water­-front.

• The Inn at Pern' Cabin in Chesapeake Bay, Mo., on 25-acres along the bay. .

HOURS Tuesday through

saturday Noon.:. 4 p.m.


Shasta is a 1 0-month~old female

Rurooso NEwS

• Bar Habor Inn on Mount Desert Islahd in Bar Harbor, Ma.~ one mile from Acadia Na-. tional Park.

• Lorelei Resort on Treasure Island, Fla., near St. Petersburg and the Gulf of Mexico.. ·

• The Stanford. Inn by the Sea in Mendocino, Calif, on the state's northern sea coast.

Bums suggested the folloW- · ing essentials to bring for your . pet: a leash and collar, food, water and food bowls. identifi­cation tags and a recent photo­graph, immunization records, your veterinarian's telephone nUmber, a poop scooper and dis­posal, a crate because some ho­tels require them if the dog is left alone; and a towel in case a rest stop is muddy.

Other helpful items may be chew toys, a ball, a bed, doggie boots, brush, doggie toothpaste and- toothbrush and flea and tick control. ·

Genn~ shepherd mix. She's . the blue and cross. best of both worlds being the Size _of .She htt.'i an aftnlctive velvet coa~, a a large beagle, but with classiC shep- wann .disposition, is smart and has

· herd l~oks and intelligence. cnuugh energy for children. f.~~ ADOPTERS MUST MEET ELIC'iiBILITV REQUIREMENTS

R -I I I I I I I I I

.I I


I f I I I I I I 'I .I

I I .·. !. I

i I


. ~ ~




Judith L. Christopher

Week of Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2000

Saldtbirjus; <Noy 22· Dec 21) "Get ready ... Get set ... G01" Get out and about even if it's only for a. short walk! Enjoy ·yourself all the way!

Capricorn: <De£ 22 -Jan 191 A good time to make a major move in your life! Don't jump . too quick. If it's good. it's worth waiting for. Think · twice.

Aguariu$;. (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Your savings account will grow even .bigger with extra work. B:ut splurge Once in awhile, you deserve it!

Pisces: · <Feb.19- March 20) Try to be as happy as you WANT to be .. Your luck will be changing because you'l·l start looking for the good in eve_ryth~ng.

Aries: <Mar 21 - Apr 19) Relax. kick-back and ·enjoy

yourself. Watch others and learn about life. Pick and choose wisely who and where you want to· be.

Taurus: (Apr 20 - May 20! Love and money don't always go hand-in-hand. To tell someone how you love them doesn't mean spending too much money.

Gemini; <May 21 - June 20) Luck~ Love & Laughter can be your's when you seek it out or rpake your oWn happen. _You can be the life of the_ party.

Cancer; <June 21 - July 221 "Take a break!" Relax -and let

· everyone arOund you relax to()! Start a riew trend by enjoying the holidays ·for a change.

Leo: (July 23 - Aug 22) You feelings could be left out on a limb by a certain· person or

persons who have hUrt you before. Remove yourself at once!

Virgo: <Aug 23 - Sept 221 Replaying old records could be comforting to your feelings like living in the. past can pave the road to the future ... "NOT!"

Libra: !Sept 23 - Oct 22! You'll have a clear pict:Ure pretty soon of Who. What, Where, and When. The How may be a little trickier.

Scorpio: (Oct 23 - Nov. 21) Expect the unexpected .. Roll

·with the flow and don't sweat the small stuff. · Laugh off everything and everyone els~!

Vou Can Receive a Personal Confidential Reading From JUDITH CHRISTOPHER CaU For Appt: 257-2996 ·





4C WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2000

fD fB g)

em fD fJJ fia fm &1



OJ ~



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~ www.ruidOS()OCW!i.COm

-----------------------------~------ -




Auto dealers throughout New Mexico have been flooded with lease return and other used vehicles, and are being instructed by their creditors to SACRIFICE this over­stocked inventory IMMEDITATLY- REGARDLESS OF PROFIT OR LOSS.

ROSWELL HONDA is your exclusive area location for this


CARS & TRUCKS FROM $500 TO $30,000

PICK A VEHICLE I PICK A PA ENT Pay the $59.00 Acauisition Fee Down Payment, Then Take Delivery!*

All vehicles will have payments clearly marked on the windshield. 'WAC. Bank Approval is Required. plus taxes. trtle & fees


We have banking sources aggerssively seeking new accounts. Don't be concered about your current payoff*

When we make a deal we'll pay off your trade no matter what you owe!*

Negative trade equity will be added to amount financed.

THURSDAY November 30th

9am • 7pm

FRIDAY December 1st

9am · 7pm

SATURDAY December 2nd

9am · 7pm Bank approval reqwred on all cred1t appiJcatJons Srock #2510, 1991 Plymouth 'Accla1m, purchase pnce$1, 795 00. $145.00 acquisition

fee down payment $1 650 00 fmanced for 30 Mas @ 14'• apr IS $79 permo SubJeCt pnor to sate Details my vary. Subfecr to cred1t approval. Customer responsible for taxes. tJtle. tags

------------------------------------------------------------------..................... ~

--~-----------~---__,..... ... ___.---- ~-- ---------- -~--

,t····~ ... ,., .. _·~, ....... ~., .. . ·· ,:_··. -.~, .. ,, '.'' .. '~ . \ ".·· .. R.

. . . ' . ' . . .


. ' · · ·o· · N .... c -~ - ' '

,·D W.S ' . .. ' . .



CRAFTSMAN' ·7-drawer pro quality storage cembo, Save $60' Full-extension removable drawers allow easy atcess to all.your tools; even those in the back. #65902/3 •Reg. ep. pilcf 229.95. Reg. combo priot 199.99.

. ~.• .. ·,

' '·' ·'

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'f -.

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·' .... . .

. '

.lowest prices·· . of the holiday' ··

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·. '··' .. ... ' .,


. ' ..

,. " . '

. •. . . . . . ..

· .. W29 NS

I - ---~-- ---- ----- ---- _,....- -


4899 sale each c A. Craftsman 5.5-amp dnll #27167. Reg. 59.99 B. Craftsman 9.6 volt cordless drill #11078. Reg. 59.99 C. Craftsman 45-pc. Speed-Lok ·set. #26221. Reg. 59.99

NS 11/29

-• __, ___ ~--~ ~ .....,.. ·-._-- --- --------w --·~· ·-· -.-• ~--_-,-,..---~_.---..--------- -- ·---- --- .· -- - .. - ------ - ..


• sale

CRAFTSMAN 33-gal. air compressor, Save $50 6-HP max. dev. motor. Delivers 8.6/6.4 SCFM at 40/90 PSI. 135 PSI max. pressure. #16733. Reg.329.99

ProFormfl CrossWalk treadmill, Save $70 Total-body workout. With Power Incline· 3~ 10% to adjust workout intensity, cushioned deck to absorb impact. #29940. Reg. 449.

12799·· sale

' I



\ .....


CRAFTSMAN 16-in. gas chain saw, Save $22 36-cc gas engine, EZ-Adjusf bar, automatic oiler. Includes carrying case. #35046. Reg. 149.99

CRAFTSMAN gas blower/vac/mulcher, Save $22 205-MPH/41 0-CFM peak, 24-~c engine, up to 16:1 mulching ratio, variable speed. #79729. Reg. 129.99

·' J.


I •




' ''

. . · PANAS.ONIC 35-in. Tv, Save $101 . Picture-in-picture lets you watch 2programs at once, 3-line digital comb filter for enhanced picture clarity. Stereo/SAP reception. #4651 0 . (Mfr. #CT-35G25). Reg. 799.99 ·

FREE TV stand with purchase of _____--­any 32-36 in. TV

and mail-in rebate '

sal, 9999 . sale 3869~sboth JVC VHS.C camcorde~ Save $63 ·. 2.5-in. LCD screen, image stabilization. . #58930 (Mfr. #GRAXM225U). Reg. 399.99 Rayovac battery. #52259/60. Reg. 49.99

JVC! Hi·Fi VCR, Save $20 Includes rnulti,brand remote. Features Auto Clock Set, VCR Plus+ programming. #55530 (MfrAIHRVP682U)., Reg. 119.99

get ZERO% financing for one year when you

·. use your Sears Caret' or

free camcorder kit . with purchase of any analog . camcorder over sa99

Krt varies by format. A 49.99-59.99 value.

...- .--..........-- - --.

. sale 3869~~ both SHARF 8mm camcorder, Save $63

· 3.5·in. color LCD, digital image stabilization, remote. #58430 (Mfr. #VlA45W) .. Reg. 399.99 Rayovac battery. #52~44. Reg. 49.99 · 11129 •NS





I .. ' I I

• I



' ;.I . .

~i\. :;~:-,







KENMORE 18.1 <U. ft; refrigerator, Save $111

' ~­•

' •:


With 1ce maker, adjustable glass shelves #70872. Reg. 599.99


' sale 247°~ch

OWNED AND OPERATED BY: · (#3966) ADDRESS: 2172 Highway 70 West

' ...

STORE HOURS: SU 12-5, M·SA 9-6 PHONE: 378-4700

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