Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November ... · Our 5th year helping members...


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Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

Treasure map (Elephant in the room: Free Search Engine Web traffic from Google, Amazon and You Tube.) From the desk of Mike Long (Click here for our Events Page!)

In 2012 my friends, David Mills, Greg Morrison, and I founded One Man Gang, OMG, on an investment of $2000, and the willingness to follow David Mills’ blueprint and guidance. OMG is an underground place where people get the knowledge to place free ads on Google, Amazon, & You Tube, + How to profit…

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OMG Idea

Search Engine Web Traffic from Google, Amazon and You Tube + Monetization: Client consulting, Affiliate/CPA, Ecommerce, Amazon, and Pay-Per Call tracking. The two big edges you get with online money-getting is low cost of business, and the ability to run free ads on the search engines. Plus we show how to monetize. Continued Page 2…

OMG Method

Over the shoulder, Navigation + Q’n’A, currently successful entrepreneurs, and transparency. Continued Page 3…

OMG Experience

Abundance, mastermind, member contribution, serious yet fun, get surrounded, ride the wave. Continued Page 4…

OMG Conspiracy

OMG is a place where a conspiracy is taking place. 8-underground co-conspiritors come together in a place of incredible member triumph. Continued Page 5…

NHB 2017 WHITEPAPER @poweredbyOMG Instagram | More earnings reports | More testimonials

Greg Morrison, OMG Live. Click here for our thrilling Events Page with Greg.

Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

OMG Idea …Continued from Page 1…

Many realize the internet changed everything with money-getting. But they might not be able to put their finger on why, & how to harness the awesome knowledge that changes stars daily.

Jayme joined December 2016. Now her knowledge of search engine web traffic allows her to do leveraged client consulting:

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Search Engine Web Traffic + Monetization

Search Engine Web Traffic is one of the two ways the internet changed commerce forever. (The other is low or zero costs to start.)

The 2nd part of the equation is monetization, which we also have great knowledge:

• Leveraged Client Consulting

• Affiliate/CPA

• Amazon

• Ecommerce (Like Shopify)

• Pay Per Call Tracking

Jayme’s story is incredible. And it illustrates the awesome power that comes with the right knowledge to run free ads, or very cheap ads for your own products or services, or doing high leverage client consulting.

Google Search Engine Web free Traffic is a $65,000,000,000/yr niche. (Paid ads add another 67 billion!) Amazon Search Engine Web Traffic is over 100 billion more. So OMG’ers are feasting on underground monster markets.

Greg Morrison, co-founder and our first player-coach, shares his daring “Treasure Map,” test results from 18-months. “You will rank” Greg says. (Google traffic.)

“Hurricane” Liz Herrera has made as much as $1,000,000 in one month on Amazon. She’s in too. And there’s much, much more.

Click here for our Events Page!

Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

OMG Method …Continued from Page 1…

The first step was deciding what we’d focus on, the OMG Idea detailed on page 2. We decided to focus on Search Engine Web Free Traffic because David Mills and I were online start up consultants, and every business we built for ourselves or for clients relied on free web traffic either from the search engines or from affiliates. Because Search Engine Web Traffic duplicatable.

Then we met Greg Morrison. Greg was waking up at 4 AM to work a day job when he found out he was going to be a dad. He got an introductory program from David and I on how to get search engine web free traffic. He exploded, a fish to water.

Serendipitously, at the same time, David I created an informercial for our introductory search engine web free traffic guide. Usually with infomercials where you’re sharing an introductory best practices, many who join want coaching. It tested amazing.

People came out of the woodwork offering to coach our informercial buyers. But when David asked these people how much money their coaches were making with search engine free web traffic, and how much their customers were making, the answers were zero, and zero. They hired coaches from Craigslist!

David said that made no sense. Because they way we ourselves got a foothold with our highly successful web startup consulting was by watching over the shoulders of others having success, getting navigated where we could get questions answered and where there was transparency so we knew we weren’t wasting time.

We tried the “software” route. We went to events. We bought courses. But nothing worked besides this OMG Method of getting IN THE ROOM with somebody successful, duplicatable and caring enough to be transparent and answer questions.

Greg was successful, making over $1,000,000 his first year with web traffic, using a highly duplicable blueprint. He answered over 1000 questions in our introductory SEO forum. We asked Greg and thankfully he agreed to be our first coach doing over the shoulder training, navigation + Q’n’A, and transparency. Click here for our Events Page, including Greg Morrison interview!

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Over the shoulder, Navigation + Q’n’A, Currently successful entrepreneurs and transparency.

Meet Jake Tanner. When he joined OMG he was a 21 year old assistant. Jake lives in a small town in upstate New York.

He watched Greg, over Greg’s shoulders, navigating the how to. Jake got questions answered and he had confidence because Greg is so transparent. Jake blew up.

Click through here to hear Jake speak out on his $350,000 haul last month client consulting.

Click here for Jake’s full story.

Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

OMG Experience …Continued from Page 1…

OMG has been so incredibly empowering for so many people. Click here for our new @poweredbyomg Instagram to get a rich sense of a place where you’re surrounded with real world, duplicatable successful people who care and are transparent. It started with riding Greg’s wave, thankfully it never, ever stopped. Now it’s not just Greg. That’s big.

It’s all based on sustainability, which starts at the roots. And the roots are our 8 co-conspirators, who you’ll meet on page 5. But it spreads from them. We’re a mastermind that is a two way street, because we also believe in member contribution. Like who?

Meet Ronell. When he joined us he was struggling to pay the bills. Now he makes over $90,000 per month, drives dream cars and is building his dream home for his new wife and new child. Ronell was on Shark Tank, Beyond the Tank, in 2016. But the funny thing was that, while it was neat,

from a business standpoint he didn’t care whether they made the deal with the sharks or not. Because Ronell has real knowledge. And he shares it with Greg and our team. And he’s even come on webinars to help. Because Ronell believes OMG is a city on a hill.

Click here for Ronell’s incredible journey.

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Abundance, mastermind, member contribution, serious-yet-fun, get surrounded, ride the wave.

Here’s the rundown:

• OMG is a place

• Built on Sustainability

• Heroes are everywhere

• Excellence is recognized

• Because we’re caring, by our actions, by getting you in the room with these incredibly successful, duplicable and CARING individuals.

Gregory’s story shows what I’m talking about. Stocking shelves at a Bed Bath & Beyond when he joined OMG, because he had a new son, Mason. Gregory GOT SURROUNDED in our community and when he had success he shared back. Now $100,000/mo!

Click here for Gregory’s story.

Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

OMG Conspiracy …Continued from Page 1…

The root of how we deliver our OMG Idea, our OMG Method, and our OMG Experience, is by beginning with our OMG Conspiracy. With OMG, David Mills and I get you in the room with 6 incredibly successful, duplicable, and caring individuals who are transparent, going over the shoulder with navigation + Q’n’A:

• Greg Morrison: the guy I call the first One Man Gang, 6-fig/month affiliate, new for NHB 2017: Greg’s Treasure Map (“You WILL Rank.”) Greg co-founded OMG, and begins his 5th yr coaching.

• Joshua “Fletch” Fletcher: Fletch sold his truck and tools to join OMG in 2013. Hit $10,000 in 1st 45-days using innovative “Pay Per Call” technique. All-new for NHB 2017: Fletch’s SEO Apprentice on-boarding.

• Kotton “The Hammer” Grammer: Kotton got his start with OMG, and is now an icon, featured in Forbes and Inc. $10,000,000 in 2016. New For NHB 2017: Conversion and much, much more.

• “Street Smart” Joe Marfoglio knows what it’s like to have his back to the wall and build his way to success. Exploded with OMG. Combines client consulting, affiliate, CPA and pay per call. Ourtsouring world master.

• “Hurricane” Liz Herrea: Beloved amongst OMG’ers, Liz has done as much as $1,000,000 on Amazon in a single month. Her Amazon Apprentice is unbelievable. Plus high power advanced.

• Stephen “Peanut Butter” (Cuz we spread him around) Floyd: highly successful with client consulting and (non-Amazon) ecommerce. New for OMG 2017: Stephen’s Shopify Shortcuts + SEO Mastery.

• David Mills designed, manages OMG. Law of Implication, Alchemy, are backbone of OMG thinking.

• And myself, Mike Long, 7-figure (sometimes in 1-mo) affiliate marketer. I bring OMG to you, & you to OMG.

Bob Proctor, from the NYT Bestseller The Secret, calls OMG his “Highest lifetime recommendation.”

But wait there’s more! Because NHB 2017 also includes five exclusive, incredibly powerful softwares:

• OMG exclusive Cloud Rank software by Joe Marfoglio & Dan Anton. (Instant Google, YouTube, ads)

• OMG exclusive Network Crusader Google SEO management, amplification software by Gregory Ortiz.

• OMG exclusive Command Center Google Free Ads spying tool software by Colin Klinkert

• OMG exclusive Profit Bandit Amazon profit multiplying software by Mike Devlin.

• OMG exclusive Fletch’s Pay Per Call exclusive software (Total blockbuster. Coming in April 2017.)

Going into our 5th year, our 8 OMG co-conspiritors worked hard, behind the scenes, to make this incredible place, stuffed with overwhelming advantages, powering OMG’ers success each and every day.

But wait! There’s more! Because David Mills chronicled the Story of OMG to help you get to know us even better. Here’s the story:

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Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

The Story of OMG

(Above is one of our first fun custom images created – other than the text on the image which is new for this page – in 2012. David Mills is depicted on the left, Greg Morrison in the middle, and Michael Long on the right.) May 2012: Greg Morrison (head coach), Michael Long (outreach), and David Mills (president and business designer), the founders of OMG, begin pre-launch work

September 2012: Doors open for OMG Shortcut, a small introductory product.

Late September 2012: Doors open for OMG No Holds Barred full coaching program and a phenomenon begins!

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Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

December 2012: Doors close for OMG Shortcut. NHB remains as our flagship project.

November 2013: The first OMG Live event, in Nashville TN! Over 100 people raise their hands (out of a room of less than 200 people) when asked who paid for their OMG Live ticket with money they’d earned as a result of what they’d learned through our OMG No Holds Barred program.

(See the short video clip below for a video we took the following year at OMG Live 2015. Kotton Grammer is speaking offscreen. Stephen Floyd can be seen in the bottom left. Both will appear in our timeline soon, as you continue reading below.)

 Click through here to watch on YouTube.

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Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

December 2013: OMG NHB 2013 evolves into “Project X” as we add Joshua Fletcher, early bird signup available. Project X would lead to hundreds more earnings reports and testimonials.

January 2014: OMG NHB 2014: Project X begins. Kotton Grammer joins Project X, destined to hit $50,000/month, then $100,000/month, to over half a million/month and beyond, and then to officially join the OMG team in order to give back and share his success with other OMG’ers.

January 2015: OMG NHB 2015: Project Breakthrough begins. Kotton Grammer and Joe Marfoglio are officially on the team, making 6 of us. The testimonials and earnings reports climb even higher.February 2015: Stephen Floyd begins helping coach unofficially with his 11 years of experience with search engines and ecommerce online.

March 2015: Elizabeth Herrera (Hurricane Liz) begins unofficially building incredibly successful Amazon training inside of NHB. Dozens of earnings reports and testimonials result from just a small test group!

August 2015: Based on zero complaints and so many success stories that he heard back from people he’d referred, Bob Proctor began giving OMG’s NHB program his highest lifetime recommendation:

Bob Proctor, from the #1 NYT best seller, The Secret, shouts from the rooftops about OMG:

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Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

Click through here to watch on YouTube.

January 2016: OMG NHB 2016: Project Assimilation begins. Liz and Stephen join us officially, completing the 8 person team we have now!

September 2016: The #PoweredByOMG Instagram Channel is born (see link to right)

October 2016: The 4th annual OMG Live is held in Orlando, Fl. Featured speaker on the last day is Jordan Belfort, the real sales training phenomenon behind the Wolf of Wall Street. (He was played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie.)

December 2016: Early-bird registration for OMG NHB 2017 opens! We have the same team as last year. Not one person wanted to leave; all enjoy giving back by coaching others using the OMG method. JoinOMGFree.com is created just for you!

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Our 5th year helping members change their stars! November 20, 2016

January 2017: OMG’s Project No Holds Barred: NHB 2017 begins for the year!

Please note: Our legendary OMG Project No Holds Barred: NHB 2017 opens for registration Monday, December 26th, wrapping up January 3rd, because the next day we’ll kick off our incredible “100-days Rocket Shot” as NHB 2017 officially begins, January 4th 2017.

Here’s the registration page.

Click through here to go to the OMG NHB 2017 Events page.

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