Our America Initiative - Former Governor Gary Johnson Press Kit


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  • 8/9/2019 Our America Initiative - Former Governor Gary Johnson Press Kit


    You say you want

    a revolution?

    Press Kit

    Contact: 801-303-7924



    The United, United States Of America

  • 8/9/2019 Our America Initiative - Former Governor Gary Johnson Press Kit


    Our America Initiative seeks to broaden the parameters of the public policy debate of current topics in the

    national arena. We look to enlighten the population about civil liberties, free enterprise, limited government, and

    traditional American values. It is our aim to increase the amount of discussion and involvement regarding all

    important issues.

    Mission Statement


    The United, United States Of America.

    Lets rock.

  • 8/9/2019 Our America Initiative - Former Governor Gary Johnson Press Kit


    Gary Johnson



    The United, United States Of America.

    Gary Johnson is a Republican and serves as the Honorary Chairman of the Our America Initiative. He has been an

    outspoken advocate for efficient government, lower taxes, winning the war on drug abuse, protection of civil liberties,

    revitalization of the economy and promoting entrepreneurship and privatization.

    He was born January 1, 1953 and attended the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque from 1971 to 1975,

    graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree. While in college, Gary Johnson earned money as a door-to-door

    handyman. His successes in this area led to his own construction business, Big J Enterprises,

    which was founded in 1976. Johnson grew the company into a multi-million dollar corpora-

    tion that employed over 1000 people in 1994. When he sold Big J in 1999, no employee lost

    his job and the company remains very successful to this day.

    In 1994, Johnson was elected Governor of New Mexico despite having little political

    experience at the . He defeated the incumbent Democratic Governor Bruce King

    in the general election by 50% to 40% as well as a former Republican

    Governor in the Republican primary election

    In 1998, Johnson was re-elected as governor, defeating

    Democratic Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez by a 55% to

    45% margin.

    Results. As Governor of New Mexico, Johnson was known for his

    common-sense business approach to governing. He eliminated NewMexicos budget deficit, cut the rate of growth in state government in half

    and privatized half of the state prisons.

    Johnson also shifted state Medicaid to managed care (which led to better

    healthcare by creating a statewide healthcare network that previously did not

    exist and which saved money) and reduced state employees by over 1000,

    with no firings. During his term, New Mexico experienced the longest

    period without a tax increase in the states history.

    While in office, Governor Johnson vetoed 750 bills (which was more than

    all the vetoes of the other 49 Governors in the country at the time.)

    By New Mexico State Constitution, Gary Johnson could not run for a third

    consecutive term as governor. He currently lives in New Mexico and has

    remained very active, competing in numerous athletic competitions. He is

    an avid skier, adventurer, and bicyclist who abstains from alcohol. In

    2003, he climbed Mount Everest. Johnson was raised Lutheran and

    throughout his life has ordered his life according to spiritual principles.

    Gary Johnson has two grown children.

    Goodgovernmentis easy.

  • 8/9/2019 Our America Initiative - Former Governor Gary Johnson Press Kit


    Our America



    The United, United States Of America.

    CIVIL LIBERTIESThe government should protect the value of individuals and their civil liberties. The government should not

    intervene in the private lives of individual citizens unnecessarily. Personal liberty and freedom from

    unwarranted governmental control or regulation should allow law abiding individuals to pursue their own desires

    as long as they are not causing harm to other people. We are committed to less government, greater liberty and

    lasting prosperity for America.


    We advocate a Dont do Drugs policy. Drugs can be harmful, addictive and destructive to our lives and

    society. The current war on drugs, however, has not been successful. Crime, economic problems and abuse related

    to drug usage are still very present. We believe there needs to be a new direction in fighting these problems. The

    Our America Initiative believes that one of the best solutions to help with the many problems caused by drugs is

    to legalize marijuana. We do not advocate the legalization of any other drugs and believe that harm reduction

    measures should be implemented.

    Marijuana should be regulated and taxed by the federal government (just like tobacco and alcohol are currently),

    which would lead to a lower price for the product and eliminate the criminal element from its distribution, much

    like the repeal of the prohibition of Alcohol many decades back.

    The Our America Initiative believes that current drug policies need to be changed. The answer lies in sentencing

    reform, in supplying treatment on demand, and in honest drug education for our children. We advocate heroin

    maintenance and other harm reduction measures and believe we should move from a criminal to a medical model

    of dealing with drug usage. The Initiative thinks that locking up more and more people who are nonviolent drug

    offenders, people whose real problem is that they are addicted to drugs, is simply a waste of money and human

    resources and fails to deal with the real problems of abuse. Our goal is to lower the abuse rate in America and

    we believe a new direction is needed for that to happen.

    For additional information about the war on drugs in America, you can go to the following


    The Drug Policy Alliance Network: www.drugpolicy.org.

    Law Enforcement Against Prohibition: www.leap.cc


    We believe in a strong defense both at home and abroad. Gary Johnson opposed the war in Iraq as Governor of

    New Mexico and the Initiative believes that the United States should withdraw our troops from Iraq as soon as

    effectively possible. The United States should only be involved in just causes and should not engage in military

    action except when needed to protect its specific interests. The United States should be protected from terrorism

    and those that attack America should be brought to justice quickly and efficiently.

    Put peoplebeforepolitics.

  • 8/9/2019 Our America Initiative - Former Governor Gary Johnson Press Kit


    Our AmericaIssues


    The United, United States Of America.


    The United States should have a balanced budget and we believe that government spending should be reduced to

    much lower levels. Multi-trillion dollar deficits are a disaster and a threat to the security of nation and its people.


    America needs to be a land with a clean environment and we support clean-air and clean-water action. The Initiative

    believes in conservationism. The Committee does not support cap and trade policies as they are currently



    The Our America Initiative does not believe the government should be taking over the health care system. A health

    care insurance system that is privately owned and managed is the best approach to solving our health care problems.

    The costs of health care are out of control and something needs to be done to return health care to fiscal solvency.


    It is time to implement an immigration policy that allows for better documentation and more easily obtainable

    permits for temporary guest workers to fill jobs that Americans refuse to take. United States authorities do need to

    know who is crossing our borders and be able to prevent criminals from entering the country. However, we do not

    believe in closing the borders to those that are legally documented to enter the country.


    The Initiative does not believe in raising taxes. Throwing more money at difficult problems has not and will not solve



    While serving as Governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, vetoed 750 bills that were sent to him by the Democrat-

    controlled legislature. He vetoed many of the bills because he believed they were fiscally irresponsible. Johnson was

    able to lower the cost of government in New Mexico and improve services without raising taxes. When discussing

    balancing the budget and lowering taxes the committee believes actions speak louder than words.

    Do whatyou sayoure going

    to do.

    Contact: 801-303-7924


    P.O. Box 1985 Salt Lake City, UT 84110-1985


    Contributions and gifts toOur America Initiative are not deductible

    for Federal income tax purposes
