Our AP Family Believes...Studying and then sleeping on what I have learned is scientifically proven...


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Our AP Family Believes:

When I make a mistake, my brain grows

A little competition can be inspiring... but we know when to dial it down!

True failure is if you quit trying.

We don’t jump on the “worry bandwagon” before tests and deadlines. We affect each

other negatively when we do.

Studying and then sleeping on what I have learned is scientifically proven to be the

most effective test preparation. (In other words, I don’t cram.)

Miguel says:We aren't merely a congregation of aspiring academics. Above all else, we are a family - remember this, and never take it for granted.

Lucas says: I Believe in Myself.

Sofia says:I didn't come this far just to get this far

Avetis says:Newton's lesser known

4th law of motion: A student in bed, will stay

in bed, unless acted upon by a greater source

of anxiety.

Adenieke says: Everyone learns at a different pace. I don’t feel discouraged if I don’t understand a concept yet.

Chris says: I will surround myself with people who encourage my individuality and growth.

Dawn says: I will get enough SLEEP!

Freddy says:Sleep deprivation hasn't killed me...


Bridget says:Once you put your mind to it and believe in yourself you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish

Madusha says:Once you submit something in (whether it is a test or an assignment), don't stress over it because what's done is done. Focus on how you can improve on the next task at hand.

Amanda says:

Progress not perfection

Shen says:Doing my best is better than being the best.


Mr. Hedley says:

You have to be hungry, but you have to be humble.

Retired Head of Science, Founder of OCS AP Program, Ms. Price says: Learning is about collaboration not competition. Everybody should get 100% by helping each other along the way.

Curb any “us” and “them” attitude. At OCS, we are family!

Elijah says:

Through difficulties to honours.

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