Our Catholic Faith Living what we believe Introduction


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  • Our Catholic Faith Living what we believe Introduction
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  • In class reading assignment and vocabulary Movie clip from Rudy How have you felt when someone doubted you and what did you do about it? Read The importance of faith pages 3-4 and What Catholics believe pages 6-7, answer Complete the vocabulary worksheet
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  • directions Come in quietly Take out paper for reflection and vocabulary worksheet Be ready for pray Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.
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  • reflections Listen to the following story: A Faith Test (first paragraphs on page 2) What would you have done in this situation? WHY?
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  • We have value, dignity and worth Complete the vocabulary definition (15 mins) You have created us for yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you. St. Augustines Confession Rudy He was still restless, he still felt a need to fulfill his dream, which he did he senior year he was on the practice squad and given one chance to play. (movie cont.)
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  • John 3:16 Genesis 1:26-31 At the end of each day God saw that it was good. On the 6 th day the day God created people God saw that it was very good. We are made in Gods divine image, giving us dignity and worth in his eyes
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  • Reflection What does it mean to be Faithful? Think about the difference situations that require a person to be faithful.
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  • Abraham model of Faith Abrams' call His faith is so strong that he is mentioned 70 times in the New Testament. However his is also tested. God test his faith many times. Abraham worksheet group work. HOMEWORK: Profile of Faith: Mary, the model Christian worksheet.
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  • The Importance of Faith Which vision of Life is correct? The Christian view that holds you are precious, unique child of God worth dying for? Or societys view that your worth is tied only to your appearance, what you can do or how much you own? Explain why you choose the Christian view or Societys view
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  • Theological Virtues What is FAITH? it is a VIRTUE (an habitual and firm disposition to do good attitude and intellect to govern our actions, order or passion and guide our conduct according to reason and faith make possible ease, self mastery and joy in leading a morally good life (CCC1803-1804)
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  • Two types of virtue Cardinal Virtues considered Hinge virtues because all other virtues come from these (discuss later in year) Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Theological Virtues Faith Hope Charity/Love
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  • Theological Virtues Bestowed on us at time of Baptism Relates us to God Are a gift from God FAITH HOPE CHARITY
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  • Faith Belief and personal knowledge of God Catholics are called to grow their faith and proclaim, bear witness to and spread it
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  • HOPE Trust in Gods Salvation and his bestowal of graces needed to attain it Leeds us to a desire for Heaven and eternal life Keeps us from getting discouraged
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  • CHARITY Love sometimes referred to as love of God and love of neighbor Helps us practices all other virtues
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  • What is Faith? It is a lifeline to God is the human response to Gods Revelation Makes it possible to accept Jesus, imitate his life Faith in Jesus makes it possible to proclaim belief in one God who is Trinity of Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
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  • Faith is a gift, but we must decide to embrace faith of our own free will
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  • WHOEVER BELIEVES IN THE SON HAS ETERNAL LIFE, BUT WHOEVER DISOBEYS THE SON WILL NOT SEE LIFE, BUT THE WRATH OF GOD UPON HIM. JOHN 3:36 Faith is an act of the Church At baptism, Catholics become members of the Church (a family of faith who believe that Jesus is Lord) Faith of Church gives life to, supports and nourishes individual Christians
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  • What does it mean to you that you are wonderful and Gods unconditional love is yours? You have created us for yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you. St Augustine
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  • Directions Come in quietly, sit down and take out your laptops TURN IN EDMUND RICE paper to turnitin.com Open up new word doc title it: Bully Be ready for prayer Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.
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  • WHAT CATHOLICS BELIEVE The main beliefs that make us Catholic
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  • Catholics believe: Jesus is Gods Son, the Savior and the Lord God is a Blessed Trinity, a communion of love, worthy of worship and praised The Church is the Body of Christ Catholics belong to the Communion of Saints, and look to the saints for inspiration and help The Bible is Gods inspired Word
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  • God can be found in everything and experience him in a unique and powerful way in the seven Sacraments Love and service are important parts of our Christian faith we are committed to working for peace and justice We are a people of hope We are open to and strongly defend the gift of life in all its richness
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  • Catechism of the Catholic Church 1992 the official compendium of Catholic Church teaching was publishes (CCC is used to refer to its text) It is authoritative and comprehensive source of essential beliefs and teachings
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  • Test on: 10/14 A-day 10/15 B-day Complete page 7 For Review questions Review vocabulary words making sure that you have completed the worksheet
