Our Town August 26, 1932


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8/7/2019 Our Town August 26, 1932

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W I N : ) S O I ~ A V E ,






C ou rt A c ti on Resorted to

Legal Repre s en ta t ive s o f

Bank ing Dept .


George R. Warner, son of Seymour

G. Warner, of 120 Edgewood road ,

Ardmore, is among those who qualified

to enter Union College t hi s f al l a s a

membe r o f t he Class of 1936. War

ner will t ak e t he general arts course

leading to the Bachelor o f A rt s de


Cecile (Babe) Bowes, o f t he Cyn

wyd Club, holder of Phil ade lphia and

District girh:' j un ior t it l e, will com

pete i n th e G irl s' N at io na l t en ni s

championships, to be held at the Phil

adelphia Cricket Club, beginning La

bor Day .


(Continued on P ag e F ou r)

Principal an d Secretary to be a t

School Office From 2

t o 4 .3 0 P. M.


\Vith a view to explaining t he vari

ous scientific details in terms simple

enough to be understOOd by "the man

in t he s tr ee t, " Henr y B. Rumrill, of

Berwyn, president o f t he R it t enhouse

Astronomical Socie ty , has contrib

uted the following ar t ic le dealing with

t he sola r eclipse which will occur Aug'ust 31.

Mr. Rumril l 's contr ibut ion explains

t he many phaRes of th is phenomenon

in simple, everyday language which

l'educeR its in t ricacies to a minimum.

It should bc read with a great dealo f i nt er es t by expert and layman


"The OCcul'l'enee of an ecl ip se o f

!:he Sun, August 31, has possibly

a rou sed more i nt er es t t h an any pre

ceding event of its kind. It s pre

dece ssor i n the eastern part of the

United States-that of J a n u a r ~ ' 2,1,

I!J25;-was notable in this respect, but

i t s occurrence in the d ep th o f winter


Vets atMerchants Urge Full Parking Privileges r-----------.I

ISuits Are Filed to

Football Practice Starts C I CIfor Shoppers in Narberth Business Section: Monday at Lower Merion ! . 0 lectMerion aims

F ull and free use of N a r b e r t h ' ~ matinees. (No restrict ions ar e made i .Football p ra ct ic e f or bothHawks at I

business section for parking of s ho p- o n evening paning.) . Lower Merion Junior and Sen -

, 'd ' b h B h' 3. Space provided behind the Nar-! ior High Schools will o pe n o npel'S cars IS eSlred y t e oroug s berth National Bank, off the new part :

husine,s people. That was t he s en ti - o f Haverford avenue, is available I Mo nda y. C oa ch Charles R.

ment of a special meeting o f t he Nar. without charge to Narberth shoppers, (Dick) Mattis, of the Junior

IJerth Business Council held in thc by arrangement o f t he B or ou gh C ou n- H ig h, i ss ue d a call f or c andi -

Arcadia Res taurant 1.30 P. M. Mon- c il and t he Business Council, which i s dates to appear on Pennypacker Foul' suits in assumpsit t o col le ct

on claims f o r amoun ts due t he Merionday. to pay a nominal fee for use of th e I Field f or t he i ni ti al p ra ct ic eThe meeting was called i n o rd er ground. i Tit le a nd Trust Company we re filed

that a complete expression of opinion I 4. Whi le every cour t esy i s being' Monday morning at !J.30. in the Montgomery County Court at

of the business people might be t rans- el',tended and will b e g iv en shoppers While official p ra ct ic e f or t he N orr is to wn w it hin t he p as t wee k b y

Illitted t h rough the group 's Executive W}IO overs tay the one-hour l imi t f o r Senior High squad will not com- legal r ep re se nt at iv es o f t he State

Board at the next Borough Council street parking, proprietors al1d em- mence unt il Thur sd ay, Sep tem- Banki ng Depa rtmen t.

mee ti ng . T he matter of parking i s p loyees o f a ll b us in es s h ou se s in the I bel' 1, on Pennypacker Field , I! Defendants in the individual suits

brought to a head by the open ing o f d is tr ic t a re n ot to p ar k t he ir own I I ra re Samue l Dubin, John D. Scheuer,informal practice will be held J I' L L 't h d B B IHaverford avenue 's extension, from cars in the section at a ll ; a nd ar e to i u Ia • el c an . as cr.

Wynnewood avenue to Essex avenue, park trucks o nl y l on g e no ug h t o l oa d i Monday, Tuesday and Wedne s - I Three similar su it s were filed dur-

which is expected to increasc trade and unload. The bus i ne s s peopl e I day on t he A rdmo re a ve nu e ! ing the week ending Wednesday, Au-

and traffic in the Borough. agree to this in order that as much: playground, it was announced ! gust 17. Individual defendants in

Of t he near ly twenty business men space as possible may be made avail- yesterday b y Coa ch Albert C. : these suits are G W ~ ' n n Sheppcrd, C.who a t tended the meeting, nearly all able for shoppers.: . I-I. Vau gh an a nd Louise Holcombe

I Adam.expressed approval of these proposals: Among those who spoke in favor of I Boyd.

1. Mot or is ts s ho pp in g i n Nar- one or all of t h es e po in t s of agree-' At previous dat es s u it s of a like

berth's business section should be p er - men t were Howar d F . Cot te r, J os eph iBoro Nine Rings Up character have been f iled since June

mitted at Icast th e p re se nt h ou r' s J . Whiteside, George M. Dando, Hy- • 0 '0 26, In32. It i s unde r st ood that the

time to park thei r cars, on Haverford man Ricklin and J. L. M c C r ~ r y . 3 TWIlIght VIctorIes numbe r o f suits to be instigated by

avenue, and Essex and Forest avenues, Ralph S. Dunne, who preSided, en- I Dr. William D. Gordon, as sccre t a ry

between Haverford and Windsor ave - t .e rt ai ned a motion by Mar io s Chios M DdT' 0 b I of the State Banking Depar tment"fu r h h fi t . f th I anoa owne wlce nc e y ,

lIue. t at tel'S seSSIOn 0 e new sea- . . ' may exceed a hundred cases,2 On Narberth avenue two-hou r son b e he ld in t he f orm of an eve- Fo rf e It : D e trO It C l own s A B S J f N ." a I V·· aron . wartz, 1'., 0 orl'1s-

I, p : ~ r k i n g in , a f t e r ~ o o ~ s should b p'er- ning dinner meeting, at Esham Manor t l ~ c t l m .(own, and Desmond J. McTighe, of

nutted to md theahe-goers attendmg Inn. Narbl'rth, ar e Montgomery County

OUT 14 I ,FANS G ET MANY LAUGH S' representatives for the State Banking

o 0 1 I IDepartment.RegIstration of New Narberth B. and L. : B y J OH N M U L L I G A N i ~ l a n v o f t he se suits are actions

Gene Da \' is ' Bo rough i te s s n a n ~ d i " . ,

P OI MdT 0 N SOl al'lslllg from promlssorv notes , col la t -Upl S on an ues to Pen ew erles· Lhl'l'e wins during the week one be- .•• I. ' " ' , :enll, loans. mortgagcs and othl' r h ' gal. IIlg pl av ed on a foreign held. fhe:, ,. , :

- - - : . . ',- . claims on mdlvlduals 01' g'l'oups of m-F'f F IS' f S k ' I1rst, played With Manoa, was pre-' I' "d J'-I ty- ourt 1 el'les 0 t o c" . ' ( 1\ I ua s.

sent<:d to t he m o n a 0-0 forl CI t by' S' , "Available to Public Next t" L D'II ' h ' t l ' : • UltS In assumpsIt constItute a n a c-

o <mpll'c eo I on 111 t e SIX I 111-. tion to recover damagl:s for a breachThur sday :IIIng Monday when Lew Butler's mcn f -f t t.• 01' non-per ormance 0 a con rae 01'

I protested a dec is ion at second base I ' . I' I I' . )rOmISl', exp re ss o r Imp l e( , o ra or

1907 , alld wcre re luc tant about re tur ll Jng i ' \ 'I't' tI lI n \'I lIIg no l\IH er sea .. (0 their positions to rcsunw play. \ I'

" • . j ceoI'( II1g to count)· legal rcpresell-It s 54th scnes of stock Will be open'. Fol lowed a benef it game with the· lath'l's of thl: Stat<. Banking Depart -

cd for public subscription by the Nar-: ,-ll1ne dub Tuesday night , which the, IIIcnt olIH'l' s ui ts a rc in preparation

berth Bui l di ng and Loan Associatio:1 I hOIl1l'sters coppcd, 4-:1, and thl:n a and wil l b e f il ed within thl: next few

t Th I f t ' l!J P 1\1 game wit h t he Detroit Clows on Wed- \ \ ' e e k ~nex urs( av, rom I un I. . " - . , ... , , lIesda)', whll'l1 was r ac ke d u p to th l'

at Elm Hall. The aSSOCIatIOn meets Lllne of 3-2 in seven innings.

Regis try Assessor 's tot he f ir st Thur sd ay o f each month, Howard Graham hurled t he f ir st ,'

S II S it Sel)tcl11bcr 6 an d 7ngle shares are a do ar pel' month , Char ley Townsend, former Narber th

and double or carly nlaturing shares I pi tcher and ])l '(lsent Bryn l\la\vl' acC', Opportunity \\ 'i ll be given Nar

are two dol lars each. Ichucked the second, a nd J immy No-· " e r t h ' ~ non-l'l'gistered voters to qual

Officers of the Narber th Build ing; hlitt, anoth('l' Choctaw, toed t he s la b : ify f or t he Nove'mbe!' election, when, . Hgainst the colorful Clown aggrega-

a nd Loa n are: \Vll l Iam D. Smedley, lion. -; the B o ! ' o u g h ' ~ registry assessors will

' si t a t the poll ing places September 6president; William B. Kraft, vicc- A t th e time of the Manoa protest,and 7. Urged to reg is t er a re those

president; Thomas C. Trotter, Jr. , sec- Narberth was training 4-2, b ut pu t I 1'1 t h h t t t d hes I e n s w 0 ave no ve vo e ere,

retary; William S. Howard, treasurer, two men on base, name ly , J oel Hub - and t ho se w ho h av e n ;a de Narberth

and Fletcher W. Stites, solicitor. i l H ~ a m and Dick Ga,llagher. The la t -, t hei r home for the necessary sixty

D' t G 1\1 D d Ed I.eI attempted to pd fe r t he key st one' d a"sIrec ors are eorge . an 0, _ , , ~ •

saek and was ruled safe, which; 011 T u la 1 \IT d d S' P D Id H '1 C F ·'t h E" ' , ~ S ,y a n I · , e nes ay, ep-WIl1 . 0 , owat< . II s e , u- ! broll'Tht loud squawks f rom the 1\1 'moa : . :, . , ."" , ., tember 6th and 7th, the followmg reg-

ward C. Gnswold, \VlllIam S. How-; beHch and ended p l ay f o r t he n igh t i' t ' I I ' t t bI - ' . Is ry assessors WI reglser vo ers c-

a rd , J oh n S. Ketcham, Wil liam B.: B,arney Slaughter endel.' the game' t w e ~ n th e h ou rs o f 11 A. M. and 4

Kraft, Daniel Leitch, Carl B. Metz-: a,ga1l1st the s,trong DetrOit aggreg-a-. P. 1\1., and 7 and 10 P. 1\1., daylight

gel ', A , P . R ed if er , Jr. , Horace T, ' 1 . ~ ~ ) t l l b Y shladPpmg a d o ~ b l e l after B ~ l b saving t ime:

r' , I (, I h an a poked a smg e, and GI - I Mrs. Horace l \ In r rav , Leg ion roomSmedley, \\ I ll Iam D. Smedley and: I,' l"lced '111 the W' l around the lanes' .:.,

, I " " ,y , , of the Commul1ltv BUlldmg, Wll1dsor'lhomas C. Trotter, Jr . .when Out fi el de r Cy Mal is apparent- C' 1\1 - 1\1 1\1

' I avenue, ncar onwav; II'S. ary .Oi'ganized H)07, the association for ' !y misjudged t h high Ily and allowed' Livingston, Boy S c ~ u t Houre, ;outh

a quarter of a century has aided its It to roll past him. side of the Nar be rt h S ta ti on ; a nd

shareholders make profits on regular Inci1dentall y Slaughter. saved the. Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, E lm Hal l,

mon th ly s av in gs . Two wee ks a go it ~ c c o n ( l \ I a n o ~ game w I ~ h , a sh?e-' Forest avenue.

mailed checks, including approximatc- strong catch m the last Il1nmg \\'It,h I Residents of the ir d i st r ic t s may

I , t ' t t t t OIW man on the lanes, and led his . t 'th tl th tY SIX pe l' cen . meres , 0 ma u re a ' commul11ca e WI lese ree, no. I r ~ a m at bat in the Clown game with. .

short t e rm stock senes that had run. I bl . only to register, but t o a sc er tam

seven years. two (OU es. :whether they are corrcctlY cnrollcd.

, . , Bus!"I' K i n l l L ' ~ ' . dressed in a clown. . .SubscnptIons for the new senes ' I I ' I

" lI lt , a ll l Cv 1\ alis, t\'l'ated the crowd H f .may be made to any officer or diree- ( J t f' I hi' th ear 0 Ba thmg S ly l estor or at the N;rberth National 0, a 0 0 aug s (u,nng . e game A speech on the evolution of styles, I · With a numbe r o f comic acts. In thl ' l ' b h' ,

B an k o r at t he mee ti ng nex t Thur s- . ." , , , - 111 at Il1g SUIts featured the programday ~ i g h t . i hrst lI1nll1,g the vIsIting firs,t saekcr: Tuesday of the Bala-Cynwyd-Nar

o';oclwd a s l llg le a nd r an t o t hi rd base. berth Rotary Club. H rold W W _'('I 't h th' I h d M I' II . a . arIl'n III e 11'1 e an a IS pu - ren representative of a finn manlll-

s o °i D it f S I E 1 D I "d the I1shing ac t in a n ima gi na ry f ac tu ri ng b at hi ng sUi\s, was theclentl C eta s 0 0 ar C Ipse ue Ihoat, u ps et t he b oa t a nd swam across I', " spea ,er.

Aug 31 Sil11plified byMain Line Astronomer: the l h a ~ n o n d as ~ h e , capacity crowd Mr. Warr en t ra ced t he evolution of

• . l'o:,:'cd I ~ a p p r ~ e l l l t l O n . the woolcn swimming accessory from

, . I hen 111 the Sixth the two t al en te d t he "gay nineties" to today's stylesdoubtless chilled t he a rd or of man)', plaYers got t oge ther out behind tIll' 1 'h ' d' . It' '1 tl . '11 f t Ii' . an< gave IS au ICnre a comp c e PIC-

a n I l e writeI' WI n ev er o rg e ti e (Colltlllued 011 Page Six) t f th ft' th d. ..; . ure 0 e manu ac urlllg me 0 s

expencnee of observll1g at a tempera- I , l iB I L J h .- • , lIlVO vee. a rc a y , ones was c aIr-

t.urc of twenty degrees below zero, m I P e nn V a ll ey Garden Club f th t:I 'N T • I I man 0 e mel' mg.

['oug lkeepslC, .. 1. ; nor how rapid y t o E x hi b it a t S ho re Show

the crowd l!Isappeared from the N. Y . Gi rl Succumbs

h e i g l ~ t s of South College Hi ll w hen Members of t he P en n Valley Gar- Charlotte Patricia Fenner, 11 years,

totalIty was over. den Club will attend and en tc r a n ex- of Westfie ld , N. Y., d ied Monday in

"But the coming e c l i ~ s e wiII not he hibit in t he A tl an ti c C it y F l o w ~ r BJ'yn Mawr Hosp it al o f i nf an ti le p a

at,tended by an) ' such discomfort, and Show to be held September 3d to 10th. r al ys is . S he was t ak en ill whi le v is

WIll probably be o b ~ c l : v e d by hun- it was decided at a mceting of t he i ti ng h er a un t, Mrs. Carl White, at

dreds of thousands w lt hm t he p at h o f dub on Tuesdav at the home of Mrs. 252 Hen l ey road , P en n Wyn ne , a nd

t?l:dity,. and by many millions out- Arthur Goldsm'ith, Montgomery ave- succumbed 24 hours after the diseasl'

Side of It. nul', Wynnewood. Miss Florence Ber- was discovered. The child formerly·

"In addition t o the informat ion on t l' rnHIl1 ' a member o f the club and a lived in Wynnewood with he r parent!',the subject which ha s appea re d in lan!'eal;e expert, spokc at t he meet ing Mr. and Mrs. James Fenner .the press recently, t he re h as u nf or - on t he ca re o f Fa ll flowers.tunately been some mi si n fo rma t ion

which ought to be corrected; as, for

instance, t he s t at ement in a leading

daily that solar eclipses occur every

360 years.

"Let us f ir st underst and the na ture

of the phenomenon known as an


Totals :1 7 27 !l


R. H. O. A.o 0 22

001 0

001 2o 000

1 2 13 0o 1 2 6


1o 123

o 0 0 0

Baseball ScheduleSaturday - Jack Hart's

home (Main L ine League).

l\1onday-Berwyne at homc (Main

Line League).

Wednesday - Wayne


Bridge Club Plan Outing;

Announce Tourney Winner s

Thc Narberth Men's Bridge Cluu

wil l hold an out ing t hi s Friday evc

ning at t he Hot e l Washington, SOlll

merton, Pa. , which is under the mall

agement of Caryl Starr, formerly of

Merion avenue, Narberth. Dr. Geol-ge

A. Sloan is chairman of arrangc

ments. Four or five tables are ex-


At Monday night's open d u p l i c a t ~t ournament the w in ne rs w er e E . C.

Griswold and Bennett , n. and s .; aDd

H. W. Herling- and Alfred Peeny, c_

and w. The Women's Division held

no meeting Tuesday on account of ab.;cnce of members .

Narberth Juniors WinPlayground Crown

Defeat Narberth Collegians

Basebal l Championship

L as t F r id a y


La st F r id ay a ft er noon the Nar

berth Juniors won the championship

of the Borough 's Playground League

~ ) ddeating t he Narber th C o l l e g i a n . ~ .l'lw score was 3 to 1.

" Si xi e" K an e h ur ie d Ilne ball for

the champs, fanning fourteen oppos.

i ng b at smen a nd a ll ow in g bu t foul'

hits, Joe O'Connor, pitching for the

Collegians, had six strikeouts to his

c red it and , a l though he al lowed the

Juniors s ev en h it s, h e received good Registration o f n ew p up il s at the,

support. Neither twidel ' was in IlIl1l-h Narberth Public S ch oo l wi ll b e con

trouble at any part o f t he con te st , a I· l luc ted on Monday and Tuesday , Au

t hough the bas es wer e loaded against gust 2!1 and :30. Principal "T. JamesKane iii the second inning. I ' ,I " I I h b h Drennen and MiSS Fratantol1l, the sec-\.clln e( t e attack at at for t c

.Juniors w it h two h it s, one of w h i ~ 1 1 ['etary, wil l be at the school oflice both

was a homer , while Ray Stanley ha.d days f rom 2 to 4.30 p, M. to take earl'

a pair o f h it s for the Collegians. "f new pupi ls.

Next Monda y t he newly. c r o w J l { ~ d Pupils desiring to ent er t he Kin-c ~ H l m p i o n s will play t he Narber th S(<I dergartcn must be five years o f a ge on

/ ood team at the Playground. Tile "1' before February 15, In33, and pu

Sea Fooders are composed o f s eve r al pils desiring to ente r the First Grade

IIIembers o f t he Nar be rt h Nationul::;, must be six on or before Februarv

NARBERTH JUNIORS 15, 1933. .R. H. O. A. E, .. ,o 0 14 4 0 No pupIls WIll be enrolled Without

o 1 5 0 0 presenting vacci na ti on ce rt il i ca te s

o 0 1 1 0 a nd b ir th certificates or any other

o I 1 I I evidence of dat e o f b ir th e it h er o n i n-

o 2 1 1 0 surance policy, baby book, etc.

1 2 0 0 The e nr ol lm en t o f n ew p up il s in

o 1 0 0 () grades one to eight, inclusive, will also

1 0 1 1 () take place on Monday and Tuesday.

1 0 4 1 () School will open on Wednesday,

September 7, with a half-day session,

with full day sessions thereafter.

'l'he pa in ti ng o f the school build-

E, ing is being completed and everything

o is i n r e ad i ne s s for the start of t he

() school year.

o - - - - - - -o Oil Stove ExplodesJ. The explosion of an oil s to ve i n

() the ki tchen of the home of Mrs. The

'I resa Capelli, Summitt road, Penn Val-

o lC'y, Tuesday , c aus ed flames which

o wer e e xt in gu is he d b y t h e Na rbe rt h

Fire Company. !\Irs. Capelli, who was

prepar ing breakfas t , ca rr i ed he r 11

months-old son, Dominick, to safety.

Wright, c

n as ey , I b

Stroup, 3b

Gilroy, ss

Kane, p

Keim, cf

Finan, If

I ~ O'Connor, rf ..

Gallagher, 2b

Totals 1 4 27 14 :2

Home run-Keim. Two-base h i t

Gilroy. Double p l a ~ ' s - Kane to

Wright to Stroup; E. O 'Conno r to

Casey. Hit by pitcher - CU!'l'an_

Ardmorc Bal'gain Counter is

Rummage Receiv ing Stat ion

T he A rdmo re Ba rgai n Count er ,

now locat ed in what was once the!

famous tap r oom o f the historic Red

Lion Inn, Lancaster avenue, Ardmore.

w as d es ig na tc d a s t he official rum

mage receiving station of the Main

Line Federation of Churches this


Two rummage sales , formerly hcld

c"ery year by the Federation, will now

be supplanted by the Ardmore Ba r

gain Counter. Directors of the Coun·

IeI' request that articles scnt in previ .

ous y ea rs f or t he F ed er at io n rummage sales be forwarded direct to the

Red Lion Inn.

The y s tr es se d t he imp or ta nc e of

supporting the work at t h is t ime due

to the opening of schools and the in

creased demands for children's cloth

ing. The Inn will be opcn every

morning for the receipt o f a rt i cl es

and Thursday, Friday and Saturday

for bargain sales.

(COlltlnucll 011 I ' ago ~ l x )

Dugouts C le ar ed i n 6 th Inning

of Bitterly Contes ted



Ump's Decision RilesBrookline Players

By J O H N M U L L I G A N

Memories of yesteryear!

In one of the most bitter-fought

games seen on a local diamond in

ec en t y ea rs , Na rb er th ups et Brook

ine, Main L ine League l e ade r, by 5-2

ligures at the Borough Playground

before a largc gathering.

Today the rabid f an s a re compar

g t he contes t wi th those o f t he day s

hen the circuit wa s in its infancy,

hen every game was fought over as

it were more important than any

thing in the whole u ni ve rs e. A nd

is very likely that there w il l be

comment on i t f o r d ay s to come,ce everybody on the premises , in

ing the scribes, came in f or t he i r

r e o f t rouble before play could be

umed af t er a sudden halt in a rip

s ixth inning.

Now eve rybody was aware of the

that Brookline came he re at the

rung of the loop ladder and meantstay in that position. Bu t i f Nunan

determined, Gene Davi s a ls o had

ideas , and even though our town

t he l ir st half sewed up and is

of a place in the series, Davis

t o mak e the c lu b whi ch w in s

second-half light every inch of t i l l ;

y f or i t, a nd soon impressed this on;)'

I n t he sixth innillg, w it h t he s co re

in the ul t imate winner 's favor,

m e o f the Brookline players took

when Umpire Cotrey made a

c is io n on a cer ta in pi tch. In less

a minute the home plate looked

d sounded l ik e a hornet's nest with

buzzing of ungry voices. In other

the decisions of Colfey didn't

w it h t he pu bl ic 's o pin io n o f

r. THy Enthus ias t i ca l ly

Received as Conductor

An enthusiastic reception was acr ded Dr . Herbert J. Tily, of Cyn

guest conductor of the Philadel

Orchestra at Rob in Hood Del l

Friday n ight f or the first half

thc program, which contained three

h i s own compositions.

His "Chri s tmas Morn," a composi

n i ll overture form, was conducted

t h muc h spirit and received the

applausc of any cOlllposition

during the evening. Other

condueted by Dr. Tily were

er 's "Jubcl Overture;" an orches

transeription o f H ay dn 's varia

on the "Austrian Hymn," and

s own "Te Deum Laudamus." I

D r. T il y w as recalled many t i m e ~ Ithe completion of the first,

l f o f th e p ro gr am a nd finally an- Ri ttenhous , c

that !\II'. Smallens would Donuhue cf

a trifle he had composed many McGarr; ss

ago. This proved to be a de- DiMcdio'If

number, "The Bet ro th al ," S ta nl ey , ' I b "" .

osed in honor of t he engagemen t J . O'Connor p

Dr . T i ly 's daughter. Curran, c . ' " " ,

Burgess, 2b

Claffey, rfnl y Onc New Case of

Paralys is Reported in Boro

One new case of infanti le paralysis

s r ep or te d i n Narberth during the

week. Mary Young, eleven-year

daughter of Mr. and !\Irs. Louis

You ng , o f 410 Grove place ,

t aken ill last Thursday following

r e tu rn from Cape May. She has

well to t re atmen t a nd her

is considercd very satisfac

The only other case of the disease

the Borough, Jamcs Brannen, S

old, son of Mr. and Mr s. L. V.

of 227 P ri ce a ve nu e, i s r e

to be doing I1ne. He is expect.

home from the Graduate Hospital

s Fr iday .

J oh n Nas h Scriollsly' III

ohn C. Nash, o f 80 Wyn ne dl ll cNarberth, i s seriously ill in

B ry n M aw r Hospital. He was

on for appendicitis late Mon

af te rnoon after being taken si d

that mor ni ng . T he o pe ra

was successful, but complications

in which have put h im i n a seri

c on di ti on . Hos pi ta l authorities

that he i s doi ng as well as could

expected, and do not anticipate any

g e i n his condition for a few

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August 26, 1932 OUR TOWN PageTbree

FIRESIDEfHE Iaunt, Mrs. J. C. Russell, of Annapo- I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••lis,Marylana.. •

, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Eidson; of • • h All Bread and Pastries baked •

- - I - - d -M- - J - h - - F -C - I - - h - f IConway avenue, have just returned • Elg teen 'V'ea"'"s 01 o? the premises un.der super. •J r. an rs. 0 n . oug , 0 • , , vIsion of the proprieto r . •

Essex avenue, have a s t he ir gues ts f rom a month 's vaca t ion at Beach

• C · S· *** •rs. Clough's mother and sister, Mrs . Haven . Add it io n a l Cop ie s o f Po p u la r tFrancis Harley and Miss Helen Har- Mr. and Mrs . Lewis W . Easby , a nd b 'b • on Inuous erYICe Ou r modern refrigeration plant •

Books Pu rchased y LI rary bl k f odley, of Baltimore, Md. thel·r daughter, Nancy Joan Easby,of. ena es us to eep your 0 •

•"just right." •

Mr. and Mrs . C. Fred Kuebler, Jr. , Narbrook P ar k, a re spending this, The list of books purchased during • a ss ur e y o u a t Cot te r ' s th e finest q u al i ty f o od s a t th e •o 25 Narbrook Park, have I ~ f t for week-end at Stone Harbor. IAugust by t he Narb er t h Community

ventnor, N. J., where they will stay J. ILibrary and now ready for circula- • marke t ' s c on s is t e n tl y l owe st p r i ce s , Bec aus e c o · ope r a- ONE -DAY SPEC IAL •a week o r t en days. The Hon . Fletcher W. St it es, Mrs. tion, include additional copies of books • •

. ::;tites, and the i r son, Mr. Richard L . whi ch have proved very popular in the • t ive b u y in g c u ts costs , you will s ave by buy ing al l you r -This Sa turday: •Mr. and Mrs. D. B. ~ I . e r s o n , ~ f ::;tites, of Haverford avenue, spent last! last few months, such as "The Foun- •

Gulph road, are entertall1l11.g their d' B ·11 N Y Itain" by Morgan and "Faraway" by f oo d n ee ds f rom you r independent g ro ce r, w h o is a F,'ne GrarlUlated -. d week-en In r onxvI e, . . , , ". •

son and da.ughter-II1-la.w, Mr. an 1 \ 1 1 ' S ~ ~ ' l a r y Louise Paul, o f I ona P ri es tl ey , whose "Good Companions" b f I h b 'I d A

.l\ J M P f B St G "' • mem er 0 a a rge group w 0 u y co-operative y an S VGR..rs .. : I. lerson, 0 Ig one ap, avenue returned on Sunday from sev-' and "Angel Pavement" were unusual-

Vll'gIl1Ja. . era I d ~ Y s ' v is it w it h her aun t, Mrs. l y wel l r ec eive d b y t he public. The • th ' t •J APt h d If. pass on e s avings 0 you. 10-lb. bag •\lr. a nd M rs . Co • l e e r an A. H. 1'ol ulty at Cape May. list wil l b e s ee n to include severa 0

s on , Ph ili p, of }<'orest avenue, are ' the bes t o f our modern authors, Willa • •

spending a week visit ing friends at The Misses Janet, Jackie a nd J il l C at he r, Mazode la Roche, Sigrid Und- • Prices listed here, except for the one-day Sugar Special, are 39c •Provincetown, Mass. Caldwell and Alice Maguire motored se t, and Manue l Komroff, the author • effective now to next 'Tuesday night, Au.gust 30. •

J. to O cea n C it y o n Thursday. Mrs . of "Coronet ." •

Mrs. A. I-I. Durboraw and Miss Es- i John A. Caldwell, who had been vis- "Hot Water, " b y P . G. Wodehousc; A 0 F· F hF· •ther 1\1. Durboraw, of Elmwood ave- iting t he r es or t f or a f ew d ay s, r e- "Burning Bush," by Sigrid Undset; • Preserving Needs: mong ur tne res rutts·--.nue , a nd Mrs. Ralph Lang arc on an t ur ned wit h t hem. "Re-en te r S i r John, " by D an e a nd • •

extended motor trip through Virginia. Mrs. Robert Schouck, of Homewood Simpson; "Obscure Dest ini es," bY . . MASON JARS Jersey CANTALOUPES 2 for 9c ••Mr. A. H. Durboraw will entertalll avenue , is visiting her sister in Has- Wil la Cath e r; "Lark Ascending," by

o ve r t he week-end Mr. H. 1\1. Wei- b ru ck Heights, N. J. Mazo de la Roche; "Big Business," • doz. p ts . , 6 9 c •

kert, of Pittsburgh; Mr. a nd M rs . L. byA . S. M. Hutchinson; "Good Man's do z qts 79c R· TOMATOES 3 Ib 10 •Weikert , of York, Pa., and M r. a nd Mr. and 1\'lrs. Merritt Heckel h av e Lor e, " b y E . M. Delafield; "New York • • ." lpe . . . . . . . . . . . . ., CMrs. T. 1\1. lHalin, of Sannettsburg, moved from t he Sabine Apartments t o Tempe st ," by Manue l Komroff; "The • • JAR RUBBERS e.Pa, t he ir n ew home on Beechwood lane Fountain," by Charles Morgan; "Mur- A S d

J. and Sabine avenue. der in the Basement," by An thony . 2 pkg. , 9c Ripe BAN NA . . . . . . . .. oz., 19c •Miss Sara Rut h, o f L an ca st er , h as M rs . G eo rg e B ai le y, o f N ar br oo k Ber ke le y; "When t he Gang Came to • • •

returned home. after being t he gue st Par k, i s s pend ing a week visiting her London," by Edgar Wallace; "Red • •

of Miss Virginia Steinford, of Essex father at Ocean City. ISmoke," by Isaac Don Levine; "P r i n - . PARAWAX. , pkg" 9c California 0 RANGES doz., 19c •avenue. Mr. Frederick Kuebler, of Narbrool , cess of Exile," by Marie , Grand Duch- . -- .

iSSt E ~ 1 I 1 1 a antd, e ~ e l l S s t ' t h l l . e IB10a11

r1CI: P ar k, i s vhacationifn


s at Vebntnor, N.I ess .bofl. Russia; "The Store," by T. s . JA R TOPS , doz" 25c Freestone PEACHES. .6-lb. hanlper, 19c •ar c re urmng nex v '0 e J . , unti l t e e nd 0 eptem er . ~ t r l II1g.on Woodb in e a venue, hav ing s pent •• •

the summer with their niece, Mrs. Miss Evelyn Jefferis, of Dudley ave- Fal l Dahl i a Show • J ELLY GLASSES •

Harry Gehman, of BUffalo, N. Y. nue, had as her guest Miss Ruth Entries fo r t he f al l d ah li a show of • d 39

A d L'rna Be ns 2 Ib 19c .I . oz " en: 11 a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,of Quinn, of Pine Lodge , Wycombe . On the Pennsylvania Horticultura SOCI- • •Miss M a r ~ ' B. Church, Librarian of Wednesday they motored t o Oc ean ety in c o - ~ p e r a t i o n w it h t he Gar de n

the Narber th Community Library, is City. Club Federation of Pennsylvania, to • QUALITY ME' AT e ' AT LOW plD '"'C'ES •taking her vaca tion at Cape !\ lay as 1\1:1'. Alfred Livingston, of Essex he held i n conjunc t ion wi th t he Bryn • n .1 J .1\..1 I •

t he guest o f nEs s Bessie Graham, of avenue, h as r et ur ne d from a six IMawr Horse Show on September 30 • •

Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia. weeks' vacation in St . Pe te r sburg , I and October 1 , wil l be rece ived up to • 3 .!\Iiss Elma L. Reese, o f Hampden Fla., wher he v is te d h is aunt, Mrs. Inoon of Thursday, S e p t e ~ 1 b e r 27, ~ • Fancy Milk-Fed Stewteng Cht·ckens, 2 ICb. Prl'nle Rl'bs •~ \ V e n u e , l ef t l as t F ri da y f or Ha rvey Robert Hawk. the secretary of the Horticultural HII U 412 Ib •

Cedars, N. J., until after Labor Day. ciety at 1600 Arch s t ree t, Phi l ade l - . . pto - · Grain-Fed •I\1r. and !\Irs. Harvey W. M o n l , ~ . p h i ~ . No wild flowers, l aure l, p ine

!\Ir. Eugene Gilroy, o f Scr an ton, of Grayling avenue, h ave returned 01 dogwood may be ent er ed i n con- • L PI t B f 2 Ib 19c BEEF Ib 29 •d . h' t· • ean a e ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., , ., c •

a., i s s pe n ing 11Is mont s vaca IOn from the Poconos. They left Thur s- s id er at ion o f t he con se rv at ion move-

at the home of his parents, Mr. and day for Cleveland to bring home their ment. • Sh Id S . L b Ib 19 • •Mrs. John G i l r o ~ ' , of Essex avenue. daughter, Miss Alice Monks, who hae • OU er prIng am ., c LOIN OF PORK •Mr. Fred F. Patten, of Woodbine been assistant dramatic counselor at Submit Low B id • •

avenue, h as r et ur ned after a six Camp Harkness, Ohio. McCabe Brothers, contractors, of • Leg of Spring Lanlb. . . . Ibo, 29c Whole or half •weeks' tour of France and England, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Merr il l Ba la -Cynwyd, submi tt ed the l ow b id bwhere he directed the Haver ford Col- and children, John and Nan cy , o f for the construction of a concrete • • Thick end RIB ROAST. . . . . . . lb., 22c I ., 19c _.lege Orchesera. Rockland avenue, have returned f rom b ri dge on Easton road, spanning

Last Sunday 'AI: and Mrs. Herbert ~ : ; ~ ~ weeks' vacation at Ithaca, New : ~ ~ ~ C h T h l : ~ ~ . i d i ~ l e i ~ I ~ ~ t ~ : ~ ~ n ~ o n ~ ~ : : e : : Armour's Star HAMS 21 lb :B. Price and their daughter, D { ) r i ~ . J. 14 feet long, with a roadway of 50 • C •of A n t h w ~ ' n road, and !\lr. and Mrs. Mr. A. J. Bawden, of Woodside ave- feet. The contract wil l be p repa r ed . whole or shank half , ••R. G. Anderson, of Palmyra, N. J., nue , wil l j oi n h is w if e a nd daughter t hi s week and work started within ten

I l I ~ ~ : ~ ( ~ : : d : e : ~ : t ; I M ~ ~ : ~ ; d Mrs. Price ; ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ : e ~ ~ ? : k : ~ i s week-end f or t he days after the signing. :

29c SALE 1 PT. BOT. WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE BOTH FOR 29c :and Doris, accompanied by !\Ir. J. I\L Mrs . E . C. G ri sw ol d, of Chestnut • • 1PT. BOT WELCH'S TOMATO JUICE Value 45c ••Bole, of Lansdowne, motored to BaI - a ve nu e, i s spending a f ew d ay s at

timore, whe re t he y wer e t he g ue st s Cape May visi t ing f r iends . Church Notes • •Qf I\1rs. George H. Elmer. !\Irs. Price Mrs. Ruth W. Grace returned tn C S · land Doris will r e l ~ a i n two weeks. her desk at the Borough office on Mon- • • o"ee peCta: TETLEYS TEA -.

day following a two weeks' vacation. 'JJ'Mr. a nd M rs . Dudley Rushton and I·he Presbyterian Church • B t th W nd r Coffee Ib 21c G L b I •

Rev. John Van Ness, D.D., Minis ter . . osan, e 0 e . . . . . . .. ., rem a e •<1.aughter, Joan, ~ ' i s i t e d in Fort Wash- Will of Captain CrossonIIlgton , Pa. , on S u n d a ~ ' . I Meetings for August ~ 8 Illdia Ceyloll •

is F il ed f or P ro ba te !J..15 A. I\I.-Bible School. • Q k A ' t crat Coffee Ib 25c\lr. Edwin H. Speakman, of Hamp-: • ua er rlS 0 . _._0'_ 1I4-lb. pkg. •

G R b 11.00 A. 1\1. - Morning Worship, I/.den avenue, and l\lr. James . 0 - Th '11 f C . \\r·II· J 13 •

. 'e WI '0 aptam I l am . The sermon wi ll be d el iv er ed b y Re v. • berts, Jr., of Mel'lon, have Just return- I E' U S 1\·1 C f "T b tl Astor 11 tl·n 27c C\:d from a se\ ' cn weeks ' trip west, cov- i vrosso.n, . .•. ., 0 , , ~ r er 1, Lewis 1\1. Keim, of Narber th. . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . , -. , •

. t I th d'J th I I who dlCd August 10, was adnlltted to 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worshi!). Hev. • • •erlllg we VI.' ousan ml es . roug 1 . . '\1 ' tl \\. t C t d C probate at Norristown thiS wee]\. It L. 1\1. Keim will preach. DIM t lib tl'n 29c Pure Cider •eXlCO, up le 'es oas an all- i I' f I d t $ ~ O O ( ) • e on e. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . ,

d (Isposes a an estate , 'a ue a c. • Next \ V e d n e s d a ~ ' evening, August • VINEGAR •a u. , The will, partly t ypewr it t en and aI, Prayer Meeting at 8 o 'cl ock . Al l L

Mrs. L. W. Cowie, of N. Narberth!partly in Cuptain Crosson'.s handwrit- eonlial ly invited. • • G ol d M ed al or FLOUR 5- lb , bag , 19c or Pure W!lite e.. ., . 1 ! ing' g ives one-third of PIS estate to

a\'enue Will return Sunday With lCl', ' b ' 2 Ib b 3 9 GARda ughte'r P'ltricia and son Dean' Jane A. Morris, m ~ housekeeper or All Sairlts' Church • Pills ur y s 1 - ,ag, c VINE •

,'"' , , I 'f "f r o n ~ St. Paul, Minn., a nd a n extend- 1\1 ~ . • Montgomery and Wynnewood Aves., e: Cleant.ng Needs: qt. bo.t., 15c :.cd tour o f t he west. \Y I th. the exceptJ?n ~ f five dollars Wynnewood.

Mrs. Clarence A. Speakman, wi th the r ( , s l d ~ e estate IS (h\"lded e q u ~ l I y , Gibson Bell, Pastor

I I I ht Ed ' d alllong hiS daug'ht('rs, Mrs. Ir\'lIlg I· He\·. David Holmes, Assistant C I DOG FOODler son an( (aug er, . Will an . .. FI k I k 19 •Marv left Wednesday for a week' s Spl l1 de r Lusher, Josephll l e Mane I 1:\.00 A. M.-Holy Communioll. e. Ivory a es arge p g., c a 0 •1 l l 0 t ~ 1 : t r ip th rough Western Pennlyl - ~ r o s s o n (Mother Mary Bernice) and 11.00 A. 1\1.-Morning Prayer, Lit- 3 d k 25 2 19. . Gertrude C. Crosson. '\IIY and Sermon.. me . p g., c cans, c •,ama. The five dollars set as ide f rom the e • •Miss Margaret Shaw, daughter of residuary estate is given t o " Ger - Baptist Church of the Evangel • OXOL 2 bottles,25c Schlorer's •

COlllmander and l \ lrs . Charle, ; H. , t ru de 's mot he r, M rs . Mul le r, nee Hobert E. Kcighton, Minister •

Shaw formerly of Avon road have' Schnepp and now known as Mrs. Rog- Sunday, August 28: • - ONIA b 10 PICKLESr e t u r ~ e d to her home in A I ~ h e r s t , l!rs." 11.00 A. 1\1. - Morning Worship.• Reiner's AMM qt. ot., c •1\1ass., after a stay of severa l weeks The daughter Josephine, Mother :::;ermon by Dr. Isaac G. Matthews, • or RELISH •yj,;iting her many f ri ends and I le igh- l \Ia ry Ber ni ce , o f t he Order o f Holy Professor of the Old Testament, Cro- • P Irs p 3 bars 19c •LOI'S here. Child, is named exe cu to r o f t he will ' l.er Seminary. • a mo lve oa , 16-oz. jar, 19c •

Miss El la Timberl ake , of Pr ice ave- which was executed May 7, 1D31. • Y 'P B S Ch' 3 Ib 25 • •l Iue, is visiting her aun t, Mrs. J. E. Holy Trinity Lutheran CllIlrch • oung s · . oap IpS. . . . . . . ., C Red Ripe new pack •Owen, of Montclair , N. J. Miss Katherine Hal l Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor • TOMATOES •

We ds M r . Harold Koup Sunday, August 28, 1D32: • Gulden's Mountain Pride •Miss Lillian Baker , o f Have rf or d D.30 A. 1\1.-Bible School. 3 II 25

avenue, h as returned from visiting The marriage of Miss Katharine 11.00 A. M.-The Morning Servi ce , • MUSTARD PEAS ta cans, c •Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle, at Poughtown, Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John with sermon by D r. A. C. Miller. • • •

Pa. While there Miss Baker, Miss R. Hal l, o f S ab in e avenue, and Mr. • J.ar, 12c 3 cans, 25c Mc Cor mi ck 's Bee Brand •Betty Carlisle and Mr. Graf ton Carl - Harold S. Koup. s on of Mr. and Mrs. Methodist Episcopal Church • SPICES •is le motored to Niagara Fall s , where The od or e S. K ou p, of Mon tg omer y Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister • •

t he y s pent t he week-end. avenue, took place l a st F r id ay a f te r - Sunday, August 28: • Horse Shoe Salmon, tall can, 15c IOc size •1\lr. and Mrs . Wes le y P . Bai le y, of noon at 5.30 o'clock in the Narberth D.45 A. 1\L-Sunday School. 2 k

Narbrook Park, has as their gue st s Met hodi st Epi sc opal Church. The 11.00 A. 1\I.-l\lorning Worship. • . p g., 15c •m·e r t he week-end Miss Iva Martin, Rev. Samuc1MaeAdams, pastor of th( ' Hermon b ~ t he Pas tor . • K II 'C FI k 2 k 17 • •of Brooklyn, N. J., and Miss Grace church officiated. • e ogg s orn a es, p g., C Gor to ll 's Ready -to-Fry •Arnold, of P h i l a d e ~ p h i a . St. John's Church. - . CODFISHCAKES •

, Married at l\1cdia Lower Merion h h 1 h fl k 2 k 17 •Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Ball, of Bow- The announcement of the marriage ILevering MiII·Road and Bala Avenue.• W eaties woe w ea t a es p g C can, 12cman an d Narberth a venues , w il l b e of Miss Marie Louise Wentz, daugh- iRev. A. E. Clattenburg. D.D ., Rec to r. • - .-al l th ewheat·' •

at their summer home in Oce an C ity t er o f Mr. and Mrs. Walton M. Wentz, I Rev. Henry A. F. Hoyt, D.D., • •

until September ~ O 205 Wayne avenue, Narberth, and I Rector Emeri tus . • C 'M k ·r. and Mrs. Harry 1\1. Middleton, John Hall Calvert , of Monument road, 8.00 A. l\I.-Holy C omm u n i o n . . 0 t t e r s art•

Tr., of Shirley road, arc spending the Cynwyd, at Media, on May 15, wae I 11.00 A. l\I.-Morning Prayer and • • e ..eek-end at Beach Haven. made this week by t1l& bride's parents. ISermon.

Both Lower Merion High School grad- i The Rec to r e xt ends a c er di al i n- •

Mr. and Mrs. J . F .W i pf and daugh- uates, the couple wil l be at home af- vi ta t ion to all to a tt end t he chu rch • • Hav e r f o r d Av en u e, Narbe r th Phones , Narbe r th 2250 _2251 _2252 •tor, Helen, o f Ches tnut avenue, a r e t e r Sep tember 10 at Ess ex and P ri ce serv ices . All seats a rc f re e at all

leaving Saturday to visit Mrs. Wipf's avenues, Narberth. times. • •• " ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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Page Four OUR TOWN A1lgttst 26, 1932


in a safe place is one

way to avoid worry

and to insure happi

ness later on.

Open 8 A. M. daily f o r your convenience,

and a l so Fr iday evenings f rom 7 to 9

The Main Line Quali ty Group of Influential Weekly

News Organs:

The MAIN LINER OUR TOWN, NarberthNEWS of Bala-Cynwyd Paoli HERALD


Haverford Township NEWS

In the Narberth National Bank, a member of t he

Federal Reserve System, your savings are assured

safe-keeping. In a sound, conservative bank you

need have no fear of fire, loss a nd t he ft . You a re

invited to start that account now.

What make of car do you drive?

What make radio do you dial?

What kind of clothes, shoes, hat, socks, etc., do

you wear?

What kind of tooth paste do you use?

What cigarettes do you smoke?

What kind of breakfast cereal, milk, flour, bread,jelly, and beverage do you absorb each day?

Do any of t he people that you do business with,


Now, what was that you were saYIng, that ttIt

doesn't pay to advertise"?

Nearly all the merchandise bought today is bought

from merchants who advertise.

Folks like to trade where they can get merchandise

information without asking for i t. Ads give this


Are you satisfied with the amount of business you

are now receiving from your community?

Let this weekly newspaper help you. It s ads are

read by residents interested enough in this section

to subscribe for this paper and read its news-and

advertising. It s ads are read at the time of week

when there is most leisure to read-over the week

end. It s rates are moderate.-That iswhy its per

sistent, intelligent advertisers are finding that it

pays to advertise.

Let our representatives help you.


Narberth National Bank

A Questionaire

for Main Line

Business People


Ardmore 3100 Ardmore 3253 Cynwyd 811

Narberth 2545 Wayne 123


( ( ) ~ l - I !


1 \ ~ n 1 1 : 1 .



HASELTINE S. LEYT-:H, Shel ' II ' f.

1L\SELTIXE i', LE\"F:It. SlIelil"l,

IL\S]'o;VrJ:\E S. LEVEH, Sheriff.

WED:\ESDAY, SEPTF::\lBEIt 1-1, 1!J32

'l'OGETI-1Elt with the f l' e" an<l ..omilion usc, r ight , l i ber ty anel privilege of

t he a fol ' es a id d r i v e w a ~ ' liS and fOl II

driveway and passag'eway at a ll t im e"

thereafter forever.

u : \n l; ;R ANn SUB.IEeT to c'' ' 'la in rl'S'

el'vatlollll, conditions IIIIII restrictlol'"there in mentioned.

flown :\follf'Y ~ ~ o o . n n~ l I p r i f r ' H Oflic('. : " o r r i ~ l o \ \ ' I l ,, \ug'ust 16 , l n3 :!

TIl l ' I t n p J ' o \ " { ' n l ( ' n t ~ thereon nr e a:

Story RtlH'( 'O an d P l a ~ t t ' n ~ d I l o l l ~ W , IS

f t 'pi f f 'unt 1ly :lll f( 'pt dp(·p, ,,·it 11 :1 1 ' ( l O I l I ~oil f i r st floor, :l rOOIl1f; an d ha t h on : -;ee

011,1 flo",'. "ellaI', gas. "leetl'ie lig-hls.~ p r i l l ~ d i e l c 1 Wa t('I", ho t wa t (l l" I I f' a t , 1101(;11

f ront .

I ~ vir-tlll ' or a wri t of Leval ' j J o ' : I l ' i a ~ IIS:Hl(lcl Otlt of the Cour t of ('onlll1ol1 PJea:-;:

(If : \ I o n t g - o J n p r ~ ~ C O t l l l t ~ ~ , ]Jl \ t l l I ; !" to IlIt'1

. l i rectetl , wl l l be Holr! at Pulllie Sale 011'

ALL THAT CEl tTAIN lot 01' piece of

ground w it h t he building'S and Improve- Iments thereon erected, Situate In the IBor ough o f Xarherth, County of Mont,'

g n l l l e r ~ ' , Pennsylvania , bounded and de

sc:ribed as follOWS. to wit:

Seized a nd t ak en In exeeutlon liS t h ('1'1'Operty o f R ic ha rd S, S a ~ ' e r , .II'., Mort

g-agor a nd R ea l Ownel', alld to he "0),1 b ~

The Improvement s t h el ' eon l i re a:

I If StOlT S to ne a nd Frame BUllg'alo\\,.21 feet fmnt by :16 feet deep. with :1

I ' o o n u ~ on f i l · ~ t fino)', :l rooms 11IH1 ha t 11

on second floor. eellal'. g"s. electric lIg-ht".Spring-f1cld wate l' , ho t water heat, 1101'(\

fmn t.

II l. l ~ , O O o'docl;: ~ o o n , Eas te rn S tandard

'I'ime. In Court Room "C" at the Court

House, in th e Boroug-h of Nor ri s town,

" ai d Count y. t h e follOWing described Real

I ~ s t a t e :

nown :\Ioney ~ 2 0 0 , O OSheriff's Olliee, :\orrlstown.

Aug-ust 16, 1 n 3 ~

By virtue of a writ o f L ev " ri FaciasI R H I H ~ ( l out of the Cour t of COlll l l lOIl P l e : t ~of l \ I o n t ~ o l n ( \ r r COUlIty, l'cHlla., to l i l t '

rlirecterl, will he ~ 0 1 < 1 at Public Sa Ie Oil

flown l \ T o n e ~ ' $200.00l';herlft"s Office, ,",ol'rlstown, Penna.

August 16, 1932

BEf;I:>;:>;I:\f; in the mirlelle n f I Io nw

wood a VP. :-;. :!OO 26' \Y. 2 7 r . . ~ ; ; ' f ! 'olu t l H ~IlIll'I'H('('t ion of l n id d lc l i ne of I-lOll1c\\'ood

an d Sahinc aves., t h P l H ~ ( l ' S. (j!)O : ~ , 1 ' \Y,

! H . ' l ~ ' : thence ) . ;. 22 ') 8' "" . ~ 4 . 2 : i ' : thenl'o

:-:. 6n ' ;\4' E. n1.1,I': thence S. 20' 26'I;. 2·1.2;" to lH'g'lnning- .

ALL 'r l lA,. CEltTAI:\ lot ill the 110"

llllg"h of Xal'hel ' th , :\Jontg"omcI'Y ('ol1l1ty,

I 'a,

:It l:!.nn o'clcwl\. Xoon, E a ~ t e r n SlalHl:11't1

' I' h ll t' , i n Cour t Hoon1 "('" at t h e C ou rl

IJousl" in Ull ' Boroug'h of Xorristo\\'II,

"airl < ; o u n t ~ ' . the follo\\'ln,l:' r l e ~ r ' r l h e r 1 !teal




1L\i'I':L'J'I:>;I: S, LE\' Io:II . i ' 1, , ', ilT .

I )uwn : \ 1 f ) 1 \ ( · ~ · ~ ~ O O . O f lSilcdr r 's Oflit '(', ;":orl ' isto\\"Il ,

\ t 1 ~ ' l 1 s l 1(;. 1 ~ l : ~ ~

Th e I n 1 p r n v e n H ' 1 1 1 ~ t h e l ' POt l arf' :I :

Rtol'y Plasterec1 1louHe, lfi f('(lt frolll

hy 40 feet df'cp, 3 HOOlllR 011 F i r ~ t 1,1001",

: ~ H00J11S an d B a t h al l SpCOJHl 1"10(11, ('el

la.... gas, e lectr ic Jig-hts, Sprillg'lleld \\'" (er,!aot wate1" heat , pOJ'ch fl'o1Jt. ~ e i 7 . C ' c l an d tah:cll ill executioll :as tilt'

, p r o p e " t ~ ' of \Villi" III '1', )larris, .11 .. :\101"- :

~ t ' i i ~ t : ' c l ancl .... tal\:() i J ~ l f'Xecutloll :IH t i l l ' gHgOI, an d ::\Iary E, I1a1"1"H, ' J ' I ' t 1 ~ l e e 1111 IJll'opl'l'ly of 1, . ~ 1 l 1 C l ' h, lle'I'1', . : \ l ( ) r l L : : I t ~ f ) r " clel' decll of 1"ruf.::t for 1 ' ~ \ " ( ' l y n I larr iR .1 .. f-::IUd IIt·lpll Ball 'd ('al'l\ \" l 'lJ. Ht';l1 ()Wlll'r" feries, ',,"illi:ull '1\ I 1 a 1 ' l ' i ~ , ,11 .. :\(ildl 't 'd i

'11lc1 to hI' Holc] hy I l l a r r i s Hha,,", 1'hOln.l:-> (101'(1011 Itat"l"iH,;

aJl(l Yirginia ])eaITl' I f : l I T is . Itl ' :l1 ( ) \ \ " I l e l ~ I

I\]o;OI:>;:>;I:>;G on :\, E. "ide \\ ' Il l iall l"a'"e, 1 6 ~ , 7 7 ' l;. ] ~ ]1 ' E. from p oi ll t i n

\ \ 'oo ,lb in" a \ 'e .. s ai d Iwi nt being- X, 7!1":iI ' ] ,; . 26;" f l' 01 n i n t C ' r ~ e c t i o l l o f n li dd le

line of ' Voo r lb i ne an rl lana a,'ellues;

thence :\ . 7n" ;'1' E, 1 l 5 . ~ n ' ; t he l1 (' e S ,10 " :! 7' E. 18.;": thence S, 77,J ,I!)' \V"

II,l,S:l'; then,'e :\, 12° 11' \\'. 1R,5 ' t nheg-illllillg", Hei l ig ' Xo . :!21 \\"illiall1s n \ ' ~ -II l le.

ALL 'I'IL\T < ;EHTAI : \ l ot in Ihe 110"

oug-h of Xarhcrlh , :\JOllt,g'C)Jllt·I'Y C'tHlllly.

I 'a.

Ity v ir tu e o f a \ \T it of Levari F : I l ' i : I ~IHH1H'cl nu t of the Cour t of ('0111111011 l' !l' :IS

of : : \ 1 ( ) l l t g ' o n H ~ l ' Y County. I'ClllHl., to Illf't l ireeted, will he sold at ] 'nhlie Rate 0)1

at l:!.flO o'cl(wl{ :"0011, EaHlpl'n Slal ldan l

Tirne, ill COllrt ] tOOll1 "C'' ' at the Cou!'t

(ToURt'. ill tht! BOI'oug'h of = , o r r i ~ l o , , " t 1 .said Co un t y, t he follo\\ ' il l Po' deseriht'(l Itt-:II



of the Haverford and 1\1erlon road as l with a right curve and measured on th e i l f f i ~ ; ; ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ; ; ;o"Ig-lnally laid out 33 feet Wide, at the c ho r d o f t he a rc o f a circ le with a radlu" idistance of 46.48 feet ~ o l · t h 6 degs. : l of 166,75 f e et , Nor th 68 degs. 40 mlns. 31 I

IIIlns. East from the po in t o f Intersectioll lleeonds East 61.62 f e et to a point; ' i 'hence '

c o nt in u in g a lo ng t h e said si de o f sal<lN ll rb rook r o ad w i th a l ef t c ur ve and

m e as u re d on the c ho rd o f the ar c of It

el,'cle with a r a di u s o f 126.76 feet. North

64 degs. 47 mlns. 66 seconds East 1 ~ . 8 2feet, to an open or publi c spa ce form ing

II continuation or extens ion f rom ~ a r ·brook road , East, Thenc e a l o ng s ai d op en

01' pUblic s p ac e w it h a left CUIve, IlIlI1

m ea su re d o n t he c ho rd o f t he II I ' l l of II

..Irelo with a mdlus of 55 feet South 51

rlegs. mlns. 40 seconds East -In feet.

10 a cornel' of lot 12, on salrl p l an : a nd

'I 'henee a lo ng s ai d l ot 12, South 6 <legs.5!1 mlns. 'Vest 1 0 ~ . 1 4 feet. t o t he N or th

e rl y s id e o f s ai d 12 f ee t w id e drivewlI)'.

t he f ir st m en ti on ed p oi nt and Illaee of




(Continued o n P ag 'e Five)

(Continued from Page One)

SI'I'IIE:\11o: C01'I:,\, UF TH E STATio: UF

XL'\\" YorI\:, ( 'o u n ty n f K i l l C ~ -IL\IUlY I', CO:>;:>;OI:. Plaintiff, ag-aillsl,'\':>;'1'111.\ E. '·O:>;XOl:. I ).,f"llIlan!.I ' la i l l t i f f d e ~ i g - l I a t l ' ~ tlIp \ ~ 0 \ 1 1 1 t y of l ~ i n g H

;IH th e p la ce o f t r ia l. ~ U 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 ~ . . . \ ( 't iOIl

11 . \I1II111 a :\laITiage.


'I'll Ihl" :11)'\\"(\ I':lllll'll n t ~ f t ' l l ( l a l 1 t :\ , ( l l ' .\Ill'; 1I1o:111cBY i ' L ' ~ L \ I O : > ; I , ~ n 1" I

:UI:-,Wlt· tlit' l 'OI11plai l l t il l th is : l1·t i 'l l l. an d itil ~ t ' I ' V t ' a l 'Opy cd you r :lIlH\\'l"I', or, if I 1":.\ \ " i r tue of a writ of T fl\':Lt'i F : I l " i : I ~the ( 'olllplaint iR nut Hl'n'l'd w i t h th i s I i : : ~ " H l I ' < l u1lt o f t ht ' COlli" of ('on1111ol1 I I J ( ~ : I ~Hlll11n10llR, to ~ l ' I ' \ ' e a Iloth'( ' (If appL'ar- i Ilr :\lontg'ollll'ry County, J 'Pl lna . , to Il le

atH'l ', Oil the Plaintiff '8 . \ t tOl ' l l I 'Y within I dir(\( 'tpd. will hl' so!(l at PUhlic ~ a l l ! 011

t w e l 1 t ~ · daYH af te l ' , t h t ~ :-:ervke of t h i ~SUllllllOIlS, ( ~ x : c l \ l E : i \ " p of the (lay of SPl'\"il'(':

and il l l'a:-w of YUlll failul '('1 t o a p ! ll ' al ' , 01'

tlllf\\"CI", jlHlg'lllcnt will Ih' ta}{l 'n ag-ainRt at 12.00 o'clocl{ :"\0011, Ea s te r n S t an d ar d

You by d f 'f aul t . f o r th,> n'li"f ,1t'nJallClt',l ' l' ime . i n Cour t ! lo aIII "C" at the Courtill the eOlllplaillt. 11 rousp. in the BOl'oug-h of : " \or r istowlI .

)latl'd , ",LW YOII< , X, Y.. .July ~ I n ~ , i ""irl ('OUllty, the follOWing described Heal

I L \ ~ I I L 1 ' ( ) X A:\IlEHSOX, A l t O l ' n e ~ ' fO"I';;state:

I'lailltiff. Otllt 'e anr1 ", O. _\<lr11L·sS. 2:1:1 iBroadway. llorollg-h of :\Ianlmtlan, City' ALL THA,]' CT';RTAI:\ lot 01' piece of

of X,,\\' Yol'i<.l:'round w it h t he bullding-s and Illllll'Oye-ments the reon e rec ted . SIT l! . \, .F : In the

To Cynthia E. COl1nor. t he a hove namer1 Borough of Narber th. County o f M on tr1l'fenelant: " ' t l l l l e r ~ ' a nd S ta te o f P enn sy l va ni a . d es

'rill' fol't'goill!;, ! 4 U l l l n 1 0 n ~ i ~ ( ' I ' \ " ( ' ( l UPOIl ig"llated an(] ]{no,,"n aH Lo t No. 10, an d

rOl l by puhlication. p u r ~ l I a n t to an ol' lh 'l" l h e Sou theas te rl y half ?f lo t No . S .011

nf the SUtllell1< Caul'! of th e Statl' of ' I'lan of l o ts e al le d " :- ;a rh ro ok " d es lg

,:>;"\\' Yorl" Inark at i 'pl'I 'ial Tl'rlll. 1'art ,' : n , : ~ t , ~ ' : l a ~ ' d , s u l ' \ ' e ~ ' e e l , f",' t ~ , . e : \ a r b ~ ~ ' t l l BEG1:\NING at a )lolnt o n t he S ou th -'thereof. Klllg's ('ounty. lIy l i on . Edwa rr l . (1\1(. ASSOCiation, h ~ Robel t A ll el el S ~ I\'est siele o f E ss ex a ve nu e, at the rllsIlu""ellllalln, a . l us t ic e of s a id Suprel l " '! l'OIIC., land"I'ape eng-meer, whi ch s ,, ,d tance of 120 feet measUI'ed along til<'

('nll"l, rlate,1 the l ~ t h ,1a\' of July. 1 ~ I : l ~ . i plan IS I""'orded in the Otllee for the Southwe s t s ide of Jo.:ssex avenue from itsallli til('d w it h t h e l ' oll lpla ' int In thl' olli"L' i I l e c o r d i n ~ o f n e ed s , ell'" ,in an d fOl the I ll te rs ec ti on w i th t h e Sout h s id e o r Mon t

o f t hl ' ( 'I l' rk o f King'S ('IIUllt\ at thL' 1! 't i l : ( 'o un ty o f :\Iontgolllery, In ' f le er l Book I ~ o m e r y ; t he nc e c on ti nu in g a lo ng ttle

of H L : ( ' o ' r d ~ , ill t h t ~ i ~ o l ' o u g - h ~ :)f Drool{l\:ll , ":"0. til!)" 2H1g-: . ;)00, etc .• an d n ! . \ ' i ~ e t l 011 SouthWPRt Ride of ESRex a\"cnUQ South

City and ~ t a t e of ':\l\W YOl'k, . Aug-ust 24, 1 ~ 1 2 j , th e sai(l lot . h e t J l ~ 1l101'L' III deg-s. 16 mlns, Eas t 70.15 feet to Ii

Pated :\p\\, Y or k, X . y,. ,Iu!\' 1", 1 ! 1 ~ ~ , l'artir'ulal'1y cles",rlhed a(,(,ol'<hll;;' th .. r,'to, J 1 ~ l n \ : thelle" l';outh 6 degs. 3,1 mins,

lI'\:\IIT/l'O:\ . \ : \ D 1 ' : I ~ S ( ) : \ , All' l lI ' ne\ ' fol' :I" follows, to Wit: \ \ e s t 97.83 f, 'et, to a ! lo ln t ; thenc e ;oo;oltll, III deg-s, 16 nllns, " e ~ t ~ , I . - l O fpet to "

l i la i l l ti f f , Gi l lee and 1': O. . . - \ d , ] n ~ ~ H , :3:1 n l , ; q I X ~ { : " \ G at a p o i n t Oil th e :"\orth- point: thf>lH'P Nor th 77 dOg-H. 56 l n l l l ~B I ' o ; : d \ \ ~ a ) : , Borollg'h 01 : \ la l lhattan, C tt y e rl y Hide of a cer ta in I:! f t ~ l ' t wide dd\"e- I r . ~ HCC1II111s Ea:-;t ~ l t i . : ~ t fl't..'t to th e p 1 : l ~ ' ~ .of t) ~ e ), ar k w a ~ t , at the di:-:;taTll'c of ~ : ! f i feet. n1l'aH- i of lwg-lllnhig'.

iorl- . ) III'cd ~ ( ) u t h 77 (]eg-H. · l ~ l I l l i l 1 ~ . \Y('st f nul l :

Ihe lI"int "r In te , 's e ct ion of s a id sir1e o f! u :\ I> I· :n A:-:n S l' B. IEC' ]' t o c",.I:r11lI

Haid clri\"C'\\'ay with the w ( , s ( ' 1 " I ~ ' H h h ~ or IC'on<litionR an d reRtl"i( 'tiolls nH t h t ~ r .. ill( ~ o n \ \ ' a y a\"l'J1l1e (said 1:! ft 'l, t \ v lde d r i \ "t ' - , lnentlonC'(I.

way helng" IOl'ated at the (liHtance of ] ~ r . lf e et I lwasu"e rl l"orth 12 <.Ieg-s. 11 ml",', i [ ':-:nl,:II A:\n l ';r;n.IECT to a Fir'sl

\Vest f,.olll th e : \ o l ' l h e l ' I ~ ' si.1e of \Vinrls",. , 'Io,'tgag-e of *!I.llnO,Oo,

avcnue, an d runnl1ig" fl'Oll1 COlIwa y u\'e-:

I I l J ~ :-:-;outhw(lstw:LI'clIy allll ~ o u t h p a s t ~ i Th e hllt l l"o\"Plnents thf' l ' l 'OIi :lI'e H:

\ \ ' a l " d l ~ · into H ai d \ '" il 1d HO r a\"e l lue) . : : ~ l / ~ ~ l o r y PlaHtt,l"t,tl lloUHP, ~ f('pt f ro l l t

'I 'III ';X('E 1';X'I'I-;:-:III:\r; a lol lg th" Xortll- ' 10)' , I f.,1't ,It,,,P. with rooms 011 Ii "st

CI'!Y sicle of thl\ Hal<1 1 feet wl(ll' dri\ 'e- nOOl ' , 3 1'001118 alld hath nil Rec'ol1(l 11(0) ' ,

way. South 7j deg"R. ,l!l 111In8. , "( 'Rt ~ ' 1 J"oOJn an d hath o n t hl rl l flool ', ('pilar,

reet to a point a t ' or n e r o f lanu no w or g"aH, electrie l ig-hts, ~ p r l l l g ' n e l d wat.f'I' . hoi

late of . \g-IlC'H Bell ~ \ u 8 t i n ; 'rh(')lce ex - w a t cl ' h f 'a t . Ri(le llOl·t·ll. Ca r Stue'eo I

l ( ' l l d t l ~ g ' X01'th :it ch"g-f:. 19 1l1ins. \YL'Ht (iarag-e lS fcet h\ ' ~ fppt. i,dong ~ a i , 1 lanr1, now aI' l at e o f A ~ n e " ,

Hell Auslln. 111,:11 fept to a point in the Sl'iZ"rl allrl taken In executioll as the) ' :a st ( ', 'l y s i ll ,' of :\arbl'Ook roar!: t l l' ope" t )· o f : \I er ed lt h : \I unn" a ll ,1 : \1,", 'I'IIF:"CI;; "xtellrllng :l1ollg thL' lcastn!\' g'aret E. : \ Iunns . h i s w i le . an d to be ~ o l dI"lidc of Xar lwonk road . wit l l H l"ig"ht eUl'\:e hy'

autl Ille:umred on the eho rd of thl" a lT o f

a e lr el e w i th a radius of 1GIl. 7:1 fepL.

Nortll -l1 deg-s. 26 mins, ~ s('L'onds East:Ht25 ft:loet to a point, a ('Ol'nel' of Lo t 10,

'I 'IIF:XCE s ti ll a lo ng t he " ai d slrle of

~ a l d N ar br oo k r oa d ( sa hl s id e no\\' be

coming th e S o u t h e r l ~ ' side or said ~ o l l . d ,

By v ir tu e u f a \\"I' l t o f L l '\ ' ar i F a C ' i : l ~I IHHUCtl oUl o f t hl ' COUl't of C'olllnWll 1 ' l l ' : I ~!of l\ luntgolllL'I 'Y L'oUllty, lll '111J:l. , to I l I t ~! directed, \\"ill bL' solll at l 'uh:ie Sale (III

I \\ 'I·;IJ:\ESIJAY. SEI'TE:\IBEII 11. 1 : ' : I ~ii al l ~ . o n o'c1ul 'kXuon, Ea:-:tern ~ t a n d : l l ' d! Tina', In Cuurt I ~ O t ) 1 1 l "C " at t i l l ' ( ' ( Jl I r t

i f lo lU (' , i n t il l ' BOl'oug:h of ;":orl'istowlI,


",,1<1 Coullty. thc f o l l [ l \ \ ' l n ~ ' , 1 " ~ " , ' i h l ' r 1 It, 'a1I,;state:

IALL THAT ( ' I' : I\ 'L \IX lot 01' p ip .' e o f

g-l"ound with the huilelillg's all l ] in11)J'o\'('

1 l 1 ( , l l t ~ thereoll e l ' e l ' t l ~ l l , Situat f ' in tlw

BOl'oug'h of j \""arhl ' l ·th, i:l el l ' , 'oUll ly of

I i\[Olltg"OIlH.l!'Y and Slate (If l ' L · I ; l l l - l : \ " l \ " : ~ : . i ; I ,

IhotllHlcc.1 an d dcscribe:l :l<'(,o1'flillg" tn n

l 'cviHP\l sUJ"\'ey u n d p la n t h e l ' t ~ ' o f nl:Hlp :18


C l I I ~ lot as follows, to wit:

B:::::I:\:\I:\'] at a \loillt In the side line

Lei a telcpbolle 1 .....

h'cl ) 'uur h u u u ~ and

fUlI1iIJ.l nu (011 ha,·c

Ol1t' for 1 88 lban n

tlhnl' Q day!

PLIANT form cleaYett h e w at er ••• gracefully

.. . effortless it s"ems.Everywhere • • • • behind

t he s ce ne s of athletic


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Villa Maria AcademyGREEN TREE, PA.

(MALVERN P . O . )

.................... - ........

• . . ; T : . ; ; n : . : E ~ O E L T. E1 : 1 " 0 _ < " _ _o " " " "

d • of s a id or igina l side Hne with the l "or th-Ieclipse. Every p lane t an moon wl th - easterly side Hne of Essex a\'enue (50 feel

Iin t he s ol ar s ys te m cas t s it s shadow wide) t h en c e N o rt h 12 degs. 11 mlns.

lOUt i n to s p ac e , and when t he S un a nd IW es t a lo ng l an d about being. conveyed

tw o o f these bodies ar e in a direct to Ray R1ckHn, partly passing along the. • • . ' c en t re o f a partition w al l. 1 0 8, n f ee t t o

l Ime WIth each o t h er , o n e bemg WIth- I 'L poin t In line o f l an d now 01' l at e o f

' in t h e l im i ts of th e c on e o f shadow George A.•Tones, t h en ce a lo ng t h e sam"

cast by t h e c e nt r al body, an eclipse INorth 77 degs.. j!) mlns. I ' ~ n l l t 20.4 feet

'occurs ' in other words th e Sun's l ight 10 II point In the Hne o f l an d now ori.' , runnerly of ,Yll1iam T. Hardll, thell<'eI IS cu t off by t h e c e nt r al body. Thus, "long t he s am e South 12 clegs. 11 mlns,

in t hc p re se nt instance, th e Moon 11':llst partly pa s sing a long t h e c en t re of

comes d irec t ly be tween th e Earth and I" pa r ti t i on wal l 106 f ee t t o llald original

the Sun and Ii ht f ro m t he la t ter s il le l i ne of Haverford nnrl :\Ierlon roa,l;,g thence along the s am e S ou th 6 deg's.

c as ts t he s ha do w o f th e Moon over :12 mlns. 'Vest. 20.62 feet to Hne of salcl

,a p or ti on o f the Ear th , Similarly 1IIIel<1in's' l an d , t h e first mentionerl point

:when the Ear th comes between th e I al\ll Illace of begInning. BI-:I:\C1 ImowlI

•Su n and th e Moon, in a direct l ine , l "s :\0. 205 Haverford road.

~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ : I t h e s ha do w o f the Earth e n gu l fs t h e SIJB.IECT TO certain builrllllg resll'j(,-; !\Ioon, that is, e c li p se s i t . IllOIIS t he re in ment ion .

"T o arrive a t a better understand-I The. Improvement s ther eon are a:

i ng o f these phenomena, it is wcll to 2 ' 1 ~ Story Plastered I-louse, 2,( feet f,'olll

bear in m ind c e rt a in f u nd amen t al hy 40 feet deep. :1 HOOlllS o n F ir 's t F lo or .

f ac ts a s f ol lo ws . Distance of Su n 1:1 Ilooms on Seeoncl Floor. ,I Booms a lid'. . 'IBath on Third Floor . cel la I'. g-as. eleetl'il'93,000,000 mIles; average d I st a nc e o f lIg-hts. Sprlng'field wat er . s te ar n h e al .

the Moon 240,000 miles. S u n' s d i am -

e te r 866,000 miles; Moon 2,160 miles ; ' l';eized and talwn i ~ l execution liS tl,e

E -th 8000 ' 1 Th b' t f th 1 I I ' I ' O p e r t ~ . o f l Ie ll 'n B ai rd Caldwl'll, :\101'1-al .' m es. e or toe gagol" and " ' I ll iam P . Go rdon, Secretary

Moon (Its motIOn a r ou n d t h e Earth) 1 0f B an ki ng - f or th e Commonwealth of

is inclined to t he o rb i t of th e Earth l ' e n n s ~ ' I \ ' a n i a . in po ss es si on o f t h e hu si

( i ts m o ti on a r ou n d th e Sun) at a I"ess an d prolH,rty of th e :\Ierion ' rille. " nd T ru s t Company of Ardmore . Exeeu-

sm a ll a n g le , c o n s e ~ u e n t l ~ ecltpses oc- I tOl of John A. Caldwell. Dee',1., ;\Iortg-a-

cu r on ly when theIr o r bI ts c r os s e a ch I g'llI', a nd Helen Baird Cal<l\\'ell, Il"al

other at o r n e ar what are called th e I OWllel', and to h e s ol d h ~ . 'nodes. The minimum number of

. . • IrA SFa:rI: \I: S. L E \ ' E 1 ~ , Sherifr.e c h ps e s e a ch year IS two, the maxI- f

mu m seven. Pawn 1 I l 0 1 H ' ~ ' ~ ~ O o , o o"N ow, it happens t ha t t h e r a ti o of Sheri ITs O t l i c ~ ~ :\orl'islown. 1'ellna.

the s iz es a nd d is t an c es o f th e Moon 'I Augnst 16, In3.

an d th e Su n a re s uc h that each ap- ,

p e ar s t o b e o f about th e same s iz e i n I

the sky, while th e distance of the

M oo n i s such that only t he t ip of th e

s h a dow cone t o uc h es th e e art h. T hen e ar e r t h e Moon is to th e Ear th th e

wider the s ha do w b an d, and some

t imes it is just fa r enough away at

the occurrence of an eclipse to miss

the Ear th entirely, under which cir

cumstances the Moon appea r s s l ight ly

smalIe r than the Su n. T he e cl ip se i s

t h cn c a ll e d annular, f ro m th e L at in

annulus, a r ing, a nd w he n t hc t hr e e

bodies aI: ! so pos i t ioned a r ing of th e

Sun ' s l ight i s v is ib le momenta r i ly .

"I n the c om in g e c li p se th e ! \Ioon's

s ha do w w il l m ov e f ro m n or th w es t

to southeast , in a curve extending

f ro m b ey on d the Hudson Bay re

gion, down through eastern Canada,

Ve rmon t, N ew Hampshire, Maine, an d

.. a s nl al l p or ti on o f northeast l\Iass~ ~ ~ ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = - achusetts, fa r o ut i nt o t he A tl an ti c

Ocean. Th is b a nd of shadow is rough

ly 100 m il es i n w id th , and in that

po rt i on o n ly will th e eclipse be total;

while th e ec l ipse w il l be partially seen

o n e a c h s id e o f thc pa th of th e shadow

8/7/2019 Our Town August 26, 1932

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-august-26-1932 5/6

I 'age Five

20 ..1R\\'MON1Hl1

1\(\li1- - - - ~ - - - - ~ <------

SO ..l\\\\'5\1 MON1HS

l\(\lil )---------------



SnnJnp, S"ptember 4, 18

' ~ . l R \ 'Wii\ll1


Sundays, September 4. 18

also Labor D;IY, September 5

See Flyers or COl1sult Agents



Pennsylvania Railroad


Low-Fare Excursiom

F"""l Nad)('rthDAII_Y

$1 40 ), A ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ o ~ : ?• 'Cape Ma y

Asbury Park

Ocean Grove

Long BranchVia Broad Street Sta t ion

25 rents less ViOl Market St. Wharf


Opens September 15th

PREPAREDNESS YEARfor catalog of morning,aftern oon and eveningcourseswriteortelephone LOCust691.4¥_------_..dv. No.1 1932


Carpenter . :. Bui lder . :. Jobbing


Phones:Day-Narberth 3973·MNight-Narberth 4044

Narberth-Merion-Penn Valley

Local & ICEeliableSerVice


200 Woodbine Ave. Narb.4058

- '

College Courses

lfor H 1 ~ h Schoo! J rrndllRte. nod

Ithrr ' l In Hhortbnnd, T)'pt"\\'rlt1nR',

I l o o k l ( ( ~ . · p t n g .Slenotypy Rnd otherSl'rretllrlal I'Itudlr". - --

STRAYEJa! lSBusiness Co l l e g e

lo4u1 ( ' h f ' ~ t n u t St. IAmbnrd O R ~ '

, -.

, *

Good Fellowsblp and Understanding

. • • Between Facul ty a nd S tu dent sFriendly, sympalhetic leader- nized by leading ~ o ~ l e g e s .sh ip that develops the best i n St ro ng faculty of speCialIsts.a b oy or girl. IS-acre estate. ~ l branches

K ind er ga rt en , e lement ar y o f s p ~ r t s . C o ~ v e Q l e n t . Trans·grades highschool and college portatton furnIshed to all partsprepa:atory courses. Recog- of city and suburbs,

Wril. today for furlher parliculars, Barclay L. Jones, Ph.D .• Principal


4-50-TRIP TICKETIndlvidUOlI Ticket good for s ix months-will now be sold between any twostations 011 your local suburbOln line.

or bPlw{'en any two Sla

Uons on your JocOlI

suburban line. Ask

you r T icket A ge nt to

show yOll how much

the se New Low· Cosl

Tickets will save YOll.

3-20-TRiP TICKETIndividual Ticket good for 30 days.Example of low-cost from Narberthto PhllOldelphla, apprOXimately 15c pe,'trip.

1 - 3-DAY TICKETA reduction of 1/3 underregular fare! On sale dally-good to return withinthreedOlYS. Tickets sold FrldOlYwill be good to return unt ilMondOly, Ideal for any shorttrIp 100sting up to three dOlyS,o r ove r t he w ee k- end . Example of low-cost round tripfOlre between NOlrbel'th OlndPhiladelphla-35c.

2-12-TRIP TICKETIndividual Ticket for use Withinthe calendar week. Good fromMondOlY to Sunday "nly. Example of low,cost from Nal'bel'thto PhIladelphia. Olppl'oxlmately14c per t rip.

Charles C. Sellers Engaged

to ConnecliCllt Girl

Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert , o f Hpbron,

Conn., announces the engagcment of I

her daughter, Miss Helen Earle Gil-.

b er t , a nd Mr. Charles Coleman Sd, '

leI'S, son o f l\1r. and !\Irs. Horacp

\VeJlg Sdlers, of Ardmore .

Mr. Se lle rs is a graduate o f H av

e!' ford College, Class of '25, and H al' - .

\ 'a rd Unive r si t y, C la ss o f '2 6. Thc I

marriage will t ak e p la ce in Hebron

early in October.

For Sale

Roo/lls and Boarding10(11,: HEXT "f\oor Spill. :lIb, two "oomH,

w i th b o ar d , ill pl'ivate family. pIL'.uHtnt iIWl1ll', all ( ' ( ) I I \ ° l ' l l i l ' I H ' l ' ~ , showl'I' hath, con . I

t i l l l l o U ~ hot watpl', ~ l ' a r s tat ion. 1"01" Ii l l tp l ' v i t 'w ( 'all Xarht' l ' th :!!lIt!I, oll l- I f ; i\\'l'1'I1 OH \\TI'IIOlJ'I' I:OAHll·-\\'ill n'lIt,

rOOln ('011\". to ~ t a . & 1>UH, lOS t ~ I H ' H t l l u t iaVe, . : \ : tI ' lH ' l' t l i, Xal 'h , °lll;1. IHllh- t f I


F I ' I ( X I S I I I . ; ~ o l ~ m l ~ I I ! . ~ : " I ~ ~ ' ~ ~ fllst floor, IfOll l ' I ' O O I l l ~ . IIOITh and shade; one In i l l - i

t i l t ' 11"0111 s tat iol l . at. $:L"', Ext l 'a 1'00111 allt ll

t-:'Hloag-p opt iol lal . \ \ · l ' i t l ' ",J." ( ' a 1 ' t ~ : \ la i l l :

l. illt 'I ', ~ \ l o d t 1 1 0 ) , ( ' , o l n ~ - 2 f i I

C O ~ [ I " O l l T A B L Y fur tl ishetl room with1I\'t. f:ul l i ly. ( ~ O I l V , lopatloll, C a ll X a l' h ,

~ . J l , l . o-tfH ( ) O : \ I ~ F O I ~ I ~ E : ' \ ' I ' - : ! I H I ali l l ::111, l loo)',

1' 11'11. ClI lIuflll' ll. . 1 , sqU:t1' t ' to P, H. n.,!live hH'. I ' ll , : ' \a l 'h . ~ ~ \ ' i f i . ( J ~ I - ~ I

1'J';A(' 1IES -Yell,,\\' a "' I "'llIle I',·eestone.EI Hanl'ho O l ' e l " ' I ' ( I ~ , .r. Ilo,·,lon Fdtc'l'

nUlIl, Pro\"ltlel1L'e I'd.• Olle n'i1e No. ur

Hose T r ee H un t Cluh, I lN l r l\ledla. Fn ..~ s )llclccll )leachcs taste be tt eI'. omh:l-ll

Health Officials on IAnne Coburn New Head •

G dA. P l· of Saywar d S cho o l f o r GirlS

uar gatnst ara YSIS I --___ I A long career in education will close

LarRest Number o f Cases Was I Lhis September when Miss S. Janet

2,155 in 1916 State ISayward, fou.nder o f M is s Sayward's

Dep t . Says School fo r GIrls at Overbrook, turns

over her d ut ie s a s p ri nc ip al t o M is s

Anne Cutter Coburn, and retires from

the field of teaching.

D ur in g t he 40 years since she

founded t h is g ir ls ' school , Miss Say

ward has been a ct iv e in i t s a dmin is

t r at i on . O r ig ina l ly started as a pri

m ar y a nd g ramma r school, t h e in st i

tution ha s grown in to one comprising

all grades through high school, college preparatory, a nd s ec ret a ri a l a nd

post-graduate courses.

Miss Sayward was gradua ted from

normal school in Salem, Mass,; after

ward s he taught in the public schools

of Maine and was later academic head

"f the Parkhurst-Cenas School, Bal-I

limore. In 18D2 she founded the Say

ward School in Overbrook.

Miss Coburn, who wil ! become prin

c ip al w it h t he o pe ni ng o f t he school

~ e p t e m b e r 28, has been associate prin

cipal f or t he l as t three years.

She is a g r a d u a t ~ o f Smi th College,

with degTel's from Radclitfe and the

Univc'r;;it:,' of Penns ylv an ia . He r

teaching- ca reer has induded inst.ruc

torship; in the lHacDulfie School,

Spring-lipid. Mass.; Miss Nid's School,

Roston; the Lesley School, CaJlIbridge.

Mass., a nd work in the Massachusetts

Department of Educa tion.

Infantile paralysis, which is ap

pearing in the southeastern section

of the State in inc reas ing measure ,

had its highest record since the State

Department of Health was organized,

in the year 1016, when 2,155 cases

were reported to the Bureau of Com

municable Diseases, State Health De

pa rtmen t . The bulk o f the se o cc ur redin July, August and Sep tember o f

that year. Infantile paralysis usual

ly is at i t s h ig he st p oint during the

hot mnoths.

Five years earlier, in 1DlO, the mal

a dv rea ch ed ano the r "high" of 1,100

c a ~ e s , about ha lf the previous record.

In 1017 and 1918 it was a ga in q ui te

active but t he i nc id en ce w as o nl y

about ~ n e - f o u r the record year of 1D16

- r emain ing a t 450 cases for 1017 and

300 cases for 1918.



(Continued f!Om Page Three)


For Salel ' LIFTO ; \, HEIGHT:; BOUC'Lj,;, $-lIb..Xan Hel'l'sehaft, ~ l HaYe"fol'll a' ·e., FOil SALE-Blc') 'e!e, l 'hca p. Gooll 001lt1l-

"arb .. 1':<. Ob:l-91 t lu ll . Ph. Cyn\\')',1 1 ! ' ~ - \ \ ' . olllb-tf

Real Estate jor Rent:-;WI'; 6-ltOO:\1 IIOUS1';; bath, porches,

COllC) ranI : Iwal' Rta. ]tent r cas . P h,

PlIl 'hin 8: Ilowanl, I "arh. ~ r . t ) o , OJuh· t (

11.\ \'1'; YOl'It IHlr ; plud,e,l 01' pllppptl fortlie l in t d : l r ~ , Hpg-ulal ' <l is i l l f c ( ' tanl

! l at h s a n d s ld ll t l ' ( ' a t I l H ~ l l t H will elhnlnate

11(':18 :lIill Hllll111ler (11:"WOlllfl.lI'l. Hefel'cl1(,l'S

and reasnl l ahl e I ' a t l ~ s , Ilhonc """aync 1316.


Mr . an d 1\1rs. H . B ru ce M um ma

and daughters, Marga re t and Helen,

of Wynnewood, will l ea ve on Sunday

fo r Port land , Maine, where they plan

Lu see the sola l' ec lipse on August 31-

Mr. George Mumma has r e tu r ned

home after spending ten days i n H ar


26, 1932

',::: ~ o : ; ; ; : ' · : !i ~ : ' ; ' : G ~ t z M ~ f i J ~ j ; 'I E C L ( : ~ t ~ l u ~ ~ ~ m : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 31...... Uti -tl .......

. ::::; -nr. en ,:,;;;; - in our loca l i ty rather more than 90

. ..... 0 " ' ,. .. (1'\,,,.......[';'( l - per cent.~ ~ ~ ~ : l ' l ~ . , , ~ ~ j i l l l l l l .v'( ••

r,; ..- r ) "Only those within the path of to .

tality wil l b e a bl e t o s ee the wonder

ful corona, which makes i ts appear

a nc e when the l ig ht of the Sun is

completely cut off by the Moon. Againto make new

we must have recourse to further fun-

damental facts, in order to understand

). what happens . The Sun 's l.ight comes Ph i lade lph ia E lect r icOh, that crab grass! .1ft h I 'l l' envelope I Offi

mum y rom an a mosp e Drops Tw o ce s). known a s th e pho to sphe re ( s ph ere of: . .

"Every s ix pound s o f c arbon i n e x- light), which is about 3,000 mil es ! Two b ra nc he s of the P h l l ~ d e l p ~ l aplants has withdrawn twenty- deep s ur round ing which i s a much E lec t ri c Company on the Mam LlIle

pounds of carbonic acid gas from shall'ower envelope named the chromo- will be abandoned next W e d n e s d a ~ ,. h spllere (sphere o f c olor ) , c on si st i ng the company has a nnounc ed . One IS

a tmosphere , and replaced it Wit d t 26 M tl arg ely o f g low ing hyd rogen g as . Be- loc at e a 1 on gomery avenue,

teen pounds of oxygen gas, occupy- yond ' th is , a ga in, e xt ends a f a in t ly Cynwyd; the o th er a t 871 L a n c a s t ~ rt he s ame b ul k. " T hi s q uo ta ti on iuminous region called the corona- a venu e, B ryn Mawr . L a ~ k of bus!

The Botan ica l Textbook by Asa so faint that it can only be seen when ness at these offices was gIven a s th e

(1845) sho ul d g ive us some- t he r em ai ni ng l ig ht o f t he S un i s c ut r ea so n.

to think about. Great trees tal{· off , or eclipsed by the Moon. It is the "The d ropp ing o f the offices," said

g carbonic acid gas f ro m t he air, grandest s ight that mortal e ye s c an E. W. Ehmann, manager, this week,

a us t ed by men a nd animal s, a nd behold within t he sol ar s ys tem, a nd " fo llows a study o f more than a year

off o X ~ ' g e n , which men and one worth traveling thousands of in which we found that t he a ct ua lmust have, are more than customer contacts in these ofiices wasmiles to witness .

trees." If it werc only for the disappointing. Increased taxes haveId t "I t should be remembered that, be- 't

oisture that these same trees a( 0 , caused the company s expenses 0 goatmosphere we breathe e ve ry d ay f or e a nd after to talI ty, the eyelO must d h' . t . " Aga in i n 1927 the count mounted

be p rot e ct ed by some sort of dark i uPT

ahn bt


y0 e l c ~ n o m l z e ' d to 450 and renewed activity on thewould be more than necessary to I e UI mg a ynwy( IS owne " ,

r life. L et us t hink more about. screen. In the a bs en ce o f da r { Iby the company; that at Bryn Mawr I part o f the d is ea se durmg 1931 ra n

I fl·l·c'n(l· the t l 'ees ' Ind learn to glass a wel l smoked g las s WIll an- i . t d Olh 'II b . t ' d' t.he figures up to about 300 cases,o· • k h I IS ren e . ces WI e mam lime .IIO\V thel11 better. swer; bet ter vet a lIght struc p oto- A d 1V d U While t her e a r e many cases h emg re-

.' . b at I' more, ,. aylle an pper ..,. graphIC plate or film wlueh has een D' 'b ported from PhIladelphIa a nd env l r-

Abelia Cinensis Grandiflora is a d ev el ope d i n the usua l way. A small al y. ons, it i s n ot thought at the present

llrub \"ol·th knowing. Arching telescope, h av in g a n eyepiece pro- time, that the current year will re-" I COACHING SCHOOL

ranches, dainty p al e p in k flowers tected with a dark g ass cap, answers cord as many cases as 1931.

o m l at e s umme r u nt il f ro st , pretty admirably, bu t t he b es t t h i ~ g wit,h Infant ile paralysi s seems to comeh· I t b tl I t e lf IS Prospective Notr e Dame Playel' En-

leaves that ~ t a y on most of w IC 1 0 0 serve 1e corona's . with recurrent waves, but it is not

winter, abelia is most satisfac- a pair of prismatic binoculars, hav- rolls at Villanova shown that t h e s ame number o f years

ct or y. I n exposed situations it is ing a f ie ld o f v ie w larg-c enough .to Believing that it is well to ue elapse between each wave. So littlepartially killed bacl" hut a: grasp the entirety of the e o ~ o n a . \Vlth grounded in the f un da me nt al s o f t he h as been understood by the public as

pruning in spring wil l h el p it i such .a glass the corona IS m o ~ t Notre Dame system before entcring La the cause of t h is mala dy , a nd its

o b ra nch out be tt er t han evC' r- in : rnaglllficent ~ p ~ ~ t a c l c , exee.edl.n g ,n the re th is fall, William Macalcer, for- mode o f t r an smiss io n f rom per son to

it is r('ally bet te l' f o r the spring, glory a ll pOSSlblhty of descl'lptlOn. mer German town High hal fba ck , h as p er son, a nd so terrible are some of the

lruning. : "The du ra t io n of totality in the ellrolied at the Villanova Coaching results it Icaves in its wake, that the

). i c en te r o f t he s ha do w b an d is rat.her Sch001, which opened here on \Ved- v er y men ti on o f the name ins pi r es

Common names mean l it tl e. Here' more than a minu te a nd a ha lf , a nd I lwsday and closes September 3rd. This i d re ad a nd fear on the part of the

s a sc le pi as tuberosa, a beautiful it. may be photographed with a kodak is one o f t he firs t cases on record o'f parents, when i t en te r s a home.

nt , but because it is eonunonly call- , '11' other camera, supported on a tl'i- u school player a t t e n d i J ~ g a coaching i An enormous amount of research

butterfly weed it i classed w i ~ h ' pod , a. nd al lo wi ng a n e xp osu re of school before he went to college. iwork has been done on th is d isease ,

the pestiferous dandelIon. Buddlew about !lve seconds. With Harry Stuhldreher, former i and it has been productive of mueh

avid i magnifica i s c al le d butterfly " Th e p a rt ia l ecl ip se w il l begin ; \otre Dame quarterback of the f amed: v alua ble info rma tio n, which may be

01' summer lilac, and i s weedy auout 3.2:3 P. 1\1., reach a maximum a t " Fo ur Horsemen" backfield, eo-con- i used as a gui de i n t he medical care

n habit , s eed ing and butting in where about 4.:34, and end at about 5.40 ducting with Dick Hanley, head coach :of a person afflicted wi th the malady.

is not wanted-but it is not caIl('d' 1'. 1\1. These figures arc Daylight at Northwestern, and Dr, H, C. Carl- i The disease is reportable a nd s ub-

weed. What's in a name? Saving Time and represent the city son, o f P i tt , y oung Mae alee r' s father: ject t o r ig id quarantine, to prevent,

). of Philade lph ia, bu t the difference for was anx ious to have the boy well so fa r as possible, its spread.In our column of January 2 2n d we l oc al it ie s on the Main L in e w il l b e s ch oo le d in the system made national-

a i d , "The excessive wetness of .Tuly ·.cry slight." Iy successful by the late Knute Ma n Reported Missing

nd t h e e x tn 'm l ' d ry ne ss of Sep tem- Ilockne. On Sunday Mrs. Frank Fasick, of

el', 1!):3l. made a favorable condit.ion Mrs. R. J. Hami l t on Member :Garrett Hill, requested Radnor Town-

(o r c ra b grass. This pest is a hardy of Co mm i tt ee o n S a fe ty Cynwyd Pair Victors i ship police to search for her husband,

nnual (very hardy) and it is more; Harold Custer and Norman Shidle,: who had been miss ing f rom hometll a ll l ikeh.' that the seeds of 1D31: b h I hi " Hit

Mrs. Richard J, Hamil ton , o f Ard· llf the Cynwyd Clu • w on t e (OU es since August 15. e was as seen

wil l do wel l i n ID:32." I n t he column . f h E I '1 T' 'P Offi Th 1\" i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rore, president of the State Federa- championshIp 0 t e 'n g eSI(e enms at Bryn 1\,awr ost ce. e ,ISS-

If Mav 6th we s aid, "Thos e nice HIS t d . 5 f t 10 'I • h .. lion of Pennsylvania Women, and a Club at Beach aven as t • a ur ay i ng m an IS ee 1;2 mc es 111 I ~

I)ointed blades that seem so prolificmember of the Governor's Committee by defeating Donald Jones, of Swarth- he igh t, has b lue eyes and auburn hair . ! I

in bare sllOtS arc s ee di ng s o f c ra b V C 1 f II'llt II I d' b't I I t . t 11T t Yn Street a nd H ig hw ay S af et y, t hi s more, and \ i Il iam om on, 0 . I op , ' e was (resse m a rown Slll, n U ll t t 1tU r r \U- r 11tr r rrass. Clean them out." On August . th fi 1 b h f' b h' t d h I 4

week asked motorists interested in the Courts, III e na y t e score 0 rown s II' an s o es , a ll ( was carry-12th we sa id , "One method of control ' I b k . I' h h I

safety of t hems elve s a nd o th er s to i6-2, 6-3 , 6-3 . Jones won t 1C s i n g l e ~ , ing- a ox of nec' t lCs , w lIC e was Located o n B elmo nt Avenue above City Line',crab g ' l ' a ~ s is t o r oo t it out before C I 6 6 2 8 6 II'b stop and cons ide r the following ques- f inals , defeating On( on, 8- , -, -. J se mg. Ad',acent to the Bala-Cynwyd Sect 'on, accessible Ie ed ing. " The s ee ding t ime for cra

grass is in late Augu st a nd Se)ltem- lions: 1 " ~ ~ " o - ~ ~ ...~ , · v . . " " ~ ~ ~ ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~ I ' from all points. The Westmins te r landscape hasIH'I'. Not trying' to say, "I t ol d you "DO YOU KNOW THIS? all the c ha rM o f a picturesque rural countryside.

so," hut na b grass is a real IH'St. '. "That, ) l e d e ~ t r i , a n s 1,.are!Y f ~ c e traf- CLASSIFIED ADVEllTISEil lENTS, I l l ' when walklllg :l!ollg our hIghway" ~ ro r informi' ltion-without o b l i g a t i o ~ - c a l l , ~ r i t e o telephont> I

Ja)lancs(' IJPetll ' : not so )lkntiful- i w h e ~ e there al' ': no w ~ l k s ? . ( ~ e l l e r a l Notice Clnsslfied Advertisements wtll be ehllrRed only I ~ ~ _ " _ Post Office Address: . Station I, PhiladelphiaIhank goodlH'SS. TIll ' ]lI 'osIH'cts arc' "'I I,lat,,t.he . sto.p S,lgl,lS. pl.ac.I,'d· lll, t ;r - to residents of the Main LIne whose names :

t f tl t f #l n p l ~ ( , l l r In the telephone dIrectory: to persons nwlnta i ll ing an account wi th I ~ ~ ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ha t ~ h he(,:tles W.iII. ,',la\'(, g , o n ~ , fronl : l 1 a : 1 ~ , ~ l , ' l ' , I O n ~ , ,0,. " le, O \\ n < lI e, r c- ~ Ui'. or to rCRular subscllbers to either THE MAIN LINER, oun TOWN, 01' :_,

this 1I1ll11edlatl' Vlellllt\· WIthin the i I t J ( , n t l ~ unobsl'l\ ed. ~ ~ NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. ~ = ~ : : : : : : : ~ : : : ~ = : : : = : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : : : = : : ~ ~ : :Ill ',X·t j' ,"\\' \· . '11·.,;. 'l'lll'll '\I'e n l ' I ~ ' ha\'e "That occasionally the safety l i ghb l- - R t 10 c en ts a li ne In ea ch pa per : 25 c en ts a I ln e In RI


ou r roses ', I l lounta in ash, altlll'as, i are not observed'? a eS-I\Il!lll11UIl1 chnrge, 3iic In one p l l p ~ r : 75 cents In RIl three tl.V- ONEYmallows, ' l O J I ~ ' h o c k s , fruit trees and' "That )ll',destri.ans watch their Drage or fivc words to the I lne. No blackfllced type u'ed ~ , rJl SAVE V Mn il t h( ' ! 'l 's t of the l is t-with some chancps to IlIrt \\'1th death by rush- Deadline fo r JIlserliolls C l a ~ s l l l e d ath-ert ! ~ ( ) t t l e n ' R will I 0 0 Usa tis fac t ion . Meanwhile we must use' i ~ l g - aero,ss t he s tr eet agai nst the red o'clock for OUrt TOWN o r a ll t hr ee P l l P : - s : b t T i ; ~ ~ : ; g ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ P O ~ ~ I ~ ~ k ~ I t } ~ ; d ¥ H ~ :

,,\olllach )loisons-the new " n o n - l ~ o i s - , I i g ' ~ : ; , ? . , . , . " , . . " . . , MAIN l.INER: Thursday. 5 o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. 4n ew ty pes o f _ - - - - - - - - ~onous t o l le ts and humans" kind IS a: Ihat. t h e ~ e IS a la.\\ )lle\entlllg ; ~ r Ad t ARDMORE 3100 i BARGAIN _----hle,ssing , - sett ing t raps around the a u t o l ~ l O b J 1 e s from t,.nwellll g ~ l l o r e than , Phone '\ ou r S 'o '{dg-(!s of t he ) lr op er ty a nd t he g ru b- 20 null 'S an hour III the bUIlt-up see- ! ~ ES 1 \A:1 nproofing o f s unny lawns . I lions'? This is not a l w a ~ ' s observed. , I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TICK T 3.,,'" '--

J. "That drivers fail to give proper

I~ . W d At YOllr SerVIce 1


, . " . ' hand signals, especiallv in making le ft , • ItllOtl0715 ante U'" 1\ nI l 'Se)ltembel and Octobel fOI )l1,I.nt,. . ,'I ' . ItI';I"IXI':I' ~ ' o u n g ' l a d ~ ' will t('ach piauo C:ll'l''l'L1EB ES:';I,IX<:)o;I(. earpent"c', job- DO " "lllg lJCrennials, October for lliantlllg 1I,1I1d tUln:;. at :Ill" a ! tSHon. In '.'0111' h'IJIl". I'hone hing'. alt,'rations: ! ~ Conway aYenUe. "

Sold in ei ther direc tion 1lardv bulbs November for ]llanting" "That cut-outs are used constantly :-;a, berth ~ : l ; ; , -I:' o 8 - ~ 6 I'a II Xarb,'rth ::"IS-IC 0 1 ( ) - ~ 8 l \ C W ~ '• , between NARBERTH .1.

shrubs and roses. Lot s o f w or k for' in residential s ectio ns'? 1';XI'I,;llll';XCI';1I la'llll]rc'" \ \ ' I ~ h , ' s \\011, UI'1I0U:;TI';PIXG an,l ""1),', H I " ' l n " ~ of 3-T h b II I ? 'h and PHILADELPHIA,gardeners during t he fal l season. " ha t o rn s a re lown nee( e s s ~ ' . at hO(lJC' or h," th,' day. Ph. Xarh,' rth piecc' suill's ('('I"lire,I, $10: Chait· "ecov-

"That courtesy is not a lways ob- ~ 6 : l ~ - , J . l l m h S - ~ I : ,'re,l, $:1, Go anywher e. Cal l Lcw ls .

F IL E A PP EAL TO AWARD served, as an impatient tooting of :\111l1l),)o;-.\(1I':11 WOttlall II,'sil'"s hOllse- \\'ayne 11%. omh-tf

horns follows the turning on of aWol ' ! , 0" l·ooking'. I:l'fen·neps. Phone !lltl';SS:\I,\KIXG-l';Ii7.aheth I'earsoll, ~ l : l- - - . ,green light'? :\Ie!·ion. 1 ~ ~ 1 . O I l l " ! ' - ~ ! 1 I.lltlley a"" .. "'(I·b. Ph. X"t·h. ~ n 8 . o-tf

Court Told DeVOll Fireworks Blast" "TI t f tl I t ' t t 1[IUI! >.Clll)OI· I:OY "'IH,hes all v l<1no of[ d : la requen y pe( e s rJans s ar worlc dllrlng- 'sllnllllel" Outdo;r" 01' in,

Vic tim Illega lly Emp oye : to cross t he s tr ee t a nd become con-ly the hour. day 01' weel\:, Telephone

An appeal was filed Monday ill i fused and run back and forth? Xarherth HI:! . omh-tf

Cheste r County Court , \V cst Chester, I "That in the business section peo - IlA\" S WOI(K Thill'S., 1011., SaL. cleanfo r t he State 'VorlmlCn's Insurance pIc fn'C]uent ly cross in the middle of ing-, lallll,lry. Can sen'c ,linneI'll. CallFund, from an award made to the pa- a blo ck and, as thi s is t he Lincoln betwecu 6 aUll 7, evelllug-Il, AnI. 4640.

rents of one of the victims of the, H ig hw ay a nd t he t ra ve l i s c on st an t, omh-tf, I I'AltT-'rI:\ll'; n,onllngs: t 1 a y ' ~ work. Ai'll.Devon f ir ewor l, s exp lo si on on Apl 'i l: the (anger is great?" !!ISI. omb-t!

:1, 1D30. A s imila r appea l in the case i GltADlJATI.; "l J ItS I'; will talc" part tllllewasmed in the ollice of the Prothono- I lJ iss H den Shore to Wed 01' full tlmc position, Can talce charg-e

tary last week. Charles Harvey Sept. 10 of Doctor's ollil'e 01' will take One 01' twoIt is set forth in the aplleal thnt: The marriage of Miss Helcn Doro- patien t , in hcc' honle . Writ" " I t . " !\lain\, I 'c . B 1 1.lner 01' ('all ,\!'dmore 3100. omh-tf

the \. or (mcn ompensatlOn oal:1 thy Shol'e, d a ~ l g h t e r of Mr. and I\1rs.

erred 111 awardlllg damages to AntonIO, Iloward Everett Shore, of Bryn !\Iawl',

and Sallie !\Iastoranino, of P l y m o t ~ t h , :and l II r. Chal' 1es Lee Harvey, son of

lJ arents of Archange lo lIIastoranll1o" i'lr. and 1\1rs. Charles Fmncis Harvey,

who was instantly ki lled in the blast. 'of Chestnut Hill, will t a ke p la ce on

The in su ran c e fund a ttor l lc y pointed: Saturday, Septembel' 10, nt half after

ou t that Archangelo was a minor, and 6 in thc Br yn !\Iawr Presbyterian

the re fore was iIIl 'gally employed and IChu rc h. T he R ev er en d D r. A nd re w

h en ce n o compensation c ou ld b e al· I Mutch will officiate.

lowed, 1\1rs. H. Everett Shore, Jr., a sister

in-law of the bride wil l be the matronColonel a nd Mrs . S amue l P. Wet h- o f honor, while i\Iiss Virginia Vander

crill, Jr" of "Spritewood," Haverford, beck, of Cynwyd wil l b e the mai d o f

were recen t week-end guests at Len-' honor. .

ape Village, a Pocono camp fa!' MI'. Norman Reeves, of Caldwell,

adults. N. J" w il l act as best man,


Good dahlia weathe r.


A goo d t im e t o plan

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PageSix OUR TOWN August 26, 1932


H. B. WALLPlumbing : Heat ing

100 Forest Avenue,

Phone: Narberth 3652


- t h e finest dressesar e safe, when en

t ru st ed t o o ur care.

4 doo rs f rom Na rb e rt h Theatre

Tailorill g, Clcaning. Prcssing,


•02 Forest Ave., Narb. 2602

238 BaJa Ave., Cyn. 928

•Closed 1 P. M. Saturdays

dllring '!Ie Summer


Men's, 50c ; Ladies' , 35c


Let Us Dye

For You!

~ ~ ~ !Jobbing Carpenter~ E ~ ~

and his



FREE! Shampoo Free


Free ParkingWatch this paper for comingattractions

N. B. C. ORCHESTRADa"eillg frolll 8 .30 to 12Day l ig h t S av in g T ime

Admission 75c (tax included)

Saturday, August 27Hear a nd se e the f avo ri t e o f th e


\14 mile east of PottstownLocated on Will. PC/III Highway

RO/ltc 412

Dance t o t lt e Coming




who will p la y t h e w al tz you savedfor me, Goofus,-

and s ong s o f y es t er d ay , t o da y a ndtomorrow

Da"ei l lg f rol l l 8 /lIItil 12Standard Time

Admission $1.00 (tax included)

Wednesday, August 31We assure you no disappointment

If you c om e to hear


wit h each Marcc l o r F inge r Wav( '. 75c-or any oth(' rspecials during our opening month.

Ellgcnc Pcrmallent IVa,'c, $7Mach ine less Pe rm ilnen ts , $8-no mac hi ne o r electr ic i tyattached t o y ou r head.

\Vnr/{ done h\' "ude or female expert .,

week-end at Pocono Manor Inn .

Mr, W illi am H . Wanamaker, Jr. ,

has returned f rom visi t ing hi s fami ly

at East Aisted, N. H.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baughan and

Mrs. Ir a Vaughan are motoring to

Murray Bay. They will continue their

t ri p f rom there t h rough Canada by

w ay o f t he S ag in aw R iv er .

, - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

Advertisers in t h is p ape r a r e relia

ble merchants. Deal with them.



Miss Eleano r Fos t er R i tt e r h as returned to her home in Merion afterspending the week-end at t he summer

home o f M r. and Mrs. Frank B. Off ,in Margate.

M r. A. C. Powell, of Merion, wasamo ng t he r ec en t arivals at Hotel

Dennis, Atlantic City.

Mr. Robert Reinhart , Jr. , Mr. Ralph

L. Smi th , Mr . John Lowrey and M!'.Ned Cunningham, all of Merion, haveleft fo r Utica, N. Y., t o a tt en d fl

fraternity convention.

Mrs. H. B. Voo rh ee s i s i n Ocean

City fo r several weeks.

Thomas Patton. Jr. , Jaek Powell

and Char l es Hayes have lef t fo r camp

at North Lovell, Maine.

Mr. a nd M rs . Walter A. Ba il ey , of

"Hi gh P oi nt ," Merion, spent last


Will Open Its

(Contlnued trom Paa:e One)


2 ·1 Boro Nine Rings Up1 0 Three Twilight Victorieso 0

1 0

o 0

o 0

3 0

o 0













Narberth Building & Loan= = = = = = A s s o c i a t i o n ~ ~ ~ = = = = = = - ~ = = = = = = = ~

mound and demonstrated h ow a dentist SHOULDN'T WORK. After

:-;triving in vain to yank a painful

molar, Kinney se t off an explosive inMalis' mouth and blew every tooth to

the four winds. ( We im ag in e t he

Totals 5 8 27 11 1 Leeth were subs t itu ted for by cor n. )

BROOKLINE All i n f un , of course, and the fans

H. O. A. E. left the premises feeling that theyhad their money 's wor th both in com-

2 1 0 0 cdy and in straight baseball.

3 1 0 2 The visitors boasted uniforms half

o 1 0 0 clown and half the garb of the dia-l 3 0 1 1II0nd and also offered painted faces.o 3 7 0 We might add that they w ere al l

o 3 0 l l thcy wer e pai nt ed , p la y ing t he gameo 1 1 0 to the hilt every minute.

1 6 1 0 Kinney was the most color fu l for

1 0 4 0 the losing combine ( bo th i n d r es s and1 8 0 0 li t bat) with two bingles .

Ump's Decision RilesBrookline

iMacGregor, 55 .. 1

Players' Gilf il lan, 3b . . . . 2

:Slaughter, c f ., . 0

(C,,"tl"uerl rrom {'age I)nel : CUl'roll, Ib 0

what it should be and if the fans I Rubincam, If 0

lib '1'" C ff I I{ ' 1ere 01 mg, so was 0 ey. : mg, c .

Finally Ump ir e Wal ly C la rk , at : Coleman, p 0

first base, angrily demanded that each: Walker, Ib 0dugout be cleaned of e ve ry man n ot :connected with the clubs, then made!it his bus ines s t o e je ct th e th re e

scribes as well. The reporter inBrookline's dugout willingly left the R.

h ot s po t, but the others demanded Leuthe, rf 1

t hei r r ight s as gentlemen o f t he p r e ~ s , ; Wood, If, ss . . . . 1and after much wrangling wer e t he I • 0victors. !I\.earney, Ss .

iBanes, cf 0Needless to say, p la y was at fever. Gorman, 2b 0

pitch from then to the e n a nd t he iConnor, Ib , If .. 0Nunanmen fought to the bitter. fade-! Herrmann, 3b ., . 0out in a futile effort to snatch vIctory iF. Sinc lai r , c .. 0

out o f th e fire. I McCauley, p . . . . 0

In all fairness to the Brookline de- :R. Sinclair, Ib 0feat it must be mentioned that three

stars were out of the line-up and Dicit Totals . . . . . . .. 2 !J 27 13 4! ' f d t th b I ' Score by innings:\ . e a r n e ~ ' was 'ol'ce 0 I' enc 1 III Narberth . . . . 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 -5the second frame when he was struc!' Manoa '" . . .. 0 1 3 0 0 0 -4

Brookline . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 -2 Narbel·th 0 0 0 0 2 2on the finger with a pitched ball. . . . . x-

Three-base hits - G il fi ll an , Wood. IHowever, the Davi smen were on B b II Off C I 0 ff

I . . t . th ases on a s- 0 eman, ; 0 Detroit Clowns .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2t leI l' t oe s, Heormg wo runs 111 e l \ C I 2 S k t . . . . C II· .. h H F . . I'C au e y , . truc ou -D y 0 e- Narberth , 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 -3lrst mnmg w en a r r y ' r a n c l ~ Sll l- . b 1\1 C I 6 H' Offgled to c en te r a nd r ea ched t hi rd on! l ~ l a n , 1; c. a e y , . I tS -

Edd ' B' W It l \ G Co lema n,! J m 9 l l1mn gs; off McCa ule y, JUer,'on Notes• Ie anI's error. a .ac regorI. •• •• JI"1. , ,8 m !J mnmgs. Hi t by pitcher-By 1\

tapped to first b ut J Immy Connor M C I (M G ) P d b II 11'. and Mrs . Loui s Kelso Claffy.muffed th e sp her e and t he run was •.au e ~ I a.c r e ~ o . r . . a s s . ~ has of Merion, had as their guests at theiraerOHS. Barney Shlughter 's Hcream- -, - \. mg , me a.ll'. . mnmg pi c e r - summer cott age in Cape May, Mrs .. . Coleman. Losmg pitcher-McCauley. b IIIlg tl 'lple to center accounted for run II' C ff d Cl k Ro er t Kemb e McCa ll and Mrs.No.2. _lllplreS- 0 ey a n a r . .Tames D. Holloway, of Strafford.

The second brace of runs were add- ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stelwagon, of('d in t he third on l\Iac(;n'gol"s paS:i iBryn Mawr Couple Hurt Merion, and Dr. and Mrs . Edwa rd F.

and s ingl es by Cha rl ey Car ro ll and When Car Goes Into Ditch Corson, of Plymouth Meeting, are

Slaughter, then the linal one in the ~ p e n d i n g two weeks in Muskoka, Can-fourth when Harry F ran ci s singled i Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Weatherby, 234 ada.

"fler Harry King had been l'ut on a s Bryn Mawr avenue, Bryn Mawr, were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pinder, ofa runner on Freddy "'ood's elTor at injured when their motor car went Merion, Pa. , have spent last week-endHhortstop, where he was suhhi llg' for I 'into a ditch on the Lincoln Highway I at Hotel Dennis, Atlantic City.t he in jured Kearney. neal' Cit y L ine early Wednesday. , Dr. and 1\lrs. John A. Broolw, of

Brookline threatened to do d am ag e: T he y were returning f rom New Hea th r oa d, h av e returned from a twoin t he th ird when Frank Sinclair pop_: York in their ca r dr iven by Patrick Iweeks' stay in Nantucket.ped a floater ov( ,r Hhorts top and Pete i (l'N'eil, 2n, their ehauffeur. They Mr. Verus T. Ritter, ,Jr., son of Mr.Leuthe follow('d with a b ingl e t o right, ;\\'el'e passing a truck when their Iand Mrs. Verus T. R it te r, o f N.but t he Davismen nipped t he ra lly in I bumper l ocked aga inHt i t, swerving Latches Lane, ha s r et ur n ed from athe bud. their ca r into the ditch. visit with Mr. T. Wistar Brown, 4th ,

T,hen in the fifth the lone two points Mr. 'Vea therby was t rea ted for cuts I at the home o f h is parents in Bay

for the visto)';; were doublecheeked:on the head and Mrs. Weatht,rby for Head, N. J.

on s ingl es by Ray McCauley and Boh- i in.iurieH on the leg. Mr. Luther Lovekin, of Villanova, ST MARY'S 'b ~ Sinclair and Wood's threl,-baggeJ'. I Edward Pongier, 32 Baltimore, the Iand Mr. Verus Ri tt e r, Jr. , of Mer ion , · : I

Gene Dav is was us ing for the l ir s t. : lr l lck dr iver, t ol d pol ice he drove on wi ll leave t od ay t o v is it Mr. Jamea LAUNDRY ,Itime a righthander named Fran]( i when he thought no one had been I ( ~ o l ' d o n Kitchen, 2nd, at "The Mo-

C ol eman, who we understand, is :1, injured. hican," the home of hiH parents , Dr . Ardmore 4400 IiBartram Artisans' star. In his debut: and Mrs. Phillip Kitchen, of Poeono ••••••••••••• ....in :'IIain Lin e League competition i Read the advert.iHempnts. Lake. :"! . , __:.___=_-_-_-_=_- - _ ~ ~ ~ - - - -young Coleman waH rather light ill i T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~he pinehl'H, keeping the enemy Ilits i Iwell scattered. He gaye l ip nine snfe-t ie s, one more t ha n Na rbe rt h couldget oIl' Ray l\IcCaulcy, but was no!:t roubled when t he going was roug-h. iA fast ball and sharp hook seem to:

Le h is i dea of being successful on t he Imound. i

Harry Francis took hitting honors ifor Narber th with thl'l'e f or t he day,while Slaughter was next best witlitwo. Gilfillan's lone blow was for threpbases.

For Brookline, Redhead Freddy

Wood, with a t rip le and two singlps,was the big gun, while Gorman playl!da bang-uJl g ame a t t he k(·ystone.

H o w d ~ ' Powell S(OOI](d up ('verything which came his way f or t he victorious home club, as he ofl 'erel! hisusual steady performance.

The box score:

Organized 1907

Meets First Thursday of each Month, 7 to 9 P. M., in Elm Hall, Narberth



George M. Dando William B. Kraft

Edwin P. Dold Daniel Leitch

Howard C. Fritsch Carl B. Metzger

Edward C. Griswold A. P. Redifer, Jr .

William S. Howard Horace T. Smedley

John S. Ketcham William D. Smedley

Thos. C. Trotter , Jr .

A t Elm Hall, Forest Avenue-

William D. Smedley, President

William B. Kraft , Vice-President

Thos. C. Trotter, Jr., Secretary

William S. Howard, Treasurer

FletcherW. Stites, Solicitor


Narberth Building & Loan

======As s o c i a t i o n======

From 7 until 9 o'clock


Water .. frompedigreed streams

The water)·ou drink should bepure at itsvery sOllrce. It shouldcome only from streams thatare awayout in (he eountryfree from contamination thatmakes water unsafe, impure.

You don 't wan t r eformedwater! That 's why the Phi la ·delphia Suburban WaterCompanyhas carefullyselectedstreamsthatproducewaterthatis palatableand safe to drink.

Itcosts us more todo this because it requires more piping,pumping, inspection aud.care,to giveyou pure water that isalways at your service. at thesame pressure, 24 hours a day.

That ' s why you always getal l t he wa te r y ou w an t • • •when you wanti t .




R. H. O. A. E.Powell, 2b 0 0 1 1 0Francis, rf 1 3 3 0 ()