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JUNE 2020















A family of believers experiencing personal

transformation, Romans 12

using their unique gifts, Ephesians 4

to glorify GOD I Corinthians 10:31

and edify others. I Thessalonians 5:11


Cultivate space for people to experience the

transforming love of Christ.


We will continue our series on the book of Matthew in morning worship. We will remember

that Jesus came into the world as King of Kings, but his arrival was unexpected and unassum-

ing. But it is by this method of arriving that this king began to shape the kingdom he would

build. We meet our “Unexpected King” in our study of the book of Matthew.

June 7

AM--Matthew 13.44-46 What Value Does the Kingdom Have?

June 14

AM--Matthew 13.47-58 Cast the Net Wide

June 21

AM--Matthew 14.1-12 Mistaken Identity

June 28

AM--Matthew 14.13-36 Losing Sight of Jesus

Fellowship Findings 2

Bethel Mission Ministry: January -412 Youth, March -Outreach Committee, May –Care

Teams, July– Share Your Faith, September - Couples for Christ, November - Truth Seekers.

We are assigned to the second Monday of each of the above months. If your group is una-

ble to go in the assigned month, please notify Glenda at church (594-3491) so Bethel Mis-

sion can be notified.

A formal council meeting was not held in April or May due to COVID restrictions limiting meet-

ings to groups of ten or less. The following information is shared from multiple Executive Com-

mittee meetings held over the past two months and the May Elders meetings –all minutes have

routinely been shared with the full council.

1. First an item of clarification dating back to the actions of the March council meeting. At that

time COVID was just emerging and as a part of the actions at that meeting was a motion to sus-

pend regular church services for the ensuing four weeks. An additional component of the mo-

tion was to authorize the Executive Committee to make appropriate decisions for the church

should further developments with respect to COVID emerge.

2. In response to the March 16 motion, the Executive Committee has made decisions and com-

municated on several matters. Several questions have been raised on the authority of the Exec-

utive Committee in those actions – it is hoped this information will help clarify the questions.

3. The decision to delay resumption of communal worship until June was made after considera-

tion of multiple components that required consideration as part of a plan. Members of the Exec-

utive Committee tried to remove personal opinion from the consideration and sought to reach

an objective decision after consideration of multiple components.

4. The focus of the mid May meetings returned to planning for the congregational meeting in

June and planning for a resumption of in person communal worship in June. Separate docu-

ments outlining that planning have been compiled – please look for them in other communica-

tion from the church.

5. The Elders determined to resume in person worship for the morning services in June and

then further evaluate resumption of regular evening worship at its June meeting.

6. Janitor, Marv Goodyk was asked to apply a new coat of paint in the fellowship room. Thanks

to Marv and Myrna and other helpers, the work is done and the room has a fresh clean look and


7. The Elders reported on efforts to make and maintain connections within their Care Groups

over the past two months. Many positive comments were shared about those efforts and expe-


8. Consideration and discussion was/is being held on the potential to hold and plan for various

upcoming events including VBS, weddings and other events in the church, fund raisers, Sunday

School etc.

Council Clippings April—May, 2020

Fellowship Findings 3

A sincere thank you to my church family; to Pastor Brian for his handwritten letter, to Mike

Van Soelen for weekly letters and several who have sent cards with words of encouragement.

Thank you so much! We are still confined to the Manor except for special permission, we may

walk on the sidewalk around the building. We are thankful that those in charge are doing

what they can to keep the virus out of the Manor.

Henrietta Laverman

It is so good to be part of a caring church family! We appreciate so much the cards, prayers,

visits and expressions of sympathy when our brother Irvin passed away. While it is hard to

say good-bye we are reminded of the song:

No more night, no more pain

No more tears, never crying again

And praises to the great, "I AM"

We will live in the light of the risen Lamb

Dwight and Glenda Vander Leest

How can we thank God enough for you in return for all

the joy we have in the presence of our God because of

you? I Thessalonians 3:9

Congratulations to the following students who have completed

the Eighth Grade…

From Sully Christian: Keagan Fopma and Trevor Veenstra

From Pella Christian: Tysen De Vries and Josiah Vos

From Lynnville-Sully: Isaiah Vos and Aiden Vander Leest

Get wisdom, get understanding;

do not forget my words or turn away from them.

Proverbs 4:5

Fellowship Findings 4


Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much… Luke 16:10a

Budget Report –May 20, 2020

Category Year to Date


Year to Date


General Fund

(includes Ministry Share) $123,177.08 $136,450.02

Missions $13,666.22 $13,710.27

Building and Grounds $11,762.40 $13,057.59

Total $148,605.70 $163,217.88

Offerings Received

Date Recipient Amount

May 3 Sully Christian School

Because there may be

more money coming in,

these amounts are not yet


May 10 Bethany Christian Ser-


May 17 Samaritan’s Purse

May 24 CEEF

May 31 Resonate Global Missions

June Offering Schedule

June 7 Sully Christian School

June 14 Justin Van Zee and Amy Hoogeveen

June 21 Christian Education Encouragement Fund (CEEF)

June 28 World Renew

Fellowship Findings 5

Rejoice with those who rejoice... Romans 12:15



June 1 Elliot Ochsner

June 2 Treva Nikkel

Rick Vos

June 5 Nelson Geels (90)

Kevin Laverman

Jesse Van Baale

June 6 Dorian Goodyk

June 7 Cindy Laverman

June 8 Clint Vos

Murray Pothoven

June 11 Marvin Goodyk

June 12 Larry Van Wyk

Matthew Fynaardt

June 16 Marilyn Van Soelen

June 17 Irene Moes (97)

Nicole Olivier

June 18 John Kramer

June 19 Henrietta Laverman (90)

June 20 Beth Vander Molen

June 21 June Veenstra

June 22 Jenna Van Maanen

June 23 Renae Van Wyk

June 24 Donald Van Rees

Joshua Fopma

June 25 Kyle Van Kooten

June 26 Clarine Van Kooten

June 30 Kelly Van Wyk

June Anniversaries

June 1 Loren and Shawna Fopma

June 6 Matt and Rachel Van Maanen

June 8 Josh and Jess Vander Molen

June 9 Lawrence and Sandy Van Zee

Landon and Jana Van Zante

June 10 John and Jodi De Berg (20)

June 11 Norm and Treva Nikkel

Clarence and Judy Van Zee

Kevin and Dawn Plowman (15)

June 13 Vernon and Lucille Jansen

June 15 Arvin and Anna Mae Van Wyk

June 16 Barry and Kelsie Van Haaften

June 17 Judson and Pam Vos

June 18 Nathan and Rachel Nikkel (10)

June 20 Alvin and Mary Fopma (45)

June 23 Howard and Marilyn Vander Griend

June 27 Darrell and Angela Veenstra

June 29 Joel and Megan Vos

Fellowship Findings 6

Rejoice with those who rejoice... Romans 12:15



July 3 Kason Vos

July 4 Tillie Veenstra

July 5 Melvin Lanser

Rebecca Jochems

Jerri Nikkel

July 8 Harris Ochsner

Kennedy Van Maanen

Annabelle Vos

July 9 Lily Vander Leest

July 10 Dawn Plowman

Landon Van Wyk

July 11 Mike Vander Molen

July 13 Lucille Jansen

Kevin Van Maanen

Blakely Van Maanen

July 14 Elly Van Zee

July 15 Cali Fynaardt

Trisha Fopma

July 16 Larissa Pleima

July 18 Sheila Pleima

July 19 Brian Ochsner

Olivia Ritter

Randall Jansen

July 20 Brenda Fopma

Alayna Van Kooten

Trevor Veenstra

Aiden Fynaardt

July 21 Karen Van Soelen

Zachary Ochsner

July 25 Keith Struik

July 26 Berdena Vos (90)

July 29 Aiden Vander Leest

July 31 Nancy Swank


July 7 Larry and Sharon Van Wyk

July 8 Pastor Brian and Becky Ochsner (15)

July 9 Jaden and Kelly Vos

July 12 Eric and Laura Fynaardt

July 14 Rick and Kim Vos

July 19 Wesley and Heather Zylstra

July 25 Bryce and Donna Arkema

Fellowship Findings 7

Kody Jansen, son of Rick and Staci Jansen, is a senior at Pella Christian High School. He has

enjoyed participating in Trap Shooting, Sporting Clays, Baseball and Bowling. He plays the

drums in Concert Band, Pep Band and Marching Band and enjoys playing on various church

praise teams. He has been very active in Theater performing in various musical and play

productions and has also competed in many Speech Forensics events.

He works for Fynaardt Construction building grain bins during the summer. Kody plans to

attend Iowa State University this fall where he will major in Management Information Sys-


Colby De Vries Colby De Vries, son of Randy and Jodi De Vries, is gradu-

ating from Pella Christian where he was involved in Band,

Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Speech Forensics (Large

Group & Individual), Theater—including musical produc-

tions, Clay Target Team and Chapel. Colby has also en-

joyed being part of various praise teams.

Colby plans to attend Trinity Christian College where he

will major in Theology and minor in Music.

Kody Jansen

Fellowship Findings 8

Blake Veenstra, son of

Darrell and Angela

Veenstra, will graduate

from Pella Christian High School. While in high school, Blake participated in football, bowl-

ing, track, baseball, weightlifting, and in his senior year, the musical.

In the fall Blake will be attending Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo and major in Ag

Business Management. He will also be a thrower on their track team.

Kara Van Wyk Kara Van Wyk, daughter of Lauren and Julie Van

Wyk, is graduating from Pella Christian High.

While in high school Kara was involved in basket-

ball, choir, chamber choir, Caleb Crew and FFA

where she served as the reporter and Vice Presi-

dent. Kara especially enjoyed chamber choir, be-

ing able to sing before school and then see it

come together when singing in area churches.

This fall, Kara will be attending Dordt University

for General Agriculture and will also be taking or-

gan lessons.

Blake Veenstra

Fellowship Findings 9

Austin Van Kooten, son of Jamie and Michelle Van

Kooten, is a graduate of Pella Christian High

School. He enjoyed bowling 4 years on the PC

Varsity Bowling team. He has been part of the PC

Clay Target team since 7th grade.

Austin plans to continue working and pursue an

apprenticeship program to be an Electrician.

Austin Van Kooten

Marcus, son of Monte and Dorian Goodyk,

participated in the Special Olympics cycling, bowling, & cheerleading, all 5 years he was

at Pella High. He also participated in work experience at Theisen's, Pizza Ranch, Third

Church Cafe, and the Pella movie theater. Last year, he was voted as the most likely to

make people smile. He loved being in high school.

Marcus plans to get a job locally and be part of his community.

Marcus Goodyk

Fellowship Findings 10

Elijah Vos

Elijah, son of Nolan and Kar-

la Vos, participated in thea-

ter, band, choir, golf, trap shooting team and Caleb

Crew during his high school career.

Elijah plans to attend Dordt University in the fall, ma-

joring in Environmental Science and Biology.

Sierra Pleima

Sierra, daughter of Stuart and

Sheila Pleima, has participated in

volleyball, softball, Choir and

Chamber Choir as well as Art. She

enjoys praise team both at church

and P.C. Sierra loves Jesus, family

and friends. She is currently em-

ployed at the Brew Coffeehouse and also helps her Uncle Greg with the pigs (she loves

both jobs!)! She is most in her element while drawing, painting, singing and playing the

guitar, piano or keyboard. Sierra has recently illustrated her first book —-(which happens

to be Jana Van Zante’s first published book). She has started painting some artwork for hire

(canvases and murals). She plans to take a “gap year” to work before she decides what

direction she takes in the future.

Fellowship Findings 11

Josh Fopma, son of Loren and Shawna Fopma, has

graduated from Dordt University with an engineer-

ing and computer programming degree. Josh has

started a job at Koops Factory Automation Systems

in Holland, Michigan.

Josh’s wife, McKinley (Zula) is a graduate of North-

western College in Orange City, Iowa with an ac-

counting degree. McKinley is currently working re-

motely for Vermeer Corporation.

Josh and



Derrick Jansen

Derrick Jansen is graduating from Northwest-

ern College in Orange City with a degree in

Theatre and Arts Administration. Over the past

four years, Derrick has been heavily involved

with the college’s theater department.

This past spring, Derrick studied in Chicago,

taking classes and working as an intern at PR

Casting, a casting agency in downtown Chica-

go. After graduation, Derrick hopes to return to

Chicago, using his

degree to pursue a

career in acting.

Fellowship Findings 12

Fellowship Findings 13

Fellowship Findings 14

Fellowship Findings 15

Fellowship Findings 16

Fellowship Findings 17

Fellowship Findings 18

103 9th Ave, PO Box 205

Phone: 641-594-3491

E-mail: sullycrc@netins.net




Sullycrc .org

At-home Faith Formation Tip:

At-Home Faith Formation Tip - Although mealtime often serves as a reminder to pray, we

can get into ruts about what to pray about. Mealtime placemats like these downloadable

versions from Flame Creative Children's Ministry (tinyurl.com/FlamePlacemats) provide

prompts for young children. What might you include on a place mat for older children . . .

or yourself? (Tip from Faith Formation Ministries; crcna.org/FaithFormation)
