Outcomes of History Subjects · 2018-12-28 · History of Modern Maharashtra (1818-1960) (S-2)...


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Outcomes of History Subjects

Vivek Jadhavar,

Asst. Professor, History Dept. Modern College, Ganeshkhind

Sr. No Class Subject Learning Outcomes




Code :


Chhatrapati Shivaji and His



1. Students will be able to explain

the Socio- economic, cultural and

Political background of 17th century


2. Students will be able to

demonstrate by analyzing and

evaluating historical information

from multiple sources of Maratha


3. Students will be able to examine

the difference between fact and

fiction of Maratha History

4. Students will be able to discuss

the religious policies of Chhatrapati

Shivaji Maharaj and background of

healthy Nationalism in India.




code :


Ancient India (3000 BC to

1206 AD)

1. Students will be able to examine

institutional basis of Ancient India

2. Students will be able to indicate

multiple cultures (Greek, Shaka,

Hun etc) of Ancient India.

3. Students will be able to illustrate

the development of empire

4. Students will be able to explain

our heritage through cultural aspects

of Ancient India.




code :


Modern India (1857 to 1950) 1. Student will be able to formulate

basis of modern India through

different concepts like modernity,

Rule of Law etc.

2. Students will be able to analyze

the process of rise modern India and

its foundation made by Social

reformer and freedom fighters.

3. Students will be able to categorize

different school of thoughts about

Modern India history.

4. Students will be able to analyze

social background of Indian


5. Students will be able to illustrate

rise and growth of Economic

Nationalism in India.

5. MA- I,

P 2

Evolution of Ideas and

Institutions in Ancient India


1. Students will be able to analyze

perceptions, limitations and range of

sources of Ancient India

2. Students will be able to explain

Political and Social Ideas and

Institutions of Ancient India.

3. Students will be able to illustrate

emergence of caste based societies

in Ancient India.

4. Students will be able to explain

emergence of States in Ancient India

6. MA –I,

P 3

Marathi Polity 1. Students will be able to analyze

administrative system of Marathas

2. Students will be able to explain

nature of Maratha Polity.

3. Students will be able to identify

strength and weakness of Maratha

administrative system.

4. Students will be able to review

socio- political power structure of

Maratha period.


Outcomes of History Subjects

Smt. Shruti Bhatkhande, History Department



Class Subject Outcome

1 SYBA (G-



Code : 2177

Modern India (1857- 1950) 1. Students understood the Socio-

economic, cultural and Political

background of Modern India

2. Students have understood process of

rise of Modern India.

3.Students have understood the

process of healthy Nationalism and

Secularism by studying work of social

reformer and freedom fighters

4. Students became familiar with

makers of Modern India.

2. SYBA (S2)


Code: 2178

Modern Maharashtra (1818-


1. Students have understood the

regional history within broad national


2. Students have understood

institutional experiments in socio-

religious reformism

3. Students have understood the

contribution of Maharashtra in Indian

National Movement.

4. Students understood the importance

of Samyukta Maharashtra Movement.

3. TYBA (G-



Code: 3177

History of the world in 20th

century (1914 to 1992)

1. Students have understood the

relation between Modernity and

Nationalism and its implications

2. Students have understood the

process of colonialism in different part

of world

3. Students have understood the

problems of contemporary world in the

light of its background history.

4. Students have understood the

necessity of Universal-Brotherhood

4. TYBA (S-

3) Subject Code :


Introduction of History 1. Students have understood concept of

Historiography and its different


2. Students have understood the basics

of research, do’s and don’ts and its


3. Students have understood the

difference between Primary Sources

and Secondary sources and importance

of Sources


4. Students will understand

philosophical base of History.



Class Subject Outcome

5 TYBA (S-



Code : 3179

History of Asia in 20th

Century (1914-1992)

1. Students have get acquainted with

Political History of Asia.

2. Students have understood the

nationalist aspirations of Asia region.

3. Students have understood process of

colonialism in Asia

4. Students have understood

challenges of globalization.

Program Specific outcome

FYBA-----History G-I Chh. Shivaji & its Time Name of the Teacher: Shweta Sawale

1 Student able to understand between the meaning of Local history, National history & International history.

2 Student able to understand the key concept of medieval Maharashtra 3 They take interest to read historical maps, biographies ,novel,releated to

Maratha period. 4 They take interest to visit historical place in Maharashtra, like fort,

monuments,& watching historical movies 5 They collect Art ,coins, other material related to Maratha History.

SYBA-----History S-I Ancient India Name of the Teacher :Shweta Sawale

1 Student able to understand the meaning of Ancient. 2 Student able to understand the key concept related to Ancient India. 3 They take interest to read historical maps, biographies, and novel

related to Ancient period. 4 They take interest to visit historical place and understand ancient India

through caves, Temple, Art Architecture. 5 They collect Art ,coins, other material related to Ancient History. 6 They knowing the importance of Sources of History. 7 They take interest to Visit Museum and Archives. 8 They make study tour report properly.

MA History Part I History Paper-IV Social Background of Dalit Movement in Maharashtra.

Name of the Teacher :Shweta Sawale 1 Student acquire knowledge of various term, concept related to Indian

society and cast system. 2 Student able to understand the change & continuity of Indian Society. 3 They discuss the contemporary social issues in classroom and its

related to be social history. 4 They take interest to read various book related to social & religious

Movement in India. 5 They understand the importance of moral and social value. 6 They write and present their own view on social History .

MA History Part II History Paper-IV19th century Maharashtra.

Name of the Teacher :Shweta Sawale 1 Student able to understand Meaning of the Micro to Macro history. 2 They able to understand the conceptual difference between of the

Indian Modernity &European modernity and also Indian Renaissance & European Renaissance.

3 They develop ability of critical and logical thinking of Indian society 4 They visit Library and take interest to read the biographies and original

literature of imminent personalities related to 19 century Maharashtra. 5 They take initiative part to celebration of birth anniversary of

imminent personality of modern Maharashtra.

6 They write article and present their own view related the topic of modern Maharashtra.

7 They discuss and summaries current issue in the area of social religious reform movement in 19th century Maharashtra.

MA History Part II History Paper-III Economic History of Modern India

Name of the Teacher :Shweta Sawale 1 Student able to understand of various term, Key concept related to

Economic History of India. 2 Student able to understand the change & continuity of Indian

Economics system From Ancient to colonial period. 3 They discuss the contemporary Economical issues in classroom and its

related to be history. 4 They take interest to read various book related to British policy and

ideology to ruling India. 5 They Understand importance of the term of Economy is very import

Factor to Continued Historical Processes. 6 They write and present their own view Related topic on Economics

history of India..

History of Modern Maharashtra (1818-1960) (S-2)

First Term SYBA

Teacher: Dr. Meenakshi Tiwari


Introduction to History (S-3)

First Term TYBA

Teacher : Dr. Meenakshi Tiwari


1 Students were able to understand that how history is studied and written by analysing inter-related political, social, economic and cultural process.

2 Students applied techniques and methods like analytical operation for identifying the primary and secondary sources.

3 Students got exposure to research methodology and presentation. 4 Students were able to analyse and evaluate of historical information from multiple

sources. 5 Students developed critical thinking through evolution of the record of the past and

understood how historians and others have interpreted it.

1 One of the important outcome of this course is students were enabled to understand history, culture and society of modern Maharashtra.

2 Students developed the knowledge and understanding of ideas of leaders and movements.

3 Students expressed understanding of major historical development with context of Drain of wealth, Renaissance, Satyagrah etc. in Maharashtra.

4 Students demonstrate detailed knowledge of the historical movements in Mahatashtra.

5 Students got acquainted with the historical background of Maharashtra. 6 Students gain the knowledge of regional history within broad national frame work.

History of Asia (1914-1992) (S-4) First Term TYBA

Teacher : Dr. Meenakshi Tiwari Outcomes

1 Students demonstrated knowledge of political history of Asia and economics transition of Asia.

2 Students formulated and understood how to cope up with the challenges of globalization.

3 Students learned and were able to explain how important development occurred in Asia in 20th century.

4 Students gained knowledge about multi-causal explanations about development and deferment movements in Asia.

History of World in 20th Century (1914-1992) (G-3) First Term TYBA

Teacher : Dr. Meenakshi Tiwari Outcomes

1 Students gained knowledge about political history of modern world. 2 Students traced and analyzed the main development of contemporary world and

explored the important developments of 20th century world. 3 Students acquired the knowledge of the principles, forces, processes and problems of

the recent times. 4 Students were able to explain the various political movements and growth of

nationalism in different parts of the world.

Debate in India History (P-2) Semester III, M.A (II)

Teacher : Dr. Meenakshi Tiwari Outcomes

1 Students got exposure and understanding of different historical aspects that have become debatable among historians.

2 Students understood different aspects and data that are used to re-construct history and how this has made certain topics debatable.

3 This subject made students understand and see in detail the analytical thinking in process of re-construction of history.

4 Students also got exposure to difference in perspective and understanding of European and Indian historians/scholars.

Department of History



1 Student Understand The Importance of our Glorious Past. 2 They Understand the Meaning of Nationalism and they Respect toward

Great National Personality. 3 They understand Nature & scope of History. 4 They Understand World history and its impact on India

Department of History



1 Student Understand earn The Basic Skill of history Writing & research. 2 They Tress out the Root of contemporary society from the past 3 They realize the importance of Socio cultural moral value. 4 They understand the Depth of Subject of History from Macro to Micro


Program Specific Outcome (PSO)-UG

Objectives/ Outcomes B.A. (English)

To create awareness about the importance of English as a global language

To cultivate research aptitude through comparative study of cultures and literatures

To acquaint students with catalytic effect of English in opening gateways to myriad career opportunities

To make students comprehend, analyse and appreciate literary texts

To enhance their personality, build their confidence through training in English communication viz. social etiquette, manners, polite conversations and formal and informal discourse etc.

Objectives/ Outcomes B.Com. (English)

To create awareness about the importance of English as a global language

To improve competency in English for better career opportunities

To make students comprehend, analyse and appreciate literary texts

To enhance their personality, build their confidence through training in English communication viz. social etiquette, manners, polite conversations and formal and informal discourse etc.

Objectives/ Outcomes

B.Sc. (English)

To familiarise students about the significance of English language

To improve competency in English for effective oral and written communication

To facilitate students with technical writing skills

To enhance their personality, build their confidence through training in English communication viz. social etiquette, manners, polite conversations and formal and informal discourse etc.


F. Y. B. A. (Compulsory English)

Text: Visionary Gleam: A Selection of Prose and Poetry

To familiarize students with excellent pieces of prose and poetry in English

so that they realize the beauty and communicative power of English

To expose them to native cultural experiences and situations in order to

develop humane values and social awareness

To develop overall linguistic competence and communicative skills of the


F. Y. B. A. (Optional English)

Text: Interface: English Literature and Language

To expose students to the basics of literature and language

To familiarize them with different types of literature in English, the literary

devices and terms so that they understand the literary merit, beauty and

creative use of language

To introduce the basic units of language so that they become aware of the

technical aspects and their practical usage

To prepare students to go for detailed study and understanding of literature

and language

To develop integrated view about language and literature in them

S.Y.B.A. (Compulsory English)

Text: Literary Landscape

To develop competence among the students for self-learning

To familiarize students with excellent pieces of prose and poetry in English

so that they realize the beauty and communicative power of English

To develop students’ interest in reading literary pieces

To expose them to native cultural experiences and situations in order to

develop humane values and social awareness

To develop overall linguistic competence and communicative skills of the


S. Y. B. A. (General English) (G-2) Title of the Paper: Study of English Language and Literature

To expose students to the basics of short story, one of the literary forms

To familiarize them with different types of short stories in English

To make them understand the literary merit, beauty and creative use of


To introduce some advanced units of language so that they become aware of

the technical aspects and their practical usage

To prepare students to go for detailed study and understanding of literature

and language

To develop integrated view about language and literature in them

S. Y. B. A. Special Paper-I (S-1)

Title of the Paper: Appreciating Drama

To acquaint and familiarize the students with the terminology in Drama

Criticism (i.e. the terms used in Critical Analysis and Appreciation of


To encourage students to make a detailed study of a few sample

masterpieces of English Drama from different parts of the world

To develop interest among the students to appreciate and analyze drama


To enhance students awareness in the aesthetics of Drama and to empower

them to evaluate drama independently

S. Y. B. A Special Paper-II (S-2)

Title of the Paper: Appreciating Poetry

To acquaint and familiarize the students with the terminology in poetry

criticism (i.e. the terms used in critical analysis and appreciation of poems)

To encourage students to make a detailed study of a few sample

masterpieces of English poetry

To enhance students’ awareness in the aesthetics of poetry and to empower

them to read, appreciate and critically evaluate the poetry independently

T. Y. B. A. (Compulsory English)

Text: Literary Pinnacle

To introduce students to the best uses of language in literature.

To familiarize students with the communicative power of English

To enable students to become competent users of English in real life


To expose students to varied cultural experiences through literature

To contribute to their overall personality development by improve their

communicative and soft skills

T. Y. B. A. General English (G-3)

Title of the Paper: Advanced Study of English Language and Literature

To expose students to some of the best samples of Indian English Poetry

To make the students see how Indian English poetry expresses the ethos and

culture of India

To make them understand creative uses of language in Indian English Poetry

To introduce students to some advanced areas of language study

To prepare students to go for detailed study and understanding of literature

and language

To develop integrated view about language and literature among the

students T.Y.B.A. Special Paper III (S-3)

Title of the Paper: Appreciating Novel

To introduce students to the basics of novel as a literary form

To expose students to the historical development and nature novel

To make students aware of different types and aspects of novel

To develop literary sensibility and sense of cultural diversity in students

To expose students to some of the best examples of novel

T.Y.B.A. Special Paper IV(S-4)

Title of the Paper: Introduction to Literary Critic

To introduce students to the basics of literary criticism

To make them aware of the nature and historical development of criticism

To make them familiar with the significant critical approaches and terms

To encourage students to interpret literary works in the light of the critical


To develop aptitude for critical analysis

F. Y. B. Com (Compulsory English)

Title of the Paper: A Pathway to Success

To sensitise students to human values

To instil literary sensibility through various literary texts

To improve linguistic competency of students

F. Y. B. Com (Additional English)

Title of the Paper: Gems of English Prose and Poetry

To develop humanistic outlook on life

To enrich vocabulary and expand linguistic proficiency

Appreciate and understand the culturally diverse society

SYBSc (Computer Science/Regular) (Technical English)

Text: Literary Vistas

The students will be able to understand and appreciate literary pieces written

in English

Students will have enriched their vocabulary in English

Certain units in the course dealing with social issues will enhance students’

understanding of the society thus making them sensible citizens

Improved understanding of English Language

Communicative skills of the students in English will have improved

Course Outcomes Department of Political Science

F. Y. B. A. S. Y. B. A. T. Y. B. A.








1. After undergoing the said

course, the students

would be able to

understand the basic

information and

analytical frameworks

for studying Politics in

India 2. Discuss the Philosophy

of the Preamble for

Indian Constitution

3. Explain the salient

features of India’s


4. Enumerate and Classify

the Fundamental Rights

and Directive Principles of

state policy

5. Illustrate Salient Features

of Indian Federalism

6. Clarify the relationship

between the Centre and

the States

7. Explain the nature and

functions of Legislative,

Executive branch at the

Union and State

8. Discuss role of Caste and

Religion in Indian Politics 9. Discuss Politics of


1. Write down the

definitions, nature &

scope of Political


2. Classify and

differentiate the

Traditions of Political

Theory: Liberal &


3. Describe the essential

Elements of the State

4. Differentiate between

the Liberal and Marxist

Perspectives on State

5. Explain the concept of

Power, Authority,

Rights, Justice, Liberty,

Equality, Democracy,


6. Enumerate definitions,

types and perspectives

on the above

mentioned political


7. Explain the meaning

and impact of


1. Discuss the origin,

meaning, definition,

nature and scope of


2. Explain the meaning

and elements of

Nationalism and


between the

Progressive and



3. Analyse the ideology of

Democratic Socialism

and describe the types as

Febianism, Syndicalism

and Guild Socialism

4. Explain the

ideologies of


5. Discuss how the

ideologies of

Marxism, Phule-


Gandhism and

Feminism are

emancipator potential



1. General Psychology-

o Provides solid foundation for the basic principles of Psychology o Familiarizes students with the historical trends in Psychology, major concepts,

theoretical perspectives, and empirical findings. o Gives an overview of the applications of Psychology.

2. Social Psychology-

o Acquaints Students with basic concepts, theories and applications of Social Psychology

Familiarizes students with prejudices, social exclusion, discrimination and also ways in which these can be overcome

o Familiarizes students with group behaviour o Underlines the importance of Close Relationships and Pro- social behaviour

3. Psychology of Adjustment-

o Acquaints the students with various areas of adjustment o Familiarizes the students with modern ways of effective adjustment. o Provides the students with empirical approach in Adjustment Psychology. o Introduces the students to health Psychology and Psychological Disorders

4. Developmental Psychology-

o Acquaints the students with the basic concepts of human development processes. o Helps the students to understand influences of various factors on development.

5. Industrial and Organizational Psychology-

o Familiarizes the students with the emergence of Industrial and Organizational

Psychology o Acquaints the students with the work done in Industrial and Organizational

Psychology o Provides the significance of training, performance appraisal, leadership models o Introduces to the student the importance of Engineering Psychology

6. Scientific Research and Experimental Psychology-

o Acquaints the students with the basic concepts of experimental psychology and

research methodology,

o Develops the spirit of scientific inquiry in the students, o Helps them generate ideas for research, as well as develop hypotheses and

operational definitions for variables. o Gives an understanding of the basic steps in scientific research, o Equips the students with the basic information and knowledge about test-

administration and scoring, and interpretation of the obtained results, o Enables the students to undertake an independent small-scale research project.

7. Psychology Practical: Test And Experiments-

o Familiarizes the students with the use of elementary statistical techniques, o Gives practical experience to the students in administering and scoring

psychological tests and interpreting the scores, o Acquaints the students with the basic procedure and design of psychology

experiments, o Encourage and guide the students to undertake small-scale research projects. o Encourages students to learn practical application through study tour and visit.


1. Acquire Cognitive skills such as

o Deep knowledge o Critical thinking o Multidisciplinary approach in the subject of Psychology.

2. Acquire Affective skills for the Application of Psychological theories in day to day life

3. Acquire Behavioural skills such as

o Practical skills, o Employability skills o Interpersonal skills in the domain of Psychology.


o Language and Communication Skills (Oral and Written) which can be applied in personal and professional spheres.

o Ability to engage in Social Interactions across the board (Lay public, employers, civil society).

o Ethics, Values and Integrity inculcated through the curricula which will be applicable in everyday life both profession and personal.

o Develop an understanding about the need and role as citizens and taking up individual responsibilities.

o Employability in fields where they have aptitude for and training in. o Acquire life lessons which go beyond syllabus and curricula.


Department of Sociology

Subject Outcome

Rajkumar Gandhele

Paper I Population and Society

Students aware with the relation between population and society Students study the discrimination and injustice on the different strata of the

society Students study the population: Rural, Urban, Slum, etc. and their population Students understand the social evils like female infanticides, dowry system

and other issue

Paper II Social Research Methods

Students Know the importance of research methods Students get aware with the research methods and selection of the

appropriate method for their research purpose Increase student’s curiosity about research and give them small assignments.

Paper III Development of Sociology

Students understand the stages of development in the studies of sociology Students understand the historical perspective of the social issues. Create Awareness Students with the new theories like modernism,

postmodernism, feminism, Marxism, etc.

Paper IV Sociology of Gender

Students understand the gender biases in the different societies Remove biases From Students Mind and make all the students feel equal. Students aware with the gender discriminations.

Paper V Social Movements

Students understand the importance and need of social movements Students understand the changing nature of social movements Comparative study of the western and eastern social movements

Dr. Megha Deshpande SYBA (S-1) - Foundations of Sociological Thought

Introduce Students Classical Theories. How these Classical Theories/ intellectual background shaped the subject. In this paper Students also Knows some Indian thinkers and perspectives to

understand the process which ultimately shaped the Sociology as an independent subject in India.

In this paper Students also critically examine the theories and perspectives, so student must know the relevance of these perspectives and application of these theories.

T.Y.B.A. (G-3) - Crime and Society Students acquainted with the recent trends in Criminology. Students understand Changing nature of Crime. Students Understand different theoretical perspectives to understand ‘Crime’ Students Prepared as correctional agents, with sociological understanding of this

complex phenomenon. MA Part-I Sem-I- Classical Sociological Tradition

Students introduce foundational process for emergence of Sociology. Students Understand critical, logical and analytical thinking to understand complex

social phenomenon. Students Understand Linkage between theories and cross cutting issues. Students get Aware of classical western theories.

MA Part-I Sem-I- Sociology of India

Students acquainted to the continuities and contradictions in Indian society. Students analyze the role of colonialism, democracy, nation building and

globalization In shaping contemporary society in India.

Students learn various perspectives to assess the complex social processes and Institutions.

MA Part-II Sem-III- Application of Research Skills

Students have Received Guidance work as an independent researcher. They get Guidance of Correlation between theory and application.

Students can link their own daily life experiences with their interest area of research.

Inculcate scientific approach.

Dr. Jayshree Kharche

FYBA – Introduction to Sociology (G 1 - General paper – I)

1) Students Understand Sociology as a Scientific Social Science.

2) Students Familiar With the basic concepts and terminology used in Sociology.

3) Students Learn Sociological perspective to study everyday social phenomena.

SYBA – Population and Society (G 2 – General paper II)

1) Students Understand Importance and relevance of population studies in Sociology.

2) Students squinted with the theories and perspectives and its application to study population.

3) Students know the impact of population on society as a whole and its relevance in policy making.

TYBA – Crime and Society (G 3 – General Paper 3)

1 Students understand the concept of crime and changing nature of crime and criminals.

2) Students comprehend the complex relation between crime and society.

3) Students learn to prepare for professional roles of correctional agents in agencies of criminal justice administration.

MA – Part I – Sociology of Maharashtra

1) Students understand the history and development of Maharashtra

2) Students get the sociological knowledge about local and regional context of Maharashtra

3) Students get knowledge regarding changing trends in Maharashtra as a State.

MA – Part II– Environment and Society

1) Students understand relationship between human society and ecosystem.

2) Students aware and sensitize students regarding environmental degradation, its impact on human society and understand changing nature of ecosystem from sociological approach.

3) Students Motivated to adopt sustainable development approach in everyday life.

Dr. Jyoti Gagangras

1) Introduction to Sociology {FYBA}

Students Understand Sociology as a Major Social Science

Students introduce basic Sociological Concept

Student acquainted with the Sociological Knowledge and Social Phenomena

2) Indian Society Issues and Problems {SYBA}

Students Familiarize to Different Social Issues

Student acquaint to the Changing Nature of Social Problems in India

Student are enable to analyse Social Issues and Problems using Different Sociological Perspectives

3) Contemporary Indian Society {TYBA}

Student Aware about the Plurality of India .its Composite Culture and its resilience

Students acquaint the Students about the Issues of Contemporary India

Students Expose to the Crisis and Challenges of Contemporary India

4) Dissertation Paper {MA II}

Design and evaluate sociological research with Interdisciplinary Manner.

Students understand the central concepts developed by the theorists to analyse the social world.

Students understand the application of the scientific method to understand ‘social realities ’with critical approach

Students understand their Responsibility towards civic, Policy Engagement and Sustainability

Dr. Jayshree Kharche

FYBA – Introduction to Sociology (G 1 - General paper – I)

Objectives of the Course:

1) To introduce Sociology as a Scientific Social Science. 2) To introduce basic concepts and terminology used in Sociology. 3) To develop a Sociological perspective to study everyday social phenomena.

SYBA – Population and Society (G 2 – General paper II)

Objectives of the Course:

1) To understand importance and relevance of population studies in Sociology. 2) To understand theories and perspectives and its application to study population. 3) To comprehend the impact of population on society as a whole and its relevance in

policy making.

TYBA – Crime and Society (G 3 – General Paper 3)

Objectives of the Course:

1) To understand the concept of crime and changing nature of crime and criminals. 2) To comprehend the complex relation between crime and society. 3) To prepare students for professional roles of correctional agents in agencies of

criminal justice administration.

MA – Part I – Sociology of Maharashtra

Objectives of the Course:

1) To understand the history and development of Maharashtra 2) To enhance the sociological knowledge about local and regional context of

Maharashtra 3) To advance knowledge regarding changing trends in Maharashtra as a State.

MA – Part II– Environment and Society

Objectives of the Course:

1) To understand relationship between human society and ecosystem. 2) To increase awareness and sensitize students regarding environmental degradation, its

impact on human society and understand changing nature of ecosystem from sociological approach.

3) To motivate students to adopt sustainable development approach in everyday life.

P.E. Society’s



Program Outcomes (PO)

Sr. No. Outcomes

1 Demonstrate personal integrity and professional behavior.

2 Understanding of the current state of knowledge.

3 Critically evaluate quantitative and qualitative information.

4 Collaborate with others and work in teams respectfully and individually.

5 Understand the research process.

6 Integrate knowledge and perspectives across disciplinary boundaries.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO): PG

Sr. No. Objectives/ Outcomes

1 To learn basic concepts of Economics so as to make the students aware of importance

of Economics.

2 Students become aware of economic situation of India and countries across the world.

3 Provides through understanding and deep knowledge about basic principles that lead to

trade across the countries.

4 To learn restructuring of economic policies as per the requirement of the economic


5 Students’ get to know various career opportunities related to Economics.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO): PG Sr. No. Objectives/ Outcomes

a Helps students to get in-depth knowledge of Economics.

b Important for further studies and research.

c To study the relationship among broad aggregates.

d To apply economic reasoning to problems of the economy

e Specific options of career in Economics.

Course Outcomes (CO)

MA Part I (SEM-I)


1. Relate the basic economic theory and principles to current microeconomic issues.

2. Learn whether Economics is a Science or an Art, is Positive or Normative

3. Creates awareness about consumers and producers behaviour.

4. Evaluate the relation in which Economics stands in relation to other subjects.

5. Identify how the Price Mechanism works to bring about Equilibrium.

6. Learn the difference between the short and long run production function

7. Interpret charts, graphs, and tables and use the information to make informed judgments.


1. Know what the study of public finance is all about, different roles played by the Government in an economy

2. Analyze the rationale behind different public sector activities by the government as Suggested from the study of public finance.

3. Conceptually differentiate between a public good and a private good

4. Identify various factors affecting the public expenditure

5. To know about the accrual and cash indicators while measuring the government debt

6. Evaluate the factors which create excess burden of taxation


1. Understanding and knowledge about the basic principles of trade in goods and services at the global level.

2. Perceive the importance of balance of payments situation of a country.

3. Prepares the students to know the impact of free trade and tariffs on international trade and its effect on different sectors of the economy.

4. The students would understand the rationale of recent changes in the export-import policies of India.

5. Relevance of globalization and liberalization with respect of policy making.

6. Awareness of regional association and trade blocks at global level.


1. Realize the difference in development pattern of developed and developing economies.

2. Understand the characteristics of Indian economy as a Developing Economy.

3. Awareness about the demographic characteristics of India and the population policy.

4. Realize the problems and causes of unemployment and poverty in India, and the measures to solve these problems.

5. Perceive the characteristics of Indian agriculture and industry.

6. Understand the principles of planning in India.

7. Know about economy of Maharashtra.



1. Relate the basic economic theory and principles to current microeconomic issues.

2. Understand the behaviour of economy at micro level with respect to economic agents like a consumer, a producer, a factor owner.

3. Creates awareness about consumers and producers behaviour.

4. Realize the significance of factor and product market in factor pricing and commodity pricing.

5. Use economic models to analyze a situation in terms of economics

6. Interpret charts, graphs, and tables and use the information to make informed judgments.


1. To understand the mechanism of fiscal policy.

2. Examine the interdependence of fiscal and monetary policy

3. To examine the different types of budget deficits

4. To understand the Fiscal Reform Facility, Debt Relief & Corrective Measures adopted by the Finance Commission

5. Why cross-classification of budget is required? 6. The concepts of Zero Base Budget and Gender Budget


1. Understanding and knowledge about the basic principles of trade in goods and services at the global level.

2. Perceive the importance of balance of payments situation of a country.

3. Prepares the students to know the impact of free trade and tariffs on international trade and its effect on different sectors of the economy.

4. The students would understand the rationale of recent changes in the export-import policies of India.

5. Relevance of globalization and liberalization with respect of policy making.

6. Awareness of regional association and trade blocks at global level


1. Realize the difference in development pattern of developed and developing economies.

2. Understand the characteristics of Indian economy as a Developing Economy.

3. Awareness about the demographic characteristics of India and the population policy.

4. Realize the problems and causes of unemployment and poverty in India, and the measures to solve these problems.

5. Perceive the characteristics of Indian agriculture and industry.

Understand the principles of planning in India.

6. Know about economy of Maharashtra.

MA Part II (Sem-III)


1. Helps the students to understand the functioning of the economy as a whole.

2. Familiarizes the students with the basic concept of macroeconomics and its application.

3. Creates awareness of how the economy’s total output of goods and services and employment of resources is determined and what causes these totals to fluctuate.

4. Students will be able to use a simple economic model such as the aggregate supply/aggregate demand model and describe the interrelationships among prices, income and interest rates as they affect consumption, saving and investment.

5. Analyse fiscal and monetary policy decisions to counter the business cycle.

6. Makes an undergraduate student aware of the basic theoretical framework underlying the field of macroeconomics.


1. Acquires basic understanding of the issues on development economics.

2. Understands theories in economic development and their policy implications.

3. Understands the unevenness in development.

4. Aware about the difference between growth and development, significance of agriculture in developing countries, poverty and population issues facing the world and importance of foreign aid.

5. Knows the interrelationship between economic development issues and other social, cultural, environmental and technological issues.

6. Realise the importance of capital in economic growth, and the conditions necessary for capital to be effective.


1. Creates awareness among the students about Modern Banking System – its evolution and the present state.

2. Understand the operations of banking and their interaction with the rest of the economy.

3. Knowledge about various types of banks functional in the country.

4. Realizes how monetary forces operate through banking sector.

5. Creates awareness of various credit instruments its use and importance.


1. Know the nature of world population including India

2. Know the growth of the Indian population

3. Know the difference between Population theory and reality

4. To know the difference between the rates of birth and death in India

5. Information about migration of population



1. Helps the students to understand the functioning of the economy as a whole.

2. Familiarizes the students with the basic concept of macroeconomics and its application.

3. Creates awareness of how the economy’s total output of goods and services and employment of resources is determined and what causes these totals to fluctuate.

4. Students will be able to use a simple economic model such as the aggregate supply/aggregate demand model and describe the interrelationships among prices, income and interest rates as they affect consumption, saving and investment.

5. Analyse fiscal and monetary policy decisions to counter the business cycle.

6. Makes an undergraduate student aware of the basic theoretical framework underlying the


1. Acquires basic understanding of the issues on development economics.

2. Understands theories in economic development and their policy implications.

3. Understands the unevenness in development.

4. Aware about the difference between growth and development, significance of agriculture in developing countries, poverty and population issues facing the world and importance of foreign aid.

5. Knows the interrelationship between economic development issues and other social, cultural, environmental and technological issues.

6. Realise the importance of capital in economic growth, and the conditions necessary for capital to be effective.


Student should be able to

1. Understand meaning and Purpose of research.

2. Understand and apply methods and technics of research.

3. Understand and draw infrences from research and conclude meaningful results.

4. Understand importance of research ethic and try to obey the norms of original research.


1. To know the nature of rural economy

2. To know the role of administration in rural development

3. To know the difference between economic development and rural poverty, unemployment

4. Discover rural development programs and actual rural development.

5. Understanding rural industrialization and development

Mr Dastagir Pathan

Head, Department of Economics

Course outcome-Marathi [Arts]


कथा आणि कणिता या साणहत्य प्रकारच ेआकलन

मराठी साणहत्यातील साणहत्याकाराचा पररचय

कथा आणि कणिता या साणहत्य प्रकारची िाटचाल

जीिनमलूयाांची ि साणहत्यामलूयाांची णणकिि

उपयोणजत मराठी भाषेचा सराि

लेखन ,िाचन,श्रिि,सांभाषि ि भाषि कौणलय आत्मसात करता यतेात.


चररत्र आणि आत्मचररत्र या साणहत्य प्रकारचे आकलन

प्रेरिा देिारे साणहत्य

णुद्धलेखनाचा सराि

पत्रलेखनाचा सराि


लणलतगद्य आणि प्रिासििणन या साणहत्यप्रकाराच ेआकलन

ग्रांथपरीक्षि प्रक्रियेच ेआकलन ि सराि

पुस्तक िाचनाची प्ररेिा

णनबांध या सांकलपन ेच ेआकलन ि िचैाररक णनबांधाचा पररचय


प्ररेिादाई व्यक्तीरेखाांचा पररचय

उपयोणजत ि प्रणासणनक मराठीचा पररचय
