Outlining Your Essay. Know your General Purpose There are only three from which to choose –To...


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Outlining Your Essay

Know your General Purpose

There are only three from which to choose

– To Inform – To Persuade (includes Arguments)– To Entertain (includes Narratives,

Celebrations and Ceremonies)

U.S. Flag Etiquette by Cindy Gardner

Topic: The U.S. Flag

General Purpose: To inform

Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the rules

Thesis Statement: The flag, a symbol of much that is great about this nation, should be hung, handled, and folded in a specific manner.


Four Elements of the Introduction

1. Capture the attention of the audience

2. Reveal the topic through a link & establish speaker credibility

3. State thesis

4. Preview the main points

Introduction: (Not part of Body outline)

Attention Getter Ask questions (Of individuals or rhetorical), Refer to audience (“You”, individuals or other

speakers, significance of the occasion, physical surroundings)

Use startling statement, fact or statistic Use quotation (Be sure to meet the test of relevance,

good taste, and impact) Tell a story or anecdote to stimulate imagination Use a novel or physical approach Arouse curiosity Promise something beneficial.

Introduction1. “The flag is the symbol of our national endeavor, our aspiration, our

unity. The flag tells of the struggle for independence, of our union preserved, and of the sacrifices of brave men and women to whom the ideals and honor have been dearer than life.” This is a quote from Charles Hughes, a teacher of flag etiquette. (Capture attention)

2. The U.S. flag is more than a piece of material; it symbolizes much in this nation. (Link) In the wake of the recent tragedies in New York

and Washington, D.C., I did much research and found that many feel the flag represents humanity, liberty, and justice. (Establish credibility)

3. The flag, a symbol of much that is great about this nation, should be hung, handled, and folded in a specific manner. (Thesis Statement)

4. Today, I will educate you on how to display the flag, some important rules to remember when using the flag, and how to fold it. (Preview)

Organizing Your Main Points

Chronological Spatial Causal Problem-Solution Topical

Main Points and Sub Points

I. Main points=the most important points A. Subpoints=develops an aspect of a main point

1. Sub-Subpoint=further develops the subpoint 2. Another Sub-subpoint that parallels 1.

B. Subpoint 1. 2.

Work for equality in weight.


BodyI. When hanging a flag, it is important to remember its symbolism and significance and hang it in a specific manner.

A. Each part of the flag has a specific meaning that symbolizes patriotic ideas.1. The red stripes stand for blood and the fearless

courage of those who gave their lives for our country. 2. The white stripes represent purity and faith.3. The blue field represents heaven and our courage.4. Each star represents one state of the union.

B. There are many rules and regulations regarding how to hang the flag.1.The biggest mistake people make when displaying the flag is positioning it to the wrong side of a speaker.

a. It should always be to the speaker’s right.b. If you are viewing it from the audience, it

should be to your left.


• Connections are included in all major sections of your outline: after the intro, between main points, before the conclusion.

• Transition: I have given you tips on how to hang the flag, and now I would like to explain some rules regarding its use.


Basic Purposes:

Summarizes your main points Challenge the audience to act Reinforces your central idea through final appeal

Striking Statement (or any attention device) Highlighting the central idea Quote Reference to the introduction (try circular conclusion) Brings essay to satisfying end

Conclusion: Call to Action (Challenge the Audience)

Policy plan requires physical action (ie. Recycle, Boycott, Write, Sign, Donate)

Attitudinal plan changes or reinforces an audience belief, attitude or value

Awareness plan shows need (for something tangible or for further consideration)

In Your Outline…. Double

Use complete sentences. Label the Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and

Connectives. Indentation and Symbols—BE CONSISTENT! Dividing points into at least two parts. Check for balance between points