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How PHP Works The php.ini File Basic PHP Syntax PHP Tags PHP Statements and Whitespace Comments PHP Functions Variables Variable Types Variable Names (Identifiers) Type Strength Variable Scope Constants Variable-Testing and Manipulation Functions PHP Operators Creating Dynamic Pages Single Quotes vs. Double Quotes

Flow Control Conditional Processing If Conditions Loops while do...while for

break and continue Arrays Enumerated Arrays Initializing Arrays Appending to an Array Reading from Arrays Looping through Arrays Associative Arrays Initializing Associative Arrays Reading from Associative Arrays

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Looping through Associative Arrays Two-dimensional Arrays Reading from Two-dimensional Arrays Looping through Two-dimensional Arrays Array Manipulation Functions PHP and HTML Forms HTML Forms How HTML Forms Work A Sample HTML Form Form Variables String Manipulation Formatting Strings Concatenation String Manipulation Functions Examples of String Functions Magic Quotes magic_quotes_gpc magic_quotes_runtime Recommendation on Magic Quotes Reusing Code and Writing Functions Including Files Require require_once auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file User Functions Defining and Calling Functions Default Values Variable Scope

By Reference vs. By Value Form Processing Code Organization Simple SELECTs Introduction to the Northwind Database Some Basics Comments

Whitespace and Semi-colons Case Sensitivity Selecting All Columns in All Rows Selecting Specific Columns Sorting Records Sorting By a Single Column Sorting By Multiple Columns Sorting By Column Position

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Ascending and Descending Sorts

The WHERE Clause and Operator Symbols Checking for Equality Checking for Inequality

Checking for Greater or Less Than Checking for NULL WHERE and ORDER BY

The WHERE Clause and Operator Words The BETWEEN Operator The IN Operator

The LIKE Operator The NOT Operator Checking Multiple Conditions AND OR Order of Evaluation

Sub queries, Joins and Unions Sub queries Joins Table Aliases Multi-table Joins Outer Joins Unions UNION ALL UNION Rules

Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records INSERT UPDATE DELETE Managing Data Querying a Database

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MySql O ve r v i e w / P H P + +

MySql Methods and Properties Inserting and Updating Records MySql Prepared Statements Authentication with PHP and MYSQL A Database-less Login Form Session Control and Cookies Sessions Configuring Sessions Session Functions Cookies

Sending Email with PHP mail() Shortcomings of mail() PHPMailer File System Management Opening a File fopen()

Reading from a File fgets() Writing to a File fwrite() File Locking flock() Uploading Files via an HTML Form Getting File Information More File Functions Directory Functions Getting a Directory Listing Getting a Directory Listing Ajax with PHP Ajax Overview

Ajax Technology Stack Ajax Implementations Installing and configuring HTML_Ajax Pear Module Ajax Server

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Ajax Client

Creating a Dreamweaver site Site creation - basic Site creation - advanced

Database connections Database basics Introduction to MYSQL Server behaviors

Querying the database Building a MYSQL query using the Simple view Building a MYSQL query using the Advanced view Adding fields from the resulting records to your page Displaying and formatting query results Using Repeat Region to display multiple records Formatting results

Paging through records Schemes for record set navigation

Paging to first, last, previous, and next records Show region if... Selectively displaying information based on a conditional

Disabling the first and previous record links if the first page of results is displayed Disabling the last and next record links if the last page of results is displayed Displaying the count of the number of records returned

Creating master-detail views

Overview of the importance of master-detail views and how they convey information Creating a master-detail view

Advanced record sets and multi-table queries Method 1 - Simple record set with filter Method 2 - Advanced record set Method 3 - Advanced record set and multi-table Queries Dynamically populating forms

Populating text fields, text areas, and hidden fields Populating selection lists, radio button lists, and checkboxes Building record insertion forms Building the insertion form by hand

Allowing Dreamweaver to generate the record insertion form automatically Creating a page that confirms the record insertion Validating form entries using JavaScript behaviors Understanding stored procedures How they are created in the database Advantages/disadvantages of stored procedures versus MYSQL

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Calling a stored procedure without passing parameters Passing input parameters to a stored procedure Manually constructing a form that allows the user to update a record

Retrieving parameters from a stored procedure Updating records


Using Dreamweaver to automatically generate a form for updating the record Validating the edited information using JavaScript behaviors Building a confirmation page to display the result of updating the record Deleting records

Precautions to take to ensure that records are not inadvertently deleted Building an appropriate record deletion interface, complete with confirmation dialog

Implementing user login/logout with Dreamweaver Overview of Web application security issues Preferred approach: configuring the Web server to manage security Alternative approach: having Dreamweaver automatically generate code for logging users in, authenticating them, and logging them out In-depth instruction on using Dreamweaver with PHP to implement user

login/logout and page-by-page authentication.


Beginning With CakePHP What is CakePHP? Why Use it? Where to Get Help Understanding Model-View-Controller Basic Principles of CakePHP CakePHP Structure A Typical CakePHP Request CakePHP Folder Structure

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CakePHP Conventions Developing with CakePHP Requirements Installation Preparation

Installation Configuration Controllers Components Models Behaviors Data Sources Views Helpers Scaffolding The CakePHP Console Plugins Global Constants and Functions Vendor packages Common Tasks With CakePHP Data Validation Data Sanitization Error Handling Debugging Caching Logging Testing Internationalization & Localization Pagination REST


1. Basics

General OOP and MVC concepts

Event-driven architecture

Magento module-based architecture

Magento directory structure/naming conventions/code pools/namespaces/module structure

Configuration XML

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Factory and functional class groups

Class overrides

Event observer Page 6 v.021811

Request Flow

Application initialization

Front controller

URL rewrites

Request routing

Modules initialization

Design and layout initialization

Structure of block templates

Flushing data (output)


Template structure


Design layout SML schema, CMS content directives

Working with Database in Magento

Models resource and collections

Magento Object Relational Mapping

Write, install and upgrade scripts using set up resources

Entity-Attribute-Value model

Model concepts

EAV entity

Load and Save

Attributes management


Common structure/architecture

Form and Grid Widgets

System configuration XML and configuration scope

ACL (permissions)

Enabling and configuring extensions

Overview: The eCommerce Landscape Trends, examples, quotes from industry sources

Increase Brand Awareness & Traffic Themes, traffic drivers, SEO, and increasing brand awareness

Generate Revenue Merchandising, navigation, payment options

Save Money & Improve Efficiency Order management, self-service, data-feeds, and QuickBooks

Increase Customer Satisfaction & Engagement Loyalty programs, gift cards, reviews — creating

brand advocates

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Selecting the Right eCommerce Platform for Your Business Built-in and advanced capabilities,

extendable architecture

Catalog Management



User Roles and Permissions

Site Configuration and Behavior



The Find





URL Re-Write

Site Map

Site Performance Enhancement

Cache and Index Management

Product Types





Gift Card

Product Configuration




Front End Functionality

Layered Navigation

Simple and Advanced Search

Reviews, Ratings & Tags

Product Management

Product Updates

Import/Export of Product Data

Product Sort Order


Multi-store Setup


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Introduction to Joomla Installation of Joomla Introduction to templates in Joomla Installation of predefined Templates Creation custom template from html. Introduction to Modules Installation of predefined Modules Creation of custom modules. Introduction to Components Installation of predefined Components. Creation of custom components Introduction to Plugins Installation of predefined plugins Creation of custom plugins. Configuring the joomla site in live environment. Explanation of joomla constants Explanation of Database commands in joomla Sample project

Wo r d P r e s s

Wordpress Overview, installation + Configuration Wordpress Administration Wordpress Theme Development Wordpress Plugin Development Hooks, Filters, Action, Plugin development etc. Wordpress Plugin Development Wordpress core functions, how to use, customize etc.,

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What Are Javascript And Jquery

Document Object Model (DOM) And Jquery Programming/Coding Principles Separation Of Structure (HTML), Style (CSS) And Behaviors (Javscript/Jquery) Jquery Wrapper – DOM Elements As Array - $( ) Selecting And Manipulating Elements Jquery API

Element Properties And Attributes Browser Event Model Jquery Event Model Putting Events To Work Animation And Effects Overview Show/Hide Elements Animate The Display State Animation And Queuing More On Jquery Utilities Extending Jquery, Plugins Dynamic Website Design With Jquery

Design And (3) Plans For Implementing Jquery Functionality Drag And Drop Features Sorting Elements

Changing The Size Of Elements Making Elements Selectable Buttons And Buttonsets Sliders, Tabs, Accordians Progress Bars Forms/Auto Completers Date Pickers Dialog Boxes


Search Engines and Directories

What are Search Engines?

Types of Search Engines.

How Search Engines work and how they rank websites based upon a search term ?

What are Directories and how do they differ from Search Engines?

Difference between Search Engines and Directories.

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What is Open Directory project and how can a listing in DMOZ boost my SEO effort?

What is the importance of Yahoo directory listing?

How do you submit your site to search engines/directories?

How do you monitor the performance of your website in the search engines?

Introduction to SEO and what it involves

What is the importance of search for websites and how can SEO save valuable dollars in advertising expenses?

Which search engines should I concentrate on while performing SEO activities?

Who can or should perform SEO activities?

What are the areas of operation for Search Engine Optimization Professional?

Keyword selection and optimization strategies

Keywords - the key to successful SEO.

What is the importance of keywords in SEO?

How do you search for the right keywords that will help bring in the most traffic?

What is keyword density and how should you optimize keyword density for the search engines?

What is keyword prominence and how does it effect the SEO efforts?

How should keywords with two or more words be ideally placed within the webpage? What is Keyword proximity?


Recommend Practical hours for student except class hours is 120 Hrs.

We also provide weekend classes for all courses.

After completion of 75% of course, student will go through Live Project Training, Interview Preparation and Recruitment process in Software Industry. Student will go through the training of HTML, CSS and JavaScript as a complimentary package before starting of PHP++.This is optional.

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Our Technology Specialization and Certification Courses:

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Training by Certified and Experienced Trainers.

Industrial and Corporate Tie-ups for Live projects for student.

Well equipped Computer Lab, Internet and Book Bank facility.

Live project based Summer Trainings, Summer Internships and

summer programs.

100% placement assistance on every course.

Interview Preparation and Technical Events.

On Campus Interviews in every month for the placement of students.

WI-FI enabled classrooms. 100% Placement


On Campus


CSC-5 D.D.A Market, Shop No.3, First Floor,

Avantika Sector 1, Rohini, New Delhi-110085 (Near Pole Star School, Avantika Mor)

www.mindlogicinfotech.com Email: info@mindlogicinfotech.com

Phone: +91-9711771854, +91-7065246800

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