Padlet: Collaboration and Consolidation Session Outcomes: To know what Padlet is. To understand how...



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Padlet: Collaboration and Consolidation

Session Outcomes:

• To know what Padlet is.

• To understand how Padlet can be used to enhance motivation and engagement in and out of lessons.

• To be able to understand how you can apply Paldlet to your teaching.

• To provide you with a toolkit so that you CAN use padlet in your teaching.

What is Padlet? Padlet is an online bulletin board. It is not an app but a website (don’t worry it has

great privacy controls).

It can be used in lots of different ways inside the

classroom and outside the classroom!

It will be a perfect tool to push out our flipped

learning agenda!







Blooms Taxonomy for


Most Difficult


As you can see Padlet ticks all the


What can they look like?

Basic FunctionsBulletin space

(where the students will


Home page

Create new padlets

Your profile

Share your page as picture, pdf, excel

file, cvs file

Information about the wall



Change title and

descriptionChange the background

imageLayout, you can have the posts

randomly placed, in a stream (like a newsfeed) or by

having them ordered in boxes

Edit who can see the padlet, you can

also choose to review posts before

they go on the padlet. For each padelt you create a

unique URL is automatically created; usually a collection of numbers and figures. You can change the address to

make it simpler for students to access

Duplicate the padlet e.g. if you wanted to use the same

padlet for different classes

Delete any padletss you no longer use but the best thing

about padlet is that there is no limit!

To post, you just double

click, you then have the options to write, add

images, add videos or

website links!


There is so much you can do with

padlet…We have only covered the bare minimum!

This is a video tutorial that you can refer to, for full functionality when designing your own padlets.

The sites help tool is extremely useful too!

It’s your turn…You will have time at the end of the day during strands to create resources using any of the ideas

you have seen today.

As a group we will now create a resource board by completing some research about the most topical news stories from the last month.

Whilst completing the activity think about:• When could this be done?• How could the students benefit?• How could the information collected be used? • How could this work as part of a scheme of learning?

• Easy and fun interface. Double click. Drag and drop. 

• Simple archival. Everything is automatically archived online. 

• Anywhere, any device.  Available wherever you have internet.

• The biggest benefit is the fact that you only have to use one tool, instead of jumping from one to the other to get simple things done.

• Perfect tool as an interface for our flipped learning agenda!• Good tool for group work and collaboration.

ReflectionNow that you have seen “how” all of this is possible on, we should now look at “why” we think it’s beneficial to use Padlet:

Complete the padlet about todays session. You do not have to post your name!

16 Padlet quick win

ideas!If you want to use padlet, I have created a resource kit of ideas

and practical applications for using padlet in and out of

your lessons.

I have provided examples, alongside

the links to these padlets that you can look at and use as

inspiration to create your own!

Pre-topic audit

Before each topic use Padlet to get ideas about what the students already know, what they want to know, key terms and questions.

This allows you to tailor your teaching to you students needs. You can also pick up any misconceptions that you can identify and spend more time on.

You could set this for a homework a few lesssons before you are due to start the topic.

What have we learned today?

Using Padlet in this way is a good way to summarise and check understanding of the lesson or key concepts.

Useful as a plenary or mini plenary to get students to upload their ideas and create a summary board for every topic. These could be collated and used for revision booklets at the end of each unit.

Work showcase

At the end of a lesson, get students to upload a photograph of their written work, or screenshot of their work on the iPad.

• Good opportunity for peer assessment

• Good tool for getting students to complete a lot during the lesson as they will have to show work at the end.

• Good tool for collaboration• Can share the padlet for a

resource for students.

Students create their own VCOP

populationwords This could be used for:• Revision e.g.

end of topic students add key terms to VCOP. Students could then define key terms below

• At the start of a topic, give students a a topic title, get them to research key terms and add them

• Good way for students to think about which key terms are the best ones to use.

Challenge Wall-a space to complete the activities

Challenge tasks should now be planned for in your lessons as the norm. Why not create a padlet for each class that you teach as a virtual challenge wall?

It will give students motivation to complete the tasks, and it will be clearly visible to you who is completing the tasks. This way you can easily add achievement points and catch out students who SHOULD be completing these tasks who aren’t!

For each class have a challenge wall space on padlet. You could have a QR code for each class

that you teach so that it is easily accessible for students to access.

Have these on your PPTS or on your challenge walls in your


Flipped Learning Suggestions

Create a padlet page. Give students a topic or key

concept for homework. Get students to use the padlet

board for researching, collecting and curating content

for your lesson.

Create a padlet page with all of the content on. Get students to

answer questions, create a story board, a video clip and

audio clip using all of the information on the padlet


Create a padlet that will act as an online debate as padlet can act as a

‘newsfeed.’ For example set up a question about the new topic to get

ideas and that will encourage students to do some research. This would usually

be a starter activity but with Padlet it can be one prior to the lesson and you

can spend time during the lesson digging deeper into the views.

Create a resource padlet with podcasts, videos for students to

understand the new concept. Get students to write a

summary of the podcasts, videos on the same page.

Researching tasks

Padlet is not always the best way to write extended pieces of writing, however you can use it with your classes to provide a platform for research. Get students to create their own padlets or set one up that they can all add their own ideas, perfect for group work and whole class collaboration.

Opinion Line

This could be done as a starter to get initial ideas about a topic or at the end to consolidate learning.

You can combine literacy by adding the VCOP, frames as pictures and adding them to the wall.

The walls do get quite busy but remember when you click on a post it will make it bigger-a good opportunity for peer assessment.

When students were asked about this they really liked the fact they could look at other peoples ideas when they got stuck!

Where in the World research

Get students to complete some research news stories related to your subject area. You can click on the link and the news story will appear in full.

A great way to get students to read the news.

You could create one for your students to look at to create a poster etc.

Other ideas…

Student SenateThe student senate could create their own padlet. They can send share the link and this could be a great way of sharing ideas and thoughts about how we can improve the school and giving a voice to our students.

DifferentiationIf you have a large mixed ability group, it could be a concern that the low ability students could copy ideas. To combat this you could create three separate padlets.

For example, high ability, middle ability and low ability.

You can push out the link to the different padlets to certain students (via showbie, email or office 365) and therefore they only have access to certain material.

Celebrating successAt the end of the lesson, perhaps one with a group work focus get students to nominate their peers for achievement points.

Your Padlet could be an achievement wall, have one for each of your classes and link to it to a QR code to get students interested and hooked on the idea!

When students are doing group work create a resource padlet that students can upload useful resources that other

groups and students can use during their projects.
