Pages bugs for deployment


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Bug no Summary Description

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Priority(1- Demo2- Deployment3- Later)

Comparing same versions in revision gives different results.

1.Move to the revision history of a note.2.Compare two versions. 3.Then compare them again n u will see this time it won't display the same result as before.

Tab focus jumps over the tag section in the clipper.

1.Copy some text on any web page.2.Open the clipper.3.Press the tab key to move to the tag section n u will notice that focus will jump over the tag section.

Scrybe Desktop window shrinks to smalest size n doesn't show any section.

1.Sign in the Scrybe Desktop.2.Minimize it,it moves to the task bar.3.Click on it n it will open in shrinked state.

Text written after a scrybe link in comments is underlined and cant be changed.

1. Paste a scrybe link in the comment section and write some text after that. 2. The text written will be underlined.

The sequence of images uploaded in the note is different before and after saving the note

1. Upload all the links from the folder @ "\\D1\SharedDef\faizan\smple images from test sites".2. Look at the sequence of the images at the end before pressing save and after you have saved the note. Notice that the sequence will be different

A user can revert a note back to some version ,while other user is in edit mode.

1. User 1 is in edit mode of a note. 2.User 2 is in the revision history of the same note.3.User 2 can revert back to some other version of the note while user 1 is still in edit mode.4. " Revert To this version " button must be disabled n the user lock must be visible in revision history.

Comments disappear on selecting them in Discussion panel.

1. Select any alreay existing comment using mouse.2. Move mouse downwards after selection.3. Notice that first line of comment will disappear.

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Comment count do not get updated at once in read view, when comment is posted on a note.

1. Move to read view of a note.2. Now comment on this note.3. Notice that comment count (In note header) will not get updated at once.

Tab key should work in Edit view to move from title of a note to its description area.

1. Move to edit view of a note.2. Click on notes title to edit it.3. Now press Tab key to move mouse focus to note description area.4. Notice that it wont work.

An inline image causes an empty image thumbreel to appear.

1, Open any note and create an inline image in it.2. Now drag and drop this image to convert it into an inline.3. Save this note.4. Notice that empty image thumbreel will appear.

Enter key doesn't work on save n cancel buttons in the clipper

1.Open any webpage,select some text. 2.Open the clipper, press tab to move to the save button . 3.When the focus is displayed on the save button, press enter n u will notice that the enter key won't work on the save/cancel button.

The tab focus is not visible on page/Note selection menus in the clipper.

1.Copy some text on any web page. 2. Open the clipper, press tab to move to the page/note selection menus. 3.When u press the tab after tag section, it will move to page selection menu but it won't be visible.

When lengthy text is typed in AC the text is displayed out of pop up of air chat

1.Type a lengthy text in the Air Chat.2.Ask user2 to check the pop up of AC.3.He will noitce that the text goes out of the Air char pop up.

The first line move up n is hidden from the user when the text is selected and scroll down.

1.If the note has no image,n no comment (bookmarklet). 2.Select from the top n move down n u will notice that the first line will be hidden from user.

Clicking on comments results in opening note in edit view.

1. Click on Add note.2. Now save this note.3. Comment on this note too.4. Now Go back to preview and refresh page.5. Open this note again in read view.6. Click on its comment, notice that note will open up in edit view.

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Pop-up button menu shud close on ESC, clicking outside and clicking on the pop-up button again.

1.Click on the pop-up button. 2.Menu will open up. 3.It can only be closed using the hide menu option. It shud be closed on ESC key, clicking outside and clicking on the pop-up button again.

Comments in draft note appear in feed.

1. Do comment on a draft.2. Notice that its feed will be generated to all users on that page.

Notes section preview remains blank and do not load notes at all.

1. Click on a note section first time for loading. 2. Now before it gets loaded, click on some other section e.g lists.3. Afterwards come back on notes section, notice that notes preview will be blank. Unless section is refreshed.NOTE: Check on Testing Page.

Real time sync doenst work in read view, due to which data could get over written and eventually gets corrupt.

1. Open any note in edit view from User1 end.2. Open same note in read view at user2 end.3. Now user1 do some changes in this note, notice that these changes wont appear at user2 end.4. User1 goes to preview now, to remove his lock.

Pages goes to crash state on deletion of an image from attachment reel.

1. Open a note with 5 images in the thumbreel. 2. Delete any image and save the note.3. Now return to preview. 4. Notice that the application has crashed.

The time displayed in the feed,preview n revision history is not rite.

1.Save a note. 2.Open the note after two days.3.Check the time in feed,preview , n revision history it will display yesterday.

Feed shows a different representative image then the one shown in notes preview.

1.Add a note, add images in it with different names. E.g. starting with letters f and H. 2.Move the preview. Check the image there.3.Now check the representative image in the feed n u will notice that both will be different.

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When a note is reverted to some previous version, the auhtor's image is replaced with image of page owner.

1.Open a note that u have created n owner of the page is somebody else. 2.Revert back to some previous version. 3. Notice that in feed ur image will be replaced by the image of owner of the page.

The content note should display a loading notification when loading notes from the end of a section.

1. Scroll to the content note of a note section of the page "testing _ page".2. Press next and notice that after scrolling through some of the content notes it would feel like you have reached to the last content note,3. Press the right scroll arrow and notice that after 10 notes another content note will appear.

Commets in feed should have a cut off point or a 'more' link. Youtube has max limit of 500 chars, FB has the limit of 1000 with a 'more' option.

Paste a huge note in the comment section and notice that the whole comment will be displayed

Feed rendering issues on applying filters and then removing them in Scrybe Desktop

1. Add a filter to feed on webclips on scrybe desktop and scroll down in the feed.2. Notice that the feed will not be rendered properly

Spaces added in text are replaced on editing and saving the note again.

1. Open a new note.2. Write four words in a line such that there are more than 1 space (5 or more) betwene them.3. Save this note as draft.4. Now move to preview.5. Open this note again in edit view, notice that your spaces will disappear from text.

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On pressing Yes on Save confirmation dialog. Amfphp error appears.

1. Do some changes in text of an already existing note.2. Instead of saving it, Delete this note.3. Notice that Saving confirmation dialog will appear.4. First of all it shouldnt appear, secondly press Yes.5. AMFPHP error will appear as given below.faultCode : faultCode : AMFPHP_RUNTIME_ERRORfaultString : mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resourcecorrelationId : faultDetail : /opt/lampp/htdocs/scrybe/amfphp1_9/services/scrybe_services_20090605/pages/pnotes/BasicNotesService.php on line 447

Image gallery response is too slow.

1. Click on any image from notes seciton preview.2.

Application crashes on uploading images.

1. Open a new note and write some text in it.2. Now select some images to upload, such that upload window opens up.3. Delete one or two images from upload image window.4. Save this note afterwards.5. Open any already existing note in eidt view, and try uploading some images in it.6. Notice that this time upload window will not show ur selected images. Also Pages will crash afterwards.

Droping a scrybe link n saving it , this note goes to notes section instead of clips section.

1.Drag drag a Scrybe link on (+) button. 2.CW will open up.3.Save this note n u will notice that it goes to Notes section instead of clips section.

When text is drag droped on CW the text is also copied to the comment section.

1.Drag drop a link on (+) button.2.Drag drop some text in the text area of CW, n save this clipping.3.Refresh the section where u saved the clipping.Notice that same text will be in the comment section.

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Drag drop of text n image in the CW causes Publish n Cancel button to disappear.

1.Drag drop a link on (+) button.2.Drag drop some text and image in the text area of CW.3.Notice that the image panel will cover the Publish n Cancel butttons n they will disappear.

Feed downscroll arrow in Scrybe desktop is not working properly (appears as if at times cursor stops responding).

1. Postion the mouse curson to the down arrow of the feed scroll bar.2. Keep it a little to the right of the arrow but the tip of the arrow still has to be on top of it.3. Now click it and notice that it wont work

A comment on an old note shows a feed item without proper note information.

1. Scroll to the end of a note section and comment on a note that ur sure is not part of the feed. 2. Notice that the feed item with the comment will not contain the First few lines and other relevant data of the note

A note was added and its feed item was replaced by the feed itm of an older note.(Random)

A note was added and its feed item was replaced by the feed itm of an older note.

Comment counter appears in Image Gallery at the discussion panel area.

1. Open any note which has images in it and click on Image Gallery from read view to see its images.2. Now go back to read view of same note and again click on image Gallery.3. Notice that this time, comments counter will be appearing in image Gallery.

Invalid scrybe link for image can be created.

1. Open an already existing note and upload an image in it. 2. Now copy its scrybe link and paste in the same note. 3. Save the note afterwards. 4. Notice that at first on clicking image wont open up.5. Afterwards go to preview and open that image in gallery.6. Now go to read view again and click on image link.7. Image will open now, but the back to note navigation and number of files link wont work anymore.

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Scrybe link do not lead to "This content doesn’t exist" msg.

Scrybe link also doest lead to "this content doesnt exist" page, if an scrybe link of an image is clicked which has been deleted from note or the whole note that contained that image was deleted.

More not appearing at end of notes.

1. Look for notes that are divided between columns in preivew.2. Open some note in read view.3. Notice that preview wont be showing more even though this has a lot of text in it.

Add an image inline, publish the note n then click on it , a dialogue says Cannot load image.

1.Add a note,add an image in it.2.Drag drop the image in the text.3.Now Publish the note.4.Click on the image n a dialogue appears that says "Cannot load image"

While editing text in a note, Auto save behaviour results in shifting cursor focus to the tag section.

1.Open an existing note.2.Start typing in the note untill auto save works.3.When it auto_save saves the note notice that the cursor will be shifted to the tags area. This also happens when u save a note manually.

A fresh tag disappears when a note is published/saved/ autosaved.

1.Type a fresh tag don't press comma or enter n publish the note.2.Notice that the tag will disappear.It isn't displayed in read view n edit view.

Bulleted text is not being copied and pasted.

1. Copy bulletted text from a note and paste it in a new note.2. Notice that the bulletted text wont be pasted with bullets

Top feed item is duplicated on consecutive operations.

1.Edit ur note so that ur feed chunk is at the top.2.Now delete/edit 2 notes consecutively.Notice that in feed the feed item at the top will be duplicated.Note: On scrolling down n then up displays the correct feed.

Added image after upload appear as jpeg thumbnail and on save this image doesnt appear in preview either.

1) Select note option in CW. 2) Drag an image in it. Upload it and then delete it 3). Now add another image in CW and upload it. 4). Notice that image will appear as jpeg thumbnail. 4) If we save this note, the image inserted never appears on pages.

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SharedImageViewer.makeResourceLink selectedAlbum is not set or does not contain current image

1. Open any image in QA notes in image Gallery.2. Now go to preivew and open " Build review 20090526" note.3. Click on the image link present in this note in PREVIEW section.4. Notice that the image you initially opened will open up.5. And SharedImageViewer.makeResourcelink error will appear.

Text is cutting off from a note in preview.

1. Notes text gets cut off from bottom on preview rendering.2. See image at link: \\aslamk\shared\Bug sheet for deployment\Screenshots\preview cutting off text.jpg

Bullets appearing on all of text in preview, even though they are present partially in text.

1. Open QA_Notes page.2. Notice the build review 200906001 note.3. In preview heading will be showing bullet with itself.4. Open this note in read view.5. Notice that heading wont have bullet applied to it.

A single note can appear in two columns in preview.

1. Create a new note.2. Write text in it, such that it contain 40 to 50 lines each containing 2 to 3 chars in it.3. Now save this note.5. Go to preview, notice that preview will be this note in 2 columns.

The editor doesn't ask for save/discard changes if the comment section in the clipped note is edited.

1.Open a saved clipping that contains a comment.2.Edit the comment n Click on the x button to exit the note.Notice that the editor doesn't ask for save/discard changes.

Coping more>> from a note's preview n pasting it in some othe note is clickable n leads to the source note.

1.Copy text from preview including more>>.2.Paste in a note n save the note. 3.Then from preview click on the more>> n u will notice that the note will open up from which u copied.

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A note cannot be saved to the second page through capture widget.

1.Drag drop a web page text on the + button.2.The capture widget will open up containing the text. Save it to a page.3.After saving the CW will again open up displaying the text. 4.From the menu option the select some other page. Click the publish button. n After a while an error will be displayed on Scrybe Desktop.faultCode : AMFPHP_RUNTIME_ERRORfaultString : mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resourcecorrelationId : faultDetail : /opt/lampp/htdocs/scrybe/amfphp1_9/services/scrybe_services_20090605/pages/pnotes/BasicNotesService.php on line 441

Favicons are not appearing in capture widget

At times the favicon for a website appears as a broken image in the feed

Shortcut keys are not working in CW.. Ctrl+B etc..

1. Text shortcuts are not working in Capture Widget

Inline image upload functionality is not working.

1. Add an inline image to a note.2. Save the note and return to preview and notice that there is no image in the text preview

"User Image IO not found" appears on Scrybe desktop if server response is slow.

1. Sign_in to scrybe Desktop.2. Wait for feed to appear.3. When server is responds slow, this error appears on scrybe desktop.4. It is because feed is unable to load user image.pngs

Inline images do not appear in Read or edit view of a note.

1. Click on Add Note.2. Write some text and then Upload an image in it.3. Drag and drop image to convert it into an inline image.4. Save note and then press Publish to publish it.5. Go to preview, image will be appearing.6. Move to read or edit view of the same note, notice that image wont appear here.

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Real time sync in read view results in 100% cpu usage. And browser goes into "Not responding state".

1. Open note "Build Review 20090526" in read view.2. Tell user2 to do editing this note and save it.3. Wait for Real time sync in read view at user1 end.4. Notice that at user1 end CPU usage will go to 100% and browser will go to Not responding state.

Image reel in Image Gallery shows older notes images than the one which is clicked.

1. Open any note images in Image Gallery.2. Move ur mouse to image reel (appear at bottom).3. Now go back to preview and click on some other images.4. Before image open up in Gallery, make sure that mouse is at bottom of image Gallery.5. Notice that for a sec Image gallery will be showing older note's images.

On reverting back to a version the images from the preview disappear n also more>> disappears.

1.Add a note, add some images n text must be more than 550 chars, so that more appears in the preview.2.Edit the same note n delete the text to make it less than 550 chars.3.Now move to the revision history n revert back to first version n u will notice issues such as1.) The images disappers from the preview but on navigating forward n pressing home the images appear.2) The more >> in the preview will be disappear if the text in the previous version was deleted n then reverted back to the version that has more text.

When a bookmarklet note is duplicated the favicon is not copied n when this duplicated is published the feed shows broken image

1.Open a web clipping n click the option Duplicate from the 'Actions'.2.When the duplicate is displayed notice that the favicon is not copied.Also note that the image are not displayed in preview. Plus when this clipping is published the image is broken in the preview.

Tag line should appear with some note text in 2nd column of preview.

1. Go through preview of QA_Notes.2. Notice that in some cases, only tags of note will be appearing in 2nd column.3. Some text should appear with tags in 2nd column too.

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Scrybe Links doesn't navigate to the note when used in comments.

1.On any note in preview right click n click 'Copy scrybe link'.2.Open someother note in read view, open the discussion panel.3.Click comment, to comment on it.4.Write some text n right click in the comemnt box, click on 'Paste link'.5.Click post.6.Now click on the link n notice that it won't navigate to its respective note.

Written comment (which hasn’t been posted yet) disappears.

1. Click on Add note.2. Now Write some text in it.3. Before saving it, write some text in comments notice that you wont be able to post it.4. Now save the note, your written comment will disappear.

In feed, deleted note should not open Resource window on click.

1.Click on a feed of note that is deleted2.The resource window will open up showing the content is not available.3.Notice that the notes toolbar is there at the top. (which isn't there when u open a note normally in resource window.)4.Image gallery ,add note n other buttons are available, n user can use them but some buttons don't work.5.The toolbar shudn't be there.

Section navigation bar some times disappear and do not appear unless page is resized or refresh.

1.Happen when I opened two pages consecutively from scrybe desktop, also browser opens with page for the first time.2. One page section navigation bar never appears.

"Image not found" appears in a note inserted from Capture widget.

1. Open capture widget notes section.2. Write some title and description.3. Now drop and image in it.4. Afterwards drop a folder in it.5. Publish this note afterwards.6. View this note in preview, notice that "Image not found" will appear instead of image.

Note's Inline images not appearing in Resource window.

1. Open any note in resource window that has inline images in it.2. Notice that inline images wont appear in it.

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Image dropped in capture widget from website do not appear in preview.

1. Go to this site: Select RickyPointing image with some text and drop it at CW.3. Notice that two images will appear instead of just one (that u selected).4. Now publish it from CW. Notice that saving will take too much time.5. Also on viewing this note in preview, observe that images wont appear at all.NOTE: Image not appearing in preview happen on alot of website images.

Folder upload doesn’t work in Capture widget.

1.Open the capture widget. 2.Drag drop a folder on it. 3.Upload dialogue will open up, sayin 0 bytes. It shud extract all the files n upload.

Placing pop-up icon near the task bar doesn’t show all the menu options.

1.Drag the pop-up icon on the task bar. 2. Click the pop-up button. 3.Select the pop-out option, it will be displayed on the task bar. 4.Click on the pop-up button n notice that the menu opens downward, the menu options are not available to the user. It shud adjust the menu accordingly.

Clicking attachment icon in CW opens windows 2000 dialogue.

1.Open the capture widget. 2. Select the notes option, capture widget will be opened. 3. Click on the attachment icon n the windows dialogue will open up. Notice that this dialogue n the dialogue that opens up in the note editor differ. The difference is in the icons on the top bar.

A note opened in Resource window should indicate if connection with cocomo is established or not

1. Open a resource window from feed.2. Notice that there is no way to tell if a connection with cocomo is established or not

Capture widget takes a lot of time to save a note

1. Drage and drop some text and an image in Capture Widget.2. Save the note and notice that the capture widget will be stuck in the saving state for a very long time

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"For resource chat, select some resource" msg appears.

1. Click on Add note.2. Write some text in it.3. With out saving this note, try to start conversation on it.4. Notice that "For resource chat, select some resource" error will appear.5. Now move to some saved note and open conversation dialog once.6. Repeat steps 1,2,3. Notice that tis time no error will appear.

Feed item should not show broken image and favicon on deletion of a note.

1. Delete any bookmarklet added note that has an image in it.2. In feed its favicon should correctly appear and image should not appear with the feed at all.

Apply filter on "note" tag, notice that the notes appearing wont have note tag in it.

1. Click on note tag in Tag clouds.2. Filter will apply on it.3. Notes appearing in filtered data will contain notes that wont have applied tags in it.

Section shifts as a dropdown list on resizing pages

1. Open QA_Notes.2. Reduce width of the whole page.3. Notice that sections will appear in a dropdown list.4. Now resize it to full window size.5. Notice that secitons will still be appearing in dropdown list.

Secitons Dropdown list keeps itself open on resizing.

1. Minimize size of an open page such that "More apps" appear in it.2. Now open this dropdown list.3. Resize browser window to full size.4. Notice that dropdown list will keep on appearing.

Tag auto-complete takes time to get displayed.

1.Open the capture widget. 2.In the tag area type a tag n u will notice that the auto complete will appear almost when u have finished.

Tag auto complete list plus recent tags n favorites take a lot of space, so that they cover the capture widget.

1.Open the capture widget. 2.Type a character that has most tags. 3.Tag auto-complete plus recent tags n other options are displayed . Notice that they cover all the area of capture widget. The capture widget dimensions shud be like the old one.

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The pop-out when placed on the task bar disappers after a while.

1.Drag the pop-out on the task bar. 2.Click the pop-out icon, click on the pop-out option. 3.It will be displayed on the taskbar. 4.Drag one or two files n drop on the pop-out icon.Leave it for a while. Notice that after a while it will disappear from the task bar , n even from the Scrybe desktop.U have to Re-sign in the SD for pop-out to be there.

There should be a scrybe Desktop refresh button which brings the latest version of shared pages and feed items on demand

1. In Scrybe Desktop there should be a refresh feed button which brings the latest feed items and shared pages.

When ever a user goes in the edit mode of a note the Application should make sure that the latest version of the note will be displayed in edit view

1. user 1 is in edit mode of a note and uder 2 is in read mode of a note.2. User 1 edit the note saves it and returns to read mode.3. If user 2 goes in the edit mode now, he will not see the changes made by user 1 in the note and if he saves the note with some changes it will over write the user 1 version

Clicking on a snippet does not take the user to the specific note or image the snippet belongs to

1. Click on a note snippet from airchat and notice that the application wont navigate to the specific note.

Air chat message notifications arent appearing at all.

1. Assume User1 and User2 send msg on air chat to each other.2. User1 window focus is not on User2 air chat window.3. User2 sends message to User1. This message will appear.4. Now User1 minimizes User2 air chat window by clicking on Taskbar User2 window.5. User2 sends another msg.4. Notice that there will be no notificaiton at User1 end.

User can not copy Note Scrybe link in Read view mode.

1. Go to read view of a note.2. Now left click on note so that menu appears on it.3. Copy scrybe link option will be disabled.

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User can not copy data from Note Editor if discusison panel is open.

1. Open any note in Read/Edit view.2. Open discussion panel and chat with some one.3. Now select some text to copy from note editor.4. Notice that mouse selection will go grey and text can not be copied even if discussion panel is minimized.

Lock applies on a note if user exits from note edit view quickly.

1. Go to edit view of a note.2. Now press SAVE.3. Before it gets saved, press NOTES or X button to exit form edit view.4. Go to the same note Read view.5. Notice that note will be locked by u.

Lock sign remains there but the note is not locked.when the note that was opened from (AIR) feed is closed.

1.Open a note from feed in edit mode. 2.Open the same note in the pages app in read view, u will see a lock. 3.Close the note opened in Air editor, notice that lock will remain there in the note in Pages app, when u click to edit the note will open up.

If u edit a note using Air editor n close the browser window, the lock on the note in pages app will remain there. And also on the Air editor for that note when u open it again.

1.Open a note from feed in the Resource window.2.Edit the note, close the browser window.3.Move to the same note in Pages App n try to open it n u will notice that note is locked by ur own name.

When a note is opened form the feed n edited,the images from the note disappear if it is opened in read view at the same time.

1.Open a note that contains images from feed in resource window.2.Open the same note in Pages app in read view.3.Save the note in resource window.4.U will noitce that the images will disappear from the note in the pages app.

Newly added notes are not syncing on multiple users in their preview modes.

1. User1 and User2 are shared on a page.2. User1 inserts 5 notes.3. Afterwards user2 insert a note.

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Clicking on a snipet in air chat does not lead to the specific section the snippet was sent from

1. Select a page which if opened the first section that is loaded is other then the notes section.2. User 2 sends a text snippet to user 1 from the notes section. 3. User 1 clicks on the snippet and the page opens up.4. Notice that the first section that is loaded is the default section which was being loaded earlier.Note: The note section from which the snippet is clicked should be the first section to be loaded

"Loading" in image gallery should appear in Grey color.

1. Click on any image from preview.2. See image loading process.3. Notice that image "Loading" text wont appear due to black background.

"Page UID not found" error appears on refresh.

1. Open any page by clicking on Scrybe desktop. (Only condition is that its note section should open first).2. Once note section gets loaded, notice the link.3. Refresh page now.4. "Page Uid not found" error will appear.

If note title contains '<' sign, than characters after '<' do not appear in title.

1. Open a new note.2. Write text in title having '<' char in it.3. Save the note.4. Notice that text after '<' sign will not appear in preview/readview/feed.

Tabs should work with in Image detail panel,

1. Open any note having images in it.2. Click on image such that its description and tile dialog opens up.3. Click on title to write text.4. Now press Tab to shift to description.5. Focus wont shift to description area.

Image title color some times appear as white and some time as black.

1. Open a note and insert 4 images in it.2. Now upload these images.3. Change their titles one by one.4. Notice that color of titles will change their shades. Some time they will appear as black and some time as white.

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Images with JPEG extension are not recognized in CW drag drop dialogue.

1.Drag drop an image with JPEG extension on (+) button.2.When the image dialogue will open up notice that the image icon will be displayed blank. There shud be some icon representing JPEG files.Filepath:\\aslamk\shared\Bug sheet for deployment\Screenshots\scotland.jpeg

Applying filter on pages results in notes being displayed that don’t contain any tags

1. Open "Testing_Page" and scroll to the right to find a note with the tag "tags" and click on it.2. Notice that in the filtered notes there would be a lot of notes that don’t contain even a single tag but they would still be displayed.

The file upload dialogue's "page n section" selection option doesn't work in Capture Widget.

1.Drag drop files to + button.2.The immediate dialogue that opens its page change option is not working.

Scrybe desktop greys out for a sec when resource window opens up.

1. Click on any feed item to open resource window.2. Notice that scrybe desktop color will become grey for a sec while resource window is loading.

Scrybe link allows other users to see DRAFT notes too. It should be restricted.

1.Add a draft note.Save it.2.From preview right click n then click on Copy scrybe Link.3.Open someother note in edit mode n right click n then select Paste Link.4.Ask someother user to click on the scrybe link.5.When other user clicks on the link the draft note opens up. It shudn't be like this, the link must not open a draft note for some user other then its author.

Changes Save dialog doesnt appear.

1. Open any note having image n image set in it. 2. Now move an image to a set 3. Press Notes to go to preview. Notice that Changes save cofirmation dialog will not appear.

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Changes save confirmation dialog box appears in Read view.

1.Open any note and do some changes. 2.Now press X button to close edit view. 3.Changes confirmation dialog box will appear. 4. Wait for Auto save to run. 5. Notice that Auto save will run and edit view will shift to read view even though changes confimation dialog will be appearing on it.

Shortcut keys (Bold underline) arent working on Resource window..

1.Open a note from feed in edit mode.2.Select some text n press Ctrl+b to bold the selected text.Notice that a square box will be displayed instead of bold text. Same is the case with Underline.

Multiple Air editor/Reader must not open on clicking a feed item twice.

1.Click on a feed item.It will open up in the resource window.2.Click the same feed item, another resource window will open up.It shudn't open 2 or more windows for same feed item.

Text gets cutoff from both sides in Resource window in default size if discussion panel is opened up.

1.Open a note from feed.2.Now click to open the discussion panel n u will notice that the text is cut from both sides.The notes panel must adjust itself accordingly.

When a text from webpage is drag dropped on the + button the font changes. Its not the font size scrybe apps use.

1.Open the following link. the right panel text n images.3.Drag drop them on the + button.4.When the capture widget will open up u will notice that the FONT in not the same as scrybe apps use.

CW shows a deleted page in the page selection menu.(if it is the first page alhabetically).

1.Delete a page.2.Open the Capture widget n click on the page selection option.3.U will notice that the drop down will also show the page u deleted.

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Newly added tags do not appear in autocomplete list.

1.Add a new note.2.Add some unique tag in it. Save it.3.Add another note, in its tag line type the first character of the tag u added in the last note.4.The auto complete list will open up, notice that the last tag won't be there. Same is the case with auto complete list of bookmarklet.

Air Chat animation not working

1. Click on a text snippet in air chat and notice that the page will open but the air chat wont animate

Note can not be updated when a favicon is dropped from firefox in pop up (+)

1. Drag a favicon to the CW icon. 2.Notice that the CW will open and load the details. 3. now press the save button and notice that the note will be saved perfectly. 4.Now add some text to the note and press save. Notice that nothing will happen. Now resize the CW and notice that the add tag window will appear. note will not be saved.

On opening a note by clicking on its feed item the CPU gets stuck at 100% usage for sometime. (Random)

Open the note "Build review 20090526" by clicking on the feed item of this note in Scrybe Desktop feed. Notice that the CPU usage will be stuck at 100% for sometime. (Provided a successful cocomo connection is established).

Image detail panel should save changes on autosave too.

1. Open any note containing images in it in edit view.2. Now click on image to write title and description.3. After writing its title, description and set info. Wait for auto save to run.4. Notice that when autosave will run, it wont save image details.

When user clicks on comment counter, than discussion panel doesn’t open up.

1. Open a note which has images in it.2. Assume that there is a comment on some images.3. Open this note;s image in thumbnail view.4. Click on comment counter appearing on the image, in image gallery.5. Notice that image will open up in image gallery full view, but discussion panel wont open up.

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Preview notes position changes automatically on navigation between notes.

1. Open any note seciton.2. Navigate forward into notes such that you reach to first summary note. Also remember position of notes.3. Further move forward, such that summary content note is not in ur view.4. Now navigate backward, notice that notes just before first content note will be changed this time.

"cannot get pageUid for this conversation" msg appears on Scrybe desktop when user clicks on an snippet which is present in air chat since 2 to 3 hours.

Unshared users Appear as online on a page

1.Open a note from feed of a page.( on which few users are there as collaborators.)2.Open the discussion panel ,click on chat.Here u will notice that all the users will be there that are in Scrybe desktop even though that specific page is not shared to some of the users.

Resource window chat n Air chat are not sync.

1.Open a note from feed n Open its discussion panel.2.Select a user n send him a msg.3.When the other user will reply the Air Chat window will open up. But his msg will not be displayed in the resource window chat.

The Air chat window doesn't open up when msg is sent using discussion panel in Resource Window.

1.Open discusison panel from a note,click on a user name.2.Send him a msg n the Air chat window will open up.3.Now repeat the same process in the Resource Window chat. N u will notice that when u send a msg to some user the Air chat window doesn't opens up.

add a new note button should not be displayed while a new note is being added

1. Click on add a new note.2. Write some text in the note and click on add a new note again.3. click yes and notice that the page would go in an invalid state

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Adding multiple tasks, the tasks counter in the left panel doesn't increment.

1.Click on a list to open it in center panel.2.Click on the options n select 'Add multiple tasks'3.Write few tasks in the dialogue n click Add.4.Notice that when the tasks will be added the task counter in the left panel if that list won't be updated.

The comment bubble is not displayed untill the view is changed.

1.Click on a task to add a comnent.2.The discussion panel will open up. 3.Add a comment n click post.Notice that the comment bubble won't appear with the task untill u switch the view n then come back.

On section refresh the center panel (expanded list) is shown empty.

1.Click on a list title in the left panel to open it in expaned form in center.2.Now click the section refresh icon.U will notice that the center panel will be empty even though the first list will be selected.

If there are more tasks in the list n scroll bar is present then using the arrow key doesn't scroll the view.

1.Add in a list.2.Add tasks so that the scroll bar is present.3.Click on a task n press the down arrow key. Notice that the arrow key focus is out of view but the panel doesn't scroll to display the tasks.

There must be a scroll bar in the left panel, if the lists titles grow more than the area displayed.

1.Keep adding lists untill the list title area is filled with lists.2.When u add more list,it won't be in user's view. 3.Refresh the seciton the list titles will be displayed.Notice that there will be a scroll bar with the center panel where as it shud be with the left panel.

Comment cannot be added to a Milestone.

1.Click on a milstone to add a comment to it.2.The discussion panel will open up.3.Add a comment n click post.Notice that it won't be posted.

Show Tasks assigned to: line is displayed over the filter menu.

1.Open the list section.2.Move to the user filter.Notice that 'Show tasks assigned to' is displaed over the button.

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Assigning a miltstone to a user during the creation of mile stone throws an exception.

1.Add a milestone.2.Fill all the fields.3.Select a user (assign the milestone to a user.)An exception will be thrown.

The username is not selected n displayed in milestone settings.

1.Open the milestone options dialogue.2.Click on the Milestone settings.3.Assign the milestone to some user.4.Click ok. Now open the same 'Milestone settings' dialogue.5.The username u selected previously is not in the settings dialogue.

Deleting a note that is locked by other user should not be allowed.

1. Open any note in read view which is locked by other user.2. Now delete this note.3. Notice that it will get deleted.

"Opening note in browser" should close resource window. Also Page should open that feed item too.

1. Open any feed item in Resource window.2. Click on "open note in browser".3. This action must close Resource window.4. Also Page should open that note in read view.

Note text font changes automatically.

1. While doing Save and close, text font changes.2. Do not know any exact scenario.

Tags are not being displayed in the content note

1. Open QA_Notes.2. Scroll through the content notes and notice that the tags are not appearing in the content note

Drag drop of an image on upload dialogue will result in disappearance of previously inserted images.

.1.Drag drop images on the pop-up button. 2.The dialogue with the files will open up3.Now drag drop another image on the dialogue.4. Notice that the images u add earlier will disappear.

Ctril+S for saving text should work in text editors.

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Image reel in full image view is unable to represent selected image.

1. Open any image in Image Gallery, The note containing this image should have 10 to 15 images in it.2. Now Click use forward keyboard key to navigation to further images.3. Make sure that your mouse is in image reel.4. Notice that image reel will not represent the note appearing in image gallery.

Version in revision history do not show their respective owners & time.

1. Go to any notes Revision history.2. Open a version which is not created by owner of this note.3. Notice that in version read view, owner and timestamp will not be of the selected version.

Clicking feed item image do not lead to any thing.

1. Click on image infront of a note feed item.2. This action should also open this note in Resource window.

Inline images when deleted results in deletion of word char too from note text.

1. Select any inline image from text editor.2. Now press Delete from keyboard.3. Notice that a text character will also get deleted.

Comments in Image info, in image full view do not get updated.

1. Open an image in single image view.2. Image info part will be showing comments on it.3. Write a comment on it.4. Notice that image info comment bubble will not get updated.Also click on # files in header.5. Comments bubble wont appear hear either.

"User is online" msg appears on chat window, when some one sent you a chat msg for the first time.

1. Open your airchat.2. Wait for some one to send you two messages.3. Chat window will popup, but notice that "UserName is online" will appear between those two message instead of appearing on the first line of chat window.

Can not copy chunk of data from your chat.

1. Do some chat using air chat.2. Try to copy all present in it.3. Notice that you will be able to select only one line at a time.4. User must be allowed to copy all data present in its chat window.

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Back in browser navigation some time leads to Edit view and some time to Read view of a note. Inconsistent behaviour.

1. Go in Edit view of a note.2. Then move to Notes preview.3. Press Back button of browser.4. Notice that your previous note will open in Edit mode.5. Now assume that you have Discussion panel open and there is text snippet of another note in it.6. Click on snippet to move to other note.7. Now press Back button of browser again.8. This time your previous selected note will open in Read view.

Image gets duplicated and causes the page to crash each time its opened. Same behaviour in bookmarklet

1. Copy some text from a website and paste it in a note.2. Now try to add an inline image at the start of a paragraph.3. Once an image is resized at the start of the paragraph it gets duplicated.4. After the image is duplicated it causes the page to keep crashing after loading till the note with duplicated images is deleted.

Pasted text in Edit view appears more towards left side than allowed in Editor.

1. Copy any text from preview or read view from notes section.2. Click Add note.3. Paste text in Editor.4. After pasting it, press ENTER and write some text.5. Notice your text written will appear a head of pasted text.

Page name not appearing on feed items, that are older and have comments with them

1.Go through Feed items that are older items and have comments with them.2. Notice that Page name wont be appearing with them.

Comments made on a note not appearing in feed.

1. See any older note in feed which is showing comment with itself.2. Now go that note and post a comment there.3. Notice that comments wont appear in feed.

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Comments first character has different font size and style applied to it.

1. Open a page. And open discussion panel in note read view.2. Write some text in comments section.3. Observe first character of comment.4. Its font size and style will be different from other chars.

Comments counter keeps on appearing in New Note Edit window.

1. Open any note first which has comments in it.2. Now click on ADD NOTE.3. Notice that comments counter of older note will still be shown in Add note window.

Adding a lot of text in comment section of bookmarklet causes only that section to be displayed in read view

1.Open a webpage.Select all the text2.Copy all the text from the page byright click.Paste all that text in comment section of the bookmarklet.3.Click save.Open the note in read view.Notice that all the page is covered by text from the comment section of bookmarklet

View automatically shifts from preview to read view.

1. In edit view of a note, do some changs.2. Press Save. And quickly press X button and than Notes link.3. Notice that pages will shift from preview to read view autmatically.4. This also leads to save confirmation dialog to reappear if that note is a bookmarket added note with linked images.NOTE: When Saving is pressed, user should not be allowed to click on NOTES or X button.

When the latest version of a note is opened the revert to this version button should be stoned

1. When ever a user is on a version which is the current/latest version the "revert to this version: button should be disabled.

Edit view doesn’t load notes data.

1. Open a note in read view from preview.2. While note data is being loaded (read view shows loading of data), click on note to move to edit view.3. Notice that edit view will be blank. It wont load notes data in itself.

In the feed block dialogue, the seciton feed drop down has [Object section VO] value.

1.Open the feed block dialogue.2.Select Block:User on a section.3.Notice that in the section drop down [Object Section VO] will bedisplayed instead of Section names.

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The section drop down is disabled when Block a section is selected.

1.Open the feed block dialogue.2.Select Block: a Section.3.Notice that the Section: drop down will still be disabled.

All the user names are available even though those users are not collaborators on the page.

1.Open the feed block dialogue.2.Select Block: a User on a page.3.Select a page: select a page from the drop down menu.Notice that all the user names are displayed even though they are not as collaborators.

The content note is not updated when a note is deleted

1.Move to the content window of a notes section.2.Delete the first note after the content window. Which is also the first note within the content window.Notice that the content window will still display that note title.Note:When the users navigates 2 views or clicks forward n comes back the deleted note title disappears from the content window.

If 2 users try to enter a note at the same time both the users find the note locked by the other user

1. User 1 and user 2 try to edit a note at the same time.2. Notice that both will see the other users picture with the lock but none would be in the edit mode.3. If user 1 refreshes the page he will see his own picture with the lock and he wont be able to edit the page. both users must restart to get rid of this lock

Different images represent the set in notes read view n image gallery.

1.Add an image set, add images starting with small n capital letters.2.Save the note, move to the read view. 3.Note that image that is representing the set. 4.Now move to the image gallery n u will notice that different image is representing the set.

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Image changes position in the image gallery.

1.Add a note and 3 images in it.2.Save the note Move to the preview.3.Click on the image in the preview to move to the image gallery.4.Select the option original from the tool bar.The image will adjust accordingly.5.Now from the reel click on second image n then the third one.6.Now click on the second one again n u will notice that the image will benow displayed in the upper left corner n not in the middle.Images at :\\aslamk\shared\Bug sheet for deployment\Screenshots\imgs

Text can be typed,behind the image dialouge

1.Add a note.Type some text in it.2.Click attachment icon to addimage3.When the dialouge is opened n image is displayed.Press the tab keythe tab navigates in Note title,tag n note section n u can type in it.The navigation shud be disabled.

Opening a pg or reloading a page causes the content window to stop the navigation for a while.

1.Open a page.2.Naviagte forward,when u click forward just before the title window it stops the page for a while.The navigation scroll bar's color is also changed.

Keyboard arrow key back action is not working for cursor movement if image is present in text.

1.Add a new note ,type a line of text with a space in it.2.Add an image in it.Move the imagenear the line.3.Press the cursor key backwardswhen the cursor reaches the space itstops n u can't move forward.

Just a click on image results in creation of a small snippet.

1. Open an image in single image view. Select the image selection option.2. Now select a user to chat with. 3. After the conversation window has been opened click on an image and notice that a dot sized image snippet will be shown in the snippet space. 4. Send the snippet to user 2. Notice that the small snippet will not point to the exact location.Note: the snippet points to the top left corner of the image. and this small a snippet should not be created

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Feed takes too much time to get rendered initially and when flters are applied on it.

1.Apply filter on some page.2.When the filtered tag n feed is displayed.3.Remove the filter by Clicking alln Notice that it will take a lot of timefor tags to get rerendered n user images n feed images to get displayed.Note: Also note rendering time of feed when scrybe desktop is signed in.

User is not able to read a comment if its long enough n discussion panel contains discussion panel.

1.Open a note in read view.2.Open the discussion panel n click on comment.3.Paste a lot of text in that the scroll bar appears in it.Click post.4.Notice that when u move the scroll bar down u can't read all the text.The scroll bar moves down n "Write a comment is displayed".

when clipping is saved it shows only one image in read n edit view , where as there are four images.

1.Open 4 images in the lower panel.3.Open bookmarklet,save clipping. 4.Refresh section n clipping will appear5. When u will open it in read view u will Notice that only one image will be displayed in read n edit mode.When u delete the image in edit mode the next image will be displayed behind it.

A note having only files (sheet,docs) should not lead to thumbnail view, from Read view of a note.

1. Open any note in read view that has only files in it.2. Now click on thumbnail icon to move to thumbnail view.3. Notice that All images in thumbnail view will appear.4. Therefore, when there are only files in a note than thumnail icon should not appear in note.

Scrybe links cant be pasted on the first line in notes

1.Right click on a note n select Copy Scrybe Link option.2.Open any note in edit view and try to paste it as first text line of the note.3. Notice that link will be created at end of the text.

Time difference between note preview n read view

1.Note the time of any note in preview2.Now open the same note in read view.U will notice that there is a time difference b/w these views

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The search box in scrybe desktop has no return option

1.Click in the search box of scrybedesktop.2.n just press enter.Notice that x sign doesn't appear by the right corner of search box.

In the read view,there is a lot of blank space after thepopular tags n recent notes section

1.Open a page that has a lot of textn also atleast one image at the image panel.2.Now open another note that alsohas scroll bar but no image in theimage panel.3.Move downward using the scroll bar n u will notice that there is a lotof extra blank space under the popular tags n recent notes section

The font size n color of the text pasted in the editor, remains different even after saving the note.

1.Move to list section of the page.2.Click on its options menu n selectCopy All Tasks.3.The dialogue having the text of alltasks will appear.4.Press Ctrl+a, then Ctrl+c.5.Now open a note n paste the copied text in it.6.Notice that the font size is different from the normal font of note editor.7.The font size difference remainsthe same even after saving it or publishing it. Note:Also happens when text is copied from tables.

Latest conversation should appear below in discussion panel instead at top.

1. Do chat with another user on a note in pages.2. Notice that this conversation will appear at top instead at the bottom of discussion panel.

if there are multiple inline images, they become unselectable on deletion of one of the inline images

1. Add a note and upload 3 images in it. 2. Convert the images to inline images.3. save and exit the note.4. Now open the note again and delete an inline image.As soon as the image delete button is clicked select another imline image.5. notice that now the image settings box wont appear. the images will become unmoveable.

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Discussion panel doesn’t open up in full image view on clicking comment bubble.

1. Assume that their exists a comment on an image.2. Go tonote read view of this image.3. Click on VIEW IN GALLERY.4. Here click on comment bubble appearing on image.5. Notice that image will open up in full view but it wont open discussion panel.

If all images are contained in one set than this set info never appears in Image Gallery.

1. Open any note that contain all its images in one set.2. Now go to this note read view.3. Click on VIEW IN GALLERY, notice that it will directly show all images instead of shoiwng the set.4. Same will happen if u open this note in Image Gallery i.e no set info will be shown.

The Green number on refresh button doesn’t disappear on refreshing preview.

1. Assume that an update appeared at ur end and a green box with number is appearing on Refresh button.2. Press Refresh.3. Green box should disappear.

Every note summary is shown as selected in edit mode.

1. Open any note in edit mode.2. Selects its summary.3. Now click x button besided EDIT (with in breadcrumbs).4. Afterwards open any other note in edit mode.5. Notice that its summary will appear as selected.

Edit,remove option for scrybe links appears for thefirst time only

1.Right click on any note.2.Click copy scrybe link option.3.Open any note in edit mode.nright click any where.4.Select the option 'paste link'.5.Now save the note. Click the linkn the edit remove option will appear.6.Click 'All' from breadcrumbs.7.Now open the same note in edit mode n click on the link.Notice that the edit,remove option will not appear this time.

App crash on the Image upload.

1.Open a new note,write some text 2. Click the inline image upload icon.3.Type or paste the path of an image from ur system e.g "C:\Anytext_would_crash_pages"4.Click ok, Notice that application will crash

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For larger titles in Notes preview, text should be cutoff from end with dots (…)

1. View any note in preview having max chars in its title.2. Notice that it wont be showing dots at the end (…).

If mouse wheel is moved up and down on bookmarklet window, than website starts scrolling too.

1. Select any site and press Bookmarklet link.2. Now use mouse wheel on it to move up and down.3. Notice that website in the background will start scrolling too.

Bullets appear in text, even though there are no bullets in the website added text.

1. Open site: Copy some text including heading.3. Click on bookmarklet link.4. Notice that bookmark window will be showing text with bullets, even though there were no bullets on the website.

There must be a limit set for bookmarklet Title&Note section (not the clipping section).

1. Select text from a website and press bookmarklet link.2. Now copy whole text with in bookmarklet clipping seciton and paste it in Notes section and Title.3. Notice that all will be pasted in it.4. Their must be a limit set for these fields.26th Feb 2008:In bookmarklet window, note comments still allow huge amount of data insertion in it.

Cant not load image msg is displayed, and its not loaded in preview.

1.Select the text and image2.Open the bookmarklet3.The text will be displayed in the clipping box but image will not. A msg appears "cannot loadimage".Link added

Should empty notes be saved through bookmarklet?

1. Empty every text in bookmarklet including title.2. Notice that empty note will be save through bookmarklet.

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If your page is minimized than user does not get any kind of notification for incoming chat messages from airchat/Pages.

1. From a page start chat btw user1 and user2.2. Now if User1 minimize his page, than he wont get any notificaiton for incoming chat msgs on Airchat/pages form user2.

In IE, Bookmarklet moves with the mouse wheel movement

1.Open a webpage in IE.2.Select some text. 3.Now the text will be displayed notice thatwhen u scroll with mouse wheel the bookmarklet also moves with it.

A new version is created on clicking save button.

1.Open a note in edit view.2.Don't make any change just click Save.3.Open the revision history.Notice that a new version will be created there.

Blank lines and empty spaces must be trimed in comments.

1.Open a note.2.Click on comment to open the comment box.3.Type a line in it and press enter keye.g. 5 times.Notice that the space will also be included in the comment.

Snippets From drafts should not be sent

1. Send a snippet from a draft and send it to one of the users.2. Notice that at the end of user 2 after clicking the snippet a flex error will appear and the note wont open.

When user clicks on an snippet in air chat and page opens up in browser, than Offline message appears in page chat.

1. User1 send out snippet to user2.2. User2 clicks on snippet from air chat and pages opens up respectively.3. Notice that in chat panel with in page, user2 will be seeing offline text below snippet.

Air app shows "Cannot get pageUid for this conversation" message, when an snippet is pressed.

1. Assume that there are two user1 and user2.2. User2 sends out snippet (any section) from a page and then send another snippet from some other page.3. Now user1 clicks on first snippet to open page. Close page afterwards.4. After closing snippets1 page, user clicks on 2nd snippet. Notice that Scrybe Air chat will be showing "cannot get pageUid for this conversation" error msg.

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Images don’t open if they are part of a section which is at the end of a Note section.

1. user 2 send a snippet to user 1 from a note at the end of a note section2. user 2 already has the section open but on clicking the image notice that the image wont open

The browser back button navigation is not working properly

1.Click on the image of a note to open it in image gallery.2.Now return to preview and click on the image of another note to open it gallery.3.When in the gallery keep pressing the back button and try to return to the state from where you started navigating.4. The navigation wont work after one level of back nav.

Last notes column of a section are cut off from side.

1. Open any note section having alots of notes.2. Now move forward to last notes of this section, such that forward button is no more pressable (greyed out).3. Notice that at this point, 3rd last column will still be appearing partialy in preview.

Esc key doesnt close bookmarklet if any fields is not selected in it.

1. Open bookmarklet on any website.2. Press Esc, notice that it wont close.3. Also, if you mouse click on its header and then press Esc.4. Even then bookmarklet window do not close.

Removal of user shud take effect immediately

1.User 1 is a collaborator on say 3 pages and has opened all pages2.Any user removes User 1 from a page.Any changes form User 1 on the page will be reflected on the page even after being removed from the page.There shud be real time syncing on this issue.As soon as the user is removed from the page,server shud generate a msg to him and anything he changes must discarded n shud not be reflected on other users end

There is no indication for attached files (other then images) in preview

1. Open any note and upoload files in it.2. Save and move to preview.3. Notice that files wont appear in preview.

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Format do not apply on text unless some text is selected in note editor.

1. Write some text in note editor.2. Click any where in between text.3. Press Ctrl+B, and start writing text in it.4. Notice that bold will not apply on text.5. Same happens with all Formats in text.

Can not create link in a note that already has a link in it.

1. Open any note for editing which has links in it.2. Select some text which is above already existing links.3. Press link button on top.4. Notice that URL field will be already filled in link dialog.

Link copied from read or preview is clickable in Note editor

1.Copy some text containing link in itfrom read or preview.2.Add a new note n paste this text.3.Now click the link in the editor n itwill open the webpage.4.Now copy the same text as u did before but from edit mode of a note.5.Paste in the note editor.6.Click this link n it will not open thepage

When a link is edited its text is duplicated in note editor.

1.Add a note write some text.2.Create a link, Save the note.3.From read view or preview click thelink.It will open the page.4.Now open the note in edit mode nclick on the link it will show edit/remove dialogue.5.Click edit n change the url.6.When u save the note the text on which the link was created will be duplicated.

If High resolution images are converted to inline images and then the images are manipulated the build crashes

1. Add images at \\misbah\bughistory\bug_tracking\Pages rewritten\screenshots\2hiRes to a note.2. convert the images to inline images and save the note. Now return to preview mode and then open the note in which the images were added.3. Now drag and drop the images on different location and after a while the application will consume all the physical and virtual memopry and the crowser will crash

210 3

211 2

212 3

213 2

214 2

"Recovering to last valid state" functionality not working

1. Add an image at the start of a paragraph.2. select the image and type a single character.3. Now resize the image. Notice that the image will be duplicated.Any further actions will cause the browser to crash

Searching any word in SD, doesn't index the note that is untitled.

1.Search a word in SD that also belongs some untitled note.2.Wehn it displays the results, it won't display the note that containsthe word but has no title.

Msgs on air chat are not delivered instantly.

1.Open the chat window of a user right after signing in to the airchat.2.Type few msgs in it.Notice that the lines u type in the window are not delivered to the otheruser n are not even displayed on ur own end.Note:This only happens in the first lines n they r then delivered in abulk to the other user after a while

Searching a word that exists only in a draft noteis visible to other users in SD search.

1.Make a draft note.with some uniqueword.2.Ask some SD user to search thatword in SD.3.The result will include the notethat u haven't published yet.

Newly added data is not being indexed by the Application for searching

1.Make a draft note.with some uniqueword.2.Ask some SD user to search thatword in SD.3.The result will include the notethat u haven't published yet.

Priority Component Build ReproduceaReported by Assigned to

Medium Revision History 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Asher Fahad High

High Scrybe Desktop 20090605 Always Asher Rehan High

Medium Comments 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

Medium Comments 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Comments 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali

Importance regarding Deployment

Low Comments 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

Medium Air Chat 20090605 Always Asher Ali

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

Medium Capture Widget 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

High Feed 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali

High Preview 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid High

High Read view 20090605 Sheraz Shahid High

High Note Editor 20090605 Sheraz Fahad High

High Notes 20090605 Always Asher Shahid High

High Notes 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

High Feed 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Medium Content Note 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid High

Medium Comments 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali High

Medium Scrybe Desktop 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali High

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad Medium

High Image Gallery 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad High

High Images Upload 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

Low Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad High

Low Scrybe Desktop 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

Medium Feed 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali High

Medium Feed 20090605 Random Fahad Rao Ali

Medium Image Gallery 20090605 Always Sheraz Rehan Medium

Medium Scrybe Links 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid Medium

High Scrybe Links 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid High

High Preview 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Always Asher Shahid Medium

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Asher Shahid Medium

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Feed 20090605 Always Asher Ali Medium

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Image Gallery 20090605 Always Sheraz Rehan

Low Preview 20090605 Random Sheraz Shahid

Low Preview 20090605 Random Sheraz Shahid

Medium Preview 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Medium Note Preview 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

Low Feed 20090605 Random Fahad Rao Ali Medium

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad High

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad High

Medium Feed 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali High

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

High Real time sync 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid High

Low Image Gallery 20090605 Always Sheraz Rehan Low

Low Revision History 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Low 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Low Preview 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid

Note Editor/Duplicate

Medium Discussion Panel 20090605 Always Asher Ali Medium

Low Discussion Panel 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Medium 20090605 Always Asher Fahad Medium

Always Sections 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid High

Medium Capture Widget 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

High 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

Resource Window

Resource Window

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Shahid High

Low Pop-Out (+) 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Low Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Low 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Sajida High

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad High

Resource Window/ Definitioin

Low Collaboration 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali

Medium Feed 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali

High Feed 20090605 Always Sheraz Rehan

Low Sections 20090605 Always Sheraz Misbah

Low Sections 20090605 Always Sheraz Misbah

Low Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad Medium

Medium Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

High Feed 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali High

High Real time sync 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid High

High Real time sync 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid High

Low Air Chat 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali High

Low Scrybe Links 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid High

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

High 20090605 Always Asher Shahid High

High 20090605 Always Asher Shahid High

Medium 20090605 Always Asher Shahid Medium

Medium Real time sync 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid

Resource Window

Resource Window/Notes Edit View

Resource Window/Notes Read view

High Collaboration 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali High

High Image Gallery 20090605 Always Sheraz Rehan

High Pages 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid High

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Low Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

Medium Notes Preview 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid

Low Capture Wdiget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

High 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

High Notes Review 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Asher Shahid Medium

Resource Window

Low 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

High 20090605 Always Asher Shahid Medium

High Resource window 20090605 Always Asher Ali

High 20090605 Always Asher Fahad Medium

Medium Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad Medium

Low Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

Note Editor/Read View

Resource Window

Resource Window

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Asher Shahid High

High Collaboration 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

Medium Capture Wdiget 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Feed 20090605 Random Fahad Rao Ali

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

Medium Image Gallery 20090605 ALways Sheraz Shahid Medium

High Preview 20090605 ALways Sheraz Shahid High

Low Scrybe Desktop 20090605 Sheraz Ali

High 20090605 Always Asher Ali High

High 20090605 Always Asher Ali High

High 20090605 Always Asher Ali High

Medium Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Random just once.

Resource Window/Chat

Resource Window/Chat

Resource Window/Chat

High Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha High

High Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha High

Medium Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha

Low Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha

Medium Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha

High Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha

Low Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha

High Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha High

Low Lists 20090605 Always Asher Avizha

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid High

Medium 20090605 Always Sabika Fahad High

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Random Sheraz Fahad High

Medium Preview 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid High

High Capture Widget 20090605 Always Asher Fahad High

Medium 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

Resource Window

Note EditorCapture WidgetBookmarklet

Low Image Gallery 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali

Low Revision History 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

Medium Feed 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Medium Image Gallery 20090605 Always Sheraz Rehan

Low Collaboration 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali

Medium Collaboration 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali High

Medium 20090605 Always Sheraz Misbah

High Note Editor 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

High Feed 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali High

High Feed 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali High

Browser Navigation

Medium Comments 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali High

Medium Comments 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad High

Low Capture Widget 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

Low Preview 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

Low Revision History 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

High Edit view 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Low Feed Block 20090605 Always Asher Ali

Low Feed Block 20090605 Always Asher Ali

Medium Feed Block 20090605 Always Asher Ali

Medium Preview 20090605 Always Asher Shahid High

Medium Note locking 20090203 Always Sheraz Shahid High

Medium 20090605 Always Asher Fahad HighNotes/Image Gallery

High Image Gallery 20090605 Always Asher Rehan High

Medium Note Editor 20090605 Always Asher Shahid Medium

Low Notes Preview 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Medium 20090605 Always Asher Fahad Medium

Medium Collaboration 20090605 Always Asher Fahad Yaqub


Low Scrybe Desktop 20090605 Always Asher Ali

Low Collaboration 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali

Low 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

Low Read view 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Medium 20090605 Always Asher Shahid High

Medium Notes 20090605 Always Asher Shahid

Bookmarklet /Notes/Readview

Scrybe Links/Paste Links

Low Scrybe Desktop 20090605 Always Asher Rehan

High Note Read view 20090605 Always Asher Fahad High

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Asher Fahad

High Discussion Panel 20090605 Always Sheraz Ali High

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Image Gallery 20090605 Always Sheraz Rehan

Medium Image Gallery 20090605 Always Sheraz Rehan

Low Preview 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

Low Edit view 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Medium Edit view 20090605 Always Sheraz Fahad

Medium Image Upload 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Sajida

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Sajida

Medium Collaboration 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Sajida

Medium Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Note Editor 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid

Low Comments 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

Medium Collaboration 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

Medium Collaboration 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

High Collaboration 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

High Collaboration 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

Medium 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Preview 20090605 Always Sheraz Shahid

Low Bookmarklet 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Low Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Misbah

Low Preview 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Shahid

Browser Navigation

Low Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Notes 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Fahad

Medium Tags 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Rehan

Medium Air Chat 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Ali

Low Tags 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Rehan

High Tags 20090605 Always Fahad Rao Rehan


Importance regarding Demo


























