Pallas Armata




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  • PALLAS ARMATA A nemes frfi fegyvertra (The gentlemans armory)

    rta Gideon Ashwell, a Kirlyi Cambridge Eegyetem tagja

    COD. OE. 2003

  • Fordtotta: Rbai Orsolya

    2005. november 10. Az eredeti szveg dlt betvel szedve

  • I. KNYV PARS PRIOR: Az els knyvnek els rsze; Magba foglalja, hogyan forgassa egy jobbkezes frfi jobbkezes frfi ellenben az egyedli Rapiert

  • Book I PARS PRIOR: The first part of the first Book; Containing how a Right-handed man is to play against a Right-handed man at single Rapier

  • I. Fejezet Azon dolgokrl, melyeket ismerni kell mieltt magra a trgyra rtrnnk. Mindenek eltt tudnunk szksges, hogy a Rapier kt rszre van osztva, nv (1) szerint Primre (Prime) s Szekundra (Secunde). A Primet a markolattl a Rapier kzepig mrik, s lvn a legersebb rsz, (2) kvetkezskpp egyedl szrsok vagy kitrseknek hrtsra hasznlatos. A Szekundot a Rapier kzeptl a hegyig veszik, s lvn a Rapier (3) leggyengbbje, egyedl csupn tmadsra vagy szrs cljbl hasznlatos. A test elhelyezkedst s tartst s az ellenfeled fel irnyozott szrsaid (4) illeten, figyeld meg velem az itt kvetkez szablyokat. Rapierodat hajltott karral tartsd, hogy a Rapierod hegye hosszirnyban (5) knykdnek legyen alrendelve. A bal kezed bal szemed fltt tartsd, hogy hirtelen szrs ellenbe helyezhesd, (6) amellett esetlegesen mindkt szemed el vihet legyen. Egyedl jobb oldalad mutasd, mivel ha te is fontolra veszed, csakis elnysnek (7) fogod tallni magad szmra mikor ragaszkodsz a vdelmedhez, mivel vajmi nehz lesz ellenfeled szmra, hogy lecsapjon, meg kell vallanom, azonban ha tmadni szndkozod ellenfeled, az kevs elnnyel jr vagy semennyivel, mert mindenek eltt, szrsod nem tudod oly ervel vghezvinni, mikor sszessgben fl testtel llasz, mint mikor mutatsz valamelyest mellkasodbl, s utna emellett, mikor szrst intzel ellenfeled fel jobb lbaddal felje lpve fl testtel fogsz llani, s akkor ha irnyba vette mellkasod azon rszt, amit mutattl, el fogja mulasztani, ha nem cselekszel mst, mint szrsnak kzeledtvel ugyanazon pillanatban szrsz, emiatt minden megfontolt Tant s jzan tlet Mesternek ezt szabadon kell hagynia Tantvnyaira (Scholar), lvn olyan dolog, mely nem nagy pillanat dolga. Bal lbad legyen kiss hajltott, s jobb lbad szintgy, azonban sszessgben (8) ne annyira, mint bal lbad, amelyre tested sszes slynak nehezednie kell.

  • Chapter I Treateth of things that must be known before we proceed to the subject itself. First of all we are to know that the Rapier is divided into two parts, namely into the (1) Prime and the Secunde. The Prime is measured from the Hilt to the midst of the Rapier, and being the (2) strongest part, is consequently to be made only use of in putting by thrusts or blows. The Secunde is taken from the midst of the Rapier to the point, and being the (3) weakest of the Rapier is therefore only to be used in offending or making of thrusts. As for the posture or the carriage of the body and for making of thy thrusts at thine (4) adversary, observe with me these rules following. Thy Rapier thou must hold with a bended arm, so that the point of thy Rapier be (5) lineally answerable to thine elbow. Thy left hand thou art to hold over thy left eye to put by a sudden thrust withal (6) which by chance at either of thine eyes might be directed. Thou art only to show thy right side, yet if thou dost consider with theyself, then wilt (7) thou find it only advantageous to thee when thou standest upon thy defense, for it will be something hard for thine adversary to hit thee I must needs confess, but if thou meanest to offend thine adversary it is a small advantage or none at all, for first of all, thy thrust thou canst not make with such a force when thou standest altogether with a half body, as when thou showest something of they breast, and then besides, when thou makest a thrust at thine adversary stepping forwards with thy right leg towards him thou comest to stand with a half body, and then if he did aim at that part of thy breast which thou didst show he will miss it, if thou dost but thrust at the selfsame instant his thrust approacheth, therefore every discreet Teacher and judicious Master ought to leave that free to his Scholars, being that it is a thing of no great moment. Thy left leg must be something bended, and thy right leg too, but not altogether so (8) much as thy left leg, upon which all the weight of thy body must lie.

  • A lbaidat ne helyezd messze egymstl, gy brmely alkalmakkor vghez vihetsz (9) hossz szrst, s helyezd ket gy, mint egy flfele nz nagy rmai L vagy pp htrafel fordtva, pp, mint a tncban, oly mdon hogy a nagyobb er a bal combodban legyen, hogy tested hirtelen vonhasd vissza miutn vghezvitted a szrsod. Mikor egy szrst akarsz vghezvinni, nyjtsd ki jobb karod s jobb lbaddal lpj (10) elre s engedd, hogy mindkett egytt haladjon ugyanazon idben s mikor jobb lbaddal elre lptl, amellett ne mozdtsd bal lbad; tested teljes slynak jobb combodra kell nehezednie, s mihelyst vghezvitted a szrsod, azonnal vond tested vissza ismtelten, oly mdon hogy tested slya jra bal combodra nehezedjen. (ahogyan szrsod megkezdse eltt is), jobb lbadat nem visszavonva, amellyel korbban elre lptl, viszont, akzben, hogy lektd t szrsod kveten, mozdtsd egy kiss s megint bal lbadat jobb lbad irnyba, s mindezt a clbl, hogy ellenfeledet szrsoddal helyben rhesd, mihelyst alkalom addik. Szrsodat ellenfeled Rapierjhoz kzel kell vghezvinned, akr csak tzet (11) akarnl csiholni fegyverbl, amit ha nem cselekszel, mindketttk megsebesl, ha egyiktknek sincs gyessge;ha egyiktknek csupn gyessge van, s senki nincs, ki erre felfigyeljen, akkor az csupn veszlyben lesz, hogy ellenfelnek Rapirjhoz nem szrt kzel. Habr ez nem minden, hasonl mdon, a Secunde-hoz vagyis a Rapier (12) leggyengbb rszhez kzel kell szrnod a Prim vagyis Rapierod legersebb rszvel, mivel ha ezt meg tudod cselekedni, nem thet flre. Mikor ellenfeled fel szrsz kvlrl, jobb karja fltt, azt Szekunddal kell tenned (13) . Mikor ellenfeled belsejbe szrsz, azt Kvarttal tedd. Mg akkor is, mikor mr vghezvitted a szrst ellenfeled irnyba, tarts ellen (14) pengjnek (stingere) ugyanazon az oldalon, amelyen szrtl, tested visszavonulsakor pedig, pengd hegyt ne mozdtsd az vtl, ms klnben is megsebesthet tged ennek vghezvitele sorn.

  • Thy feet they must be placed not very far from one another, that thou mayst make (9) a long thrust upon any occasion, and they must be placed like a great Roman L upwards, or an turned backward, just as in dancing, that thou mayst have the greater strength in thy left thigh to recall thy body suddenly when thou hast performed they thrust. When thou wilt make a thrust, then reach out thy right arm, and step forward with (10) thy right foot and let them both go together at one and the selfsame time and when thou steppest forward with thy right foot, but do not stir thy left foot; the weight of thy body must wholly lie upon thy right thigh, as soon as thou hast performed thy thrust, instantly recall thy body again, so that the weight of thy body come to rest upon they left thigh again (as it did before thou made thy thrust) not recalling thy right leg, with which thou didst formerly step forwards, but, in the meanwhile thou bindest him after thy thrust remove by little and little thy left leg towards thy right leg, for thus doing thou canst thrust home at thine adversary again as soon as thou hast occasion. Thy thrust thou must make close to thine adversarys Rapier, as if thou wouldest (11) strike fire out of his weapon, which if thou dost not do, you will both be hurt if neither of you have skill; if one of you have but skill, and knoweth to observe this then he only will be endangered that doth not thrust close to his adversarys Rapier. Yet this is not all, but thou must likewise thust close to the Secunde or weakest (12) part of the Rapier, with they Prime or strongest part of thy Rapier, for if thou canst do that, he cannot put thee by. When thou dost thrust at thine adversary without, over his right arm, thou must do (13) it with a Secunde. When thou makest a thrust at thine adversary within, thou art to do it with a Quarte. Even when thou hast made a thrust at thine adversary, stringere him on the same (14) side thou didst thrust, in the recalling of thy body, not removing thy point from his; for else he may wound thee too upon thy coming off.

  • II. Fejezet A mvszetnek azon idegen kifejezseirl, melyek ebben a tanulmnyban elfordulnak, kibontva Az Ellentarts (Sringering - hrozs) az ellenfeled hegynek rintse sajt (1) hegyeddel, amit minden alkalommal tgy, a szrstl gy megvhatod magad mindkt oldalon, amit szoks szerint ktsnek mondanak. A Vjs (Cavere), mikor a hegyed az ellenfeled Rapierja al fordtod a msik (2) oldalon, mikor lektd, vagy feld szr. A Tempo az, mikor gyelsz, hogy soha ne vigy vgbe szrst vagy kitrst (3) ellenfeled fel, anlkl hogy kedvez lehetsged addna tmadni vagy megfelel mrtk tv, hogy elrhet kzelsgedben legyen. A Kr (Mensure) a tv ellenfeled s kzted, amibl tlned kell (hogy el tudod e (4) rni vagy sem), mieltt szrsz, hogy ne tmadj hiba. A Hrts (Parere), flrets s a szrs vagy kitrs eltrtse. (5) A Finda (Csals - Megtveszts) olasz nyelven szlva csalrdsg //vagy (6) cousinage-rokonsg?//, s jelkpes formban jtt a vvsba, mikor gy cselekszem, mintha tested egyik rszre szrnk s vrom, hogy hrts cljbl utnakapj szrsomnak, akkor n visszavonom hegyem, hogy mshova szrjak, amely helyet kezdetben nem cloztam, mieltt hrtani trekedtl. A Betrs (Passere - ellps) mikor szrsod ellenfeled mellkasra vagy (7) mellkasn kvlre clozod, s a szrst felfel hrtja, s te, mikzben felemelte karjt, meghajtod tested, s hegyedet jobb karja alatt Szekundba engedve, haladj el mgtte. Contratempo szrni, ugyanazon vonalon vghezvinni szrsod, melyen (8) ellenfeled is szr. A Csaps (Battere), tni vagy csapni akr Rapierrel vagy lbbal. (9) A Kiforduls (Voltere fordul (fl Kvart)) az, mikor ellenfeled mr szrt feld, s (10) elszr hrtvn (parere) szrst, ppen kzeled szrsakor jobb lbadon llva fordtsd ki tested bal oldalad fel, gy htad ellenfeled kzelbe kerl s bal lbad jobbad s ellenfeled jobbja kz s Kvarttal szrd mellkasnak jobbjt: azonban ez a trkk sszessgben tekintve veszllyel teli, hacsaknem a betrs (Passade) elkerlsre hasznljk.

  • Chapter II The foreign terms of Art, that do occur in this Treatise, are unfolded Stringering is the touching of thine adversarys point with thy point, which thou art (1) to do upon any occasion, that thou mayst secure thyself on either side from a thrust, which commonly is termed binding. To Cavere, is to turn thy point under thine adversarys Rapier on the other side, (2) when thou art bound, or he doth thrust at thee. Tempo is, that thou takest heed never to make a thrust or blow at thine adversary, (3) without thou hast a fair opportunity to hit, or requisite measure, that he be within thy reach. Mensure is the distance betwixt thee and thine adversary, whereof thou art to (4) judge (if thou canst reach him or no) before thou thrustest, that thou mayst not offend in vain. To Parere, is to decline, to put by, and to turn off a thrust or blow. (5) Finda is called in the Italian tongue a deceit or cousinage, and metaphorically (6) brought into fencing, when I do as if I would thrust into one part of thy body and seeing that thou dost catch after my thrust to put me by, I then recalling my point do thrust somewhere else, at which place I in the beginning did not aim, before thou strovest to put me by. To Passere is when thou doest thrust at thine adversary without or within towards (7) his breast, and he doth put by the thrust upwards, and thou in the meanwhile he lifteth up his arm, bowest thy body, and letting thy point sink down into a Secunde under his right arm do pass behind him. To thrust Contratempo, is to thrust the selfsame line thine adversary do thrust. (8) To Battere, is to beat or knock either with the Rapier or foot. (9) To Voltere is, when thine adversary doth thrust at thee, and thou first parering his (10) thrust, doest just upon the approaching of his thrust turn thy body round about towards thy left side out upon thy right leg, so that thy back cometh towards thine adversary, and thy left leg between thy right, and thine adversarys right leg, and thrusteth him with a Quarte at his right breast: But this is a trick altogether full of danger, unless it be used to avoid the Passade withal.

  • III. Fejezet Arrl, ami a vdekez llsokat illeti Nem kevesebb, mint ngy alaplls van a szerint, ahogyan fordtani tudod a (1) kezed, mgpedig: Prim, Szekund, Terc s Kvart (Prime, Secunde, Tertz s Quarte). A Prim (Prime), mikor Rapierodat olyan mdon tartod, hogy kezed kls oldala (2) kifel a bal oldalad irnyba nz, s a kezed bels oldala kifel a jobbod irnyba tekint. Ez tovbb oszthat, egyenes Primre, mikor hegyed egyenesen nz elre, s fgg Primre, mikor a hegyed a fld fel mutat. A Szekund (Secunde), mikor Rapierod oly mdon tartod, hogy kezed kls oldala (3) flfel nz, s kezed bels fele a fld fel. Hasonl mdon tovbbi rszekre bonthat egyenes Szekundra, mikor a hegyed egyenesen nz elre; fgg Szekundra, mikor a hegy lefel nz a fld irnyba s vgl kzp Szekundra, mikor Rapierodat Szekundban tartod, s hajltott karral, oly mdon, hogy Rapierod hegye egszen kifel nz bal oldalad irnyba. A Terc (Tertz), mikor oly mdon tartod Rapierod, hogy kezed kls fele jobb (4) oldalad klseje fel nz, s a kezed bels rsze a balod klseje fel. Ez szintn tovbb oszthat Magas Tercre, mikor a hegyed flfel tartod, mgis (5) hajltott karral, gy hogy a markolat magassg tekintetben mellkasod jobbjval egyen; kzp Tercre, mikor a fegyvert hajltott karral tartod, hogy a hegye kifel , egyenesen elre nzzen, oly mdon, hogy a markolat cspddel magassgban tekintetben egyen, s vgl als Tercre, mikor fegyvered nyjtott karral lefel tartod, hogy a markolat trdeddel egymagassgban vagy kiss alatta legyen. A Kvart (Quarte), mikor Rapierod olyan mdon tartod hajltott karokkal, hogy a (6) kezed kls oldala lefel, a fld irnyba nzzen, azonban a belseje flfel. Hasonl mdon ez is tovbb oszthat egyenes Kvartra, mikor Rapierod Quarteban tartod s ereszkedni engeded a hegyt.

  • Chapter III Concerning the Guards There are but four guards according to the four ways thou canst turn thy hand, viz. (1) Prime, Secunde, Tertz, and Quarte. The Prime is when thou holdest thy Rapier in such a manner that the outside side (2) of thy hand doth look towards thy left side out, and the inside of thy hand look towards thy right side out. This is subdivided into a straight Prime, when thy point looketh straight forwards, and into a hanging Prime, when thy point doth look towards the ground. The Secunde is, when thou holdest thy Rapier in such a sort that the outside of thy (3) hand looketh upwards, and the inside of thy hand towards the ground. This is likewise subdivided into a straight Secunde when thy point looketh straight forwards; into a handing Secunde, when thy point looketh downwards towards the ground, and finally into the middle Secunde, when thou holdest thy Rapier with a Secunde and a bowed arm, so that the point of thy Rapier looks sheer out towards thy left side. The Tertz is when thou dost hold thy Rapier in such fashion that the outside of thy (4) hand looks towards thy right side out, and the inside of thy hand towards thy left side out. This again is subdivided into the High Tertz when thou holdest thy point upwards (5) yet with bended arm, so that thy hilt equalize thy Right breast in height; into a middle Tertz, when thou holdest thy weapon with a bent arm that the point looks straight out forwards, so that the Hilt in height equalize thy waist: And lastly into a lowTertz, when thou holdest thy weapon with a straight arm downwards, so that thy Hilt be equal to thy knee in height, or a little below. The Quarte is when thou holdest thy Rapier in such a manner with a bended arm, (6) that the outside of thy hand look down towards the ground, but the inside upwards. This is likewise subdivided into a straight Quarte when thou holdest thy Rapier with a Quarte and let the point sink down.

  • IV. Fejezet Arrl, hogyan hasznljuk a ngy alaplls mindegyikt, s mindegyikk mely alkalmakkor hasznlhat lvn egymstl klnbzek A Prim csupn az ellenfeled Rapierjnak kls feln jobb karja fl sznt szrsnl (1) hasznlatos, s soha ne hasznld bels felnl, s ez a vdllsok leggyengbbike. Egy plda, hogyan hasznld a Primet Ha az ellenfl bell nyitott, bellrl tarts ellene pengjnek (stingere) mihelyst szr (2) feld kvl, s fordtsd a hegyt sajt Rapierod al, szrj Terccel azonnal felje jobb karja fltt kzel Rapierjnak gyenge rszhez, ha ekkor a jobb oldala irnyba flretni trekszik szrsod, akkor Tercedet Primbe forgatva szrj mellkasnak jobbjba. A Szekund A Szekund kvl hasznlatos a jobb kar fltti hossz szrsnl, s betrsnl (3) (Passade), majd hasonl mdon a kar alatt betrsnl (Passadeban) kvl, s megintcsak hossz szrsnl bell s betrskor (Passade). Pldk hogyan hasznld a Szekundot kvlre Ha ellenfeled bell nyitott, akkor bellrl tarts ellene pengjnek (stringere), s (4) mihelyst kvlrl szrst intz feld, a Prim fltt a Rapierodnak legersebb rszn, sd flre Kvarttal jobbod klseje fel, s ugyanabban a pillanatban, ahogy flretsz, a Kvartot vltsd Szekundba s szrj t jobb karja fltt mellkasnak jobbjba, vagy trj be (passere). Hogyan trj (passere) Szekunddal kvlre Ha ellenfeled kvl nyitott, akkor kvl szrj t jobb karja fltt, ha ekkor flfel (5) hrtan (parere) szrsod, akkor mg felfel hrt, hajtsd meg tested s engedd a hegyet jobb karja al Szekundba ereszkedni, s trj be mell (passere), azonban elhaladva mgtte bal kezeddel csapj le a markolatra, mivel flelembl elhaladvn mellette megthet, a markolattal.

  • Chapter IV How to make use of all the four guards, and upon what occasion each of them may be used, as being different from one another The Prima is only to be thrusted at the outside of thine adversarys Rapier over his (1) right arm, and is never to be used within, and is the weakest of all the guards. An example how thou shalt use the Prime If thine adversary lie open within, then stringere him within as soon as he maketh a (2) thrust at thee without, and turneth his point under thy Rapier, instantly thrust at him with a Tertz over his right arm close to the weak of his Rapier, if then he doth strive to put by thy thrust towards his right side, then turning thy Tertz into Prime thrust at his right breast. The Secunde is used without over the right arm in a long thrust, and in a Passade, (3) then likewise under the arm in a Passade without, and again within in a long thrust and in a Passade. Examples how to use the Secunde without If thine adversary be open within then stringere him within, as soon as he maketh a (4) thrust at thee without, over the Prime on the strongest part of thy Rapier, then put it by with a Quarte towards thy right side out, and at the same instant thou dost put by, change the Quarte into a Secunde and thrust over his right arm at his right breast, or Passere. How to Passere with the Secunde without If thine adversary lie open without, then thrust him over his right arm without, if he (5) then should parere thy thrust upwards, then while he is parering upwards, bow thy body and let the point sink down into a Secunde under his right arm, and Passere him, but passing behind him clap thy left hand upon his Hilt, for fear he should knock thee passing, with the Hilt.

  • Hogyan hasznland a Szekund bellre Ha ellenfeled bell nyitott, akkor Kvarttal szrj bellre mihelyst szrsod flrettte (6) baljnak klseje fel, mgis oly mdon, hogy Rapierjnak hegye tested fel nzzen, ekkor Rapierjhoz kzel Kvartod vltsd Szekundba, s szrj hosszan mellkasnak jobbjba: azonban ha ekkor balja fel hrt, oly mdon hogy Rapierjnak hegye hasonl mdon bal klseje fel nz, akkor hasonl mdon vltsd Kvartod Szekundba s trj be (passere), s ha ekkor szrsod felfel hrtja, engedd bellre a hegyed karja al ereszkedni s cselekedj ugyangy. A Terc egyedl kvlre hasznlatos, a kar fltt, soha sem betrs (Passada) (7) kzben. Plda hogyan hasznlatos a Terc kvl Ha ellenfeled bell nyitott, akkor bellrl tarts ellen pengjnek (stringerere), s (8) mihelyst kvl szr feld, szrj fel Szekundja vagyis Rapirjnak gyengbb rsze fltt Terccel s markolatoddal ereszkedj le. A Kvart legnagyobb rszt a Rapier bels feln hasznlatos, nmely esetben a jobb (9) kar fltt a kvl, s akkor a Kvartot Fordtottnak nevezik (Riversa/Reverso), megvltozott termszete s tulajdona miatt, mivel az csakis bell hasznlatos. Plda hogyan hasznlatos bell a Kvart Ha ellenfeled kvl nyitott, akkor tarts ellen pengjnek (Stringere) kvlrl, s (10) mihelyst szrst intz belsd fel szrj Kvarttal kzel Szekundjhoz vagyis Rapirja leggyengbb rszhez, jobb karja s mellkasnak jobbja kztt, s mikor vghezvitted szrsod, akkor mindjrt tarts ellen pengjnek (stringere) bell. Msik mdozat Engedd ellenfeled, hogy pengdnek kvl tartson ellen (stringere), majd csald (11) (Finda) bellrl, s mihelyst kveti (Finda) csalsod bal oldalnak klseje fel, akkor engedd hegyed jobb karja al ereszkedni, s jobb karja alatt szrj Kvarttal jobbja fel.

  • How to use the Secunde within If thine adversary lie open within, then thrust him within with a Quarte as soon as (6) he doth put by thy thrust towards his left side out, yet so that the point of his Rapier looketh towards thy body, then change thy Quarte into a Secunde close to his Rapier, and make a long thrust at his right breast: But if he doth parere towards his left side, that the point of his Rapier likewise doth look towards his left side out, then change likewise thy Quarte into a Secunde and Passere him: And if he doth parere thy thrust upwards let thy point sink in under his arm within and do the same. The Tertz is only used without, over the arm, never in the making of a Passada. (7) An example how to use the Tertz without If thine adversary lie open within, then stringere him within, as soon as he makes a (8) thrust at thee without, then thrust him over the Secunde or weakest part of his Rapier with a Tertz, and with thy Hilt go low. The Quarte is for the most part used at the inside of the Rapier, yet sometimes (9) without over the right arm, and then the Quarte is called Riversa, as having changed her nature and property, because she only ought to be used within. An example how to use the Quarte within If thine adversary lie open without, then Stringere him without, as soon as he doth (10) make a thrust at thee within, then thrust with the Quarte close to the Secunde or the weakest part of his Rapier between his right arm and his right breast, and when thou hast performed thy thrust, then presently stringere within. Another manner Let thine adversary stringere thee without, then make a finda at him within, as soon (11) as he doth catch after thy finda towards his left side out, then let thy point sink down under his right arm, and thrust him with a Quarte under his right arm at his right side.

  • Plda arra, hogyan hasznlatos a Kvart kvl Amennyiben ellenfeled kvl nyitott, Szekunddal vagy Terccel szrj felje jobb karja (12) fltt, kzel Szekund vagyis Rapierjnak gyengbb rszhez, ha ekkor szrsodat Kvarttal jobbja fel kvlre hrtja, akkor azon nyomban fordtsd Szekundodat vagy Terced Kvartba, s szrd ott helyben Mellkasa jobbjt, vagy fordulj ki testeddel (Voltere) ha tetszik: s ha akarsz bal kezeddel bell rfoghatsz Rapierjra, mikor Kvartoddal megrinted, nem megragadva azt, csupn pengjt balja fel fordtva s akkor knnyedn kifordthatod fegyvert kezbl.

  • An example how to use the Quarte without If thine adversary be open without, thrust him with a Secunde or Tertz over his right (12) arm, close to the Secunde or weakest part of his Rapier, if he then doth put by thy thrust with a Quarte towards his right side out, then at an instant turn thy Secunde or Tertz into a Quarte, and thrust home at his right breast, or Voltere if thou please: And if thou wilt thou mayst clap thy left hand upon his Rapier within, when thou dost touch him with thy Quarte, not catching hold of it, but only turn his blade away towards the left side, and thou wilt easily turn his weapon out of his hand.

  • V. Fejezet Arrl, hogyan tarts ellene pengjnek (stringere) helyesen, s ms dolgok melyeket meg kell jegyezznk a ellentartsnl (stringere) Mikor ellenfeleddel jtszol, s tmadni szndkozod, ostromold pengjnek val (1) ellentartssal (stringere) vagy kontra-pozicival /contra-posture/ (ellen-pz) (amirl az elkvetkez kilencedik fejezetben hallunk) emellett a kt lehetsg mellett nincs ms. Mgis ellene tartani a pengt (stringering) a legfbb, amit ha alkalmazni kvnsz, ill, hogy krltekint lgy, s hogy ne tedd ki magad semmi kockzatnak, ezrt jegyezd meg az elkvetkez szablyokat. Amely oldalon ellenfeled nyitott, onnan tarts ellene pengjnek (stingere), (2) Rapierjra nem tl ersen tmaszkodva, mert hirtelen leeresztheti hegyt, s akkor hegyt lefel ellen tartva tlsgosan fedetlenn vlik tested, annyira hogy knnyedn flfel fordthatja hegyt, s szrst intzhet kvlrl jobb karod fltt, vagy bellrl, mieltt visszatrthetnd fegyvered. Ha ellenfeled kvl nyitott, tarts ellen (stringere) kvl pengjt, ha bell nyitott, (3) bell tarts ellen (stringere). Azon az irnyban, amerre ellentartani (stringere) kvnsz, kell lpned: s ha kvl (4) szndkozol ellene tartani (stringere), akkor jobb lbaddal jobb oldalad irnyba lpj elre, s engedd hegyedet jobb oldalad fel mutatni Rapierja fltt: s ha elnyt szerzel arra, hogy ellenfeled pengjt bell tarts ellen (stringere), bal lbaddal kell lpned bal oldalad irnyba, s engedned Rapierod hegyt az hegye fltt balod klseje fel mutatni. Ha fegyvert oly mdon tartja, hogy mindkt oldalon nyitott, egyazon mind, (5) brmely oldalon tartasz is ellene (stringere). Amit akkor tenned kell, amennyiben ellenfeled nem tri hogy pengjnek ellene (6) tarts (stringere), Abban az esetben, ha ellenfeled Rapierjnak hegyt egyik oldalrl a msikra (7) mozgatja, a clbl hogy ne tarthass ellene (stringere) pengjnek, intzz felje egy fl szrst, mintha csalnl (Finda) vagy megtveszts lenne, ily mdon knyszeritetted hogy kzeledjen Rapierodhoz s flresse szrsod; s most hogy hrtotta (parere) szrsod s Rapierod kzelbe kerlt, vjj pengddel (cavere) azonnal Rapierjnak msik oldala fel, ahol nyitott, s tarts ellen (stringere); mikor elrted clodat, akkor tarts szorosan Rapierjnak ellenben (stringere), az elkvetkez tizenharmadik fejezetnek megfelelen.

  • Chapter V Treateth how to stringere right, and of other things that are to be observed here in stringering When thou art to play with thine adversary, and dost intend to offend him, thou (1) must either assault him with stringering, or with a contra-posture (whereof we will hear in the ninth Chapter following) besides these two ways there is none other. Yet stringering is the chiefest, which if thou wilt use, it behooveth thee to be very wary that thou mayst not incur any hazard; mark therefore these following Rules. On what side thine adversary lieth open there thou art to stringere him, not lying (2) too hard upon his Rapier, because he may let his point suddenly sink down, and then thou following his point downwards dost open thy body too much, that he may easily turn over his point, and thrust thee without over thy right arm, or within, before thou canst recover thy weapon. If thine adversary lie open without, thou must stringere him without, if he lie open (3) within, thou must stringere him within. Towards that side where thou wilt stringere him, thou must step: And if thou (4) meanest to stringere him without, then step with thy right leg towards thy right side, and let thy point look towards thy right side over his Rapier: If thou makest account to stringere thine adversary within, then thou must step with thy left leg towards thy left side, and let the point of thy Rapier look over his point towards thy left side out. If he holdeth his weapon so that he is open on both sides, it is all one, on which (5) side thou dost stringere him. If thine adversary will not suffer himself to be stringerd, what thou art to do (6) If thine adversary shakes the point of his Rapier from one side to another, because (7) thou shalt not stringere him, make a half thrust at him as it were a Finda or falsifying, thus thou doest force him to come to thy Rapier and put by thy thrust; when he now hath parered thy thrust and is come to thy Rapier, then cavere instantly to the other side of his Rapier where he is open, and stringere him; when thou hast attained to thy purpose, then follow his Rapier close, according to the thirteenth chapter following.

  • Hogy trj ki ellenfeled ellentartsa (stringere) ell Ha ellenfeled akr kvl vagy akr bell szndkozik pengjt ellenedbe tartani (8) (stringere), akkor mg mieltt Rapierod rinten, emeld Rapierod hegyt az v fel, s szrd akr Kvarttal, ha Rapierod kvlrl tereli, vagy akr Szekunddal karja fltt kvlrl, ha Rapierodat bellrl tereli. Pldaknt Ha ellenfeled elnyt tesz szert arra, hogy kvlrl tartson ellenedben (stringere), (9) akkor emeld Rapierod hegyt jobbod irnyba az hegye fltt, s Kvarttal szrj Rapierod belsejvel kzel fegyvernek Szekund vagy gyengbb rszhez. Ha elnyre tesz szert arra, hogy pengdnek bell tartson ellen (stringere), akkor (10) mieltt megrintette volna hegyed fegyvervel, emeld Rapierod hegyt az hegye fltt balod irnyba, s szrj Szekunddal felje Rapierjnak klsejn mellkasnak jobbjba. Hasonl mdon az ellentarts (stringering) ell kitrhetsz vjs ltal (cavere); (11) mgpedig, mikor ellenfeled kvlrl akar ellened tartani (stringere), akkor mieltt megrinten hegyed, vjj pengddel (cavere) vagy fordtsd a hegyed Rapierja alatt balodrl jobb oldalad irnyba, s Kvarttal szrd mellkasnak jobbjt bellrl kzel Szekundjhoz vagyis Rapierjnak gyengbb rszhez. Mikor bell akarna ellened tartani (stringere), akkor fordtsd Rapierod hegyt (12) jobbodrl bal oldalad irnyba az Rapierja alatt, mieltt megrintette volna hegyedet, s fegyvernek klsejn szrj Szekunddal mellkasnak jobbjba. Klnb mdon is ki tudsz trni a ellentarts (strigering) ell, akr a csals (Finda) (13) alkalmazsval, mgpedig, mikor kvlrl kvn ellened tartani (stringere), akkor mieltt mg rinten Rapierod hegyt, csalj belseje fel (Finda), pp mintha bellre szndkoztl volna szrni felje Kvarttal, s mihelyst utnakap szrsodnak Rapierjval balja fel, hegyedet visszavonva szrj Szekunddal Rapierja klfeln jobb karja fltt, mellkasnak jobbjba. Mikor bell akar ellened tartani (stringere), akkor mieltt megrinten bellrl (14) Rapierod hegyt, csalj (Finda) felje kvlrl, mintha jobb karja fltt szndkoznl szrni, s mihelyst annak utnakap, szrj jobb oldala fel, majd fordtsd a hegyed Rapierja al, s fegyvernek belsejnl Kvarttal szrj mellkasnak jobbjba.

  • How to avoid thine adversarys stringering If thine adversary doth mean to stringere thee either without or within, then before (8) he doth touch thy Rapier, lift the point of thy Rapier over his, and thrust him either with a Quarte if he doth prosecute thy Rapier without, or without over his arm with a Secunde, if he doth prosecute thy Rapier within. As for Example If thine adversary doth make account to stringere thee without, then lift the point of (9) thy Rapier towards thy right side over his point, and thrust him with a Quarte at the inside of thy Rapier close to the Secunde or weakest part of his weapon. If he make a count to stringere thee within, then before he doth touch thy point with (10) his weapon, lift the point of thy Rapier over his point towards thy left side, and thrust him at the outside of his Rapier with a Secunde at his right breast. Thou canst likewise avoid stringering with Cavering; namely, when thine adversary (11) will stringere thee without, then before he doth touch thy point, cavere or turn thy point, cavere or turn thy point from thy left side towards thy right side under his Rapier, and thrust him with a Quarte within at his right breast close to his Secunde or weakest part of his Rapier. When he will stringere thee within, then turn the point of thy Rapier from thy right (12) side towards thy left side under his Rapier, before he doth touch thy point, and thrust with a Secunde at the outside of his weapon at his right breast. Else canst thou avoid stingering likewise with making of Findas, namely, when he (13) will stringere thee without, then before he doth touch thy Rapier, make a Finda at him within, as if thou didst mean to thrust at him within with a Quarte, as soon as he doth catch after thy thrust towards his left side with his Rapier, then recalling thy point thrust him at the outside of his Rapier over his right arm with a Secunde, at his right breast. When he will stringere thee within, then before he doth touch thy Rapier within, (14) make a Finda at him without, as if thou didst intend to thrust over his right arm; as soon as he doth catch after that, thrust towards his right side, then turn thy point under his Rapier, and thrust him at the inside of his weapon with a Quarte at his right breast.

  • Hogyan tedd magad jra szabadd, mikor pengdnek ellene tartanak (stringered) Ha ellenfeled kvlrl tartott pengdnek ellen (stringere), akkor Rapierod hegyt (15) fokozatosan engedd lefel ereszkedni, ha ekkor hegyvel kveti hegyed, vjj pengddel (Cavere) Rapierja alatt azonnal balodrl jobbod fel, csapj le (battiere) elsszr Rapirjnak belsejn, s szrj Rapierjnak belsejnl Kvarttal mellkasnak jobbjba. Azonban ha nem kvnja ellen tartsval (Stringere) kvetni Rapierod lefel, (16) miutn hegyed leereszkedni engedted, viszont szr feld, akkor Szekunddal Contra-tempo szrj, vagy szrsnak kzeledtvel azonnal s ugyanazon idben, Rapierjnak kls feln mellkasnak jobbjba, vagy mskpp Kvarttal Contra-tempo fegyvernek bels feln mellkasnak jobbjba. Ha ellenfeled kvlrl tartott pengd ellenben (stringere), akkor Rapierja alatt (17) balodrl jobbod fel vjj pengddel (cavere), de tedd ezt lassan, s mikzben vjsz (cavere) pengddel, kezed fordtsd Szekundba, akkor nyitott leszel bell mgis szabad a Rapirjtl, ha ekkor Rapierjnak bels feln szr, szrj bellre Kvarttal mellkasnak jobbjba. Vagy ha hegyednek balja fel (/azaz bell/) tartott ellenben Rapierjnak hegyvel, (18) oly mdon, hogy nem vagy veszlyben hegytl, akkor engedd leereszkedni a hegyed mlyen Rapierja al, s elrelpve Szekunddal trj be (Passere) fegyvernek belsejnl. Ha ellenfeled kvl tartott pengd ellenben (stringered), akkor vonulj vissza, htra (19) csupn bal lbaddal lpve, akkort, hogy tested slya teljessgben bal combodra nehezljn, s mikor bal lbaddal visszalptl, vond karod magadhoz Szekundban hajltva, hogy Rapierod hegye kiss kifel balod irnyba nzzen, mihelyst jra pengd ellene tartani (stringere) kzeleg feld, akkor Rapierja alatt vjj pengddel (cavere) balodrl jobb oldalad irnyba, s Kvarttal szr bellre mellkasnak jobbjba. Vagy, mikor visszavonultl, s kvlrl jra ellened tartani (stringere) kzeleg, (20) akkor szrj Szekundja vagyis Rapierjnak gyengbb rsze fltt, Primeddel vagyis fegyvered legersebb rszvel fegyvernek klsejnl, jobb karja fltt mellkasnak jobbjba.

  • How thou shalt make thyself loose again when thou art stringered If thine adversary hath stringered thee without, then let the point of thy Rapier by (15) degrees sink downwards, if he then doth follow thy point with his point, Cavere instantly from thy left side towards thy right side under his Rapier, and battiering him first at the inside of his Rapier, thrust with a Quarte at his right breast at the inside of his Rapier at his right breast. But if he will not follow thy Rapier downwards when thou lettest thy point sink, but (16) makes a thrust at thee, then thrust Secunde Contra-tempo, or at the coming of his thrust at one and the selfsame time, at the outside of his Rapier at his right breast, or else Quarte contra-tempo at the inside of his weapon at his right breast. If thine adversary hath stringered thee without, then cavere from thy left side (17) towards thy right side under his Rapier, but slowly, and cavering turn thy hand into a Secunde, then thou art open within yet loose from his Rapier, if he then maketh a thrust at the inside of his Rapier, thrust him a Quarte within at his right breast. Or when he doth follow thy point towards his left side with the point of his Rapier, (18) so that thou art not in danger of his point, then let thy point sink down under his Rapier, and stepping in Passere him with a Secunde at the inside of his weapon. If thine adversary hath stringered thee without, then retire, stepping only backward (19) with thy left leg, in so much that the weight of thy body come wholly to lie upon thy left thigh, and when thou steppest back with thy left leg, draw thine arm to thee in a Secunde bowed, that the point of thy Rapier look quite out towards thy left side, as soon as he cometh to stringere thee again, then cavere from thy left side towards thy right side under his Rapier, and thrust him with a Quarte within at his right breast. Or when thou hast retired, and he cometh to stringere thee again without, then (20) thrust him over the Secunde or weakest part of his Rapier, with thy Prime or strongest part of thy weapon at the outside of his weapon, over his right arm at his right breast.

  • VI. Fejezet Hogyan s mely alkalmakkor cselekedd pengddel a "vjs"- t (Cavere) A Cavere - "vjs", szrmazst tekintve egy kakasviadal sorn vette kezdett; (1) Camillo Agrippa, ki nagytisztelet vezre Rma vdelmnek tven ve (aki a tr feltallja), kt kakast ltott egytt harcolni s megfigyelve, hogy mikor az egyik kakas felszkellt hogy karmaival csapjon le, a msik ltvn hogy ugrani kszlnek felje, kiss alja ereszkedett a msik oldalon, (/Camillo Agrippa/) felismerte hogy mvszetben hasznot hzhat ebbl s hazarve prba al vtetette, s nagyon hasznos s figyelemremlt megfigyelsek tallta. Pengddel a vjs (Cavering) emiatt csupn akkor hasznlatos, mikor ellenfeled (2) Szekundod vagyis Rapierod gyengbb rsze fltt szrt feld, mivel szrst nem tudod hrtani (parere), a hegyed lvn kptelen ellene llani. s ha ellenfeled Rapierod brmely oldaln szrt, a Prim fltt markolatodhoz (3) kzel, akkor hrtsd (parere) s sd flre szrst, mert ha akkor vjsz pengddel (Cavere), biztosan megsebeslsz, mert mieltt be tudnd vgezni a vjst (cavere) pengddel, hegye rni fogja mellkasod, vjsod krkrs irnya okn, ami lass, lvn szrsa sebes s egyenes irny is: mgis van ellenlps, nevezetesen ha ellenfeled a Prim vagyis Rapierod legersebb rsze fltt (azaz a markolat kzelben) szr s pengddel vjni (cavere) kvnsz, akkor pp mikor vjsz pengddel (cavere), bal lbaddal htra lpve, oly mdon, hogy tested slya teljes egszben bal combodra nehezedjen, s trd meg a Krt (Mensure), amit cselekedj azrt, hogy elrhetsgbl kikerlj. A vjs hasznlatt illet pldkat az elkvetkez fejezetben pontostom.

  • Chapter VI Treateth how and upon what occasion thou art to Cavere Cavere took its beginning from a Cock fight; for Camillo Agrippa, a reverend (1) Master of defense at Rome fifty years ago (who was the inventor of the Dagger) seeing two Cocks combat together, and observing, how when one of the Cocks leaped up to strike the other with his claw, the other seeing him come leaping at him went quite under him on the other side, conceived that he might make use of this in his Art, and coming home made trial of it, and found it a very useful and remarkable observation. Cavereing is therefore only to be made use of, when thine adversary doth thrust at (2) thee over the Secunde or weakest part of thy Rapier, because thou canst not parere his thrust, thy point being unable to resist. And if thine adversary doth thrust thee on either side of thy Rapier, over the Prime (3) near thy Hilt, then thou art to Parere and put by his thrust, for if thou dost Cavere then, thou wilt surely be wounded, because before thou canst end thy Cavereing, his point will be upon thy breast, by reason of the Circular motion of thy Cavereing which is slow, his thrust being both swift and straight: yet here is a remedy for it, namely if thine adversary maketh a thrust at thee over the Prime or the strongest part of thy Rapier (viz. near thy Hilt) and thou wilt cavere, then just when thou dost cavere, stepping back with thy left leg, so that the weight of thy body come wholly to rest upon thy left thigh, break him the Mensure, that is, come out of his reach. Examples how to use Cavereing I will specify in the following Chapter.

  • VII. Fejezet Azon eltr mdok kezelsrl, ahogyan flretni kell brminem szrst, mit Rapierod kls feln intznek irnyodba Ha ellenfeled nyitott bell, akkor bellrl tarts ellene pengjnek (stringere), s tedd ezt (1) akkor, ha knyszerteni akarod, hogy kvlre szrst intzzen feld jobb karod fltt, s mihelyst jobb karod fltt szrt, s azt a Primnl vagyis a Rapierod ersebb rsznl markolatodhoz kzel, akkor hrtsd (parere) szrst jobbod fel Kvarttal karod nem mozdtva, csupn cspdet elfordtva, oly mdon, hogy Rapierod hegye jobbod irnyba kifel nzzen, s flretvn s letrtvn szrst tjrl, hirtelen fordtsd Kvartod Szekundba, s Rapierjnak klsejn szrj hosszan mellkasnak jobbjba. Vagy tarts ellen (stringere) ellenfelednek Terccel Rapierjnak belsejn mihelyst szrsa (2) jobb karod fltt megkzeltette mellkasod jobbjt, a Prim azaz Rapierod ersebb rsze fltt, akkor Kvartba Tercedet nem tfordtva mint elzleg, hanem nyugodt karral csupn fordtsd hegyed Tercben jobbod irnyba, oly mdon hogy Rapierod a pengjn az hegye irnyba cssszon vgig, Rapierjnak klfeln; s mikor hrtottad (parere) szrst Terceddel, fordtsd Terced Szekundba, s szrj jobb karja fltt mellkasnak jobbjba. Tartsd Rapierod Tercben, oly mdon, hogy Rapierod hegye kiss flfel mutasson, s (3) engedd, hogy jobb karod nmileg hajltott legyen, hogy jobb karod fltt kvl nyitott lgy, akkor csak nyjtsd ki hajltott karod, s szrst megtvesztetted; miutn hrtottad (parere) szrst, fordtsd kezed Szekundba s szrj jobb karja fltt mellkasnak jobbjba. Ha ellenfeled kvlrl hossz szrst intz feld, akkor mihelyst ltod irnyodba tett (4) cselekedett, lpj be hosszan felje jobb lbaddal, majd bal lbaddal, s Kvarttal sd lefel Rapierjt jobb oldalad irnyba, hirtelen megkzeltve t, kell ezt cselekedned, s fegyverezd le, majd szrj azonnal Szekunddal jobb karja fltt mellkasa fel. Ha ellenfeledet Rapierjnak klsejn tartasz ellen (stringere), s akkor szr combod fel (5) szlesen kvlrl, akkor engedd Rapierod hegyt fgg Szekundba ereszkedni s hrtsd (parere) azt, s ezt megcselekedve, azonnal trj be (passere) Rapierja alatt, vagy mikor mr hrtottl (parere), Szekunddal szrj helybl, jobb karja fltt. Azonban ha Rapierodnak Szekundja vagyis leggyengbb rszn szr jobb karod fltt, (6) lvn a Szekund tl gyenge, hogy ellenlljon, akkor Rapierja alatt vjj pengddel (cavere) balod fell jobb kezed fel, s elszr fegyvernek belsejre csapva (battiere) a Kvartot Rapierjhoz kzel szrd mellkasnak jobbjba.

  • Chapter VII Treateth of diverse ways, how thou shall put by all sorts of thrusts that are made at thee, at the outside of thy Rapier If thine adversary be open within, then stringere him within, thus doing thou wilt compel (1) him to make a thrust at thee without over thy right arm, as soon as he thrusteth at thee over thy right arm, and it be over the Prime or strongest part of thy Rapier near thy hilt, then parere his trust towards thy right side with a Quarte not stirring thine arm but only turning the wrest, so that the point of thy Rapier look towards thy right side out, having parered and turned off his thrust, speedily change thy Quarte into a Secunde, and make a long thrust at the outside of his Rapier at his right breast. Or stringere thine adversary with a Tertz at the inside of his Rapier as soon as his thrust (2) approacheth towards thy right breast over thy right arm, and over the Prime or strongest part of thy Rapier, then not turning thy Tertz into a Quarte as before, but only with a stayed arm turn thy point in a Tertz towards thy right side, so that thy Rapier doth slide along his blade towards his point, at the outside of his Rapier; when thou hast parared his thrust with thy Tertz, then change thy Tertz into a Secunde, and thrust at his right breast over his right arm. Hold thy Rapier with a Tertz, so that the point of thy Rapier stands upwards a little, and (3) let thy right arm be something bended that thou be open without over thy right arm, then only stretch thy bended arm, and his thrust will be deluded; when thou hast pareret his thrust, then turn thy hand into a Secunde and thrust him over his right arm at his right breast. If thine adversary makes a long thrust at thee without, then as soon as thou seest him (4) make at thee, make a long step in upon him with thy right foot, and then with thy left foot, and put by his Rapier with a Quarte downwards towards thy right side, coming so suddenly in upon him, thou dost, as it were, disarm him, thrust then at an instant with a Secunde over his right arm at his breast. If thou dost stringere thine adversary at the outside of his Rapier, and he doth make a (5) thrust at thy thigh outwardly, then let the point of thy Rapier sink down into a hanging Secunde and parere it, this done, instantly Passere under his Rapier, or when thou hast parered, then thrust with a Secunde home, over his right arm. But if he doth thrust over the Secunde or weakest part of thy Rapier over thy right arm, (6) being that the Secunde is too weak to resist, then cavere from thy left hand towards thy right hand under his Rapier, and first battiering at the inside of his weapon thrust the Quarte close to his Rapier at his right breast.

  • Ha ellenfeled jra Rapierod klsejn szrt, a Szekund vagyis a hegy kzelben a (7) leggyengbb rsz fltt, akkor engedd a hegyed fgg Kvartba ereszkedni, a markolatot htul megemelve, gy Szekundjt vagyis leggyengbb rszt rintve Primeddel azaz Rapierodnak legersebb rszvel, szrj akkor Kvarttal Rapierjnak belsejnl jobb combjba.

  • If thine adversary doth thrust again at the outside of thy Rapier, over the Secunde (7) or the weakest part near the point, then let thy point sink down into a hanging Quarte, lifting up the hilt behind, thus thou dost touch his Secunde or the weakest part with thy Prime or the strongest part of thy Rapier, thrust then with the Quarte at th inside of his Rapier at his right thigh.

  • VIII. Fejezet Arrl, hogyan hrtsd azon szrsokat, melyeket bellre intznek Ha ellenfeled Rapierod Primjhez szorosan intzett feld szrst bellre, akkor (1) Szekunddal hrtsd balod irnyba lefel, s ugyanazon pillanatban, melyben hrtottl vltsd ellenfeled Rapierjhoz kzel Szekundod Kvartba, s szrj mellkasnak jobbjba, fegyvernek belsejnl. Hasonl mdon, csaphatsz (battiere) is Rapierjra bell szrsnak kzeledtvel, (2) s ugyanazon pillanatban a Kvartot szrd mellkasnak jobbjba. Azonban mikor ha szrst intzi feld, kzel a Szekundhoz azaz a Rapierod (3) gyengbb rszhez, akkor vjj pengddel (cavere) Rapierja alatt jobbodrl bal kezed irnyba, s szrj Szekunddal Rapierjnak leggyengbb rsze fltt, Rapierjnak klfeln, mellkasnak jobbjba. Vagy mikor szrsa kzeleg, vjj pengddel (cavere) Rapierja alatt bal oldalad (4) irnyba, s trj be (Passere) fegyvere alatt, vagy Szekunddal jobb karja alatt. Vagy mskpp mikor szrsa jn feld, engedd Rapierod hegyt Szekundba (5) ereszkedni Rapierjnak klsejn, s hrtsd (parere) el azt jobbod fel, s ezt elhrtva (parere), Szekunddal trj be (passere) kvlrl jobb combja fel; vagy mikor bevgezted hrtsod (parere), Szekunddal szrj hosszan jobb karja fltt mellkasnak jobbjba. Ha ellenfeled bellrl szr feld kzel Rapierod Szekundjhoz, akkor bal lbaddal (6) htra lpve, hogy tested teljes slya bal combodra nehezedjen, vond magadhoz Rapierod, engedve azt vgigcsszni Rapierjnak belsejn a hegye irnyba, gy cselekedve Rapierod legersebb rszvel kzel jutsz a gyengbb rszhez, s ezzel az elnnyel szrj bellrl felje hosszan Kvarttal Rapierjhoz kzel mellkasnak jobbjba. Azonban ha ellenfeled mlyen alul szr feld, akkor engedd hegyed Kvartba (7) ereszkedni, s szrj felje Kvarttal fegyvernek belsejn jobb combjba.

  • Chapter VIII How to decline those thrusts that are made within If thine adverary doth make a thrust at thee within close to the Prime of thy Rapier, (1) then parere it with a Secunde down towards thy left side, and at the same instant thou parerest change thy Secunde into a Quarte close to thy adversarys Rapier, and thrust at his right breast, at the inside of his weapon. Thou mayst likewise battiere him within upon his Rapier when his thrust cometh, (2) and in the same moment thrust the Quarte at his right breast. But if he when he makes his thrust, doth thrust close to the Secunde or weakest (3) part of thy Rapier, then cavere from thy right hand towards thy left hand under his Rapier, and thrust with the Secunde over the weakest part of his Rapier, at the outside of his Rapier at his right breast. Or when his thrust approacheth, cavere towards thy left side under his Rapier, and (4) Passere under his weapon, or under his right arm with a Secunde. Or else when his thrust cometh, let the point of thy Rapier sink down into a (5) Secunde at the outside of his Rapier, and parere it towards thy right side out,and having parered, passere with a Secunde without at his right thigh; or when thou thus hast parered, then thrust a long thrust with a Secunde over his right arm, at his right breast. If thine adversary doth thrust at thee within close to the Secunde of thy Rapier, (6) then stepping back with thy left leg so that the weight of thy body come wholly to rest upon thy left thigh, draw thy Rapier to thee, letting it slide along his Rapier within towards his point, thus doing thou comest with the strongest part of thy Rapier close to his weaker part, and having this advantage make a long thrust at him within close to his Rapier with a Quarte at his right breast. But if thine adversary doth thrust lowly at thee, then let thy point sink down into a (7) Quarte, and thrust him with a Quarte at the inside of his weapon at his right thigh.

  • IX. Fejezet Arrl, hogyan viseltess sokfle alap bells ellenben A Szekund ellenben Ha ellenfeled magas Szekundban ll kinyjtott karral s bell nyitott, akkor tarts (1) ellen pengjnek (stringere) bell; s mihelyst szr feld jobb karod fltt kvl, szrj Terccel ugyanazon pillanatban, amint szrsa kzeledik, Rapierjnak Szekundja fltt kvl, mellkasnak jobbjba, s markolatoddal kiss ereszkedj lentre, mikor szrsod clba rt mellkasn, gy nem lesz kpes vjni pengjvel (cavere). Ha jra magas Szekundban ll, mint elzleg, s bell nyitott, akkor tarts ellen (2) pengjnek (stringere) bellrl Rapierjnak kzepe tjkn hajltott karokkal Tercben, hogy Rapierod hegye flfel nzzen s markolatod alacsonyan lljon, s mihelyst kvlrl szr feld, karod fltt, akkor Tercedet Szekundba fordtva trj be (passere) jobb karja alatt, nem rintve Rapierjt. Azonban ha kvl nyitott, akkor kvlrl tarts ellen pengjnek (stingere), s mihelyst (3) bell szr feld, engedd Rapierodat Szekundba ereszkedni, kzel ellenfeled Rapierjnak klsejn s trj be Szekunddal jobb combjba szrva. Ha ismt magas Szekundban ll, egyenes karral, azonban nyitott Rapierjtl (4) mindkt oldaln, akkor Terccel menj Rapierja al, oly mdon hogy Rapierod hegye markolata fel irnyuljon, s brhogyan is szrjon feld, szrj Szekunddal Contra-tempo Rapierjnak klsejn jobb karja fltt mellkasnak jobbjba. Ha kzps Szekundban ll, s Rapierjnak hegye kiss jobb klseje fel nz, (5) tarts ellen (stringere) Rapierjnak klsejn, s pengjnek ellen tartva menj jobbod irnyba, mint mondjuk egy kr alakzaton bell, gy knyszerteni fogod ellenfeled, hogy bell szrjon feld, s mikor szrsa kzeleg, akkor fordulj ki testeddel (Voltere) s Rapierjnak belsejn Kvarttal szrj mellkasnak jobbjba. Ha ismt kzp Szekundban ll, Rapierjnak klsejn tarts ellen (stringere), s (6) hirtelen csalj (Finda) Terccel flfel az arca irnyba, ha karjt felemeli, hogy megvdje arct, trj be (passere) jobb karja alatt: azonban ha Kvarttal flreti azt jobbja fel, ne engedd, hogy megrinthesse Rapierod, azonban emeld hegyed az hegye fl, s szrj Kvarttal bell, mellkasnak jobbjba: Vagy ha flreti Kvarttal jobbja fel, akkor ne engedd hogy Rapierodat rintse, de vjj pengddel (cavere) Rapierja alatt jobb oldalad fel, s a Kvartot Rapierjnak belsejn szrd mellkasnak jobbjba.

  • Chapter IX How thou art to demean thyself against many sorts of guards Against the Secunde If thine adversary doth lie in a high Secunde with a stretched arm and is open (1) within, then stringere him within; as soon as he will thrust at thee without over thy right arm, then thrust the Tertz at the same time his thrust approacheth, over the Secunde of his Rapier without, at his right breast, and with thy hilt go something low, when thy thrust is now arrived at his breast, that he may not be able to cavere. If he doth lie again in a high Secunde as before, and is open within, then Stringere (2) him within, in the midst of his Rapier with a bended arm in a Tertz, so that the point of thy Rapier stands upwards and thy hilt low; as soon as he will thrust at thee without, over thine arm, then changing thy Tertz into a Secunde Passere under his right arm, not touching his Rapier. But if he lie open without then stringere him without, as soon as he doth thrust at (3) thee within, then let the point of thy Rapier sink down into a Secunde, close to the outside of thy adversarys Rapier, and Passere him with the Secunde at his right thigh. If he lie again in a high Secunde with a straight arm, but doth open himself on both (4) sides of his Rapier, then go with the Tertz just under his Rapier, that the point of thy Rapier be directed towards his hilt, whether soever he doth thrust at thee, thrust Secunde contra-tempo at the outside of his Rapier over his right arm, and at his right breast. If he doth lie in the middle Secunde, and the point of his Rapier doth look quite (5) towards his right side out, then Stringere him at the outside of his Rapier, and stingering go towards thy right side about like in a Circle, thus thou wilt force thine adversary to make a thrust at thee within, when his thrust approacheth, then Voltere with the Quarte at the inside of his Rapier at his right breast. If he doth lie in a middle Secunde again, then stringere him at the outside of his (6) Rapier, and suddenly make a finda at his face upwards with a Tertz, if he lifteth up his arm to defend his face, then passere him under his right arm: but if he doth put it by with a Quarte towards his right side, let him not touch thy Rapier, but lift thy point over his point, and thrust him with a Quarte within, at his right breast: Or if he will put it by with a Quarte towards his right side, then let him not touch thy Rapier, but cavere towards thy right side under his Rapier, and thrust the Quarte at the inside of his Rapier at his right breast.

  • A Terc ellenben Ha ellenfeled magas Tercben ll hajltott karral, oly mdon, hogy Rapierjnak (7) hegye felfel nz, akkor csalj (Finda) felje bellre; mikor flretni szndkozik tettetett szrsod bal oldala irnyba, ne engedd, hogy Rapierodat rintse, hanem vjj pengddel (cavere) Rapierja alatt balod fel s Kvarttal szrj kvl jobb karja fltt, mellkasnak jobbjba: Ha nem veszi tekintetbe a csalst (Finda), akkor szrj mellkasnak jobbjban bellrl: ha ekkor hrtja szrsod, fordtsd Kvartodat Szekundba s trj be (passere). Kzbees megjegyzsknt ( ha bellrl ellene tartani szndkozol ) ha balja fel emeli Rapierjnak hegyt a tied fltt, hogy jobb karod fltt szrjon, akkor te pengd vjd (cavere) Rapierja alatt jobbod fel s Kvarttal szrj bellre. Ha ellenfeled Tercben tartja fegyvert s kinyjtott karral, akkor bellrl tarts ellen (8) (stringere) s pengjnek ellene tartva (stringere) lpj bal oldalad fel, mintha egy kr alakzatban mennl, akkor knyszertve lesz, hogy kvlrl szrjon feld, s mihelyst szrsa kzelit, dntsd meg tested, s Rapierjt nem rintve, lpj el (passe - betrs) mgtte jobb karja alatt. Vagy mikor bell tartasz ellen (stringere), csalj (Finda) arca irnyba Kvarttal (9) flfel mihelyst felemelte karjt, majd engedd hegyed jobb karja al ereszkedni, s lpj el (passe - betrs) mgtte. Vagy mikor bell tartasz ellen (stringere), s csalsz pengddel (Finda) lefel a (10) hasra, s mikor utnanyl lefel, akkor vjj pengddel (cavere bal) Rapierja alatt bal oldalad irnyba s szrj Szekunddal jobb karja fltt. A Kvart ellenben Amennyiben ellenfeled Rapierjt Kvartban tartja, oly mdon, hogy Rapierjnak (11) hegye jobbja fel kifel nz, s hogy bell nyitott, akkor tartsd Rapierodat Szekundban, s irnytsd Rapierod hegyt markolatnak belseje fel, s mihelyst bellre szr feld, akkor fordulj ki testeddel (Voltere) Kvartodbl mellkasnak jobbjra bell szrva. Annak ellenben, ki nyjtott karral ll, s a hegye flfel Amennyiben ellenfeled kinyjtott karral ll, oly mdon, hogy hegye fgglegesen (12) ll, mint egy hromszgben lenne, akkor magas Szekunddal kezdj s nyjtott karral Rapierjnak belsejn, s csalj (Finda) Rapierjn kvlre, gy mintha mellkasnak jobbjba szndkoznl szrni, karja fltt; s mihelyst flreti jobb klseje fel, Rapierja alatt vond vissza hegyed jobbodra, s Szekundodat Kvartba vltva, szrj Kvarttal Rapierjnak belsejn, mellkasnak jobbjba.

  • Against the Tertz If thine adversary doth lie in a high Tertz with a bended arm, so that the point of his (7) Rapier doth stand upright, then make a finda at him within; when he doth intend to put by thy feigned thrust towards his left side, let him not touch thy Rapier but cavere towards thy left side under his Rapier and thrust with the Quarte without over his right arm, at his right breast: If he will not regard thy finda, then thrust with the Quarte at his right breast within: when he doth parere thy thrust, then turn thy Quarte into a Secunde and passere him. In the interim observe (that if thou meanest to stringere him within) if he doth towards his left side life the point of his Rapier over thine to thrust thee over thy right arm; thou then caverest towards thy right side under his Rapier and thrustest a Quarte at him within. If thine adversary doth hold his weapon in the Tertz and with a straight arm, then (8) stringere him within, and stringering him step towards thy left side, and go about as it were in a circle, then he will be forced to thrust at thee without; as soon as his thrust approacheth, bow thy body, and not touching his Rapier, passe behind him under his right arm. Or when thou dost stringere him within, make a finda at his face with a Quarte (9) upwards as soon as he lifteth up his arm, then let thy point sink down under his right arm, and passe behind him. Or stringere him within, and make thy finda downwards at his belly, when he doth (10) catch after it downwards, then cavere towards thy left side under his Rapier and thrust with a Secunde over his right arm. Against the Quarte If thine adversary doth hold his Rapier in a Quarte, so that the point of his Rapier (11) doth look towards his right side out, that he be open within, then hold thy Rapier in a Secunde, and direct the point of thy Rapier towards his Hilt within, as soon as he doth thrust at thee within, then Voltere with thy Quarte at his right breast within. Against one that lies with a stretched arm, and the point upwards If thine adversary doth lie with a stretched arm, so that his point standeth upright, (12) as it were in a Triangle, then go with a high Secunde and a stretched arm at the inside of his Rapier, and make him a finda at the outside of his Rapier, as if thou didst mean to thrust him at his right breast, over his arm; as soon as he will put it by towards his right side out, then recall thy point towards thy right side under his Rapier, and changing thy Secunde into a Quarte, thrust with a Quarte at the inside of his Rapier, at his right breast.

  • Vagy mikor Rapierjnak belsejn Szekundban vagy, akkor csalj (Finda) bell arca (13) fel, s mihelyst utna megy megtveszt szrsodnak (Finda) balod irnyba, akkor vjj pengddel (cavere) Rapierja alatt balod fel s szrj Szekunddal, vagy reverse //Fordtottan// (a Kvart ms neve, mivel kvlrl szrjk, lsd a negyedig fejezetben a kilences szmot) Rapierjnak klsejn jobb karja fltt. Vagy ha jra gy ll, mint elzleg, akkor magas Szekunddal s kinyjtott karral (14) kezdj Rapierjnak klsejn, akr mint egy kr alakzatban, s a hegyedet tartsd a jobb szeme fel, s ezt tedd, hogy arra ksztesd, hogy hegyedet flfel sse flre; s mikor ltod karjt emelkedni, akkor a hegyed engedd jobb karja al ereszkedni, s testedet meghajtva haladj el mgtte jobb karja alatt. Arrl, ha ellenfeled bal kezt a markolata mgtt tartja a clbl,hogy hrtani tudja (parere) szrsaid, hogyan tveszd meg bal kezt Intzz szrst ellenfeled fel jobb karja fltt kzel Rapierjnak kls felhez, s (15) mikor ellenfeled hrtani trekszik (parere) szrsod jobbja fel bal kezvel jobb karja fltt, akkor ne engedd, hogy Rapierodat kezvel rintse, hanem pp amint kzeledik kezvel fegyvered fel, emeld t Rapierod hegyt bal keze fltt jobbod irnyba kifel, s szrj Szekunddal bal keze fltt, s jobb karja fltt. Vagy mikor utnanylt Rapierodnak jobb oldala irnyba, jobb karja fltt bal (16) kezvel, akkor engedd, hogy elvtse Rapierod, hegyed bal karja al ereszkedni engedvn, Szekunddal szrj mellkasa fel, mint eltte, s jobb karja fltt. Szrj felje Rapierjnak bels feln Kvarttal, s amint bal kezt markolata mgtt (17) tartja, akkor szndkozik hrtani (parere) szrsod bal kezvel balja irnyba kifel, akkor emeld t Rapierod hegyt bal keze fltt balod fel, s szrj Kvarttal Rapierjnak belsejn mellkasnak jobbjba. Vagy mikor utnanyl szrsodnak balja fel, akkor vjj pengddel (cavere) bal (18) keze alatt jobbodrl bal oldalad irnyba, s szrj Kvarttal Rapierjnak belsejn mellkasnak jobbjba. Azonban ha flretni trekszik betrekv szrsod bal kezvel, jobbja fel, jobb (19) karja alatt, akkor hagyd elvteni Rapierod s vjj pengddel (cavere) bal keze alatt jobb oldalad fel s szrd Kvarttal bal karja fltt. Vagy mikor szrsod jobb karja alatt szndkszik balja irnyba kvlre flretni, (20) akkor engedd hegyed bal karja al ereszkedni, s szrd Kvarttal a hasn.

  • Or when thou art at the inside of his Rapier with thy Secunde, then make a Finda (13) within at his face, as soon as he doth catch after thy Finda towards thy left side, then cavere towards thy left side under his Rapier and thrust him with a Secunde, or with a reverse (a Quarte so called because thrusted without, view the fourth Chapter, the ninth number) at the outside of his Rapier over his right arm. Or if he lieth again as formerly he did, then go with the high Secunde and a (14) stretched arm at the outside of his Rapier about as in a circle, and thy point hold towards his right eye, doing thus thou shalt compel him to put by thy point upwards; when thou seest him lifting up his arm, then let thy point sink in under his right arm, and bowing thy body pass behind him under his right arm. If thine adversary holdeth his left hand behind his hilt for to parere thy thrusts, how thou art to deceive his left hand Make a thrust at thine adversary close to the outside of his Rapier over his right (15) arm, when thine adversary doth endeavor to parere thy thrust towards his right side over his right arm with his left hand, then let him not touch thy Rapier with his hand, but just as he is coming towards thy weapon with his hand, lift the point of thy Rapier over his left hand towards thy right side out, and thrust him with a Secunde over his left hand, and his right arm. Or when he doth catch after thy Rapier towards his right side, over his right arm (16) with his left hand, then let him miss thy Rapier, letting thy point sink in under his left arm, and thrusting him with a Secunde at his breast as before, and over his right arm. Thrust at him at the inside of his Rapier with a Quarte, as soon as he holding his (17) left hand behind his hilt, doth mean to parere thy thrust with his left hand towards his left side out, then lift the point of thy Rapier towards thy left side over his left hand, and thrust him with a Quarte at the inside of his Rapier at his right breast. Or when he doth catch after thy thrust towards his left side, then cavere from thy (18) right side towards thy left side under his left hand, and thrust him with a Quarte at the inside of his Rapier at his right breast. But if he doth strive to put by thy inward thrust with his left hand, towards his right (19) side, under his right arm, then let him miss thy Rapier and cavere towards thy right side under his left hand and thrust him with a Quarte over his left arm. Or when he doth mean to put by thy thrust under his right arm towards his left side (20) out, then let thy point sink in under his left arm, and thrust with the Quarte at his belly.

  • X. Fejezet Arrl, hogyan kerlheted el a betrst (passada) A legjobb t a betrs (passada) elkerlsre, hogy ellenfeled ne legyen kpes (1) ugyanazt hasznlni ellened kvlrl, hogy minden szrst, amit kvlrl intznek feld, Kvarttal hrtsd ( a hetedik fejezet els szablya alapjn). Ami a bellre szndkolt betrs (passade) ell val kitrst illeten a nyolcadik fejezet msodik szablya hasznosthat. De ha azt szeretnd (a clbl, hogy kitrj elle), teremts szmra olyan helyzetet, (2) hogy kvlrl trjn (passade) feld, emeld meg karod s flfel sd flre szrst, s mihelyst hegyt jobb karod al engedi ereszkedni, akkor fordulj ki testeddel (voltere) Kvarttal szrva mellkasnak jobbjba, s ezt cselekedd azrt, hogy elkerlj betrse (passade) ell, mivel hegye tested fordultval tovbbhalad. Vagy mikor szrst flfel flrettted, s hegyt Rapierod alatt Szekundba (3) engedi ereszkedi a clbl, hogy betrjn (passere), akkor hasonl mdon engedd hegyed lefel ereszkedni Szekundba, s elsknt Rapierjt jobb oldalad fel hrtva (parere) trj be (passade) kvlrl, Rapierja alatt. Vagy mikor be akar trni (passere), akkor bal lbaddal lpj htra csupn, gy (4) kilpsz Krbl (mensure) s elrhet kzelsgbl, s tested teljes slya bal combodra fog nehezedni, s htra lpve bal lbaddal, vjj pengddel (cavere) szrsa alatt bal oldalad irnyba, s kvl trj be (passere) fegyvere alatt. Vagy mskpp, mikor kvlrl akar betrni (passere) jobb karod alatt, akkor lpj (5) vissza, (nem bal lbaddal, mint elbb) de jobb lbaddal bal lbad mg, amit ne mozdts, gy csupn bal oldalad lesz lthat, s bal kezeddel szrst jobbodra kifel hrtva (parere), Szekunddal szrj mellkasnak jobbjba.

  • Chapter X How thou mayst escape the Passada The best way to avoid the Passade that thine adversary shall not be able to use (1) the same against thee without, is to parere all thrusts that are made without with a Quarte (according to the first rule of the seventh Chapter). As for the inward Passade to elude, is to make use of the second rule of the eighth Chapter. But if thou wilt (of purpose to elude him) give him occasion to make a Passade (2) upon thee without, lift up thy arm and put his thrust by upwards, and as soon as he lets his point sink down under thy right arm, then Voltere with a Quarte at his right breast, thus doing thou wilt escape his Passade, for his point doth pass in the turning of thy body about. Or when thou puttest by his thrust upwards, and he lets his point sink down into a (3) Secunde under thy Rapier for to Passiere thee, then let thou likewise sink thy point downwards into a Secunde, and first parering his Rapier towards thy right side make a Passade upon him without, under his Rapier. Or when he will Passere, then step back only with thy left foot, so that thou comest (4) out of his Mensure and reach, and the weight of thy body come wholly to rest upon thy left thigh, and stepping back with thy left leg, cavere under his thrust towards thy left side, and Passere him without under his Weapon. Or else when he will Passere thee without under thy right arm, then step back, (not (5) with thy left leg as before) but with thy right leg behind thy left leg, which thou art not to stir, so that thy left side be only seen, and parering his thrust towards thy right side out with thy left hand, thrust with a Secunde at his right breast.

  • XI. Fejezet Ellenlps Voltera (kiforduls) A legjobb t, hogy kitrj a Volte ell, az hogy mindig Szekunddal szrj jobb karja (1) fltt jobbjba, s akkor nem tudja testt kifordtva szrni (Voltere) sem bell, sem reverse (fordtva) jobb karod fltt kvl, letnek veszlyeztetse nlkl. Azonban ha ellenfelled sajt nszntbl testt kifordtva szr (voltere) feld, akkor (2) engedd a hegyed fgg Kvartba ereszkedni, s szrj hosszan felje Rapierjnak belsejn, jobb combjba. Vagy tested kifordtva szrj felje (voltere) contra-tempo, s szrj mellkasnak (3) jobbjba. Klnben mikor kifordtja testt, s Voltt kvn intzni feld bellre, akkor engedd (4) Rapierod markolatt leereszkedni kzel Rapierjnak leggyengbb rszhez, s hegyedet flfel tartva, szrj hegyeddel a htba.

  • Chapter XI Remedies for the Volte The best way to shun the Volte is, that thou always thrustest with a Secunde over (1) his right arm at his right side, then he can neither Voltere thee within, nor without with a reverse over thy right arm, without danger of his life. But if thine adversary doth Voltiere at thee of his own accord, then let thy point sink (2) down into a hanging Quarte, and make a long thrust at him at the inside of his Rapier, at his right thigh. Or Voltiere with him contra-tempo, and thrust at his right breast. (3) Else when he turneth himself about and will make a Volte at thee within, then let (4) the hilt of thy Rapier sink down close to the weakest part of his Rapier, and holding thy point upright, thrust him with the point into his back.

  • XII. Fejezet Arrl, hogyan viseltesd magad Ellenfeled csalsa (Finda) vagy megtvesztse ellenben Amennyiben ellenfeled csalrdsggal igyekszik elbizonytalantani tged a szrst (1) illeten, s arrl, hol kne szrst vrnod, akkor ne engedd magad megtveszteni, hanem lpj egyenesen be hozz, s jobb karod vagy Rapierod ne mozdtsd, hegyedet egyenesen elre a megfelel vonalon tartva, akkor ellenfeled, mikor tl kzel rtl hozz, hogy szrjon feld, vagy hogy flresse Rapierod hegyt, akrhova is szrjon akkor, bell vagy kvl, hrtsd (parere) a hetedik s nyolcadik Fejezetben leirt pldzatoknak megfelelen; s ha hegyedet akr melyik oldalra is ti flre, akkor azon nyomban vjj pengddel (cavere) Rapierja alatt, s szrj akr Szekunddal kvl, vagy Kvarttal bell, annak megfelelen, hogy szrst jobb vagy bal oldalra ti flre. Vagy tartsd Rapierodat als Tercben egyenes karral lefel trdedhez kzel, s (2) csalssal (finda) nem tehet krt benned, s mihelyst szr feld, szrj Szekunddal contra-tempo Rapierjnak klsejn jobb karja fltt.

  • Chapter XII How thou art to behave thee against thine adversarys Findas or falsifying If thine adversary by falsifying doth strive to make thee doubtful of his thrust, and (1) where thou shalt look for his thrust, then let him not deceive thee, but go straight in upon him, and thy right arm or Rapier do not stir, holding thy point straight forwards in a right line, then will thine adversary, when thou comest too near him, be contrained to make a thrust at thee, or to put by thy Rapiers point; whither soever he then doth thrust, within or without, parere it according to the rules prescirbed in the seventh and eigth Chapters precedent; and if he puts by thy point towards what side soever it be, then cavere instantly under his Rapier, and thrust either with a Secunde without, or with a Quarte within, according as he puts by thy thrust towards his right or left side. Or else hold thy Rapier in a low Tertz with a straight arm downwards near thy (2) knee, then he can do thee no hurt with his findas, as soon as he doth make a thrust at thee, then thrust Secunde contra-tempo at the outside of his Rapier over his right arm.

  • XIII. Fejezet Arrl, hogyan jrj el ellenfeled Rapierjval miutn pengjnek ellene tartottl (stringere) Tarts ellene ellenfeled pengjnek (stringere) bellrl, s mihelyst Rapierod alatt (1) vj pengjvel (cavere) bal oldala fel s Rapierod klsejn szrst intz jobb karod fltt, akkor jobb lbaddal belpve, sd kvlre szrst, majd engedd Rapierod az Rapierjnak klsejn pihenni s tarts ellen pengjnek (stringere) kvlrl, s mihelyst htralp s bell akar feld szrst intzni, akkor lpj be felje bal lbaddal jobb lbad eltt s azt a szrst sd balod fel, ismt pihentetve fegyvered Rapierjnak bels feln, egszen addig mg Krn (mensure) bellre kerl, vagy elrhetsgedbe, s akkor szrj ahova szeretnl, mindig nzve s figyelve hegyt, mert nem kvnnm ugyanis, hogy tekintetbe vedd vagy figyelmezd azokat akik minden sszersg ellenben beszlnek s a megszerzett tapasztalat elhitesse veled, hogy csupn csak szemt kell megfigyelned, ami knnyedn becsaphat (mint ha kancsal lenne) ellenfeled hegyt megfigyelve kevss veszlyeztetve cselekszel; mivel a Rapiert a szem vezrli, s nem s szemet a Rapier, s lvn nem tudhatod biztosan a szembl, hova fog szrni, mondhatom kvetkezskpp, hogy jobb s biztosabb ha figyelmezed s nzed a hegyet, ami veszlyeztet, mint a szemet, ami becsaphat.

  • Chapter XIII How thou must prosecute thine adversarys Rapier when thou hast stringered him Stringere thine adversary within, as soon as he doth cavere under thy Rapier (1) towards his left side and makes a thrust at the outside of thy Rapier over thy right arm, then stepping in with thy right leg, put by his thrust without, then let thy Rapier rest at the outside of his Rapier and stringere him without, as soon as he steps back and will make a thrust at thee within, then step in towards him with thy left leg before thy right leg and put that thrust by towards thy left side resting likewise with thy weapon at the inside of his Rapier till that he be in thy mensure or reach, and then thrust where thou pleasest, ever looking and observing his point, neither would I wish thee to regard or listen to those who speaking against all reason and known experience will make thee believe that thou art only to observe his eye, which may easily deceive thee (as if he be squint-eyed) by observing thine adversarys point thou art less endangered; for the Rapier is guided by the eye, not the eye by the Rapier, and being so that thou canst not for certain know by the eye where he will thrust I hence do conclude that it is better and safer to regard and watch the point which doth endanger thee, than the eye which is deceiving.

  • XIV. Fejezet A hetedik Fejezetben leirt pldzatok ellenben hasznlatos megjegyzsek Szrj ellenfeled fel kvlrl, a Prim vagyis Rapierja legersebb rsze fltt a (1) markolathoz kzel, s mihelyst Kvarttal hrtja (parere) azt jobbja fel el, engedd Rapierod hegyt fgg Kvartba ereszkedni a markolatot htul megemelve, s ezt cselekedd azrt, hogy megrintsd Rapierjnak leggyengbb rszt a tied legersebb rszvel, s akkor szrj Kvarttal jobb combjba. Vagy mikor Kvarttal flreti szrsod, engedd a hegyed fgg Szekundba (2) ereszkedni, s szrj Rapierjnak bels feln, jobb combjba. Vagy, ha szrsod Kvartjval jobb oldala irnyban lefel ti flre, akkor bal (3) lbaddal bal oldaladra lpve, emeld t Rapierod markolatt fegyvernek leggyengbb rsze fltt, mgis ahhoz kzel, s engedd a markolatod Rapierjnak klsejn leereszkedni s tarts ellen pengjnek (stringere), vagy szrj, amint jobban tetszik: Ez hasonl mdon hasznlhat az tdik fejezetben. Szrj ellenfeled fel kvlrl a Szekund vagyis Rapierjnak gyengbb rsze fltt, (4) ha ekkor Rapierod alatt pengjvel vj (cavere) jobb oldala fel a clbl, hogy Kvarttal szrjon feld bellre, akkor engedd Rapierod hegyt fgg Szekundba ereszkedni Rapierjnak kls feln, s trd meg pengjnek vjst (cavere), s akkor abban a pillanatban trj be (passere) kvlre Rapierja alatt. Szrj ellenfeled fel Szekunddal, Rapierjnak leggyengbb rsze fltt, kvlrl, s (5) mihelyst kzeled szrsod alatt pengjvel vj (cavere) Kvarttal jobb klseje irnyba, a clbl, hogy bell feld szrhasson, akkor ltva pengjnek vjst (cavere), Szekundodat vltsd fgg Kvartba, s hegyedet Rapierjnak belsejnl engedve leereszkedni, szrj fel az emltett Kvarttal jobb combjba. Vagy mikor kvl szrsz fel a Szekund vagyis Rapierjnak leggyengbb rsze (6) fltt, s emiatt Kvarttal intzett szrsod alatt jobb oldala irnyba vj pengjvel (cavere), azzal a clzattal, hogy Kvart contra-tempo szrjon ellenedben, akkor tartztasd szndkolt szrsod, s csapj (battiere) Rapierjnak belsejre Rapieroddal, s szrj Kvarttal ugyanazon pillanatban, ahogy lecsapsz (battiere) fegyvernek belsejn, mellkasnak jobbjba.

  • Chapter XIV Containing observations against the seventh preceding Chapter Make a thrust at thine adversary without, over the Prime or strongest part of his (1) Rapier near the hilt, as soon as he doth parere it with a Quarte towards his right side out, then let the point of thy Rapier sink down into a hanging Quarte lifting up the Hilt behind, thus doing thou dost touch the weakest part of his Rapier with the strongest part of thine, thrust then with the Quarte at his right thigh. Or when he doth put by thy thrust with a Quarte, let thy point sink down into a (2) hanging Secunde, and thrust at the inside of his Rapier, at his right thigh. Or if he doth put by thy thrust with his Quarte towards his right side downwards, (3) then stepping towards thy left side with thy left foot, lift the Hilt of thy Rapier over the weakest part of his weapon, though close to it, and let thy Hilt sink down at the outside of his Rapier and stringere him, or thrust if thou pleasest: This may likewise be used in the fifth Chapter. Make a thrust at thine adversary without over the Secunde or weakest part of his (4) Rapier, if he then cavere towards his right side under thy Rapier for to thrust a Quarte at thee within, then let the point of thy Rapier sink down into a hanging Secunde at the outside of his Rapier, and break his Cavereing, and then at an instant Passere him at the outside under his Rapier. Thrust at thine adversary with the Secunde, over the weakest part of his Rapier, (5) without, as soon as he doth cavere under thine approaching thrust with the Quarte towards his right side out, for to thrust at thee within, then seeing him cavere change thy Secunde into a hanging Quarte, and letting thy point sink down at the inside of his Rapier thrust him with the said Quarte at his right thigh. Or when thou dost thrust at him without over his Secunde or the weakest part of (6) his Rapier, and he doth cavere towards his right side under they thrust with a Quarte, of an intent to thrust Quarte contra-tempo with thee, then stay thy intended thrust, and battiere him at the inside of his Rapier with thy Rapier, and thrust him at the same instant thou battierest with a Quarte at the inside of his weapon, at his right breast.

  • Vagy mikor pengjvel szrsod alatt vj (cavere) jra jobbja fel, akkor (7) ugyanazon pillanatban vjj (cavere) balod fel Rapierja alatt mikor is vj pengjvel (cavere), s Szekunddal szrj felje Rapierjnak klfeln mellkasnak jobbjba.

  • Or when he cavereth again towards his right side under thy thrust, then cavere (7) thou at the selfsame time towards thy left side under his Rapier when he doth cavere, and thrust him with a Secunde at the outside of his Rapier at this right breast.

  • XV. Fejezet A nyolcadik Fejezetben leirt pldzatok ellenben hasznlatos megjegyzsek Szrj ellenfeled fel bellre kzel a Prim vagyis a Rapierja legersebb rszhez (1) kzel a markolathoz, s mihelyst hrtotta (parere) szrsod balja fel ki Szekunddal, akkor vltsd Kvartodat Szekundba, s mgtte elhaladva szrj jobb combjba. Vagy mikor hrtotta (parere) Kvartod Szekunddal baljra, akkor lpj jobb lbaddal (2) jobb oldalad fel, Rapierod hegyt kzel engedve fegyverhez jobb oldalad irnyban, Rapierjnak Szekundja fltt, s pengjnek tarts ellene bell (stringere), s amint ellenttartasz ellenfelednek (stringere) csapj (battiere) fegyvernek belsejre, s rgtn fltte Kvarttal szrj fegyvernek belsejn mellkasnak jobbjba. Vagy mikor hrtotta (parere) szrsod Szekunddal balja fel, akkor lpj bal (3) lbaddal bal oldalad fel, s szrj felje Kvarttal jobb karja alatt a hasba. Szrj ellenfeled fel bellre, Rapierjnak Szekundja fltt Kvarttal, mikor ltod, (4) hogy pengjvel szrsod alatt (cavere) balja fel vj, azzal a szndkkal, hogy kvlrl jobb karod fltt Szekundbl contra-tempo szrjon, akkor Kvartod vltsd Szekundba, s szrj t jobb karja fltt, Rapierjnak klfeln, mellkasnak jobbjba. Szrj ellenfeled fel jra bell kzel Rapierjnak Szekundjhoz Kvarttal, s mihelyst (5) balja fel szrsod alatt vj pengjvel (cavere), azrt hogy Szekund contra-tempo szrjon jobb oldalad fltt a pengjnek Kvartbl trtn vjsa (cavering) alatt, s elsknt Rapierjnak bels felre csapva (battiere) azonnal szrj Kvarttal Rapierjnak belsejn mellkasnak jobbjba. Itt vgzdik az els knyv els rsze arrl, hogy kezeld az egyedli Rapiert jobbkezes frfi ellenben.

  • Chapter XV Containing observations against the eighth precedent Chapter Thrust at thine adversary within close to the Prime or strongest part of his Rapier (1) near his hilt, as soon as he parereth thy thrust towards his left side out with a Secunde, then change thy Quarte into Secunde, and passing behind him thrust at his right thigh. Or when he parereth thy Quarte with a Secunde towards his left side, then step (2) with thy right foot towards thy right side, and letting the point of thy Rapier close to his weapon towards thy right side, over the Secunde of his Rapier, and stringere him within, and as soon as thou hast stringered him battiere him at the inside of his weapon, and presently upon it thrust with the Quarte at the inside of his weapon at his right breast. Or when he parereth thy thrust with a Secunde towards his left side, then step with (3) they left leg towards thy left side, and thrust him with a Quarte under his right arm at his belly. Thrust at thine adversary within, over the Secunde of his Rapier with a Quarte, (4) when thou seest him cavere towards his left side under thy thrust, of an intent to thrust thee without over thy right arm with a Secunde contra-tempo, then change thy Quarte into a Secunde, and thrust him over his right arm, at the outside of his Rapier, at his right breast. Thrust at thine adversary again within close to the Secunde of his Rapier with a (5) Quarte, as soon as he doth cavere towards his left side under his thrust, for to thrust Secunde contra-tempo over thy right side under his cavering with the Quarte, and battiering him first at the inside of his Rapier thrust instantly upon it with the Quarte at the inside of his Rapier at his right breast. Here endeth the first part of the first Book, treating how to use a single Rapier against a Right-handed man.

  • II. Knyv PARS PRIOR: A msodik knyvnek els rsze, Magba foglalja, hogyan forgassa egy jobbkezes frfi balkezes frfi ellenben az egyedli Rapiert

  • Lib. II. PARS PRIOR: The first part of the second Booke, shewing how a Right-handed man is to play with a Left-handed man at single Rapie.

  • I. Fejezet A ngy ltalnos alapbells hasznlatrl a bal kezesek ellenben. A jobb kezes frfi a bal kezes frfit Primmel csupn ellenfele Rapierjnak klsejn bal karja fltt szrja. (1) A Szekund a jobbkezes ltal bal kezes ellenben kvl hasznlatos, ellenfele bal karja fltt hossz (2) szrskor, s betrsnl (Passade) s betrsnl (Passade) bal karja alatt; s hasonl mdon hasznlatos kvl, hossz szrskor, s betrsnl (Passade). A Terc bal kezes ellenben csupn annak Rapirjnak klfeln hasznlatos, bal karja fltt. (3) A Kvartot bal kezes ellenben kvl szrjk, annak bal karja fltt, hasonl mdon hossz szrsnl s (4) Voltnl (kiforduls), s ekkor fordtottnak (reverse) hvhat, megvltozott tulajdona s termszete okn.

  • Chapter I. Containeth the use of the four general guards against the left-handed. The right-handed man doth thrust the left-handed man with the Prime only at the outside of his Rapier (1) over his left arm. The Secunde is used by the right-handed against the left-handed without, over his left arm in a long (2) thrust, and in a Passade and in a Passade under his left arm; and is likewise used within, in a long thrust, and in a Passade. The Tertz is only thrusted at the left-handed, at the outside of his Rapier, over his left arm. (3) The Quarte is thrusted at the left-handed man without, over his left arm, likewise within in a long thrust (4) and in a Volte, and then it maybe called a reverse, as having changed her property and nature.

  • II. Fejezet A ngy alaplls rszleteiben tekintve bal kezes ellenfl esetn; s arrl, hogyan szrj Primmel vagy Szekunddal bal karja fltt. Ha ellenfeled bell nyitott, tarts ellene Rapierjnak annak bels felnl, s mihelyst vj (cavere) pengjvel (1) Rapierod alatt jobb oldala irnyba, azon clbl, hogy Szekunddal bell rhessen, akkor tsnek kzeledtvel szrj Terccel, vagy Kvarttal Rapierjnak klfeln, bal karja fltt; ha ekkor szrsod Kvarttal hrtja (parere) balja fel, akkor Terced vagy Kvartod fordtsd Szekundba vagy Primbe, s szrj kvl bal karja fltt mellkasnak baljba. Arrl, hogyan trj be (passere) Szekunddal bal kezes frfi ellenben, Rapierjnak klfeln, bal karja alatt Ha bal kezes ellenfeled bell nyitott, akkor Rapierjnak bels feln tarts pengjnek ellene (stringere), s (2) mihelyst Szekunddal szr feld, akkor szrsnak kzeledtvel Rapierjnak klfeln bal karja alatt tmadj, Terccel vagy Kvarttal, ha ekkor Szekunddal flfel kvnja szrsod hrtani, akkor Rapierod hegyt engedd Szekundba ereszkedni bal karja al s haladj el mgtte. Arrl, hogyan kell hasznlni a Szekundot bell bal kezes ellenfllel szemben. Ellenfeled Rapierjnak kls feln tarts ellene, s mikor vj (cavere) jobb oldala fel Rapierod alatt, s (3) kvl szndkozik jobb karod fltt szrni, akkor kzeled szrsval egyazon idben szrj Szekunddal Rapierjnak bels feln a Szekund vagyis fegyvernek gyengbb rszhez kzel, bal karja s mellkasnak balja kz. Arrl, hogyan hasznlatos a Terc vagy Kvart kvl, bal kezes frfi karja fltt. Tarts ellenfeled pengjnek bellrl ellen (stringere), a mihelyst Szekunddal szr feld bellre, akkor szrj (4) Terccel vagy Kvarttal a Szekund vagyis Rapierjnak gyengbb rszhez kzel, fegyvernek klfeln bal karja fltt mellkasnak baljba, s mikor szrtl, markolatod ereszd lentre. Arrl, hogyan szrj Kvarttal bellre bal kezes ellenfelednek.

  • Chapter II The use of the four guards against the left-handed man is particularized, how thou art to thrust with the Prime or Secunde at the outside over his left arm. If thine adversary be open within stringere him at the inside of his Rapier, as soon as he caveres towards (1) his right side under thy Rapier, for to thrust at thee within with a Secunde, then just at coming of his blow thrust with a Tertz, or a Quarte at the outside of his Rapier, over his left arm; if he then parereth thy thrust with a Quarte towards his left side, then turn thy Tertz or Quarte into a Secunde or Prime, and thrust him without over his left arm at his left breast. How to passere a left-handedman with a Secunde, at the outside of his Rapier under his left arm If thy left-handed adversary be open within, then stringere him at the insideof his Rapier, as soon as he 2) will thrust at thee within with a Secunde, then at the approaching of his thrust make at him at the outside of his Rapier over his left arm, with a Tertz or Quarte, if he then will put by thy thrust upwads with a Secunde, then let the point of thy Rapier sink down into a Secunde under his left arm and pass behind him. How thou art to use the Secunde within at a left-handed adversary. Stringere thine adversary at the outside of his Rapier, when he cavereth towards his right side under thy (3) Rapier, and will thrust thee without over thy right arm, then thrust just at the coming of his thrust with a Secunde at the inside of his Rapier close to the Secunde or weakest part of his weapon, between his left arm and left breast. How the Tertz or Quarte is to be used without, over the left-handed man's arm. Stringere thine adversary within, as soon as he doth thrust at thee within with a Secunde, then thrust with (4) the Tertz or Quarte close to his Secunde or weakest part of the Rapier at the outside of his weapon over his left arm at his left breast, and when thou dost thrust then go low with thy Hilt. How to thrust the Quarte within at thy left-handed adversary.

  • Engedd, hogy bal kezes ellenfeled Rapierodnak bels feln tartson pengdnek ellene (stingere), s intzz (5) felje egy hirtelen szrst Szekundbl Szekundja vagyis Rapierjnak gyengbb rsznl, hegyhez kzel, ha ekkor Szekundod Kvarttal trekszik hrtani (parere) jobb oldala fel, akkor Szekundodat vltsd Kvartba s testedet kifordtva (Volte) szrj fegyvernek bels feln mellkasnak jobbjba: Azonban ha tl messzire hrtotta pengd jobb oldalra, hogy nem tudod mellkast rni, akkor engedd Kvartod bal karja al ereszkedni s testedet kifordtva szrd (volte) Kvarttal bal oldalt.

  • Let thy l