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Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

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Small scales, many species and the manifoldchallenges of turbulent combustion

Stephen B. Pope

Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Available online 13 October 2012


A major goal of combustion research is to develop accurate, tractable, predictive models for the phenom-ena occurring in combustion devices, which predominantly involve turbulent flows. With the focus on gas-phase, non-premixed flames, recent progress is reviewed, and the significant remaining challenges facingmodels of turbulent combustion are examined. The principal challenges are posed by the small scales, themany chemical species involved in hydrocarbon combustion, and the coupled processes of reaction andmolecular diffusion in a turbulent flow field. These challenges, and how different modeling approaches facethem, are examined from the viewpoint of low-dimensional manifolds in the high-dimensional space ofchemical species. Most current approaches to modeling turbulent combustion can be categorized as flam-elet-like or PDF-like. The former assume or imply that the compositions occurring in turbulent combustionlie on very-low-dimensional manifolds, and that the coupling between turbulent mixing and reaction can beparameterized by at most one or two variables. PDF-like models do not restrict compositions in this way,and they have proved successful in describing more challenging combustion regimes in which there is signif-icant local extinction, or in which the turbulence significantly disrupts flamelet structures. Advances in diag-nostics, the design of experiments, computational resources, and direct numerical simulations are allcontributing to the continuing development of more accurate and general models of turbulent combustion.� 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Turbulent combustion; Probability density function methods; Large-eddy simulation

1. Introduction

Turbulent combustion, the topic of this paper,has been the focus of previous Hottel lectures [1,2]and of many other plenary lectures [3–10] at theInternational Combustion Symposia. The topicis both important and persistent. The importanceis obvious, given the continuing dominance of thecombustion of hydrocarbon fuels to meetthe world’s energy demands, and the fact thatthe flows involved are inevitably turbulent,

1540-7489/$ - see front matter � 2012 The Combustion Instit

E-mail address: (S.B. Pope).

because of their large flow rates. The persistenceof research on turbulent combustion over manydecades reflects the formidable challenges of thesubject, which yield slowly to our increasingunderstanding and technological capabilities interms of computer power and instrumentation.

1.1. Turbulent combustion models: goals and linesof attack

As in most branches of the physical sciences,the ultimate goal of research on turbulent com-bustion is an accurate and tractable theory ormodel, which encapsulates the attained knowledge

ute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

2 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

and understanding of the phenomenon. Forexample, in the context of ground transportation,a US Department of Energy workshop [11] “iden-tified a single overarching grand challenge: thedevelopment of a validated, predictive, multi-scalecombustion modeling capability to optimize thedesign and operation of evolving fuels inadvanced engines for transportation applica-tions”. While the use and value of turbulent com-bustion models continue to increase acrosscombustion industries, current capabilities fallwell short of what is needed in reliable designtools, and well short of what has been achievedin other disciplines, such as solid mechanics andfluid dynamics.

One line of attack is to develop models applica-ble to the geometry of practical combustiondevices, including sub-models for the many com-plexities involved—sprays, radiation, acoustics,etc.—in addition to a turbulent combustion modelfor the gas-phase combustion. For the overallmodel to be computationally tractable, each sub-model needs to be relatively simple. A marvelousexemplar of this line of attack is the simulationby Boileau et al. [12] of the ignition sequence ofthe 18 liquid-fueled burners in a gas-turbine annu-lar combustor. As our knowledge and computerpower increase, the sub-models can be improvedin their scope and accuracy. While this line ofattack is extremely valuable, it has to confronttwo difficulties. First, the quality and quantity ofexperimental data for model validation in suchapplications are quite limited. Second, when thereare discrepancies between simulations and experi-mental data, it can be difficult to determine whichsub-model (or combination of sub-models) is toblame.

A different, complementary line of attack is, tothe extent possible, to separate and isolate the dif-ferent phenomena involved, and to study them inlaboratory experiments in relatively simple geom-etries. With this approach, much more compre-hensive and accurate measurements are possible;the phenomena are more amenable to directnumerical simulation (DNS); and the informationfrom experiments and DNS can be used directlyto test sub-models, identify deficiencies, and sug-gest directions for improvements. This is a surerway to develop fundamentally sound and vali-dated models. However, this line of attack hasits own set of issues: it takes a longer time to makean impact on the design of combustion devices; aset of tractable sub-models may be intractablewhen they are combined; and, the experimentsand DNS performed may not be at conditionsrepresentative of practical applications. The latterpoint is a particular concern: while laboratoryexperiments are generally designed to yield the rel-evant combustion regime (e.g., as characterized bythe Damkohler number), usually the Reynoldsnumber is lower than in applications (typically

by an order of magnitude); and laboratory exper-iments are predominantly at atmospheric pres-sure, and typically use simple gaseous fuels.

In this paper, we take the latter line of attackand, putting aside the complexities of sprays, radi-ation, acoustics, instabilities, etc., we focus on theessence of the turbulent combustion problem,namely the coupled processes of reaction andmolecular diffusion in a turbulent flow field. Fur-thermore, we focus on non-premixed turbulentcombustion. We take the viewpoint that theunderlying physics and chemistry is known interms of the conservation equations for mass,momentum, energy and chemical species [13].While our knowledge of the material propertiesinvolved in these equations (chemical reactionrates and thermodynamic and transport proper-ties) contains uncertainties, these will decreasewith time: and besides, what other starting pointis there for a fundamentally-based theory?

We take it, therefore, that the governing equa-tions satisfy our requirement of “accuracy”, butthey do not satisfy the requirement of “tractabil-ity”. This is for two obvious reasons. First, theaccurate solution of the governing equationsrequires the resolution of all length scales andtime scales of the problem [3], which, for practicalcombustion devices, will remain computationallyprohibitive for many decades to come [14,15]. Sec-ond, chemical mechanisms for many hydrocarbonfuels may involve thousands of species [16]. Inorder to overcome the challenges of small scalesand many species, it seems inevitable that anytractable computational approach must includetwo ingredients: a statistical description of thesmall scales; and a reduced description of thechemistry in terms of far fewer species (or othervariables).

1.2. Progress towards the ultimate goal

Two fundamental questions we can ask are: atsome point in the future, when the challenges ofmodeling turbulent combustion have been com-pletely overcome, what will be the nature of thevictorious, ultimate turbulent combustion model?And, how will progress continue to be madetowards this goal?

We can get some clues to the answer to the firstquestion by examining a much simpler, now-solved problem, namely the numerical solutionof ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Thereare now completely satisfactory solution method-ologies (and software packages) both for initial-value problems and for boundary-value problems(e.g., [17]). In these methods there are just twotypes of user input: the first is the problem state-ment (domain, governing equations, materialproperties, initial or boundary conditions); thesecond is an error tolerance. The methodologythen determines a numerical solution which is

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 3

accurate to within the specified error tolerance.An essential ingredient of such methodologies isadaptivity, both of the mesh and of the order offinite-difference (or similar) approximation used.And, in order to implement an adaptive strategy,it is necessary to be able to estimate the errorincurred using a particular scheme on a particularmesh. For complex problems, adaptivity allowsthe use of a detailed description of the phenomenain the (usually small) regions where it is necessary,while avoiding the concomitant high cost in theregions where the detailed description is notnecessary.

Similarly to the example of the ODEs, in theultimate turbulent combustion model there willbe several types of adaptivity, and there havealready been initial steps in this direction includ-ing: adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) [18]; adap-tive chemistry [19–24]; and adaptive turbulencemodeling (e.g., hybrid RANS/LES [25,26]). Insome of these aspects of the problem (e.g., AMRand adaptive chemistry) there are establishedways to estimate error: in the modeling of turbu-lence and turbulence-chemistry interactions, esti-mating errors is much more challenging.

At present, many turbulent combustion modelsare designed for (and restricted to) particular spe-cial cases, such as premixed combustion or non-premixed combustion with two uniform streams(i.e., fuel and oxidant). In contrast, the ultimatecombustion model will be generally applicable,even though through adaptivity it may make useof specialized models. Such generality is highlydesirable, since practical combustion problemsseldom conform to the idealizations used in thespecialized models, and they may involve two ormore distinct combustion modes or regimes. Fur-thermore, the ultimate, adaptive turbulent com-bustion model requires of the user much lessknowledge and skill than is currently required toselect and apply specialized models.

In addressing the second question—how willprogress continue to be made towards the goal ofachieving a completely satisfactory model of tur-bulent combustion?—it is important to recognizethat there is a broad range of turbulent combustionproblems, ranging in their complexity and chal-lenges. As discussed elsewhere [27], it is thereforevaluable to have a range of modeling approaches,from simple models for less challenging problems,to more complex and costly models for more chal-lenging problems. With sustained research effort,we see progress of two kinds. First the frontier ofour modeling capabilities advances, in the sensethat more complex models are developed to treatsome of the previously-unmet challenges. Second,behind this advancing frontier, the models arerefined, their accuracy is improved, their range ofapplicability and accuracy are delineated, errorestimators are developed, and improved softwarebecomes more widely available.

1.3. Scope, themes and outline of the paper

To provide the necessary background for thesubsequent discussions, in Section 2 we presentthe conservation equation for chemical speciesand review some of its basic properties. In Sec-tion 3 we consider the principal challenges facingmodels of turbulent combustion. As mentioned,meeting the challenges of small scales inevitablyrequires a statistical approach, so that the coupledprocesses of reaction and molecular diffusion haveto be modeled. The present paper focuses on thischallenge in the context of non-premixed turbu-lent combustion.

Based on how they address the challenge posedby the coupling between chemical reactions andmolecular diffusion, most current approaches fallinto one of two distinct categories, which we referto as flamelet-like and PDF-like. These two typesof models are discussed in Sections 4 and 5,respectively, and their characteristics are con-trasted in Table 2 in Section 7. Section 5 includesa brief account of the successes achieved by PDFmethods in the past decade in accurately repre-senting the challenging phenomena of localextinction and ignition. A crucial distinctionbetween the two types of models is that flamelet-like models assume (or imply) that, in the high-dimensional space of species, the compositionsthat occur in turbulent combustion are confinedto very-low-dimensional manifolds.

A theme of the paper is the examination of theprocesses of reaction and molecular diffusion fromthe perspective of manifolds in the species space.In Section 6 we classify and examine the variousmanifolds used in turbulent combustion and dis-cuss the implications of these considerations formodels of turbulent combustion. The speciesconservation equation expressed relative to alow-dimensional manifold reveals the importantbalance (or imbalance) between reaction andmolecular diffusion, with the latter appearing asthe product of a scalar dissipation and the curva-ture of the manifold. Many, if not all, approachesto non-premixed turbulent combustion lead togoverning equations with the same structure.

In Section 7, conclusions are drawn and someopinions are given on the future development ofturbulent combustion models. While flamelet-likemodels have a significant and useful role to play,they depend on the very strong assumption thatthe compositions occurring in turbulent combus-tion lie on a very-low-dimensional manifold(e.g., 2D or 3D). It is abundantly clear that thisassumption is not tenable in some of the morechallenging regimes of turbulent combustion.PDF-like approaches avoid the assumption of avery-low-dimensional manifold, and can beexpected to continue to advance the frontiers ofour capabilities to more challenging combustionregimes.

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While most of the paper is in the form of expo-sition, review and discussion, an original contribu-tion is the analysis in Appendix A which providesa link between PDF-like and flamelet-like models.

2. Species conservation

2.1. Simplified conservation equations

We introduce here a simplified equation for spe-cies conservation. This is sufficient for us to studythe essence of the turbulent combustion problemand the theories described in later sections.

We consider the low-Mach-number flow of areactive ideal gas mixture (e.g., a gas-fueled,non-sooting, turbulent flame). The fields of fluiddensity and velocity are denoted by q(x,t) andU(x,t), and the mass fractions of the ns chemicalspecies are denoted by Yðx; tÞ ¼ fY 1; Y 2; . . . ; Y nsg.

The species conservation equation consideredis

DY i

Dt¼ 1

qr � ðqDrY iÞ þ Si; ð1Þ

where the material derivative D/Dt � o/ot + U� $ gives the rate of change following the fluid;D is the molecular diffusivity; and Si is the net cre-ation rate of species i due to chemical reactions.We refer to S ¼ fS1; S2; . . . ; Snsg as the chemicalsource term. The only simplification contained inthis equation is the use of Fick’s law with equaldiffusivities for all species. It is well appreciatedthat differential diffusion can be very importantin several combustion phenomena [13,28] but theuse of a single diffusivity retains the essence ofthe problem studied, while affording significantsimplifications of the subsequent equations.

At each point in the flow, the thermochemicalstate of the fluid is fully characterized by thespecies mass fractions Y, the pressure p, and theenthalpy h. We consider flows such as open labo-ratory flames in which pressure variations are neg-ligible (compared to the absolute pressure). Wealso take the enthalpy to be a known linear func-tion of Y, as is the case in idealized premixed andnon-premixed flames (with unity Lewis numberand negligible heat loss). Thus, the spatial andtemporal variation of the thermochemical stateis fully described by Y(x,t). Hence, from theknown thermodynamic properties, we have equa-tions of state for density and temperature of theform

qðx; tÞ ¼ qðYðx; tÞÞ; and

T ðx; tÞ ¼ bT ðYðx; tÞÞ; ð2Þ

the known transport properties provide thediffusivity

Dðx; tÞ ¼ bDðYðx; tÞÞ; ð3Þ

and the known chemical kinetics determine thechemical source term

Sðx; tÞ ¼ bSðYðx; tÞÞ: ð4Þ(The notation distinguishes between quantities ex-pressed as functions of position and time, e.g.,S(x,t), and the same quantity expressed as a func-tion of mass fraction, i.e., bSðYÞ). The chemicalsource term can be decomposed into production(S+) and consumption (S�) ratesbSi ¼ Sþi � S�i ¼ Sþi � Y i=sðiÞ; ð5Þ

where the time scales si are defined by the latterequation, and bracketed subscripts are excludedfrom the summation convention.

It is emphasized that the assumptions—unityLewis numbers, constant pressure, enthalpy linearin Y—are made here just to simplify the exposi-tion. In most modeling approaches, some or allof these assumptions are avoided.

For non-premixed combustion involving twouniform streams—a fuel stream of compositionYfu and an oxidant stream of composition Yox—we introduce the mixture fraction Z(x,t), whichis defined to be unity in the fuel stream, zero inthe oxidant stream, and to evolve by

DZDt¼ 1

qr � ðqDrZÞ: ð6Þ

It follows from the assumptions made that the en-thalpy, the mass fractions of the elements, and themass fractions of inert species are all known linearfunctions of mixture fraction.

2.2. Basic observations

We now make some basic observations aboutthe species conservation equation, and recall somewell known results.

1. Given the complexity of turbulent combustion,it is reassuring to observe from Eq. (1) that,following the fluid, there are only two pro-cesses that directly affect the chemical composi-tion, namely, reaction and molecular diffusion.

2. A turbulent velocity field does not directlyaffect the composition of a fluid particle, inthe sense that U(x,t) does not appear in Eq.(1). It does, however, have a strong indirecteffect, primarily through the action of turbu-lent straining to intensify gradients and henceto increase molecular diffusive fluxes. Thismay be seen through the equation for speciesgradients

DY i;j

Dt¼ r � ðDrY i;jÞ � U k;jY i;k þ J ikY k;j; ð7Þ

where we define Yi,j � oYi/oxj and Ui,j � oUi/oxj, and J(Y) is the Jacobian of the chemicalsource term

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 5

J ijðYÞ �@bS iðYÞ@Y j

: ð8Þ

(Eq. (7) follows from Eq. (1) for the simplestcase of constant-property flow.) The penulti-mate term in Eq. (7) shows that compressivestraining in the direction of $Y intensifies spe-cies gradients.

3. For inert species and for mixture fraction, as isevident from Eq. (7), straining by the velocityfield is the only mechanism for the intensifica-tion of species gradients. For reactive species,on the other hand, chemical reactions can alsohave a significant effect on species gradients(via the final term in Eq. (7)).

4. The species conservation equation admits asolution corresponding to a steady, one-dimen-sional, plane, premixed, laminar flame propa-gating at the laminar flame speed sL relative tothe unburnt mixture. For a given fuel, pressureand unburnt temperature, let so

L denote the lam-inar flame speed of the stoichiometric mixture,and let Du denote the diffusivity of the unburntmixture. From these two quantities we obtainthe length scale dL � Du=so

L (a measure of theflame thickness), and the time scale sc � dL=so

Lwhich we use henceforth as the characteristictime scale of the overall chemical reaction.

5. In contrast to the premixed case, for non-pre-mixed combustion there are no inherent lengthand time scales provided by the thermochemi-cal and transport properties alone. These scalesarise from the interaction of the flow with thecombustion.

6. Perhaps the simplest instance of non-premixedcombustion is the steady, laminar, counter-flowflame that occurs between opposed jets of fueland oxidant [28,29]. Along the centerline (takento be the x1 axis), to a good approximation, thecomposition field is one-dimensional (i.e.,Y(x1)), and the mixture fraction Z(x1) variesmonotonically with x1, from zero in the oxidantjet to unity in the fuel jet. Consequently, speciesmass fractions can be viewed as single-valued functions of mixture fraction, i.e.,Y(x1) = Ycf(Z(x1)). By substituting this relationinto Eq. (1), we deduce that this functionaldependence is determined as the solution tothe ordinary differential equation:

0 ¼ 1



dz2þ bSðYcfðzÞÞ; ð9Þ

where z is an independent mixture-fractionvariable, and v is the all-important scalardissipation

v � 2DjrZj2; ð10Þwhich has dimensions of inverse time.

This is the first of several equations we shallencounter showing the balance (or imbalance)

between reaction and molecular diffusion, thelatter appearing as the product of a scalar dis-sipation and the curvature of a manifold (hered2Ycf/dz2). (Here and below, somewhat loosely,we refer to the second derivative of the mani-fold as “curvature”, since it is indeed the curva-ture of the manifold which is the significantquantity.)

3. The challenges of modeling turbulent combustion

We outline here the principal challenges thathave to be faced in the modeling of turbulent com-bustion; that is, the obstacles that have to be over-come in order to construct an accurate, tractablemodel based on the species conservation equation,Eq. (1). Depending on how they address thesechallenges, most current models can be classifiedas either flamelet-like or PDF-like. The character-istics of these two classes of models are describedin Section 3.2.

3.1. The principal challenges

3.1.1. Many speciesFor hydrocarbon combustion there may be 50–

7000 species involved, depending on the fuel [16].However, for many fuels, chemical mechanismsare available which contain 150–250 species [30].Clearly, it is highly beneficial, usually essential, toreduce the number of species that have to be consid-ered. Some of the available dimension reductiontechniques are discussed in Section 6. Importantconclusions from research in the last two decades(e.g., [31,32]) are that, for simple hydrocarbonfuels, accurate descriptions over a range of condi-tions are possible with of order 20–40 species, butcertainly not with of order five species.

3.1.2. Small scalesIn order to solve numerically the species con-

servation equation (Eq. (1)), it is necessary toresolve all length and time scales. The lengthscales vary from the size of the device or appara-tus down to the smallest scales, which may be theKolmogorov length scale of turbulence, or, insome combustion regimes, the yet smaller scalesoccurring in reaction zones (e.g., dL). The relevanttime scales are from the residence time down tothe smaller of the Kolmogorov timescale, sg, andthe smallest chemical time scale, which may beof order 10�10 s, or even smaller (depending onthe fuel and conditions).

Because of this very large range of scales, it iswell-appreciated that DNS of combustion deviceswill remain infeasible for many decades to come[33]. It is inevitable that a tractable modelingapproach treats the small-scale processes statisti-cally, rather than resolving them. Hence, the

6 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

tractable approaches that have been developed arein the context of either RANS or LES. In RANS(Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes) all scales aretreated statistically; whereas in LES (large-eddysimulation) the large scales are resolved, and onlythe small scales are treated statistically [14].

3.1.3. Non-linear chemical kinetics and large tur-bulent fluctuations

The combination of these two separate charac-teristics of turbulent combustion dooms simplemoment models.

In turbulent flows, fluctuations are typically oforder 25%, corresponding to temperature fluctua-tions of several hundred Kelvin in a typical flame(see, e.g., [34]). Arrhenius chemical reaction ratesare highly non-linear functions of temperature.As a consequence of these two facts, there is nohope of an accurate statistical closure based onan expansion about mean properties [15].

Instead, most models (in both RANS andLES) provide some description of the statisticaldistribution of the fluid composition, most com-pletely through the joint probability density func-tion (PDF) of the species mass fractions andenthalpy. In assumed PDF methods, some ofwhich are described in Section 4, the shape ofthe PDF is prescribed so that the assumed PDFis determined by a few moments (usually meansand variances). In transported PDF methods (see[35–37] and Section 5), a modeled conservationequation is solved to determine the joint PDF.(Henceforth we refer to transported PDF methodssimply as PDF methods.)

3.1.4. Large property variationsIn atmospheric-pressure flames, the density

typically decreases by a factor of 7 betweenunburnt and burnt fluid; and the kinematic viscos-ity and diffusivity, D, typically increases by a fac-tor of 20 (see e.g., [38]), while the product qDtypically increases by a factor of 3. The effects ofheat release (leading to volume expansion anddecreased density) are particularly strong in pre-mixed combustion and can lead to hydrodynamicinstabilities and additional mechanisms for turbu-lence generation, as well as to buoyancy effects.

The strong increase with temperature of theviscosity and diffusivity leads to a significant dim-inution of the local Reynolds number. The mix-ture fraction field in a jet flame of jet Reynoldsnumber 15,000 appears very different from thatin an inert jet at the same Reynolds number [39].

3.1.5. Coupling between reaction and moleculardiffusion

Since molecular mixing occurs dominantly atthe smallest scales, its effects have to be modeledin both RANS and LES. For modelingapproaches involving variances and covariances,

the primary quantities to be modeled are the meanof the scalar dissipation, v, (of mixture fraction,Eq. (10)) or the mean of the species dissipationtensor

vij � DrY i � rY j: ð11Þ

In PDF methods [35], the quantity to be modeledis the conditional diffusion defined by

GiðbY;x; tÞ� 1

qr�ðqDrY iÞjYðx; tÞ¼ bY� �

; ð12Þ

where bY are independent, sample-space variablescorresponding to Y (angled brackets denotemeans, and hajbi denotes the mean of a condi-tional on b).

We distinguish between inert mixing (i.e., themolecular mixing of conserved quantities such asmixture fraction and inert species) and reactivemixing (i.e., the molecular mixing of reactivespecies).

In the case of inert mixing, as mentioned inSection 2.2, the process leading to the smallestscales in the conserved scalar field is the strainingof the fluid by the turbulence, which tends to stee-pen gradients [40]. At high Reynolds number, theprocess of scale reduction through the turbulentcascade is the rate-limiting process, so that themean scalar dissipation scales with the inverse ofthe turbulent integral time scale, independent ofthe value of the molecular diffusivity. While cur-rent models are not perfect, at least in the RANScontext, the modeling of inert mixing is broadlysatisfactory, and does not constitute a majorobstacle.

In the case of reactive mixing, there is anadditional process, namely reaction, which cansteepen scalar gradients. As is clear from Eq.(7), the relative effectiveness of turbulent strain-ing and reaction in steepening gradients dependson the relative magnitudes of the respectivetimescales, namely the Kolmogorov time scalesg and the chemical time scale sc. Their ratio isdefined to be the Karlovitz number, Ka � sc/sg. For Ka� 1, reaction does not significantlyaffect gradients, and mixing occurs by the sameturbulent cascade process as in inert mixing.On the other hand, Ka� 1 corresponds toflamelet combustion, in which the dominant bal-ance in Eqs. (1) and (7) is between reaction anddiffusion, so that the resulting flamelet structurecan be exploited in modeling, as is described inSection 4.

The most significant modeling challenge ariseswhen the Karlovitz number is of order unity, sothat both turbulent straining and reaction affectmolecular mixing. For then neither the cascadenor the flamelet paradigm is sufficient to deter-mine the small-scale structure, and the rate ofmixing is affected by interactions between

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reaction, diffusion and turbulent straining on theunresolved, small scales.

It should be recognized that a particularinstance of turbulent combustion may span arange of Karlovitz numbers. There may be signif-icant spatial variations of the Kolmogorov scales,and different species can have very different char-acteristic reaction time scales, and these vary sig-nificantly with temperature. For example, theremay be a flamelet-like reaction zone (withKa < 1), with pre-flame mixing and post-flamepollutant reactions occurring at high Karlovitznumber. Consequently, there is great value in hav-ing a general model, applicable over the full rangeof Karlovitz numbers.

These issues are discussed further inSection 5.4.

While the focus here is on non-premixed com-bustion, it should be mentioned that, for premixedcombustion, the coupling of reaction and diffu-sion can lead to thermo-diffusive instabilities[41], which pose another serious modeling chal-lenge, even for Ka� 1.

3.2. A classification of models

Over the past decades, there has been a pleth-ora of approaches proposed for modeling non-premixed turbulent combustion, many of whichare described in [15,42]. These models generallyshare the same approaches to deal with the chal-lenges of small scales and many species, namelythe use of RANS or LES, and the use of someform of reduced description of hydrocarbonchemistry. But there are diverse approaches takento describe the coupling between reaction andmolecular diffusion. Most, but not all, of theseapproaches fall into one of two categories, whichwe refer to as flamelet-like and PDF-like.

The steady flamelet model (discussed in Sec-tion 4.2) is the archetype of flamelet-like models.Their essential characteristics are:

1. Strong assumptions are made about the cou-pling of reaction and molecular diffusion,implying that the species mass fractions areconfined to a very-low-dimensional manifold(e.g., 2D or 3D) in the species space.

2. The properties of the very-low-dimensionalmanifold are determined by laminar-flame (orsimilar) calculations prior to the turbulentcombustion calculation; and the complexitiesof the combustion chemistry have to be facedonly in these relatively simple calculations.

3. The properties of these manifolds needed in theturbulent combustion calculation are tabulated(which is feasible only for very-low-dimen-sional manifolds).

4. In the turbulent combustion calculation, it issolely (or primarily) inert mixing that has tobe modeled.

Flamelet-like models and associated methodsinclude: the steady flamelet model (SFM) [43,44];the flamelet/progress variable model (FPV) [45–47]; flame-generated manifolds (FGM) [48]; flameprolongation of ILDM (FPI) [49]; and reaction-diffusion manifolds (REDIM) [50,51]. In the pastdecade, there has been a resurgence in the use offlamelet-like models, especially in LES. Unsteadyflamelet models (UFM) [52,53,44] have all of theflamelet-like characteristics, except that they donot necessarily imply a very-low-dimensionalmanifold.

PDF methods (discussed in Section 5) are ofcourse the archetype of PDF-like approaches.Their characteristics are:

1. No assumption is made restricting the speciesto a low-dimensional manifold (beyondassumptions made in reducing the descriptionof the chemistry).

2. In computational implementations, the com-position of the fluid is represented by the spe-cies mass fractions Y* of a large number ofparticles (or other computational elements).

3. Chemical reactions are treated exactly,without modeling assumptions, throughdY�=dt ¼ bSðY�Þ.

4. It is necessary to model the reactive mixing ofthe species mass fractions.

Compared to flamelet-like models, PDF-likemodels have the advantages of not restrictingcompositions to a very-low-dimensional mani-fold, and of treating reaction exactly. On theother hand, they have to confront the model-ing of reactive mixing, and the computationalchallenge of treating the complexities ofcombustion chemistry within the turbulentcombustion calculation (as opposed to in pre-processing).

In addition to PDF methods, PDF-like modelsinclude: multiple mapping conditioning (MMC)[54,55]; the linear-eddy model (LEM) [56,57];and the one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model[58,59].

The two classes of models—flamelet-like andPDF-like—are considered in more detail in thenext two sections. Their characteristics are con-trasted in Table 2 in Section 7.

Not all models fall neatly into either one ofthese categories. The prime examples (beyondUFM) are the conditional moment closure(CMC) [60–62], and the eddy dissipation conceptmodel (EDC) [63].

4. Flamelet-like models

Perhaps the simplest turbulent flame is thenon-premixed flame formed when a hydrogen jetissues into ambient air. Taken from the classic

8 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

1948 paper by Hawthorne et al. [64], Fig. 1 showsthe measured height of such a flame as a functionof the jet velocity. The very clear result, that theflame height is essentially independent of the jetvelocity, is very revealing and at first sightpuzzling.

The most relevant non-dimensional parametersare the Damkohler number Da � sf/sc = d/(UJsc)and the Reynolds number Re � UJd/m, where UJ

is the jet velocity, d is the jet nozzle diameter, mis the kinematic viscosity of the fuel, sf � d/UJ isthe flow time scale, and sc is the chemical timescale defined in Section 2. As the jet velocityincreases, the flow time scale and the Damkohlernumber decrease and the Reynolds numberincreases. That the flame height does not varywith Da implies that the chemical reactions arenot rate limiting; and that the flame height doesnot vary with Re implies that molecular diffusion(D � m) is also not rate limiting. We recall thatreaction and mixing are the only two processesthat directly affect chemical species, and yet nei-ther is rate limiting. It has long been understoodthat the resolution to this superficial puzzle is thatthe rate-limiting process is turbulent mixing: thestretching and folding of the fluid by the turbulentvelocity field continuously decreases the lengthscale of the species fields until molecular diffu-sion—however small—becomes effective. Thetime scale of turbulent mixing sm scales as d/UJ,and so the ratio sm/sf does not change as the jetvelocity increases, hence explaining the constantheight of the flame.

This picture amounts to the mixing-controlledparadigm, the first of five paradigms of non-pre-mixed turbulent combustion identified by Bilgeret al. [5]. It leads to the equilibrium model of turbu-lent combustion, developed in the 1970s, mainlyby Bilger and co-workers [65,66]. We brieflydescribe this model, to illustrate how it overcomesthe challenges of small scales and many species,and how it involves a simple low-dimensionalmanifold in the species space.

4.1. Chemical equilibrium

For hydrogen jet flames, typically the Dam-kohler number is large, and, locally, the chemicalcomposition is close to chemical equilibrium. The

Fig. 1. Flame length of a non-premixed hydrogen flamein air as a function of the nozzle velocity. From [64] withpermission of the Combustion Institute.

equilibrium composition is determined by thepressure, enthalpy, and element mass fractions,all of which are known in terms of the mixturefraction, and so we denote this equilibrium com-position by Yeq(z). Thus, the assumption thatthe fluid in the flame is locally in chemical equilib-rium is expressed as:

Yðx; tÞ ¼ YeqðZðx; tÞÞ: ð13ÞA basic objective of turbulent combustion modelsis to determine the spatial fields of mean quanti-ties, e.g., the mean density and temperature,hq(x,t)i and hT(x,t)i. For species, it is usual toconsider density-weighted means (or Favre aver-

ages), eY � hqYi=hqi. Given the equilibriumassumption (Eq. (13)), all of these means can bedetermined from the PDF of mixture fraction~f Zðz; x; tÞ. In full, ~f Zðz; x; tÞ is the one-point,one-time, density-weighted probability densityfunction of Z(x,t), i.e., the probability density ofthe event {Z(x,t) = z}. Specifically, we have

eYðx; tÞ ¼ Z 1


YeqðzÞ~f Zðz; x; tÞ dz: ð14Þ

Consistent with the notion that inert mixing iscontrolled by the larger turbulent motions, it isfound that, at high Reynolds number, the PDF~f Z shows little dependence on Reynolds number[67–69]. In the standard assumed PDF approach,

the PDF ~f Z is assumed to be a beta-function dis-

tribution, determined by the mean eZ and variancegZ 002 for which turbulence model equations are

solved. Thus the means eY are functions of eZand

gZ 002 , determined by Eq. (14) and the assumedbeta PDF, i.e.,

eYðx; tÞ ¼ bYðeZðx; tÞ;gZ 002ðx; tÞÞ: ð15ÞIn practice, in a pre-simulation stage, this functionbY is evaluated and tabulated for use on the turbu-lent combustion computation.

Although it is not a flamelet model, this basicequilibrium model possesses the characteristicsof flamelet-like models, namely:

1. The smallest scales do not need to be repre-sented, because the diffusive processes (for thenon-reactive mixture fraction) are controlledby the larger-scale turbulent motions.

2. The many species do not need to be repre-sented in the turbulent combustion model cal-culation, only the mean and variance of thesingle mixture fraction.

3. By assumption (Eq. (13)), in the ns-dimensionalspecies space, all compositions lie on the one-dimensional manifold Y = Yeq(z).

An interesting and revealing result (due to Bil-ger [66]) is obtained by substituting Eq. (13) into

Temperature (K)500 1000 1500 2000

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 9

Eq. (1). After manipulation, but without furtherassumption, one obtains

0 ¼ 1



dz2þ S; ð16Þ

where v is the scalar dissipation (Eq. (10)). Consis-tent with the high-Damkohler-number, mixing-controlled paradigm, this equation shows thatthe creation rate S of the species is determined,not by the chemical kinetics, but by the mixingrate (characterized by v) and by the curvature ofthe manifold.

Eq. (16) appears almost identical to Eq. (9),and indeed both represent a reaction-diffusionbalance of the same form. Note, however, thatin Eq. (16), Yeq is known, and the equation deter-mines S. Conversely, in Eq. (9), bS is a knownfunction, and the equation determines Ycf.

Our three-dimensional world limits our abilityto show manifolds in high-dimensional speciesspaces: we can visualize them only when they areprojected onto two or three-dimensional subspac-es. For a particular non-premixed H2/N2-airflame, Fig. 2 shows the equilibrium manifoldY = Yeq(z) projected onto the N2–H2O–OH massfraction space. As may be seen, around stoichiom-etric, there is significant curvature.

The applicability of the chemical-equilibriummodel is restricted to very high Damkohler num-ber. While it provides a good model for typicalhydrogen flames, for the Damkohler numbersencountered in practice, it is found not to be agood model for hydrocarbon flames.

4.2. Steady flamelet model

The steady flamelet model (SFM) [43] is wellknown, and considered here only briefly. For ful-ler discussions see, e.g., [15,44,70].










15x 10−4



Fig. 2. The equilibrium manifold for a non-premixedH2/N2-air flame projected onto the N2–H2O–OH massfraction space (bold line); and projected onto the spacesof N2–H2O, N2–OH, and H2O–OH (lines, shifted forclarity). The fuel is H2:N2, 1:1 by volume, the pressure is1 bar, and the stream temperatures are 300K. The peakof YOH on the manifold occurs close to stoichiometric.

The simplest idea leading to the steady flameletmodel is that combustion occurs in flamelets(which are thin compared to turbulent scales),whose properties are the same as those of steady,laminar, one-dimensional, counterflow flames.For given compositions of the fuel and oxidantstreams, there is a one-parameter family of suchcounterflow flames, depending on the imposedstrain rate. The properties of these flames can bedetermined from the solution of Eq. (9) togetherwith the mass and momentum equations. For agiven imposed strain rate, the resulting scalar dis-sipation that occurs at the stoichiometric mixturefraction is denoted by vst, and this is a preferablequantity to use to parameterize the flamelet. Thus,the family of flamelet solutions can be written asYsfm(z,vst).

In a turbulent flame, in order to determine themean composition eYðx; tÞ from the flameletmodel, it is necessary to know the joint PDF ofZ and vst. Typically, these two quantities areassumed to be independent; as before, a beta-function distribution is assumed for Z; and adelta-function or log-normal is assumed for vst.

With respect to the principal issues addressedin the present paper, the steady flamelet model issimilar to the equilibrium model:

1. By assumption, in the ns-dimensional speciesspace, all compositions lie on the two-dimen-sional manifold Y = Ysfm(z,vst).

2. The many species do not need to be repre-sented in the turbulent combustion model cal-culation, only the mixture fraction (and itsdissipation rate).















Fig. 3. Steady flamelet manifold projected onto the N2–CO2–CO mass fraction space, color-coded by tempera-ture. The oxidant is air; the fuel is methane/air 1:3 byvolume (the fuel used in the Barlow and Frank [34]flames); the pressure is 1 bar; and the temperature of bothstreams is 300K. The green curve corresponds to extinc-tion conditions; the black curve to stoichiometric mix-ture. The part of the manifold on the near side of theextinction curve (with larger values of CO2) correspondsto stable flames (from M. Ihme, private communication).

10 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

3. The smallest scales do not need to be repre-sented, because the diffusive processes (for thenon-reactive mixture fraction) are controlledby the larger-scale turbulent motions.

Fig. 3 shows a steady flamelet manifoldY = Ysfm(z,vst) projected onto the N2–CO2–COmass fraction space. The green curve correspondsto the extinction conditions, and in fact only thepart of the manifold on the near side of this curve(with larger values of CO2) is used in the steadyflamelet model. Significant curvature of the mani-fold is evident.

The steady flamelet model is restricted to largeDamkohler number such that local extinction ofthe flamelets does not occur. Several extensionshave been proposed, including taking someaccount of unsteady effects (see, e.g., [70,71]),flame curvature [1], radiative heat transfer [72]and to three feed streams [73].

Compared to the steady flamelet model, thereare two significant differences in the flamelet/pro-gress variable model (FPV) [45–47]. First, thewhole of the flamelet manifold is used, includingthe part corresponding to unstable flames. Sec-ond, a reaction progress variable C(x,t) is usedas the second variable (in place of vst).

4.3. Strengths and weaknesses of flamelet-likemodels

Essential characteristics of the flamelet-liketurbulent combustion models described above are:

1. By assumption, the compositions that aredeemed to occur are confined to a low-dimen-sional manifold in the species space (generally2D, sometimes 3D).

2. The thermochemical properties on the mani-fold are pre-computed and tabulated basedon a detailed description of the chemistry.

3. A particular functional form is assumed for thejoint PDF of the properties used to parameter-ize the manifold.

4. Only inert mixing has to be modeled.

From a computational viewpoint, these meth-ods are very attractive because the complexitiesof the chemistry have to be faced only in the rela-tively simple task of constructing the manifold.The turbulence modeling task is also relativelysimple, since it is the mixing only of the conservedmixture fraction which needs to be represented;and this process is controlled by the larger scales(even though it is effected by the small scales).However, the assumptions made are very strong:that the compositions lie on a low-dimensionalmanifold, and that the coupling between reactionand mixing in the turbulent flow can be simplyparameterized, e.g., by the scalar dissipation. As

a consequence, the class of flows for which theseassumptions apply is quite limited.

5. PDF-like models

5.1. PDF methods

The characteristics, strengths and weaknessesof PDF methods are quite different from thoseof flamelet-like models discussed above. Fulldescription of PDF methods can be found in sev-eral books and review articles, e.g., [14,35–37,74,75]. Briefly, a modeled conservationequation is solved for the joint PDF of fluid prop-erties, including the species mass fractions andenthalpy. For example, in order to study localextinction and reignition in the Barlow and Frankpiloted jet flames [34], Cao and Pope [76] solvedfor the joint PDF of velocity, turbulent frequency,enthalpy and mass fractions of the 53 species inthe GRI3.0 methane mechanism [77].

In contrast to those of flamelet-like models,some characteristics of PDF methods are:

1. The compositions that occur in PDF calcula-tions are not constrained to lie on a low-dimen-sional manifold (except as may be implied by areduced-dimension description of the chemis-try used).

2. A detailed description of the chemistry (e.g., oforder 20–50 species) is used within the turbu-lent combustion computation (as opposed tobeing confined to a pre-processing stage).

3. The joint PDF is calculated, based on the mod-eled conservation equation in which reactivemixing is treated by a mixing model.

Simpler turbulent combustion models oftendepend on non-general concepts, such as mixturefraction and reaction progress variable, and theircomplexity and cost increases steeply when othereffects such as heat loss are included. In contrast,an attractive benefit of PDF methods is that theycan readily be applied to more general problems,with multiple streams, partial premixing, stratifi-cation, heat loss, etc. Since they provide acomplete statistical representation of the thermo-chemical state, PDF methods also provide anideal basis for describing other phenomena suchas turbulence/radiation interactions [78].

From the computational viewpoint, PDFmethods are obviously more demanding, espe-cially because of the inclusion of detailed chemis-try. However, several different computationalapproaches have been developed to make PDFcalculations tractable in both RANS and LES[35,79–83]. Prevalent among these is the Lagrang-ian particle/mesh method [35], in which the distri-bution of fluid properties is represented by a large

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 11

number of particles, each with its own positionX*(t), species mass fractions Y*(t), and otherproperties depending on the variant used. Theproperties of these computational particles evolvein time such that their PDF evolves according tothe modeled PDF transport equation. In the com-putational time step Dt, the particle species massfractions Y*(t) evolve due to reaction and molecu-lar diffusion, which are treated in separate frac-tional steps. In the reaction fractional step Y*(t)evolves by dY�=dt ¼ bSðY�Þ—without any model-ing assumptions or approximations—and thisability to treat reaction directly and exactly isone of the major virtues of PDF methods. In themixing fractional step, molecular diffusion is mod-eled by a mixing model. An issue here is that sim-ple mixing models do not account directly for theeffects that reaction can have (in some combustionregimes), to steepen gradients, and hence to influ-ence mixing. However, as discussed in Section 5.4,more advanced models can to some extentaccount for these effects.

In the RANS context, the PDF considered isunambiguously defined as the one-point, one-time, density-weighted, joint PDF of the fluidproperties considered. In the LES context thereare different possibilities: the interpretation ofthe PDF as the PDF of fluid properties condi-tional on the resolved LES fields [74,84] has con-ceptual advantages over the earlier filtereddensity function (FDF) [8,75].

In the next two subsections we review two ofthe successes enjoyed by PDF methods in the pastdecade in treating some more challenging aspectsof non-premixed turbulent combustion.

5.2. Piloted jet flames

For the development of turbulent combustionmodels, it is essential to have good-quality,detailed experimental data in well-characterizedflames designed to explore challenging regimesand phenomena. The paragon of such experi-ments is the Barlow and Frank study [34] ofpiloted non-premixed jet flames. The Sydney bur-ner used, developed by Starner and Bilger [85] andinvestigated by Masri and Bilger [86], is designedto separate extinction from stabilization, so thatlocal extinction can be studied in stable flames.

Out of the series of flames studied by Barlowand Frank [34], most attention has been focusedon flames D, E and F in which the fuel-jet bulkvelocities are approximately 50 m/s, 75 m/s and100 m/s, respectively, and the annular pilot jet’svelocity is maintained in a fixed proportion. Asthe jet velocity is increased, the Reynolds numberincreases, and, more significantly, the Damkohlernumber decreases. With decreasing Damkohlernumber, increasing local extinction is observed,with flame F being quite close to global extinction.

The left part of Fig. 4 illustrates the experimen-tal evidence for local extinction. This is a scatterplot of the mass fraction of CO versus mixturefraction obtained in flame F at the axial locationwhere there is most local extinction. Each pointin the scatter plot corresponds to a Raman mea-surement from a single laser shot. The upper curvecorresponds to the flamelet profile obtained fromthe calculation of a mildly-strained laminar flame.Far downstream (not shown), where reignitionhas occurred, the scatter lies close to this flameletline, with small conditional fluctuations. But it isevident from Fig. 4 that, at the location shown,the scatter is predominantly below the laminar-flame line (except at small mixture fraction);and, for a given value of mixture fraction, thereis considerable scatter in YCO.

Shortly after the publication of the Barlow andFrank data, there were several PDF studies ofthese flames [87–89]. The right part of Fig. 4shows the corresponding scatter plot from thePDF calculation of Xu and Pope [87]. In this case,each point corresponds to the composition of aparticle in the particle/mesh method used to solvethe PDF equation. As may be seen, the pattern ofthe scatter is very similar to that of the experimen-tal data, and there is good agreement for the con-ditional mean of YCO, which is shown by thelower curves. These PDF calculations are basedon the joint PDF of velocity, species mass frac-tions, enthalpy, and turbulent frequency [14,87].Important sub-models are the EMST mixingmodel [90] (which is discussed below in Sec-tion 5.4) and a 16-species augmented reducedmechanism (ARM) [31] for methane combustion.

Subsequent investigations [76,91] examined thesensitivity of the PDF calculations to uncertain-ties in the boundary conditions (mainly the pilottemperature) and to the sub-models. These con-firm that (for H–C–O species) the 16-species aug-mented reduced mechanism yields comparableaccuracy to the 53-species GRI3.0 mechanism[77]; and that the EMST model is superior to sim-pler models.

The amount of local extinction in these flamescan be quantified by burning indices. For CO, forexample, the burning index BI(CO) is defined asthe conditional mean of YCO within a specified mix-ture-fraction band around the peak of the laminarflame profile, divided by the peak value of YCO inthe laminar-flame profile. Fig. 4 shows (by verticaldashed lines) the mixture fraction band used, theconditional means (lower symbols), and the peaklaminar-flame values (upper symbols). Burningindex values of 0 and 1 correspond to completeextinction (YCO = 0) and to complete burning (asin a laminar flame), respectively.

The burning indices for both CO2 and CO areshown in Fig. 5 as functions of the axial distance.As may be seen, the PDF calculations accurately

Fig. 4. Scatter plots of the mass fraction of CO versus mixture fraction in flame F at an axial location of 15 jet diameters:left, experimental data [34]; right, PDF calculations [87]. Upper curves, from laminar flame calculations with an imposedstrain rate of a = 100 s�1. Lower curves, mean of YCO conditional on mixture fraction. Vertical dashed lines, specifiedrange of mixture fraction around the peak of the laminar flame profile (upper symbol) used to define the burning index.Lower symbols: conditional mean within the specified mixture fraction range.

12 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

describe the level of local extinction in all threeflames, as well as the subsequent reignition, lead-ing to the burning indices approaching unitydownstream. In the past decade, while there havebeen many modeling studies of flame D (whichexhibits little local extinction), there have beenfar fewer of flames E and F; and no otherapproach has demonstrated the ability to repre-sent local extinction and reignition over the fullrange of conditions and locations that is depictedin Fig. 5.

5.3. Lifted flames in vitiated co-flows

We mention briefly one other flame that dem-onstrates PDF methods’ capabilities of treatingthe interactions between turbulence and finite-ratechemistry. This is the lifted H2/N2 jet flame in avitiated co-flow studied experimentally by Cabraet al. [92]. Several PDF studies of this flame havebeen performed [92–97], and it has been studied

Fig. 5. Burning indices of CO2 (left) and CO (right) versus axSymbols, experimental data [34]. Lines, from PDF calculationGRI2.11 mechanism (dashed lines).

using LES [98,99], and other approaches[71,100,101]. There have also been DNS studiesof similar flames [102].

Early PDF studies revealed that the lift-offheight H of the flame is very sensitive to the tem-perature Tc of the vitiated co-flow, and thisspurred further experimental investigations [103].Fig. 6 compares the measured lift-off height[103] with that calculated by the same PDFmethod [94] as used for the Barlow and Frankflames (as described above). In this case a 10-spe-cies detailed mechanism is used for the hydrogencombustion. As may be seen from Fig. 6, thePDF calculations are in excellent agreement withthe experimental data, with any discrepanciesbeing well within experimental uncertainties.

This and subsequent studies [95–97,102] revealthat the fundamental stabilization mechanism inthis flame is the (essentially inert) mixing betweenthe cold fuel and the hot oxidant, followed byauto-ignition. In contrast to lifted flames in cold

ial distance for flames D, E and F (from top to bottom).s [76] using the GRI3.0 mechanism (solid lines) and the

1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 11000






Fig. 6. Lift-off height H normalized by the jet diameterD against co-flow temperature Tc for a hydrogen/nitrogen jet flame in a vitiated co-flow: symbols,experimental data [103]; line with symbols, PDF calcu-lations [94]. Reprinted with permission from [27].Copyright 2011, American Institute of Physics.

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 13

co-flows, the stabilization of the flame does notdepend upon flame propagation against the flow.

It is interesting to observe that in the PDFmethod described here and applied to the Barlowand Frank and Cabra flames, the molecular diffu-sivity D is not specified: that is, D is not an inputparameter that needs to be specified, or indeedthat can be specified. Instead, consistent with thehigh-Reynolds-number, cascade paradigm, therate of molecular mixing is modeled as beingdetermined by the large-scale turbulent motions.It is perhaps surprising that this high-Reynolds-number assumption is successful in these relativelylow-Reynolds-number flames, in which visualiza-tions and DNS reveal diffusive structures whosesize is a significant fraction of the flow width.

5.4. Modeling of molecular mixing

In the composition PDF equation, moleculardiffusion appears as the conditional diffusion

GiðbY; x; tÞ � 1

qr � ðqDrY iÞ j Yðx; tÞ ¼ bY� �


ð17ÞModels for this quantity are called mixing models,the simplest of which is the interaction by ex-change with the mean (IEM) model [104], or,equivalently, the linear mean square estimation(LMSE) model [105], which is:

GiðbY; x; tÞ ¼ � 1


ekðbY i � eY iÞ; ð18Þ

where k is the turbulent kinetic energy, e is themean dissipation rate, eY is the Favre mean ofthe species mass fractions (all evaluated at (x,t)),and C/ is a constant, generally taken to be

C/ = 2. Consistent with the picture of the energycascade at high Reynolds number, the rate of mix-ing is proportional to the inverse of the time scale(k/e) of the energy-containing turbulent motions,and is independent of the molecular diffusivity,D. Another simple and popular model with simi-lar performance is the modified Curl (MC) model[106–108].

PDF methods have long been criticized for notaccounting for the effects of chemical reactions onmolecular mixing. If simple models such as IEMand MC are used, then this criticism is fully justified.However, as now explained, more sophisticatedmodels do account for these effects, and currentresearch is leading to further improvements.

The first observation to make is that, if there isa very strong coupling between reaction and diffu-sion so that turbulent combustion occurs in aflamelet regime, then the flamelet assumptionleads to a closure for the conditional diffusion.Using this observation, over 25 years ago, PDFmethods were successfully applied to premixedcombustion in the flamelet regime [109,110].

Similarly, for non-premixed combustion, thesimplest flamelet model assumption

Yðx; tÞ ¼ YsfmðZðx; tÞ; vstÞ; ð19Þ

for a fixed, specified value of scalar dissipation,vst, leads to a closure for the conditional diffusion.The resulting modeled equation for the PDF of Yis equivalent to solving for the PDF of mixturefraction and then obtaining the PDF of the speciesfrom Eq. (19).

The deficiencies of the simple mixing modelsfor reacting flows have been recognized for severaldecades [111], and this has led to improved mod-els, most notably the Euclidean minimum spanningtree (EMST) model [90] and multiple mapping con-ditioning (MMC) [54,55].

The EMST model has an unconventional formand is difficult to analyze. However, an analysis isperformed in Appendix A of the EMST model(with some simplifying assumptions) applied tonon-premixed turbulent combustion. This analy-sis shows that, according to the model, the speciesevolve by an equation (Eq. (A.12)) which is verysimilar to the unsteady flamelet equation. Thisclearly demonstrates that, in the EMST model,molecular mixing is affected by reaction in a real-istic way.

The IEM model yields the same mixing rate forall species, whereas DNS of both non-premixed[112] and premixed combustion [113,114] clearlyshows significantly different mixing rates for dif-ferent reactive species. In recent work, Richardsonand Chen [114] show that the EMST model alsoyields different mixing rates for different species.For the low-Reynolds-number case considered,they extend the model to include differential diffu-

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
















6x 10−3

Fig. 7. Scatter plot of temperature versus radius r(normalized by the jet diameter D), color-coded by themass fraction of OH, from an LES/PDF calculation ofthe Barlow and Frank flame E at the axial location x/D = 15. The points are from the computational particlesin a single row of cells in the radial direction, at onetime. There are 80 cells over the radial range shown,which is a fraction of the radial extent of the solutiondomain (from H. Wang, private communication).

14 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

sion, and this model shows reasonable quantita-tive agreement for the mixing rates of the differentspecies, which vary by an order of magnitude.

Even though the EMST model has provenmore successful than other mixing models, it hassome fundamental shortcomings, which have beenrecognized since its introduction [90]. Theseinclude the violation of linearity and indepen-dence principles, and its uncertain convergenceas the number of particles used to represent thePDF tends to infinity.

The closure provided by MMC is also difficultto analyze, but it can be expected to make reactionaffect mixing at least as realistically as EMST.Also relevant here is the model of Lindstedt andVaos [115], in which the mixing rate depends onreaction.

5.5. Large-eddy simulations using PDF methods

The idea of using PDF methods as the turbu-lent combustion model used in conjunction withLES goes back over 20 year [8,116,117]. Lagrang-ian particle/mesh methods to implement LES/PDF were pioneered by Givi and co-workers[81,118–124], with several subsequent implemen-tations by other groups [82,125–127]. There havealso been implementations [128] based on the sto-chastic fields approach [80,129]. Here we justmake a few observations about LES/PDF as itpertains to the themes of this paper. For reviewsof recent work, the reader is referred to [36,37].

The first observation is to stress the fact that inLES, as in RANS, there are large-amplitude fluctu-ations on the small scales, which are not resolved.Consequently, the statistical modeling of reactionand molecular diffusion on the unresolved smallscales is essential and crucial. To illustrate thispoint, Fig. 7 shows a scatter plot of temperatureversus radial position color-coded by YOH obtainedfrom an LES/PDF calculation of the Barlow andFrank [34] flame E. The points shown are from asingle row of cells in the radial direction at a singletime. As may be seen, at a given location (e.g., r/D = 1), the temperature may vary by over1000 K, and YOH varies over its full range.

In Lagrangian particle implementations, theparticle position X*(t) and mass fractions Y*(t)evolve by three processes—advection, reaction,and molecular diffusion. In LES/PDF, as inRANS/PDF, reaction is implemented exactlythrough the ODE dY�=dt ¼ bSðY�Þ. In LES/PDF,advection of particles is by the resolved velocityand a model for the residual turbulent velocity;whereas in RANS/PDF advection is by the meanvelocity and a model for the fluctuating velocity.Perhaps the largest differences are in the treatmentof molecular diffusion, and these are now outlined.

First, while the fluctuations in LES/PDF arelarge (as illustrated in Fig. 7), they are not as largeas in RANS/PDF. In LES/PDF, localness in

physical space is accompanied by some degree oflocalness in species space. Consequently, the mod-eling of molecular mixing may in this sense be lessdifficult than in RANS/PDF. For example, inrecent LES/PDF calculations [130] using the sim-ple IEM mixing model, it is found that the mod-eled conditional diffusion exhibits complex, non-linear behavior, similar to that observed in DNSof the same flame (whereas the IEM model inRANS/PDF yields linear behavior).

Second, in RANS/PDF, the direct effects ofmolecular diffusion on the mean mass fractionsare negligible, and molecular mixing is modeledas occurring at a rate determined by the turbu-lence, independent of the molecular diffusivity,D. In a typical LES of a laboratory flame (or ofa DNS), the direct effects of molecular diffusionon the resolved mass fractions are very significant,and dominant at high temperatures [38]. It is non-trivial to incorporate the direct effects of molecu-lar diffusion in Lagrangian particle methods, butsuch implementations have been developed,including the capability to treat differential diffu-sion [131,132].

Third, it appears that it is more challenging inLES than in RANS to model accurately the

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 15

mixing rate [133]. This may be because the rangeof scales—resolved-to-dissipative—is smaller;and (relatedly) it may also be because of the stron-ger, direct effects of the molecular diffusivity.

In industrial applications, typically the Rey-nolds numbers are significantly larger than in lab-oratory flames (e.g., by an order of magnitude),and consequently there is a larger range of scales,and the direct effects of molecular diffusivity at theresolved scales are smaller. Consequently, there isa serious concern that LES models developed andtested against laboratory and DNS data may notbe reliable when applied to industrial problems.With the LES resolution typically used, for labo-ratory flames and DNS, a good fraction of themolecular mixing is resolved, and the unresolvedprocesses to be modeled are dominantly at the dis-sipative scales; whereas in LES applied to indus-trial problems, typically only a small fraction ofthe molecular mixing is resolved, and the unre-solved processes are dominantly in the inertialrange of scales.

An issue with LES/PDF is its computationalcost. This has been quantified in a series of simu-lations [134,135] of the Barlow and Frank pilotedjet flame D. Taking LES using a simple flameletmodel as one unit of cost, the cost of LES/PDFusing a simple flamelet model (based solely onmixture faction) is 3.2 units. This increase in costis due to the work required to perform advectionand mixing on the 40 computational particles percell. For LES/PDF with the methane chemistryrepresented by a 16-species mechanism, the costis 8.6 units; and when a 38-species mechanism isused the cost is 17.3 units. In the latter case,65% of the total time is taken in the reaction frac-tional step. In comparison, the cost of a RANS/PDF calculation of this flame using a 16-speciesmechanism is one fifth of the cost of LES usinga simple flamelet model, and a factor of 45 lessthan an LES/PDF calculations using the same16-species mechanism. Further quantification ofthe computational costs and issues, including par-allelization, are provided in [134,135].

Based on these relative costs, we make the fol-lowing observations.

1. In simple combustion regimes, where flamelet-like models provide an adequate description ofthe turbulence-chemistry interactions, there isa clear cost penalty in using LES/PDF. Thebenefit of LES/PDF is therefore in the morechallenging regimes, where flamelet-like mod-els are inaccurate.

2. For the case of LES/PDF with 38 species, thethermochemical information content is a factorof 760 greater than in the LES/flamelet simula-tion (i.e., 38 species mass fractions for 40 par-ticles per cell, compared to the mean andvariance of mixture fraction for each cell).

The fact that the computational cost is greaterby only a factor of 17.3 demonstrates the pro-gress that has been made in the development ofefficient algorithms.

3. The relative cost of LES/PDF is likely todecrease as further algorithmic advances aremade, including the use of adaptation. Forflame D, it is obviously wasteful to describethe uniform, inert, co-flowing air stream by aPDF method using 38-species chemistry!

4. The cost increase in advancing from flamelet-like models to PDF methods is small comparedto the cost of advancing from RANS to LES.

5.6. Other PDF-like models

Since its original development 10 years ago[54], multiple mapping conditioning (MMC) hasevolved, with different variants, implementationsand viewpoints [55]. One viewpoint is that the sto-chastic variant of MMC amounts to a PDFmethod, with a Lagrangian particle implementa-tion, involving additional “reference variables”,which are used in the modeling of mixing.Whereas EMST makes the mixing local in the spe-cies space, MMC makes mixing local in the spaceof the reference variables. Such implementationsof MMC have all the characteristics of PDF-likemodels. Recent work on stochastic MMC includes[136–141] and is reviewed in [55].

In the linear-eddy model (LEM) [56,57] and inthe one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model[58,59], fluid properties are represented (with fullresolution) along some lines within the flow, andhence there is some representation of the small-scale processes. LEM and ODT have several sim-ilarities to PDF methods (implemented as aLagrangian particle method, and using the EMSTmixing model). Specifically:

Both are Monte Carlo methods in which thecomposition of the fluid is represented at dis-crete points—fixed mesh points in LEM andODT, Lagrangian particles in PDF. Reaction is treated directly according to

dY=dt ¼ bSðYÞ. Molecular mixing occurs by an exchange of

species between neighboring points—adjacentmesh points in LEM and ODT, nearest neigh-bors in species-space in the EMST model. Both are applicable in both the RANS and

LES contexts.

The principal differences are that in PDF meth-ods convection is treated directly and naturally bythe motion of the particles; and in LEM and ODTmolecular diffusion is treated directly and natu-rally via the unsteady diffusion equation (withthe effects of turbulence on mixing being repre-

16 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

sented by triplet maps). Because of these similari-ties, many of the considerations pertaining toPDF methods apply equally to LEM and ODT.

Recent work on LEM and ODT includes [142–147], and reviews are provided by [57,59].

6. Manifolds in species space

As illustrated above, several different low-dimensional manifolds arise in models of turbulentcombustion. In this section we address fundamen-tal questions about modeling turbulent combus-tion from the perspective of these manifolds.Before these questions are posed and discussed,we start by introducing some terminology and aclassification of the manifolds used.

6.1. Representation of manifolds

In general, an m-dimensional manifold in thens-dimensional species space (with ns > m P 1)can be described by a function YM(h), which is amapping from the m parameters h = {h1,h2,. . . ,hm} to the species space. To simplify the discus-sion, and to give physical meaning to the parame-ters, we take the parameters to be a selected setof m species. Thus, we partition the species into aset of nr = m represented species and the remainingnu = ns � nr unrepresented species. With the speciesbeing ordered so that the represented species arebefore the unrepresented species, the mass frac-tions can be written

Y ¼Yr


� �; ð20Þ

where Yr and Yu are nr and nu vectors in the rep-resented and unrepresented subspaces, respec-tively. Now, with Yr being used as theparameters, the manifold can be expressed as thecompositions Y satisfying

Y ¼ YM ðYrÞ ¼ Yr


� �; ð21Þ

Fig. 8. Sketch showing a 1D manifold defined by Yu = Ydecomposition of Y and S into components in the representYu = Ym(Yr) + y; and the decomposition of S in terms of Sk a

where the function Ym(Yr) is a mapping from therepresented subspace to the unrepresented sub-space. A manifold represented by the last part ofEq. (21) is said to be a graph of a function. (Notethe distinction between YM and Ym, which are ns

and nu vectors, respectively.)Given a manifold defined by Ym(Yr) and a

composition Y (not necessarily on the manifold),as illustrated in Fig. 8, we can decompose Y as

Y ¼Yr


� �¼


YmðYrÞ þ y

� �; ð22Þ


y � Yu � YmðYrÞ ð23Þis the departure from the manifold (in the unrep-resented subspace). The conservation equationsfor Yr and y are derived and discussed in Sec-tion 6.3 and in Appendix B.

We introduce the following notation: upper-case Roman letters are used to denote compo-nents of represented quantities (e.g., Y r

I for 16 I 6 nr), and lower-case Greek letters denotecomponents of unrepresented quantities (e.g., Y u

afor 1 6 a 6 nu). When needed for clarity, we usebYr; bYu and y as sample-space variables corre-sponding to Yr, Yu and y.

Fig. 8 illustrates a simple 1D manifold. In gen-eral there are nr tangent vectors TI � @YM=@Y r

Iwhich together span the local nr-dimensional tan-gent subspace T . The orthogonal complement ofT is the nu-dimensional normal subspace N .

The chemical source term S can be decom-posed as

S ¼Sr


� �¼ Sk þ



� �; ð24Þ

where Sr and Su are in the represented and unrep-resented subspaces, respectively; Sk is in the tan-gent space and S\ is in the unrepresentedsubspace (see Fig. 8).

m(Yr) and (a) the tangent and normal vectors; theed and unrepresented subspaces (b) the decompositionnd S\.

Table 1Classification of the various low-dimensional manifoldsused in turbulent combustion models and their associ-ated methods. Definitions and references are provided inthe text.

Type ofmanifold

Examples and associated methods

Skeletal DRG, DRG-EPThermodynamic Equilibrium, CEM, RCCE, GALIReaction QSSA, ILDM, TGLDM, ICE-PIC,

CSP, LoIDiffusion Inert mixingReaction-diffusion


Conditional CMC, MMCEmpirical PCA, MARS, Isomap

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 17

We define

Ka;IJ �@2Y m


@Y rI@Y r


; ð25Þ

and loosely refer to it as the “curvature”. There isa very important distinction between a plane and acurved manifold. For a plane manifold we canwrite

Ym ¼ Ym0 þ AYr; ð26Þwhere Ym0 is a constant vector, and A is a con-stant nu nr matrix. For such a plane manifold,the tangent and normal subspaces are the sameeverywhere (and known in terms of A), and thecurvature is zero everywhere. In contrast, for acurved manifold, in general the tangent and nor-mal subspaces vary on the manifold, and the cur-vature K is non-zero.

For the simplest possible case of a 1D manifoldin 2-space, Fig. 9 illustrates some properties of“good” and “bad” manifolds. For all realizablevalues of Yr, a good manifold exists, is single-val-ued, and is realizable. These are the minimumrequirements of a manifold in order for it to beused in a turbulent combustion computation with-out arbitrariness or ad hoc corrections. The levelof continuity required depends on the particularimplementation, but obviously smoothness isdesirable.

6.2. Classification of manifolds

We now classify the different types of mani-folds used in turbulent combustion. Table 1 pro-vides a summary of this classification, withexplanations and details provided in the followingsubsections.

6.2.1. Skeletal manifoldsGiven a detailed mechanism containing hun-

dreds or thousands of species, the usual first steptowards a more tractable description is to con-struct a skeletal mechanism by simply omittingsome species and reactions, those which are

Fig. 9. Sketch of (a) a “good” manifold and (b) a “bad” manifolded; (B) does not exist; (C) is multi-valued; (D) is discontin

deemed to have a negligible effect on the combus-tion problem being studied. Viewed in the currentframework, the retained and omitted species areidentified as the represented and unrepresentedspecies, respectively, and the complete neglect ofthe unrepresented species defines the skeletal man-ifold by

YM ¼Yr


� �; ð27Þ

or, equivalently,

YmðYrÞ ¼ 0: ð28ÞThe skeletal manifold thus defined is a good,plane manifold.

Methods to rank species for retention include,for example, the directed relation graph (DRG)method [148], the DRG method with error propa-gation (DRG-EP) [149,150], and earlier proposals[151–155].

6.2.2. Thermodynamic manifoldsWe define a thermodynamic manifold to be a

manifold that is determined by the thermody-namic properties of the system, which are knownfunctions of Y. As a simple example, the equilib-rium manifold shown in Fig. 2 is a 1D thermody-

fold. At the indicated locations, the bad manifold: (A) isuous; (E) is not realizable; (F) is not smooth.

18 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

namic manifold, and we can take N2 to be the sin-gle represented species. In this example, by defini-tion, for each value of Y N2

, the correspondingpoint on the equilibrium manifold is the composi-tion of maximum entropy consistent with the con-straints imposed by the elements mass fractionsand enthalpy, which are known functions of Y N2

.More generally, we consider the constrained

equilibrium manifold (CEM) in which additionalconstraints are imposed corresponding to repre-sented species, or linear combinations of species.This is the manifold used in the rate-controlledconstrained equilibrium method (RCCE)[156,157], which is seeing renewed use in turbulentcombustion calculations [135,158–161]. The CEMis a good curved manifold.

A greedy algorithm with local improvement(GALI) [159,162] has been developed to selectappropriate represented species for RCCE. Thestudy of [159] confirms the hope and expectationthat as the dimension of the manifold increasesso also does the accuracy with which it can repre-sent turbulent combustion. For the particular caseof methane combustion studied, the errordecreases from over 100% for nr = 2 and 3, to lessthan 1% for nr = 11.

6.2.3. Reaction manifoldsFor a homogeneous system, the species conser-

vation equation (Eq. (1)) reduces to the autono-mous set of ordinary differential equations

dYðtÞdt¼ bSðYðtÞÞ; ð29Þ

describing the change of composition due to reac-tion in isobaric, adiabatic autoignition. By defini-tion, reaction manifolds are based on thisequation, or on the properties of the chemicalsource term bSðYÞ. As now described, examples in-clude: trajectory-generated low-dimensional man-ifolds (TGLDM) [163]; quasi-steady-state (QSS)manifolds [164]; intrinsic low-dimensional mani-folds (ILDM) [165]; and those implied by compu-tational singular perturbation (CSP) [166].

From an initial condition Y0, the solution to Eq.(29) is a trajectory in the species space from Y0 tothe equilibrium composition. This trajectory is aone-dimensional manifold, which can be parame-terized by time, entropy, or the mass fraction of amajor species (provided that it varies monotoni-cally along the trajectory). Instead of a single initialcondition, Y0, we can consider as initial conditionsall points on an (m � 1)-dimensional manifold.The trajectories emanating from these initialconditions form an m-dimensional trajectory-gen-erated low-dimensional manifold (TGLDM)[163]. The ICE-PIC method ([167,168]) employsan m-dimensional TGLDM generated by an(m � 1)-dimensional CEM on the boundary ofthe realizable region of the represented species.

TGLDMs are good, curved manifolds, whichinherit the smoothness properties of the manifoldsfrom which they are generated. They are said tobe invariant (with respect to Eq. (29)), meaningthat solutions to Eq. (29) from initial conditionson the manifold remain on the manifold. Equiva-lently, the chemical source term is a vector in thetangent space of the manifold, so that S\ is zero.

The quasi-steady-state approximation (QSSA),frequently used in reduced mechanisms (e.g.,[169–171]), also implies a reaction manifold. Therepresented and unrepresented species are identi-fied with the non-QSS species and the QSS spe-cies, respectively. Then, the QSS approximationis that the components of the chemical sourceterm corresponding to the unrepresented speciesare zero. This can be written

FT bSðYÞ ¼ 0; ð30Þwhere the ns nu matrix is

F ¼0


� �; ð31Þ

where I is the nu nu identity. Or, with i corre-sponding to a QSS species, the QSSA and Eq.(5) yield

0 ¼ bSi ¼ Sþi � Y i=sðiÞ; ð32Þ

leading to

Y i ¼ Sþi sðiÞ: ð33Þ

If the production rate Sþi and the consumptiontime scale si are determined by the representedspecies, then Eq. (33) explicitly determines a un-ique, realizable value for the mass fraction Yi ofthe unrepresented species. More generally, bothSþi and si may also depend on the unrepresentedspecies, so that Eq. (33) becomes a coupled setof nu non-linear algebraic equations for the massfractions of the unrepresented species in terms ofthe mass fractions of the represented species.Solutions to such equations may not exist, maynot be unique, or may not be realizable, and thesedifficulties do sometimes arise in practice. Conse-quently a QSS manifold may not be “good”. Alinearized version of QSSA has been developed[172] which ensures good manifolds.

Methods to identify appropriate QSS speciesinclude CSP [166,173,174] and level of importance(LoI) [24,175].

The nr-dimensional intrinsic low-dimensionalmanifolds (ILDM) is also defined by Eq. (31),but with a different definition of the matrix F. Spe-cifically, the columns of F span the invariant sub-space corresponding to the nu eigenvalues of theJacobian J (Eq. (8)) with smallest real parts. Inthis way, instead of the nu QSS species being spec-ified, the nu “fastest” linear combination of reac-tions is determined locally (without the need for

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 19

any specification). Because the invariant subspacecan change discontinuously (where eigenvaluescross), an ILDM may not be “good”, and indeedexamples of bad behavior have been encountered[167].

6.2.4. Diffusion manifoldsWe consider the inert mixing (according to Eq.

(1)) of S homogeneous streams with linearly inde-pendent compositions Y(s), for 1 6 s 6 S P 2. Asis well known [176], the compositions that occurin inert mixing (with equal diffusivities) are con-fined to the convex hull of the S points Y(s) inthe species space. This is a plane nr-dimensionalmanifold, for nr = S � 1, which can be parameter-ized by nr mixture fractions or linearly indepen-dent species.

6.2.5. Reaction-diffusion manifoldsHere we define a reaction-diffusion manifold to

be a manifold obtained as the solution of ordinaryor partial differential equations which contain adiffusion term in addition to the chemical sourceterm. The most familiar example of a reaction-dif-fusion manifold is the steady flamelet manifoldobtained as the solution to Eq. (9), an exampleof which is shown in Fig. 3. Similarly, theapproaches of flamelet-generated manifolds(FGM) [48] and flame prolongation of ILDM(FPI) [49] obtain manifolds as solutions of theconservation equations for particular laminarflames.

The differential equations governing laminarflames can be considered in physical space (e.g.,Eq. (1)) or in a space of parameters such as mixturefraction and reaction progress variable (e.g., Eq.(9)). In their REDIM method, Bykov and Maas[50,51] generalize the latter approach and considera reaction-diffusion equation analogous to Eq. (9)but in terms of m general parameters, leading to anm-dimensional manifold. In place of the scalar dis-sipation, in REDIM an m-vector coefficient isspecified, which determines the magnitude of thediffusion term in the parameter space. (WhileREDIM stands for “reaction-diffusion manifold”,here we use the latter term more generally.) Theearlier “phase space ILDM” method (PS-ILDM)[177] is based on similar ideas.

In general, reaction-diffusion manifolds are“good”, because the diffusion terms and the asso-ciated boundary conditions guarantee the exis-tence of smooth manifolds. Compared toreaction manifolds, reaction-diffusion manifoldsmay be considered to provide a better approxima-tion for the compositions that occur in turbulentflames because the effects of both reaction andmolecular diffusion are accounted for. However,it should be appreciated that a particular couplingbetween reaction and diffusion is assumed, andthis is parameterized by a small number of param-

eters; zero for an unstrained premixed laminarflame, one in the steady flamelet model, and a con-stant m-vector in REDIM. As discussed furtherbelow, it is questionable whether such simple cou-plings adequately describe the complexities of tur-bulent combustion.

6.2.6. Conditional manifoldsThe manifolds described above are applicable

to both laminar and turbulent flows, and theyare global, in the sense that the same manifold isused everywhere (i.e., for all x and t). In contrast,the conditional manifolds considered here applyonly to turbulent flows, and they are local in thesense that, in general, they depend on x and t.These conditional manifolds arise in conditionalmoments closures (CMC) [60,61] and in multiplemapping conditioning (MMC) [54,55].

The conditional manifold Yu = Ycm is definedsimply as the expectation of Yu conditional onYr. To make this definition precise, we introducesample-space variables bYr corresponding to therepresented composition Yr(x,t). Then, the condi-tional manifold is defined as the conditionalexpectation

YcmðbYr; x; tÞ � hYuðx; tÞ j Yrðx; tÞ ¼ bYri: ð34ÞIn CMC it is observed that Ycm typically dependsprimarily on bYr, with a much weaker dependenceon position, x. This dependence on x is likely tobecome yet weaker as the number of representedvariables increases.

Also in contrast to the previous manifolds dis-cussed, rather than being determined separately ina pre-processing stage, in CMC and MMC theconditional manifold is determined as part of theturbulent combustion model calculation. For thesimplest, idealized case of statistically homoge-neous and stationary turbulent combustion, themost basic CMC equation determining the condi-tional manifold is [54,61]

0 ¼ hvIJ jbYri @2Ycm

@bY rI@bY r


þ S\ðbYrÞ; ð35Þ

where hvIJ jbYri is the conditional scalar dissipationof the represented species, and S\ is the compo-nent of S in the unrepresented subspace and notin the tangent space (see Eq. (24) and Fig. 8).See Appendix B for a fuller explanation. Interest-ingly, Eq. (35) is precisely the form of reaction-dif-fusion equation solved in REDIM, and the CMCanalysis identifies the conditional scalar dissipa-tion as the appropriate diffusivity matrix.

6.2.7. Empirical manifoldsThe manifolds described above are all theoret-

ical constructs, based on the governing conserva-tion equations and thermochemistry. Theirapplication to turbulent combustion involves

20 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

sweeping assumptions. In contrast, empirical man-ifolds are constructed based on samples of thecompositions observed in turbulent combustion,either in experiments or in DNS.

We focus here on empirical manifolds based onDNS data, which, compared to experimentaldata, has several advantages: the mass fractionsY of all species are known; the numerical errorsin good-quality DNS are much smaller than themeasurement errors in experiments; and the chem-ical source term S is available, in addition to themass fractions Y. On the other hand, DNS is lim-ited to relatively low Reynolds numbers and sim-ple chemical mechanisms.

The realistic hope and expectation is not thatcompositions occurring in turbulent combustionlie exactly on a low-dimensional manifold, butrather that they lie close to one. Given an empir-ical manifold (expressed as YM(Yr) or as Ym(Yr),Eq. (21)), an observed composition Y can bedecomposed as

Y ¼Yr


� �¼ YM ðYrÞ þ



� �¼


YmðYrÞ þ y

� �;


y � Yu � YmðYrÞ; ð37Þis the departure of Y from the manifold. Thus, anempirical manifold can be constructed from anensemble of N observations of Y by minimizingsome measure of the departures y of the observa-tions from the manifold.

By far the simplest empirical manifold is theplane manifold obtained from the principal com-ponent analysis (PCA) of the data [178]. Simplyby performing the singular value decompositionof the N ns matrix of observed mass fractions,one can determine both the “best-fit” nr-dimen-sional plane manifold, and a suitable set of nr rep-resented species for its parameterization. Theresult can be compactly expressed by Eq. (26).

Sutherland and co-workers [178–181] haveexamined PCA manifolds based on data fromexperiments, DNS and from ODT simulations.Yang and Pope [182] performed similar examina-tions based on the DNS data from CO/H2 andethylene non-premixed jet flames [112,183]. Themain question to address is: for a given data setof N samples of Y, how closely does the PCAmanifold of dimension nr approximate the data?This question can be addressed by examining ther.m.s. distance of the data from the manifold. Spe-cifically, for species i we define �i to be the r.m.s. ofthe departure Y i � Y M

i normalized by the standarddeviation of Yi. Fig. 10 shows this normalizedmeasure of the departure for two representativespecies, CO2 and H, obtained from the DNS ofHawkes et al. [112]. The data are taken from sev-eral times in the highest-Reynolds-number simula-

tion, in which there is substantial local extinctionand reignition. As may be seen from Fig. 10, eightdimensions are needed (i.e., nr P 8) in order toreduce these departures from the manifold tobelow 5%.

It is possible that the DNS data lie closer to amanifold parameterized by variables other thanmass fractions. In particular, a prediction of thesteady flamelet model is that, for the subset of sam-ples close to stoichiometric, the species mass frac-tions are given by Y = Ysfm(Zst,v), i.e., Y dependssolely on v. For the same data considered above,but conditioned on Z being close to stoichiometric,Fig. 11 shows scatter plots of the mass fraction ofCO2 versus v (left plot) and versus the first principalcomponent, g1 (right plot). (The first principal com-ponent is the distance from the mean in speciesspace in the direction of the first singular vectorin the PCA analysis, i.e., in the direction of greatestvariation.) Evidently, as should be expected, and aspreviously observed [178,181], the steady flameletmodel is not applicable to this case, and there isessentially no correlation between Y CO2

and v.The one-dimensional PCA provides a much betterrepresentation of the data, with the normalizedr.m.s. departure �CO2

being 33%.Representing and determining “best-fit”

curved manifolds is much more challenging thanPCA. The most promising approach is multivari-ate adaptive spline regression (MARS) [181,184].In fact, in the present context, MARS can be usedfor two different purposes. First, MARS can beused to approximate non-linear functions suchas the chemical source term S on a plane mani-fold; second, it can be used to approximate acurved manifold by representing Ym(Yr). In thislatter case, the curved empirical manifoldobtained from MARS is an estimate of the condi-tional manifold.

Fig. 12 compares the departures from the PCAand MARS manifolds for the DNS data of theCO/H2 flame [112] and of the ethylene flame[183]. In this case, the normalized measure oferror � is the average over all species of ther.m.s. departure of the species mass fraction fromthe manifold, normalized by the greater of thestandard deviation of that species mass fractionand 10�3. (This normalization prevents smallerrors in trace species from making a dispropor-tionate contribution.) As expected, for a givennumber of represented species nr, the departuresare smaller for MARS than for PCA. Also asmay be expected, to achieve a departure less thana given level, more represented species arerequired for the ethylene flame (which involves22 species) than for the CO/H2 flame (whichinvolves 11 species). For MARS, to achieve lessthan 5% departure, seven represented species arerequired for ethylene, and just two for CO/H2.

Another approach that has been used to iden-tify curved manifolds is isomap [185,186]. This

0 2 4 6 8 1010−3




Fig. 10. Normalized r.m.s. departures of Y CO2(circles)

and YH (squares) from the PCA manifold of dimensionnr determined from DNS data of a CO/H2 flame [112].The dashed line shows the 5% level (from [182]).

0 2 4 6 8 1010−2



Fig. 12. Average normalized r.m.s. departures from thePCA manifold (circles) and from the MARS manifold(squares) of dimension nr for the DNS data from theCO–H2 flame [112] (open symbols) and from theethylene flame [183] (solid symbols). The dashed lineshows the 5% level (from [182]).

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 21

technique assumes that all data points are exactlyon the manifold. In turbulent combustion, theexpectation is that compositions lie close to (butnot exactly on) a low-dimensional manifold.Hence, regressions techniques such as MARSappear more appropriate than interpolation tech-niques such as isomap.

The principal conclusions from studies ofempirical manifolds are:

1. Plane empirical manifolds are simple to repre-sent, exploit and determine using principalcomponent analysis (PCA).

2. For a plane manifold to represent the speciesmass fractions accurately, quite high dimen-sions can be required. Based on the measure� of the departure shown in Fig. 12, to achieve5% accuracy, 5 and 9 dimensions are neededfor the CO/H2 and ethylene flames,respectively.

100 102 1040.04





Fig. 11. For DNS data of [112], conditioned on mixture fractplots of the mass fraction of CO2 vs. scalar dissipation (left); anline on the left plot is the extinction value of the scalar dissipa(from [182]).

3. In several instances [178,182], it is found that alow-dimensional PCA manifold provides a bet-ter approximation than the steady flameletmanifold.

4. Curved empirical manifolds are much moredifficult to represent and estimate. MARS isthe most promising approach, and this yieldsan estimate of the conditional manifold. Forthe DNS data considered here, 5% accuracyis achieved with 2-and 7-dimensional curvedmanifolds for the CO/H2 and ethylene flames,respectively.

It should be appreciated that the DNS dataexamined here are from relatively simple cases—non-premixed flames between two uniformstreams, with no heat loss, and with simple 11-and 22-species chemistry for the CO/H2 and ethyl-

−10 −5 0 5 100.04





ion Z being close to its stoichiometric value Zst, scatterd vs. the first principal component, g1 (right). The dashedtion. The line on the right plot is the 1D PCA manifold

22 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

ene flames, respectively. The fact that the DNSdata are not well approximated by very-low-dimensional empirical manifolds casts seriousdoubt on the applicability of flamelet-like modelsto these flames, and yet more so to the more com-plex flames encountered in applications (withmore complex chemistry, more and inhomoge-neous streams, heat loss, etc.).

6.3. Conservation equations on manifolds

In the previous section on empirical manifolds,we consider what might be called a priori testingof the low-dimensional manifold hypothesis. Thatis, based on DNS data obtained using chemistrywith ns species, we can examine the hypothesisthat the mass fractions that occur in the flow con-sidered lie on (or close to) an nr-dimensional man-ifold YM(Yr) (for some small value of nr). Onemotivation for the present section is to considera posteriori testing of the hypothesis. That is, areduced DNS can be performed in which conser-vation equations are solved for Yr(x,t) instead offor Y(x,t). Then the accuracy of the low-dimen-sional manifold hypothesis can be tested by com-paring statistics obtained from the reduced DNSwith those from the full DNS (based on all ns spe-cies). A turbulent combustion model using thelow-dimensional manifold hypothesis cannot beexpected to provide better accuracy than thereduced DNS. Computer power has now reachedthe point at which this a posteriori testing is feasi-ble for DNS of turbulent combustion.

The conservation equation for Yr(x,t) followstrivially from Eq. (1):


Dt¼ 1

qr � ðqDrYrÞ þ Sr; ð38Þ

where the chemical source term is decomposed as

S ¼ bSðYÞ ¼ Sr


� �¼


" #: ð39Þ

Note that Eq. (38) is not closed, in the sense thatSr is not known in terms of Yr, but instead is afunction also of Yu. (The diffusivity also dependson Yu, but this is a less serious problem, whichis not considered further.)

The simplest assumption that leads to a closedset of equations is that the compositions Y thatoccur lie exactly on the manifold, i.e.,Y = YM(Yr), or, equivalently, y = 0. With thisassumption we have

Sr ¼ bSr;mðYrÞ � bSrðYM ðYrÞÞ: ð40ÞWith very few exceptions, this assumption is gen-erally made when any type of reduced chemistry isused (e.g., with QSSA reduced mechanisms usedin laminar or turbulent flame computations).However, as now explained, for turbulent com-

bustion, the assumption that Y is exactly on themanifold is untenable [176]; and the complete ne-glect of the non-zero perturbations y in Eq. (40) is,in Lam’s words [187] “unjustified in general”.

The conservation equation for y is againdeduced directly from Eq. (1). This is done inAppendix B, where the notation is fully explained.Briefly, the result is


Dt� 1

qr � ðqDryaÞ � vJK Ka;JK þ S\a ; ð41Þ

where: a (1 6 a 6 nu) is an index for the unrepre-sented species; J (1 6 J 6 nr) and K are indicesfor the represented species; Ka,JK is the manifoldcurvature (see Eqs. (25) and (B.7)); vJK is the sca-lar dissipation matrix of the represented species(Eq. (B.6)); S\ is the component of S in the unrep-resented subspace (see Eq. (B.5) and Fig. 8); andthe summation convention applies. Note the sim-ilarity between Eq. (41) and Eq. (9): the two termson the right-hand sides are scalar dissipation timesmanifold curvature, and reaction. Note also thatthe CMC Equation (Eq. (35)) follows directly asthe mean of Eq. (41) conditional on y = 0.

A basic question which can be answered by Eq.(41) is the following [176]: in a turbulent reactingflow, if at time t0 the compositions lie on the man-ifold (i.e., y(x,t0) = 0), do they remain on the man-ifold as the flow evolves? At time t0, y is zero, sothe left-hand side of Eq. (41) reduces to oya/ot.Hence, the composition remains on the manifoldonly if this is zero, which requires that the right-hand side is zero. Now Ka,JK and S\ are non-ran-dom functions of Yr (independent of the flow),whereas vJK is random and depends on the flow.Hence, for the right-hand side to be zero, it cannotbe that the two terms balance (as is the case in asteady laminar flow): it must instead be that eachterm is zero. Given that vJK is random, the firstterm is zero only if the manifold is plane so thatKa,JK is zero. The reaction term S\ is zero onlyif the manifold is invariant, so that S is a tangentvector. For low-dimensional manifolds encoun-tered in combustion, plane manifolds are notinvariant, and invariant manifolds are not plane!This being the case, we conclude that (in turbulentcombustion) compositions cannot lie exactly on alow-dimensional manifold: at best they may beclose to a manifold.

Given that y is non-zero, the next question thatcan be asked is whether its complete neglect lead-ing to Eq. (40) is a consistent approximation. Thesimple answer is “no” [187–189]. As discussed inAppendix B, a consistent analysis leads to theequation (for the I component of Sr)

SrI ¼ bSr;m

I þ SnI þ AIJKvJK ; ð42Þ

where bSr;m is Sr evaluated on the manifold (Eq.(40)), and AIJK is due to the curvature of the man-ifold (and is defined by Eq. (B.15)). In principle

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 23

the curvature term can be incorporated in the con-servation equation for Yr, but in practice thiswould be very difficult, as it requires the evalua-tion (on the manifold) of the third-order tensorAIJK, which is of size n3

r . While manifold curvatureis extremely important for very-low-dimensionalmanifolds, its importance inevitably decreaseswith manifold dimension. Hence, the neglect ofthe curvature term in Eq. (42) for QSSA andRCCE manifolds with nr P 10, say, is likely nota significant source of error.

We refer to Sn (the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (42)) as the non-invariance correc-tion. This term (or a similar term) can and should beincorporated in the conservation equation for Yr,but it is usually neglected. Why this term arisesand how it should be treated is well appreciatedin some approaches [165,187–190] but not in oth-ers. In the hope of broadening its appreciation, thisimportant issue is outlined and discussed inSection B.3.

6.4. The generation and tabulation of manifolds

In the generation of manifolds and the tabula-tion of their properties, there are two importantdistinctions to be made. The first is the distinctionbetween locally-generated and globally-generatedmanifolds. In a locally-generated method, givena value of Yr the corresponding manifold pointYM(Yr) can be determined by a local calculation.Prime examples are QSSA, RCCE and ILDM.In contrast, globally-generated manifolds haveto be constructed as a whole, usually as the solu-tion of partial differential equations. Examples areSFM, FPV, FGM, FPI, REDIM and TGLDM.Because the whole of a globally-generated mani-fold has to be represented on a mesh, computa-tional considerations limit the dimensionality to2 or 3, seldom more.

The second distinction is between structuredpre-tabulation and in situ adaptive tabulation(ISAT). The properties of globally-generatedmanifolds needed in a turbulent combustion cal-culation are generally pre-tabulated in a struc-tured table. Because this is done prior to theturbulent combustion calculation, the whole spacewhich could possibly be accessed must be tabu-lated. Again, computational considerationsseverely limit the dimensionality.

Using the method of in situ adaptive tabulation(ISAT) [83,191], a table of properties is built upduring the turbulent combustion calculation, basedon the compositions encountered. In this way, onlythe very small part of the species space which isaccessed is tabulated; and, because of this, tabula-tions can be performed in much higher dimensions,e.g., 50D [76]. ISAT can be used in conjunctionwith not-too-large detailed and skeletal mecha-nisms (e.g., nr 6 50), and with locally-generatedmanifolds, notably QSSA and RCCE [135,159].

In general, pre-tabulation is used with glob-ally-generated manifolds, and ISAT is used withlocally-generated manifolds. However, pre-tabu-lation can also be used with very-low-dimen-sional, locally-generated manifolds.

To illustrate how ISAT works, we consider thetask of tabulating the chemical source termS ¼ bSðYÞ based on the large number N of compo-sitions Y(i), (1 6 i 6 N) encountered sequentiallyin a turbulent combustion calculation. (In a typi-cal LES/PDF calculation, N may be 1010 or lar-ger.) The table built by ISAT consists of NT

table entries (e.g., NT = 10,000), where the kthentry consists of: the location (in species space)of the point tabulated, Y[k]; the chemical sourceterm, S½k� ¼ bSðY½k�Þ; the Jacobian, J[k] = J(Y[k]);and a hyper-ellipsoid E[k] centered at Y[k]. (Hence-forth we refer to E[k] as an ellipsoid.) For given Y,the linear approximation to S about Y[k] is

�S½k�ðYÞ � S½k� þ J½k�ðY� Y½k�Þ; ð43Þand the error in this approximation is

�½k�ðYÞ � j�S½k�ðYÞ � bSðYÞj: ð44ÞThe ellipsoid E[k] is such that the error �[k](Y) isestimated to be less that the specified error toler-ance �tol for every point Y in E[k].

The ISAT table is built up as the turbulentcombustion computation proceeds in such a waythat, with very high probability, every composi-tion Y(i) encountered is within some ellipsoidE[k], so that bSðYðiÞÞ can be approximated by�S½k�ðYðiÞÞ with an error that is controlled by �tol.The ellipsoids are stored in various data struc-tures, including binary trees, to facilitate searchingfor an ellipsoid E[k] which covers a given querypoint Y(i). It may be observed that the union ofthe ellipsoids covers the empirical manifold.

In practice, ISAT is generally used, not to tab-ulate S, but to tabulate the reaction mapping,which is defined as the solution to dY/dt = S atthe end of the computational time step Dt, as afunction of the initial condition. The current stateof the art in using ISAT in LES/PDF computa-tions is described in [134,135], including its combi-nation with RCCE and its implementation onlarge parallel systems.

7. Discussion and conclusions

The ultimate goal in turbulent combustionmodeling is to develop accurate, tractable andgeneral predictive modeling capabilities. We haveexamined the challenges to be faced and some ofthe progress made in the past decade, focusingon non-premixed, gas-phase combustion.

The principal challenges are outlined in Sec-tion 3. The challenges of small scales and manyspecies inevitably lead to statistical modeling of

24 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

the small-scale processes, and to a reduceddescription of the chemistry. Then the principalchallenge is to account accurately and tractablyfor the coupled processes of reaction and molecu-lar diffusion.

In the past decade, significant progress hasbeen made on many fronts, especially in DNS,LES, PDF and in the development and reductionof chemical kinetics mechanisms for hydrocarbonfuels.

Computer power has reached the point whereit is now possible to perform DNS under some(but not all) conditions of practical interest [3].Such DNS are extremely valuable in the develop-ment and testing of turbulent combustion models.Nevertheless, for many decades to come, DNSwill not be directly applicable in engineering appli-cations of turbulent combustion because of thelarge range of scales involved—from those of thecombustion chamber down to the smallest turbu-lent and reaction-zone scales. Because of this, astatistical approach is needed; either a completelystatistical approach (as in RANS and PDF meth-ods), or a statistical approach just for the smallscales (as in LES and LES/PDF).

While RANS-based approaches remain preva-lent in industry, LES is now prevalent in theresearch community and it will inevitably seeincreased use in industry. Since the processes ofmolecular mixing and reaction occur predomi-nantly below the resolved scales, in LES, as inRANS, it is essential to account for the unre-solved fluctuations and turbulence-chemistryinteractions.

In the past decade, it has been convincinglydemonstrated that PDF methods are capable ofrepresenting accurately the strong turbulence-chemistry interactions which occur in several lab-

Table 2Characteristics of flamelet-like and PDF-like models of turbul

Characteristic Flamelet-like models

Examples and associated methods Equilibrium, SFM, FPV,REDIM

Manifold assumption Species lie on a very-low-manifold (e.g., 2D or 3D

Manifold properties From laminar flame (or scalculations in pre-proces

Representation of composition inturbulent combustion calculation

Moments of Z (and in so

Treatment of complex chemistry Confined to pre-processin

Tabulation Structured tabulation in pprocessing (usually)

Turbulent mixing to be modeled Solely (or primarily) inertTreatment of coupling betweenreaction and molecular diffusion

Parameterized by few var(e.g., v)

Determination of PDF From a few moments andshape

oratory jet flames [36,37]. This includes the signif-icant local extinction and reignition in piloted jetflames [34,76], and the ignition and stabilizationof lifted jet flames in vitiated co-flows [92,94].

Current chemical mechanisms for hydrocarbonfuels typically involve hundreds if not thousand ofspecies—many more than can tractably be han-dled in a turbulent combustion model. Variousreduction techniques based on the thermochemis-try have been developed (see Sections 6.2.2 and6.2.3) which for simple hydrocarbons can reducethe number of species (or other variables) neededto of order 20.

The current approaches to modeling non-pre-mixed turbulent combustion have been reviewed,especially from the viewpoint of the implied man-ifolds in the species space. There is a clear dichot-omy between flamelet-like approaches and PDF-like approaches, as described in Section 3.2. Theprincipal characteristics of these two approachesare contrasted in Table 2.

Flamelet-like models are in general relativelysimple to implement and inexpensive to use. How-ever, they depend on the strong assumptions thatthe compositions occurring in turbulent combus-tion lie close to a very low-dimensional manifold,and that the coupling between turbulent mixingand reaction can be simply parameterized by atmost one or two variables. While the limits ofapplicability and accuracy of such models arenot easily delineated, it is certainly the case thatthey do not apply to the more challenging regimesof both non-premixed and premixed turbulentcombustion, in which there is significant localextinction, or in which the turbulence significantlydisrupts the reaction-diffusion balance of flameletstructures. This is clearly demonstrated in a prioritesting (e.g., [178] and Fig. 11).

ent combustion.

PDF-like models



No assumption made (beyond thatimplied by the reduced chemistryemployed)


Not applicable

me cases C) Joint PDF of species; represented by anensemble of values of Y

g Exact, within turbulent combustioncalculation

re- in situ adaptive tabulation, or none

mixing Reactive mixingiables Modeled implicitly by a mixing model

(e.g., EMST, MMC); or ignored (e.g.,IEM)

an assumed From a modeled transport equation forthe PDF

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 25

It is interesting to observe that all flamelet-likeapproaches lead to similar model equations,which reflect the assumed dominant balancebetween reaction and molecular diffusion, the lat-ter represented as the product of scalar dissipationand manifold curvature: Eq. (9) in counter-flowflames and SFM; Eq. (16) in the equilibriummodel; a generalization of Eq. (9) in REDIM;and also Eq. (35) in CMC (even though CMC isnot a flamelet-like model). In turbulent combus-tion, for any very-low-dimensional manifold,there is an inevitable imbalance between reactionand molecular diffusion leading to departuresfrom the manifold, as described by Eq. (41).

In the future we can expect to see furtherrefinements to flamelet-like models, and their usein many applications. They may also form a usefulcomponent of an adaptive modeling strategy. Thefact remains, however, that they are not applica-ble in the more challenging combustion regimesin which compositions do not lie close to very-low-dimensional manifolds, and in which the cou-pling between reaction and molecular diffusioncannot be simply parameterized.

PDF-like models (PDF, MMC, LEM, ODT)avoid the assumption of a very low-dimensionalmanifold, and hence have broader applicability.PDF and LES/PDF calculations have beenreported with 53 and 38 species, respectively[76,134]. In these methods it is necessary to modelthe effects of molecular diffusion on reactive spe-cies. As discussed in Section 5.4, it is certainlythe case that the simplest mixing models (e.g.,IEM and MC) take no account of the effects ofreaction on mixing. However, more sophisticatedapproaches (e.g., EMST and MMC) do accountfor these effects and there are good prospects forfurther improvements in such approaches.

PDF methods also provide a single frameworkwhich is applicable to all modes of combustion—non-premixed, premixed, partially-premixed—and, more generally, to systems with multipleinhomogeneous feed streams and with heat loss.For the next decade, a challenge for PDF modelsis to demonstrate the same success in premixedturbulent combustion as has been demonstratedin the past decade for non-premixed combustion,and to extend this success to spray flames andsooting flames.

A final comment is that, with the advent ofaccurate DNS in regimes of interest, turbulentcombustion modeling can become less speculative!The assumptions made can be examined in detailusing DNS data in both a priori and a posterioritesting. In particular, as illustrated in Section 6.2.7,it is possible to determine the dimensionality ofplane and curved manifolds which adequatelyapproximate the compositions occurring in differ-ent regimes of turbulent combustion; and mixingmodels can be subjected to both a priori and a pos-teriori testing.


I am grateful to Matthias Ihme for providingthe data for Fig. 3, to Yue Yang for most of theresults presented in Section 6.2.7, and to VarunHiremath and Haifeng Wang for other contribu-tions. For comments on the paper I am gratefulto the reviewers and to Jackie Chen, MattCleary, Tarek Echekki, Tianfeng Lu, UlrichMaas, Philip de Goey, Rob Gordon, EvattHawkes, Dan Haworth, Matthias Ihme, AlexKlimenko, Assaad Masri, Perrine Pepiot andJames Sutherland. The research on dimensionreduction of combustion chemistry is supportedby Office of Energy Research, Office of Basic En-ergy Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Geosciencesand Biosciences Division of the US Departmentof Energy (DOE) under Grant DE-FG02-90ER-14128. The research on PDF/LES andempirical manifolds is supported by the Combus-tion Energy Frontier Research Center, an EnergyFrontier Research Center funded by the USDepartment of Energy, Office of Science, Officeof Basic Energy Sciences under Award No.DE-SC0001198. The research on the efficientimplementation of ethylene chemistry is sup-ported by Grant No. FA9550-09-1-0611 fundedby the National Center for Hypersonic Com-bined Cycle Propulsion, sponsored by theAFOSR and NASA ARMD.

Appendix A. Analysis of the EMST mixing model

For non-premixed combustion, it is shown thatthe EMST mixing model [90] (with simplifyingassumptions) leads to an equation (Eq. (A.12))for the species mass fractions which is similar tothe unsteady flamelet model.

We consider a large number N of equal-masscomputational particles, the ith of which has attime t mass fractions Yi(t) and mixture fractionZi(t). The analysis shows that the species massfractions are given by

YiðtÞ ¼ YEðZiðtÞ; tÞ; ðA:1Þwhere YE(z,t) evolves by Eq. (A.12). We take ini-tial conditions such that the PDF of Z, f(z), is self-similar (as explained below), and the species massfractions are set by an appropriate specification ofYE(z,0), e.g., corresponding to the steady flameletmodel. This result is primarily of theoretical inter-est, as it provides a connection between PDF andflamelet modeling, and it shows that the molecularmixing of reactive species implied by the EMSTmodel is appropriately affected by the chemicalreactions.

It is convenient here to use an unconventionalnormalization of Z, such that its mean is zero. Theparticles are ordered in increasing mixture

−2 −1 0 1 20











Fig. A.13. The standardized self-similar PDF of Z, fo(z).

−2 −1 0 1 20






Fig. A.14. The coefficients 1/(fok) (solid line) andw/fo (dashed line) in Eq. (A.12).

26 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

fraction (i.e., Zi P Zi�1), so that the cumulativedistribution function (CDF) of Z, F(z), is suchthat

F ðZiÞ ¼ F i � i=N ; ðA:2Þand an approximation to the PDF, f(z), is pro-vided by

1 ¼ N ½F ðZiþ1Þ � F ðZiÞ�� N ½Ziþ1 � Zi�f ðZiþ1=2Þ; ðA:3Þ

for Zi+1/2 � [Zi + Zi+1]/2.We do not consider the “intermittency” feature

of the EMST model, so that all particles mix at alltimes. For the case considered, the EMST consistssimply of edges between adjacent particles in theordering. Consequently, according to the model[90], the particle mass fractions evolve by


dt¼ cN 2½wi�1=2ðYi�1 � YiÞ þ wiþ1=2ðYiþ1 � YiÞ�

þ bSðYiÞ; ðA:4Þ


wiþ1=2 � 2 minðF i; 1� F iÞ; ðA:5Þ

and c (determined below) controls the rate ofmixing.

We assume that the PDF of Z, f(z), decays in aself-similar manner. Consequently, we have


dt¼ �xZi; ðA:6Þ

where x is the decay rate, which is related to thescalar dissipation by

x ¼ 1

2hvi=hZ2i: ðA:7Þ

Thus, Eq. (A.4) written for Zi and Eq. (A.6) yield

�N 2½wi�1=2ðZi�1 � ZiÞ þ wiþ1=2ðZiþ1 � ZiÞ�

¼ xc

Zi; ðA:8Þ

or, in an obvious matrix notation,

AZ ¼ xc

Z; ðA:9Þ

where A is the N N sparse matrix defined by theleft-hand side of Eq. (A.8). Evidently, Z is an eigen-vector of A and x/c is the corresponding eigen-value, denoted by k. It is found numerically thatas N increases, the relevant eigenvalue of A con-verges to k = 5.7832, and that the standardizedPDF, fo(z), of Z obtained from Eq. (A.3) convergesto that shown in Fig. A.13. Thus c is determined asc = x/ k. The self-similar PDF is somewhat unu-sual and unphysical in that Z is bounded, and thePDF is discontinuous at the bounds.

Having determined the behavior of the mixturefraction, we return our attention to the species

mass fractions, which evolve by Eq. (A.4). Weobserve that, using Eq. (A.3), terms in this equa-tion can be re-expressed as, for example,

Nwiþ1=2ðYiþ1 � YiÞ ¼ wiþ1=2


Yiþ1 � Yi

Ziþ1 � Zi: ðA:10Þ

In the limit as N tends to infinity, the divided dif-ference becomes a derivative, and the right-handside is written

wðzÞf ðzÞ


@z: ðA:11Þ

Thus, in the limit as N tends to infinity, Eq. (A.4)becomes an evolution equation for YE(z,t):


@t¼ c




� �þ bSðYEÞ

¼ 1

2hvi 1





� �þ bSðYEÞ; ðA:12Þ

where the second line follows from Eq. (A.7) andthe relations c = x/k and fo = fhZ2i1/2.

S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31 27

As may be seen, Eq. (A.12) is similar to theunsteady flamelet equation. The non-dimensional,order-one coefficients 1/(fo k) and w/fo are shownin Fig. A.14. Note that the mean hvi, rather thaninstantaneous scalar dissipation v, appears in Eq.(A.12): but there is no difficulty in extending themodel by introducing a random process for c(t),leading to a model for v(t) similar to the stochasticflamelet approach [192].

Appendix B. Conservation equations on manifolds

In Section B.1 we derive from Eq. (1) the con-servation equation for the departure from themanifold, y. Then, in Section B.2, an improvedapproximation for Sr is obtained. This includesthe non-invariance correction Sn, which is consid-ered further in Section B.3. Similar analyses havepreviously been performed [176,188,189]: a differ-ence here is that the manifold considered isparameterized by the represented species.

B.1. Conservation equation for the departure y

For the manifold specified by Ym(Yr), thedeparture y of the composition Y from the mani-fold is defined as

y � Yu � YmðYrÞ: ðB:1ÞTaking the material derivative of Eq. (B.1) weobtain


Dt¼ DY u


Dt� T u



Dt; ðB:2Þ


T ua;I �

@Y ma

@Y rI

; ðB:3Þ

represents the components of the tangent vectorsin the unrepresented subspace. We use lower-case Greek letters for indices of unrepresentedquantities (e.g., 1 6 a 6 nu), and upper-case Ro-man letters for represented quantities (e.g.,1 6 I 6 nr).

Expressions for DY ua=Dt and DY r

I=Dt areobtained simply from Eq. (1). Substituting theseinto Eq. (B.2), after manipulation we obtain


Dt¼ 1

qr � ðqDryaÞ þ S\a þ vJK Ka;JK ; ðB:4Þ


S\a � Sua � T u

aI SrI ; ðB:5Þ

is the component of S in the unrepresented sub-space not in the tangent space (see Fig. 8);

vJK � DrY rJ � rY r

K ; ðB:6Þis the scalar-dissipation matrix of the representedspecies; and

Ka;JK �@2Y m


@Y rJ@Y r


; ðB:7Þ

is the manifold curvature.

B.2. Improved approximation for the representedchemical source term Sr

We now perform an analysis (similar to that of[176,188,189]) for the case in which y is sufficientlysmall that it can be neglected everywhere except inthe chemical source term S, and that the depen-dence of S on y can be linearized. Subject to theseconditions, Eq. (B.4) becomes

0 ¼ S\ma þ J\u

ab yb þ vJK Ka;JK ; ðB:8Þ

where S\m denotes S\ evaluated on the manifold,and

J\uab �

@S\a@Y u


; ðB:9Þ

is also evaluated on the manifold. We assume thatthe manifold is attracting, so that all of the eigen-values of the nu nu matrix J\u have strictly neg-ative real part, and therefore J\u possesses aninverse, whose components are denoted byJ\u�1

ab . Then, y is uniquely determined by Eq.(B.8) as

yc ¼ �J\u�1ca ðS\m

a þ vJK Ka;JKÞ: ðB:10Þ

This solution yields the value of y (and hence ofY) such that, in the unrepresented subspace, thechemical source term exactly balances the dissipa-tion-curvature.

In place of Eq. (40), the improved, linearapproximation for Sr is

SrI ¼ bSr;m

I þ JruIcyc; ðB:11Þ

where Jru is defined by

JruIc �


@Y uc

: ðB:12Þ

Using Eq. (B.10) for yc, we obtain

SrI ¼ bSr;m

I þ SnI þ AIJKvJK ; ðB:13Þ

where Sn, which is due to the non-invariance ofthe manifold, is

SnI � �Jru

IcJ\u�1ca S\m

a ; ðB:14Þ

and we define

AIJK � �JruIcJ\u�1ca Ka;JK : ðB:15Þ

Note that Jru and J\u represent different parts ofthe Jacobian (Eq. (8)) and have dimensions of in-verse time. There is no apparent reason why thenon-dimensional product JruJ\u�1 should in gen-eral be small, and hence that the final terms in Eq.(B.13) should be negligibly small. Indeed, exam-

Fig. B.15. Sketch showing a 1D manifold, the chemicalsource term S and its projections (Spu, Spn and Spf) ontothe tangent space using different projectors (Pu, Pn andPf in the unrepresented, normal and fast subspaces).This illustrates that different projectors lead to differentrates of change of the represented species (Sru, Srn andSrf).

28 S.B. Pope / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1–31

ples are readily constructed [189] in which these fi-nal terms have a significant effect.

B.3. The non-invariance correction

We now examine in more detail the additionalterm Sn which arises due to the non-invariance ofthe manifold. We refer to this as the non-invari-ance correction.

For the simplest case of a homogeneous mix-ture, Eq. (1) becomes




� �¼



� �¼


" #: ðB:16Þ

With the assumption that the composition Y is onthe manifold, it appears to follow trivially that Yr

evolves by


dt¼ bSr;m � bSrðYM ðYrÞÞ: ðB:17Þ

However, even for a plane manifold, there is a log-ical flaw in the argument, namely that it is basedon inconsistent premises. Specifically, the assump-tion Y(t) = YM(Yr(t)) implies that the rate ofchange of Y is in the tangent space, since the chainrule yields

dY i

dt¼ T iJ

dY rJ

dt; ðB:18Þ

where T iJ � @Y Mi =@Y r

J is the i-component of theJth tangent vector. However, in general, Eq.(B.16) is inconsistent with Eq. (B.18). It is consis-tent only if the manifold is invariant or, equiva-lently, if S\ is zero.

There are two ways to remove the inconsis-tency. The first way is that used above in Sec-tion B.2, which has been termed the close-parallelassumption [188]. According to this assumption,there is an invariant manifold close to and parallelto the specified manifold Y = YM(Yr). Thechemical source term is evaluated on this invariantmanifold, and it is entirely in the tangent space(i.e., S\ = 0) because, by the “parallel” assump-tion, the two manifolds share the same tangentspace.

The second way is to replace S (evaluated onthe manifold) by a projection of S onto the tan-gent space. We denote this projection by

Sp ¼ PS; ðB:19Þwhere P is an ns ns projection matrix. But whatprojection to use? Some possibilities, illustrated inFig. B.15, are:

1. Project in the unrepresented subspace, whichyields Sr ¼ bSr;m, i.e., Sn = 0.

2. Project in the normal subspace.3. Project in the “fast” subspace.4. Use a projector based on thermodynamics


It should be recognized that projections (1) and(2) contain arbitrariness and lack rational sup-port. The same manifold can be parameterizedby different represented species, and when this isdone projection (1) yields different results. Thedefinition of the normal subspace depends onthe scaling of the variables. Different results areobtained if the species are represented in specificmoles instead of mass fractions. For a PCA man-ifold, the normal subspace depends on how thescaling in the PCA is performed.

In contrast to projections (1) and (2), based onan analysis of Eq. (B.16), both the CSP andILDM methods identify the appropriate projectorin the “fast” subspace [165,166]. The result is verysimilar to the projection implied by the close par-allel analysis which leads to Sn given by Eq.(B.14). The importance of using the correct pro-jector is illustrated in [187,189].


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