Parle Pvt. Ltd



project on parle

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Academic Live ProjectFor MBA Second Semester

Parle ProductsPvt Ltd

By: b.b. shiggattiUSN: 2GI13MBA08

Guided by:Prof. S. N. KHANAI

u d y a m b a g , B e l g a u m - 5 9 0 0 0 6

Parle products pvt ltd

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Table of contentsIntroduction to Company

Industry Analysis

History of company

Vision, Mission and objectives of the company

PEST analysis

Marketing Management

a. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

b. Product and services offered by company

c. Pricing strategies

d. Promotion strategies.

e. Distribution strategies

f. Customer relationship management

Human resource Management

a. Recruitment, selection and training strategies.

b. compensation management

c. Performance management

d. Career Planning

e. Organization Structure

Financial management

a. Capital decisions

b. Ratio Analysis.

c. Working capital management.

SWOT analysis

Corporate Social responsibility

Parle products pvt ltd

Introduction to PARLE – G

          A cream colored yellow stripped wrapper with a cute baby photo containing10 – 12

biscuits with the company’s name printed in Red and you know these are ‘Parle G’biscuits.

Times changed, variety of biscuits did come and go but nothing has changed with these

biscuits. Parle-G is one of the oldest brand names as well as the largest sellingbrand of

biscuits in India. Parle-G or Parle Glucose is a brand of Biscuits manufactured by Parle

products in India.

           Parle name conjures up fond memories across the length and breadth of the

country. After all, since 1929, the people of India have been growing up on Parle biscuits

& sweets. For around 75 years, Parle have been manufacturing quality biscuits and

confectionery products.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd

           Over the years Parle has grown to become a multi million-dollar company with

many of the products as market leaders in their category. Parle Products began

manufacturing biscuits, in addition to sweets and toffees. Having already established a

reputation for quality, the Parle brand name grew in strength with this diversification. Parle

Glucose and Parle Monaco were the first brands of biscuits to be introduced, which later

went onto become leading brand names itself for great taste and quality. Today, Parle

enjoys a 40% share of the total biscuit market and a 15% share of the total

confectionary market, in India.


Introduction Defining FMCG Industry Products which have a quick turnover, and relatively

low cost are known as Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). FMCG products are those

that get replaced within a year. Examples of FMCG generally include a wide range of

frequently purchased consumer products such as toiletries, soap, cosmetics, tooth

cleaning products, shaving products and detergents, as well as other non-durables such

as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and plastic goods. FMCG may also include

pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, packaged food products, soft drinks, tissue paper,

and chocolate bars. A subset of FMCGs are Fast Moving Consumer Electronics which

include innovative electronic products such as mobile phones, MP3 players, digital

cameras, GPS Systems and Laptops. These are replaced more frequently than other

electronic products. White goods in FMCG refer to household electronic items such as

Refrigerators, T.Vs, Music Systems, etc. In 2005, the Rs. 48,000-crore FMCG segment

was one of the fast growing industries in India. According to the AC Nielsen India study,

the industry grew 5.3% in value between 2004 and 2005. Creating a strong brand

identity, leveraging new product categories and growing the customer base are core

concerns for consumer product companies. Firms are looking to maximize profits and

market share in a highly competitive environment that includes such challenges and risks

as demanding customers, consolidation and global expansion. 

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Parle products pvt ltd


Since 1929, Parle Products, with its wide platter of biscuits and sweets is also

actively engaged in changing and uplifting the social face of India. As part of its Corporate

Social Responsibility Policy, Parle is keenly involved in the overall development of the

younger generation, with a focused endeavor to build the New Face of India and spread

happiness and joy all over.

Some of our best habits, as we said, are also our oldest. Many of them date back to

the last decade of the 19th century. It was in the 1880’s that the late Mohanlal Dayal came

to Bombay from his village Pardi, in the district of Surat, to work as a dusting boy at a silk

merchant’s. What a long way that bright little boy came! First, the hard apprenticeship and

the graduation to Master Cutter, then the elite tailoring establishment that eventually

developed into a wholesale business to finally, the new business in confections and

biscuits. Always, the accent was on self-sufficiency. Mohanlal Dayal was not just a

progressive and astute businessman. He never gave in to the sense of indifference that

often comes with the commercial outlook. All through his life, he was deeply conscious of

his duties towards society and the community. He built the Shri Mohanlal Dayal Prasuti

Graha and General Hospital in Pardi, which is maintained through charity trusts set up by

him. The Shri Mohanlal Dayal Sanatorium and Hostel at Matunga in Bombay is another

such institution. In his memory and after his example, his sons have donated significant

sums to set up the Chauhan Institute of Science.

Parle Centre of Excellence, as an institution, is dedicated to enriching the

lives of people by conducting various cultural programs across all regions to facilitate the

all round development of children. Every year, Parle organizes Saraswati Vandana in the

state of West Bengal during the festival of Saraswati Puja, inviting schools from all across

the state to participate. The event is one of much fanfare and celebration, keeping alive

the culture and traditions. The involvement in cultural activities has seen the inception of

Golu Galata in Tamil Nadu, held during Navratri. It provides all the members of a

household a platform to showcase their creativity and be judged by eminent personalities.

Thousands of families participate and celebrate the occasion.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd

The main vision of Parle is to concentrate on consumers taste and preferences. The Parle

brand has grown from strength to strength ever since its inception. For fulfilling its vision

they do every batch of biscuits and confectionaries are thoroughly checked by experts

staff, using the most modern equipment hence ensuring the same perfect quality across

the nation and abroad.


For over 65 years, Parle G has been a part of the lives of every Indian. From the snow

capped mountains in the north to the sultry towns in the south, from frenetic cities to laid

back villages, Parle G has nourished strengthened and delighted millions. Various people

have various reasons to consume it, some consume it for the value it offers while others

consume it for sheer taste, For some it is a meal substitute for others it is a tasty healthy

nourishing snack. Patronized by millions for all this qualities, it is much more than just a

biscuit brand. Little wonder than why is it the Largest selling Biscuit brand in the World.


KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


POLITICAL:- T a x e s -Production and distribution licenses


ECONOMICAL- In Per Cap i ta l   Income-India’s GDP Growing At An Average Age 8%


SOCIAL:-Greater in per capita consumption-India is 3rd largest product of Biscuit- ´

TECHNOLOGICAL:- I n n o v a t i o n - R & D

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


Parle was a small company started in the year 1929 in Ville Parle in Mumbai. This

company went on to become the worlds largest biscuit manufacturer. The company had

the intent to spread joy and cheer in the lives of adults and children, all over the country

with their range of sweets and candies.

From a small factory set up on the outskirts of Mumbai they have grown to have 7

manufacturing units all over India. Today Parle sells biscuits, confectionary and snacks in

more than 200 SKUs and has won numerous awards internationally and has been

sweetening lives all over India and abroad.


If we divide the whole market on basis of their preferences foe sweetness and saltiness in

the biscuits then the possible outcome would be that the preferences are clustered near

some tastes i.e. the consumers would not like to have something really vague like

50%salty, 25%sweet and25%creamy.That is why the preferences are clustered and not

diffused wherein the preferences have to be very extreme and vague. Parle as a company

makes use of this clustered preferences and manufactures biscuits for each and every

cluster. For e.g. Monaco for entirely salty biscuits and its latest product Krack jack-cream

is for sweet and salty taste.

Target Marketing:

Segmentation reveals only the firm’s opportunities. The firm now has to evaluate the

various segments and decide how many and which segments it can best serve.

Evaluating Market Segments:

A firm must look at three factors to evaluate market segments: segment size and growth;

segment structural attractiveness; and company objectives and resources.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd

The company must first collect and analyze data on current segment sales, growth rates,

and expected profitability for various segments. It will be interested in segments that have

the right size and growth characteristics. But “right size and growth” is a relative matter.

There are several structural characteristics that affect long-run segment attractiveness.

The segment is less attractive if there are several strong, aggressive competitors.

The existence of many actual or potential substitute products may limit prices and

the profits that can be earned.

The relative power of buyers also affects segment attractiveness.

A segment may be less attractive if it contains powerful suppliers who can control

prices or reduce the quality or quantity of ordered goods and services

The company must take into account its own objectives and resources in relation to

the segment. If a segment does not mesh with the company’s long-run objectives, it

can be dismissed.

The company must take into consideration whether it has the skills and resources

needed to succeed in the market. The company should enter only segments in

which it can offer superior value and gain advantage over competitors.

Positioning Strategy of PARLE

Positioning strategy

Parle is positioned in the minds of people as a value for price product and also as a low-

priced product.

Differentiation strategy

For Parle-G the company has used channel and image differentiation tools. Parle-G by far

has the most intensive distribution coverage as compared to any other biscuit company in

India. Also the name PARLE has an image that generates respect and a belief of good

quality in the minds of the buyers.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd

A product’s position is the way the product is defined by the consumers on important

attributes; it is the place the product occupies in consumers’ minds relative to competing

products. It involves implanting the brand’s unique benefits and differentiation in

customers’ minds.

To simplify the buying process, consumers organize products, services, and companies

into categories and “position” them in their minds. A product’s position is a complex set of

perceptions, impressions, and feelings that consumers have for the product compared with

competing products.

Consumers will position products with or without the help of marketers. So marketers must

plan positions that will give their products the greatest advantage in selected target

markets, and then must design marketing mixes to create these planned positions.


Over the years, Parle has grown to become a multi-million US Dollar company. Many of

the Parle products - biscuits or confectionaries, are market leaders in their category and

have won acclaim at the Monde Selection, since 1971.

Today, Parle enjoys a 40% share of the total biscuit market and a 15% share of the total

confectionary market, in India. The Parle Biscuit brands, such as, Parle-G, Monaco and

Krackjack and confectionery brands, such as, Melody, Poppins, Mangobite andKismi,

enjoy a strong imagery and appeal amongst consumers.

Be it a big city or a remote village of India, the Parle name symbolizes quality, health and

great taste! And yet, we know that this reputation has been built, by constantly innovating

and catering to new tastes. This can be seen by the success of new brands, such as, Hide

& Seek, or the single twist wrapping of Mango bite

In this way, by concentrating on consumer tastes and preferences and emphasizing

Research & Development, the Parle brand grows from strength to strength.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


The extensive distribution network, built over the years, is a major strength for Parle

Products. Parle biscuits & sweets are available to consumers, even in the most remote

places and in the smallest of villages with a population of just 500.

Parle has nearly 1,500 wholesalers, catering to 4,25,000 retail outlets directly or indirectly.

A two hundred strong dedicated field force services these wholesalers & retailers.

Additionally, there are 31 depots and C&F agents supplying goods to the wide distribution


The Parle marketing philosophy emphasizes catering to the masses. They constantly

Endeavour at designing products that provide nutrition & fun to the common man. Most

Parle offerings are in the low & mid-range price segments. This is based on their

understanding of the Indian consumer psyche. The value-for-money positioning helps

generate large sales volumes for the products.

However, Parle Products also manufactures a variety of premium products for the up-

market, urban consumers. And in this way, caters a range of products to a variety

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


Parle - G Melody Krackjack Mango Bite Krackjack Crispy Creams Kaccha Mango Bite

Monaco Poppins Kreams Kismi Toffee Hide and Seek Kismi Gold Hide & Seek Milano

Orange Candy Digestive Marie XHale Parle Marie Munch on snacks! Milk Shakti Musst

Bites Mayfair Cookies Monaco Bites Cheeslings Nimkin Sixer PRODUCT QUALITY

Hygiene is the precursor to every process at Parle. From husking the wheat and melting

the sugar to delivering the final products to the supermarkets and store shelves

nationwide, care is taken at every step to ensure the best product of long-lasting

freshness. Every batch of biscuits and confectioneries are thoroughly checked by expert

staff, using the most modern equipment hence ensuring the same perfect quality across

the nation and abroad. Concentrating on consumer tastes and preferences, the Parle

brand has grown from strength to strength ever since its inception. The factories at

Bahadurgarh in Haryana and Neemrana in Rajasthan are the largest biscuit and

confectionery plants in the country. The factory in Mumbai was the first to be set up,

followed soon by the one in Bangalore, Karnataka. Parle Products also has 14

manufacturing units for biscuits and 5 manufacturing units for confectioneries, on contract.

EXPORT EXPORT _ IMPORT Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. Is a US $ 450 million conglomerate

started in India in 1929. We are in the business of manufacturing and marketing biscuits

and confectionaries.


Parle - G

Hide and Seek


Hide & Seek Milano

Digestive Marie


Parle Marie


KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


• Appeal to all income groups : The product is appealing to the consumers as the target

audience is basically kids. This product is suitable to all Income group.

• Low and mid range price Segments: The pricing of the product is of low and mid range

so as it suits every ones pocket

• Value for money: Value for money allows all age group to enjoy parle products at fullest

• Strict cost control at every point in supply Chain: It reaches 2.5 million outlets,

including villages with a population of 500 people

Penetration Strategy: keeping high quality and maintains low price.

Previously sets its price as per the geography, freight cost for reaching remote

places is quite high.

As per the G’dsouza, Coordinator of Parle products, variation of the price of Parle-

G from Rs.4-5 in different states.

But due to factories at strategic locations Parle-G is moving towards Uniform

Pricing all over the INDIA.

Alternatives to Increasing Price

Reducing product size, using less expensive materials, unbundling the product

Buyer reactions to price changes must be considered

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd



As part of its marketing initiative, Parle Products has recently adopted a major pricing

strategy whereby a 5 kg ‘Parle-G’ Atta will be available to consumers and, along with

‘Parle-G’ biscuit pack for free at Rs 90. However, competitors, ‘Pillsbury’ atta are priced at

Rs 104, and, ‘Kissan Annapurna’ at Rs 102, in similar capacity.


Parle-G is available in Europe, UK, USA, Canada, etc. In Canada, it is sold by Zehrs, Food

Basics, Loblaw’s, etc for only 99 cents for a 418 gram pack. Parle-G or Parle Glucose

biscuits, manufactured by Parle Products Pvt Ltd, are one of the most popular biscuits in

India. Parle-G is one of the oldest brand names as well as the largest selling brand of

biscuits in India. For decades, the product was instantly recognized by its iconic white and

yellow wax paper wrapper with the depiction of a young girl on the front. Counterfeit

companies have attempted to recreate and sell lower quality products of similar names

with virtually identical package and design



It has 70% market share in India in the glucose biscuit category followed by Britannia,

Tiger (17-18%) and ITC's Sunfeast (8-9%). The brand is estimated to be worth over Rs

2,000 crore (Rs 20 billion), and contributes more than 50 per cent of the company's

turnover (Parle Products is an unlisted company and its executives are not comfortable

disclosing exact numbers). Last fiscal, Parle had sales of Rs 3,500 crore (Rs 35 billion). It

also is popular across the world and is starting to sell in Western Europe 

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


Product Strategy

Core benefit- the core benefit of biscuit is to satisfy hunger of the consumer. 

Basic product- in the second level, the basic product is biscuits. 

Expected product- the consumers expect the product to have a good taste and also give


Augmented product- Parle biscuits increase a person’s energy levels. o Potential

product- in the future Parle could come up with different products.


The extensive distribution network, built over the years, is a major strength for Parle

products. Parle biscuits & sweets are available to consumers, even in the e most remote

places and in the smallest retail outlets. Parle has nearly 1,500 wholesalers, careering to

4,25,000 retail outlets directly or indirectly. A two hundred strong dedicated field force

services there wholesalers and retailers. Additionally, there are 31 depots and C&F agents

supplying goods to the wide distribution network. Parle constantly endeavor at designing

products that provide nutrition and fun t o the common man. Most Parle offerings are in the

low and mid-range price segments. This is based on their understanding of the Indian

consumer psyche. The Value for money positioning helps generate large sales volumes

for the products. However, Parle Products also manufactures a variety of premium

products for the up-market, urban consumers. And in this way, caters a range of products

to a variety of consumers

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd



Intensive Distribution

Parle uses Intensive Distribution for Parle G. This is the ideal strategy for the market

leader as intensive distribution has the following advantages:


Increases coverage and sales

Increases product availability

Encourages retailers to compete aggressive. Higher competition leads to narrower

margins for the retails hence, increases the ultimate margin for the manufacturer.

The Channel Members of the Distribution Network of Parle

The Parle distribution network for biscuits has essentially four levels as enlisted below:

Parle Depots

Wholesalers and Distributers

Carry Forward Agents (if required)


The Channel Members and Logistics

 Parle has nearly 1500 wholesalers, catering to 425000 retail outlets directly or indirectly.

A two hundredstrong dedicated field force services these wholesalers and retailers.

Additionally, there are 31 depotsand Carry and Forward agents supplying goods to the

wide distribution network.Parle has level 1, level 2, level 3 distribution channels levels.

Level 1:

Availability of Parle G biscuits at all departmental stores across the length and breadth of

the country.

Level 2:

Since it's an FMCG product this channel exists for customers scattered throughout the


Level 3:

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd

Mass consumption and suitable for National and International coverage. For e.g. Parle's

international operations consist of serving markets in the Middle East, Africa, South

America, Sri Lanka, Australia and North America for which the 3 level distribution channel


Channel Dynamics

Parle has a multi-channel marketing system since it uses more than two marketing

channels to reach all its customer segments.

The Parle Distribution Network Logistics


Selection of Channel Members for Parle

Parle takes into consideration a host of factors while selecting the channel members. This

is because it believes that selection of channel members is a long run decision and the

rest of the decision regarding the supply chain depends upon the efficiency and coverage

by the channel members. The following are the host of factors considered by the company

in selecting the channel members:

Authentication is required by the regarding the identity of the channel members, which

includes the name and address, photograph of the location.

Proof of solvency which requires name and address of the channel members bankers

 Safety of the inventory, which means that the distributor/ dealer should get the stock of

the company insured.

Inventory or the perishable goods kept by the distributor/ dealer should be in good

condition which means a detail of storage space and Refrigeration facility is to be


Details of the delivery vehicle, which includes the following:

Light Commercial Vehicles,


3 Wheeler Van,

Tricycle Van and Hand/Push cart.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd

The number and model of each of the vehicle needs to be furnished to the


Company acknowledges the fact that it needs to be sensitive to the market

demands. For this it requires that a number of salesmen needs to be present on the


The salesmen too are divided into various categories like

The Field salesmen

Counter salesmen

The details of Clerical Staff and labor are to be provided. The technical competence

of the salesmen needs to be mentioned.

Details of the various products of other companies that the channel member keeps

have to be provided. The following also need to be furnished with the above:

The annual sales of these products have to be mentioned.

Details of complementary products and product lines need to be mentioned.

Dealers of the company must carry a good reputation. This is due to the fact that

Parle believes that the reputation of the dealer affects the clientele in the long run.

Market coverage by the distributors needs to be defined which includes details of

Geographic coverage and Outlets per market area.

The company also requires the dealers to furnish any Advertising and Sales

initiative undertaken by them on behalf of the company.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd



We all know that recruitment and selection is one of the tasks that the HR

department fulfills. The other tasks will be discussed below:

Recruitment and selection: Involves selecting and attracting the best workers.

Wages and salaries: Must be enough to motivate or attract workers.

Industrial relations: There must be effective communication between


Training programs: Must meet the training needs of employees and accomplish

business objectives.

Health and safety: Must do things according to the law.

Redundancy and dismissal: Must obey all laws when firing workers.

Recruitment and selection

Workers are needed when a business starts up, expands or an existing employee

leaves. Businesses use the recruitment process to successfully employ the right

people. This process is usually undertaken by the HR department, but in small

business, HR departments do not exist since the businesses employ too little workers

for it to be of much use. Here is a diagram summarizing the recruitment process.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd

Vacancy arises.

A job analysis is done, which identifies the responsibilities and tasks of the job.

A job description lists that responsibilities and tasks to the candidates who apply for

the position.

A job specification outlines the required qualifications, expertise and experience a

candidate needs so that they can be accepted.

The job is advertised in the appropriate media. (e.g. newspapers)

Candidates fill out application forms, which are short-listed so that only the best

candidates remain.

Interviews are held with remaining candidates, and the ones suitable for the job

are selected.


The recruitment process

Job analysis and description:.

When a new employee is needed, a job analysis needs to be taken to identify the tasks and responsibilities of the position. This should be easy for a job that needs replacement, but not so much for a job that has just been created.

Once all the details of the job has been gathered, a job description needs to be drawn up. This job description has several functions:

Given to candidates so they will know what the job will involve.

Allows a job specification to be drawn up which will state the requirements for the job.

Shows whether an employee carries out the job effectively or not. It helps solve disputes between employees and employers about wages, working hours, etc.

The job description for any business will usually contain:

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Parle products pvt ltd

The title of the job.

The department one will work in.

Who will be in charge of the job-holder.

Who the job-holder will be in charge for. 

The purpose of the job (job summary).

The main duties of the job.

Job description sometimes contains information about:

The conditions of employment – working hours, wages, pension schemes.

Training that will be offered.

Opportunities of promotion.

Job specification

After the job description has been drawn up, the qualifications for the job can be identified. They usually include:

The level of educational qualifications.

The amount and type of experience.

Special skills, talents or knowledge.

Personal characteristics. (e.g. type of personality)

Advertising the vacancy

The next stage is on how to get people to know that you have a job to be filled.

Internal recruitment

The vacancy can be filled by an employee already in the business. It might be suitable for employees seeking promotion.

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Parle products pvt ltd

Pros of internal recruitment:

Saves time and money.The candidates' reliability, ability and potential are already known.

The candidates know the expectations and rules of the company.

Motivates other employees to work harder to get promoted too.

Cons of internal recruitment

No new ideas or experience come into the business. 

May create jealousy and rivalry between existing employees.

External recruitment

Most vacancies are filled with external recruitment, which always involves advertising the vacancy. Here are some suitable media of advertising:

Local newspaper: Usually for office and manual workers. These people are plenty since the job does not require too much skill.

National newspaper: Used to find workers for senior positions that requires a lot of skills. It can be read by people anywhere in the country or overseas.

Specialist magazines: Used for particular technical specialists such as physicists. Can be used to hire people in the home country or abroad.

Recruitment agencies: Keeps details of qualified people, and will send the suitable applicants to interviews when a business asks for a worker. Many businesses prefer to use recruitment agencies to find them workers because it is easier. However, it is expensive since their fee is based on a percentage of the workers pay.

Government job centers: Place where businesses can advertise their vacancies. These vacancies are usually for unskilled or semi-skilled workers.

Possible effects of government legislation on the recruitment process

Many governments pass laws to create equal employeeopportunities. They state that all employees should be treated equally in the work place and receive the same salary for doing the same job. People of any sex and people with

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Parle products pvt ltd

disabilities are treated equally. Therefore, businesses need to be careful when advertising and treating their employees because they could be prosecuted and fined.

Job advertisement

This is what a business needs to decide when drawing up an advertisement:

What should be included.

Job description

Job specification

Where the ad will be placed. (depends on job)

Advertising budget. (depends on job)

Applications forms and CVs/résumés

When a person applies for a job, he will have to fill out an application form, or write an application letter with a CV enclosed. CVs are descriptions about one's qualifications and skills in a set format. 

Businesses will use application forms and CVs to see whether an applicant match the job specifications or not. The closest matching applicants are invited to interviews in the selection stage. A short-list is drawn up. 


Applicants who are invited to interviews will have provided the names and addresses of their references. These people can give their opinions on the reliability, honesty and skills of the applicants and they will be likely to tell the truth because the applicants will not know what they have said. 

Interviews are the most popular form of selection. However, interviews are not always the most reliable process of selection. They aim to find out these things:

The applicant's ability to do the job.

Personal qualities that are advantageous and disadvantageous.

General characteristics – whether they can "fit in"?

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Parle products pvt ltd


Performance Management includes activities which ensure that goals are consistently

being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on

the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to

build a product of service, as well as many other areas.

PM is also known as a process by which organizations align their resources, systems and

employees to strategic objectives and priorities.

Performance management originated as a broad term coined by Dr. Aubrey Daniels in the

late 1970s to describe a technology (i.e. science imbedded in applications methods) for

managing both behavior and results, two critical elements of what is known as

performance.[2] A formal definition of performance management, according to Daniels' is "a

scientifically based, data-oriented management system. It consists of three primary

elements-measurement, feedback and positive reinforcement.


Join us and you'll not only become part of one of the largest Indian brands, but a

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in their work and in building brands others love.

Just to give a preview to what one can look forward to: Group lunches and outstation

team-building exercises, discussion forums and training programs, yoga trainings, health

check-up camps are just a few among the exciting things we do…

There is no better time to be at Parle then NOW…

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


It is important to come up with your career planning as it gives you the much needed

direction and makes it clear there where you see yourself in future. It makes you aware of

your strength and weaknesses and the skills and knowledge that are required to achieve

your goals in future.

A large proportion of our life is spent in achieving our career goals, thus it is very important

to make sure that right steps were taken and correct planning was done in the early years

of your life. There are very few lucky ones who are born with a clear mind and who knows

what they want to do and where they see themselves in life ahead. But majority of us are

not sure what we want from life and so it in very important to plan out things. Thus career

planning is what gives your career and in some way your life, true meaning and purpose.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


The Parle’s organizational structure teamwork of the formal relationship that has been

established the purpose of structure is to is assist in regulating and directing the efforts of

an organization so that they co-ordinate consistent with organization.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


Working capital has two concepts:-

a) Gross concept:- Gross working capital usually referred to as working

capital represent investment in current assets. The gross concept of working

capital focuses the attention on two aspects of current management.

These are:

i) Optimum investment in current assets.

ii) Financing of current assets.

This mean the level of investment in current assets should be adequate.

i) Net concept: - Net working capital is difference between current assets and current

liabilities. The net concept of working capital is an accounting concept that deals

with management of net value of current assets in long run. Net concept of working


i) Indicates liquidity position of the firm.

ii) Suggests the extent to which working capital needs may be financed by

permanent source of funds.


Aims and objective act as the limiting boundaries and keep the researcher on track and

help to avoid any mistakes and errors during the projects work.

The aims and objective of this projects are listed below:

1) To learn more about working capital management and it’s financing from banks. 

2) To know the importance of working capital from the company’s point of view.

3) To study the impact of working capital on liquidity position of the firm.

4) To study the Credit Monitoring Arrangement of the firm with respect to Bank Finance.

5) To determine the Maximum Permissible Bank Finance for the company.

6) To study the impact of working capital on the balance sheet of the company.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


The primary data will be collected from various books of financial management and various

other reference materials.


The data required for the study will be collected from annual reports of the company of the

respective years. The company provided the annual reports. The analysis has been

completed with the help of various tools and techniques of ratio analysis to evaluate

company performance. 

I. Annual Reports of the year 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09

II. Company’s Website and other Internet sources.

The projects mainly depends upon the secondary data.

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd



1. One of India’s most popular brand

2. High brand recall

3. Price advantage – products at affordable price

4. Strong supply chain network

5. Popular subsidiary brands like Parle G, Monaco, Hide & Seek, Krack Jack, Melody, Full

toss, Pippins, etc.

6. Diverse product portfolio including biscuits, sweets and snacks

7.Strong presence in rural markets

8.Parle G is amongst the most sold biscuit brands in the world

9.Variety of CSR activities like ‘My Green Planet’, ‘GoluGalata’, etc.


1.Similar products produced by many companies like Marie, glucose biscuit, bourbon,

sweet and salty crackers, cream biscuits, etc.

2. Dependence  on Parle G brand for most of its revenue


1. Innovate by introducing products for health conscious people

2.Growth of the foods industry in India

3.Aggresive marketing and advertising

4. Rise in purchasing power of consumers

5.Product line extension

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014

Parle products pvt ltd


Involved in the overall development of younger generation with focused endeavor to built

New Face of India and spread happiness & joy all over.

As an institution it is dedicated to enrich the lives of people through conducting various

cultural programs across all region to facilitate the all round development of the children.

Every year, Parle organizes Saraswati Vandana in the state of West Bengal during the

festival of Saraswati Puja, inviting schools from all across the state to participate. The

event is one of much fanfare and celebration, keeping alive the culture and traditions of


KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, MBA-2014
