Part II - Samarth Dasbodh Pearls in Marathi and English



Extracts from Samarth Dasbodh with English translation.

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Don't get confused. Don't ask others to serve you. Do your work on your own. Don't speak without reason. Don't sing unless someone requests you. Don't follow the path of nonsense. Don't give up the work of social wellbeing. Don't cause pain to others. Don't put someone to confusion. Don't give up the appearance of a beginner (not an expert). Don't assume a role of leader for yourself. Don't preach for making money. Don't speak confusing. Don't have a big determination. Don't read any book unless you can complete it. Don't examine others to show your intelligence. Generally Don't exploit others. Don't argue against someone somewhere. Don't be selfish. Don't get into a routine. Don't work for someone who issues commands without taking you into confidence. Don't ask others to rely on you. Don't ask for too much in alms. Don't preach for the sake of alms. Don't get involved in the matrimonial talks. Don't occupy the central place. Don't carry the weight of recognition always. Do think beyond the daily chores. Don't eat anything that is offered or liked. Don't accept invitations as a guest. Don't have food at a place where food is being offered to all on account of a ceremony like marriage, nomenclature etc. Don't make yourself pitiable. Don't attend marriages. Don't sing for the sake of stomach. Don't preach God for any consideration received. Don't give up the routine of asking for alms. Don't have meals at someone's place on week-days. Don't visit to someone in the hope of consideration. Don't do good for the sake of money. Don't accept any reward offered to you.

Don't construct a hermitage. Don't have attachment to that having constructed. Don't become a chief of a hermitage. Do everything but with a detached mind. Don't link your ego with the hermitage. The purpose of hermitage should be to facilitate people's devotion to God. Do keep on with the efforts. Don't be lazy in any manner. Don't forget devotion to God till the last breath. Don't work for recognition from people. Don't feel the pride of recognition. Don't lose the path of devotion. Do have a detached mind always. Don't crave for recognition. Still your action should be such that you should gain recognition. You should have devotion to the signs simulating God. Don't follow the wrong method of devotion. Don't be highly dynamic. Don't sit idle. Don't undergo too much hardships. Don't relax always. Don't talk a lot. Don't keep quiet. Don't eat in excess. Don't observe fast. Don't sleep a lot. Do have an adequate sleep. Don't be very particular. Don't be vague. Don't be among people always. Don't get isolated. Don't go after too many comforts. Don't commit suicide. Don't be in the company of many. Don't shun the company of good. Don't be orthodox. Don't follow the wrong path. Don't indulge in petty things. Don't be under the dominance of others. Don't have excess love. Don't be harsh.

Don't be suspicious. Don't be reckless. Don't follow too many methods for realising the truth. Do follow some method of realising the truth.

Don't be after the sensual pleasures. Don't just disregard the senses. Don't crave for comforts. Don't suffer hardships. Don't seek all types of experience. Do have an appropriate experience. Don't tell others about your true state. Don't just keep silent. Don't allow your mind to have a say. Do care about what your mind says. Don't meditate on something which cannot be meditated upon. Do meditate. The spirit is beyond the reach of the mind and the intellect. There is darkness without intellect. Let us disregard what is being perceived. Don't go about without perception. Don't project yourself as an intellectual. What is there if there is no intellect? We should not see logically what is beyond logic. Still what is there without logic? Don't always wander in the forest of memories. It is not good to be unable to recollect something. Don't do discussions. How things can be resolved without discussions. Let us see the world beyond divisions. Still there are some glaring divisions. Never distract from the path of good action. Don't indulge in unbridled expectations. Don't work without conscience. Don't anyhow disturb the composure of mind. Don't write without sense. Don't do away with writing. Don't read without sense. Don't do away with reading. Don't skip talking to people. Don't start conflicts on being asked a question. Don't get tired of people. He who abides by these teachings becomes an abode of happiness. He suddenly becomes a leader.

A person cannot acquire beauty like sharp features etc. through efforts. These parameters are set at the time of the birth and cannot be changed. But there are other parameters that can be changed. A dark person cannot become fair. There is no remedy for marks left on the body by small pox. A dumb person cannot speak. These are said to be the natural parameters. A blind cannot see. A deaf cannot hear. A handicapped person cannot do anything for the organ that is not there. The list of deformities for which there is no remedy can be very long. But there are some parameters that can be set right by any person. A person can shun the bad qualities. He can acquire good qualities. The wrong methods of living should be shunned. The right methods of living should be practiced. If shown the exit route, foolishness can go. One can develop the style of analytical thinking. One can understand any work in the course of doing it. One likes to get recognition. Then why should he neglect learning. A person who is not intelligent cannot rise to a higher position. We should do good to us having understood this point. He who follows path of goodness is liked by good people.

Someone has beautified his body. This is not of any use if he does not have the

intelligence. He is doing something that does not have the underlying fundamentals. He should beautify his mind and intellect in various ways instead. He should create a resource base for his mind and intellect every bit by bit. He who does not make any efforts, does not learn, does not put any strain on his body, is not able to learn any good qualities and he runs a short temperament.

Whatever we do to others, we are at the same time doing it to us on credit basis. The very same thing that we have done to others will happen to us in the future. If we are putting others to trouble then we will be put to trouble in the future. He is intelligent who understands the principles of equity. He who is not judicious is miserable. The various marks of intelligence are recognised by the one who is intelligent. The actions that are liked by many are recognised by many. Other actions go waste. The world hates such useless actions. It is we who decide how people will react to us. Whether they will be satisfied with us or they will be angry with us. If we are satisfied with someone then he is also satisfied. If we are friendly to someone then he is also friendly to us. Whatever good has come into existence through consistent efforts can cease to exist in one shot. Kindness begets kindness. Hostility begets hostility. Why should we act without purpose knowing all this? Clothing decorates the exterior while intelligence decorates the interior. You have to decide which one is better.

What is the outcome tell me by beautifying the exterior? Intelligence has protected people in a number of ways. One should have good meals, good clothing and one should be recognised by all, this is what one wants. He who wears out his mind and body gains recognition from people. Those who think of other means of getting recognition will feel sad in the future. He who completes the work of people that has stuck somewhere becomes a source of attraction for people. All people will come to him for the sake of their work. Therefore he who makes others happy becomes happy. He who is putting others to hardships will undergo hardships. This is clearly visible. He who does not see this, cannot understand the truth. Therefore everyone should understand this. Those who have understood this and acted accordingly have become great. The rest of all are useless.

The wealth of a person is proportional to the systematic activity that he undertakes. As the wealth rises, the interaction with people also rises. We should understand the things

that are very clear. If one is lethargic then he cannot complete any work and whatever work he has done is wasted. He who works meticulously completes his work. He who cannot understand this simple fact cannot be called a sane person. If the atmosphere is of friendliness then the work is accomplished. If the atmosphere is of enmity then the work gets sabotaged. Whatever has been said tell me whether it is true or false. He who is not taking any efforts to become wise is not doing any benefit to himself. He is not friendly to people and is hostile to all. He who behaves like this should be called as an ignorant. Who can gain satisfaction in company of such persons. He is all alone and is fighting against the world. How can a lonely person be successful against many. One should occupy a place in the mind of people and in their discussions. One should display good qualities while having interaction with the people. One should enlighten the people. One should work for the upliftment of the downtrodden. One should contribute to cause a rise in devotion to God.

The eternal spirit is residing in all. The spirit that occupies a body is an expert in being weak. It knows the things that are happening around and also develops perception about the things. The nature is strange in many respects. Someone gets something after a lot of efforts. Others get the same thing without taking any efforts. We should experience everything and should understand what is good. Let us be one with others. Let us explore the eternal spirit. Similarly our mind should be attentive to others concerns. We can see that our mind is not that attentive. Now we think about something, then about the other thing and this goes on. If we are adamant then the work is sabotaged. What we need to have is experience.

We don’t understand the mind of others. We cannot experience the feelings of others. We don’t know how to influence the people. People don’t act intelligently. They try to affect others by the means of the demonic magic. Such people are lacking on many counts. They should understand that the eternal spirit is all pervading. On whom should the demonic magic work. He is great who works on the basis of his conscience. Those who are great they do something great. Those who are petty they just pretend to do something. The people can be identified as good or bad only on the basis of their action. The King follows the royal path. The thieves have their secret paths. He who is foolish does harm to himself by being very selfish. A fool thinks that he is very intelligent. The fact is that he is miserably foolish. One who is intelligent understands different signs of intelligence. He who merges his identity with the eternal spirit becomes an eternal spirit. Now he is lacking in what. Intelligence is a divine gift. A person without intellect is useless. He goes begging even when he is a King.

Whatever may come to our mind, our mind develops a liking for that. In the course of time the ego rises and we are chained to what we like. Everyone says that he himself is great. Everyone says that he himself is good looking. Everyone says that he himself is intelligent. Everyone says that whatever he has said about himself that has been said having the whole world in mind. This is how people think. No one says that he is on the minus side as compared to others. Those who have knowledge really have a good perspective of vision. People develop ego on the basis of their perception. This should not happen. They should have conscience. One should not be proud of a worthless thing. One should not get distracted from the truth. The one who does exactly opposite to this is a fool. He who has ego in relation to the truth does not have any ego at all. An ability to justify can never be compared to a disability to justify. You can only justify something that exists for certain. Disability to justify means that the basis of your justification is gone. How can a very pertinent thing be same as a very irrelevant thing? Those who are honest don't have fear in mind. Those who are thieves always run here and there. Someone is very effective in preaching while someone speaks just for the sake of speaking. Whatever we do without proper thinking will make us feel tired. We should search for someone who has developed a good power of discrimination.

There may be a lot of common people but a man of vision exercises control over all of them. Common people cannot cause any harm to him. Thatswhy you should get close to the men of vision. Those who don't have any vision wander here and there. Don’t tell everyone about your relations with the men of vision. One who wins over the heart of people in power can attract lot of people. He is held in esteem by common as well as good people. Expand your contacts through networking. Influence intellectuals by your intelligent thinking. You should put stumbling blocks in the path of wrong doers. This you should do while observing the tenets of equity. One should have a simple appearance. One should have a mind capable of dealing with complications. One should never deviate from the cause of people. One should have a detached and innovative lifestyle. A good fellow who can live like this is rare in this world. One should read a lot. One should soothe the psyche of people. Then he should occupy the mind of all with dynamism. One who sits at one place cannot do anything. So one should be attentive and one should meet people. One who maintains contact with people is showing the signs of cleverness. He who has the aforesaid qualities has a satisfied mind.

Someone has a habbit of listening to others. He always forms his opinion on the basis of what others say. He ultimately becomes a victim of his baseless opinion. We should listen a lot from a lot of people. We should also verify what others say at the level of our experience before taking any point of view.

Dont say no to anyone. One should understand the plus and minus of what he says. Do speak with some purpose in your mind. Dont speak for the sake of speaking. There are some people who are stubborn and useless. Still one should listen to what they say. This is how we should please the minds of many. If someone develops a twist in his mind then he nourishes that twist for a long time. Therefore those who are intelligent should not cause any twists in the minds of others. He who makes foolish people wise leads a worthy life. He who escalates the attrition is foolish. We should reach the mind of others. We should accept our defeat at times and turn the tables at an appropiate time. We should do all this with conscience and no one should know anything about it. Let us behave like others. Let us talk like others. Let us agree to others point of view. He who works for

general good does not do anything bad. He maintains contacts with people. He tries to understand their mind and then he analyses further. He uses different means for reaching out to people. Where a stubborn meets a stubborn there is a disorder. If there is ill-will then there is no scope for intelligence. It is very easy to talk a lot but it is very difficult to execute. It is really very difficult to get over others mind.

Do bear the blows and slaps. Do bear the harsh and evil words. People who offend you will come back to you on feeling remorseful. You should speak after understanding the circumstances. You should not make out to others that you are intelligent. We should be humble wherever we go. We should see the houses in the villages and the cities. We should evaluate all people whether great or not great under the guise of asking for alms. You will find something of substance if you meet a lot of people. You may establish friendship with some great people. If you sit idle then nothing happens. So keep moving. One should be attentive at everything. One should understand the prevailing conditions before going to some place. Wherever one may go, one should keep one's conscience. One should read and recite a lot of things. One should do everything to soothe the minds of people. He who offers something that the people ask for is a great person and he is recognised by everyone. A person who is recognised by all is not a common person. Many people abide by what he says. These are the signs of cleverness. One who is clever is not lacking in anything wherever one goes.

People are greedy. The first word that they say is "Dev". "Dev" is a marathi word for God. "Dev" also means "give" in marathi. When people say "Dev" they mean to say "Give Something". This is what they crave for. People are zero on the front of devotion. Still they long for happiness. This is like asking for the payment from the employer without doing any work. There can be no good results without hard work. There can be no kingdom without the hard work done by the King. You cannot get anything without hard work. He who is lethargic cannot get any result of his work. Those who are of low stature, they just shirk hard work. Those who undergo the pains of hard work at the beginning reap the fruits of happiness later. Those who take pleasure in leisure at the beginning become sad at the end. Whether it is the material world or the spiritual world what is required is conscience. One should understand the benefits of long term planning. He who spends everything that he earns cannot sustain in the difficult times. They are wise who have a perspective for a long term. Whether it be a spiritual world or a material world, there is a great significance of accumulation of merit. He who does harm to himself is no better than a person committing suicide.

Our mind is restless. It is changing its state every moment. If we try to calculate the total time lost due to restlessness of mind then that will be a very difficult calculation. What people say is that the God does everything. We can realise the God. God can be realised by someone only on the basis of conscience. We can identify conscience among people by making search. God is one but there are many differentiations that are visible. The differentiation is so glaring that we cannot say that it is not there. One should understand the God and also the divine action. People talk about this subject without knowing anything. They speak without sense and make out as if they are very intelligent. They should do something to quench their thirst. Those who have made tremendous efforts have enjoyed good fortune. Others are just babbling. A useless person cannot understand the good qualities of a good person. The intelligent ones understand the foolishness of fools. He who has a mind full of bad methods, how can he understand any good method. He considers bad things as good. He who loses purity of mind can do no good to himself. He is a big zero on the front of intelligent thinking. Only good intelligent thinking helps in the material and spiritual world. Only on the basis of good intelligent thinking we can understand what exists forever and what is for a while.

If many intellectuals gather at one place then everyone speaks more loudly than others. The matter that is of general interest is forgotten altogether. He who has the habbit of saying 'I Know' 'You dont', he is distracted from the path of equity. He speaks whatever he likes to show his greatness. At the end the equity cannot prevail and what prevails is something inequitable. On one hand there is a rise in ego and the heart is burning on the other. Therefore he who is intelligent shows to people that he does not know anything. He makes out to the public that he is a fool and saves himself from the burden of ego.

There is someone who understands that the God is greater than him. He also understands that the God resides in the minds of people. Therefore he always soothes the minds of people. If there is chaos at any place then the intellectuals present there are held responsible. What intellectuals they are? They dont know how to keep others mind. Hostility begets hostility and makes us sad. Therefore let us understand the virtue of being good. He who is good is always attentive. He never gets into something petty. He who is great should have pity and forgiveness in his mind. Someone who is a man of virtue, happens to sit besides a man of vice. The former understands the shortcomings of the latter. He who is man of conscience always works conscientiously. On the basis of conscience one can explore the remedies, the options and can undertake the long term efforts. A bad person is engulfed in conflicts. He who babbles often goes down to a low level. He who distracts from the path of conscience is not a wise person. A foolish person knows least about the equity, options and remedies. He just rakes up something and enters into a petty loop. Then those who are intelligent, set the things right. They help people come out of non-sense. They lead others by their action. There are many people in this world. There are good people also among these many. A good person causes satisfaction to the minds of all. He understands the mind of people. He understands the time, circumstances and the relativity of everything. He knows how to calm down the agitated people. People who are like this do have a very capable conscience. People at large cannot understand the work done by such people. He leads many people and drives many organisations. This state of capability can be acquired only on the basis of conscience. Let us strengthen our conscience in solitude. Let us realise the God. Let us not divide people between those who favour us and those who are against us. One can conceptualise the great plans in solitude. One can think about the whole universe in solitude. Let us meditate in solitude and identify where the things went wrong. Let us

reach out the eternal spirit in solitude. He who knows the art of living in solitude becomes a man of vision. He can read future.

While giving response to someone we should understand the purpose and also his mind. Let us understand some signs of intelligence. All our activities sans intelligence are useless. If there is chaos at some place, who can be satisfied in being there. Where many people want to speak many things, we should keep quiet. We should quickly read others mind. Don’t sit among useless people. Don’t indulge in quarrelling against the harsh ones. Don’t disturb the satisfaction of the minds of others for the sake of your ego. Let us put up an appearance of a beginner. Let us not make a show of our intelligence. Let us speak soft words to gain understanding of the mind of people. Do understand any event in its true sense. Don’t rake up quarrels with many. If we do this then we cannot convince others even though being on the right side.

Don’t get tired of exploring. Don’t be in the company of the corrupt people. Don’t level wild allegations against anyone when you are in the company of corrupt people. We should try to understand the mental pain of the afflicted person. We should read an extract from a book that is relevant for his problems. Good people will develop the habbit of reading after knowing something from you. Don’t sit among people to kill time. Don’t participate in the act of collective devotion if there is no substance in that activity. Someone should display good qualities while having interaction with people. If he ensures this then he can interact with any person. You should make friends after due evaluation. Your communication with people should be an act at par to the devotion to God. People should get pleased on communicating with you. Be good to everyone. You should get the detailed information about the place where you plan to go. People should come close to you as if you are very dear to them. The divisions among people are superficial therefore you should not be too much concerned about that. You should soothe the minds of all. You should not go anywhere when it is dark.

He who wants to be a friend of the world, should understand that the key to this is with his tongue. He can be friend of all if he speaks sweet honeyed words. He should search for good people and identify them. He should attend any gathering where people glorify God. He should sit there at a distance like a deprived person. He should understand whatever is being told there. There he can find the good and the broad minded people. He should get close to such people. Listening is a good method of learning. It is still better to think over what has been listened. This leads to satisfaction of mind. We should be attentive when we are among people. We should understand their minds. There is no need to feel tired without understanding the truth.