Parts and functions of the Plant 1. Petals 2. Sepals 3. Stamen 4. Anther 5. Pistil 6. Ovary


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Parts and functions of the Plant

1. Petals 2. Sepals3. Stame

n4. Anther5. Pistil6. Ovary

Petals Structure: Are leaf like structurally, arranged in a circle

around the top of a flower stem, brightly colored Function: attract pollinators, protect the insides of the


Why are most flowers bright colors?


Structure: Modified leaves that surround the developing flower.

What is the purpose of the Sepals?To protect and support the flower and prevent it from drying out!

Stamen Structure: tube like filament. Is the MALE

reproductive part of a flower. Function: Produces pollen.


Structure: It is located on the top of the stamens.

Function: Holds the pollen


Structure: Is the FEMALE reproductive structure of a flower. It also is a tube like filament.

Function: It produces the egg.

One or More Pistil


Ovary Structure: Is the bottom portion of the pistil, contains an egg

Function: To grow and protect the seed When pollen from the male portion of the plant reaches the

ovary and fertilization occurs the ovary grows into the fruit or vegetable.

Video Questions

1. Do all flowers have bright colored petals? Give an example of a flower without bright petals.

2. How is a seed created?3. What is the purpose of fruit?4. Name 3 ways that seeds can be

distributed away from the original mothering plant.

5. Why does a bee dance in their hive?
