PARTS OF THE BODY Las partes del cuerpo. The face


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Las partes del cuerpo

The face

el ojo

la boca

la nariz

la oreja

la mejilla

la frente el cabello

The faceName the part of the face in Spanish


The faceName the part of the face in Spanish

la boca

The faceName the part of the face in Spanish


The faceName the part of the face in Spanish

la nariz

The faceName the part of the face in Spanish


The faceName the part of the face in Spanish

la mejilla

The faceName the part of the face in Spanish


The faceName the part of the face in Spanish

la frente

The faceName the part of the face in Spanish


The faceName the part of the face in Spanish

el pelo

The faceName the part of the face in Spanish


The faceName the part of the face in Spanish

la oreja

The faceName the part of the face in Spanish


The faceName the part of the face in Spanish

el ojo


la cabeza (head)

el dedo (finger)

la cara (face)

el hombro (shoulder) la mano (hand)

el brazo (arm)

la cintura (waist)

la rodilla (knee)la pierna (leg)

el pie (foot)

el cuello (neck)

el pecho (chest)

la cadera (hip)

el tobillo (ankle)el dedo del pie (toe)

la espalda (back)el estómago (stomach)