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The Easter in Denmark

Located in northern Germanyand western Sweden

In Denmark, Easter is celebrated as a family. Since ancient times, it keeps the tradition of giving chocolate Easter eggs.

The egg is the ancient symbol of fertility. Easter is celebrated every year in March or April.

The location of Easter in the calendar is governed by the moon, as Easter Sunday is the first Sunday following the full moon after the spring equinox (March 21). Therefore, Easter Sunday is between March 22, at the earliest, and 25 April at the latest.

The version of the Danish National Church points out the different holidays of Easter through the selection of texts rather than, as in Catholic countries, to make the liturgy imitate and act out the Gospel. The festivals celebrated are Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

At Easter many homes and shops are decorated with green and yellow, especially with new shoots and daffodils. The main symbol of Easter egg remains. Eggs can be used as decoration chicken eggs streams empty artificial eggs and colored or different types of sugar and chocolate eggs.

Also used as decoration small hens and chicks and, increasingly, the Easter Hare, previously limited only to areas adjacent to the German border.

Linked to Easter we find a distinctly Danish tradition, the custom of sending letters-riddle. In the weeks before Easter people, especially children, artistic cut letters in which he writes what is called a verse-riddle. The cards are anonymous, but are signed with as many dots as letters that has the name of the sender, so the recipient can guess who the sender. The prize is a chocolate egg at Easter is received. The letter is accompanied by a snowdrop, considered the first flower of the year.

Jose Manuel Carmona Ruiz


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