Passion Into Profit Curriculum - Erickson Coaching InternationalPassion Into Profit Curriculum !...


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Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013


In this six month online live course Teresia Larocque gives you a step-by-step breakdown of exactly how to make your business goals into your reality. To compliment your coaching skill set you will develop the mindset, habits, and business savvy of a successful entrepreneur. Throughout the six months, you will learn and apply 24 business-building strategies that will help you increase your profits, and build a sustainable successful business. The program is provided via these interactive formats: • 12 Online LIVE Webinars

• 12+ Mastermind Online LIVE Webinars

• 6 Group Coaching calls

• On-demand Erickson Training Hub Site Resource Area

Teresia LaRocque, MCC Director Erickson Business Center

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

Program Outcomes  

1. Gain confidence and clarity on who you are as a coach.

2. Gain a clear understanding of your business model and how your client’s benefit from the work you do.

3. Clarify your desired target market and specifically, who

your clients are.

4. Learn how to utilize specific, measurable strategies to gain and keep new customers at a profit.

5. Create authentic and appropriate marketing, to support you

in growing your business.

6. Clarify how to price your services appropriate to the skills and experience you bring to the table as a professional.

7. Gain practical tools to build your business, and continue to

expand to stronger levels as you evolve in this profession.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

MONTH 1: Business 101 1. Business Models If you choose, a coaching business can go beyond the traditional one on one coaching practice. The key is to begin thinking now what your ideal business model looks like. What other revenue streams can you generate?

2. Coach vs. Entrepreneur A Coach works IN their business and an Entrepreneur works ON their business. Discover and embrace what it takes to become an effective entrepreneur and step fully into a successful entrepreneurial mindset.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

3. Your Credo Confidently describing your services and the benefits in a straightforward manner is a critical first step to a successful marketing campaign. In this module, you will learn how to construct your credo and get clear on your business’s personality and the difference it makes to your clients.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

MONTH 2: Getting Paid Clients 4. Incorporating Your Mastermind Team Letting go of the lone ranger mentality and cultivating a powerful support team, is a key step in having a successful entrepreneurial team. Learn how to design a powerful mastermind group that thrives and becomes an invaluable hub of resources, referrals and support.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

5. Sharing vs. Selling When it comes to building a coaching business many coaches feel like they are “selling” themselves and are uncomfortable with the enrolment process and as a result struggle to get clients. Learn a step-by-step process where enrolling individuals into a coaching relationship can be effortless, fun and a very profitable process.

6. How To Create Raving Fans Becoming a master networker and embracing the art asking for referrals is a lifelong business skill one must master. Learn the strategies of building a strong network that creates an automated lead generation system that will help grow your business.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

MONTH 3: Pricing 7. Introduction To Pricing Having the confidence and conviction to state your coaching fees can feel like a daunting prospect for most coaches. You will develop a new money mindset and confidently command the kind of fees that can support your ideal lifestyle and business goals.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

8. Determining Your Fees Learn how to structure your practice, package your services, and strategically position yourself in the marketplace to attract your ideal clients.

9. Three Tier Pricing You have an interested prospect, now it is time to share your coaching programs. In this module, you will clarify specifically what your coaching programs include, how you deliver them and how they are priced. You will walk away with clarity to state your fees and services with confidence

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

MONTH 4: Time Management 10. Leverage Your Efforts As an entrepreneur we wear many hats and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and be busy but not productive. In this module, you will learn the four critical activities that help you leverage your time, increase your focus and get more results with less effort.

11. Business Success Habits Passion gets you going but habits are what keep you going. In this module, you will discover the habits that every successful entrepreneur embraces to leverage time, increase productivity and profitability.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

MONTH 5: Quick Start to Online Marketing 12. Going Public One of the biggest challenges coaches have is marketing their business. In this module, we will explore marketing strategies that are aligned with your authentic self. You will discover what you love to do and what you are great at and begin to design a marketing plan that is sustainable, effective and enjoyable.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

13. Developing Your Niche In this module, we take getting clear of your ideal client to a whole new level and identify your “micro-niche”. By identifying the specific profile of your ideal client, you will maximize and leverage all your marketing efforts and know where to find your clients.

14. Three Key Marketing Strategies At some point when growing your business, it is time to “Go Public”. You will learn key strategies to expand your visibility through speaking, strategic alliance and the foundations of Internet marketing and design your 90-day action pan to gain momentum and tangible results.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

MONTH 6: Sustainable Success 15. Tracking Your Business Tracking your results can be the difference between coaching being a hobby or a profitable business. You will learn a system to measure and identify profitable activities and track your results to move toward an increased bottom line.

14. Creating Your World Class Support Team The bigger the dream…the bigger the team. To truly make the difference you want to make, you can’t do it alone. We will explore steps and processes to hire and implement your administrative, emotional and strategic support.

Passion Into Profit Curriculum  

Passion Into Profit Curriculum © 2013

About Erickson Business Center Erickson Business Center is a branch of Erickson College dedicated to helping students reach their goal of owning and running a successful coaching practice.

Led by ICF Master Trainer Teresia LaRocque, the Erickson Business Center currently offers a six-month business-building program called Passion Into Profit. For those wanting a taste of the program, Teresia runs an introductory webinar called Explore Entrepreneurship.

The Steps To Success program is designed to help you to start thinking about your own coaching business. The Passion Into Profit program is available to those who wish to learn more in-depth business building techniques combined with an interactive learning environment.

If you would like to find out more about Erickson Business Center and the Passion Into Profit program please visit our website or social media channels.

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