Patent Quality in Litigation - NAPP


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Patent Quality in Litigation

Michael J. SongerCrowell & MoringJuly 29, 2016

What is a patent?

An invention?

A legal right?

A piece of paper?

...A Character All On Its Own

It Is A Complex Character

It has different parts...

□ Background

□ Prior Art (or, what’s been done before)

□ Solution

□ “the metes and bounds” – claims

It Is A Complex Character

It has a history...

□ Dealings with the PTO

It may have a family...

It Is A Complex Character

There is a person...the inventor !

Build Up That Character


□ Tell the story of what your invention is


□ Why is it an ‘invention’? new? unique? different?


□ How does it work?

Then the legal stuff....

What Role Does it Take? Plaintiff...

Patent is a legal grant from government

It was examined by experts

It is presumed valid

What Role Does it Take? Plaintiff...

Patent is an invention...

Patent serves a useful purpose

What Role Does it Take? Defendant...

We don’t do it (non-infringement)

It is not new

overcome presumption

overcome examination

It is unclear

It was only obtained by fraud

It Evolves Over Time in a Case

Early in the case



Summary Judgment

The Trial Itself

Early in the Case

Know the court, its strengths, and limitations

□ What is the invention?

□ How does it do “it”?

□ Why is it new?


□ We don’t do it...

□ It’s not new...

□ Something funny went on in the patent office...

Early in the case

How much money is at stake?

How long will the trial take?

(Is there any chance you can settle this case!)

Experts and Markman

Experts: validate the patent OR point out its weaknesses / flaws / lack of novelty

Give the Court something to cite!

Claim construction: what does this language mean?□ How clear is it?

□ Is it contradictory?

□ What do the examples show?

□ Why different than plain language?


Dispositive Motions


Invalidity – prior art

Invalidity – other

□ Indefiniteness – show how it is confusing / not shown

The Trial

Remember that a trial is a story, and that your patent is the main character

Evidence (documents, witnesses): actors

Jury / Judge: audience

Attorney: Director

Applies to every part of the trial: opening, evidence, closing, (appeal)

The Opening

A patient lies on a table, suffering from burns...A cancer victim waits for a life saving surgery...In the operating room, time matters...


Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to my client. Before I begin, I want to tell you that we don’t infringe. We don’t infringe because our molecular structure of our soft tissue has no plasticizer in the internal matrix of the collagen BLAH BLAH BLAH


The Evidence

Build the story

The patent and development documents are key

The file history may be important

The inventor is important and puts “life” into the “words”

The Evidence

(If defendant, your story of developing the accused product is important)

The expert supports and lends credibility

(Motive is also important for the plaintiff and the defendant)

Claim Construction: The Framework

Claim construction, which is based on the patent, the file wrapper, and perhaps other evidence, will control the trial.

“Clunky,” long, hard to follow claims will lose the jury and make your story more difficult.

The Closing

Finishes the story and ties it all together (with argument!)

Will want to show the patent

Will want to walk them through the claims

But all in a manner that let’s them pick up on your theme

You don’t need to be...

...with a quality patent