Paulette Grotrian Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher


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Paulette Grotrian

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher

*Learn Mindfulness:How being good to yourself can make a difference for students

*In this room, in this place

*Let’s arrive.

*We should appreciate the Here and Now

‘cause it’s only here now!!

*The Mindful Revolution

Feb 3, 2014

*Full Catastrophe Living

Jon Kabat-Zinn

*Congressman Tim Ryan on the cover of


*Richie Davidson, Ph.D., Psychiatry, U of


*Rick Hanson, Ph.DNeuropsychologist

*Today we are more stressed than we

were 50 years ago.


*2. Money

*3. Health

*4. Relationships

*5. Poor nutrition

*6. Media Overload

*7. Sleep Deprivation

*Work, downsizing, do more with less, cutbacks, Can I

ever retire?

*Women are more stressed out at work then men.

*38% of women say they aren’t paid adequately for their work

*Compared to 27% of men





*Virtual Identity


*Mindful Moment: Pause before replying to that email. Do I

really need to add to the other person’s inbox?

*We’re living in the age of distraction. Margaret


*ADD Nation—JKZ

*ADT—Attention Deficit Trait—not born with it/workplace induced—Psychiatrist Edward Hallowell

*Never before has the brain been asked to track so much data

*“Butterfly Brain”

*Multi tasking vs uni tasking

*Human beings seem cognitively unable to multitask.

*Multitasking is a modern myth.

*Mindful Moment: If you are on a conference call, can you refrain form checking your email or doing another


*Still hardwired for fight or flight

*Body changes to escape the saber-toothed tiger

*Activates the stress response--adrenalin, cortisol, other stress hormones--Allostasis

*Our ancestors lived a life of intense striving and deep rest—returned to homeostasis

*Today’s stresses are different—i.e., traffic jam—”paper tiger paranoia”

*Equanimity/Balance: we get

out of balance

*Unhealthy coping skills—numbing, frenetic lifestyles, sedentary living

* Poor diet, shopping, meaningless sex, eating our comfort foods, drinking our alcohol, smoking, medicating with drugs, keeping busy beyond human scale.

*We are the most obese, medicated, addicted, and in-debt Americans EVER.



*Chronic Stress>


*Mental and Physical

*Lifestyle Diseases: obesity, heart disease, depression, anxiety, suicide, substance abuse and attention disorders

*Short Practice

*S-T-O-P --To balance throughout the day

Stop. Take a breath. 

Observe your thoughts and feelings.

Pause. Proceed mindfully.


*Can change the way we interact with people, i.e., dealing with angry students, unpleasant coworkers

*Can help almost any relationship.

*The PAUSE makes the DIFFERENCE. We learn to respond rather than react.

*Thoughts are not facts.

*Our thoughts drive our reality.

*We are disturbed not by what happens to us but by our thoughts about what happens.

*If our thoughts are filled with stress, we subject our bodies to inflammation—the proven root of nearly all illness.

*The mind has a life of its own.

*It’s like having a radio station with static on


*There is a way, a practice.

*Mindfulness offers a healthy coping skill.

*We can train our bodies and our attention with practice.

*Otherwise, we remain reactive, on automatic pilot, swept along by the current of stressful current events.

*We can form new habits, new neuropathways.

* --Jon Kabat-Zinn

*What is mindfulness?--Paying attention in a

particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally

Why the breath as an anchor?

*Always available


*Accessible—easily felt

*Connects mind and body, a measure of well-being

*Fairly neutral

*Short Practice

*Twenty Breaths

*Activating the Relaxation Response

*Slowing the Stress Response

*Calming the anxious mind

*Increasing focus, paying attention

*Developing Stress Hardiness

A posture that’s comfortable yet dignified

*Let’s Practice. Guided Meditation on the Breath

*What worked for you?

*What surprised you?

*What was challenging?

Foundations of a Mindfulness Practice*Attitudes and Commitment

*Both in Formal Practice (Meditation) and

*Informal Practice (Daily Living)

*Mindfulness becomes a way of being.


ObservingGiving up being Chief Justice

We have an opinion on everything.Am I a good meditator?

Can you let go of the inner critic?


*Open to each moment

*No quick fix

*Allowing life to unfold over time

*Mindful Moment: When standing in line, can you just breathe and

be present?

*We want it now!


* The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking out new landscapes but in having new

eyes.Marcel Proust (1871-1922)

*Can always begin again, no matter what

*“Fresh eyes” Seeing things as if for the first time

*Never the same breath twice; never the same moment twice

*Be curious. Curious George


*Trust the 2600-year-old practice

* Self/Feelings



*Trust our awareness this moment


*Not trying to get anywhere


*Being here now, Seeing

*What are we hurrying to?


*Note to self: “I am meditating.”

*Not denying the facts

*Now is the only time there is

*Not passive, just seeing things as they are

*It’s challenging; we wish things were different.


*Let it be.The Beatles

*Going to sleep is letting go

*When our stress is elevated, we can’t sleep.

*Letting go to sit in silence

*Letting go of mental events (thoughts) rather than getting on the thought train



*Beginner’s Mind




*Letting Go

*Take a moment and choose one that speaks to you.

*Share your choice with a partner.

*Mindful Moments: Can you work with this quality or

qualities this week?

*Breathing in, I calm my mind and my body. TNH

*Below the surface of the ocean is calm.

*Belly breath is calming, grounding, centering.

*Paying attention to the breath and sensations in the body--shifting focus

*Touching into Bodily Sensations

*The Body Scan

*The object of attention is the stepping.

*Walking Meditation

*What worked for you?

*What surprised you?

*What was challenging?

*Today’s informal practice during lunch:

Be aware of coming into contact with water, i.e., drinking, washing hands

*In this room, in this place

*Let’s arrive.

*Awareness on the movement itself

*Mindful Movement

*What worked for you?

*What surprised you?

*What was challenging?

*Myths and Misconceptions remain.

*What mindfulness is not—it’s not what you think!

Mindfulness is not relaxation spelled differently.

That’s a side effect.

Take your daily meditation. No warning label needed.

Other side effects can include

*decreased anxiety


*clarity of mind

*improved concentration

*stress regulation

*decreased blood pressure

*enhanced immune system

Mindfulness is not a religion.

*It is spiritual—transpersonal—connects us to our humanness and the planet

*Practiced by Buddha over 2600 years ago

*Part of most spiritual traditions

*Can be a secular practice

It’s not about transcending ordinary life.*We’re not trying to go somewhere like Nirvana or a state of bliss.

*It’s about experiencing oneself more fully

*Like cleaning the windows to see more clearly what’s here

Mindfulness meditation is not about trying to get anywhere else.*Our job is to be awake, present, aware of what is arising and to see our thoughts, our thought patterns, see if they’re helpful or keeping us stuck.

*Beginner’s mind—letting go of expectations—it’s never the same sit twice

It’s not about emptying the mind of thoughts.

*The mind is wired to wander about 50% of the time. (most often on your commute, while working, when you’re looking at a digital screen)

*Mindfulness Meditation takes advantage of the brain’s hardwiring and creates an opportunity for mental training.

It’s not too hard.*Anyone can do it.

*It’s simple but not easy.

*Buddha means “awake.”

*Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath

*1. Follow the breath.

*2. When the mind wanders, bring it gently and lovingly back to the breath.

*3. Repeat a thousand times or more.

It’s not DOING anything.

*Mindfulness—a shift from the doing into the being mode.


*--a shift from ego driver to witness—

*Homo Sapien Sapien

Not an escape from the rough patches of life*Circumstances don’t change but our way of seeing does. “new eyes”

*Meditation teaches us a different way to relate.

* If you can breathe, you can meditate.

Not for special people*You don’t have to be an ace at sitting still.

*You don’t have to give up caffeine.

*You don’t need to study anything before you begin.

*A final mindfulness attitude


*Heart/Mind—same word in Asian languages

*Our self talk can be critical

*Cultivating Kindness toward self

*Befriending our breath, our minds, our lives

*Cultivating kindness toward others, empathy

*Lovingkindness PracticeMay I be safe and protected.

May I be happy and content.

May I be healthy in mindbody.

May I live with ease.

May I know peace.

Begin by directing these to yourself,

Then, a loved one,

A neutral one,

A difficult person,

A group of people like us,

All people on the planet,

The planet itself and all that inhabit it.

*Kindness is my religion. --The Dali


*Kindness on the go

*What worked for you?

*What surprised you?

*What was challenging?

*Three-minute practice

*Short Practice


*Minute 1: Attention to what’s here now

*Minute 2: Gathering the attention to the breath

*Minute 3: Expanding the attention to the breath and sensations in the body

*Benefits of sitting 5-10-15-20 minutes most


*Begin with five mindful breaths in the morning and five mindful breaths before going to sleep.

*Begin with sitting 5 or 10 minutes a day.

*Work up to 15 and then 20.

*The important piece is to show up every day.

*Otherwise, post card to self: having a nice life, wish you were here.

*Like going to the gym, lifting weights, reps

*Mental fitness: focus on one thing, your mind wanders off, you notice it wandered, and you shift attention back to that one thing again. You do this over and over again.

*Strengthens brain matter; implications for aging

Make a practice that works for you*Try sitting for 5 minutes each day this week

Throughout the day

*Try paying attention to taking a shower, washing, the dishes, eating a bite

*Try pausing when the phone rings or at a stop sign, taking a breath

*Try taking more breaks at work

*What is your take-away?

*What practice resonated with you?

*What would you like to incorporate into your day?

*If you take care of the moments, the years will

take care of themselves!

*A small thing repeated routinely adds up over time to produce big results

*Just One Thing that could change your life

*Foundational Books on the


* Kabat-Zinn, Jon--Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment—And Your Life (2012) (includes CD)

* Kornfield, Jack, Meditation for Beginners, 2008, (includes CD)

* Richard, Matthieu, Why Meditate?: Working with Thoughts and Emotions, (2010) (includes CD)

* Salzberg, Sharon, Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation, A 28-Day Program, (2011) (includes CD)

* Thich Nhat Hahn, The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation, 1975, 1987

*Books Referenced in the Talk

* Davidson, Richard J., The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live—and How You Can change Them, 2012

* Hanson, Rick, Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence, 2013

* Hanson, Rick, Just One thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time, 2011

* Mindful Magazine subscription,

* Ryan, Tim, A Mindful Nation: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us Reduce Stress, Improve Performance, and Recapture the American Spirit, 2012

* Salzberg, Sharon, Real Happiness at Work: Meditations for Accomplishment, Achievement, and Peace, 2014

* Paulette GrotrianMindfulness-Based Stress Reduction


*Contact me at



