Pays (country en Français) Capitale ville(s) (cities) Par le nom du groupe (Group Names)


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Pays (country en Français)

Capitaleville(s) (cities)

Par le nom du groupe (Group Names)

Short paragraph about the country/cities(5 sentences or more in English. Please include a map and flag of the country)

Par le nom du groupe (Group Names)

Quel temps fait-il?

Current conditions (for 5 days en Français)

Temperature (for 5 days in Celsius and Fahrenheit)

Météo pour cinq jours(5 Day Forecast - graph)


Pays: Belgique (Belgium)Capitale: BruxellesVille: Namur

Par Madame Toussaint

Belgium is located in Europe. The capital is Brussels (Bruxelles). Belgium is a hereditary constitutional monarchy. The current monarch is King Albert II. However, The Prime Minister and his ministers administer the government and the various public services. There are over 800 kinds of beers in Belgium.. Belgium produces 220,000 tons of chocolate per year. They claim to have invented chips (French fries)!

lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi

26/10 27/10 28/10 29/10 30/10

68ºF 65ºF 70ºF 65ºF 62ºF

Quel temps fait-il?À Bruxelles

18ºC 16.5ºC 19ºC 16.5ºC 15ºC

À Bruxelles, lundi 26 novembre if fait du soleil, la température est de soixante-huit degrés Farenheit ou dix-huit degrés Celsius.

Here is the formula:

(2C) + 32 = F(F-32)x1/2 = C

La Météo pour cinq jours

RubricLa Météo

For this project, students will present a 5-day weather forecast in French.

The project will be due February 23, 2010 and consists of 5 parts.

Any project submitted after the due date will lose 5 points per day not returned.

ProceduresPart 1 Name of country, capital and other cities

(1 city/capital per member of your group) A map of the country A flag of the country

10 points

ProceduresPart 2 Short paragraph about the country/cities

(5 sentences or more in English)

15 points

ProceduresPart 3 (graph 1) Current city/capital conditions

(for 5 days en Français) Temperature

(for 5 days in Celsius and Fahrenheit)

35 points

ProceduresPart 4 The presentation in front of the class

(Please wear appropriate clothing – shirt and tie/suit for boys and dress/pants for girls – NO JEANS!)

30 points

ProceduresPart 5 (graph 2) Météo for 5 days

(comparing Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures)

10 points
