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  • - 1 -

    PlP Pg

    Pd Pt ESU AAz Pj CZ : Dz v

    vU AU (PAArAiA)

    sU - 2


    Pd Pt ES Cg g ,

    AUg - 560 001

  • - 2 -

    **F AU gvg z Pd Pt ESAi CPj / A Uzg g

    1 w: JA. . dAiAw, L.J.J, DAiPg

    2 :P..PzAqgAi, zPg

    3 .r.gWxg, P.J.J., A dAn zPg (Dqv) ( vg)

    4 . fvAzAiP, P.J.J., A R DqvPj

    5 w.JA..w, P.J.J., A R DqvPj

    6 .P.Z.AeUq, P.J.J., A R DqvPj ( vg)

    7 ..f.Pg, P.J.J., RDqvPj

    8 .Dg.gAUzsAi, AiP zPg, ( vg)

    9 .JB.gdUB, Cx DAi t GPg, Pj e PBd, AUg.

    10 q:Z.APm, Av DAi t GPg, Pj PB PBd, AUg.

    11 .PAv Pzj, DAi t UAxPg, Pj e PBd, AUg.

    12 ..w, Uemq idg, Pj x ze PBd, dAiUg, AUg.

    13 ..i, Uemq idg, Pj x ze PBd, PglUg.

    14 .P.PlAi, Uemq idg, ( vg)

    15 .JA., CPPg, PBd Pt DAiPg Pbj, AUg,

    16 .P.J.Qw, CPPg, Pj Pg PBd, PBg.

    17 .f.J.Pig, CPPg, gt Q Ct PBd, AUg.

    18 .CP n, CPPg, J.JA.P.Dg.. PBd, AUg.

    19 w.w, WUgg, PBd Pt DAiPg Pbj, AUg,

    20 .gP, wAi ze AiPg, PBd Pt DAiPg Pbj, AUg,


  • - 3 -

    PlP Pg Pd Pt ESU AAz Pj CZ : Dz : vU

    AU (PAArAiA) sU 2

    Ml P AS Ai a l AS

    1 Pj/Czv PBdU AUU v jgu, Vv v, rU sv, vn sv, Ug svUU AAzsl DzU


    2 Pw v r v AiA Zv v rU AAzsl DzU 019-033

    3 Cz gv CAi qBVg PP v rUU AAz DzU 033-040

    4 Pj U Czv PBdU AU Pz U DzU 040-067

    5 w / gt Az PgjU UP ge UPgtz U DzU 067-071

    6 t PlA Aid PU Cj gd Pj PgjU Gvd 071-077

    7 Pj U SV Czv PBdU AU ev U Ag PwU AAzsl DzU 077-093

    8 PlA PBt v P U AAz AiU 093-122

    9 Czv PBdU Pv wz qilgUU AAzsl DzU 123-128

    10 Pj U Czv PBdU AAi AZt v n..J. AiiUU AAzsl DzU 128-231

    11 Pj U Czv PBdU A gzz PgtUU AAzsl DzU 232-294

    12 Czv PBdU vz Prv, S zU Ugw vAzP AAz DzU 294-307

    13 Pj v SV PBdU z vgUwU rP U rz z PBdU Ag Pw Pjv DzU


    14 iw qAi P CAi U gzP CAiP AAzsl DzU 321-353

    15 Pj U Czv PBdUU AAz Evg DzU 354-467

  • - 4 -

    sU - 2 (1)

    Pj/Czv P dU AUU v jgu, Vv v, rU sv, vn sv, Ug svUU AAzsl DzU

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS


    1 24 26-06-1970

    ED 64 UPC 70

    The Mysore Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1970- Extension of the benefits thereof to private aided Institutions under the Education Department-Orders regarding


    2 11-01-1977 ED 5 SWLB 77

    Non-Government Aided and Local Body Educational Institutions Extension of the benefits of the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised) Pay Rules 1976 to the employees of the-Orders regarding


    3 05-05-1982 ED 76 SLB 82

    Revision of pay scales, allowances etc. of the employees of the aided educational institutions under the control of Education & Youth Services Department


    4 16-04-1987 Er 126 JJ 87

    jv v tU-EU Cz qAi Pt AU PgjU C z 002

    5 03-05-1994 Er 40 zs 94

    Pj PgjU rg v tU jguAi Czv Pt AU PgjU v zAiU zsPvg PgjU j U-Dz.


    6 12-02-1999 Er-7-zs 99

    Pgz PgjU rg v tU jguAi Czv Pt AU gd v tAig PgjU v zAiU zsPvg PgjU j U-Dz



    1 22-08-1980 ED 283 SLB 77 Revival of the system of grant of stagnation increments to the employees working in Private Aided Educational Institutions.


    2 18-03-1996 FD 3 SRP 96 Grant of Stagnation Increments-review of the system-reg 004

    3 08-05-1997 Jsr 01 JDg. 96

    Vv v r- PV zAi vtAi AzjAi Cv q Pjv 006

    4 02-12-1998 Er 153 Jn 98 Czv : P dU Pgg rPU- 5 Vv v rU j Pjv Dz 007

    5 19-06-2003 PE 653 2002 -3

    Vv v r Adg iq U. 008


    1 18-03-1987 FD 23 SRP 87

    Recommendations of the Karnataka State Third Pay Commission-Reclassification of places for purposes of HRA and CCA and enhancement of the rates of the allowances


    2 04-05-1990 FD 67 SRP 89 Reclassification of places for purposes of HRA and CCA and revision of the rates of these allowances


    3 21-09-1994 FD 36 SRP 94 Reclassification of places for purposes of HRA and CCA on the basis of population figures of 1991 Census and rates thereunder


  • - 5 -

    4 10-08-1999 FD 19 SRP 99 House rent allowance and City Compensatory Allowance-Revision of rates of the 015

    5 12-04-2002 Jsr 14 JDg 2002

    gd Pj Pgg rU sv jgu Pjv 018

    6 09-04-2003 FD 10 SRP 2000 House Rent Allowance to State Government Employees-Modification of policy-regarding 018

    s U - 2 (2) Pw v r v Ai A Zv v rU AAzsl Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 23-08-1984 FD-60-SRP-84 Time-bound advancement 019

    2 11-06-1985 ED 316 SLB 84 Time Bound Advancement 020

    3 22-07-1987 Er-184-Ai-86

    SV Cz qAi x ze P dU zP PPg, UAxPg U gZUgg v Ui g EgUU Pw AUq (n..J.) q U


    4 04-05-1988 ED-10-UPC-87 An employee of the aided institution to transfer another aided isntitution count for seniority to selection time scales


    5 n..J. AAzs 021

    6 29-10-1991 FD 25 SRP 91 Karnataka Civil Services (Automatic grant of special promotion to senior scale of pay) Rules, 1991


    7 n... AAzs 024

    8 12 13-02-1992

    Er-422-Ai-91 15 U UAz qz ArAi s Czv Pt AU PgjU C U


    9 05-03-1992 ED 166 RCN 91

    Extention of Benefit of automatic grant of Special promotion to Senior Scale of pay to the employees of the Grant-in-aid institutions in Karnataka


    10 04-01-1993 FD-25-SRP-91 Karnataka Civil Services (Automatic Grant of Special Promotion to Senior Scale of Pay) (Amendment) Rules, 1993


    11 04-05-1996 ED-45-UPC-95

    Clarification for sub-rule (c) of Main Rule (4) of Govt. Notificaton No. FD 25 SRP 91, Dated: 29.10.91 of 15 years automatic Promotion Rules of 1991-Reg.


    12 05-12-2000 Er-143-AiE-98 Czsgt ge qzjU Pw t Adgw U. 027

    13 13-06-2001 Er-210-AiE-2000

    wAi ze gZUgjAz wAi ze AiPgV Az zu AgjU Pw r Adg iq U


    14 09-05-2002 FD 13 SRP 2002

    Grant of additional increment to Government Servants who continue in the same post for 20 years without a single promotion in the entire serevice


    15 14-06-2002 Jsr 16 JDg 2002(II)

    jAi v t-A zAi v tAi AzjAi Cv q U- PwAi j Pjv.


  • - 6 -

    16 14-06-2002 Jsr 16 JDg 2002 (I)

    Pz Ar Aid A zAi v tAi AzjAi Cv q U- PwAi j Pjv.


    17 21-08-2003 PD-129-q-2002--4

    Pgz P vUzPArg SV P f PgjU Czv Ai UtU vUzPAq Pw r AidAir DAiPP v t U AiAZv r AidAir jAi v tUU Adgw q U.


    s U - 2 (3)

    C z gv CAi q Vg P P v rU U AAz Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 29-03-2000 ED-32-URC-2000 Computation of post unaided service for the purpose of fixation of pay, placement, pension, leave etc.


    2 12-07-2000 ED. 221. TPU.97

    Order Dated: 06.02.1998 of High Court of Karnataka in W.P. Nos. 27704-10/97, 29696-712/97, 31644-650/97, 33249-51/97, 34792-793, 30425-431, 30762-766, 30903-904/97, 34024-41/97 and 3447-341/98 regarding allowing pay fixation benefit from the date of initial appointment in respect of the Teaching & Non Teaching Staff of Private aided Primary Schools, High Schools as well as Independent/ Composite Pre University Colleges-reg.


    3 27-02-2001 Er-14-nAi-2001

    1986g vAi Dz ejU vAg Ai SV Czv Pt A U Pgg Pw CzUAq APAz v P Avz Ur Pj v AS:Er 302 JMZ 90 AP:09-07-90 v 04.08.1990g ZU U.


    4 19-07-2001 PD-66-.-2001/ DAvjP

    SV Czv z, AAiP z U P P dU zsP U zsPvg AU rg PP v r sU gzr v g Ur U.


    5 16-08-2001 PD-66--2001/ DAvjP

    Czv P dU, AAiP P dU U P P dU zsP U zsPvg PgjU rg PP v ArU gzw v v g UPgt


    6 03-06-2003 Er:25 Ai 2001 SV Czv z v P P dU AUU Cg Pw APAz C zw U Evg sU q U.



  • - 7 -

    s U - 2 (4) Pj U C zv P dU AU P z U Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 18 22-05-1984

    ED 237 UPC 82 Enhancement of Salary to the Lecturers appointed on temporary basis in Private Aided Colleges- Orders regarding


    2 01-08-1986 DCE-80-EAP-86

    Recruitment of Local candidates to Group 'C' posts under the Karnataka State Civil Services (Special Recruitment of Local candidates) Rules, 1986


    3 07-08-1986 ED 202-DCE-83 Karnataka State Civil Services (Special Recruitment of Local Candidates) Rules, 1986 042

    4 07-08-1986 DCE-80-EAP-86

    Recruitment of Local Candidates to Group 'C' posts under the Karnataka State Civil Services (Special Recruitment of Local Candidates) Rules, 1986


    5 09-10-1987 Er 117 Ai 84 Pj v SV Czv P dU CAPP GPgUU CA PP sv a U.


    6 17-12-1988 Er 415 rE 87 Pj U SV Czv x ze P dU CAPP GPgU svU a U.


    7 19-02-1991 ED 239 SES 88

    Karnataka Civil Services (Absorption of persons appointed on contract basis in the category of posts of Primary School Teachers, Secondary School Teachers, Government Junior College Lecturers, First Grade College Lecturers, Lecturers in Polytechnics, Lecturers in Government Engineering Colleges, into State Civil Services) (Special) Rules, 1990.


    8 06-01-1993 DCE 71 EWP PCC 90

    Absorption of full-time Stop gap lecturers working in various Private Aided Colleges into regular service-regarding


    9 11-03-1993 DCE-62-EAP-89

    Absorption of Contract Librarians and Contract Physical Culture Instructors (Grade-III) into State Civil Services under the Karnataka Civil Services (Special) Rules, 1992-regarding


    10 22-01-1993 ED-61-UEC-90

    Karnataka Civil Services (absorption of persons appointed on contract basis in the category of posts of Librarians and Physical Culture Instructors Grade-III in the First Grade Colleges into State Civil Services) (Special) Rules, 1992


    11 31-08-1994 Er 35 Ai 93

    jm Cf AS: () 873:90g A Pm AP: 29.01.1992gAz rg wg AP: 29.01.1992gAz S V Czv P dU g UVAv Pr g U GPgUU SAiA z GPgUU q A q U-Dz.


    12 20-09-1994 Er 13 CC 93 P d Pt ESAi wg U Pgg SAiAU iP v AAiiV P iq U Dz


  • - 8 -

    13 04-01-1995 Er-232-rE-93

    Pj U S V Czv x ze P dU Pv wg CgPP G PgUU CAPP svAi a U- Dz


    14 13-07-1995 Er 75 Ai 93 (sU)

    SV Czv x ze P dU wg 77 A vvP: CqP GPgUU AP: 01.01.1987 jAz CAiUAv jm Cf AS: 24024:91 Ezg PlP GZ AiiAiz wAv Aav A q U- Dz


    15 22-01-1997 DPAR 48 SRE 96

    Karnataka State Civil Services (Absorption of persons working as part-time lecturers in the Karnataka Education Department Services (Department of Collegiate Education) (Special) Rules, 1996


    16 04-12-1997 DPAR-67-SRE-97 Karnataka Education Department Services (Department of Collegiate Education) (Special) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1997


    17 10-06-1998 ED-85-UPC-95 Regularisation of the services of the Stop-gap Lecturers- regarding.


    18 12-06-1998 ED-115-UPC-98 Regularisation of the services of the Stop-gap Lecturers-clarification regarding


    19 24-09-2001 E 54:J:95:(2)

    gUAz wvgg gd GZAiiAiz rg jm Cf AS: 32760-767:95g AiiAiz Dzz Ai C -U GPgUU AP: 01.01.1987jAz v vz Q q U


    20 09-07-2002 DPAR 55 SRE 2001

    Karnataka Education Department Services) (Department of Collegiate Education) (Special) (3rd Amendment) Rules, 2001


    21 26-05-2003 Er-89-rE-97

    CgPP G Pg Ai PlP gd U (PlP Pt ES U CgPP G PgV PAi wg QU UP) (P d Pt ES) () AiU, 1996 v wzrU CrAi Pj Ai Ai.f.. v t g.8000-275-13500Ai G Pg zU U U


    22 23-05-2003 Er-89-rE-97

    CgPP G Pg Ai PlP gd U (PlP Pt ES U CgPP G PgV PAi wg QU UP) (P d Pt ES) () AiU, 1996 v wzrU CrAi Pj Ai Ai.f.. v t g.8000-275-13500Ai G Pg zU U U


    23 12-02-2004 ED-56-UPC-97

    Karnataka Educational Institutions (Absorption of persons working as Part Time Lecturers in the Aided Private Educational Institutions) (Special) Rules, 2003


  • - 9 -

    24 10-12-2004 Er-292-Ai-2004(1)

    SV Czv z P dU PAi wg J.E.n./J.J.E.n./ .Z.r/ JA. irg CgPP GPg Ai PlP Pt AU (Czv SV Pt AU PAi wg CgPP G Pg v) () AiU, 2003grAi Czv z P dU Ai.f.. v t g.8000-275-13500 GPg zU U U


    s U - 2 (5) w/ gt A z P gjU UP ge UPgtz U Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 18-05-1984 ED 48 UPC 83 Encashment of 30 days E.L. regarding. 067

    2 11-09-1985 FD 7 SRS 84 Earned leave to the employees working in the Vacation Departments


    3 16-02-1986 ED 130 SLB 84 Extension of the benefit of Earned Leave on retirement/ death while in service to the employees of aided Educational Institutions-reg


    4 14-06-1988 Er 276 S 87

    AigU zsgz: w Az Czv z AU PgjU UPj 180 UP geAi 240 UU j U.


    5 24-06-1989 FD-30-SRS-89 Cash payment for encashment of earned leave at the time of retirement under rule 118-A of KCSRs- Clarification-regarding


    6 03-05-2000 FD 3 TAR 2000 Leave Encashment Benefits granted at the time of retirement, termination of service, etc 070

    s U - 2 (6)

    t PlA Aid P U C j gd P j Pg jU Gvd

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 01-10-1985 FD 27 SRS 85 Introduction of Incentives among State Government employees for promoting the small family norms.


    2 01-01-1987 FD 33 SRS 86 Introduction of incentive among State Government employees for promoting small family norms-Private Hospitals/ Nursing Homes


    3 29.12.1988 FD 54 SRS 88 Incentive to State Government employees for promoting the small family norm


  • - 10 -

    4 30-12-1991 Er-86-Ai-91 PlA AidAi CrPAqjU v Czv Pt AUU jgzg U.


    5 13-12-1999 Jsr 10 JDgJ. 99

    PlA Aid PU C j gd Pj PgjU Gvd-AiQP v zgU jgu Pjv.


    6 19-03-2001 DE 17 n 94 t PlA AidAir MAz Uz Avgt aQv irPAqjU w vjUAz w qz


    7 02-02-2002 Jsr 8 JDgJ 2001

    PlA Aid PU C j gd Pj PgjU GvdP qAi Pj Pg CfAi Avgt aQv irPAq APAz Jgq zU P PgP Pjv


    8 12-02-2002 ED 188 URC 2001

    Revision of the Special Increment admissible for small family norms under revision of UGC/AICTE pay scales


    sU - 2 (7)

    Pj U SV C zv PdU AU ev U A g PwU AAzs l Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 07-02-1958 GAD (OM) 14 GRR 57

    Karnataka Government Servants' (Seniority) Rules, 1957 (As modified upto 13th October, 1976)


    2 22-05-1975 ED 25 UPC 75 Department of Collegiate Education-Staffing Pattern in respect of teachers working in private aided colleges modified orders regarding.


    3 21-05-1976 ED-25-UPC-75

    Department of Collegiate Education- treating each Management as a Unit for purposes of promotions, transfers etc., in respect of Non-Teaching staff


    4 28-04-1980 DPAR-86-SSR-79 Transfers of Government servants from one unit of seniority to another or from one cadre to another in the same Department


    5 16-09-1986 ED 142 UPC85

    Department of Collegiate Education-Appointments, promotion, transfers, deputations etc. Aided and Unaided Degree Composite Colleges guidelines Issue of.


    6 04-03-1991 ED 207 UPC 88 Appointment of Principals in Private Degree Colleges managed by the Minority Educational Trusts-regarding


    7 04-11-1999 PE-P-99-DAvjP AgUU zs PAi AZ U. 084

    8 13-02-2000 PE-16-U-1/zs-1/99-2000

    P d Pt ESAi Ai g SV Czv P dUU Ag Az g Pg r qz Uq-1 Ag PvP dgz APAz Cz q U.


    9 16-03-2000 PE-129-ge--2:UU-99-2000

    Pj x ze P dU AgUU ge Adg iq U. 084

  • - 11 -

    10 21-03-2000 .E-30-EJ-92

    SV Czv P dU PAi wg Uq-1 gUU Uq-2 gUV r r vA AAzsz P Z: AzsU g U.


    11 19-05-2000 PE-71-P-99-DAvjP

    Uq-1 v Uq-2 AgUU zs PAi sg AaP U ge U. 086

    12 06-10-2000 Er-175-rE-99 Uq-1 v Uq-2 AgUU zs PAi sg AaP U ge U. 086

    13 16-01-2001 PE-80-SP (DAvjP)-2001

    SV Czv P dU zsP: zsPvg Uzg ev n vAiij U. 087

    14 22-12-2001 PE 99: Evg: Dqv: 2001

    SV Czv AAiP z P dUAz z vgUwU rz AiP zsP U zsPvg AU AUqu U.


    15 30-05-2001 PE-232- -Dqv sU-2001 (sU-2)

    Pj x ze P dU Ag sg U. 088

    16 03-07-2001 PE-71-P-99-DAvjP

    Uq-1 v Uq-2 AgUU zs PAi sg AaP U geAi U. 089

    17 22-03-2002 PE-71-P-99-Dqv

    Uq-1 v Uq-2 AgUU zs PAi sg AaP U geAi U. 089

    18 22-04-2002 PE-212-DAvjP (.)-2000

    Pj P dU Pv wg AgU geAi vg ESAz w qAi U.


    19 06-09-2002 Er 266 rE 2001

    P d Pt ESAi Uq-1 Ag AzP DAi t G Pg AzAz zw qU j ew : j AUqz GPgUU Pgz wAiAi w zwAi ejU vg Pjv.


    20 17-03-2003 PE 193 C 2002-03 SP-1

    SV Czv P dU sg Ag vvPV U. 092

    s U - 2 (8) P lA P t v P U AAz Ai U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 02-12-1981 ED 50 SLB 81 Extension of Family Benefit Fund rules to the employees of Aided Educational Institutions governed by Triple Benefit Scheme


    2 27-11-1990 ED 605 Pro Ka Sha 90

    Extension of Group Insurance Scheme of Life Insurance Corporation of India to the Employees of Private Aided Educational Institutions compulsorily


    3 27-01-1991 DCE TBS 1 86-87 Implementation of Family Benefit Fund and Group Insurance Scheme for Aided Colleges reg.


    4 19-05-2000 FD 3 SAVEYO 99

    Karnataka State Employees Group Insurance Scheme (Amendment) Rules, 2000


  • - 12 -

    s U - 2 (9) C zv Pd U P v wz qilgU U AAzsl

    Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 13-06-1975 DCE 134 MSS 75 Promotion of Demonstrators as Lecturers in the Government and Private Aided Colleges under the Department of Collegiate Education


    2 28-07-1977 DCE 47 GES I 77 Abolition of the post of Demonstrators in Private Aided Colleges-Deputation of 123

    3 15-11-1984 ED-144-UPC-84 Extension of benefit of Rule 42-B of KCSRs to the Demonstrators promoted as Lecturers 124

    4 20-09-1985 ED 34 DCE 85 Sanction for implementation of Time Bound Promotion Scheme to the Lecturers of Government and Private Colleges


    5 21-12-1996 Er 210-rE-94

    P d Pt ESAi Ai g z P dU Az qi lgUV Pv wz Avg GPgV r qz Pv wgjU v Az qi lgUV z Ai Aif v tAi PgtP jUtPA U - Dz.


    6 09-01-1997 rE-02-EDg-94

    qi lgUV swz Avg GPgV r qz wgjU Az qi lgUV z Ai PgtP jUt U


    sU - 2 (10)

    Pj U C zv P dU AAi AZt v n..J. Ai i U U A Azsl Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 18-08-1976 ED 176 UPC 75 Introduction of Triple Benefit Scheme to the employees of Aided Colleges, B.Ed. Colleges and Aided Technical Institutions


    2 11-10-1976 DCE TBS 6 76-77

    Payment of the Management Contribution by restricting to 3% of the Basic Pay rounded off to the Next Higher Rupee with effect from 1.4.1969 and recovery of the Excess Management Contribution allowed under the Provident Fund in respect of all the Employees of Aided Colleges as per rule 37(c) and 5A of the T.B.S. Rules


    3 30-05-1977 ED 16 UPC 77 Triple Benefit Scheme - for the employees of aided colleges Amendments to - Rules 18 and 22 of orders issued


    4 18-01-1978 ED 44 SBS 77 Triple Benefit Scheme Rules-Insurance-Amendment to Rule 59


  • - 13 -

    5 29-04-1981 ED 18 UPC 81

    Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity-extension of the benefit to the employees of aided educational institutions governed by the Triple Benefit Scheme


    6 01-08-1984 FD(Spl) 63 CPP 83

    Survivorship certificate issued by the Revenue Authorities for purpose of Family Pension


    7 24-08-1984 DPAR 18 SDE 84 Enhancement of the age of superannuation of Govt.Servants from 55 years to 58 years


    8 17-09-1984 DPAR 18 SDE 84 Enhancement of the age of superannuation of Govt.Servants from 55 years to 58 years.


    9 16-01-1985 ED 47 SBS 81

    Extension of benefit of the Government Order No. FD 25 SRS 78 dated 30-11-1979 regarding voluntary retirement of teachers in Aided Educational Institutions Amendment to Rule 50(2) Triple Benefit Scheme


    10 15-04-1985 FD 6 SRS 85 Calculating the length of qualifying service for Retirement Benefits


    11 14-10-1985 FD(Spl) 3 CPP 84

    Procedure to be followed in cases where pension cases could not be disposed of owing to the loss of service register and difficulty in reconstructing Service Register in the Department


    12 20-12-1985 FD 9 SRS 85 Pension-Calculation of pension at 50 per cent of the emoluments drawn at the time of retirement.t.


    13 08-07-1986 ED 98 UPC 85 Director of Collegiate Education - Triple Benefit Scheme Rules - Amendment to rule 9 - Orders regarding


    14 05-09-1986 Er 72 JJ 81

    wzs s AiU Pg Czv Pt AU Pgg Az Pq 3 g Dqv AqAig qwg AwUAi gzU U.


    15 17-08-1987 FD 20 SRS 87( I) Revision of pensionary benefits of Government servants 150

    16 01 07-01-1988

    Er 149 nE 87

    Aw v-w Aiz qAi GsU Pq 50 g Aw vAz jUt U F AiU z ESAi Cz qAiwg J z AUU j U Dz..


    17 12-05-1988 ED 442 PROU KHA SHA 87

    Extension of Revision of Pensionary benefits to the employees of aided Educational Institutions 153

    18 09-09-1988 ED 245 UPC 86

    Amendment to Triple Benefit Scheme Rules regarding voluntary retirement for the employees of Aided Colleges, B.Ed Colleges and Technical Institutions


    19 02-02-1991 FD 29 SRS 90 Leave Salary and Pension contribution in respect of Government servants deputed to Foreign Service-Instructions regarding


    20 27-02-1992 FD (Spl) 7 CPP 92

    Prompt and expeditious settlement of pension claims within the prescribed time limit 156

    21 13-09-1994 DE () 199 EJ 93

    vqV wAiiz AZt, Gz, jwv AZt U ge UPgt EU rAi q U


    22 28-09-1994 ED 165 TPU 92 Extension of D.C.R.G. benefit to Teaching and non-Teaching staff of Aided Private Institutions 160

  • - 14 -

    23 12-10-1994 ED 104 DCE 94

    Fixation of pension of the degree colleges teachers working in Private Aided Colleges on the last pay drawn on revised UGC Scales of pay - regarding.


    24 28-11-1995 FD 27 SRS 95

    Counting of Dearness Allowances as emoluments for the purpose of Death Gratuity and Retirement Gratuity and raising the maximum limit of Gratuity from Rs. 1.00 lakh to Rs. 2.50 lakhs


    25 15-02-1999 FD (Spl) 1 PET 99 Revision of pensionary benefits 162

    26 17-02-1999 ED 153 STB 98 (II)

    Voluntary retirement of employees of the aided Educational Institutions on Completion of 15 years of qualifying service


    27 08-08-2001 Jsr 1 JDgJ 2001

    PlP UjP AiU 118-J Aiz jv w Aiz UP ge UPgtz U.


    28 04-01-2003 FD 4 SRA 2000 Karnataka Government servants (Family Pension) Rules, 2002


    29 06-01-2003 FD 3 SRA 2000 Karnataka Civil Services (IVth Amendment) Rules, 2002. 177

    30 01-09-2003 DPAR 15 SDE 2003

    Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme for surplus employees of State Government


    31 30-09-2003 Jsr 5 JDgJ 2003

    PlP Pj AiiU Ai 118 U CZAzs - CAi UP ge Czs UPgt s VvU U


    32 30-09-2003 Jsr 6 w 2003, AUg AZt AidU zsgu U. 182

    33 18-12-2003 Jsr 6 w 2003 w Aiz sg UP geAi UPgtU sU U ZU 183

    34 12-01-2004 FD(Spl) 293 CPP 2003

    Hosting of Govt. Orders on D.A. etc., to State Govt. Pensioners on Web Sites of State Governments Discontinuation of routing of such Government Orders through Reserve Bank of India.


    35 26-04-2004 DE 8 w 2003 PlP Pj Pgg (PlA w v) (2 wzr) AiU, 2002 184

    36 17-05-2004 DPAR 15 SDE 2003

    Special Voluntary Retirements Scheme for surplus employees of the State Government - Further instructions.


    37 21-06-2004 DPAR 15 SDE 2003

    Extension of Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme for surplus employees of the State Government - Reg.


    38 Proformae Proformae of pension / family pension papers for non-gazetted employees of Govt. colleges


    39 Proformae Proformae of pension / family pension papers for Gazetted employees of Govt. colleges


    40 Proformae Proformae of pension / family pension papers for employees Private Aided colleges


  • - 15 -

    sU - 2 (11) Pj U C zv PdU A gzz Pgt U U A A zsl

    Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 31-10-1975 DCE 12 MSS 74 Karnataka Act 21 of 1973 - The Karnataka Private Educational Institutions (Displine and Control) Act 1973


    2 27-02-1978 ED 26 UPC 78

    Karnataka Private Educational Institutions (Discipline and control) Rules 1978 - payment of subsistance allowance of suspended employees - Institutions regarding


    3 29-01-1985 FD 41 SRS 84 Karnataka Civil Services (Third Amendment) Rules, 1985


    4 03-07-1985 DPAR 13 SDE 85 Suspension of Government Servants and their reinstatement


    5 10-08-1987 FD 21 SRS 86 Amendment to Rule 98 of KCSRs Regulation of subsistance allowance to a Government servant who is already under suspension


    6 30-08-1988 rJDg 14 JrE 88

    PAiUz Q Gg Civ v ES Zgu PgtU g Q U jv ZU


    7 31-01-1989 DE 4 E 89 CPvV Ug dgVg Pj Pgg P P vUzP U - U 239

    8 17-08-1991 ED 102 UPC 83

    (P) Karnataka Private Educational Institutions

    (Discipline and Control) Rules, 1978 239

    9 28-02-1994 DE 3 JrE 94

    Pj Pgg CPv Ug dj CAv djAi U ZU. 240

    10 26-06-1996 DE 9 E 95 Q AiiAiz ZguU Ml CgzsPV zAqU UjAiiz Pj Pgg gz P dgV U iUa


    11 02-04-1998 DE 3 E 96

    PlP U (VPgt, AiAvt v C) Aii, 1957 grAi iq ES ZguU v Aiig U v Pgz CPjUU U.


    12 09-07-1999 PE 69 zs 99 DAvjP

    SV Czv P dU AU gz Pz U. 245

    13 05-12-1999 DE 17 E 99

    CPvV Ug dgVg Pj Pgg PgtU j Pjv ZU. 246

    14 15-01-2000 DE 14 E 99

    Pj Pg gz Q PzAi R irz PgtU Cg gz ES Zgu iq U iUa.


    15 29-02-2000 DPAR 06 ACR 97 Karnataka Civil Services (Performance Reports) Rules, 2000 248

    16 29-08-2000 DE 8 E 2000

    Pj Pgg AiiAi z zAqAi AiiAi AAil Azsz Cg Civ Azg U.


  • - 16 -

    17 04-11-2000 DE 18 E 2000

    PlP (VPgt, AiAvt v C) AiU, 1957g Ai 11(2)g Pg ES ZguAi PAiP AU U.


    18 24-02-2001 PD 79 G 2001 DAvjP

    PlP AiiAi Ai 285(4)g CrAi Pj Pgg dP vzAz (PqAiV) wU U.


    19 28-06-2001 DE 19 E 2001

    Pj Pgg gz P DgAzg, qzg U CAw U zg A vqUl UrVg PwAi jgu Pjv


    20 14-09-2001 DE 18 E 2001

    Pj Pg gz vz DgUU CUtV zz zAqU Pjv 255

    21 15-04-2002 DE 154 C 2002

    ES Zgu DgAzg A vqUl ZU 258

    22 15-04-2002 DPAR 4 SDE


    Karnataka Civil Services (Classification,

    Control and Appeal) (Sixth Amendment) Rules,

    2001 258

    23 05-07-2002 DE 22 E 2001

    P AiiAiz Q DgAz R UAq Pj Pgg B U vUzPAq Azsz CjU qPz sU Pjv


    24 05-09-2002 PD 79 G 2001 4

    PlP AiiAi Ai 285(4)g CrAi Pj Pgg dP vzAz PqAiV wU U ZU.


    25 27-1-2003 PD-764-G-2002--4

    P dU GPg v zsPvg Uzg Uv CAi Egzg U 261

    26 05-03-2003 PD 385 P 2002-2003

    PlP U (PAiu gU) AiU 2000 zAi `U-`J', `' v `' CPj/Pgg 2002-2003 PAiu gU U.


    27 07-05-2003 DE 28 E 2001

    PlP UjP AiiU 285(4) Aiz Pg Pj Pgg PqAi w - iq Dz


    28 11-09-2003 DE 12 E 2003

    Pj Pgg gz P DgAzg, qzg U CAwUzg A vqUl UrVg PwAi Pjv.


    29 12-11-2003 DE 10 E 2003

    PlP (VPgt, AiAvt v C) AiU, 1957g CrAi ES Zgu qAiwzU, Pj Pg vzU, ES ZguAi A Pz Pjv


    30 24-11-2003 DE 17 E 2002

    U Dzsgz Pv wg AAi gz P dgV U.


    31 19-12-2003 DE 111 Ai 2003

    PlP PAiP CAi 1984g P 12(3)g CrAi PAiP Cx G 273

  • - 17 -

    PAiPgg q gU P PgU P 12(4) gr j U.

    32 04-02-2004 DE 119 Ai 2003

    m PgtUU AAzAv ZP Pjv 273

    33 05-02-2004 DPAR 6 SRC

    2002 Karnataka Civil Services (Conduct)

    (Amendment) Rules, 2003 274

    34 23-04-2004 DPAR 02 ACR


    Karnataka Civil Services (Performance Reports)

    (Second Amendment) Rules, 2004 275

    35 20-05-2004 DPAR 4 SDE


    Karnataka Civil Services (Classifications,

    Control and Appeal) (Fifteenth Amendment)

    Rules, 2004.


    36 16-06-2004 FD 10 SRS 04

    Institution of disciplinary or judicial

    proceedings under rule 214 of Karnataka Civil

    Services Rules against pensioners.


    37 19-06-2004 DE 5 E 2004

    PlP (VPgt, AiAvt v ) AiU, 1957g Ai 10P wzr. 277

    38 31-01-1978 ED 112 SLB 73 Karnataka Private Educational Institutions

    (Discipline and Control) Rules, 1978. 279

    39 20-03-2004 ED 67 VIVIDA


    Powers conferred by clause (7) of section 2 of

    Karnataka Education Act 1983 (Karnataka Act

    1 of 1995)


    sU - 2 (12) Czv Pd U v z Prv , S zU Ug w vAzP

    AAz Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 21-07-1992 FD 6 BEM 92 Filling up of vacant posts in the Education Department - Relaxation of economy orders - reg.


    2 22-07-1992 Er 135 CC 92 gdzg Pj U Czv P dU S Eg zU sw iq U.


    3 21-06-1997 Er 71 Ai 97 SV Czv P dU Adgz S Eg zsP zU JzjU Pw iq U.


    4 13-02-2001 Er 196 Ai 2000( sU)

    Czv P dUU v Pq 15 g PrvU U. 297

    5 01-03-2001 Er 196 Ai 2000( sU)

    SV Czv P dUU Pq 15 g Cz PrvUg U. 298

    6 13-09-2002 Er 196 Ai 2000( sU)

    SV Czv P dUU Pq 15 g Cz PrvUg U. 298

    7 22-01-2003 Er 196 Ai 2000( sU)

    SV Czv P dU Adgz S zsP zU Ugw vA j q U j w ga U.


    8 22-01-2003 Er 196 Ai 2000 ( sU)

    SV Czv P dU S Eg zsP zU Ugw U Pw iq U iUaU


    9 03-06-2003 Er 143 Ai 2003

    UA PlP AUv Pt AAi, UuAz vgz CPPg zUU r q U.


  • - 18 -

    sU - 2 (13) Pj v SV P dU z v g Uw U r P U

    rz z P dU A g Pw Pjv Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 09-05-2001 Er 140 rE 2000 Pj AAiP z P dUAz .Ai.. vgUwU r z Pt ESU U U Dz.


    2 09-05-2001 P 99 Evg Dqv: 2001

    SV Czv AAiP z P dUAz z vgUwU r U. 308

    3 15-05-2001 PD 20 Evg 2000 (DAvjP)

    Pgz Cz g AAiP z P dUAz .Ai.. vgUwU r U.


    4 26-06-2001 PD 99 Evg Dqv 2001

    SV Czv AAiP z P dUAz z vgUwU r U. 318

    5 17-07-2001 PD 377 Js.L.. 2001-02 A..

    Js.L.. AidAirAi .Z.r.:JA. Gv AUP SV P dU GPg (.Ai.. sdAi Avg) Aif U.


    6 22-12-2001 PD 99 Evg Dqv 2001

    SV Czv AAiP z P dUAz z vgUwU rz AiP zsP U zsPvg AU AUqu U.


    7 25-06-2003 PD 41 AAid 03-04


    2003-04 PtP z GPgUU PAi sg vj U. 320

    8 17-05-2004 PD-07-Aid-04-05:3

    SV Czv P dU PAi sgz GPg Aif U. 321

    sU - 2 (14) i w qAi P CA i U g zP CAi P AAzs l

    Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 19-08-2000 AE.29

    99 PlP dP AUuU gzPv Czsz, 2000 321

    2 24-10-2000 E 154 DP -

    III/2000 PlP dP AUuU gzPv Dzsz, 2000 U - C Z 328

    3 24-10-2000 PWD 154 FC-111 2000

    Karnataka Transparency in public Procurement Rules, 2000 329

    4 29-11-2000 C..v AS: Er 91 zs 2000

    PlP dP AUuU gzPv Dzsz CAi 2000 U Z 336

    5 17-04-2001 Er-91-zs-2000 PlP dP AUuU gzPv CAi 2000-U 337

    6 21-03-2003 PWD 33 FC-III/2001

    Clarifications regarding Karnataka Transparancy In Public Procurement Act, 1999 and Rules, 2000 -reg.


    7 13-11-2002 PE 1197 59 i 2002 5

    PlP iw qAi P CAi 2000 U


  • - 19 -

    8 22-11-2003 DE 27 C 2003

    PlP iw P qAi CAi-2000z CrAi Uv CAi iw qz CPj/A Uz gz P dgV -ZU


    9 28-03-2003 PE 1197 59 i 2002 5 iw qAi P CAiz Cz U. 341

    10 30-06-2003 PWD 1359 SO/FC 2001(P-2)

    Two-Cover Tenders System - Safeguards to be adopted 342

    AE 139 Dqv 2002

    PlP iw qAi P CAi, 2000 (2000g PlP CAi AS 28) PlP iw qAi P AiU, 2002


    sU - 2 (15) Pj U SV P dU U AAz Evg Dz U

    P. AS AP

    CZ/ Dz/ v/ v AS

    Ai l. AS

    1 25-03-1963 GAD-07-OMR-63 KARNATAKA OVERNMENT SERVANTS (MEDICAL ATTENDANCE) RULES, 1963 (Amended upto 31-7-2004)


    2 27-11-2004 DPAR-01-SMR-2004

    Karnataka Government Servants (Medical Attandance) Rules,1963


    3 zQAi Z gwAi 376

    4 16-07-1985 rJDg 1 J..Dg. 83

    PlP Pj U (Pw) (Pq s jP) Aii, 1984 377

    5 03-04-1986 PE-30-fJAJ--85

    gdz SV Cz P dU PgjU AzP gd Adg iq U. 377

    6 03-12-1986 P-28-P-SP-86

    gdz SV Cz P dU AWz zPjUU AzP gd Adg iq U.


    7 10-07-1987 DE 4 87 Pj Pgg Pz Ai z iqwg U. 378

    8 09-02-1989 DE 1 89 Pj Pgg Uu - ge Adg iq U ZU. 379

    9 20-09-1989 rE-13-EDg-89

    P d Pt ESAi zsP U zsPvgg zwU AAzsz P d Pt zAiP U P U.


    10 06-07-1990 FD 65 SRS 89 Supply of duplicate Service Books to retired Government Servants - Regarding.


    11 13-06-1991 DCE 1 UGC PS 91-92

    Allotment of Work-load to Teachers under U.G.C. Scheme. 381

    12 22-08-1991 DCE-26-EAP-91

    Student - teacher ratio for conducting PUC and Degree practical classes prescription of.The Principals of Colleges, where subjects with practicals are taught, are required to strictly follow the following guidelines regarding the student - teacher ratio for conducting PUC and Degree practical classes.


  • - 20 -

    13 18-11-1991 ED 159 UPC 91 Assignment of work-load to the teaching staff of one-man Departments in Private First Grade Colleges


    14 04-02-1992 PE--2-316-91-92 U `r' Pgg dj U PvU U. 384

    15 12-03-1992 P-23-JM-92- -2

    zUU V g gzj vU qAi gPu vU q U 385

    16 08-04-1992 P-37-ge-89 / 2

    UuAi Dzz CAi Pj PgjU gd Adg iq U. 386

    17 19-10-1993 DE 98 P 93

    PgAz U it AUq:U Rj AUq v U zg AUq qz AigU vgz AUU AUq tz r t iq U.


    18 01-09-1995 PE 5 J 95

    Azz UU v CASvg ES wAz zyUU PtP U Evg sU q P DzAi wAi UU U - Dz.


    19 02-08-1996 P-14-EDg:93-94:-2

    CgPPV .Z.r/JA. AU PU Cw q U. 388

    20 27-08-1996 Er-191-rE-96 Pj x ze P dU P d C wAi g ga U. 388

    21 26-06-1998 DE-03- g-98 PAiu gU Pq U gAi U. 390

    22 29-07-1998 Er 142 rE 98

    Pt aAiAz grz Pw DzU AiQ DzU, C ZU, v U, ZU Pq ejU gAv CU U ZU.


    23 10-08-1998 DE 2 J 98 gd Ai Ar PlP P DAiUzq i Z iUZU


    24 16-10-1998 FD 07 TAR 97 Specimen signature of the Drawing Officers and maintenance of register by the treasuries 392

    25 13-01-1999 DE 13 Ai 98

    PlP gd Pgg P i Aid Pj PgAz gPz Aiiz QAi PlA Pt v UA Ai vz iqg Pjv


    26 23-03-1999 FD-SRS-99 Maternity Leave for 135 days - Admissibility of Clarification - reg 394

    27 02-06-1999 ED 221 DCE 98

    Requirement of passing departmental examinations and participation in Orientation Courses for declaring the probationary period - clarification regarding


    28 09-06-1999 Jsr 8 JDgJ 99 sgsv Adgw Pjv Pgt. 395

    29 17-06-1999 rE 49 zs:99 (CAvjP)

    1999-2000 PtP zsz U iU a 396

    30 07-07-1999 CCE PS (7) 49/99-2000

    Workload - Excess/Shortage Teachers - Aided college - Procedure to be followed - Regarding 397

    31 25-10-1999 DE 47 P 97 Pgg : CPjUU Adg irz W AUqU Pjv Pz Pjv


    32 24-02-2000 DE 20 w 99 vgwAig jPuyUU sv (Daily Allowance) q U. 398

  • - 21 -


    33 01-03-2000 E-05-EDg (CAvjP)-99(2)

    Pj x ze P dU Uq-1 v Uq-2 g Pw Dz gr Uu irz Az sz g sg gAijU Cx gAijAz qAi U Z.


    34 22-03-2000 DE 3 JJAE 98

    Pl : Rj AUq qz z Pl : Rj Gz Pj PgjU Eg Aq rP Uj w a U.


    35 11-04-2000 APE 29 PMJ 2000

    Pgz J ESU Dqvz Pq t itz U. 400

    36 07-08-2000 Er 123 AiE 97 Pj U Czv z P dU jj U 402

    37 29-08-2000 PE 212 DAvjP 2000

    Pj U SV Czv P dU zyU dgwAi PqAiV dgw Pz GPgUU Z q U.


    38 29-09-2000 PD 45 dgw 2000 CAvjP

    zyU dgwAi PqAiV dgw Pz Z 404

    39 03-11-2000 DE:34: :97 PlP U ( v Pq s jPU) AiU, 1974 Ai 6g CPU Pgt


    40 13-11-2000 Er 20 Jn 2000

    Dqvz Pq PqAiV CU U 406

    41 29-11-2000 PE 232 DAvjP (Evg) 2000-01

    P d Pt Uq J Pbj : P dU z j iq U. 406

    42 08-12-2000 PD 31 2000-2001

    Pj U Czv z P dU jjgz x rV vgUwUU iv iqz.


    43 05-01-2001 PD rE J 2000-01

    w Ag CzsPjU vz vz t q U. 407

    44 17-01-2001 PD 212 DAvjP 2000

    Pj U SV Czv z P dU jj Pjv 408

    45 20-01-2001 DE 01 w 2001 Pj Pgg PU Pqz U. 408

    46 27-02-2001 Er 135 AiE-2000

    CAi W U ES jPU Ur Pgt 409

    47 28-05-2001 FD 04 TFC 2001 Drawal of Salary of Gazetted Officers (Group A & B) Establishment Pay Bill Forms 409

    48 04-06-2001 Er 118 AiE 2000

    MAz vgUwAz 10 vgUwAigU Pq izsz AU irzjU wg P U v Gv Ptz lU Pj U Dz.


    49 15-06-2001 PE 09 C CAvjP 2000

    CAUPg CAi 95g jZz 39g Pg J Pj U PgAz Ai qAiz Pt AU Pq 3P Pr EzAv lU CAUPjU Pj Pjv.


    [50 20-06-2001 PE-09-CAvjP 99

    Pj U Czv z P dU jj Pjv. 412

    51 09-07-2001 DE 6 C 2001

    PlP Dqv AiAq, PlP GZ AiiAi v Evg AiiAiU rg DzU P vUzP Pjv.


    52 08-08-2001 Jsr 1 JDgJ 2001

    PlP UjP AiU-118-J Aiz jv w Aiz UP ge UPgtz U. 413

  • - 22 -

    53 08-08-2001 PC-87-G-zg-2001-CAvjP

    o iqwg GPgU P PU U. 414

    54 12-09-2001 DE 34 97

    PlP U ( v Pq s jPU) AiU, 1974 Ai 6g CPU - Pgt


    55 27-09-2001 DE 21 ED 2001

    Pv ES v PlP Pgz aAiz q KP Pqv zwAi ejU U. 416

    56 17-11-2001 ED 95 STB 2001

    Introduction of Single File System between the Collegiate Education, Director of Technical Education and Education Department (Higher Education) Secretariat - Orders regarding


    57 26-12-2001 DE 291 2000

    Pj AigU gt Az Pgg Ag Ai zs a U 418

    58 04-01-2002 DE 11 w 2001 iAii iq Cw U ZU 419

    59 15-02-2002 PD 10 v u 2002 Dqv

    ES Ai Pj x ze P dU jPu. 420

    60 25-02-2002 DE 10 ggD: 2002

    Pgz wAz Kr gAi U gd lz igA sUU PgU D U 423

    61 21-03-2002 PE 32 zs 2000 Dqv

    Pj U SV Czv x ze P dU GPg Urz NjAiAm U gsg PU iv sU PAi QU CPg vAid iq U.


    62 20-04-2002 PWD 77 PPM 2002

    Allotment of Government Quarters under the "Karnataka Government (Allotment of Quarters) Rules, 1999."


    63 08-03-2002 FD 48 Mubani 2001

    Karnataka General Provident Fund (Amendment) Rules, 2002


    64 17-05-2002 CCE 34 Ushina 2002 Internal

    Conferment of autonomy to Government Colleges-reg 430

    65 13-06-2002 APE-39-PMJ-2002

    Dqvz Pq P iqz Eg Pgg gz P ejU U. 431

    66 03-07-2002 PE-09-v --2002-03

    dP APg Pgz PbjU PAiwg J CPjU v AAi savg Ugw anAi PqAiV zsj U.


    67 05-07-2002 PD-759-G-2002--4

    o iqwg GPgU P PU U. 432

    68 14-08-2002 PE 79 Zj 2002 .

    P d Pt ESAi Pj : SV Czv P dU zsPg ZjAi U. 433

    69 27-08-2002 PD 03 D 2002 4

    Dqvz Pq P iqz Eg Pgg gz P ejU U 433

    70 25-09-2002 PE 1052 57 W -5 2002

    Pj P dU di v Zz gU AiA Wu (self disclosure) zwAi ejU vg U.


    71 09 29-10-2002

    PE 1048 52 WA 2002 -5

    Wlvg Adgw PjAi U. 435

    72 13-11-2002 E 245 JA


    Pj wUU Vg CPjU Aiv A /U/AqUU AidUAq CAz qAi rU svAi wUz rUAiV AzAi iq U


  • - 23 -

    73 10-12-2002 Er 131 AiDg 2002

    2002-03 Pj P dU gA sUAq GzAiR P Uz ..J./..JA/AimPf/Esg Avz PU q P z AUu


    74 11-12-2002 PD . 195 o 02

    Pg o iqwg G PgU P PU U 438

    75 23-12-2002 PE 47 CP 2002-03 SP 3

    S V Czv z P dU AUU CPAi v ge Adg iq U 438

    76 09-01-2003 PE 209 2002-03

    PlP gdz z P dU x z vgUwU z a gzPv vg U 439

    77 13-01-2003 PE 1218 85 KP 2002-03 5

    KP Pqv zw ejU vg U 442

    78 13-1-2003 Er 89 AiE 2001

    Pj P dU uUV zyUAz iqUwg C z v di : RZ iq Pjv


    79 24-02-2003 PE 300 2003-04

    2003-04 U Pj U SV z P dU jj U 444

    80 13-05-2003 PE 315 02

    Pj P d zyU PqAi PtP z iUaU U 445

    81 16-06-2003 DPAR 01 SSR 2003

    Karnataka Civil Services (Service and Kannada Language Examinations) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2003


    82 16-06-2003 PE 1228 95 PAP 02-03 -5

    P dU dP PAzPgvU WlP gA U. 447

    83 25-06-2003 PE 41 AAid 03-04 -3

    2003-04 PtP z GPgUU PAi sg vj U. 450

    84 24-07-2003 PE 1228 95 PAP 2002-03

    dP PAzPgvU jgP AAzAv PlP Dqv zsgu DAiUz v Ai ZU PlmV Pjv g U.


    85 29-08-2003 DPAR 11 SSR 2000

    Karnataka Civil Services (Service and Kannada Language Examinations) (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2003


    86 22-01-2004 PE 25 -2003-04

    zyv lq Cx vgu iq PAizsz Pjv iU aU. 452

    87 30-01-2004 E 130 JA


    PlP Pg (Pj wUU AaP) AiU, 1999 g jv Pj w U AaPAi C - Pjv


    88 05-03-2004 Er 15 AiJE 2004

    Selection of Scribe by the Blind Student for writing the examination


    89 08-03-2004 Er 287 Ai 2003

    Er-196-Ai-2000 ( sU) :22-01-2003g Pj v PArP 4P wzr 454

    90 22-03-2004 Er 15 AiJE 2004

    z jP v vPvg jP gAi zz zyU vU EZAi, zv wU MqzAv gUgg GAiVP Cw q Pjv - z


    91 23-03-2004 Er 56 Ai 2004

    z PU P tzg, PP v, iAz, zyUU s / jPAz w q U.


    92 26-04-2004 DE 11 g 2004

    SV PjAig U zV CAZ ESAi ejUg vv CAZ (q ) sU GAiVP U


  • - 24 -

    93 30-04-2004 DE 29 2004

    A v Dqv zsgu ESAi dP zg gu sUz iAQv "dAz P" JAzV z U.


    94 11-06-2004 DE 17 P 2003 ( s)

    Z.r.Js.. Az Pj PgjU/CPjUU zs PAvU (LOC) P Adg irg U it : Rj : jjU AAz z rAi zgU EP


    95 03-07-2004 PE 212 2004-05

    Pj x ze P dU zyUAz AU U. 459

    96 13-07-2004 D 17 P 2003( s)

    Pj PgjU/CPjUU Z.r.Js.. P Adg irg U it:Rj:jjU AAz z rAi zgU EU U Pgu.


    97 16-07-2004 PE 18 Evg 2004-05 -5

    Pj x ze P dU AUu, v lq U Evg wU tP gU AQ SAvg q U.


    98 27-07-2004 PE 38 zs 2003 -3

    P d Pt ESU AAzAv, Pq 20 g zU gzUg U. 464

    99 18-08-2004 PE 18 Evg 2004-05 -5

    AP: 16-7-2004g AS: PE 18 Evg 2004-05 -5 g PbjAi AUu / wU AAzsz v Ai PArP 2P - wz


    100 30-10-2004 DE 56 ED / 2004

    Pbj Ai Pj Pgg Z AiAw Z Ai uAi U. 466

    101 27-04-2004 PE 147 3 1994 Zj v r Adg iq U. 467

  • - 1 -

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE Subject : The Mysore Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1970- Extension of the benefits

    thereof to private aided Institutions under the Education Department-Orders


    ORDER No. ED 64 UPC 70, Bangalore, Dated: 24th/26th June, 1970

    In Government Order No. FD 78 SRP (1) 69 Dated: 31.12.1969, sanction has been accorded

    to the revision of scales of pay in respect of Government Servants as recommended by the Pay

    Commission with effect from 1.1.1970 and the fixation of pay as per the Mysore Civil Services

    (Revised Pay) Rules, 1970 as approved in Government Notification No. FD-73-SRP(1) 69, dated:16-


    2. In partial modifcation of the above said Government Order dated: 31.12.1969, sanction has

    been accorded to certain changes in the Principles of fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay, as

    per Government Order No. FD 73 SRP(1) 69, dated: 18.02.1970.

    3. The Governor has been pleased to direct that the revised scales of pay sanctioned in the above

    mentioned notification and Government Orders shall be extended to all Educational Institutions

    obtaining Grant-in-Aid from Government and these Institutions shall also be eligible for proportionate

    financial assistance according to grant-in-aid code or approved rules cansequent on the

    implementation of the revised pay scales with effect from 1.1.1970.

    4. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FD

    3227/ C.W.I./70 Dated: 20.06.1970.

    L.G. DESAI

    Under Secretary to Government,

    Education and Youth Welfare Department.


    Subject : Non-Government Aided and Local Body Educational Institutions Extension of the

    benefits of the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised) Pay Rules 1976 to the employees

    of the-Orders regarding.

    ORDER No. ED 5/ SWLB/ 77, Bangalore, Dated: 11th January, 1977

    In the Notification No. FD/ 132/ SRP (3) 76 Dated: 20.12.1976 in exercise of the powers

    conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor was pleased to make

    certain Rules, i.e., the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1976 applicable to several

    categories of Government servants as indicated therein with effect from 1st January 1977.

    The Government are pleased to extend the applicability of Karnataka Civil Services (Revised

    Pay) Rules 1976 to all the employees working in the Non-Government Aided Primary and Secondary

    Schools, Teachers Training Institutions, B.Ed. Training Colleges, Colleges and Polytechnics and other

    Educational Institutions run by Private Managements and Local Bodies which are receiving Grnat-in-

    Aid from Government, with effect from 01.01.1977.

    The allocation statements in the prescribed proforma should be prepared by the Heads of

    respective institutions and submitted to the authorities concerned for scrutiny and approval.

    The additional expenditure on this account will be met by Government in accordance with the

    Grant-in-Aid Code. The expenditure in this behalf should be met from the general savings of the

    Departments concerned.

    This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No.

    FD/136/ SRP(3) 76 Dated: 23.12.1976.

    By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,


    Under Secretary to Government,

    Education and Youth Services Department.

  • - 2 -


    Subject : Revision of pay scales, allowances etc. of the employees of the aided educational

    institutions under the control of Education & Youth Services Department.


    Consequent on the revision of pay scales of Government employees with effect from

    01.01.1982, the question of revision of pay scales of employees of the aided educational institutions

    under the control of Education and Youth Services Department has been examined.

    ORDER No. ED 76 SLB 82, Bangalore, Dated the 5th May, 1982

    Government are pleased to extend the benefit of the revision of pay scales, contemplated by

    the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1982 issued in Government Notification No. FD-

    23-SDP-82 dated:27-3-1982, to the employees of the aided educational institutions under the control

    of Education and Youth Services Department, with effect from 1st January 1982. The monetary

    benefit of this revision will however, be admissible to the employees with effect from 1st April, 1982.

    The pay of the employees may be fixed in the corresponding revised scales specified in the

    First Schedule to the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1982, in accordance with the

    provisions of the said rules.

    The payment of Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory

    Allowance, Special Pay, Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically handicapped; to the

    employees of the aided educationa institutions shall be regulated in accordance with the orders issued

    in Government Order Nos. FD 25 SRP (I) (II) (III) 82, Dated: 29.03.1982.

    Government are also pleased to extend the benefit of the orders contemplated by Government

    Order No. FD 80 SRP (CSC) 81, Dated: 27.03.1982 regarding time-bound advancement to the

    employees of the aided educational institutions, with effect from 01.04.1982.

    Financial assitance to the aided educational institutions on account of the revision of pay

    scales etc. shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of grant-in-aid code.

    This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide U.O.Note No.FD 0572/ SII/ 82

    Dated: 15.04.1982.

    By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,


    Deputy Secretary to Government,

    Education and Youth Services Department.

    PlP Pgz qU Ai: jv v tU-EU Cz qAi Pt AU PgjU


    NzVz: Pj Dz Jsr 22 JDg 87, AP:18.03.1987.

    Dz AS: Er 126 JJ 87, AUg, AP: 16 K, 1987 B wz 18.03.1987g Pj Dzz gdz Pj PgjU v tU jj Dz grBVz. F Dzz g 10g wgAv zj Dzz sU Cz qAi JB Pt AU PgjU j F P Dzz. PlP gdg Dzg v Cg

    j, .J. PAoAi

    Pgz C PAiz, Pt EBS.

  • - 3 -

    PlP Pgz qU Ai: Pj PgjU rg v tU jguAi Czv Pt

    AU PgjU v zAiU zsPvg PgjU j U-Dz.

    NzVz: Dz AS: Jsr 12 JDg 94, AP: 28.03.1994.


    1994g PlP UjP (jv v) AiiAi 9 AiP Ml ejU Agvz. F AiiU gPV grg AP: 28.03.1994 AS: Jsr 12 JDg 94g Pj Dzz 10.1 PArP Pg jv v tU Aid Cz qAi Pt AU gd v tAig PgjU U zAiU zsPvg AU v Ai AU PgjU j AAzsl Dqv EBSU vPV Dz grvAz BVgzjAz F PPAqAv DzBVz.

    Dz AS: Er 40 zs 94 AUg, AP:3-5-1994

    Pt EBSAi DqvvP AiAvtzg JB Czv Pt AU gdv tAig PgjU v zAiU zsPvg AUU 1994g PlP UjP (jv v) AiiU AixvV j F Dz grBVz.

    PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j, J. AdAqAi

    Pgz C PAiz, Pt EBS.

    PlP Pgz qU Ai: Pgz PgjU rg v tU jguAi Czv Pt

    AU gd v tAig PgjU v zAiU zsPvg PgjU j U-Dz.

    NzVz: Dz AS: Jsr-48-JDg-98, AP:18.01.1999.


    1999g PlP UjP (jv v) AiiU ejU Agv. F AiUU gPV grg Dz AS: Jsr-48- JDg-98 AP: 18.01.1999g PArP 11.1g Pg jv v tU Aid Cz qAi Pt AU gd v tUg PgjU U zAiU zsPvg AU j AAzsl Dz Dqv EBSU vPV grvAz wBVz. DzjAz F PVAv DzBVz.

    Pj Dz AS: Er-7-zs 99, AUg, AP:12 sj, 1999

    Pt EBSAi DqvvP AiAvtzg JB Czv Pt AU gdv tAig PgjU v zAiU zsPvg AU 1999g PlP (jv v) AiiAi v CzP gPz vjR 18.01.1999 AS:Jsr-48-JDg-98g Pj Dz jBVz.

    PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

    Pgz C PAiz, Pt EBS (i).

  • - 4 -

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject : Revival of the system of grant of stagnation increments to the employees working in

    Private Aided Educational Institutions.

    Read: (1) Government Letter No. ED 56 SLB 76, Dated: 23.06.1977.

    (2) Government Order No FD 52 SRP 79, Dated: 31.10.1979.


    Consequent on the introduction of the new pay scales to Government Employees with effect

    from 01.01.1977, the scheme of grnat of stagnation increments to them was discontinued with effect

    from 01.01.1977.

    In Government Order Dated: 31.10.1979 read at (2) above the system of grant of stagnation

    increments to Government servants has been revived subject to certain terms and conditions

    mentioned therein.

    It is considered necessary to extend the same benefit to the employees of aided educational


    ORDER No. ED 283 SLB 77, Bangalore, Dated: 22nd August, 1980

    Government are pleased to extend the benefit of stagnation increments contemplated by

    Government Order No. FD 52 SRP 79, Dated: 31.10.1979 to the employees of aided educational

    institutions with effect from 01.10.1979.

    This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No.FD/

    4779, Dated: 25.10.1979.

    By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,


    Under Secretary to Government,

    Education and Youth Services Department.

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject : Grant of Stagnation Increments-review of the system-reg.

    Read: (1) G.O. No. FD 52 SRP 79 Dated: 31.10.1979.

    (2) O.M. No. FD 95 SRP 84, Dated: 17.12.1984.

    (3) G.O. No. FD 63 SRP 84 Dated: 19.01.1985.

    (4) G.O. No. FD 18 SRS 87, Dated: 08.06.1987.

    (5) G.O. No. FD 26 SRS 88, Dated: 25.05.1988.

    (6) G.O. No. FD 60 SRP 88, Dated 03.11.1988.

    (7) G.O. No. FD 78 SRP 88, Dated: 26.12.1988.

    (8) G.O. No. FD 16 SRP 91, Dated: 10.05.1991.

    Government Order No. FD 3 SRP 96, Bangalore, Dated: 18th March, 1996

    According to the existing orders, a Government Servant who stagnates at the maximum of the

    scale of pay applicable to the post held by him/ her is eligible for the benefit of stagnation increment

    at the rate of increment last drawn subject to a maximum of three increments in the entire service.

    The first stagnation increment is admissible from the date immediately following the completion of

    two years from the date of reaching the maximum of the payscale, the second stagnation increment is

    admissible two years thereafter and the third stagnation increment after the completion of one year

    from the date of sanction of the second stagnation increment.

  • - 5 -

    2. The State Government have reviewed the existing system of grant of Stagnation increments

    with the objective of streamlining it in the light of the difficulties and severe stagnation faced by

    Government employees Accordingly, following orders are issued in supersession of all the existing

    orders read at (1) to (8) above:-

    (i) Government servants who draw pay in the time scale of pay which carry annual rate of increment and who have reached or who reach the maximum of the scale of pay

    applicable to them may be granted five stagnation increments annually at the rate of

    increment last drawn and such increments should be treated as part of 'PAY' for all


    (ii) The first stagnation increment may be granted from the date immediately following the completion of one year from the date of reaching the maximum of pay scales or

    with effect from 01.04.1996, whichever is later and the subsequent stagnation

    increments shall accrue every year thereafter.

    (iii) The total number of the stagnation increments in the entire service inclusive of the stagnation increments already sanctioned prior to 01.04.1996 shall be limited to five


    3. The grant of stagnation increment shall be subject to the following conditions:

    (i) The Government servant should have satisfactory record of service and he is otherwise eligible for normal increments in the time scale of pay but for reaching the

    maximum of the scale.

    (ii) The satisfactory nature of service for the purpose of stagnation increments shall be determined in the same manner as suitability for promotion is determined. While

    determining the satisfactory nature of service the fact that whether he has passed the

    departmental examinations, if any, prescribed for promotion to the next higher post,

    need not be taken into account.

    4. The benefit of stagnation increments will not be admissible to a Government servant who

    forgoes his promotion voluntarily or who after his promotion, seeks reversion on his own accord to

    the lower post held by him before his promotion.

    5. The regulation of stagnation increments in respect of Government servants who have been

    granted I, II or III stagnation increment prior to 01.04.1996 shall be as follows:

    A Government servant who is allowed the I, II or III stagnation increment prior to 01.04.1996

    may be granted II, III or IV stagnation increment on completion of one year from the date of sanction

    of the I, II or III stagnation increment as the case may be or from 01.04.1996 whichever is later. The

    subsequent stagnation increment may be allowed on completion of one year thereafter.

    6. The stagnation increment to a Government servant who is allowed selection time scale of pay

    of senior scale of pay or is promoted to the higher post after getting the benefit of first or subsequent

    stagnation increment,-shall be regulated as follows:

    (i) A Government servant who is allowed Selection Time Scale of Pay, Senior Scale of Pay or is promoted to a higher post after getting the first of subsequent stagnation

    increments is eligible for the benefit of second or subsequent stagnation increments

    on completion of one year after reaching the maximum of the Selection Time Scale of

    Pay/ Senior Scale of Pay or the scale of pay applicable to the promotional post or with

    effect from 01.04.1996 whichever is later.

    (ii) A Government servant who is allowed Selection Time Scale of Pay, Senior Scale of Pay or is promoted to a higher post after getting the first or subsequent stagnation

    increments and if his pay is fixed in the Selection Time Scale, Senior Scale of Pay or

    Scale of Pay applicable to the promotional post at a stage equal to the pay last drawn

    inclusive of the stagnation increments, he may be allowed the second or subsequent

    stagnation increment on the date on which it would have accrued to him but for the

  • - 6 -

    grant of Selection Time Scale of Pay/ Senior Scale of Pay or promotion. In

    otherwords, if the pay of a Government servant who has been allowed the Selection

    Time Scale, Senior Scale of Pay or is promoted after getting the benefit of stagnation

    increments is fixed at the maximum of the Selection Time Scale/ Senior Scale/ Scale

    of pay of the promotional post, without any increase in pay, he would be eligible for

    the benefit of second or subsequent stagnation increment, as the case may be, on the

    date on which it would have accrued to him but for grant of Selection Time Scale/

    Senior Scale or promotion.

    7. The authoriy competent to sanction stagnation increments to a Government servant who

    stagnates at the maximum of the time scale of pay applicable to the post held by him shall be as


    (a) In respect of Heads of Departments, the Secretary of the concerned Administrative Departments,

    (b) In respect of Group-A and B posts, the concerned Heads of Department.

    (c) In respect of Group-C and D posts, the concerned District Level Officer and if the District Level Officer is below the rank of Group-A, the Divisional Level Officer and

    if the Divisional Level Officer is below the rank of Group-A, the concerned Head of

    the Department. Divisional Level and District Level Officer for purpose of this G.O.

    shall be as defined in the Annexure to G.O. No. FD 3 TFP 80 Dated: 29.04.1981.

    By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,

    T.H. NAYAK

    Joint Secretary to Government,

    Finance Department (Services)

    PlP Pgz qU

    Ai: Vv v r- PV zAi vtAi AzjAi Cv q Pjv.

    Pj Dz AS: Jsr 01 JDg. 96, AUg, AP: 8 , 1997

    AP:01.04.1996QAv z Ez DzUAi M Pj Pg v Ag zU CAiU vtAi Uj Av v VvUAq v t Ai CAwV qz P v rAi zgz itz g Vv v rU qAi Cv Az.

    Vv v r Adgw zwAi g CBQz Pg irz jv Dz AS: Jsr 03 JDg 96, AP:18.03.1996 grzg gU Aii Pj Pg v Az zU CAiU v tAi Uj Av v VvU CAv Pg v t Ai CAwV qz P v rAi zgz itz P Lz Vv v rU s qAi Cv Agv.

    Pz Ar /jAi v t Cx Pz Ar Az z PV zAi PP v tAi: DAi PP v tAi: jAi v tAi Vv v r U v qAiwg Pj Pgg Pz Ar, jAi v t Cx Pz ArAi Bs qz Avg Vv v rAi Bs qz QjAi Pj PgVAv Pr v qAiwg g PgtU Pgz UP A. EAv jAi v QjAi Pj Pgg vz GAmU vgv j AiU Ai UV jz Avg P CP P wiBVz.

    Aii Pj Pg AP: 01.04.1996gAz Cx Avgz PP v t: DAi PP v t: jAi v tAi Uj Av v PlP UjP

  • - 7 -

    (Pz Ar) AiU, 1983 grAi DAiPP v t: PlP UjP (jAi v tU AiAZv Ar Adgw) AiU, 1991grAi jAi v t Cx Gv zU Ar qz Vv v r U D Pg EZl PV zAi v t: DAiPP v t: jAi v tAi Vv v rAi s qAigU AzjAi F PPAq PgUU Pz Ar: jAi v t Cx Ar Az Cx Dz grz APAz EU Aiiz Avg CAAz g (3) wAUU v Cv Tv gz vPz:

    (1) Pw Pg:

    (2) Pj Dz AS: Jsr 35 JDg 96, AP: 18.03.1996g Pg Vv v rAi Adg iq P Pg;

    (3) Aii Pj Pgg v v svU BRg Cx Cg CPgz P qAiBUvzAi CAv Pj Pgg BRjU.

    PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

    n.JZ. AiP Pgz dAn PAiz, DyP EBS (U).

    PlP Pgz qU Ai: Czv B: PBdU Pgg rPU- 5 Vv v rU

    j Pjv Dz.

    NzVz: (1) .A.Er 35 Jn 98, AP:25.06.1998.

    (2) .D.A. Er 35 Jn 98, AP: 27.10.1998.


    B P.A.(1)g Pgz Dzz Pt ag CzsPvAi Gv CPjUUAq gaBVz, wAi PgP g sgU sUB CAVPj wiBVz, zj wiUAi 5 Vv v rUU AAz JgqAi rP Fqj vP Dz grPVz. DzjAz F PPAq Dz.

    Pgz Dz AS: Er 153 Jn 98, AUg, AP: 2 rAg, 1998

    1. Pj Dz AS: Jsr 3 JDg 96 AP: 18.03.1996g Pj PgjU CAiUAv Adg iqBz Vv v r s Czv Pt AU PgjU zj Dz AP: 18.03.1996g Bz JB gv v AzsU g gwU Ml j Pg Dzz.

    2. AP: 18.03.1996g Pj Dzz g JB gvU g U P Pg ns ir vzAvg Vv v rU Adg iqvPz.

    3. F Dz AP: 25.06.1998jAz ejU gvz.

    4. F Dz DyP EBSAi CPv nt AS: DE 2035-1:98, AP: 24.11.1998g rg wAiAU grBVz.

    PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

    JA.J. CxgAit g Pgz G PAiz, Pt EBS.

    Pd Pt ES AS: PE-653--2002:-3, Pd Pt DAiPg Pbj,

  • - 8 -

    AUg-560001, AP:19-6-2003

    v Ai: Vv v r Adg iq U.

    GR: PgAz KP Pqv zwAi zgwg Cz gU.

    av AiP AAzAv, F EBSAi Ai.f.. v tAi qAiwg zsPjU, Cg v qAiwg v tAi Uj Av vzU, Ai.f.. Aii Pg Vv v rAi Adg iq CPgAz F P wz.

    (Pgq zPjAz Cz) PBd Pt dAn zPg (Dqv).


    Subject : Recommendations of the Karnataka State Third Pay Commission-Reclassification of

    places for purposes of HRA and CCA and enhancement of the rates of the


    Read: (i) G.O. No. FD 4 SRP 80 Dated: 22.03.1980.

    (ii) G.O. No. FD 47 SRP 82, Dated: 14.05.1982.

    (iii) G.O. No. FD 90 SRP 82 Dated: 08.11.1982.

    (iv) G.O. No. FD 29 SRP 83 Dated: 28.10.1983

    (v) G.O. No. FD 27 SRP 84 Dated: 16.04.1984.

    (vi) G.O. No. FD 38 SRP 86 Dated: 23.06.1986.

    G.O. No. FD 23 SRP 87, Bangalore, Dated the 18th March, 1987

    1.1. The Karnataka State Third Pay Commission has recommended reclassification of the cities

    and other places into five groups for purposes of house rent allowance and city compensatory


    1.2. The Commission has also recommended that house rent allowance and city compensatory

    allowance may be paid on a slab rate basis, instead of as a percentage of the basic pay as at present.

    1.3. Government have accepted the Pay Commissions recommendations in regard to

    reclassification of places into five groups and the payment of house rent allowance and city

    compensatory allowance on a slab rate basis. Accordingly, the following orders are issued. These

    orders shall come into effect from 1st January 1987.

    2.1 For the purpose of house rent allowance and city compensatory allowance, cities and other

    places in the State are classified into five groups as shown below, with reference to their population

    according to 1981 census-

    Population of City/ other places


    (i) 15 lakhs and above 'A' (ii) 5 lakhs & above but below 15 lakhs 'B' (iii) 1 lakh & above but below 5 lakhs 'C' (iv) 25,000 & above but below 1 lakh 'D' (v) Other places with less than 25,000 population 'E'

    2.2 Details of the places under each of the five groups mentioned above and the areas which form

    part of the city urban agglomerations are given in annex I and II respectively.

    2.3. Government servants shall be entitled to house rent allowance and city compensatory

    allowance with reference to their basic pay at the rates shown below-

  • - 9 -

    Basic pay range in the revised scale Amount of HRA/ CCA payable per month in

    cities/ other places

    House Rent Allowance

    'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E'

    1. Basic pay upto Rs.1,000 p.m. Rs. 150 125 100 75 20

    2. Basic pay of Rs. 1,001 to Rs. 2,000 p.m. Rs. 250 200 150 100 30

    3. Basic pay of Rs. 2,001 to Rs. 3,500 p.m. Rs. 400 300 250 200 40

    4. Basic pay of Rs. 3,501 to Rs. 5,000 p.m. Rs. 600 500 400 300 Nil

    5. Basic pay of Rs. 5,001 and above Rs. 800 600 500 Nil Nil

    City Compensatory Allowance

    'A' 'B' 'C'

    1. Basic pay upto Rs.1,000 p.m. Rs. 30 25 20

    2. Basic pay of Rs. 1,001 to Rs. 2,000 p.m. Rs. 50 30 25

    3. Basic pay of Rs. 2,001 to Rs. 4,000 p.m. Rs. 75 50 35

    4. Basic pay of Rs. 4,001 and above Rs. 100 75 50

    2.4. The orders issued in G.O. No. FD 4 SRP 80, Dated: 22nd March, 1980, regarding

    admissiblity of house rent allowance and city compensatory allowance for the employees who are

    posted to any place which is situated within a distance of eight kilometres from the periphery of the

    municipal limits of the Bangalore City Corporation and which is not included in the Bangalore Urban

    Agglomeration area, but who reside within the limits of Bangalore City Corporation, shall continue to

    be in force.

    2.5. For the purpose of these orders, the term "basic pay" means pay drawn by a Government

    servant in the scale of pay applicable to the post held by him and includes-

    (a) stagnation increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay.

    (b) additional increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay, in

    accordance with the provisions of rule 6 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Service and Kannada

    Language Examinations) Rules, 1974.

    (c) personal pay, if any, granted to him under sub-rule (3) of Rule 7 of the Karnataka Civil

    Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1987, and

    (d) dearness allowance sanctioned upto 1st July, 1986 and two installments of interim relief

    sanctioned by G.O. No. FD 36 SRP 85 Dated: 16th August 1985 and G.O. No. FD 54 SRP 86 Dated:

    18th August 1986, which will be applicable only to teaching staff drawing pay in the UGC/ AICTE

    scales of pay.

    "Basic Pay" shall not include any emoluments, other than those specified above.

    2.6. House rent allowance and city compensatory allowance are payable with reference to the

    place of duty, irrespective of the place of residence of a Government servant.

    3.1. A Government servant will not be eligible for house rent allowance, if he is provided with

    rent free accommodation.

    3.2. A Government servant will not be eligible for house rent allowance if his/ her spouse has been

    allowed rent free accommodation at the same station by the State Government/ Central Government/

    Central or State Public Undertakings/ Local Bodies/ Semi-Government organisations/ Aided

  • - 10 -

    institutions/ Co-operative societies, irrespective whether he/ she resides in that accommodation or he/

    she resides separately in accommodation rented by him/ her.

    3.3. A Government servant for whom designated quarters are available in terms of rule 4 of

    Appendix-IV to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules but does not occupy them will not be eligible for

    house rent allowance.

    3.4. In the case of a Government servant whose basic pay is Rs. 2525 per month or more and

    whose spouse is also an employee of the State Government/ Central Government/ Central or State

    Public Undertakings/ Local Bodies/ Semi-Government organisations/ Aided institutions/ Co-operative

    societies and draws basic pay of Rs. 2525 per month or more, the house rent allowance payable to one

    of them shall be restricted to the amount admissible on a basic pay of Rs. 2525 per month. The other

    spouse shall be eligible to draw house rent allowance at the prescribed rates.

    3.5. Admissibility of house rent allowance and city compensatory allowance during leave,

    suspension, joining time and training shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the

    Karnataka Civil Services Rules.

    4. The licence fee payable by a Government servant, to whom Government accommodation is

    available on a rental basis, shall be restricted to 10 percent of his total emoulments or the licence fee

    fixed by specific orders of Government or the house rent allowance admissible under this Government

    Order, whichever is more.

    5.1. These orders shall be applicable to all full-time Government servants, who are governed by

    the provisions of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules and who are on time-scales of pay.

    5.2. These orders are extended to - (i) full time employees borne on work-charged or contingent

    establishment of Government, on time-scales of pay (ii) full-time employees of the aided educational

    institutions and non-teaching staff of the Universities, who are on time-scales of pay, and to (iii)

    teaching staff of the Universities/ Engineering Colleges who are drawing pay in the UGC scales of

    pay/ AICTE scales of pay.

    6.1. The house rent allowance and city compensatory allowance sanctioned by this order shall be

    payable in cash for the month of March 1987 (i.e., salary for the month of March 1987 payable in

    April 1987) and onwards until further orders.

    6.2. The arrears payable for the months of January and February 1987 shall be invested in

    National Savings Certificate-VI issue in multiples of Rs.50. The amount, if any, less than Rs.50

    remaining after such investment shall be paid to the Government servants in cash. However, in the

    case of a Government servant who ceases to be in service after 1st January 1987 but before 1st March

    1987 on account of retirement or death, such arrears shall be payable in cash.

    By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,


    Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department.


    Subject : Reclassification of places for purposes of HRA and CCA and revision of the rates of

    these allowances.

    Government Order No. FD 67 SRP 89, Bangalore Dated: 4th May, 1990

    Read: (1) G.O. No. FD 23 SRP 87 Dated: 18th March 1987.

    (2) Corrigendum No. FD 23 SRP 87 Dated: 23rd March 1987.

    (3) G.O. No. FD 23 SRP 87, Dated: 12th November 1987.


    1.1. Based on the recommendations of the Karnataka State Third Pay Commission, the State

    Government issued orders in the Government Order dated 18th March, 1987, read at (1) above, in

    regard to reclassification of places for the purposes of HRA and CCA and for payment of these

    allowances as specified therein on a slab rate basis, effective from 1st January 1987.

  • - 11 -

    2.1. The State Government have further examined the issue. Accordingly, the following orders

    are issued.


    2.2. Government are pleased to Order reclassification of places and payment of House rent

    allowances and city compensatory allowences (hereafter called HRA and CCA) on slab rate basis as


    2.3. For the purposes of HRA and CCA, cities and other places in the State are classified into six

    groups as shown below with reference to their population according to 1981 census:

    Population of City/ other places Classification

    (i) 16 lakhs and above 'A'

    (ii) 8 lakhs & above but not exceeding 16 lakhs 'B1'

    (iii) 4 lakh & above but not exceeding 8 lakhs 'B2'

    (iv) 50,000 & above but not exceeding 4 lakhs 'C'

    (v) 25,000 & above but not exceeding 50,000 'D'

    (vi) Other places 'E'

    2.4 Details of the places under each of the six groups mentioned above and the areas which form

    part of the City urban agglomerations are given in annex I and II respectively.

    2.5. Government servants shall be entitled to HRA and CCA with reference to their basic pay at

    the rates shown below:

    Basic pay range in the revised scale Amount of HRA/ CCA payable per month in

    cities/ other places

    House Rent Allowance

    'A' 'B1' 'B2' 'C' 'D' 'E'

    Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

    1. Basic pay of Rs.780 to Rs. 987 p.m. 150 150 150 120 75 30

    2. Basic pay of Rs. 988 to Rs.1,000 p.m. 200 200 200 120 75 40

    3. Basic pay of Rs. 1,001 to Rs. 1559 p.m. 255 255 255 175 100 40

    4. Basic pay of Rs. 1560 to Rs. 2,000 p.m. 350 350 350 200 100 70

    5. Basic pay of Rs. 2,001 to Rs. 2,911 p.m. 430 430 430 285 200 70

    6. Basic Pay of Rs.2,912 to Rs. 3,500 p.m. 500 500 500 290 200 100

    7. Basic Pay of Rs.3,501 to Rs.3,739 p.m. 600 600 600 435 300 100

    8. Basic Pay of Rs.3,740 to Rs.4,000 p.m. 700 700 700 435 300 130

    9. Basic Pay of Rs.4,001 to Rs.4,639 p.m. 700 700 700 450 300 130

    10. Basic Pay of Rs.4,640 to Rs.5,000 p.m. 800 800 800 480 300 180

    11. Basic Pay of Rs.5,001 and above 900 900 900 550 350 180

    City Compensatory Allowance

  • - 12 -

    'A' 'B1' 'B2'

    Rs. Rs. Rs.

    1. Basic pay of Rs. 780 to Rs.987 p.m. 30 25 20

    2. Basic pay of Rs.988 to Rs. 1,559 p.m. 45 35 20

    3. Basic pay of Rs.1,560 to Rs. 2,000 p.m. 75 50 20

    4. Basic pay of Rs. 2,001 and above 100 75 20

    2.6. The order issued in G.O. No. FD 4 SRP 80 Dated: 22nd March, 1980 regarding admissibility

    of HRA and CCA for the employees who are posted to any place which is situated within a distance

    of eight kilometres from the periphery of the municipal limits of the Bangalore City Corporation and

    which is not included in the Bangalore City Corporation and which is not included in the Bangalore

    Urban Agglomeration area, but who reside within the limits of Bangalore City Corporation, shall

    continue to be in force.

    2.7. For the purpose of these orders, the term 'basic pay' means pay drawn by a Government

    servant in the scale of pay applicable to the post held by him and includes-

    a) stagnation increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay.

    b) additional increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay, in

    accordance with the provision of Rule 6 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Service and

    Kannada Language Examinations) Rules, 1974.

    c) personal pay, if any, granted to him under sub rule (3) of Rule 7 of the Karnataka Civil

    Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1987, Basic Pay shall not include any emoluments other than

    those specified above.

    2.8. HRA and CCA are payable with reference to the place of duty, irrespective of the place of

    residence of a Government servant.

    3.1. A Government servant will not be eligible for HRA, if he is provided with rent free


    3.2. A Government servant will not be eligible for HRA if his/ her spouse has been allowed rent

    free accommodation at the same station by the State Government/ Central Government/ Central or

    State Public Undertakings/ Local Bodies/ semi-Government organisations/ aided institutions/ Co-

    operative Socieites, irrespective of whether he/ she resides in that accommodation or he/ she resides

    separately in accommodation rented by him/ her.

    3.3. A government servant for whom designated quarters are available in terms of rule 4 of

    Appendix-IV to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules but does not occupy them will not be eligible for


    3.4. In the case of a Government servant whose basic pay is Rs. 2525 per month or more and

    whose spouse is also an employee of the State Government/ Central Government/ Central or State

    Public Undertakings/ Local Bodies/ semi-Government organisations/ aided institutions/ Co-operative

    Societies and draws Basic Pay of Rs. 2525 per month or more, the HRA payable to one of them shall

    be restricted to the amount admissible on a basic pay of Rs. 2525 per month. The other spouse shall

    be eligible to draw HRA at the prescribed rates.

    3.5. Admissibility of HRA & CCA during leave, suspension, joining time and training shall be

    regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules.

  • - 13 -

    4.1. The licence fee payable by a Government servant to whom Government accommodation is

    available on a rental basis shall be the licence fee fixed by the competent authority in accordance with

    the provisions of Appendix-IV of KCSRs or the house rent allowance admissible under this

    Government orders, whichever is more.

    5.1. These orders shall be applicable to all full-time Government servants who are governed by the

    provisions of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules and who are on time scale of pay.

    5.2. These orders are extended to (i) full-time employees borne on work-charged or contingent

    establishment of Government, on time scales of pay, (ii) full-time employees of the aided educational

    institutions and non-teaching staff of the Universities, who are on time-scales of pay and to (iii) staff

    of the Universities/ Engineering Colleges who are drawing pay in the UGC scales of pay/ AICTE

    scales of pay.

    6.1. The HRA/ CCA sanctioned by this order shall be payable in cash from the month of April

    1990 (i.e., salary for the month of April 1990) and onwards until further orders. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,


    Under Secretary-II to Government, Finance Department.

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject : Reclassification of places for purposes of HRA and CCA on the basis of population

    figures of 1991 Census and rates thereunder-

    Read: G.O.No. FD 67 SRP 89, Dated: 4th May, 1990

    Government Order No. FD 36 SRP 94, Bangalore, Dated: 21st September, 1994

    In G.O. No. FD 67 SRP 89 Dated 4th May, 1990, orders were issued for reclassification of

    places and revised rates for purpose of HRA & CCA.

    2. The Official Committee constituted to examine the recommendations of the IV State Pay

    Commission in this regard have recommended classification of Cities and other places on the basis of

    the results of population figures of 1991 Census.

    3. Government have accepted the recommendations of the Official Committee. Accordingly,

    following orders are issued. These orders shall come into effect from 1st September, 1994.

    3.1. For the purpose of HRA & CCA, Cities and other places in the State are classified into six

    groups as shown with reference to their population according to 1991 Census.

    Population of City/ other places Classification

    (i) 16 lakhs and above 'A'

    (ii) 8 lakhs & above but not exceeding 16 lakhs 'B1'

    (iii) 4 lakh & above but not exceeding 8 lakhs 'B2'

    (iv) 50,000 & above but not exceeding 4 lakhs 'C'

    (v) 25,000 & above but not exceeding 50,000 'D'

    (vi) Other places 'E'

    3.2. The list of the places under each of the six groups for purpose of HRA are given in Annex-I.

    3.3. The list of places for purposes of CCA are given in Annex-II.

    3.4. The areas which form part of City Urban Agglomeration are given in Annex-III.

    3.5. Government servants shall be entitled to HRA and CCA with reference to their basic pay at

    the rates shown below.

    Basic pay range in the revised scale Amount of HRA/ CCA payable per month in

    cities/ other places

  • - 14 -

    House Rent Allowance

    'A' 'B1' 'B2' 'C' 'D' 'E'

    Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

    1. Basic pay of Rs.840 to Rs. 987 p.m. 150 150 150 120 75 30

    2. Basic pay of Rs. 988 to Rs.1,000 p.m. 200 200 200 120 75 40

    3. Basic pay of Rs. 1,001 to Rs. 1559 p.m. 255 255 255 175 100 40

    4. Basic pay of Rs. 1560 to Rs. 2,000 p.m. 350 350 350 200 100 70

    5. Basic pay of Rs. 2,001 to Rs. 2,911 p.m. 430 430 430 285 200 70

    6. Basic Pay of Rs.2,912 to Rs. 3,500 p.m. 500 500 500 290 200 100

    7. Basic Pay of Rs.3,501 to Rs.3,739 p.m. 600 600 600 435 300 100

    8. Basic Pay of Rs.3,740 to Rs.4,000 p.m. 700 700 700 435 300 130

    9. Basic Pay of Rs.4,001 to Rs.4,639 p.m. 700 700 700 450 300 130

    10. Basic Pay of Rs.4,640 to Rs.5,000 p.m. 800 800 800 480 300 180

    11. Basic Pay of Rs.5,001 and above 900 900 900 550 350 180

    City Compensatory Allowance

    'A' 'B1' 'B2'

    Rs. Rs. Rs.

    1. Basic pay of Rs. 840 to Rs.987 p.m. 30 25 20

    2. Basic pay of Rs.988 to Rs. 1,559 p.m. 45 35 20

    3. Basic pay of Rs.1,560 to Rs. 2,000 p.m. 75 50 20

    4. Basic pay of Rs. 2,001 and above 100 75 20

    3.6. The order issued in G.O. No. FD 4 SRP 80 Dated: 22nd March, 1980 regarding admissibility

    of HRA and CCA for the employees who are posted to any place which is situated within a distance

    of eight kilometres from the periphery of the municipal limits of the Bangalore City Corporation and

    which is not included in the Bangalore City Corporation and which is not included in the Bangalore

    Urban Agglomeration area, but who reside within the limits of Bangalore City Corporation, shall

    continue to be in force.

    3.7. For the purpose of these orders, the term 'basic pay' means pay drawn by a Government

    servant in the scale of pay applicable to the post held by him and includes-

    (a) Stagnation increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay.

    (b) Additional increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay, in accordance with the provision of Rule 6 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Service and

    Kannada Language Examinations) Rules, 1974.

    (c) Personal pay, if any, granted to him under sub rule (3) of Rule 7 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1994.

    Basic Pay shall not include any emoluments other than those specified above.

    3.8. HRA and CCA are payable with reference to the place of duty, irrespective of the place of

    residence of a Government servant.

    3.9. A Government servant will not be eligible for HRA, if he is provided with rent free


  • - 15 -

    3.10. A Government servant will not be eligible for HRA if his/ her spouse has been allowed rent

    free accommodation at the same station by the State Government/ Central Government/ Central or

    State Public Undertakings/ Local Bodies/ semi-Government organisations/ aided institutions/ Co-

    operative Socieites, irrespective of whether he/ she resides in that accommodation or he/ she resides

    separately in accommodation rented by him/ her.

    3.11. A government servant for whom designated quarters are available in terms of rule 4 of

    Appendix-IV to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules but does not occupy them will not be eligible for


    3.12. In the case of a Government servant whose basic pay is Rs. 2525/- per month or more and

    whose spouse is also an employee of the State Government/ Central Government/ Central or State

    Public Undertakings/ Local Bodies/ semi-Government organisations/ aided institutions/ Co-operative

    Societies and draws Basic Pay of Rs. 2525/- per month or more, the HRA payable to one of them shall

    be restricted to the amount admissible on a basic pay of Rs. 2525/- per month, the other spouse shall

    be eligible to draw HRA at the prescribed rates. Where the Husband and Wife are working in

    different stations, they shall be eligible to draw normal HRA at the prescribed rates as per their


    3.13. Admissibility of HRA & CCA during leave, suspension, joining time and training shall be

    regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules.

    4.1. The licence fee payable by a Government servant to whom Government accommodation is

    available on a rental basis shall be the licence fee fixed by the competent authority in accordance with

    the provisions of Appendix-IV of KCSRs or the house rent allowance admissible under this

    Government orders, whichever is more.

    5.1. These orders shall be applicable to all full-time Government servants who are governed by the

    provisions of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules and who are on time scale of pay.

    5.2. These orders are extended to (i) full-time employees borne on work-charged or contingent

    establishment of Government, on time scales of pay, (ii) full-time employees of the aided educational

    institutions and non-teaching staff of the Universities, who are on time-scales of pay and to (iii) staff

    of the Universities/ Engineering Colleges who are drawing pay in the UGC scales of pay/ AICTE

    scales of pay.

    By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,


    Under Secretary to Government,

    Finance Department (Services-II).


    Subject : House rent allowance and City Compensatory Allowance-Revision of rates of the-

    Read: (1) G.O. No. FD 23 SRP 87, Dated: 18.03.1987.

    (2) G.O. No. FD 67 SRP 89, Dated: 04.05.1990.

    (3) G.O. No. FD 36 SRP 94, Dated 21.09.1994.

    (4) G.O. No. FD 48 SRP 98, Dated: 18.01.1999.

    Order No. FD 19 SRP 99, Bangalore, Dated: 10th August, 1999

    On the basis of the recommendations of the Official Pay Committee Government have revised

    the pay scales of their employees with effect from 01.04.1998 and have modified the basic pay range

    for purpose of HRA and CCA in the revised scale vide Annexure-III to G.O. No. FD 48 SRP 98,

    Dated: 18.01.1999.

    2. The recommendations of the Official Pay Committee in regard to HRA and CCA have been

    further examined by the Government. Accordingly, these orders are issued.

  • - 16 -

    3. For the purpose of HRA & CCA, Cities and other places in the State are classified into six

    groups as shown below with reference to their population according to 1991 Census:

    Population of City/ other places Classification

    (1) 16 lakhs and above 'A'

    (2) 8 lakhs & above but not exceeding 16 lakhs 'B1'

    (3) 4 lakh & above but not exc
