Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web...


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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide

UCM 8.2: QF3103 for ACR 475December 2009

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Chapter 1: Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475

Installation Components 3

Installation Detail 4

Build Detail 4

Issues Addressed 4

System Requirements for ACR 475 8

Release Notes for ACR 475 9

Configuration Instructions for ACR 475 11Configuration Instructions for ACR 475A 11Process for Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web Services 11Installing ACR 475B 18Importing SIFs and Workflows for ACR 475B 18Importing Seed Data for ACR 475B 24Applying EIM Changes for ACR 475B 25Updating the EIM Files 27Importing Non-ENU Symbolic Strings 27Schemas and WebServices_XML 27Copying ISS DLLs 27Installing Siebel Haley 28Importing Knowledgebases 28Configuring NetChart Server 28Configuring Survivorship to Use Haley Knowledgebase 29Activating Tasks for the Task-Based UI 29Enabling Data Quality in SOAP Workflows 30Configuring Data Quality 30Configuring List Import 54Configuring Multiple Addresses 55Configuring the EBC Table 58Configuring Object Managers for ISS Data Source 58Installing Data Governance Management 59Installing JDeveloper 60Configuring Hyperion DRM Integration 64

Installation Instructions 65

Uninstallation Instructions 65

Installing and Uninstalling 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes on Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile Web Client 66

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 1

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 4752 ■

1 Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475

December 2009This guide provides information, instructions, and guidelines for installing Siebel QF3103 for ACR 475.

This guide includes the following topics:

■ Installation Components

■ Installation Detail

■ Build Detail

■ Issues Addressed

■ System Requirements for ACR 475

■ Release Notes for ACR 475

■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

■ Installation Instructions

■ Uninstallation Instructions

Installation ComponentsTo receive the full benefit of all issues addressed in this Quick Fix, install all of the product components selected in Table 1 by following the installation instructions documented in the Installation Instructions on page 65.

Table 1. Installation Components

Siebel Product Component

X Siebel Tools

X Siebel Enterprise Server

X Siebel Business Applications Web Server Extensions

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 3

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Installation Detail

Installation DetailTable 2 lists the installation detail information for this Quick Fix.

For more information about how to predeploy ActiveX controls for secure environments, refer to the High-Interactivity Deployments — ActiveX Requirements section within Siebel System Administration Guide. This guide is available on the Siebel Bookshelf at technology/documentation/siebel.html.

Build DetailTable 3 lists the platform, language, incompatible Fix Pack, and obsolete Quick Fix information for this Quick Fix.

Issues AddressedTable 4 lists the issues that were addressed in this Quick Fix.

Table 2. Installation Detail

Siebel Product Component

X Siebel Option Pack .cab File (may require predeployment depending on the customer configuration)

Table 3. Build Detail

Platform: AIX, WINDOWS

Language: ENU, CHS, NLD, FRA, JPN, DEU

Incompatible Fix Pack:

Obsolete Quick Fixes:


Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 4754 ■

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Issues Addressed

Table 4. Issues Addressed

QF Number 3103


FR # 12-1VNIZ0Z

Summary ACR 475: Data matching does not work for account and contact records posted through EAI.

Deliverables Total 4 deliverables affected:

1: [fasvcif]

2: [sscaucmdgmsv]

3: [sscaddsv]

4: []

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VNJ8G2

FR # 12-1VNJ8HJ

Summary ACR 475: Users EAI:Unable to import WSDLs from the build location.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VNKG5Z

FR # 12-1VNKG7I

Summary ACR 475: Survivorship is not invoked in Transaction Manager.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VNKS05

FR # 12-1VNKS1F

Summary ACR 475: Source Cleanse services error out when querying for certain Source systems.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VR1NO3

FR # 12-1VR1NPM

Summary Object Manager crashes after QF3101 has been applied.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 5

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Issues Addressed

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VR2BBP

FR # 12-1VR38XI

Summary ACR 475: Batch tasks do not end when accounts are inserted with multiple addresses through BDM Workflows.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VR3RJX

FR # 12-1VR3RLH

Summary ACR 475: Users receive an error message when they are creating records through the UI.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VNJC3T

FR # 12-1VNJC4I

Summary ARC475: Within Data Quality, incorrect match results occur from Accounts and Contracts using EAI.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VR3SGC

FR # 12-1VR3SIF

Summary ACR 475: Incorrect matches occur when an address is removed from one country and another country is added.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VR4QK5

FR # 12-1VR4QL4

Summary ACR 475: ACR475: Changing a primary with a different country does not create the record in the new population.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VR4QM7

FR # 12-1VR4QMW

Table 4. Issues Addressed

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Issues Addressed

Summary ACR 475: When users change the primary contact for an account, they receive an error message.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VR4VCC

FR # 12-1VR4VE1

Summary ACR 475: Through EAI, Update and Upsert of addresses does not occur.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3103

CR # 12-1VR4VUQ

FR # 12-1VR4VW7

Summary ACR 475: Users are unable to post household data through EAI.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3102

CR # 12-1VNJC3T

FR # 12-1VNJC4I

Summary ACR 475: Within Data Quality, incorrect match results occur from Accounts and Contracts using EAI.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

QF Number 3101

CR # 12-1TK672L

FR # 12-1VM54KD

Table 4. Issues Addressed

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 7

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ System Requirements for ACR 475

System Requirements for ACR 475The following section contains information about the supported databases and operating systems for ACR 475.

The following operating systems are supported:

■ AIX 5.3

■ HP 11i IPF

■ Microsoft Windows 2003

■ Oracle Enterprise Linux 5

■ Solaris 5.10

The following databases are supported:

■ IBM DB2 UDB v9

■ IBM DB2/390

■ Microsoft SQL 2005

■ Oracle 10g/11g

The following homogenous operating system/database combinations are certified for ACR 475.

NOTE: Both Oracle and IIR servers are on the same operating system and both the Oracle database and the IIR database are on the same database.

■ Microsoft Windows 2003/Oracle 11g

■ AIX 5.3/Oracle 11g

Summary ACR 475B: Enhances UCM to provide Data Governance and Data Quality and and provides usabililty enhancements.

For information about known issues with this release, see “Release Notes for ACR 475” on page 9.

Please note that you must perform configuration changes to implement this ACR. For more information, see “Configuration Instructions for ACR 475” on page 11.

For more information about Data Quality, UCM, and the functionality in the ACR 475 release, see Data Quality Guide for Oracle Customer Hub and Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference. To access these guides, within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab and search for Doc ID 983582.1.

Deliverables Please refer to the build for the list of deliverables.

Table 4. Issues Addressed

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 4758 ■

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Release Notes for ACR 475

Release Notes for ACR 475The following section documents known issues with Siebel QF3103 for ACR 475, and any applicable workaround information.

Installer Does Not Overwrite Customer Version of CCHtmlType.swfChange Request: 12-1TK672L

Product: Siebel QF3101

The installer does not automatically overwrite the customer version of the CCHtmlType.swf file. The UI-related fixes will not take effect unless the configuration files are delivered by the installer. To receive the updated configuration files, users must set the Overwrite flag to “Y” in the Siebel.ini file.

1 Copy the patch installer onto the local machine.

2 Change the value of OverWriteConfig=Yes in the following files:

❏ Siebel_Enterprise_Server/enu/siebel.ini

❏ Siebel_Enterprise_Server/siebel.ini

❏ Siebel_Web_Server_Extension/enu/siebel.ini

❏ Siebel_Web_Server_Extension/siebel.ini

3 Install the base release and the patch.

Users Receive “No Free Sessions Available” ErrorChange Request: 12-1VR4VEE

Product: Siebel QF3103

While posting records through EAI, users receive the “No free sessions available” error message.

Workaround: For smallar loads, the workaround is to increase the number of sessions for each system within the configuration file "ssadq.cfg" to 256 or more. The total number of sessions should not exceed 1024.

Inconsistency Between EAI and UI for MultilanguageChange Request: 12-1VR4QI9

Product: Siebel QF3103

Accounts and contacts that have two addresses from different countries from the UI go to the same population based on primary address, but go to a different poulation in EAI.

Workaround: Load all of the data either through EAI or through batch mode to maintain consistency.

Data Quality Batch Process Not Supported for Multi AddressChange Request: 12-1VR3SKC

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 9

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Release Notes for ACR 475

Product: Siebel QF3103

The Data Quality Batch Process is not supported for Multi Address.

Workaround: If you need to use the DQ Batch task for matching and cleansing, disable the Multiaddress feature.

Haley Survivorship Rules Not Available for HouseholdsChange Request: 12-1V4187J

Product: Siebel QF3101

Haleys Survivorship Rules are not available for Households.

Workaround: None

Number of Records Not Shown on NetchartChange Request: 12-1V0NMMO

Product: Siebel QF3103

The number of records is not shown on the Net chart when a few records are present for decay value.

Workaround: Use a 3D bar chart.

Back Button Navigates Incorrectly When Tabs PresentChange Request: 12-1UTNLYY

Product: Siebel QF3103

The Back button navigates incorrectly when tabs are present in the DGM screen.

Workaround: None

Initial Load process Does Not Support Cross-Database PullChange Request: 12-1VJIM79

Product: Siebel QF3103

The Initial Load process does not support cross-database (platform) data pull.

Workaround: Have the same database type for Siebel and IIR.

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 47510 ■

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

Configuration Instructions for ACR 475Use the procedures in the following sections to install and configure ACR 475.

CAUTION: In order to implement ACR 475B, you must already have installed ACR 437 and ACR 475A. ACR 437 was included in the Siebel Fix Pack. For information about how to install and configure ACR 437, see the Siebel 8.1.1.x Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, navigate to the Knowledge tab, and search for Doc ID 880452.1. For information about how to install ACR 475A, see “Configuration Instructions for ACR 475A” on page 11.

Configuration Instructions for ACR 475AThe following section contains information about how to install and configure ACR 475A.

NOTE: For more information about what functionality ACR 475A provides, see Oracle Universal Customer Master for Higher Education Constituent Hub Administration Guide on Oracle MetaLink 3. To access the guide, navigate to the Knowledge tab and search for Doc ID 863982.1.

This section includes information on how to set up and configure Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web services. The following topic is included:

“Process for Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web Services” on page 11

Both the Match and Fetch Web service are set up with the following tasks. If you need to manually configure the Web services, see Doc ID 763962.1 on Oracle MetaLink 3.

Process for Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web ServicesAfter you have installed the Quick Fix using the instructions in “Installation Instructions” on page 65, you must set up and configure the Web Services.

To set up Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web services for ACR 475A, perform the following tasks:

■ “Importing the SIF files” on page 11

■ “Compiling the SRF and Restarting the Siebel Server” on page 14

■ “Importing Seed Data” on page 15

■ “Adding Views to the Data Steward Responsibility” on page 17

Importing the SIF filesThis task is a step in “Process for Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web Services” on page 11.

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 11

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

SIF files contain Siebel object definitions that can be imported into Siebel Tools to replace existing definitions. Following successful application of ACR 475A, you will then locate and import the SIF files that came with the Quick Fix into Siebel Tools. This SIF file contains object definitions that are different from those contained in your present repository.

To import the .sif files

1 Navigate to the Siebel Tools installation directory <Siebel Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH.

2 Unzip the .sif files from the Tools\ file.

3 Open the Sifs folder, and verify that the following .sif files are present:

■ Tables.sif

NOTE: Be sure to import Tables.sif before EIMtables.sif.

■ Applets.sif

■ BusinessComponents.sif

■ BusinessObjects.sif

■ BusinessService.sif

■ EIMTables.sif

■ IntegrationObjects.sif

■ Links.sif

■ PickList.sif

■ Screen.sif

NOTE: Before importing the SymbolicStrings.sif file, make sure the following parameter value is set in tools.cfg file: SymStrPrefix = SBL_.

■ SymbolicStrings.sif

■ Views.sif

4 After verifying that the .sif files are all present, log on to Siebel Tools.

5 Lock the following projects:

■ Contact

■ Symbolic Strings

■ Table CIF

■ Table Person

■ UCM CDM Child

■ UCM Data Management

■ UCM Higher Education


Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 47512 ■

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475



■ Web Service Integration


■ EIM Person

■ LOY Profiles

TIP: Use the following query to get the list of projects to lock or unlock: {Contact or Symbolic Strings OR Table CIF OR Table Person OR UCM CDM Child OR UCM Data Management OR UCM Higher Education OR UCM SDH OR VEAI UCM CIF OR VEAI UCM CIF UI OR Web Service Integration OR EIM CIF OR EIM Person OR LOY Profiles}.

6 From the Tools menu, choose Import from Archive.

7 Import the first SIF file, using the Merge option.

8 Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for the remaining SIF files.

9 In the Object Explorer, query for tables that have been modified, by using the Changed flag.

10 Make sure that the query returns the following values:














11 Select a modified table, then click the Apply/DLL button.

The Choose Option window appears.

12 Choose Apply, then click OK.

A prompt appears requiring login credentials.

13 Enter the required information for your database, including the exact ODBC name for your database.

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 13

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

14 Click Apply.

The modification process may take a moment.

15 Once the process is finished Click OK to finish the table schema changes.

16 Repeat Step 11 through Step 15 until all required tables have been modified.

TIP: You can apply the schema changes to all the tables in one pass by selecting the Current Query in the Tables drop-down in the Apply Schema window. To perform this you have to have executed a query with changed flag set.

Compiling the SRF and Restarting the Siebel Server This task is a step in “Process for Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web Services” on page 11.

The Siebel repository: siebel_sia.srf is located at: <ServerInstallLocation>\ses\siebsrvr\objects\enu\siebel_sia.srf. Compile the business object changes you made in the preceding steps for the changes to take effect.

To compile and restart the Siebel Server

1 Stop the Siebel Server.

2 In Siebel Tools, compile the following projects:

■ Contact

■ Symbolic Strings

■ Table CIF

■ Table Person

■ UCM CDM Child

■ UCM Data Management

■ UCM Higher Education




■ Web Service Integration


■ EIM Person

■ LOY Profiles

3 In the Object Explorer, navigate to integration objects.

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 47514 ■

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

4 Query for the Integration Objects that were imported from the .sif files.

The following Integration Objects were modified for ACR 475A:

❏ SwiPersonIO

❏ SwiPersonPublishIO

❏ CIFContact

❏ CIFContactInsert

❏ CIFContactInsertRs

❏ CIFContactUpdate

❏ CIFContactUpdateRs

❏ CIFContactUpsert

❏ CIFContactUpsertRs

❏ UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory

5 For each of the Integration Objects that were imported, choose Undeploy from the right-click menu, then step off the record to retain changes.

6 From the right-click menu, choose Deploy to Runtime database.

7 Start the Siebel Server using the newly compiled SRF.

Importing Seed DataThis task is a step in “Process for Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web Services” on page 11.

To import seed data

1 From the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel, Administrative Tools, then Data Sources ODBC.

2 Click the System DSN tab.

3 Click Add, then choose the Siebel Oracle90 driver.

4 Enter a data source name, and the name of the server you will be connecting to.

TIP: For an Oracle Database, enter the TNS service name that you created to connect your tools to the Oracle Database.

5 Navigate to <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475A.

6 Before executing the next step make sure dataimp.exe exists in the <Tools Install directory>\bin directory.

Importing Seed Data For ENU implementationsENU implementations require you to import two .dat files which contain seed data. Instructions are as follows:

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 15

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

To import required .dat files

1 Run the following command to import the seed.dat file:

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475A_UCM\SeedData\ACR475A_Seed.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /i <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475A_UCM\SeedData\<Database Platform>\ACR475A_Seed.inp /e n /h log

NOTE: The /e n switch enforces the dataimp process to only look at tables in the imp file. To track unique constraint violations, see the /h log file.

■ Replace Tools Install Directory with your Siebel Tools installation directory.

■ Replace ODBC Source Name with the ODBC you created in Step 3 in “To import seed data” on page 15.

■ Replace Database Platform with your database platform, (for example: Oracle, MSSQL, and so on).

■ Replace username with your database user Id.

■ Replace password with your database password.

2 Run the following command to import the ENU seed.dat file:

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install

Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475A_UCM\SeedData\ENU\ACR475A_Seed_Locale_ENU.dat /l <Tools

Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /i

<Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475A_UCM\SeedData\<Database

Platform>\ACR475A_seed_locale_ENU.inp /e n /h log.

■ Replace Tools Install Directory with your Siebel Tools installation directory.

■ Replace ODBC Source Name with the ODBC you created in Step 3 in “To import seed data” on page 15.

■ Replace Database Platform with your database platform, (for example: Oracle, MSSQL, and so on).

■ Replace username with your database user ID.

■ Replace password with your database password.

3 Review the Siebel Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import was completed successfully.

Importing Seed Data For Non-ENU implementationsNon-ENU implementations require you to import two .dat files: the base ENU seed.dat and the locale specific, seed_locale_XXX.dat, where XXX is the language code. Instructions are as follows:

To import required .dat files

1 Run the following command to import the seed.dat file:

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 47516 ■

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPPPATCH\ACR475A_UCM\SeedData\ENU\ACR475A_Seed_Locale_ENU.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_Seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /i <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475A_UCM\SeedData\<Database Platform>\ACR475A_seed_LOCALE_ENU.inp /e n /h log

NOTE: The /e n file enforces the dataimp process to only look at tables in the imp file. To track unique constraint violations, see the /h log file.

■ Replace Tools Install Directory with your Siebel Tools installation directory.

■ Replace ODBC Source Name with the ODBC you created in Step 3 in “To import seed data” on page 15.

■ Replace Database Platform with your database platform, (for example: Oracle, MSSQL, and so on).

■ Replace username with your database user Id.

■ Replace password with your database password.

2 Run the following command to import the seed_locale_XXX.dat file:

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u SADMIN /p sadmin /f <Tools Install

Directory>\REPATCH\ACR475A_UCM\SeedData\<LANG>\ACR475A_seed_locale_xxx.dat /l

<Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed_lang.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table

Owner> /e n /h log.

■ Replace Tools Install Directory with your Siebel Tools installation directory.

■ Replace ODBC Source Name with the ODBC you created in Step 3 in “To import seed data” on page 15.

■ Replace Database Platform with your database platform, (for example: Oracle, MSSQL, and so on).

■ Replace username with your database user Id.

■ Replace password with your database password.

3 Review the Siebel Tools Install Directory>\temp\Seed.log file to make sure that the import was completed successfully.

Adding Views to the Data Steward ResponsibilityThis task is a step in “Process for Configuring Oracle Higher Education Constituent Hub Web Services” on page 11.

To add views to the Data Steward responsibility

1 In the Siebel Mobile Web Client, navigate to Site Map, Administration-Application, then Responsibilities.

2 In the Responsibilities view, query for UCM Data Steward.

3 In the Views list perform the following query in the View Name field: UCM HE* and verify that the following views are present:

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 17

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

■ UCM HE Constituent Address Detail View

■ UCM HE Constituent Affiliations Detail View

■ UCM HE Constituent Cross Reference View

■ UCM HE Constituent Detail View

■ UCM HE Constituent Email Detail View

■ UCM HE Constituent History List View

■ UCM HE Constituent Identification Detail View

■ UCM HE Constituent List View

■ UCM HE Constituent Name Detail View

■ UCM HE Constituent Phone Detail View

4 The ten views may already be associated with the responsibility. If not, select all ten views and click OK.

All ten UCM HE views are now part of the UCM Data Steward Responsibility.

5 In the Users view, click Add.

6 From the Users popup, select the users you want associated with this responsibility, then click OK.

7 In the Responsiblities view, click Clear Cache.

Your users have access to the newly added UCM HE views.

Installing ACR 475BNOTE: You must have installed the Siebel Fix Pack, ACR 437, and ACR 475A before you can install ACR 475B. For information about how to install ACR 437, see Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, navigate to the Knowledge tab, and search for Doc ID 880452.1. For information about how to install ACR 475A, see “Configuration Instructions for ACR 475A” on page 11.

1 Install Siebel Tools from the release location and connect to the server database.

2 Navigate to the Siebel Tools installation directory <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH.

3 Unzip the and files from <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH and apply the ACR475 changes.

Importing SIFs and Workflows for ACR 475BUse the following procedure to import the SIFs and workflows associated with ACR 475B.

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 47518 ■

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

To import the SIFs and workflows for ACR 475B

1 Verify that the Sifs folder within the file contains the following .sif files:

❏ Applets.sif

❏ Applications.sif

❏ BusinessComponents.sif

❏ BusinessObjects.sif

❏ BusinessServices.sif

❏ Classes.sif

❏ Command.sif

❏ Dlls.sif

❏ EBCTable.sif

❏ EIMTables.sif

❏ IntegrationObjects.sif

❏ Links.sif

❏ Menu.sif

❏ PickList.sif

❏ Screens.sif

❏ SymbolicStrings.sif

❏ Tasks.sif

❏ Tables.sif

❏ Views

❏ WebTemplates.sif

❏ Workflows.sif

NOTE: The Tables.sif file should be imported before you apply the EIM changes. Apply this table in merge mode.

2 Verify that the SIFs folder within the file contains the following .sif files:

❏ BS_TestDqSync.sif

❏ BS_UCM_DataQualityManager.sif

❏ WF_UCMBatchProcess.sif

3 Log into Siebel Tools, and lock the following projects:

❏ Account

❏ Account (SSE)

❏ Account Hierarchy

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

❏ Comm Manager

❏ Common Components

❏ Contact

❏ DNB Data

❏ DQ ISS Integration

❏ DeDuplication

❏ Household

❏ LOY Profiles

❏ Menu

❏ Server Components - Object Manager

❏ Siebel Workflows - Seed

❏ Symbolic Strings

❏ Table CIF

❏ Table Organization

❏ Table Party

❏ Table Person

❏ UCM CDM Child

❏ UCM Data Management

❏ UCM Hierarchy Management

❏ UCM Higher Education

❏ UCM Merge

❏ UCM Privacy Management


❏ UCM Survivorship

❏ UCM Task UI

❏ UCM Unmerge

❏ VEAI UCM Account ASI



❏ VERT CUT Address

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

❏ Web Service Integration

Use the following query to get the list of projects to lock/unlock:


i."Table Organization" OR "Table Party" OR "Table Person" OR "UCM CDM Child" OR "UCM Data Management" OR "UCM Hierarchy Management" OR "UCM Higher Education"OR "UCM Merge" OR "UCM Privacy Management" OR "UCM SDH" OR "UCM Survivorship" OR "UCM Task UI" OR "UCM Unmerge" OR "VEAI UCM Account ASI" OR "VEAI UCM CIF" OR "VEAI UCM CIF UI" OR "VERT CUT Address" OR "Web Service Integration"

ii."Account" OR "Account (SSE)" OR "Account Hierarchy" OR "Comm Manager" OR "Common Components" OR "Contact" OR "DNB Data" OR "DQ ISS Integration" OR "DeDuplication" OR "Household" OR "LOY Profiles" OR "Menu" OR "Server Components - Object Manager" OR "Siebel Workflows - Seed" OR "Symbolic Strings" OR "Table CIF"}

4 Before importing the SymbolicStrings.sif file, make sure that the SymStrPrefix=SBL parameter exists in the tools.cfg file.

5 Import all of the .sifs except EIMTables.sif to the server database using the merge mode. Import the .sifs from before you import the .sifs from

6 Within Object Explorer, navigate to Tables, and query for tables that have changed by selecting the query with the Changed flag set.

The query will give you the following list of tables:


















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7 With the query result, perform the following steps to extend the schema:

a Click the Apply/DLL button.

The Choose Option window displays.

b Choose Apply and click OK.

c In the window for login credentials and database information, enter the database administrator password.

d From the Tables drop-down list, select Current Query.

e For ODBC data source, enter the exact ODBC name of the database, and click Apply.

f Wait until the process is finished and the tables are modified, and then click OK to finish the schema changes for the tables.

8 Within Object Explorer, navigate to Integration Objects.

9 On the right pane, query for the Integration Objects that changed during the sif file import.

10 Select all changed Integration Objects, right-click and select Undeploy, and then refresh.

11 Right-click and selct Deploy to deploy the changes to the runtime database.

The server repository- siebel_sia.srf located in <ServerInstallLocation>\ses\siebsrvr\objects\enu\siebel_sia.srf should be compiled for the changes in the above .sif files to take effect.

To compile the SRF and restart the serverUse the following procedure to compile the SRF and restart the server.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

1 Stop the relevant server

2 Lock the projects that were newly added in this release.

❏ UCM Merge Task UI

❏ UCM List Import

❏ UCM Data Decay Management

❏ Table UCM DRM Integration

❏ Table UCM Import

❏ DqSync

NOTE: If you have customized projects, lock these projects as well.

3 Compile all of the locked projects.

4 Start the server using this newly-compiled srf.

Use the following procedure to activate the workflows for ACR 475B.

To activate the workflows for ACR 475B

1 Navigate to Site Map > Administration Business Process > Workflow Deployment.

2 In the Workflow Deployment screen, click the Active Workflow Process tab.

3 In the top Repository Workflow Processes applet, query for the workflows, select them, and click the Activate button.

4 In the bottom Active Workflow Processes applet, query for the workflows that you just activated and verify that the Activation Date/Time and Expiry Date/Time are valid.

5 Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for the workflows listed below.

NOTE: You can use the following query for query for all of the workflows: ISS Delete Record Sync OR ISS Launch Pre*Sync OR ISS Launch Write Record Sync OR ISS Write Record Sync OR ISSGetOldCountry OR UCM*Batch Data Management Workflow OR UCM*Data Decay Process OR UCM Batch Process* OR UCM*SOAP Process OR UCM Import File Processing OR UCM Master List Import Process OR UCM Process Merge Request OR UCM SOAP Customer Profile Integration Process.

❏ UCM Account Batch Data Management Workflow

❏ UCM Account Data Decay Process

❏ UCM Batch Process - Single Step

❏ UCM Batch Process

❏ UCM Contact Batch Data Management Workflow

❏ UCM Contact Data Decay Process

❏ UCM Financial Asset Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process

❏ UCM Group Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

❏ UCM Import File Processing

❏ UCM Master List Import Process

❏ UCM Organization Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process

❏ UCM Organization Hierarchy Management Integration SOAP Process

❏ UCM Person Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process

❏ UCM Process Merge Request

❏ UCM SOAP Customer Profile Integration Process

Importing Seed Data for ACR 475B1 Create an ODBC entry for the database where you plan to import the seed data.

a Navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC),

b Select the "Siebel Oracle90" driver (from Datadirect Technologies).

c Enter a data source name (such as DevelopmentDB).

d Enter the server name to connect to:

❏ For Oracle enter the TNS service name that you created to connect Siebel Tools to the database.

e Test your connection and click OK when tested successfully.

2 In the command prompt, navigate to the directory where you installed Siebel Tools\BIN.

NOTE: Make a note of the directory where the seed data is extracted to - [REPPATCH\ACR475B\ ACR475B_UCM\SeedData ].

3 Before you import ACR475B_Seed.dat, make sure that the dataimp.exe file exists in the <Tools Install Directory>/bin directory.

4 Run the following command:

<Tools Install Directory\bin>dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475B\ACR475B_UCM\SeedData\ACR475B_Seed.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner>/i <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475B \ACR475B_UCM\SeedData\ACR475B_SeedInp_Files\<Database Platform>\ACR475B_Seed.inp /q -1 /w y /e n /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with the Siebel Tools install directory

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with ODBC name created in Step 1.

<Database Platform> - Replace with the database platform (ORACLE, DB2UDB, or MSSQL)

5 Review the log file in <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

6 Seed data import includes mono-language seed data import and language seed-data import. Use For ENU (English Language) customers:

a To import ACR475B_Seed_Locale_ENU.dat, run the following command after importing the ACR475B_Seed.dat file:

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install

Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475B\ACR475B_UCM\SeedData\ACR475B_Seed_Locale_ENU.dat /l <Tools Install directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /i Owner>/i <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475B\ACR475B_UCM\SeedData\ACR475B_SeedInp_Files\<Database Platform>\ACR475B_seed_locale_ENU.inp /q -1 /w n /e y /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with the Siebel Tools install directory

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with ODBC name created in Step 1.

<Database Platform> - Replace with Database Platform (ORACLE, DB2UDB, or MSSQL)

b To import seed_locale_XXX.dat for languages other than ENU, run the following command after importing ACR475B_Seed.dat file for importing the locale specific seed_locale_XXX.dat, where XXX is the language code.

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH\ACR475B\ACR475B_UCM\SeedData\ACR475B_NON_ENU_Seed_Locale\seed_locale_XXX.dat /l <Tools Install directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /q -1 /w n /e y /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with the Siebel Tools install directory

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with ODBC name created in Step 1.

7 Review the log file in <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

Applying EIM Changes for ACR 475BAs part of the ACR475B release, EIM changes have been done on the database. The REPPATCH\ACR475B_UCM\Sifs\EIMTables.sif has all the changes for the following.

NOTE: Import the Tables.sif file before you proceed with the EIM changes.

The EIMTables.sif file contains changes to the following existing tables:







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The EIMTables.sif file contains the following new EIM tables:








Use the following procedure to import the EIMTables.sif file into the repository.

To import EIMTables.sif into the repository:

1 Lock the following projects:

❏ EIM Organization

❏ EIM Person


2 Within Siebel Tools, use the Import from Archive function to read this file and create the tables in the repository. The "merge" option should be used while importing this file.

To apply the EIMTables.sif file

1 Within Siebel Tools, query for the list of tables that were imported into the repository.

2 Use the "Apply/DDL" button to apply the changes to the physical database.

3 Unzip the file from <Tools Install Directory>\REPPATCH.

The unzipped ACR475B_UCM folder contains the following structure:

❏ EIM_Files

❏ Knowledgebases

❏ Non-ENU Symbolic Strings

❏ Schemas

❏ SeedData

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

❏ Sifs

❏ WebServices_XML

Updating the EIM FilesAs part of the ACR475B release, the EIM files - eim45.sql and eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql have undergone a change. The REPPATCH\ACR475B\Repository\Table\EIM\eim45.sql and REPPATCH\ACR475B\Repository\Table\EIM\eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql files have all of the changes required for the ACR and should replace the files in the following locations in the Siebel server directory:

Eim45.sql: <Installation Location>\SERVER\siebsrvr\SQLTEMPL

eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql : <Installation Location>\SERVER\siebsrvr\ADMIN

Importing Non-ENU Symbolic Strings■ For languages other than ENU, open the Non-ENU Symbolic Strings folder and import the non-

enu symbolic strings to the database.

■ For categories "Knowledgebases", "Sifs" and feature-specific setup instructions, use the instructions in “Importing SIFs and Workflows for ACR 475B” on page 18 to bring the categories into the testing target database.

Schemas and WebServices_XMLNote the following information about the contents of the file:

❏ Both the and files contain schemas, but you should use the schemas from

❏ The Schemas folder contains the wsdls and xsds for the ACR475B Web services. Use only these wsdls and xsds for testing. Do not use the ones from the application.

❏ The WebServices_XML folder contains references to all ACR475B web service sample input and output SOAP messages.

Copying ISS DLLsUse the following procedure to unzip ISSdlls, which contains the ISS DLLs for all platforms. The ISS connector DLLs are available within the bin folder within the IIR Installation folder.

To unzip ISSdlls

1 Select the respective dll for the platform required. The dlls modified are ssadqsea.dll, ssadqasm.dll and ssasec.dll.

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2 Place these in the bin or lib folder under the Siebel Server installation directory, depending upon the platform chosen. These files contain the session pooling fix to be used in ISS 2.8.7.

Installing Siebel HaleyYou must install Siebel Haley before you install and activate knowledgebases and any rule-related tasks.

Importing KnowledgebasesIn the Knowledgebases folder provided in, you must bring the ucmdatadecay.xml and ucmsurvivorshiprules.xml files into the target database to test Survivorship and Decay rules.

Use the following procedure to import knowledgebases for ACR 475B.

To import knowledgebases for ACR 475B

1 Navigate to Administration - Business Rules > Business Rule Knowledge Base.

2 Select Import Knowledge Base from the menu and and navigate to REPPATCH\ACR475B_UCM\Knowledgebases to acccess the ucmdatadecay.xml and ucmsurvivorshiprules.xml files, and import them.

3 Once the import is done, click the Activate button.

Configuring NetChart ServerChart server needs to be installed from any release location with default settings—it is usually in Server_Ancillary\Visual_Mining_Netcharts_Server.

Use the following procedure to configure NetChart Server 4.6 Siebel Edition.

Use the following procedure to configure NetChart Server.

To configure NetChart Server 4.6 Siebel Edition

1 Create a folder called "Siebel.chart" under the C:\Program Files\Visual Mining\NetCharts Server 4.6 Siebel Edition\Server\root\projects directory. Note that there needs to be a dot between Siebel and chart.

2 Copy over the Siebel.cdx file into the directory created in Step 1.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

3 In ucm.cfg used by the Siebel thick client, under the specific datasource that you use to connect to DB, add the following lines:.

ChartServer = localhost:8001

ChartImageFormat = png

Localhost is the name of the machine that is running chart server and 8001 is the port number of chart server.

4 In Siebel server installation, update the Siebel server parameter: enterprise -> named subsystem "ServerDataSrc" -> parameters -> "DSChartServer" and "DSChartImageFormat", with the correct values.

5 Start NetCharts Server 4.6 Siebel Edition from Control Panel > Services.

6 In Windows Explorer, navigate to your installation directory for Siebel Charts (such as D:\Program Files\Visual Mining\NetCharts Server 4.6 Siebel Edition\Server\root\projects).

7 Create a new subdirectory called Siebel.chart.

8 Within the new Siebel.chart subdirectory, create a new file, using Windows Notepad, and type the following three characters in uppercase but without a carriage return:


9 Save the file as Siebel.cdx.

10 Make sure that the DefaultChartFont parameter in your configuration file and the Application Default Chart parameter for your Application Object Manager component are set to a font that is available on your machine.

Configuring Survivorship to Use Haley KnowledgebaseUse the following procedure to configure survivorship to use Haley for rules evaluation.

To configure survivorship engine to use Haley for rules evaluation

1 Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master -> Survivorship Rules.

2 Configure the Comparison Rule to "External", select "Business Rule Service" for "Business Service Name", "RunRules" for "Business Service Method", and then select the individual "Rule Module Name" for each testing purpose.

Use the following procedure to test task-based UI for merge.

Activating Tasks for the Task-Based UIUse the following procedure to activate tasks to test the task-based UI for merge.

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To activate tasks to test the task-based UI for merge

1 Navigate to Administration- Business Process > Task Deployment >Active Tasks.

2 In the Published Tasks applet, query for 'UCM*'.

3 Activate all four of the UCM Merge Tasks returned: UCM Merge Account Task; UCM Merge Contact Task; UCM Merge Account Request Task; UCM Merge Contact Request Task.

4 Restart the Siebel Server.

Enabling Data Quality in SOAP WorkflowsUse the following procedure to enable Data Quality in SOAP workflows.

1 Within Siebel Tools, navigate to Workflow Process, and query for the UCM Organization Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process.

2 Select the workflow and then select Revise from the Workflow/Task Editor toolbar.

3 Set the workflow properties as follows:

❏ Turn On CDM Cleans = true

❏ Turn On CDM Exact Match = true

❏ Turn On CDM Match = true

❏ Turn On Survivorship = true

4 Navigate to the Workflow list view and select Publish/Activate from the Workflow/Task Editor toolbar.

5 Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for the UCM Person Customer Profile Integration SOAP Process.

Configuring Data Quality1 Install IIR 2.8.07. using the instructions provided in the IIR Installation guide (

IS_2807_IIR_02_Installation.pdf) provided with the installer for completing this activity. There is a single installer for both ISS and ASM, so make sure that you have the license for both.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

2 Apply the hot fixes on top of the base installer. After the patch installation, check the IIR Version. It should be on Patch level 141.

You can verify using the command "version" command for Windows. For other platforms, use $SABIN/cevers.

Example: C:\InformaticaIR\bin>version

SSA-NAME3 v2.8.07 (FixL106)

SSA-NAME3 Extensions v2.8.07 (FixL106)

Data Clustering Engine v2.8.07 (FixL106)

Informatica Identity Resolution v2.8.07 (FixL106 + FixL113 + FixL114 + FixL120 +

FixL123 + FixL124 + FixL125 + FixL126 + FixL127 + FixL134 + FixL136 + FixL140 +


3 Copy the following connector DLLs from the IIR bin folder to Siebsrvr/bin or siebsrvr/lib depending which OS is used:


ssadqasm.dll /



4 Place the configuration files required for both matching and cleansing in the SDQConnector folders on Siebel Server.



5 Make sure that the country files and the key files exist in the location where ASM is installed.

If any one of the country files is missing, ASM will not perform cleansing for that country.

The location of these files will be: <drive>\InformaticaIR\ssaas\ad\ad\db

Configuring ASMUse the following procedure to configure ASM.

To configure ASM

1 Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprise Explorer.

2 In the Explorer view, navigate to Component Definitions > Data Quality Manager > Parameters.

3 Within the Parameters list applet, query to verify the state of the following parameters.

❏ Data Cleansing Enable Flag: True

❏ Data Cleansing Type: ASM

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

4 Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprise Explorer.

5 In the Explorer view, navigate to Component Definitions > Application Object Manager > Call Center Object Manager (ENU) > Parameters.

NOTE: You can replace the Call Center Object Manager with another Object Manager, depending upon the application that you are running.

6 Within the Parameters list applet, query to verify the state of following parameters:

❏ Data Cleansing Enable Flag: True

❏ Data Cleansing Type: ASM

Use the following procedure to set client-level settings.

To set client-level settings

1 Use any text editor to open uagent.cfg for the Siebel Call Center application, and ucm.cfg for UCM located in Siebel/bin/w32u/enu directory.

2 Within the cfg file, change the Enable parameter to TRUE


Enable = TRUE

Type = ASM

3 Save the file and then launch the Call Center application

4 Navigate to Administration - Data Quality > Data Quality Settings, and verify that Enable DataCleansing is set to Yes.

5 Navigate to User Preferences > Data Quality, and verify that Enable DataCleansing is set to Yes. If the entries are blank, do not change anything.

6 Navigate to Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration, and in the Third Party applet, verify that Name=ASM and DLL Name=ssadqasm.dll

Vendor MappingMake sure that the following vendor mapping is set for ASM.

Account Business Component:

Business Component Field Mapped Field

Name Account.Name

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

Contact Business Component

List Mgmt Prospective Contact Business Component

CUT Address Business Component

Personal Address Business Component

Business Component Field Mapped Field

First Name Contact.First Name

Last Name Contact.Last Name

Middle Name Contact.Middle Name

Business Component Field Mapped Field

First Name List Mgmt Prospective Contact.First Name

Job Title List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Job Title

Last Name List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Last Name

Middle Name List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Middle Name

Business Component Field Mapped Field

City Business Address.City

Country Business Address.Country

Postal Code Business Address.Postal Code

State Business Address.State

Street Address Business Address.Street Address

Street Address 2 Business Address.Street Address 2

Business Component Field Mapped Field

City Business Address.City

Country Business Address.Country

Postal Code Business Address.Postal Code

State Business Address.State

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

Vendor Parameter

The ssadq_cfgasm.xml file mentioned above in Vendor Parameter needs to be placed in the SDQ Connector folder where the Siebel application is installed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Data> <Parameter> <iss_host>HostName</iss_host> </Parameter> <Parameter> <iss_port>1666</iss_port> </Parameter> <Parameter> <datacleanse_mapping> <mapping> <field>BC Field</field> <ssafield>ASM Field</ssafield> <std_operation>Operation</std_operation> </mapping> </datacleanse_mapping> </parameter>

Street Address Business Address.Street Address

Street Address 2 Business Address.Street Address 2

Name Value

Account DataCleanse Record Type Account

Contact DataCleanse Record Type Contact

List Mgmt Prospective Contact DataCleanse Record Type


Personal Address DataCleanse Record Type Business Address

CUT Address DataCleanse Record Type Business Address

DQ Send Empty Field To Third Party Vendor Yes

DQ Cleanse High Deliverable Address Yes

Parameter 1 "global", "iss-config-file", "ssadq_cfgasm.xml"

Business Component Field Mapped Field

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475


The <field> tag mentioned above represents Siebel Fields. <ssafield> represents fields used by ASM. The fields used by ASM can only be the ones from the following table:

Data_Types and Standardization_Operations supported by the connector are:

Data_Type Meaning

Organization Organization Name

Department Department Name

Nobility (e.g. Lord)

Title (e.g. Mr, Dr)




Function (e.g. Manager)







DepLocality (e.g. URB, Colonia)

Locality (e.g. County)

Province (e.g. State)

Zip Zip / Postal Code


Std_Op Meaning

Upper Convert text to upper case

Lower Convert text to lower case

Camel Convert text to camel case (first letter is upper-cased, remainder are lower-cased)

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The connector is not able to cleanse any other field types. Money, Date and other types of data will remain unchanged if they are passed to the connector.

The Country database used for ASM can be obtained from Technical Support. See the Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide for information about the sample XML file.

Configuring the Third-Party Settings for ISSUse the following procedure to change third-party settings.

To change third-party settings

1 Navigate to Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration and make sure that the DLL Name for ISS is ssadqsea.

NOTE: No change is required to ISS BC Vendor Field Mappings.

2 For the multiple address feature, make sure that the following is set. Navigate to Administration - Data Quality >Third Party Administration, select ISS as the vendor, navigate to Vendor Field Mapping Business Component, and add the following to the Operation Business Component:

3 Navigate to Field Mappings and add the following fields.

Name DLL Name

ISS ssadqsea

Name Value

Candidate Acquisition Process by Third Party Yes

Account DeDup Record Type Account

Contact DeDup Record Type Contact

List Mgmt Prospective Contact DeDup Record Type


Parameter 1 "global", "iss-config-file", "ssadq_cfg.xml"

Business Component Operation

CUT Address DeDuplication

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

4 In Vendor Parameter, add the following fields:

Configuring Siebel Server for ISS Multilanguage SupportUse the following procedures to create systems on ISS Server. You must create separate SDF files for each Country (Population). Informatica provides Standard Populations for most of the countries. Standard Populations are distributed as part of SSA-NAME3 installation and can be copied separately if not selected when installing NAME3 server.

Refer to ISS_Installation.html (Topic: Installing Populations from the Windows Fix CD) from ISS Installation Manual for further instructions on adding populations to existing installation.

Once all desired populations are in place, check and note the filename of each population, as this is the same name that is used in the SDF file.

Use the following procedure to configure the Siebel Server for ISS multilanguage support.

To configure the Siebel Server for ISS multilanguage support

1 To enable/disable multi-language support, within Siebel Tools, navigate to the TestDqSync Business Service, and set "Enable MultiLanguage Support" to True/False, respectively.

Business Component Field Mapped Field

City PAccountCity

Country PAccountCountry

Postal Code PAccountPotalCode

Row Id PAccountAddressID

State PAccountState

Street Address PAccountStrAddress

Name Value

CUT Address DeDup Record Type CUT Address

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

2 Change System Name and System ID within the system definition file as follows:



NAME= siebeldq_XXXX


NOTE: XXXX should be replaced with Country, and YY should be replaced with any number between and including 02 and 99. System ID 01 is reserved for Default System. For example, for Japanese population, filename would be siebeldq_Japan.sdf and Population files would be japan.ysp.

Changes to SDF file :



NAME= siebeldq_Japan

ID= s05

System ID 01 is reserved for Default System

Replace all occurrences of Population(usa) to Population(japan).

Similar changes would be required for each sdf file.

3 Add the following parameter in the ssadq_cfg.xml file <siebsrvr>/SDQConnector folder for the preceding example.









NOTE: Sample ssadq_cfg.xml information is located in the Appendix section of the Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide.

4 To enable multi-language support for the real-time flow, navigate to Administration -> Data Quality > Third Party Administration, select "ISS" as the third-party vendor, and add the following vendor parameters:

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

5 To enable multi-language support for the batch flow, navigate to Administration > Data Quality > Third Party Administration, select "ISS" as the third-party vendor, and add the following vendor parameters:

6 Add the user property to the "ISS System Services" Business Service. These user properties should correspond to the system name created in IIR for the respective country. For example, if the system created for the USA is siebeldq_Japan and ID is set to 5, then the user property name would be "siebeldq_Japan" and the value would be "05".

New Siebel Action SetsIn addition to the ISS default Action Sets, make sure that the following Action Sets have the last sequence number for the corresponding runtime events.

Use the following procedure to modify Action Sets.

To modify Siebel Action Sets

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets, and disable the following Action Sets:

❏ ISS Change OldID Account

❏ ISS Change OldID Contact

❏ ISS Old ID Account

❏ ISS OldID Contact

❏ ISS WriteID Account

2 From within Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets and add or modify the following Action Sets.

Name Value

Append Account Record Type Field 1 Country

Append Contact Record Type Field 2 Primary Account Country

Name Value

Batch Append Account Record Type Field 1 Country

Batch Append Contact Record Type Field 2 Primary Personal Country

User Property Name Value

siebeldq_Japan 05

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ISSSYNC PreWriteRecord Contact Action Set

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set System Name

Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_SYSTEM

Set Operator Set

Value siebeldq

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set IDT Name

Sequence 2

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IDT

Set Operator Set


Field Name Value

Name ISS Set ID

Sequence 3

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IO_ID

Set Operator Set

Value [Id]

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set BC Name

Sequence 5

Action Type Attribute Set

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

ISSSYNC WriteRecord Contact Action Set

Profile Attribute IDS_BC_NAME

Set Operator Set

Value Contact

Field Name Value

Name ISS Run DQSync

Sequence 6

Action Type BusService

Business Service Name TestDqSync

Business Service Method SyncISS

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set System Name

Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_SYSTEM

Set Operator Set

Value siebeldq

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set IDT Name

Sequence 2

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IDT

Set Operator Set


Field Name Value

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

ISSSYNC PreDeleteRecord Contact Action Set

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set ID

Sequence 3

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IO_ID

Set Operator Set

Value [Id]

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set BC Name

Sequence 5

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_BC_NAME

Set Operator Set

Value Contact

Field Name Value

Name ISS Run DQSync

Sequence 6

Action Type BusService

Business Service Name TestDqSync

Business Service Method SyncISS

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set System Name

Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_SYSTEM

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Set Operator Set

Value siebeldq

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set IDT Name

Sequence 2

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IDT

Set Operator Set


Field Name Value

Name ISS Set ID

Sequence 3

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IO_ID

Set Operator Set

Value [Id]

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set BC Name

Sequence 5

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_BC_NAME

Set Operator Set

Value Contact

Field Name Value

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ISSSYNC DeleteRecord Contact Action Set

Field Name Value

Name ISS Run DQSync

Sequence 6

Action Type BusService

Business Service Name TestDqSync

Business Service Method SyncISS

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set System Name

Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_SYSTEM

Set Operator Set

Value siebeldq

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set IDT Name

Sequence 2

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IDT

Set Operator Set


Field Name Value

Name ISS Set BC Name

Sequence 3

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_BC_NAME

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

ISSSYNC PreWriteRecord Account Action Set

Set Operator Set

Value Contact

Field Name Value

Name ISS Run DQSync

Sequence 4

Action Type BusService

Business Service Name TestDqSync

Business Service Method SyncISS

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set System Name

Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_SYSTEM

Set Operator Set

Value siebeldq

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set IDT Name

Sequence 2

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IDT

Set Operator Set


Field Name Value

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

ISSSYNC WriteRecord Account Action Set

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set ID

Sequence 3

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IO_ID

Set Operator Set

Value [Id]

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set BC Name

Sequence 5

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_BC_NAME

Set Operator Set

Value Account

Field Name Value

Name ISS Run DQSync

Sequence 6

Action Type BusService

Business Service Name TestDqSync

Business Service Method SyncISS

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set System Name

Sequence 1

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Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_SYSTEM

Set Operator Set

Value siebeldq

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set IDT Name

Sequence 2

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IDT

Set Operator Set


Field Name Value

Name ISS Set ID

Sequence 3

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IO_ID

Set Operator Set

Value [Id]

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set BC Name

Sequence 5

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_BC_NAME

Set Operator Set

Value Account

Field Name Value

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

ISSSYNC PreDeleteRecord Account Action Set

Field Name Value

Name ISS Run DQSync

Sequence 6

Action Type BusService

Business Service Name TestDqSync

Business Service Method SyncISS

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set System Name

Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_SYSTEM

Set Operator Set

Value siebeldq

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set IDT Name

Sequence 2

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IDT

Set Operator Set


Field Name Value

Name ISS Set ID

Sequence 3

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IO_ID

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

ISSSYNC DeleteRecord Account Account Set

Set Operator Set

Value [Id]

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set BC Name

Sequence 5

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_BC_NAME

Set Operator Set

Value Account

Field Name Value

Name ISS Run DQSync

Sequence 6

Action Type BusService

Business Service Name TestDqSync

Business Service Method SyncISS

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set System Name

Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_SYSTEM

Set Operator Set

Value siebeldq

Field Name Value

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

ISSSYNC WriteRecordNew Account Set

Field Name Value

Name ISS Set IDT Name

Sequence 2

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IDT

Set Operator Set


Field Name Value

Name ISS Set BC Name

Sequence 3

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_BC_NAME

Set Operator Set

Value Account

Field Name Value

Name ISS Run DQSync

Sequence 4

Action Type BusService

Business Service Name TestDqSync

Business Service Method SyncISS

Field Name Value


Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IS_UPDATE

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

ISSSYNC WriteRecordUpdated Action Set

NOTE: ISSSYNC WriteRecordNew Account and ISSSYNC WriteRecordUpdate do not use ISS Run DQSync.

Other Changes Required In ISS (SDF Files)■ Change System Name and System ID as:





NOTE: XXXX should be replaced with Country, and YY should be replaced with any number between and including 02 and 99. System ID 01 is reserved for Default System.

For example, for Japanese population:

filename :


Population files :

japan.ysp / japan_i.ysp / japan_r.ysp (User has to select population as per the requirements)

Changes to SDF file :



Set Operator Set

Value false

Field Name Value


Sequence 1

Action Type Attribute Set

Profile Attribute IDS_IS_UPDATE

Set Operator Set

Value true

Field Name Value

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NAME= siebeldq_japan


Where, YY is to be replaced by any number between and including 02 and 99. System ID 01 is reserved for Default System

Replacing all occurrences of Population() to Population(japan).

NOTE: Assuming japan.ysp as the selected population file, so that the value contained in the parentheses is the name of the population file without its extension.

Similar changes would be required for each sdf file.

NOTE: The system definition defined above (for example, siebelDQ_Japan) should be in sync with the ssadq_cfg.xml mentioned in SDQConnector folder as mentioned in the following section.

Sample ssadq_cfg.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>





















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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475
































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Configuring List ImportThese are the new system preferences used in List Import:

Enable Validation - [Optional step in the List Import Process] If this System Preference is turned on, the validation process will automatically be run after records are imported into UCM (SDH tables). The validation process will check if any required fields specify in the Import Mapping are missing in the imported records. Any records that fail validation will have their 'UCM Type Code' changed from 'Batch' to 'Incomplete' and the validation status will be inserted in the 'Error Message' field.

Enable Launch BDM - [Optional step in the List Import Process] If this System Preference is turn on, the UCM Batch Process will automatically be run after records are imported into staging tables (SDH tables). This is an existing UCM process to move records in staging to base tables. Users can kick off the UCM Batch Process as a server task outside of List Import.

Configuring Import Field Mapping When creating the Import Mapping, the list of fields displayed in the popup dialog for user selection is configured in the Business Component User Prop for Accout/Contact SDH Business Component. sers can include additional fields that they want to support in these Business Component User Properties.

The format for these Business Component User Properties is as follows:

For example, in "UCM Account Source Data and History" we have the following Business Component user properties:

Name Value

UCM Import: Enable Validation True/False

UCM Import: Enable Launch BDM True/False

Name Value

Map:[Object].[Field] [SDH buscomp Name].[Buscomp Field Name]

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

Configuring Additional Child Objects for ImportAssume that users already configure additional SDH child objects, and they want to import these child objects along with the account/contact SDH parent record. These are the additional configuration steps for List Import:

1 In the child SDH Business Component, add a business component user prop: "Parent SDH Id Field Name", the value is the field that contains its parent SDH ID.

2 In the parent SDH Business Component, add the additional field mapping for the child object (see the example of field mapping configuration above).

3 In the "UCM Account Import" or "UCM Contact Import" Business Object, add the new child SDH Business Component and the corresponding link to the parent SDH Business Component.

4 In the “UCM File Manager Service" Business Service, add a new Business Service user property for the new child SDH buscomp. For example:

❏ Account Import Staging Child Buscomp 1 => UCM Account Address Source Data and History

❏ Account Import Staging Child Buscomp 2 => UCM Contact Source Data and History

Configuring Multiple AddressesTo enable the multiple address deduplication feature, you must make sure that Address Id is part of the field that gets synchronized in the table, and configure the vendor field mappings and parameters for the business component.

Use the following procedure to enable multiple address deduplication.

To enable multiple address deduplication■ In the Business Service TestDqSync, make sure that you add Row Id as one of the fields to CUT

Address_DeDupFlds. The sequence of this mapping depends on the sequence in which Address Id and Row Id appear in the SDF file. It is mandatory that you maintain the sequence. For example, if you add Address ID at the end of the table as shown in the following SDF sample, then the CUT Address_DeDupFlds user property must have Row Id as the last field.

Name Value

Map:Account.Name UCM Account Source Data and History.Name

Map:Address.City UCM Account Address Source Data and History.City

Map:Contact.Job Title UCM Contact Source Data and History.Job Title

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To enable multiple address deduplication as sample SDFcreate_idt IDT_CONTACT

sourced_from odb:0:sourceDBUseName/sourceDBPassWord@sourceDbConnectString



















1 Add the corresponding length of Row Id to the TestDqSync user property, under the name CUT Address_ExtLen_Account and CUT Address_ExtLen_Contact. The length value should be picked up from the SDF file, which is used for multiple address deduplication. For example, if you add Row Id as part of CUT Address_DeDupFlds, then you must add the length of this field to CUT Address_ExtLen_Account and CUT Address_ExtLen_Contact.

Cut Address Properties

Name Value

Cut Address_DeDupFields City|Country|Postal Code|State|Street Address|Row Id

Cut Address ExtLen_Contact 60|20|20|20|100|60

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

2 Under Administration Data Quality, for Account, you must use the Account Match Against parameter to specify whether to match using one of the following:

3 For the multiple address feature, make sure that the following is set:

a Navigate to Administration - Data Quality >Third Party Administration.

b Select ISS as the vendor, and navigate to BC Vendor Field Mapping.

c Add the following to the BC Operation:

4 Navigate to Field Mappings and add the following fields:

5 Select the third party vendor as "ISS" and add the following vendor parameters:

Business Object Name Value

Account Account Match Against All Address

Primary Address

Contact Contact Match Against All Address

Primary Address

All Account Address

Business Component Operation

CUT Address DeDuplication

Business Component Field Mapped Field

City PAccountCity

Country PAccountCountry

Postal Code PAccountPotalCode

Row Id PAccountAddressID

State PAccountState

Street Address PAccountStrAddress

Name Value

CUT Address DeDup Record Type CUT Address

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

Configuring the EBC TableUse the following procedure to configure the data source definition required to synchronize data between the Siebel application and IIR.

To configure the data source definition

1 Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Profile Configuration.

2 Copy an existing InfraDatasources named subsystem type.

3 Change the Profile and Alias properties to the Data Source name configured in Siebel Tools (ISSDataSrc).

4 Update the profile parameters to correspond to the external RDBMS:

■ DSConnectString = data source connect string

❏ For the Microsoft SQL Server or the IBM DB2 databases, create an ODBC or equivalent connection and input the name of this in the parameter.

❏ For an Oracle RDBMS, this value should specify the TNS name associated with the database and not an ODBC or other entry.

■ DSSSQLStyle = database SQL type (Click Advanced to see this parameter.)

■ DSDLLName = DLL Name corresponding to the SQL type

■ DSTableOwner = data source table owner (Click Advanced to see this parameter.)

■ DSUsername = default user name used for connections

■ DSPassword = default password used for connections

Configuring Object Managers for ISS Data SourceUse the following procedure to configure Object Managers for ISS Data Source.

To configure Object Managers for ISS Data Source

1 Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Component Definitions.

2 Query for the components used with UCM (such as UCM, DQ, EAI, and Workflow components).

3 Select a component, and then select Start Reconfiguration from the main menu.

4 In the lower applet, query for the OM - Named Data Source” parameter.

NOTE: The value for this parameter is similiar to “ServerDataSrc,GatewayDataSrc”.

5 Add a comma after the last data source, and add the ISS data source created in “To configure the data source definition” on page 58. The default name is ISSDataSrc.

6 Save the record and select Commit Reconfiguration from the main menu.

7 Repeat Step 3 through Step 7 for all required Object Managers.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

8 Click Synchronize to save the changes into the Gateway configuration file.

9 Bounce the Gateway Server and the Siebel Server.

Installing Data Governance ManagementThe following section contains information about how to install Data Governance Management (DGM).

Overview of DGM and PrerequisitesData Governance Management (DGM) tool is software built on Java technology, and Oracle ADF framework are introduced. This section describes how to install DGM.

■ OS System: DGM is a Java-based application; it can run on any mainstream Windows, Linux, or Unix system.

■ Siebel UCM application: In this release of DGM, Siebel UCM is the only supported master hub. For information about how to install and configure the Siebel application, refer to the Siebel UCM DGM web service document.

■ DGM source code: The installer will extract DGM source code and install package to a directory. Within this section, this directory will be referred to as <dgm_home>.

Deployment of DGM application is a process of customizing the DGM system and then transferring it to the application server. You must preinstall and configure several software programs. Here is the guideline for the whole installation process.

■ Application Server Installation and Configuration: The Java application will run inside Java application server. In this section, Weblogic is the target application server.

■ ADF runtime Installation and Configuration: The DGM application uses functionality provided by the Oracle ADF framework, so the target Weblogic domain should have the ADF runtime extension installed.

■ DGM Configuration and Deployment: External environments parameters should be set correctly before DGM is deployed. After that, DGM can be deployed to Weblogic server.

Required SoftwareThe following table describes the required software for DGM.

Software Name Version Description

JDK 1.6 Providing runtime for java application.

Weblogic 10gR3 Java application server.

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Installing JDeveloperUse the following procedure to install JDeveloper.

To install JDeveloper

1 Click Next within the Welcome screen to begin the installation.

2 Accept the default value as the middleware home directory.

NOTE: Within this section, <mw_install_dir> will be used to represent the Middleware Home directory.

3 Select Complete Install.

The Complete Installation will install Oracle JDeveloper Studio, the ADF Runtime, and WebLogic Server.

4 Confirm the product intstallation directories, and click Next to continue with the installation.

5 Select the Start Menu folder where you want to place your shortcuts. This step applies for the Windows platform only.

6 Display the installation summary info, and start the installation.

7 Select Run Quickstart to open the Quickstart window once the installation process has ended. Quickstart enables you to easily launch installed components and access online documentation.

8 Click Done to complete the installation.

Creating the Weblogic DomainA weblogic domain should be created to accept the ADF-based DGM application.

Use the following procedure to create the Weblogic domain.

To create the Weblogic domain

1 Choose Configure Domains for Oracle ADF from the Quickstart window to display the Oracle Weblogic Configuration Wizard.

2 Select Create a New WebLogic Domain and click Next.

3 Select Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products, select Oracle JRF - [jdeveloper] and click Next.

The option Base WebLogic Server Domain - [wlserver_10.3]* is already selected.

ADF Oracle framework for java application.

ANT 1.6 A Java-based build tool.

Software Name Version Description

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

4 Enter the name and location for the domain, keep the default value and click Next.

5 Enter the user name and password and click Next.

6 Select Production Mode in Weblogic Domain Startup Mode window, and click Next.

7 Click Next to ignore optional configuration.

8 Review the domain configuration, and click Create.

9 Click Done when the domain has been created.

10 Select Start > All Programs > Oracle Fusion Middleware > User Projects > base_domain > Start Admin Server for Weblogic Server Domain.

11 When the dos window prompts for the username and password, enter the username and password specified during the installation process.

When the window displays message like "Server started in RUNNING mode", the Weblogic server has started up.

Installing DGMUse the following procedure to install DGM

To install DGM

1 Navigate to Disk1\install, and click setup.exe, and click Next.

2 Specify the home where DGM applications and source code will be installed, and click Next.

3 Choose Copy Application to copy the application and source code to home directory without deployment— otherwise, the DGM application will be deployed after file copy. If you choose Copy Application, goto Summary. Otherwise, goto next step.

4 Browse to specify the jdk path, and click Next to continue.

5 Browse to specify the ant path, and click Next to continue.

6 Browse to specify the Weblogic 10gR3 installation path.

7 Specify the Weblogic configurations according to your environment.

Entry Name Description

host Weblogic server address

port weblogic server listening port


password weblogic server credential

target.server weblogic deploy server name

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8 Specify the URL for Siebel server login, such as

9 Specify the URL for Hierarchy Management, such as

10 Specify the endpoint information of the DGM Web service according to your enviroment. For example, specify;SWEExtCmd=Execute&amp;UserName=SADMIN&amp;Password=MSSQL&amp;

NOTE: The endpoint information will be kept in xml files, so escape '&' to '&amp;'.

11 Click Install to start the install process.

12 Click Exit to finish the installation.

Manually Installing or Redeploying DGMThe src directory contains the source code for DGM application, and the build directory contains the script and configuration files you can use to manually deploy the DGM application.

The install.cmd is the script for DGM installation. Edit the file, change the weblogic_home, jdk_home, ant_home according to your environment.

DGM configurations are kept in <dgm_home>/build/ The configuration entries in this file are list in the following table.

Entry Name Default Value Description

dgm_web_service_end_point N/A This configuration MUST be changed to the endpoints of DGM web service

siebel_login_url N/A This configuration MUST be changed to the url used for login into Siebel.

govern_hier_url N/A The url of hierarchy explorer

batch_preview_page_size 23 Specify how many records in a page when previewing imported batch.



23 This configuration will specify how many records will be displayed in a page.

#Note: For now, please keep the paginate_page_size and paginate_cache_size having same setting.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Configuration Instructions for ACR 475

batch_job_size 1000 When importing batch file, this configuration will specify how many records will be sent in a single request.





This configuration will specify the color for the healthy status of hub and source systems. cleanse_thresh_value are the threshhold values, and cleanse_thresh_color are colors used for representing different status. For example:

cleanse_thresh_value=0.33,0.66,1.0 cleanse_thresh_color=#d62800,#ffcf21,#84ae31

When the healthy is below 33%(0.33), the node of corresponding system will be marked with color of #d62800; if healthy is between 33% and 66%, color of #ffcf21 is used; when above 66%, #84ae31 will be used.





[name, location, mainPhoneNumber]

[name, loc, mainPhoneNumber]

[firstName, lastName]

[firstName, lastName]

The default fields combination used to query completeness info.



MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss

09/13/1990 00:00:00

When choosing the query criteria of "From" calendar selector, the oldest time users can specify.




These are the internally-used configurations. Do not modify them.

Entry Name Default Value Description

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After editing the install.cmd and according to your environment, open a dos window and run install.cmd to deploy the application.

Accessing DGMOpen browser, and access the following URL to visit DGM:


For example, navigate to

NOTE: Java script and Active Control should be permitted to display the page.

Configuring Hyperion DRM IntegrationUse the following procedure to configure Hyperion DRM integration.

To configure Hyperion DRM integration

1 Get WSDL from http://<host adress of DRM Server>:5230/Oracle/Drm/WebService?wsdl (for example,

2 Within Siebel Tools, perform the following actions:

a Query the database for all Integration Objects with search specifications that have Base Object Type as “XML” and Project as “UCM Hier*”.

b From the result set, delete all Integration Objects except for “DRM Import File Format”.

c From within the Business Service view, delete the IDrmWeb Service Business Service.

d Navigate to Menu > New Object.

e Select the EAI Tab in the popup window, select Web Service, and click OK.

f Select the Appropriate Project that is already locked, select the WSDL file saved in last bullet step, and click Next.

g Click on the checkbox to deploy the Integration Objects and Business Services, and then click Finish to complete the WSDL import.

3 Once the WSDL Import has completed, search for the “getExportJobResultsResponse” Integration Object.

4 For the “getExportJobResultsResult” Integration Component field, change the DATA_TYPE to DTYPE_TEXT.

5 Undeploy and then deploy the Integration Object “getExportJobResultsResponse” Integration Object to the runtime database.

6 Within the UCM application, navigate to Site Map > Administration - Integration WI Symbolic URL, and select Symbolic URL Administration from the drop-down list.

7 Query for “DRM Web Client Applet”, and change the host name with the DRM Host server address as described in Step 1.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Installation Instructions

8 Navigate to Site Map > Administration- Universal Customer Master >System Registrations, and add a new record with System Id of "DNB Promote" and System Name of "DNB Promote".

Installation Instructions This Quick Fix may be applied only on top of Siebel If this is a language-dependent QF, the QF must contain all the languages currently installed on your system prior to the start of the installation process.

Follow the installation instructions detailed below for each of the product components checked in Installation Components on page 3.

1 Shut down the Siebel product component to be updated (for example, stop the service for the Siebel Server or Gateway Server or close the client).

2 Navigate to the Quick Fix build location:

■ To patch "Siebel Enterprise Server", navigate to $Win_Unicode_Base\Windows\Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server.

■ To patch "Siebel eBusiness Application Web Server Extensions", navigate to $ Win_Unicode_Base\Windows\Server\Siebel_Web_Server_Extension.

■ To patch "Siebel Web Client", navigate to $Win_Unicode_Base\Windows\Client\Siebel_Web_Client.

■ To patch "Siebel Tools", navigate to $Win_Unicode_Base\Windows\Client\Siebel_Tools.

3 Run setup.exe.

A welcome screen displays.

4 Click Next. The installer prompts for the instance to be patched. Select the correct instance and click Next.

5 The installation process continues. After a few minutes, a dialogue box pops up to request that the user select the required language pack location. (This is applicable only for language-dependent QFs). Select the required language pack for component that is being installed. (For example, for Siebel Enterprise Server, select setup.exe from $All_<language>_LEP\Windows\Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server\<language>). For language-independent QFs, this prompt will not be displayed.

6 Upon successful installation, a message will be displayed to indicate the component has been installed. Click Finish to exit from the installation wizard.

7 Repeat these steps for each of the product components that should be patched.

Uninstallation Instructions1 Navigate to the appropriate uninstall folder and start the uninstaller.exe file. The uninstaller

executable is under $(SiebelRoot)\_uninst\<product> (such as $(SiebelRoot)\_uninst\ses or $(SiebelRoot)\_uninst\eappweb).

■ For Windows, users should run uninstaller.exe under $(SiebelRoot)\_uninst\<product>

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ 65

Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Installing and Uninstalling 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes on Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile

■ For Unix, users should run "uninstall.ksh <product> under $(SiebelRoot)\_uninst (such as "uninstall.ksh ses"). The uninstall.ksh script performs some backup/restoration of uninstaller files in case the previous uninstall failed. Users can still run uninstaller from $(SiebelRoot)\_uninst\<product>.

2 Choose one of the following two options for uninstall:

■ Full Uninstall (This option uninstalls everything - all the Quick Fixes and also the Fix Pack.)

■ Maintenance Release (Choose this one for uninstalling specific QFs or the latest FP installed only.)

NOTE: Users can uninstall the applied Quick Fixes using the Uninstall Maintenance Release option. When users select this option, the uninstaller will lead into another screen with the build numbers (Fix Pack and Quick Fix). User can select QuickFix build and uninstall only the Quick Fix.

Installing and Uninstalling 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes on Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile Web ClientUse the following procedure to install 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes on Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile Web Client.

To install 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes on Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile Web Client

1 Navigate to $Win_Unicode_Base\Windows\Client\Siebel_Web_Client or $Win_Unicode_Base\Windows\Client\Siebel_Tools.

2 Untar the tar file.

3 Set ORACLE_HOME=<The base build installed location> (for example, C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1) in the command line.

4 Change the directory to <The base build installed location>(C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1\OPatch) and run opatch with the required argument as explained in Step 3.

5 Run the opatch lsinventory -detail command from C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1\OPatch.

You will get Oracle Home, OUI/OPatch version, OUI location, Installed Top-level Products and location, Installed Top-level Products and Installed Products component name and version.

6 Run opatch and apply the <Location of untarred file from Step 2> command to apply the patch.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475■ Installing and Uninstalling 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes on Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile

7 C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1\OPatch>opatch apply C:\selvam\8111212111102\8111212111102

Invoking OPatch

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version

Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1

Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory

from : n/a

OPatch version :

OUI version :

OUI location : C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1\oui

Log file location : C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1\cfgtoollogs\opatch\opatch2008-12-30_04-02-26AM.log

ApplySession applying interim patch '8111212111102' to OH 'C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1'

Running prerequisite checks...

OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the local system only.

Backing up files and inventory (not for auto-rollback) for the Oracle Home

Backing up files affected by the patch '8111212111102' for restore. This might take a while...

Backing up files affected by the patch '8111212111102' for rollback. This might take a while...

Patching component oracle.siebel.client,

Copying file to "C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1\bin\sia\srlcver.dll"

ApplySession adding interim patch '8111212111102' to inventory

Verifying the update...

Inventory check OK: Patch ID 8111212111102 is registered in Oracle Home inventory with proper meta-data.

Files check OK: Files from Patch ID 8111212111102 are present in Oracle Home.

OPatch succeeded.

Use the following procedure to uninstall 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes from Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile Web Client.

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Siebel Quick Fix Installation Guide for UCM 8.2: Version QF3103 for ACR 475 ■ Installing and Uninstalling 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes on Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile

To uninstall 8.1.1 and Quick Fixes from Siebel Tools and Siebel Mobile Web Client■ To uninstall the QF, run opatch rollback -id 8111212111102 <the id number will be the folder

name of the patch build directory>.

C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1\OPatch>opatch rollback -id 8111212111102

More information can be found at

Oracle Welcomes Your CommentsTo help us improve our products, we want to know about any corrections or clarifications to this guide that you would find useful. Please include in your message:

■ The title and version of the guide (very important)

■ The name and version number of the Siebel application you are using

■ Your name, job title or functional area, company name, phone number, and email address

Contact us through regular mail or email at:

OracleSiebel Technical Publications Department500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065

We appreciate your feedback.

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