Peace It 2gether



Community action newsletter to voice peace and non profit actions of wellness to global support by teens to all ages Action in Legislation for adults the second part of newsletter to promote action!

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A U G U S T 1 , 2 0 0 9 I s s u e I c o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 9

p e a c e i t 2 g e t h e r n e w s l e t t e r C o l l e c t i v e C o m m u n i t y C h a n g e C . C . C .

“The greatest moment after the sunrise is the gift of our Kona dolphins and whales singing out in their own morning song while boating or diving off the boat to explore together. I have never yet experienced any moment in life as special. Once we explore the ocean environment, we all care. We lived in Hawaii to invite youth there together to explore. Even Justin Marquette was invited, but he did not yet join us for explorations. Try out the sea animal songs. It rocks any IPod playlist.”


N e w s l e t t e rCOLLEGE COOLNESS

Why do some love College and

others avoid it? What is new

and cool in the College worlds?

Grants & Scholarships to study

on location globally? Page 2


YOGA & Cool Concerts with

Hip Hop to Rock top bands?

Sober rockers doing yoga? Join

Michael Franti & Spearhead

and many others today. Page 3


Reaching out to stop the city

gun wars and how we can do

more. Where are Youth helping

Youth today seeking out Peace?

Page 4


One Birth Mom shares a short

journey that surfs over some

huge waves of obstacles &

refuses to stop her love for her

birth son. Page 5

REACHING BEYOND LIMITS...Venture into Adventure...Saving Lives

Paramedics have always shined as the true Warriors to reach beyond limits from our own inquiry of many youth today. In the U.S the bombarding of marketing to youth of technology

and more have left for so many distractions today according to some of the sharing. At one time saving a life as a Life Guard or taking a CPR course was a high priority on the List of “TO DOs” for many youth. After an in depth inquiry, today’s focus of concern has been video war games to top dollar clothes and techie toys. The values of lack of materialism leaves focus

for many youth today. One free or low cost Life Guard Course or Workshop on CPR as example, can manifest any young man or woman to ultimately be the “coolest of cool” when there is a moment to save a life. Several youth that gave up the demands of time with

technology for a summer reported that they were able to explore areas that would help Community. Youth Groups explored Training as a team for even Diving adventures to explore the lands of the extinct Sea Turtles and Dolphins in Hawaii. One youth managed to take all

the funds that would have been invested into costly computer, WII, IPOD and other costly phone bills into instead impressing the “homies” now having a

Certificate to Dive with the most beautiful sea creatures by their side. Other youth today were more concerned on how to join up

with Environmental groups even as young as teen age due to their adventure in Hawaii diving learning of the tragic loss of our many sea creatures to extinction from harpooning

of whales to Dumping of illegal poisons off the barges. Today the message is clear that the demands for many youth today is less and the concern to join up for

adventure, saving lives and the environment is more!

Peace it 2gether

A U G U S T 1 , 2 0 0 9 I s s u e I c o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 9

p e a c e i t 2 g e t h e r n e w s l e t t e r C o l l e c t i v e C o m m u n i t y C h a n g e C . C . C .


UCLA was one college explored that offers students opportunity to work in China To Thailand under a Professional Mentorship program along with global

located workshop level classes in focused areas of performance to even Yoga taught on location for class workshops. The

Community Colleges have much more than the eye’s view at first glance. Long Beach Community College has one of the

Country’s finest Commercial Recording & RTV Departments all taught by some of the most respected Industry professionals that have even developed the latest

recording software programs or on location with number one recording professionals. The school even allows

students to FREELY check out the latest camera equipment for a weekend project for their class credit. The levels of

technology in this school allow any professional to work while earning their grades at any age all funded by Student Grants or Loans. It is unlikely that a

Community College could ever be underestimated again after Michael Jackson to Madonna other #1 global

artists have all come to this school to discover their supportive talents & crews.

Various Non Traditional Scholarships

& Grants can be found online with a bit of research to include even for a student of a

certain Native American Tribe. Funding for Global or Community Student Leaders can be provided funding for their service. Various programs from Architecture to

Zoology have Research project student opportunities with even equipment funded by the teamwork of the School & Professor

led project. Students are not just sitting around in classrooms anymore. From Australia, Spain, India, to Africa...the

classes are global within many Colleges today and the opportunities are endless.

The general overview of growth in the programs is more support to GLBT

students and political workshops that allow travel to Wash DC and interaction with Legislators for college students both in

State or Private University course studies of various schools throughout the U.S from NYU to Berkeley. The smaller colleges

offer hands on support even in global Nursing or photography travel for students working on their outreach project. The unlimited global education opportunities &

new Scholarship/Grant programs receive an “A Plus” for “College Coolness” today.

UCLA students participate in a travel study program in Thailand.

Google Scholarship Program


Frank M. & Gertrude R. Doyle

Foundation, Inc.

A U G U S T 1 , 2 0 0 9 I s s u e I c o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 9

p e a c e i t 2 g e t h e r n e w s l e t t e r C o l l e c t i v e C o m m u n i t y C h a n g e C . C . C .

Duncan Wong leads the Music Yoga Scene NOW FULL TILT.

Duncan Wong was a Pioneer to see the vision of Sting being one of his first students and soon Madonna years past. Today the Music Scene had Rap Playas like “Common”

to lead recent Wanderlust Yoga and

Music Event. AcruYoga was on the sides

while Common was on stage. The vibe to keep the Yoga and Music flowing is not always

simple. Know that YOGA can ROCK.

Mix up alot of diversity of UK to US

bands with Old soul of Sharon Jones &

Dap Kings to SPOON, Jenny Lewis,

Gillian Welch, and alot of raw and real fresh SF based indie grooves to my personal



came into my scene years past due to the freedom of fire. Hawaii is the place to learn to toss flames from the yoga center Shaman

evolved soul and when I found out this circus fire tossing vibing remixing drumming groove was within me...Mutaytor is worth the journey.

I only wish that out of all that goes on in events with alcohol served that my own past Concerts where not one arrest came down

with over 200k at our events, that I can throw

down some new events without the alcohol for a fresh test if yoga can past THIS test. I would

like to say that Yoga Scenes can be more than a hangover and lost funds.

As a former concert producer myself, the

complications can be endless with large crowds and tossing in some true moments of

Yoga intense and Jai Uttal Kirtan really is

the vibe that has been evolving for years that we are all aware. Now for any teens that think yoga is for the old and done...think again.

Wanderlust and other events are keeping us rockin as one tribe no matter what the sounds.

Rap, Hip Hop, DJs, Punk, Circus, Grunge, Kirtan, Yoga all on one event.



Duncan WONG


Girl Talk...Jenny Lewis.....Jai Uttal.....

MC Yogi.....Andrew Byrd...and more......

a u g u s t 1 , 2 0 0 9! i s s u e i c o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 9

P e a c e i t 2 g e t h e r n e w s l e t t e r c o l l e c t i v e c o m m u n i t y c h a n g e c . c . c .

The “ART OF COMMUNICATION” to me is to get together with people that create something unplanned and in the present moment. Meeting up new or even those that have not communicated well past and without one word start a PAINTING together and by the end of the day, laughter will prevail! At any age, we can pick up a paint brush and work on a Team mural or even go to the farm or garden and plant and visit our animals together. The “ART of communication” is to celebrate the ART of music, art and even our Mother Earth’s “art”daily!



As the Sails go up & the crews pack up for a long weekend journey to

celebrate, enjoy

your Leo Bdays

and know that your month is the globe’s

regeneration time. Celebrate the elders

in your family and the animal birthdays too! Bring together a surprise Host for a

Game Show party or just go sailing together along the majestic aqua marine sea. Enjoy the gift of our creator’s precious

environment by taking time to gather

together at any age and heal our Mother

Earth and please know that everyday is

Mother Earth’s Bday!! Happy Bday

MJ....with us spiritually this month, Bella the Siberian Husky from Brooklyn,

Marianne Robin Tani and YOU too!!!!

Challenge of the Day: Have you

ever blindfolded yourself for a week and wanted to see what life would be like

without our vision? Stevie Wonder and

Ray Charles educate the globe on Peace

and LOVE is living from the HEART

Chakra...can YOU do it? Bring us your

Gratitude of sight stories!

a u g u s t 1 , 2 0 0 9 i s s u e i c o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 9

P e a c e i t 2 g e t h e r n e w s l e t t e r c o l l e c t i v e c o m m u n i t y c h a n g e c . c . c .


In the midst of freedom of choices and voices today, the term that is most heard in the U.S, is “Two Moms Rock!” by many youth of all ages today. Obviously

this term has been common for GLBT families even since I witnessed it as a child, but today the reference is not of this focus

but of instead anyone with both a “Birth Mom” and a “Step Mom” from adoption.

One “Birth Mom” shares an

anonymous short interview of the illusion that “Birth Moms do not care or do not participate” as sadly, many believe. The depth of “challenging life’s surf waves of

obstacles reveals that LOVE is the strongest wave” from one Birth parent that refuses to stop giving love.

“Two Moms-twice the Love!” I recall the day I made up my mind to

have a child alone, yet I so wanted to wait until I had one to share this moment. I was

not getting any younger and always caring for everyone else’s children and wanted my own. I had not had any fortune to spark any realm of relations interest with any in

the U.S for many years and decided to have a child. I was not educated on “Tribal Land locations” like Hawaii or various

Spiritual Communities with extended communal families all raising children together and was very young to yoga too.

I found a cute “dollhouse near the beach” and the nursery was filled with hand made blankets to music instruments for playing guitar and other instruments or

singing nightly even before the birth. The meditation and protein drinks supported the three jobs to include assisting a world

respected producer-professor, co producing City cultural concert events, helping Non Profit School and working nights too, while

a student. I had never expected to be

subjected to serious violence in this beach town area and as well in my own home by allowing the wrong people into my private life. Recently years later I wrote a $300k

Grant for submission in Wash DC to support women in the Native American Pine Ridge community and their children

after their own dealings with violent crime.

“Let LOVE Rule...” I have always honored the quote, “If I

knew then what I know now.” Before my

studies of various cultures in India, Brazil and even in Native American or Europe relating to children raised in alternative extended family life styles, I was naive &

disconnected to the simplicity of daily Pranayana. The Dreshti and flow of chi of any age will naturally be protected with the

daily practice and meditation of gratitude to our Creator, but my insecurities would not trust my own beautiful spirit guide and

instead words of others, influenced my actions. One can quickly lose their “center” or grounding once the trust of one’s own self is in question. I found that

truly few honored respectful friendships or community based actions in my younger days. I followed the influence of others to

not take my child out of State, Country or to a Native American Rez. I listened to advice of those sadly not even here today.

Most Americans view child raising very differently then other cultures and the “extended family” philosophy has always aligned with my own spirit. Europeans and

other Tribal cultures frequently will have extended friends or family sharing the raising of a child and allowing various

same age children to be raised together. I suppose their are many children globally that would love to have “more than one

mom” mutually loving the same child.The most difficult part of Violent

Crime incidents is when a child is involved.

The influences of others was from their knowing of a series of ongoing serious violent crimes to include Gang members even following my roommate to a 7-11,

assaulting her and soon after she testified for the conviction, she was found dead. The home being targeted by the same

Gang members and other private violence of known raised a “red alert” and although the “Safe houses” and other options were

sought, the DA and Police agencies were not in proper actions past. The realm of how one decides to put the child’s safety before their own desires, is the hardest

decision. Today, I do recall the knowledge that his other new mom was kind enough to not want us to disconnect but all stay in

an “extended two mom” relationship. I hoped when the child was older he would understand. I have advocated up to Wash

DC levels today, after my own experience of “mistakes” in communications from the State. Today, the Web has changed our “not knowing where groups connect.”

I recall the joy of sharing outings in which as a young child. “Both moms” had a hand held of their child, and laughter

was for each moment all shared together. This child born from LOVE did not know anything but LOVE. A child with both

moms was “twice as much” to that child so at that age, LOVE won. Today I have looked back on so many other children I have raised or Interventions requested and

baby to teen age not “my own” I have loved & guided daily. These children have loved “both” moms too. I note that ANY

child given LOVE of one or many adults will grow up LOVING. Love sent through the mail, invitations to visit, gifts as a child

up to college support is still just LOVE. Slander of Government mistakes to any in the lies of Babylon cannot distract from simply LOVE. I say, LET LOVE RULE!!

A U G U S T 1 , 2 0 0 9 I s s u e I c o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 9

p e a c e i t 2 g e t h e r n e w s l e t t e r C o l l e c t i v e C o m m u n i t y C h a n g e C . C . C .

Peace It 2gether NewsletterThis video newsletter is in its start up stages without any advertising

Sponsors for website and future global game show? A division of Peace It 2gether is for all Parents including GLBT that care to join in Legislative change called Collective Community Change with ongoing Grants & Wash DC Actions. Peace It 2gether was formed in the mid 1990s by Francesca Jacobs (named “Indigo” by Dolphins and many children surrounding her in Hawaii). It began with a Documentary produced for schools with Youth, Police, Educators and Performers speaking out on communications of Peace as a team. Community Programs and creative

global projects produced with others in collaboration not competition was the goal. Using the Art of Communication, manifesting major changes in family, workplaces, friends or global SEVA growth is the “Revolution” of Peace It 2gether “Evolution”. Can you bring humor where once was rage, bring communications together to create globally, save a tree, horse or dolphin or bring ideas together to reflect respects? Peace It 2gether staff writers seeking only the bold, untold, inspirational raw journeys. NO JOURNEY TOO BOLD....unless untold! The Sci Fi Peace Battles to Poetic Justice won over any challenge today is true news! Peace it 2gether...from Teens to grown...BRING IT ON!!!


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