Peace Notes (November 2012)



Word of Peace Lutheran Church in Rogers, MN

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PEACE NOTESPEACE NOTESPEACE NOTESPEACE NOTES Word of PeaceWord of PeaceWord of PeaceWord of Peace

Lutheran ChurchLutheran ChurchLutheran ChurchLutheran Church NOVEMBER 2012NOVEMBER 2012NOVEMBER 2012NOVEMBER 2012

I am thankful for the staff at Word of Peace, compassionate Christians at Word of Peace, and moral and ethical people at Word of Peace. I am also thankful for Colin Young and Alex Faust, who both earned their Eagle Scout awards by making improvements to our church property and cemetery. — Ron Prasek, Senior Pastor I’m thankful for my family and friends, for my church, and for the people who tirelessly volunteer their time and tal-ents to make worship happen. And I’m really thankful that the campaign ads will soon be over. — Michael Sahlen, Director of Worship & Music

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his love and grace. My friends and fami-ly who love me unconditionally and support me in my faith walk. Word of Peace. And my rescue dog, Lucy. — Karen Running, Volunteer Coordinator

My husband, my family, my health and the Minnesota Vikings. — Holly Finstad, Director of Administration

I am thankful for my family, my church community and the Word of Peace staff. — Carrie Fischer, Confirmation Coordinator

I give thanks for my wonderful family and friends, a rewarding job, little kids and my DVR (especially during the election season). — Jennie Priebe, Communications Secretary

Clean water, children’s imaginations (they make my job so much fun), and God’s Love! — Zeanna Amundson, Preschool Teacher

My faith, my family and our beautiful world! — Dawn Saxton, Asst. to Dir. of Worship & Music

Life as a child of God, friends & family who love me and whom I can love, and the fact that God is in charge. — Beth Brekke, Parish Worker

My health, the love of my family and friends, and my faith. — Mary Miller, Worship Volunteer Coordinator

I am thankful for our amazing lay lead-ers/education volunteers and staff, the kids and adults who participate in our ministries, and that we are a church that respects and welcomes all people. I’m also thankful for hugs from Tyler Rog-ers! — Kristin Skare, Director of Education

I’m thankful for my family, my Word of Peace family and my friends. I am also thankful that our staff takes time to laugh together! — Krista Strum, Faith Formation Pastor I am thankful for Pinterest and Downton Abbey! — Rachel Smith, Asst. Director of Education

(Continued on page 3)

Things we areThings we areThings we areThings we are



From the Pastor Page 2

Happenings Page 3

November Sermons

& Readings Page 3

Proposed Cons�tu�on

& Bylaw Changes Page 4

C.R.O.S.S. Corner Page 4

Music & Worship Page 4

Learning Ministry Page 5

Youth Ministry Page 5

A Cheerful Giver Page 6

Word of Peace Seniors Page 6

What are you thankful for this Thanks-

giving? Tell us on our Facebook page!

Click on this code with

your smart phone or go




In the appointed gospel reading for

Thanksgiving Day, Ma5hew 6:25-34,

Jesus says, “And can any of you by

worrying add a single hour to your

span of life?” (verse 27) That ques-

�on is as �mely today as when Jesus

posed it over 2,000 years ago. Does

worrying do us any good?

Lord knows we put huge amounts of

�me and energy into worrying about

all sorts of things that might happen,

most of which never actually come to

pass. And what’s more, life has been

generous in providing us with a cor-

nucopia of possible problems in which

we can invest our angst.

But having burned through all that

anxiety, what do we have to show for

it? Have we, as Jesus asked, added

even a single hour to our lives? Cer-

tainly, since Jesus asked that ques�on

rhetorically, he intended for his audi-

ence to answer it in their minds with

a resounding “No.” And furthermore,

Jesus went on to make clear that

what he was calling for instead was

for us to trust God. He pointed to the

birds that do not sow or reap the

fields but are fed by the heavenly Fa-

ther nonetheless. He pointed to the

flowers that do not toil or spin but are

clothed in beauty by the heavenly

Father anyway.

It’s cri�cal to understand, however,

that Jesus’ words were directed to

people who did have to sow, to reap,

to toil and to spin, and he wasn’t tell-

ing them to stop doing these tasks; he

simply wanted them to understand

that their lives were a lot more than

the sum of their sowing, reaping, toil-

ing, spinning, or the length of their

Facebook profile.

Jesus here isn’t asking us to stop wor-

rying altogether. Normal anxiety that

comes to almost everybody is a good

thing. Normal anxiety keeps us safe.

Normal anxiety urges us on to do con-

struc�ve things. So Jesus here is not

giving us a prescrip�on for how to

avoid anxiety. His main point is this:

“Strive first for the kingdom of God

and his righteousness, and all these

things will be given to you as well.”

Strive for it.

“Strive” means to exert a lot of ener-

gy and effort toward a goal. So, Jesus

is saying here that we should ac�vely

work for the spread of the kingdom.

And as we do, some of things we fret

about are going to become non-issues

because we’ve got more important

things to be busy with. It’s when we

focus more on the things of God, that

we’re able to relax more about our

priori�es and have confidence in

God’s providen�al care.

Thanksgiving Blessings to You and

Your Family,

Pastor Rick Skare

Pastor Rick Skare

Executive Pastor

21705 129th Ave. N.

P.O. Box 306

Rogers, MN 55374

Church Office

763-496-2400 (press 3 to leave an emergency

message for the pastor)

On the Web


Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8am-4:30pm

Fri 8am-12:30pm

Our Vision Statement Our vision is to be a community where

everyone knows Christ’s Love and

shares Christ’s Love with all people.

Our Mission Statement Christ works through us as we:

• Welcome all people to grow in

faith, love and devo�on,

• Share Christ through word

and deed,

• Care for others and the world

God made, and

• Work for jus�ce and peace.

NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS Contact Jennie Priebe in the

church office at 496-2401 or

December newsle�er deadline:

November 9 at Noon




Sermons & TextsSermons & TextsSermons & TextsSermons & Texts

November 4 & 5—All Saints Day

Pastor Krista Strum, “Making Sense of the Chris�an Faith:

God, the Holy Spirit”

The church is a community that reminds us of our iden�ty as

children of God and encourages us to live into that iden�ty. At

the same �me, the church is not perfect yet remains the imper-

fect means through which the Holy Spirit communicates.

Scripture Readings: John 14:15-29; Gala�ans 5:5-6, 13-14, 22-

25; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Isaiah 25:6-9

November 11 & 12

Pastor Ron Prasek, “God Loves a Cheerful Giver”

As we reflect on all that God has given us may we respond as

cheerful givers out of gra�tude and thanksgiving.

Scripture Readings: ST Mark 12:38-44; Malachi 3:10-12; 2 Co-

rinthians 9:6-15; Psalm 146

November 18 & 19—Pledge Weekend

Guest Preacher, Pastor Gary Hoffman, “Made for Pouring,

Not for Storing”

Scripture Readings: Genesis 1:1, 26-17; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5

November 21—Thanksgiving

Pastor Rick Skare: “Add to your Span”

You cannot add to the span of your life by worrying but you

likely will add to your span when you are open to divine op�-

mism and thanksgiving that is rooted in God’s Kingdom.

Scripture Readings: Ma5hew 6:25-34; 1 Timothy 2:1-7; Joel

2:21-27; Psalm 126

November 25 & 26—Christ the King Weekend

Pastor Rick Skare, “Turning the Tables”

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus appears to have turned the

tables on Pon�us Pilate. As we proclaim Christ as King, does

Jesus turn the tables on us when he shows us what it means to

be King?

Scripture Readings: John 18:33–37; Revela�on 1:4b–8;

2 Samuel 23:1–7; Psalm 132:1–12 [13–18]

Mark your Calendars for November 4th

and help support

Word of Peace youth! We kick-off our Wreath and Poin-

seQa Sale this year on Sunday, November 4th

to help our

youth pay for church camp, mission trips, summer

stretch and other church ac�vi�es. All items will be deliv-

ered prior Thanksgiving. Contact the Youth office for

more informa�on.

There will be an All Saints Day Memorial Service on No-

vember 4th

at 12:30 p.m. at the Word of Peace Ceme-

tery. All are invited to a5end, but especially those who

have lost someone this year or who have loved ones bur-

ied there. The Word of Peace Cemetery is located on Ter-

ritorial Road just west of Tucker Road, next to the old St.

John’s Episcopal Church.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship and Pie Social will be held on

Wednesday, November 21, at 6:30pm. Special music will

be provided by the women of the Skare and Rova fami-

lies. As always, there will be a pie social following the


Mark Your Calendars—New Worship Services have been

added to our Christmas Eve schedule to help accommo-

date the large late-aSernoon crowd. Christmas Eve ser-

vices are scheduled at the following �mes:

12:00 noon – Candlelight Ceremony & Communion

2:00 pm – Candlelight Ceremony & Communion

3:30 pm – Candlelight Ceremony (no Communion)

4:45 pm – Candlelight Ceremony (no Communion)

6:00 pm – Candlelight Ceremony & Communion

11:00 pm – Candlelight Ceremony & Communion

THANK YOU from the Visual Ministry Team—We would

like to thank Jim Young for the giS of his work,

“Bethlehem Cross,” which will be displayed in the Brekke

Room. We would also like to thank the Hands & Feet Day

volunteers for star�ng the clean-up of the church garden

and help with taking down Mr. Young’s cross installa�on

from the Sanctuary. We couldn’t have done the final

clean-up without the six youth confirmands and seven

adults. A special thanks to Richard Bullyan for taking all

the yard waste to the area recycling center. God bless

you all for your help!

THANK YOU from Pastor Rick Skare—My hearUelt thank

you to my Word of Peace family for all of your cards and

well wishes upon the celebra�on of my serving 15 years

so far in pastoral ministry here at Word of Peace. My

family and I are truly blessed to be a part of this commu-

nity and partners in ministry with you. God bless you all!



Your church leadership is proposing changes to the Con-

s�tu�on and Bylaws for Word of Peace. The primary goal

of this effort is to make us more efficient and be5er able

to handle the increasingly complex management of our

church as the result of recent and an�cipated future


The approach used was to separate the du>es of church

opera>ons (governance) and church ministry. No

changes are being proposed to the cri>cal role that the

Ministry Teams play in the church. Their func�on con�n-

ues to be to support our Vision and Mission across all ar-

eas of the church.

You may view the Cons�tu�on and Bylaws with mark-ups

in their en�rety by visi�ng our website,�tu�on. In addi�on, there

are copies of the proposed changes available at the Infor-

ma�on Desk.

Proposed Constitution & Bylaw Changes If you have ques�ons or comments about the

process or any of the proposed changes, we

invite you to a5end a Ques�on and Answer

�me on November 4 & 5, 2012 aSer all four

worship services.

We will discuss and vote on these proposed

changes at two mee�ngs in the next few

months and we invite you to par�cipate in the


Annual Congrega>onal Mee>ng

January 27, 2013

12:00pm (Lunch provided)

Proposed Cons�tu�on Changes

Special Congrega>onal Mee>ng

November 18, 2012

12:00pm (Light snacks provided)

Proposed Cons�tu�on & Bylaw Changes

C.R.O.S.S. Corner


The food drive was a HUGE SUCCESS…1,083 pounds of food was

donated by this congrega�on! Special thanks to all who donated

and a BIG HIGH FIVE to the kids who donated snacks for other



• It’s �me to start gearing up for Thanksgiving Giving—C.R.O.S.S.

needs the following items to fill Thanksgiving bags for those in

need: stuffing, potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, corn, green

beans, mandarin oranges, jell-o and pumpkin pie filling.

• GiS cards are also needed to buy the turkeys for Thanksgiv-

ing. GiS cards from Cub, Wal-mart or Target are great and any

dollar amount is appreciated.


• November 24: Pictures with Santa at The Fountains at Arbor


• December 1: Maple Grove Art Center/Holiday Parade

• December 6: Maple Grove Hospital Tree Ligh�ng

For more info. visit

Music & Worship

Introducing Peter Vanderwaal

We are delighted to have Peter

as our new organist. He graduat-

ed from Moody Bible Ins�tute in

Chicago with a degree in Sacred

Music. He grew up in Mon�cello

and started playing organ at age


When he is not involved with

music, Peter enjoys reading

(fantasy in par�cular), wri�ng, and being outside (when

it's warm). He also enjoys taking things apart and

puQng them back together. At this �me, both Cathy

Wagner and Elaine Wi5 are out on medical leave and so

we are very pleased to welcome Peter.

The Fes>val Chorus will begin rehearsing for the 2012

Fes>val of Carols on Wednesday, November 7th


7:30. All singers are invited to par�cipate in this great

Word of Peace tradi�on. This year’s Fes�val will be on

Sunday, December 16th

at all services. Don’t miss this

opportunity to join your brothers and sisters and use

your voice to praise God with beau�ful music! For more

informa�on, contact Michael Sahlen at 763-496-2412 or



Middle School

MSM.AM (Middle School Ministry A.M.) meets two Sundays a

month from 9:30-10:30am, in the Youth room. Come for food,

devo�ons and games! This month, we’ll be mee�ng on Novem-

ber 4th and 18th. Bring your friends!

High School

912 Sundays—Each Sunday aSernoon is jam packed with games,

music, smoothies, hangout �me, and Jesus. The only thing we

are missing is YOU! Join us for high school youth group at 4:30

pm on November 11th

, 18th

and 25th


TEC is Coming! November 9-11 at Discover Church in Brooklyn

Park—Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) is a three-day, peer-led re-

treat aimed at bringing youth together to explore their faith,

experience God’s Love and develop a deeper rela�onship with

Jesus Christ. For more informa�on, contact the Youth office.

100 Wells Concert—God is calling us into the world – together.

Keep up the energy of the ELCA Youth Gathering with the 100

Wells Tour, coming to 18 ci�es around the country. See AGAPE*,

Rachel Kurtz, and Lost And Found in concert, as they bring music,

inspira�on and support for the water projects of ELCA World

Hunger. Sunday November 4th

– Christ Lutheran Church in Blaine

Cost is $10. We’ll meet at Word of Peace at 3pm to ride together.

Important Church School and

Confirma>on Dates

November 4—Celebrate Communion class. All 5th grad-

ers and parents received a le5er in the mail in October

regarding three opportuni�es this year for Celebrate


November 21—No Confirma�on (Thanksgiving Eve)

November 29—

Advent Ac>vity Night!

Prepare for the coming of

Jesus! The educa�on team is

sponsoring a night of Advent

ac�vi�es, fun, and fellowship.

We’ll also have Advent resources, Advent calendars, Ad-

vent Devo�onals and Na�vi�es available for purchase.

Please sign-up for this event by contac�ng the educa�on

office at or 763-496-2423.

Education Ministry Good God Ques>ons

Sundays in November, 9:30am in Room 120

November 2012

Everyone has great ques�ons about faith! We’ll explore good

God ques�ons each Sunday in November. Ques�ons are ad-

dressed by a Luther Seminary professor and each class is

facilitated by one of our pastors. There is �me for discussion

and explora�on. No prepara�on. No homework. Come as

you are—all are welcome!

Advent Reflec>ons

This Advent devo�onal resource in-

cludes readings for each day, weekly

study ques�ons for small groups, and a

variety of family ac�vi�es to celebrate

the season. This engaging seasonal re-

source will inspire and refresh par�ci-

pants during this season of expecta�on.

Use the daily reflec�ons on your own

or with a friend or family member. Explore the weekly Bible

studies in an exis�ng group or form a group with others who

are reading this book. Check out the ac�vi�es and choose

some hands-on ways to celebrate this Advent season. Ad-

vent Reflec�ons is $6 and can be purchased from the educa-

�on office.


Pledge Sunday/Monday is coming up on

November 18th

and 19th

. In worship on

those days, you are invited to bring for-

ward your financial pledge to Word of

Peace’s ministry in 2013. You will receive

a pledge card in the mail. What is the

meaning behind your pledge ?


In Ma5hew 6:21 we are reminded that

how we spend our money doesn't reveal

what sort of people we are, but does de-

termine what sort of people we become."

L – Love

In Luke 10:25, the parable of the Good

Samaritan, we are reminded that good

stewards give of themselves to their

neighbor and in so doing, model God's

love for all crea�on.


2 Corinthians 8 tells us that generosity is

not circumstan�al and giving is a privilege.

In this passage, Paul uses the story of the

Macedonians' abundant generosity in the

face of trial to encourage the Corinthians

to give generously.


Micah 6:8 shows us that the focus of stew-

ardship is not our money or our posses-

sions, but rather the aQtude of our heart.

The aQtudes of jus�ce, kindness and hu-

mility determines the way we view, use

and give our money and possessions.

G- Glory

It's all about glorifying God. In Ma5hew

25:13, in the parable of the Talents, we

are reminded that as Stewards, how we

spend, save and share our money ma5ers

to God.


In Luke 21:1 Jesus commends the widow

for giving all that she had to live on. As

stewards we are called to give our whole

life—�me, talent and treasure—to God.

Stewardship is for everyone, those who

have financial wealth and those that have

spiritual wealth.

Over the next few weeks please give care-

ful considera�on to your pledge to this

ministry and remember that it's through

your generosity that we are able to do

God's work in this community.

—The Stewardship Team

Word of Peace Seniors

Please contact Judy Hanson at 763-428-7657 for resource, com-

munity or general informa�on for seniors.

If you’d like to subscribe to the Senior Newsle5er, call 763-241-

3520. Or, you can read the newsle5er online at

• Thursday Senior Shop Rogers Bus—Thursdays at 10am, $1.00 per rider. Contact Judy at 763-428-7657

• Jammers Potluck & Music—Sunday, Nov. 4 from 1-5pm (eat at 4pm) at the Rogers Community Room.

• Rogers Senior Dining—Monday through Thursday Every Week at 12:00noon at the Rogers Community

Center. Call at least 2 days in advance by 2pm for reserva�ons, 763-428-0976. Cost: 55+ $4.00/Under 55


• Cards & Games—Every Monday and Wednesday aSer Senior Dining (open to all) - 12:30-2:00pm at the

Rogers Community Room. Call Margaret, 763-428-8650

• Breakfast at Denny’s in Rogers—Friday, November 16 from 9-10:30am. Menu items for $6.99 (includes

drink). Call Margaret, 763-428-8650

• Monday, Nov. 19th, 10:00-12 noon. Bingo at Cabela’s in the second floor conference room. Come and

have some fun. Call Margaret at 763-428-8650 for informa�on.

• The Word of Peace Kids-Care Bus takes seniors shopping at Ridgedale every other month. The next trip

will be December 11th. Cost is $1.00 for the round trip. The bus will pick us up at Word of Peace at

9:30am and return us by 1:30pm. Call Judy to sign up at 763-428-7657.


It’s Easy.

• You determine the frequency and amount of your automa�c


• Cancel or change your preferences at any �me.

• Use Direct Giving for recurring offerings or one-�me pay-

ments of dona�ons/fees

It’s Safe.

• Funds are transferred using a secure website to process the


• Strong, reputable companies process the transac�ons.

It Helps.

Word of Peace benefits from steady, more predictable reve-

nues throughout the year, more efficient bookkeeping, and

greater confidence in mee�ng its financial commitments.




Credit/Debit Card

Get Started Today! Go to

or stop by the Informa>on Desk

For more Informa�on, Contact Holly Finstad at or 763-496-0407

Things we areThings we areThings we areThings we are


this this this this THANKSGIVING...THANKSGIVING...THANKSGIVING...THANKSGIVING... God in my life, my husband and daughters, and food to eat. — Lori Reust, Preschool Teacher

There is so much to be thankful for I don’t even know where to begin! But my top three are my faith, my husband and my daughters. — Laura Dahlgren, Preschool Teacher

My family and friends, my co-workers, God’s love and forgiveness, and the gifts God has given me. — Lisa Buck, Asst. Director of Education

I'm thankful for my beautiful family at home and my church family. I'm also thankful for the fact I'm able to work at jobs where I am shaping little lives everyday! — Angi Fair, Nursery Coordinator

Aside from my family and friends, I am thankful for the remission of my son’s cancer and my job. I am so blessed to part of a team that can share with God’s littlest how much he loves them, no mat-ter what! — Julie Picconatto, Director of Preschool

I am thankful for Creation, Grace and Love. I’m also thankful for Jim Young’s crosses and Kristin Skare’s “Little Ricky” stories. — Dain Swanson, Director of High School Youth/ Sound & Media Coordinator

I am thankful for my church, my family and friends, my home, and the fact that gas prices are going down! — Susen Kay, Membership Secretary

The Rogers community, Word of Peace and my family. — Marcus Eads, Director of Middle School Ministry

I’m thankful for such a warm and welcoming church family, full of Christ’s love! — Rick Skare, Executive Pastor

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C h a n g e S e r v i c e R e q u e s t e d

SundaysSundaysSundaysSundays 8:00 a.m. Traditional8:00 a.m. Traditional8:00 a.m. Traditional8:00 a.m. Traditional 9:30 a.m. Blended9:30 a.m. Blended9:30 a.m. Blended9:30 a.m. Blended

11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary

MondaysMondaysMondaysMondays 6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary

From your word of peaceFrom your word of peaceFrom your word of peace

church familychurch familychurch family