Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


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  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005



    Colonel Applebaum joined Civil Air Patrol 10-Dec-68 as a cadet, with continuous service. He was th

    first Pennsylvania Wing Commander to progress to this position from the cadet ranks. He was born a

    educated in Philadelphia.

    Dedicated to CAP, he has also served as the Vice Commander of the Pennsylvania Wing; Group 10

    Commander for nine years as well as Commander of the Philadelphia Squadron 103. While in

    Command of Squadron 103, it developed into the largest most active unit in the Northeast Region.

    A Ranger since 1969 he has earned the Advanced Ranger Rating and served as a Senior and Cade

    member of the Ranger Staff in Pennsylvania and Florida. Active in search and rescue, he attended th

    National Search and Rescue School at Governors Island, New York and has been involved in over 250

    Air Force authorized missions.

    Col Applebaum was appointed as the Commander of Pennsylvania Wing Civil Air Patrol on 14 June,

    2004. Col Applebaum also served as Commander of the Pennsylvania Wing during 24 Feb 90 to 14

    Nov 90.

    Other positions held include; Pennsylvania Wing Supply Officer, Advisor to the Commander, Public

    Affairs Officer, Demand Reduction Officer, Director of Resource Development. He also served as theSquadron 103 Historian.

    Colonel Applebaum served on the National Appeal Board from 01 Jan 99 to 30 Sept 99. He served

    as Squadron 904 Interim Commander from 25 Aug 99 to 05 Oct 99.

    Colonel Applebaum served as the Interim Commander for the New Jersey Wing from 13 Aug 04 to

    November 04.

    Col Applebaum received the Distinguished Service Medal in 1990, 25 Year Service Device in 1994,

    Grover Loening, Level III in 1994, Exceptional Service Award in 1994, exceptional Service Award (1st

    Clasp) in 1997and the Commanders Commendation in 1999.

    Col Applebaum makes his home in Oreland, Pennsylvania where he lives with his wife Brenda and 4

    of his 5 children.

    He is self employed in the commercial printing field. His company is known as Printing Resources.


  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


    KEYSTONE Wing SlipJanuary 2005

    Special Edition

    Volume 7

    Pennsylvania Wing Civil Air PatrolUnited States Air Force Auxiliary

    Bldg. 3-108, Fort Indiantown GapAnnville, Pennsylvania 170031Lt Linda A. Irwin, Public Affairs

    Headquarters - 717-861-2335Fax - 717-861-2164

    Articles of Interest

    . Toys for Tots Campaign

    Another Success

    . Looking Back 2004

    . Squadron News

    . Eye on Safety

    . Cadet News

    . PA Wing Civil Air Patrol

    in Philadelphia School

    . Search for Missing

    Nine Year Old Male

    South Williamsport BoyReported Missing

    With temperatures in the teens

    and a wind chill factor making it

    feel closer to zero, the

    Pennsylvania Wing Civil Air Patrol

    Search and Rescue Ground

    Teams, found themselves

    amongst hundreds of other volun-

    teers, combing the rugged moun-

    tainous area of South

    Williamsport, to look for a missing

    nine year old autistic boy.

    On the 19th of December, PAWG

    Alerting Officer Lt Col Michael

    Hayes received notification from

    the AFRCC requesting CAPs serv-ice to help search for nine year

    old Logan Mitcheltree, who had

    wondered from his home some-

    time around 5:00 PM on

    Saturday, December 18. The

    young child was last seen wearing

    a long sleeved gray shirt, blue

    jeans and brown slippers.

    Everyone was hoping that he had

    found a place where he could be

    sheltered from the freezing tem-

    peratures. He was described as a

    friendly loveable child with a win-

    some personality but due to his

    mental disability could not speak.

    Group 2, of the Pennsylvania

    Wing, was contacted and through

    their Group Alert Officer, Captain

    Robert Pena, accepted the mis-

    sion as incident commander.

    Utilizing the new Group 2 -------

    --Floodgate system, (an auto-

    mated alerting system which co

    tacts each member in a group

    and delivers a voice message

    regarding the mission), Captain

    Pena was able to quickly put a

    team together. Captain Arnie

    Andresen served as the agency

    liaison between Civil Air Patrol

    and the Department of

    Conservation and NaturalResources, (the lead agency for

    this mission.) There were severa

    professional teams and hundred

    of volunteers that were also

    involved in the search.

    Major Jeff Riley, from the State

    College Squadron, gathered his

    ground team and proceeded to

    the search area and the

    Williamsport Squadrons ground

    team was enroute to also search

    the area. As the search continu

    ground teams from Bedford,

    Lancaster, Lebanon and New

    Cumberland assisted on the


    There were a total of 36 CAP

    personnel involved in the search

    on December 20. In addition,

    Group 3, of the PAWG was asked

    to assist, after Group 2 resourcehad been exhausted, and anothe

    18 CAP members traveled to

    Williamsport. Three air crews

    were on standby to assist had

    they been needed.

    Young Logan Mitcheltree was

    found deceased, approximately

    feet off of the roadway about a

    mile and a half from his home, b

    a state forester, ending the sear

    on a sad note.






    Would you be interested in sponsoring

    the Pennsylvania Wing Civil Air Patrol by

    placing an ad in the Keystone Wing Slip?

    You or your company can help to spon-

    sor this non-profit organization by plac-

    ing an ad in this monthly magazine -

    with the ad running for 4 months or a

    whole year and the cost of your sponsor-

    ship ad donation is tax deductible! You

    can place a whole page ad to a business

    card size ad or anything in-between. Call

    now for a copy of the pricing chart!

    Please call the Pennsylvania Wing Civil

    Air Patrol Headquarters at 717-861-

    2335 for more details.

    (see samples on page 11)

  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005



    102 AND 103

    Squadrons 102-103

    are working together

    rebuild their Units for


    During the month of

    December, these two

    Squadrons participate

    in orientation flights.

    It had been quite a

    long time since they

    were able to have tha

    opportunity and thank

    to pilot Col FredricWeiss, they were able

    to receive valuable

    instructions using CAP


    (Photos were supplied

    by Col Applebaum. H

    is quite pleased with

    the reorganization tha

    is going on with the

    two Philadelphia base


    The PA Wing Ranger Banquet will be held on

    January 22, 2005. Contact Lt Col Richard

    Ludwig at 610-437-1429 for more information.

    For the second year in a row, Pennsylvania

    Wing Civil Air Patrol participated in the Toys

    for Tots Campaign. Members that attended

    the December Holiday Party, brought along

    with them an unwrapped new toy and

    placed it in the Toys for Tots collection box.

    A grateful John E. Gingrich, Sr., (RetiredMarine Sgt and Local Chairman for the Toys

    for Tots program), stopped by the

    Pennsylvania Wing Headquarters and

    picked up the toys for distribution. A

    heartfelt thank you and a Certificate of

    Appreciation was given to the PA Unit.


    by Joseph Pelletier, Lt Col CAP, PAWG Assistant SE

    (Taken from the Pennsylvania Drivers Manual)

    COMMUNICATION - Crashes often happen because one driver does not see another

    driver, or one driver does something the other driver does not expect. It is important

    for drivers to COMMUNICATE. Communicating means letting others know where you

    are and what you plan to do. Do this by; signaling when changing direction, signaling

    when slowing down or stopping, using your horn, using emergency signals.

    SIGNALING WHEN CHANGING DIRECTION - Drivers expect you to continue travel-

    ing in the same direction. Let others know when you plan to do something different.

    Give them time to react to your moves. USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS before you;

    change lanes, turn at an intersection, pull away from a curb, pull over to the side of the

    road. Get into the habit of signaling every time you make a change. Bear in mind that

    turn signals DO NOT give you the right to make a turn. Signal even when you do not

    see anyone else around.

    UNDER PENNSYLVANIA LAW - you must always use your turn signals at least 100

    feet before turning if you are driving less than 35 miles per hour.

    If you are driving 35 miles per hour or moreYOU MUST SIGNAL AT LEAST 300


    (more on Eye on Safety - page 4)

    In fond memory of our recently deceased members;

    John Stokes

    Luis Arellano, Jr.


  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


    Squadron 302Travels to Washington

    By Capt. Ruth Hoffman

    The members of Capital City Composite

    Squadron 302 and their families recently

    enjoyed their annual fall trip. This year, the

    Squadron again chose to visit Washington

    D.C. Members stayed at the Hilton Hotel in

    Alexandria, Virginia, and drove in to D.C.

    and the surrounding area to see the sights.

    The trip started out on Friday with a spe-cial treat. The Squadron's commander,

    Major Paul McDonough, arranged for a pri-

    vate tour of the U.S.N.S. Comfort. This is a

    super tanker that was refurbished as a hos-

    pital ship. The Director of Surgical Services

    and third in command of the vessel, Capt.

    Ralph Jones, was a C.A.P. cadet with Maj.

    McDonough, and gave special

    permission for this tour. The evening ended

    with a visit to the Jefferson and F.D.R.

    Memorials and the newly dedicated W.W. II


    On Saturday, the group toured the

    Holocaust Museum, the Spy Museum, andthe National Air and Space Museum. After

    dinner at a local mall, the Squadron

    returned to downtown D.C. and viewed the

    Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam War

    Memorial, and the Korean War Memorial, all

    by moonlight. "I really enjoyed seeing the

    Lincoln Memorial," said Cadet Brandon

    Webb. "I never thought I would get to see it.

    It was an awesome experience."

    Sunday, the Squadron started their day

    with a brief tour of the National History


    Then the group traveled to Dulles Airport

    to experience the new Annex to the NationalAir and Space Museum. Highlights were

    viewing the Space Shuttle, Enterprise, the

    W.W. II B29 bomber, Enola Gay, which

    dropped the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima in

    1945, and experiencing a mock up of a air

    traffic control tower overlooking the airport.

    "Seeing the Enola Gay was definitely the

    best part for me," said 2nd Lt. Pete

    Shuntich. "I have always wanted to see the

    plane that ended W.W. II."

    "Our Squadron looks forward to this trip

    all year," said Maj. McDonough. "We value

    the opportunity to view first hand things that

    Hawk Mt Ranger Staff Helps Kick O

    the First Florida Falcon Ranger

    Academy. -By Maj Herbert Cahalen,PAWG, Ranger Coordinator

    Members of the Hawk Mt. Ranger Stafftraveled to the Snake River RangerTraining Area in Miramar, Florida to staffthe first Florida Falcon Ranger Academy.The Academy is a product of the Hawk MDistance Learning Center and is to establish a standard for recruitment, training ancertification of Rangers in the Florida Winand South East Region. Florida has a lohistory with the Ranger Program, hosting

    the Florida Glades School during the 70'sand 80's with several of the former staffmembers, Lt Col Art Giles, Capt RandallCason, and Capt Daniel Levitch of theGlades School being responsible for thedevelopment of the Falcon RangerAcademy. It should be noted that Col A.Applebaum, while attending the U. of Miaserved on the staff of the Glades Schooland is a strong supporter of the FalconRanger Academy and Pennsylvania'sinvolvement in the Academy.

    On 23 Dec. 04 Maj Jeff Riley led anadvance team of Staff Cadets to Florida t

    help setup the academy and registerincoming students. C/Lt Col David Spillanwas selected by the Florida Staff toCommand the Academy with C/Lt Col TimGrabowski as Deputy Commander. C/LtCol Spillane along with Staff Cadets, J.Blumenfield, K. Smith, Z. Brizek, J.Tartalone, and M. Simon, traveled via PO

    with C/Lt Col Spillane's uncle and Maj Rilhauled most of the gear in a large boxtruck to Florida. Upon arriving in Floridathe Staff was treated to a Christmas Dinnby the Florida Staff and then got to worksetting up the

    (story continued on page 10 )

    we study in our Aerospace Education

    program, and we really enjoy including

    our families in experiencing our

    Nation's capital." Plans are already in

    the works for next year's trip.

    National History Museum.

    W.W. II B29 bomber, Enola Gay

    Viewed the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam War

    Memorial, and the Korean War Memorial, all by


    "I really enjoyed see-

    ing the Lincoln

    Memorial," said

    Cadet Brandon

    Webb. "I never

    thought I would get to

    see it. It was an

    awesome experi-


    plans are already in the works for next year's trip.- Major McDonough

    Emergency Services Corne1. For those members with a 101 ca

    who have NOT taken the new

    CAPT 116 GES test since 01 June

    2004 your CAP 101 card is now inva

    dated. ALL members with 101 card

    must take this test.

    2. All Squadron/Group commanders

    and assistants can see who the abov

    members are in their unit by selecting

    on the national web site e-Services

    page "MIMS(FMS)", then "FMS

    Reports", then select "ES CAPT 116

    This report will ONLY show members

    who have NOT taken the test and wh

    had a 101card.

    Alex M. Bodnar

    Aviation: PP-SELAmateur Radio: KB3FCU

    Emergency Services: EMT-BD, ARES/RACES

    CAP TRAVELS TO FT SUMTER, S.C.During the Christmas holiday, several

    CAP members traveled to Ft. Sumter. Ft

    Sumter, named after a South Carolina

    Revolutionary War hero, was designed as

    part of a defensive system for Charleston

    Harbor. Located on a man-made island of

    sea shells and granite from northern quar-

    ries, it was a pentagonal structure, fifty feet

    high, with walls eight to twelve feet thick. A

    educational and rewarding experience for

    all. The trip was organized by Capt Dan

    Pompei. - see photos, page 11


  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


    PAWG Health Services

    Program to launch in 2005

    Members of the Wing will be able to take

    part in the new CAP Health Program in

    2005. The CAP Health Services program

    is kicking into high gear at the National

    level, and it is my goal to make sure that

    the PAWG plays an integral role in its suc-

    cess, says LTC Tim Cheslock, who will

    be heading up the program for the Wing.

    2005 will be a year of renewed effort to

    place the health and well being of our

    members in the forefront. The CAP has

    always been an organization that takes care

    of its own. This program will help to pro-

    vide tools to keep our members current in

    emergency training, prepared to take on the

    challenges of our missions and to accom-

    plish it in a way that may also enhance

    their own personal health and mindset.

    The CAP Health Services Program is still

    in its infancy. The regulation guiding thisprogram is CAPR 160-1. It was totally

    revamped in 2002. Since that time, the

    National working group has been working

    to solidify the role of the program and put

    together the other essential components of

    this program. At the March National Board

    Meeting in Washington, D.C. the new

    Health Services Specialty Track will be

    presented to the Board. CAPP 220 the

    Health Services Specialty track will be

    added to the Professional Development

    program and allow members to work with-

    in this specialty at their units. It will besimilar in design to the other specialty

    tracks in that there are three levels of pro-

    gression technician, senior, and master.

    Each level will have a knowledge compo-

    nent and an OJT component. Watch for

    more information on the CAPP 220 in the

    coming months!

    The Health Services Program was

    expanded with the revamp of CAPR 160-1

    to include a variety of health occupations.

    It is important that we recognize the talents

    of our individual members and allow them

    to contribute to the organization in a way

    which will more effectively utilize their

    talents. With the addition of the health

    services officer position within the unit, a

    commander may now assign someone

    other than a physician to a position in the

    health arena. Although only physicians

    may still hold the title of Medical Officer

    within a unit, the Health Services Officer

    may be a Paramedic/EMT , or a Physical

    Therapist, Dietician, or any one of a num-

    ber of allied health professions. (see page 10)

    15th Annual Awards Ceremony for the 306

    Cadets of the Year awa

    presented by Lt Col

    Greenfield to; Anthony

    Johnson (left) and Robe

    B. Lesisko (right).

    Cadet members enjoying the deli-

    cious refreshments at the 306s

    Award Ceremony held at The

    Hershey Italian Lodge.Inspiring photographer,

    Cadet Michael Miller

    awaits next award while

    Major Michael Huffstutler

    serves as the emcee.

    Guest speaker, (center), Major

    General Karol A. Kennedy,

    Commanding General, 99th

    Regional Readiness Command,

    takes a moment to pose with

    Lt Col Greenfield, Commander

    of the 306, (left) and Lt Col

    Charles Bechtel, Commander

    Group 2 (right).


    PROGRAM- By Major Sara ShenefeltHarrisburg Interntional Composite Squadron 306, Pennsylvania Wing Civil

    Air Patrol, held its 15th Annual Awards Program at the Hershey Italian Lodge,

    Hershey, on January 8th, 2005. Major General Karol A. Kennedy, Commandin

    General of the 99th Regional Readiness Command, was the Guest Speaker a


    Several cadets were promoted, four cadets were presented with the Billy

    Mitchell Award and one cadet received the prestigious Amelia Earhart Award

    In addition, cadets and cadet officers of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters were

    presented with awards. The Cadets of the Yearwere also honored. They we

    Robert B. Lesisko and Anthony J. DiJohnson.Billy Mitchell Award and promotion to Cadet/2nd Lieutenant: Ryan M. Laird

    Justin T. Smith, Anthony J. DiJohnson, Jennifer Kline (Squadron 1504, Altoona


    Amelia Earhart Award and promotion to Cadet/Captain: Victoria P. Lesisko

    Highlighting the event, Lt Col Greenfield held a Change of Cadet Command Ceremony. Outgoing

    Commander, C/Capt Francis Szekeres passing the colors to new Commander, C/Capt Victoria P. Lesisko

    Icing Alert from CAP NHQ

    NTSB Issues Icing Alert to Pilots

    Alert To Pilots: Wing Upper Surface Ice AccumulationAs a result of a recent takeoff accident that has generated much discussion about the

    effects of wing upper surface ice accumulations, the National Transportation Safety Boa

    is issuing the following alert letter to pilots:

    Wing Upper Surface Ice Accumulation Alert

    The National Transportation Safety Board has long been concerned about the insidionature of the effects of small amounts of ice accumulated on an airplane's upper wing

    surface. The Safety Board's preliminary investigation of the November 28, 2004 accide

    involving a Bombardier Challenger 604 in Montrose, Colorado, (1) has revealed that

    atmospheric conditions conducive to upper wing surface ice accumulation existed at

    the time of the accident (airplane performance issues, including the possibility of upper

    wing ice contamination, are being investigated). For years most pilots have understood

    that visible ice contamination on a wing can cause severe aerodynamic and control

    penalties; however, it has become apparent that many pilots do not recognize that minu

    amounts of ice adhering to a wing can result in similar penalties.

    Research results have shown that fine particles of frost or ice, the size of a grain

    of table salt and distributed as sparsely as one per square centimeter over an airplane

    (continued on page 10)


  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


    Cadet HeritageCommemorating 40 Years of the 'Modern' Cadet Program

    History of the Cadet Program

    Young people have been serving their communities as CAP cadets since 1 October 1942. But in the early years, cadet me

    bership was limited to teens aged 15-17 who, except for their age, could meet all requirements necessary for beginning mil

    tary service. Men sponsored boys and women sponsored girls in the CAP Cadet Program.

    But in 1964, CAP aimed higher and developed a new curriculum for its cadets. It would be a more structured Cadet Prograwith cadets progressing through five main elements: activities, leadership, aerospace education, physical fitness, and mora

    leadership. Today's system of achievements and milestone awards is part of that legacy.

    Now, CAP is expanding into the classroom. Several months ago, a delegation of Pennsylvania Wing Senior Members, trav

    eled to Florida to witness first hand the CAP school programs held there. Florida has a total of 11 schools participating in t

    program. Pennsylvania CAP has moved into the halls of the Thomas Creighton School in Philadelphia. Under the directio

    of Major Reginald McDonald, the program got its jump start just a few short months ago and is flourishing. .


    - by Katherine Smith, TTL, Thomas Creighton School

    The faculty, staff, students and parents of Thomas Creighton School in the North Region of the School District of Philadelph

    are delighted to announce our new partnership with the Civil Air Patrol. Through the persistent efforts of Captain Reginald

    McDonald, the Civil Air Patrol received funding to sponsor a special unit composed of middle school students at our school

    Invitations went out to 32 students to participate as charter members of CAP Unit 821. Sixteen students completed all their

    paperwork and secured parental permission within the timeframe required and, VOILA! , we have our charter members.

    Joining them in this venture are ten staff members, including Principal Katherine McKellar-Carter and Assistant Principal

    Eugene Golson, who have agreed to train as CAP officers, so that they can help expand our Unit in the months and years

    come. We are all excited to bring to Creighton an organization whose Core Values of Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellenc

    and Respect, underscores the values we want for our students.

    The CAP Cadet Program will give our students the chance to develop leadership skills and technical skills, and to learn mo

    about aviation and space. All Cadets progress through a program filled with exciting aviation and aerospace activities, most

    of which will be held at Creighton, with some additional opportunities being offered at other locations. One huge advantage

    for CAP Cadets that persist with their training is the access to scholarship dollars if they are successful. No matter wheretheir path takes them, their leadership training and team building skills will have lifelong benefits.

    At report card conferences at Creighton in December, Captain McDonald brought his CAP display. It was located by the

    office on the first floor of our main building and drew quite a lot of attention from students and parents. Three CAP Cadets

    accompanied him and really made a huge impression on our students! Interestingly, two of the Cadets had been former stu

    dents at our school. One of the Cadets was a freshman at the Philadelphia Military Academy along with three of Creighton'

    2004 graduates.

    We at Thomas Creighton School arethrilled to have this opportunity for our

    students. We are certain that there will

    be much good news forthcoming from

    Unit 821. Stay tuned!!

  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


    Successful Holiday Party

    The 2004 Holiday Party was a com-

    plete success due to the organizational

    skills and dedication on getting the job

    done, by 1Lt Elomar Harder-Siennick.

    Just as she has done in the past, 1Lt

    Harder-Siennick displayed her talents

    as if in the ranks of professional cater-


    The Biddle Hall, a beautiful architec-

    tural building with military history deco-

    rating the walls, was secured to use for

    the Holiday Party and the

    members thanked Lt Col Roysetta

    Bruner for making that possible.

    Col Applebaum briefly addressed the

    cadets in attendance on the importance

    of getting information out to the other

    cadets that may not be aware of all the

    cadet activities that are being offered tothem. He told them he would like to

    start a communique type system, per-

    haps through the Internet so that he

    could personally be able to reach the

    cadet membership. He was confused

    as to why there were not more cadets

    interested in applying for the Powered

    Flight Encampment that will be offered

    in the summer of 2005.

    While socializing with several of the

    senior members and cadets, I asked

    that very common, end of the yearquestion; Are you going to make a

    New Years resolution this year?

    Captain Carol Pasquella said,

    No, I do not make them.

    People make them but do not

    keep them. For

    instance they say

    they will go on a

    diet but by three

    days they are off of it.

    Lt Col Richard Runyan also

    said no to my question. I

    usually do

    not keep

    them, he said.

    Cadet Greg Thompson said he

    was going to make a resolution.

    My resolution is that

    sometime this year I

    am going to get myMitchell, he said.

    New Years resolu-

    tion; no I never even


    about doing that,

    said Lt Col Dave Chubski.

    And Cadet Codie Rufenersaid,

    I never really kept track, (of res-

    olutions), just kind of

    forgot about them.

    (See more photos from the 2004 PA Wing Holiday Party

    on this page.)

    2004 Holiday Party

    Just a sample of the delicious treats pre-

    pared by Captain Elomar Harder-Seinnick

    Colonel Applebaum, addressing the Cade

    Cadets listening to the Commanders com


    Honored guest, Colonel Richard Greenhu

    NER Commander, takes time to chat with

    1Lt Edwin Jones.Major Wayne L. Goho, member of Squadron 302, is pictured here standing by his 1939

    WACO UPF-7 open cock pit Bi-Plane that he used for acrobatic flying after returning from


    Yesteryear!G BACK

    NOTICE: Still available; Extra Large Long BDU

    Shirts and Small Regular BDU Cold Weather Pants. If

    interested, please contact Capt Tullo by Email; btul- or Lt Col Lindermuth at 610-398-1409.


  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


    Powered Flight Encampment Update and Return of a Falcon-by Captain Bill Doyle

    This article has two components. The first component is an update on the 2005 Powered Flight

    Encampment for PA Wing Slip readers. The second component is about a Falcon who comes back to

    the roost.

    Things are progressing very positively for the 2005 Powered Flight Encampment. We have selected

    site for the encampment - Indiana, Pennsylvania. The staff and cadets will live in dormitories at the

    Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Flight activities will be conducted at Indiana County Airport, alsoknown as Jimmy Stewart Field. The airport has a single runway (10-28), measuring 4,000 feet long an

    75 feet wide.

    We are now working at recruiting the encampment staff. We are planning on six flight instructors(CFIs) and two ground instructors. So far were have both of the ground instructors and five of the six

    flight instructors.

    Our two Ground Instructors are:

    Capt Vinny Zicolello is on PA Wing staff as Assistant Standardization and Evaluation Officer. His an instrument rated private pilot, working on his commercial pilot certificate. His ground instructor ce

    tificates are instrument and advanced.

    Capt Gerry Vaerewyck is a member of Squadron 711. He is an instrument rated private pilot.His ground instructor certificates are instrument and advanced.

    Four of our five flight instructors are:

    Capt Bill Doyle. Capt Doyle is on PA Wing staff as the Standardization and Evaluation Officer.He is also the Encampment Commander for the 2005 Powered Flight Encampment. He is an instrume

    rated commercial pilot for single- and multi-engine, a flight instructor instrument and airplane, and a

    ground instructor instrument and advanced.

    Maj Doug Glantz is on PA Wing staff as the Special Operations Officer and is Legal Officer forGroup 3. He is an instrument rated commercial pilot for single- and multi-engine, and a flight instructor

    instrument and airplane.

    Capt Dan Sist is a check pilot and instructor pilot in the Group 3 Hazelton Squadron. He is aninstrument rated commercial pilot, a flight instructor instrument and airplane, and a ground instructor

    basic.Capt Don Crameris Group 1 Standardization and Evaluation Officer. He is an instrument rated

    commercial pilot and a flight instructor instrument and airplane.

    c/Lt COL Josh Hall is our returning Falcon.

    (Josh's story is continued on page 8)


  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


    The Return of a Falcon

    It was July 2000 and we were at Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering Station on Lakehurst, NJ. It was

    New Jersey Wing's annual powered flight encampment. They called it Falcon Flight. Since I was the

    only Pennsylvania Wing flight instructor, the "powers that were" back then decided that I should have

    the only two Pennsylvania Wing cadets, a girl named Maryssa from Harrisburg and a boy named Jos

    from Erie, as my cadet student pilots.

    And so it happened that I trained these two wonderful cadets in the Group 3 Cessna 172 N99553.My two young charges performed with aplomb, keeping me well and truly entertained. As we pro-

    gressed through the landing phase of their training, their landings went from good to great. For the

    record, good landings are defined as any one that you walk away from, and we walked away from all

    of them. Great landings, however, are those where the airplane can be used again. Since N99553 is

    still flying in Group, these two cadets obviously did more great landings than merely good landings.

    Both of these cadets were cadet Lieutenant Colonels, an attestation to their commitment, capability

    and determination. Both soloed that week. Maryssa was 17 at the time. Though a capable pilot, she

    had a knack for attracting "heavy metal." One day we were flying the Jersey shoreline. We were

    abeam Atlantic City International (ACY) Airport at 6,500 feet MSL (Mean Sea Level) when Atlantic Cit

    Approach gave us a traffic advisory that a 747 was at our nine o'clock position (directly off Maryssa'sleft wing). The 747 passed about a thousand feet below us on final approach to ACY. That really spike

    Maryssa's adrenaline. A couple days later we were at pattern altitude on Lakehurst's downwind when

    U.S. Air Force KC-10 blasted by us at 200 feet off the deck, doing a low approach. Maryssa's adrena

    line got another spike.

    One of the FAA's prerequisites for solo is that the student pilot must receive flight instruction on how

    to "slip" an airplane. Most student pilots do not like to do slips. During that encampment I noticed that

    Josh was quite fond of slips. In actuality he loved slips. My most memorable moment of flying with him

    that week was his demonstration of a maneuver that, for lack of a better word, I shall name the

    "Enroute slip."

    We were approaching Lakehurst at 3,000 feet MSL when we contacted Lakehurst Tower. The Towe

    told us their airspace ended at 1,500 feet MSL and that we should contacted McGuire Approach. The

    next thing I knew my right cheek was thrust against the side window as my young charge initiated a f

    control deflection (rudder pedal to the floor, the windshield where the right wing should have been, an

    left wing where the windshield should have been) slip. For a moment I thought I was in an Otis

    Elevator instead of a Cessna 172 as we did a very high drag descent out of 3,000 for 1,500. By that

    time my young charge called the Tower and was cleared for a straight-in on runway 1-5.

    The week ended after the banquet on the second Sunday. I felt a sense of sadness as these two

    young people headed west. I remember hoping that it would be my karma to see them again.

    Both of these cadets went on to achieve great things. Maryssa matriculated in Perdue University's

    aviation program. She earned her private pilot certificate and went on to get her instrument rating and

    commercial pilot certificate. She also became a wife and a mother. Her second child will be four

    months by the time we have our powered flight encampment. Maryssa is the same age as my daugh-

    ter so that makes me old enough to be a grandfather.

    (Story continued on page 9)


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    Josh was 16 at the time he soloed. What I found truly impressive was that he came to the 2000 NJ

    Wing Falcon Flight Encampment as a Pennsylvania licensed EMT (Emergency Medical Technician).

    Though I periodically corresponded with Maryssa via email, I lost touch with Josh for a few years. I

    met him at the 2003 Pennsylvania Wing Conference in Pittsburgh. During the subsequent he got his pr

    vate pilot certificate using the Erie Squadron's Cessna 172. After that he matriculated at the College of

    the Ozarks in Missouri. There in February 2004, Josh got his instrument rating. He had hoped to get h

    commercial certificate near the end of the term. Unfortunately, the college's Cessna 182RG (retractablegear) went down for maintenance just before he would have taken his commercial check ride.

    In May 2004, I had the privilege of giving Josh his initial CAP Form 5 check ride. Ironically, it was in

    N99553, which was still flying nearly four years later. The biggest change with it was that when Josh

    soloed in it the airplane had a 160 horsepower engine. Now it had a 180 horsepower engine. Josh per

    formed flawlessly. During the instrument portion of the CAP Form 5, Josh's instrument approaches we

    so good that the "needles" appeared to be welded.

    The last week in July 2004, Josh stayed at our home. I gave him an

    intensive immersion into the preparation for his commercial pilot check

    ride. When we weren't flying we were doing ground instruction. Josh's

    airmanship skills were outstanding. He maneuvered the PA Wing

    Cessna 182RG with great finesse and dexterity.

    On 2 August 2004, Josh took his FAA flight test and is now a commercial pilot.

    Josh passed the FAA written exam, the dread Fundamentals of Instruction and the Flight Instructor,

    necessary to be a CFI - Certificated Flight Instructor. All that remains is the FAA Flight Instructor check

    ride. Josh had planned on doing this before the holidays. Unfortunately, his plans were thwarted (again

    by his college's "hangar queen" Cessna 182RG.

    We are rooting that the College of the Ozarks' Cessna 182RG will be up long enough for Josh to com

    plete his FAA CFI check ride.

    Josh will turn 21 in May 2005. At that point, he will become Capt Joshua Hall. He has promised to

    bring the Erie Squadron's Cessna 172R to the 2005 Powered Flight Encampment. We have a spot

    reserved both for Josh and for N981CP.

    On 16 July 2005, our Falcon will have come back to the roost. This time he will be teaching other litt

    fledglings to fly.


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    PAWG Health Services Program


    You dont even need to be a health pro-

    fessional! A member with an interest in

    Health Services will be able to train in th

    specialty under the mentorship of a healt

    services officer. The whole idea is to mak

    the program open and available to all tha

    are interested in participating.

    Over the next several months I will besending out information to the groups an

    soliciting input from members on what

    they would like to see as part of the pro-

    gram. Watch the February Wing mail for

    unit Health Services survey, which will b

    used to determine the current number of

    health services personnel we have within

    the Wing. I will also be assessing the lev

    of first aid, CPR, and BBP training in ou

    units. I will be gathering other data from

    the units as well to help lay the ground-

    work for other programs down the road.

    There will soon be a link to a HealthServices Homepage from the Wing webs

    that should be a one stop shop for every

    thing a unit health service officer will ne

    to accomplish their duties. Watch for its

    appearance early this spring!

    The overall goal of the CAP Health pr

    gram is Preparation, Prevention and

    Physical Fitness. To that end, I look for-

    ward to working with those involved in

    Health Services to capitalize on these go

    and make this new effort a success!

    If you would like to be involved in the

    Health Services Program or have com-

    ments or suggestions you can reach me b

    email at

    Hawk Mt Ranger Staff Helps

    Kick Off the First Florida

    Falcon Ranger Academy - continued

    Academy. On December 26, 2004, Major

    Herbert Cahalen and 2nd Lt Dave Quatse

    via a CAP van took the remainder of the

    cadet staff; T. Grabowski, B. Rigez, R.

    Hoffman, G. Guatse, K. Hontz and B.

    Hrycko, to the Snake River Training area.

    The site of the school is an abandoned mis-

    sile site that is currently utilized by theNational Guard for training. It is completely

    overgrown with vegetation, littered with

    trash and inhabited by every type of crea-

    ture known to south Florida. After several

    hard days of work the area of the academy

    was transformed into a fully functional and

    comfortable training site. Showers were

    provided by the Miami Beach Fire

    Department, utilizing their decontamination

    showers and enclosures with water supplied

    by a pump truck. Electricity was supplied

    by BellSouths portable generators and

    lights - thanks to Capt Levitch along with a

    large gas grill on a trailer.The Academy operated on the Hawk Mt.

    Ranger School format for operations and

    training. The staff was also responsible for

    training the new cadet staff of Florida so

    that they will be able to run their own

    Ranger program throughout the year.

    Training areas included Ranger Operations,

    Navigation, Search and Rescue, Field

    Operations, Disaster Relief Operations,

    Communications as well as Survival and

    Woodsmanship Skills.

    It was a real treat for the Pennsylvania

    Staff to be operating in the tropical environ-

    ment of Florida with everyone having tolearn about the possible dangers that were

    to be found there. C/Lt Col Spillane learned

    a valuable lesson - that one should not sit

    on top of a fire ant colony! They may be

    small but they pack a big punch, one that

    put him out of service for a day.

    The Academy was also treated to demon-

    strations by the local K-9 rescue units and a

    visit and demonstration by the Broward

    County Sheriffs Departments helicopter and

    crew. The school also responded to two

    ELTs (Emergency Locator Transmitters),

    missions which resulted in two finds; one on

    Thursday and one on New Years Eve.Brigadier General Tony Pineda; National

    Vice Commander, Col Eileen Parker;

    Southeast Region Vice Commander, and

    Colonel Joseph Martin, Jr.; Florida Wing

    Commander, made a mid-week inspection

    of the Academy and staff. They were given

    a tour of the site and briefed by C/Lt Col

    Spillane on the format and operation of the

    Academy with Brigadier General Pineda

    and staff spending several hours at the

    facility speaking with the staff and students

    and showing their support for the program.

    Brigadier General Pineda made several pre-

    sentations to the students and staff of the


    This was the first year of the Academy

    and it was a great success. Continued

    cooperation between the two programs

    will insure the success and growth of

    the Ranger Program.



    Eye on Safety continued.......wing's upper surface can destroy enough

    lift to prevent that airplane from taking off.

    The Safety Board has commented on the

    hazards of upper wing ice accumulation in

    several previous aircraft accident reports;

    some excerpts from these reports follow:

    According to wind tunnel data, a wing

    upper surface roughness caused by parti-

    cles of only 1-2 mm [millimeter] diameter

    [the size of a grain of table salt], at a density

    of about one particle per square centimeter,

    (Eye on Safety continued:)

    can cause lift losses of about 22 and 33

    percent, in ground effect and free air,

    respectively. (2) Research has shown tha

    almost imperceptible amounts of ice on a

    airplane's wing upper surface during take

    can result in significant performance degr

    dation. Therefore, the Safety Board has

    urged pilots to conduct visual and tactile

    inspections of airplane wing upper surfac

    in past safety recommendations (includinSafety Recommendation A-04-66, which

    was issued to the FAA on December 15,

    2004). (3) Ice accumulation on the wing

    upper surface is very difficult to detect. It

    may not be seen from the cabin because

    is clear/white and it is very difficult to see

    from the front or back of the wing. The

    Safety Board believes strongly that the o

    way to ensure that the wing is free from

    critical contamination is to touch it. For

    additional information, see summary of th

    Board's actions and recommendations in

    this area on icing at



  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005


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  • 8/14/2019 Pennsylvania Wing - Jan 2005
